Anno 2018/06/21 (木) 04:10 No.523210 Hisone to Masotan--Episode 9-10CaligulaCardcaptor--Episode 19-22Comic GirlsDevils LineKakuriyo no Yadomeshi--Episode 11-12Last Period--Episode 9-11RokuhoudouSteins;Gate 0Tokyo Ghoul reUma Musume
b b b b b ang 2018/06/21 (木) 04:17 No.523214 haha you thought it was anime time but it's actually BANG TIME
b b b b b ang 2018/06/21 (木) 04:20 No.523216 there's some kind of really deep irony behind your post that i feel is really innappropriate to get into but i still want to point out
Anno 2018/06/21 (木) 04:22 No.523217 Well uh, thanks for pointing it out.It's so deep in there even I can't really see it.