
Thread #512059

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bowl of posts
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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eat your peaches
Peaches come in cans
cans come from peaches
Fuck I messed up the lyric
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this is in the very_easy section
I actually don't know any simple ways of doing that
Scratch that
Just calculate it to more than fifteen decimal places and then truncate it
they were put there by a mans
There probably is I just balk at even caluculating pi even.
pi formula feels complex to me
I just thought of some ways to do it but it'll take me a bit to type them out
Okay so have your program do that loop 500000 times then for the decimal digits cut it down to n digits and for the last digit
Err n+1 digits
And if that last digit is 5 or more increase the nth digit by 1 then drop the n+1th digit
If the n+1 digit is less than 5 just drop it
That's probably the kind of solution they're expecting.
Any formula that ta

Computes n digits of pi exactly given n is waay too complicated for it to be used here
I unlocked the solutions tab so forgoing the points I'd get from solving it myself
the first solution is:
from math import pi
def my_pi(n):
return round(pi, n)

Oh shit i forgot about that
I guess that is why is was in very easy
*it was
What's the next one?
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This one.

I think I've already got a solution going to test it
You know I was thinking that it's weird that your online course thingy was asking you to calculate pi when there's usually included functions to do that.
Didn't occur to me that it wanted you to use that included function, hah hah.
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Maybe you should read SICP instead.
Actually I might go watch the sicp lecturres right now
I didn't think of that either.
How fustrating

The rest is going by quicklynow
Oh Microsoft could be acquiring GitHub
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They better not
This puzzles wants absolute values
for a list of numbers
so [2, -1, -3, 4, 8] gives 18
but sum(list) = 10

abs() doesn't work on lst but individual elements
absolute value ahould be a built in one at least
make your own version of aum that instead of adding each number to the result adds the absolute value of each number to the result

def get_abs_sum(lst):
alist = []
for items in lst:

lst = [2, -1, -3, 4, 8]

That was easy
anime >>512090 →
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Is there a Jan here who wants to anime?
this happened to me many times when doing computer programming courses online
i don't know why they even bother posing the problem if they let you just use a library with the fucking solution built in
It does familiarize you with the way basic programming is done.
It feels like cop out though, like you don't even get taught when it is reasonable to use the inbuilt function or when its best to devise something yourself
or even just use the inbuilt function for a task instead of just typing the function and that being it.
But I was on easy. which has been easy so far
Well complex math would be way too much to expect of even a competent programmer.
Since never mind the code writing, you'd have to know the mathematics behind the calculation.
The people that wrote that pi function for you put in a fair bit of work.
Or well the people that figured out the mathematic formula behind it.

Same with stuff like just using a pre-built function for getting information back from a data structure like an array.
The people who originally put together those data structures made those functions for getting information out of the array for a reason!
Don't let their hard work go to waste!
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it's true that most advanced math and functions you could generally use are already written and possible to use in your program, it made me super butt hurt when i spent 4 hours solving a problem and then the solution page reveals there's a function to do it already in the test libraries
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konichiwa konbanwa ohaio
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a very grayish morning to you
Yeah, that's a good point.
Probably something the online courses could improve on.
Perhaps give a mini-lesson before the question that informs the user of the established functions in the libraries so they don't search around for hours trying to figure out what to do.
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I just did this.

def check_ending(str1, str2):
strc1 = list(str1)
strc2 = list(str2)
if (strc1[len(strc1)-2],strc1[len(strc1)-1]) == (strc2[len(strc2)-2],strc2[len(strc2)-1]):

There is probably a better way of doing it.
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tired as shit
time for bed
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that looks good to me but it might just want you to use endswith()
hm wait that
try check_ending("destruction", "ration")
Yeah endswith probably is best to use. I just learned about that.
what test mine?
yeah with those as the strings to check
why, they produce True
the last two letters match
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your function is supposed to check for all letters in the second string matching the end of the first string, not just the last two
like with "feminine" and "nine" = true
I misunderstood
I thought it meant check the last two letters on each word
Wow I misunderstood and it still passed all the tests on the site
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well i guess it's probably fine then!
Test.assert_equals(check_ending("abc", "bc"), True)
Test.assert_equals(check_ending("abc", "d"), False)
Test.assert_equals(check_ending("samurai", "zi"), False)
Test.assert_equals(check_ending("feminine", "nine"), True)
Test.assert_equals(check_ending("convention", "tio"), False)
Test.assert_equals(check_ending("cooperative", "ooper"), False)
Test.assert_equals(check_ending("extraterrestrial", "xtraterrestrial"), True)
Test.assert_equals(check_ending("access", "ss"), True)
Test.assert_equals(check_ending("motorist", "is"), False)
Test.assert_equals(check_ending("landowner", "landowner"), True)

Thats all the tests.
It past them all. haha, I can't undo my submission for the challenge
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Samu !KW2DbpWwls
lemme bait yo click
is this ironic news?
Brief skim of the article makes it seem serious.

Hot and cold's all relative anyway.
We don't have air cons and the humidty is very high.
There isn't much of an infrastructure for heat in the UK
Those temperatures and high humidity would be pretty normal summer temperatures here though.
At the least I'd hardly call it a heatwave.
Reading the article doesn't make it seem serious at all
26C is as long as it gets in the UK.
it doesn't generally get hotter than that.

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Really I'd wish it were highs of 26C here!
I mean look at this! It's gonna be less than 10C tomorrow night!
The fuck happened to summer.

Atlantic Canada's gotten snow, and more is on the way, apparently.
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26C is the temperature of the inside of my house with the air conditioner on during the day
26C in 96% humidity isn't pleasant for me
but I guess it depends on what you are used to.

We don't have much exposure to heat most of the year around.
and it seems a bit disgenious to act shocked about the UK considering.
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wanna trade? you can keep it permanently actually
it would be win/win
it can be pretty uncomfortable when it's humid yeah
humidity makes it feel a lot worse than it is hot
Man I wish.
I want to be baked alive instead of feeling cold and not wanting to get out of bed.

I'm not really shocked, just playfully jeering.
Like I said, it's all relative. I have a friend from Vietnam who would be in a warm hoodie at like 15C and complaining about how cold it is.
She could go around in high thirties California summer weather in a fall jacket like it was nothing.
The heat here is really high it regularly goes over 26C but the humidity is so low it doesn't feel like much at all
and the heat here is a lot of direct sunlight whereas in the UK it is trapped in the atmosphere even if it isn't sunny.
it is completely different types of heat here to there
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i'd take 40C with 15% humidity over 30C with 90% humidity but i'm used to the former and only blessed with the latter occasionally
You can't sweat it out in high humidty.
its really uncomfortable.

