We're running behind a little and I really like the shows tonight, so I kinda think we should just go on. Ika said to watch like two times too.
Well it's hard to pass up Hero Academia and FranXX and there's no reason to not watch Persona 5 since everyone but me knows what happens anyway. We could trade out Amanchu for something like Cardcaptor since we've got like four episodes of that and this is the last episode of the season for Amanchu.
This dungeon was kind of easy too. Like it was so easy compared to the art world I wondered what the catch was. The art dungeon was very difficult but I breezed through the money dungeon in a single day.
This'll probably be a little more laidback for a bit. Not like they can really top the stuff from last week.
This show would get some major style points if the next OP recreates that clip of All Might's predecessor handing off One For All to him but with All Might and Deku.
The manga chapters for this scene and the chapters a bit before and after it had some pretty bad scanlations. It's nice to get a better job done for the anime.
oh damn i lost track of time i'll be ready after this game of OW
The grey hair and glasses combo really does make her look old.
That it's gradient hair does make it look a little weirder.
Poor Goro. He's been a decent guy so long but he's gonna snap at some point.
Oh something invisible's been sniping Zero Two.
Oh whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
So she's brain-dead because her brain's still stuck in the giant robot in space.
Are FranXX robots even space-proofed. Like maybe in part it was a good thing to keep Zero-Two's mortal body on Earth because being in space would have killed it.
So they have three episodes to go to space and do all this?
The little shits are down to only three of them and they're looking gaunt as fuck. And they expect to be useful. At the most they've only got single pair of FranXX pilots.
No way man I've got to hard disagree on that. Ane-chan-sempai is excellent.
Seishun, saikou!
Octopus-lips family
Pikari is playing this whole thing like a fucking chess grandmaster. Her imouto said she'd join the diving club if her friend did, right? So she gets the friend to come along, knowing she liked Peko. Get the friend all enamored with diving because her crush is doing it. And so when the friend wants to join the diving club, the imouto has no choice but to come along. GENIUS.