Hisone to Masotan --Episode 607 Beatless Cardcaptor --Episode 17-20 Comic Girls Full Metal Panic! Hinamatsuri Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Steins;Gate 0 Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai
Wow it was a heart attack this time. Mayuri really can't catch a break.
I feel like Daru's been more generally involved in this series than the original. He had a few peak moments, like the hacking that got everything kicked off, and the stuff concerning Suzu, but the original series was really focused on Okabe, Mayuri, and Kurisu.
That's a very Kurisuppoi pose.
the OST for steinsgate is good
It's that VN adaptation power at work. They've got good material to start with.
From a narrative standpoint, casuality? There's like, one worldline where Kurisu and Mayuri can be alive together in. And I mean causality, of course. I loathe to call it destiny or fate or whatever but that's really how it seems. Out of all the possible possibilities, in only one do events transpire that neither of them die.
wait is the timeline that kurusu got the dont come in text a different one or the original or rather the first change that the first season folows
I'm not too sure since I haven't watched the original since it was airing. It seems like that text changes the worldlines from beta ones to alpha ones though. Or vice versa. I can't remember which ones are above one and which ones are below.
Alec with the save attempt.
RIP Tada-kun
;_; poor teresa
Alec strong
Who's gonna interrupt? Oh wow she got it off.
i do feel bad for charles he seems like a really good guy
Well the series is called "Tada-kun Doesn't Fall in Love". Maybe he's got the endgame secure.
Oh shit she gets a gun next episode. Maybe Tada doesn't fall in love because he gets fucking SHOT instead.