I've been in both and enjoy them enough.
I love being warm so much.
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i would kill a hundred men to be able to enjoy 20C and 30% humidity every day though
I die in heat.
I'm adapted to british weather, and prefer if its not sunny and hot, raining and cold suit me
If you're still considering a trip to Japan then, you might want to consider going in the fall or winter then.
Their summer temperatures are insane, especially if you're mainly in their major cities.
I have no idea when I'll go I think I might go some time this year or during my uni one year abroad.
I want to go for Summer Comiket eventually.
No way it would happen this year, but maybe in the future.
I'd also like to go back for another Winter Comiket.
That one's always tough though since I fly so long I need to leave on the twenty-sixty or I risk missing day one. Twenty-sixth, even.
Christmas is always a big family event for my family so it's hard to leave so close to it.
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comiket sounds really uncomfortable.
it might be better in the winter at least it won't be so hot.
but there's still way too many people in close proximity.
If I did go I'd probably see the first crowd after standing in line and be like fuck it. Too much work.
It's definitely crowded to the point of absurdity.
Even in cooler weather that doesn't change in the slightest.
The experience of showing up for the opening early in the morning was a weird kind of fun though.
Waking up at like 04:00 to be ready for the first train and riding the trains as they steadily got more and more packed the closer you got to the location, and then moving as a dense crowd as fast as you politely can to get as close up to the front of the entry crowd as possible.
There's just so much buzz and anticipation in the air.
I think it's an experience that's fun to try out at least once.
I hate being crowded in but I love being in crowds.
People are just so interesting to be around.
I dislike being surrounded by so many police. Why are they all here now?
Usually there's two at most, now we get four or five in here every morning.
Maybe they're anticipating people being more irritable and prone to incidents because of the summer temperatures.
I'm pretty sure there's an observed correlation between the two at the least.
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i want to buy a pixel but there's that pixel 3 shit too now
I gotta get out
Gotta escape from the ci-tyyyy

Oh that's kind of neat.
Really unless you -have- to have the cutting edge phone, a Pixel 2 or even OG Pixel are probably a pretty solid pick-up themselves. You're getting fairly marginal tech improvements by buying whatever's newest.
But I bought the Nexus 6p within a year of its release so who am I to talk.
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whoa the essential phone is only like $500
it's got like the same hardware as the s9
paper cups can't play mobage though
Buy a paper cup ith a string
Kirara 🚗
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The original Pixel isn't waterproof, so I'd argue against that.
b b b b b ang
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fuck you pay me
Kirara 🚗
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b b b b b ang
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oh god wrong post
Kirara 🚗
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Wow, your hair is on point today.
Wow is that a videogame in your pants
Yeah that styling is great
watch out there
s a dog behind you
goddamn that kitchen needs a clean
b b b b b ang
yeah it does
Kirara 🚗
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Whenever I get out of the shower, Laz always comes and lies on my feet, and starts chewing on them.
It's so weird.
He likes how damp I am.
b b b b b ang
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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moisture cat
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
accurate depiction of the granblue event
Sup marsh
the current situation is bearable but less than ideal.
I thought of a good new word
It's a person who involuntarily a NEET
*is involuntarily
there is actually a big difference between people who choose to be NEET and who are NEET through circumstance.
you almost need different words
I should write a book called NEET Like Me
It would be like Black Like Me but about NEETs instead
You like Echo and the Bunnymen at all?
I am always open to new things.
turns out I do like Echo and the Bunnymen
Good to know
what is the most worthwhile thing to give money to?
or does charity just perpetuate a cycle of dependence
I have to do something with this money. Every time I look at it I get more and more pissed off.
Invest in bitcoin
isn't that a sinking ship these days
It's just okay
Actually Ethereum might be a better idea.
Kirara 🚗
crypto is bad for the environment
Maybe investing in crypto isn't such a bad use. that way if it flops, I've lost nothing .
Or just give it to the next street performer I see.
or throw it on the ground
I don't know.
I'm too sleepy.
Kirara 🚗
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How are you doing
haven't seen you for a while
oh you know..
getting by.
Got my exam results today. Didn't do quite as well in one subject as I would have liked, but I passed everything and that's the main thing.
Other than that just working to save money, and trying to improve on fitness stuff.
Watching a little bit of anime on the side.

how've you been?
Microsoft to acquire GitHub for $7.5 Billion Dollars in stocks.
Kirara 🚗
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I'm getting by, too.
My girlfriend has antibiotic resistant pneumonia while she's in Nigeria, and there hasn't been any real communication with me for the past month until yesterday, so I've been really stressed out. Plus she's pregnant.

Glad to hear you passed your exams!
rp in peas
hi marsh
Most things are
Has the pregnancy been confirmed?

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*sweating buckets*
>ninian kills my streak at the last duel
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dont streak in front of ninian she'll put a stop to it
Kirara 🚗
yeah, it has been for a while now
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cute camps
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And "oh boy, pleasing all our users is YOUR responsibility now!"
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So who owned github previously
who are the owners of 7,5 billion or what ever sum it was
Github themselves?
Kirara 🚗
>doing presentation on drugs
>colleague: "you can combine drugs with opposite effects to make both effects stronger"
>like cocaine and heroin
these people are so white and wealthy
trying to understand that "logic" hurts my brain
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...I don't think that's how that works
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Also I'd guess some of the effects of those two specifically are in direct contradiction
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But hey atleast they didn't go
>you can cure one drug's effect with a druf with the opposite effect
Kirara 🚗
they just heard something stupid and believed it

