Thread #522710
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Hisone to Masotan --Episode 9-10 3D Kanojo Black Clover Caligula Cardcaptor --Episode 19-22 Comic Girls Devils Line Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 10-12 Last Period --Episode 9-10 Rokuhoudou Tokyo Ghoul re Uma Musume
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I've notified Ika.
snimr d
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black clover rokuhoudou kakuriyo 3d kanojo kind of an otome night
Surprisingly the otome stuff is the three of the four I'm actually looking forward to.
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black clover! okay lets start!
Kuro Kusoba
white clover
Hah hah hah. What is this shipping.
haha shes cute
He's just going on a gauntlet of insulting the people that came to his rescue now.
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The green guy sure is wretched looking.
he looks more evil than th e bad guys
Of course Yami would rather go back into the fight than retreat. Hah hah Asta please.
You know Asta should really sharpen that blade of his.
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I like it when Asta does crazy stuff like that.
>>522729 he can't he'll get fired from Shounen Jump
>>522730 yeah that attack was pretty cool
>This isn't even my final form! It keeps happening.
What an anticlimatic finale to this whole event.
he's so gay for fire-oniichan
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oaky well rokuhoudou episode 11 okay let's start!
6>>522744 >>522746 what episode
Reaaady. The most recent, episode eleven. WE're up to date in this show.
Oh I'm with Gure on this. The tomato and cheese combination would be amazing.
Must be weird for him to hear how similar his runaway onii-san's place is similar to his.
Both brothers have a buddy to look after them, huh.
i hope he shows up
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okay kakuriyo this is ep 10 okay lets start!
Japanese goburin
This married lady knows you can't escape the first boy/girl syndrome.
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I think this protagonist-chan is a little more capable than the other two.
She tries her hardest, at the least.
Thick water sounds like the kind of thing that would turn me off bathing in it. Maybe luxury bathing just isn't something I'm accustomed to.
That bath caretaker sounds like every word she says brings her closer and closer to breaking out in tears.
Oni man just happy he gets to see his waifu enthusiastically eat food.
Hah hah hah. It's like an ema case for a tablet or something.
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okay 3d kanojo! The best show tonight. okay lets start!
incest kanojo
i hope hes actually into his dying sister he seems okay
you're all really really gay
It sounds like something dangerous might develop within Tattsun.
Right, Tsutsun
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Working to afford something for her is good, but he shouldn't neglect her!
Wow, a kabedon.
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Oh, looks like he's going for it.
w e w
Oh how boring.
i know right if its gonna be incest it has to be full-on not haha we're not related
I guess for safety's sake it's reasonable to do. But it's so boring and gets done ALL THE TIME. It's a boring bait and switch.
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It's funny how they brought it up. A blood er a non-blood related brother reminding the sister they aren't blood related even though they both know and have known for years all to catch the viewer up to speed
Yeah, it's lazily written when put that way. Pratically irrelevant too considering how hard Tsutsun is winning really.
she wont forget because shes going to die in 3 MONTHS
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He cleared up that misunderstanding quickly.
Talk about being indecent in public.>>522789 He's learned his lesson from being burned one too many times that way.
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The internet says this is getting another season winter 2019.
Maybe the studio will have their shit together by then. Or go bankrupt, hah hah.
>>522792 wait whats wrong
>>522793 This is the same animation studio that did Marchen last season. When you look at the sheer quality between that show and this one, they really don't much in the way of reliability. They also rarely do full-length animation projects, which if I'm going to speculate, might mean they aren't necessarily equipped with the staff to animate that much footage. That said, they were the ones that did Drifters ... kind of, back in 2016, so who knows.
oh its the same studio that show was an absolute disaster
In the best kind of way. There's a certain magic to seeing a show 's animation go critical like that.
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They did a good job with 3D kanojo though.