that would at least be an understandable belief because you can use benzos to deal with the effects of stimulants
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How are people in higher education and most likely 20+ still as gullible as say a teenager?
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Indeed, but it would still be quite brainfart to go "hey let's inject guy ODing on heroine with lots of cocaine"
or something
Kirara 🚗
they're rich and white and probably have never talked to a poor person
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You can use them to come down from LSD too, I've heard
I guess being rich over there robs you of common sense completely
Kirara 🚗
it seriously does
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True modern aristocrats.
Kirara 🚗
now she's trying to tell us that you can swallow a pill with a camera in it and use it to see if you have stomach problems
omg this person says more and more dumb shit every day
I mean Gates thought a packet of pizza rolls would be around $22
The rich live in a different world
that is not how endoscopes work
Kirara 🚗
she must think we have fucking nanomachines
I mean you could excuse that kind of thinking from sheer ignorance from seeing all the tech shit we have
but you can't just throw tech inside a person with no way of getting it out
that camera would enter your system and wreck it
I believe that pill is from a movie
Kirara 🚗
from osmosis jones i bet lmao
next take:
"In some schools, they take school trips inside the human body with this high tech bus that can shrink"
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Maybe mess with her and say something that is obviously false, but could be bought as true if you don't think about it
Kirara 🚗
she wanted to know how much heroin ive used too
like i would just give out information like that during a presentation in front of colleagues and professors
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and quite weird question to ask anyhow
she seems to lack basic social skills too
Kirara 🚗
she's going to be a therapist lol
"Hey have you consumed illegal substances and how much and might telling me and ALL YOUR PEERS AND PROFESSORS about it in this public space"
Kirara 🚗
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she probably thought it was okay I ask because i talked about the prices of street drugs to explain why heroin is so common here
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Knowing the street prices doesn't mean using drugs...
God how do these people make it int he world?
Kirara 🚗
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Money will get you so far
Kirara 🚗
she also thought speedball was just cocaine
instead of cocaine and heroin/morphine
and challenged me on it
2 second of googling and you get wikipedia article telling you what it is...
Kirara 🚗
at least my other colleagues asked reasonable questions
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..but speedballs would be what she was talking about earlier
Kirara 🚗
If it was just coke it'd be called coke lmao
Kirara 🚗
she thinks it's just a street name for cocaine because i listed street names for drugs psychologists frequently encounter
ones i thought would benefit my colleagues to know
maybe sh thinks crack is another street name for coce too
Kirara 🚗
haha probably
Kirara 🚗
"meth and methadone are the same thing, right?"
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"acid burns your mouth, it's acid"
Kirara 🚗
"you hallucinate because you're brain is melting"
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You'd think a base understanding of drugs would be part of being a psych
Kirara 🚗
it should be
but we don't learn this stuff
i honestly only know all i know about drugs because my life fell apart and im poor and have druggie friends
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Then again, the education system would have to conform to state propaganda about them for it to be considered valid I guess, so maybe not a great idea
Kirara 🚗
some of my colleagues do know a little bit about my drug use now that i think about it
ive shared kratom with a few of them during stressful times
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isn't kratom something legal, though?
Kirara 🚗
well misusing drugs is misusing drugs, though I hold it that everyone should be free to do as they please with their bodies
but also carry the responsibility of said actions.
i think that is a thing though
Kirara 🚗
it isn't yet
ehh i'm pretty sure it is
whatever i dont want to get auts about it
prolly confusing it with this
Kirara 🚗
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i dunno
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if I pay them 10 000 will they ad 750 000 bees to some location of my choice?
Kirara 🚗
i hope so
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That would be an amusing way to be a "terrotist"
bee/wasp bomb locations
That would terrorism
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I'd like to mail 20 million wasps to Europarliament on 20th and 21st of this month
Kirara 🚗
perfect for ecoterrorism
I find it sort of amusing and scary that mankind made killer bees
what a fuck up
Kirara 🚗
humans playing God and regretting it makes me so happy
I find it curious how it didn't even change them at all
just that the queen switching changes their attitude completely,
It also kind of hilarious that the killer bees ended up being the most invasive species of all time.
Like some real karma for humans fucking around.
Kirara 🚗
i love them so much
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Must be fun to be a beekeeper in areas where killer bees have become dominant
Also as the world gets hotter and hotter average temperatures they are spread further northwards up the US.
like all the human fuck ups working together. global warming and deadly bees
Kirara 🚗
like 100k bees killed a park ranger here a few years ago
shit is so metal
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WEll they are still tropical critters
they can't really adapt to 4 seasons
They swarm very quickly apparently.
must be terrifying to be chased by 100k bees.
Killer bees were a mistake
Kirara 🚗
that girl was just telling me about how she feels sick and felt it was appropriate to discuss the state of her bowel movements
maybe she has a scat fetish and is coming unto you?
Maybe she's on drugs and is talking nonsense
Or maybe she just talks shit. seems like it
Kirara 🚗
drugs might do her some good tbh
slip her some flours mixed with I dunno sugar and tell it is "evil drugs"
and see what happens
Or don't fuck with people for the sake of fucking with them.
Probably a good idea
it is fun at times
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
i would feel horrible if someone injected or snorted flour because i lied with them
Kirara 🚗
lied to them
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True dat
would have just been amusing, if she had gotten high on pure placebo
Also you don't have to be rich to be ignorant about drugs (aside from weed). You just have to not have read/whatever about them and not done/hung out with people who do drugs.
Although from what little I gather she knows way less than me.
Oh yeah how was commie shithead weekend?
I barely heard anything about it.
Rich people are fucking detacted though.
I come across them all the time near the university, they legitimately have trouble understand a lot of societal issues.
Kirara 🚗
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haha he's bailing after the recent training thing

i met a lot of interesting people
I met a lot of people that had no idea how to groom themselves or how to make life better for those around them
I learned some good organization techniques
I gained a lot of useful clout which is the important thing though
Philanthropy and public service are decent future choices though.
Philanthropy is often just virtue signalling
Oh don't give me that shit.
I hate it when people go "oh but it's not really them doing good things with their philanthropy because it's actually virtue signalling."
Who the fuck cares if they're virtue signalling or not if they're actually providing assistance.
>I met a lot of people that had no idea how to groom themselves or how to make life better for those around them
You sure you didn't go to autism weekend by mistake?
You should care if it is intrusive policy making with lobbying in 3rd world countries but // and vunerable groups because a rich white person wants to do good but if is "good" you can be happy to be upset about calling it virtue signalling
Wouldn't saying you donated money and then not having donated anything be just virtue signalling?
Kirara 🚗
well there does seem to be a big overlap
Kirara 🚗
everyone was either incredibly competent, intelligent, and well intentioned or incredibly incompetent, ignorant, and asinine
Kirara 🚗
one dude freaked out and started calling a speaker a "trash lib" because the speaker ran a successful campaign that got poor people and felons jobs as well as free internet
What the fuck
Kirara 🚗
he was like "THAT'S A LOSS"
it was really weird
he was wearing yellow plaid pants and a red shirt that said DSA on it too
and wore the same shirt every day he was there
Kirara 🚗
there was an older Puerto Rican man that was super radical though
He's run a bunch of demonstrations and he came in and shouted about communism and protest for 10 minutes and then left to go protest the governor of Puerto Rico who was in Orlando this weekend
that dude went really hard
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I wonder does protesting actually help anything
Did he make any sense?
Kirara 🚗
it does if it makes life difficult enough for people in power

yeah, he made good sense
it was mostly just about being passionate and pursuing your goals
Making life difficulty to people in power is getting harder and harder.
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in eu people in power tend to ignore all protests against them
Kirara 🚗
well you have to protest something
like something specific
you have to protest things that you can actually influence

a lot of protests are done to things people are powerless against
protesting trump is worthless
protesting a company working with ICE can be worthwhile
In the UK protests are easily shut down and the older population hate protests regardless of their purpose, except for the north which had all the miner protests but they got violently shutdown by thatcher
iheard some silly political things on the tv earlier and thats about the extent of it
boycott protests can be pretty powerful against companies.
it can be difficult protest government unless it gets massive political supoort
Kirara 🚗
im pretty radical so my favorite protests are riots
Whatever happened to laying off the political talk on /moe/.
I didn't know moe had any rules like that
Samu's not really fond of it constantly coming up.
I hate riots
I didn't know that.
I don't think we focus endlessly on politics but if this board is supposed to be politic free, this is first I've heard of it.
Kirara 🚗
i don't think this is necessarily a politics talk
I'm pretty sure it is.
It's just the same anticapitalist/communitst or anarchy circlejerk that always comes up here.
Kirara 🚗
discussion of whether or not a tactic is effective isn't politics
we're not talking about communism and anarchy in a way other than i was asked about my weekend
there was a reporting of facts and not discussion of politics
You honed into pretty strongly into very narrow part of the conversation.
I don't think we were advocating anarchy, anticapitalist or communism.

I know there people here who get upset about politics like that but I don't think right now was anything like the discussions we had in the past and I'm not sure warning people to censor themselves in case they talk about things unsavoury to the boards is all the great an idea.

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I fundamentally reject enforcing any policy, idea or anything through violent means
As such riots, which are people protesting either for or against some policy or action violently, is in my opinion always the wrong way to do it
Not to mention, riots damage private and public property and will lessen the support for whatever cause sparked the riot in the first place.
I always thought riots seemed like they end up damaging your own community more than whatever it is they're protesting against
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It damages your community, your case and makes everyone hate your guts
I might do Eular programming puzzles.
since the maths puzzle with PI yesterday was interesting.

It was pretty amazing to take an incomprehensible formula and make into a working program.
when I was younger I wanted to solve like unsolved mathematics problems even though I suck at maths
Kirara 🚗
kind of depends
there have been successful riots
riots were essential parts of nearly every successful civil rights movement in the united states
they have to be strategic
and yeah, they have to scare people
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Scared is a status that can lead to wrong actions, though
Instead of thinking about why the riot happened, it might lead to "let's prevent this from happening again"
and not by "appeasing the rioters"
but by making it harder or even impossible to riot
or to arm riot police with even more effective equipment
and so on
Kirara 🚗
there's no such thing as something you can do that won't have some kind of negative consequence if you do it poorly
so what, the difference is that it's a capsule, not a pill?
i dont understand
who wants a smoochin
Especially in this day and age when the obvious and easy tor ally behind ideals have become reality
and only problems are enforcing the letter fo the law equally to all
anal about details clearly
well the difference is that it is not something you swallow
it is inserted through your rectum and isn't wireless
Wait are we talking about capsule endoscopy?
Cause you totally swallow those
pillcam isn't a suppository though
it's swallowed
Kirara 🚗
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and they had lots of gay later
Kirara 🚗
Its pride month right? I've never actually know about that.
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There is such a thing?
Must be fun time for lions
Oh the Coffee Cuties OVA finally has fansubs.
i am foung to grab that shit when i get home djjahdshuahanruudi
Kirara 🚗
i haven't watched anything in like a month
im overwhelmingly behind now
I haven't watched anything in nearly 6 months now.
I don't know if I'll get back into anime at this point
Why not?
i was watching ccs last season and just stopped and its not the first time thats happneed
Kirara 🚗
i feel like i shouldn't watch all my shows without fish
also this is great
byt velvet’s more of a shotacon/brocon than lesbian, although she gets shipped with fucking everyone
Well by the time you get back to the UK, it'll pretty much be a new season starting.
Would be easy to just try out new stuff and drop everything you left behind in the past.
rei you here
you busy?
around 3:00 this guy is saying how the foundations of maths is currently built on set theory, and that it should instead be built on arithmetic of naturals
i'm not really observant of the claim he's making that it's a currently established thing that it's built out of set theory
i was wondering if you had any insights on that
you seem to have a more broad mathematical perspective than me
Not really busy
Generally yeah every thing is built on set theory.
Well "rebuilt"
is there a granular sort of way you could explain that to me
if not nbd
I think its possible to do different formulations of mathematics not using set theory that are just as correct.
But it just so happens set theory is really good.
building mathematics out of arithmetic of naturals sounds retarded imo
i think this guy is quackery but i try to at least give stuff like it a listen because there's sometimes interesting threads of thought that are useful that manifest poorly
It is
This guy is a cranj
Rei, whats an interesting maths puzzle to make a program out of?
solving a sudoku was a really interesting program to make imo
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I-I see
I hear
I speak
Graph coloring
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I just realized
damn i actually wish i had a coloring book right now
You've done that?
I've never of that, unless you mean actually shading graphs in colour
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>In graph theory, graph coloring is a special case of graph labeling; it is an assignment of labels traditionally called "colors" to elements of a graph subject to certain constraints. In its simplest form, it is a way of coloring the vertices of a graph such that no two adjacent vertices share the same color; this is called a vertex coloring. Similarly, an edge coloring assigns a color to each edge so that no two adjacent edges share the same color, and a face coloring of a planar graph assigns a color to each face or region so that no two faces that share a boundary have the same color.
Sudoku might be easier
Although ToN could totally help you with graph coloring.
uh sure
wait is that the thing where you just pick a color thats not touching you
rthats pretty easy i thnk ive done it before
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cry "war"
Kirara 🚗
let loose the
I'm pretty sure its a required topic in every CS bachelor program.
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cats of war
Kirara 🚗
and cry "dinner"
Let loose the mash potatoes
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Unleash the meatballs
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I'm still going through the edabit puzzles.
This one was a little fun.

I should learn how to list comprehension but it doesn't seem as intutive

Kirara 🚗
edible puzzles
yeah idk if you remember way long ago i was talking about sudoku a lot
there are a ton of programs for solving them most efficiently, i was just trying to solve one at all
my sense of algorithms is pretty top-notch but my actual coding senses are terrible
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I didn't get any rotten shark as souveniers
I'd need to really think about how to do one.
thats super cool though that you did that, I might try too!
pregnant by you? or were you just watching from the side
hey moon. how are you?
i've done a lot of sudokus so it's really just implementing the strategies you already know
it's a pretty straightforward game, so computers are really good at doing the 2D version we do
Oh wait, I think you shared a video about some mathematical stuff about sudoku
I am suddenly remembering a bunch about it
i dont remember that, unless you mean the video-stated P=NP problem which probably uses the N-dimensional variant of sudoku as an example of the P=NP problem
did it have the chalkboard and the cheesy overdramatic music
Ah, I think it was numberphile
i would never share a numberphile video
i might share this though
Thats a pretty interesting video.
I don't really remember well.

I'm going to write a sudoku solver and probably fail miserably
it might be easier to start with four blocks of four than nine blocks of nine
just to build some intuition
nani the ducj
actually a 2x2 (four blocks of four) should be a much more bite-sized puzzle to work on
i bet you could figure that out pretty quick
I'm mostly trying to figure how to go through the numbers and compare them.
my brain doesn't think normally about things.
mine certainly doesn't
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Kirara 🚗
it's mine but it will probably die unfortunately
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Kirara 🚗
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Jesus. That's heavy.

I sincerely hope things work out for the two of you
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Hello, how are we?
Kirara 🚗
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I'm pretty worried about it
I guess it's kind weird since I've said I'm not ready for kids but I really want our child to survive

Getting by! How are you
I bet they will split up github into a business github and a shitty low quality free github like they did with skype
im doing pretty well
i work until 730 this week so im bored but otherwise doing well
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I'm doing well.
Kirara 🚗
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That's good.
Up to anything interesting?
I'm in a boring class.
I want the next ghb to be announced
otherwise i might make a weird Ursula
for fun
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Trying to figure this out, I'm probably missing something
id look at it for you were i not at work
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Nah, it was a pretty normal day.
Kirara 🚗
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Exciting stuff.
I heard from meido again but no new information
just talked for a little bit
wow I want to talk to a maid
Kirara 🚗
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you probably wouldn't get much out of talking to this meido
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Well, it's good that you have more open communication now.
Kirara 🚗
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Meido knows Fish pretty well so she's good to talk to, too.
I don't know her very well, though.
probably not
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let's see if people who don't even play dota can answer this puzzling trivia question
Kirara 🚗
d cuz they got they mouth open too
what if the question was which of these characters identifies as female
all of them
cause you can't judge that from appearance alone, you need to properly ask them their preferred pronouns
a trick question
nested loops are so confusing to follow
follow them when it isin'ät nesting season then
Kirara 🚗
i keep my ideals
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my brain is a whirlwind of negativity and i don't have anywhere to outlet it or any reprieve from it
i can't even really vent to /moe/ properly about it but i'm doing so anyway because idk what else
do you need something to focus on? I am still trying to figure out a 4x4 sudoku grid
Finland: Become Moomin
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You don't need to lock your doors at the moominvalley
tbh i need a support circle
really feel like i'm losing my shit
"take your sedatives, moon" they'll say
"forget we gaslit you into a psychotic state"
feeling like perma 2.0 over here
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uh what?
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was i unclear about something
What does it mean to be "gaslit into a psychotic state"?
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I was literally gaslit into a psychotic episodde
it's not very vague
by /moe/
i think that was covered too
when? how?
that might sound petty to still hold onto it which i'll grant
how is a problem i probably don't want to address because it'll drag it out further, though it's my fault for even raising the issue in the first place
it's just agonizingly relevant at the moment and it's a constant distress
I guess I just don't understand (you don't have to explain it) what that entails.
I'll think about it
i don't get it either
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oh some old thing
I was thinking this was something recent
sorry to disappoint that my drama doesn't fulfill your criteria for consumption
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I am in my happy place
who on moe
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i have names but giving them is a shitstorm i don't want to welcome
i was curious why tho
idk i guess im just confused
i should learn how to hold everything in
I am sorry moon, I don't know how to be useful,
I fgnd
*found a
Journal article with ERP in the title
whatever i say will get ignored and /moe/ will continue on as usual anyway so it's of no concern
it is of concern
I don't // I
all the things i was supposed to forgive people for, they dont matter now
they're of no consequence and i turn out being the asshole in these days for doing something compassionate that turns out personally seeming irreverent out of context
nobody's given enough of a shit about me to consider any of it
i'm pretty tired
i'm not angry
i'm just extremely tired
I don't think you are supposed to forgive anyone.
I am sorry that you are feel ignored and unconsidered.
I don't think // I don't actually understand a lot going on in terms of people on moe
I just turn up and random share stuff or come up here because I don't have any other outlet.
I enjoy you company but I haven't properly invested in anyone even thought they have invested in me.
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You know, I was on a bike trip to maine to partake in lobsterfest and eat some lobsters, feel the fresh breeze, nothing more, nothing less
during that time i had an SO who was killed in cold blood by a burglar, straigh up walked into the home and stabbed them in the throat
i tried to talk to /moe/ about it, tried to cope with moe, got nothing
several ignored me, sam sent me a personal email to tell me to be less negative, you disappeared for a year and a half, kirara lamented me for talking about psychology, dash tried to spread rumors of me stalking him, which moe believe and persecuted me for it
lobster was actually the only persont // person to offer me any consolation at the time

so here i am now in a situation years later, never having had any reprieve from it, trying to offer consolation to someone who's in distress and being also lamented for saying it'll be okay
fine kirara, i'm sorry i said it will be okay
god forbit
god forbid
i'm trying to offer the kind of consolation i wish i had received but never did, and several weeks in a row it's the same thing
i'm sorry i mentioned it, and i'm sorry i'm not as good as a support circle as the rest of the people you have available, but i'm offering the sort of thing i wish i even had available at the time
i'm still not over it half a decade later, no
i'm still upset people didn't even give me the time of day
i'm still upset for everything else that happened, yes
i'm trying to be a good person regardless please give me some decency
i'm trying hard not to yell or be indecent about how mistreated i was then in comparison and i'm doing my best to be decent
Does talking about it help you feel better?
Err having talked about it now
no it makes me pissed off and want to complain about a lot of things that never got cleared up
like the gaslighting and rumors and the hatemail i received for literally four years in sequence
i know those things aren't important and i shouldn't, but i still want to
i'm only left to feel guilty about talking about this and making a scene now, same as i was then
i feel hopeless in all regards really
You are complaining about legitimate things that anyone would feel upset about
none of those things were acceptable things to have happen to anyone.
hatemail for four years is really fucked up.
spreading rumours about stalking is really immature and fucked up
gaslighting is cruel and fucked up.

I don't think you should conceal their name if they did fucked up shit like that.
and moe is fucked up. I really don't understand what is wrong with dash.
yes, i was sent images by someone who was drunk and they boasted about it in a thread, which later renegged and said i stalked them to acquire the photos and purged metadata from it
/moe/s response was uniform in belief of them and i got kicked out of watching anime with the group for nearly a year, lost several friends, and i still can't talk about it because some people treat dash like a fuckin goddess of some sort because they're a lying shitbag whose MO is causing drama on every forum possible
started a relationship with eku, abandoned them when radio moved to /moe/, tried to hitch with me, tried to kick me out of the community when i wasn't responsive in the way they liked, disappeared afterwards
now eku is fucking dead
I didn't know that they had a relationship with eku and abandoned him.
thats not right
yeah, i could tell you how it started and how it stopped and how much of a fuck they were before ever stepping foot on /moe/ too
their whole gist was to make everyone feel bad about them for everything possible
eku was really committted too
he ditched out on eku for having other friends, and not in any calm manner
straight cold turkey stiffed him and asked /moe/ at that point to push eku aside (radio was already purged off /moe/, but eku still visited)
as a result, /moe/ started treating eku like shit when he visited for innocuous purposes
it's really fucking sad and disgusting and i tend to keep things like this to myself but it's true
they were upset that eku would spend friday nights (radio night) with other friends instead of flirting with him
it was a very hit and miss thing and the entirety of the relationship was based around thirsting for attention, which eku was a generous enough of a soul to give for the most part
but when it got spiteful he got fed up
thats fucked up, I feel a lot of regret for not being on moe and talking to him more and for only coming on moe to relieve boredom.
I brought eku a christmas present on steam and was looking forward to playing with him, and then I had move through january and lost internet and contact
it really isn't fair for things to end the way they did for eku when he put so much work into others
life's a shit, /moe/'s a shit, people are only going to believe what fits their narrow worldview
shit sucks, and no amount of exposition is going to change that
i'll probably get ignored threefold for this rant because it involves a lot of things people don want to believe
it's easier to imagine that i'm psychotic and delusional than to believe that dash constructed a victimized event to label me a stalker to get sympathy from sugoi at the time
and it's easier to believe i'd lie about four years' worth of hatemail than to believe he did it out of spite
or anything else entailed therein
i'd have to assume people believed it in some regard otherwise i can't imagine why else i was so rejeced after the gruesome death i endured when i was chronically crying for help and receiving none, and only receiving contempt and rejection from the community

that's what i mean about gaslighting a psychotic episode
i couldn't cope, and i had a psychotic episode following
Whoever ignores you for say what you have said is clearly uncomfortable with shit and should deal with that.
drama causing people are fucked up.
That sounds increadibly fucked up
That's not right and it doesn't sound like you were treated right at all
Moe back then was not mature at all.
It would be fair if people acknowledged their immaturity back when you need support and this community was fucked up.
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i say it'll be okay because i'm okay as a result of all of that bullshit, right?
or at least i assume i am?
so i'm not being dismissive
i'm literally offering the only sort of advice i can offer
the kind i wish i had
this picture in retrospect looks a little smug and i dont mean it that way
i cried for support day-in and day-out until people were sick of it
lobster was the only one who offered it

it made me feel like a piece of shit for continually going on about it
i felt constantly repressed by moe to shut the fuck up, and i still feel like i'm way out of line doing this now, but i don't care too much atm
if it causes some distress now i'm not going to feel upset by it
I don't think moe is decent place to express yourself maturely, its vent with
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i really don't want to feel guilt for saying something like "it will be okay" though
i didn't even have that and i would have killed for that
sorry again if my idea of consolation isn't functional enough
but it's more than what i had to cope with
Fuck em, you don't have to feel guilty for a consoling someone.
its not your faulty if someone gets upset for a normal expression of "I'm here for you" basic intent

I don't know how to console people. I don't think you have to care for those that didn't care for you.
its not even about being fair, you can't drain yourself and get nothing back from it, thats unhealthy, that is being used.

i can't be there for someone who wasn't there for me
i hate to sound cruel but i have to be fair
i tried to make an effort and i wasn't appreciated
idk what i can do any further
i have to take care of myself since no one else will
sorry that this is out of nowhere but i've been feeling pretty peculiar and idk wha to do about it
when I feel fucked up or don't know what do with feelings, I disassociate from everything and try and find something to escape to.
thats not very good advice but, I don't know a suitable answer to how to deal with that feeling.
I don't find it easy to deal with.

I feel really uncomfortable rejoin things I've escaped from, you // I don't even feel properly a part of moe since I left for a year and months.
and I can't reconnect with friends I've not spoken to anymore, I .
I don't regret escaping. I //
yeah i used to watch anime with /moe/
i'm sure i could do that again now but after years of exclusion i still don't feel comfortable doing it
everything got so fucked up
i dont feel like i'm watching with friends anymore
i dont feel anything from them
i haven't even talked to rika or ika since that time seriously
tilde and bang are whatever
i feel like a non-person ever since the incident of a histrionic liar sullying my image to everyone because i didn't like them the way they liked me
it's so fucked up
I don't think moe is a healthy place for serious stuff.
and I don't think you can rebuild your trust with moe without people working to rebuild it with you instead of leaving it in the past and pretending it didn't happen.

every attempt i made to rebuild it was met with this interpretation that i was a dramawhore
i'm so sick of it
still am
i'm still treated that way
I've never thought you were a dramawhore.
there are plenty of dramawhores on moe.

I am // I ignore people I don't like very much on moe and I am not don't trust people in general.
dash was a dramawhore and their credibility mattered more than mine
it sullied everything
i appreciated your opinion though
I've never thought of you as a dramawhore.
If there were contradicting statements back then I wouldn't have known who to trust over the other.
I just tried to either keep my head out of it or stay neutral.
Everything I remember of you, is things I've wanted to do again but don't know how to appropriately do again.
Learning stuff, watching videos, thinking about things.
Ive never thought you as a dramawhore or shitstirrer.
You do say things sometimes I don't understand and I know I don't reply to some posts because I don't know how to reply to them.
well hopefully four years' of silence makes this not an unmerited vent
it doesn't matter how long since it happened, it's merited because that shit was fucked up and you are well in your rights to be upset about it.
I hope there's food at home.
I haven't really had much to eat today.
i want to make a pot roast or some baked chicken but i can't get to the store
I'd settle for just some pasta.
I had meat almost every night last week and I could probably do without for a couple days.
i only have pasta and potatoes at home
not a very versatile mix
wish i had some ground chuck or pork tenderloin so i could make a nice dish of fucking kill myself
Oh there's some freezer Asian
...Asian dumplings here.
Guess that'll do.
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I spilt boiling water on my hands last night and there's still some burn there
Oh no
That's not really a /moe/ picture.
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thats lewd
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I'm not thinking about this properly.

I think I'm going start from the beginning again.
and try think about sudoku solver in a different way
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
github why ya gotta go and do a thang
What will become of githubt
Windows integration
A good CLGUI
People who are good at mathematics are incredible to me, I wonder how you have to think to solve things
programmers are basically wizards
yo blue give me your thoughts on ursula
im contemplatijg building her if i finish valter and another villain isnt added that I get
She's a poooor, unfortunate soul
anime >>512621 →
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls

now i have to redo the fucking admin authentication again
I wonder who reached out to whom.
If it was Git to Microsoft or vice versa.
Microsoft is a git
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
git _hub_
they've been unprofitable for a while so i thin kthey were shopping around for an acquirer
making a sudoku grid is harder than I thought
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oh is github dying?
Not microsoft brought it.
and is probably going to "improve" it
like they improve everything they acquire
feature locking anything they can make money out of and limiting free code hosting I guess
That's a little bit hyperbole.
its a little hyperbowl but not like in the realm of fantasy
She's not that great.
Her Death Blow is necessary for good damage
I mean, a blade tome will slam anything though. But she's been outscaled over time.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
microsoft poisons everything they touch
fuck em
open source is not going to stand for this
I think that's a little bit hyperbole.
Yeah, open source is probably going to sit for it at the worst
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
aw yeah an new episode of ten minute power hour
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
that ep was a lil different
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
eye'm the strongest
If you're the strongest then where's your ⑨?
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loops are a pain.
I can't figure see why this is an endless loops
It probably something obvious
is the third else supposed to be three layers deep?
second else*
yeah nvm that's not the issue
When I was trying to debug endless loops in my code I'd put in some kind of text output at different shell layers to see where the infinite loop was starting.
Yeah I usually try and do that.
its stuck at len(box_line) = 1
this is a paaaaaiiiiinnnnnn
I wrote this terrible code and I have no idea what it is doing
is it because you have an if for len != // len -1 != clues but no else on that level for when len = 1
I wanted it to test each wait the whole line is fucked up
why does my brain ignore obvious things fuck
not enough choline
Sudoku generation is way harder than I thought
It is probably super simple but I keep super focusing on one part and losing sight of the whole point
i think i just fed in sudokus, not have a generation
i may have manually input them i dont remember
This part was supposed generate a 3 element list as the first line in a 3x3 box from which I'd made the rest of the box
and then from the first box make the rest of the 9x9 grid of 81 elements
i don't think one 3x3 box is enough information to complete a 9x9 grid from
there would be many solutions
I meant like having
X 2 1
3 X 5
8 7 9

and generating the next box along while trying ob ey the rules.
but I think it either won't work is a super round about way of doing it.
maybe I should make a
9 element list
with the whole top line filled in for //

make a filled sudoku thing, eliminate random positions in it
by replacing them with X
might work?
not to sound rude but why are you trying to generate the same sudoku you're trying to solve
it seems like reading or feeding one in would be more ... useful
I wanted to try writing a generator for one and then make the computer solve it blind the generator
and if I do it with the make a filled one uh wait.
if I make a filled one its solving it in the first place.
wow I am dumb
it's okay, but making an accurate generator is straight up harder than a solver
I have no idea, they are both pretty hard for me to get my head around.
I've deleted that nonsense piece of code.

So without that I have my code that produces
30 clues. random numbers from 1 to 9
I need to fill in a grid of 9x9 with these clues such that it obeys the rules of sudoku and is solvable.

hm, if 30 clues
thats a 7x5 grid that needs to be solved.
right? is my thinking right?
I don't really know what the current method of creating sudoku for general use is, but I could imagine that an automatic sudoku creation function would populate the grid with all the numbers and then "solve" the sudoku backwards.
So essentially in making a sudoku creator you're making a sudoku solver.
defining a solvable sudoku is really complicated
much more complicated than solving a sudoku
>hm, if 30 clues
thats a 7x5 grid that needs to be solved.
right? is my thinking right?

oops that should all be green text
but, uh, i dont know what that means
I do that sometimes. its okay

well if there 30 clues they can't interfere with each other so they all have to solve.
is my brain being retarded agian
well a 7x5 grid would be 35 clues, but more importantly, i dont think a 7x5 sudoku works
it's gotta be 4x4 or 9x9 or matching square dimensions so i dont know if i'm following what you mean
I mean 6x5.

I just thought oh
I don't think things through
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i'm not sure about python, but i used C and just made the arrays which mapped from the board layout
then wrote in the comparisons that came from the rules, like elements from the same 3x3 grid couldn't be the same, from the same row couldn't be the same, from the same column couldn't be the same
then tried out a few different strategies for how to find the missing elements efficiently rather than brute forcing it
brute forcing it is still very quick for a computer though, but it's not very strategic to the game
that's where you'd pencil in all the possible solutions to one space and then erase them as you progress until there's only one solution left for that space, fill it in, and then erase that solution from the other possibilities in that row/column/square, which some people do

i don't think i'd know how to go about making a sudoku generator
i'm not a very good coder
>that's where you'd pencil in all the possible solutions to one space and then erase them as you progress
This is always how I ended up doing the sudoku I got from newspapers when I was in high school, hah hah.
I'd resolve all the obvious and easily-observable boxes but by the end of it I just couldn't keep track of all the possible directions a possible conflict could come from in my head alone.
So I'd jot down the possible numbers in suuuuper tiny font in each box and work from that.
I will give on the sudoku generator.
and make the solver.
i think that's a wise step, since generating one is kind of an expansion of solving one anyway
the intuition from the latter might help you make the former if you wanted
i made mine to feed in manually because i have no idea how to have it read in from a different program or a website
but if you wanted to use, all of its puzzles are confirmed solvable and you could feed those in manually maybe
sorry if i interrupted your post
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Oh no you didnt interrupt.

I'm feeding this into a list
which I can reference with [1][1] sort coordinate system thing
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I don't know if you saw my solution to find the largestnumber in a list of numbers.

I made this abomination
which actually works.

just so you can see how stupidly my brain works
next time you could make a scrabble solver =]
A function to calculate the most points you can get given a tray of Scrabble pieces and a board situation would be kind of neat.
But that would be an INSANELY difficult thing to develop.

Yeah I think I have a general idea that it's absurdly difficult.
oh god do you have any idea how ridiculously complex that would be
i think that's bordering on lifetime-scale calculation times
I think it would depend on a couple of variables, but yeah, worst-case would be insanely long to calculate.

But like, given simple board states, or even an empty board, would simplify matters.
If it just has to determine the best point configuation random letters, that would be more simple.
Aside from, y'know, considering every possible word created from those letters.
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actually i can think of some quick strategies it could use, but actually verifying that it yields the highest points is very much more complex
i think step one would be to read open letters (available to play off of ) from the board, add each of those uniquely to your 7 letters, calculate ideal words, then check if it could actually be played off that spot without obstruction
that's a pretty simple strategy

for it to actually be comprehensive and thorough, it'd have to check strings of open letters that could be played in parallel to make possibly 7 two-letter words, etc, you know?
and that, as they say, is fucked
And also comparing possible options like getting doubled and tripled points from squares on the board.
even that simple strategy i just came up with didn't account for appending a word
I think that's a word at least.
Or wait that's not a Scrabble rule is it.
I haven't played in so long, I'm fuzzy on the particulars.
or if BOT x BOG is played orthogonally and you plop an X down to make OX x OX for a double play on the X
yeah you can do that
Oh that's neat, I wasn't aware.
My mother loves Scrabble-like games.
They pretty regularly come up as suggestions for things to do when the family's at the cottage.
Not that I'm up there often these days.
you have a cottage
Well, to be nitpicky, I don't.
But yeah my family loves cottaging.
My parents love getting out of the city and heading up into cottage country.
My imouto and I are really the only ones who are more preferential to city life than a more woodsy location.
i'll go to a cottage with your parents and play scrabble if you don't want to
i dont mind
Hah hah hah.
I've been a little tempted to go up recently.
But it's a 2.5 hour or so car ride and now I'd have to ride up with a dog in the car if I was going with my parents.
And not only can I not drive myself I don't really have much of a reason to go up on my own volition.

Maybe someday some people will visit me and I can convince them to drive me up to the cottage.
It can house like a dozen people if it needs to.
that's crazy big for a cottage
i'd come visit if i could
i'm p poor and need my passport renewed regardless or else i wont be able to go to mongolia though
or canada
It probably sounds kind of big but I think it's just good at compacting people.
We've got like two bunkbeds and one small detached bunkie building that you could cram like four-six people into if you absolutely had to.
More comfortably it could probably hold half a dozen to eight people.
The whole cottage I mean.

I'm a little remiss I'm not as enthusiastic about cottage life as the most of my family though.
My parents are thinking of selling it within a few years or so, they say it just wasn't quite what they endedu -ended up having in mind for their retirement place.
They'd like to get out of the city and live full time out in those parts of the province once they retire. Lately they've been looking at more larger estate-style properties as options instead.
I haven't really said anything about it to them since I don't think I've got much of a right to opine since I've never really taken advantage of it, but I'd rather they have a cottage on a lake than some sprawling chunk of land.

I spent all my childhood summers on lakeside cottages and even if I'm not big for cottage life I can't deny there's some sentimentality there.
half a baker's dozen
i've lived by lakes most of my life
i do not fancy them
mosquito hell, way too many critters
everywhere's got critters but lakes got it wore
Yeah, I can't deny that.
And especially with cottages there's some weird insistence that things have to be "rustic".
Outhouses and no local water infrastructure so you've got to truck in huge jugs to have easy access drinking water.
The first cottage we had was water-access-only too, so you had to park the car at a lakeside dock, cart everything down to the dock and load the boat up, and then unload and haul everything into the cottage.
A lot of lakes in cottage country tend to be pretty bowl-ish too, so there's almost an inevitable slope you have to climb to get up to level ground to build on.
So there's always a fleet of stairs from the dock to the cottage.
septic tanks too don't forget
have fun spendin 150 bucks to get it pumped every time, limiting your flushes, not having curbside trash pickup such that you have to now haul all your bags up to the dump site, but until then having to keep the trash bags nearby which attracts more critters
At the least we've never had septic tank issues, I think?
Taking trash to dump sites was always a "thrill" though.
Plenty of bears up in cottage country, ayup.
They sure love their localized conglomeration of trash, they do.

Is that not what it is?
>fleet of stairs
it's a flight of stairs lol
a fuckin fleet of stairs
Right yeah.
On the other hand, the cottage we have now, you wouldn't be wrong calling it a fucking fleet of stairs.
It's like nearly two-hundred steep steps and like three landings to get through before you're at the waterside.
Once you're down there you might as well commit to being there all afternoon because the trip up and down again just isn't worth whatever you forgot or neglected to take with you on the first trip down.
I hate the seasonal maintenance part of cottaging too.
Lakes freeze, so you've got to take your docks in and out of the water every spring and fall.
If you've got a boat, that's got to be brought out of the water and stored up for winter too.
At least our current cottage, the building, is proofed for year-round use. You can get drinkable water in the winter and the heating's godo enough that you're not frozen to death the moment you take five steps away from the fire.
For a few years we'd always go up as a family for Christmas. That was nice, I do miss that.
it's the management of those lakeside communities which break the camel's straw for me
it's always being traded off between new owners and management and they're always "figuring it out" each time and fucking it up
screwing up the lake, common grounds, "roads" if they can be called that, sewage/electric/gas lines
they're just always tryna do shit and fucking it up because everyone's profiteering
except they're bad at it because they're country af
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well finally finished inputing the numbers from a sudoku puzzle from
Did you build a function that asks you for input and makes you up the array through that?

col1_box1 = [[5,3,0],[2,4,0],[0,0,0]]
col1_box2 = [[2,1,0],[0,0,9],[4,0,0]]
col1_box3 = [[0,0,0],[3,0,7],[9,1,0]]

col2_box1 = [[1,6,2],[7,0,0],[0,0,0]]
col2_box2 = [[0,5,0],[1,0,3],[0,8,0]]
col2_box3 = [[0,0,0],[0,0,6],[1,7,5]]

col3_box1 = [[0,1,7],[3,0,6],[0,0,0]]
col3_box2 = [[0,0,6],[9,0,0],[0,7,1]]
col3_box3 = [[0,0,0],[0,2,1],[0,6,9]]

print("line 1: "+str(col1_box1[0])+" "+str(col1_box2[0])+" "+str(col1_box3[0]))
print("line 2: "+str(col1_box1[1])+" "+str(col1_box2[1])+" "+str(col1_box3[1]))
print("line 3: "+str(col1_box1[2])+" "+str(col1_box2[2])+" "+str(col1_box3[2]))
print("line 4: "+str(col2_box1[0])+" "+str(col2_box2[0])+" "+str(col2_box3[0]))
print("line 5: "+str(col2_box1[1])+" "+str(col2_box2[1])+" "+str(col2_box3[1]))
print("line 6: "+str(col2_box1[2])+" "+str(col2_box2[2])+" "+str(col2_box3[2]))
print("line 7: "+str(col3_box1[0])+" "+str(col3_box2[0])+" "+str(col3_box3[0]))
print("line 8: "+str(col3_box1[1])+" "+str(col3_box2[1])+" "+str(col3_box3[1]))
print("line 9: "+str(col3_box1[2])+" "+str(col3_box2[2])+" "+str(col3_box3[2]))
Thats what I did.
each box is a list
I never paid much attention of course, but I don't think the lake associations on the two lakes we've cottaged on were particularly miserable.
At the least I don't recall my parents being particularly frustrated with them at any given time.
It might in part be that
that "home owner associations" aren't really a huge thing up here. Culturally, the way they aggressively councilize things isn't common.
All I know is community utilities like common-use docks and parking lots were maintained, and roads were...eventually cleared of snow once it started piling up.

My family's pretty low-key too, so if there were any nonsense like not being rowdy or trashing the lake, it was never something we had to consider as affecting us.
did you ... hard code that specific puzzle into the program?
please don't bully
haha no it's fine
it will still work
plus, if you ever happen to run into that specific puzzle, you'll be set!
well I wasted all that time hardcoding it in!
now I can fruitlessly attempt to solve it!
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would have taken a fair bit of time coding in something that would query you for inputs anyway so for an exercise, i don't see any difference
i wouldn't call it a homeowner's association
development of those areas are still a vested commercial interest though
roads to pave, docks to build, electric lines to run
it tends to be horribly in shambles too, all the infrastructure

if it's a popular retreat location then it can be a little bit better in that regard, but then it's not as much of a retreat either, yknow?
My brain keeps wanting to solve 1 box wait you can solve 1 box ... rgith
wow I don't trust myself
Yeah I don't really see it as much of an HOA but I think there's definitely parallels between the two.
I think a lot of those things are handled by the local county affairs.
Canada has a lot of what we call "crown land", land which is owned by government and not privately owned.
It's probably a lot more straightforward to run services like power and roads through this land and not have to worry about which cottage owner you're treading ont -on the land of.
Again, I'm not familiar with how this was all handled but my assumptions were that the broad strokes stuff is handled by municipal authorities and institutions.

Though I do know that the lake we currently cottage on has an association that collects dues for keeping the gravel roads...gravelly and to hire ploughs for snow.
And probably to maintain public utilities like common-use docks.
"crown land" reminded me that there's a place in canada called cuckold's cove
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Was Cuckold the founders last name or something?
Yeah but that's in Newfoundland.
They're all nutters out there in the Maritimes.
i wouldn't mind going to nova scotia
Yeah, no, tomfoolery aside the Maritime provinces are really lovely.
My family did a camping trip tour out that way one summer and it was a lot of fun.
I'd like to go back and see parts of those provinces again on my own time.

Looking on a map, it's not really all that far from St. John's, the provincial capital.
It might've legitimately been a place for lovers in a tryst to meet up away from the prying eyes of their spouses.
I can't seem to find a history of the cove though.
I really want to travel more.
But I'd need some kind of vehicle.
And money. Money for the vehicle, money to be allowed to legally ride the vehicle, money to travel on.
Time's kind of crucial too.
I've kind of given up the easiest time of my life to travel. The older I get the harder it is to escape the responsibilties and obligations of real life.

Fuyukai dess
check out this website lol
what a quality website
[Remember to close this window]
How old-fashioned.
It's really endearing how some parts of the Internet never change.
History is just frozen in time there.
i wish i had travelled more
when i was a fresh adult and had some hard-earned money saved up from underaged working, i wanted to go to the mediterranean for a couple years then join the peace corps
got involved with someone who i guess was lusting for some senior-year romance and wasted all my money on having a place to live with them for the following four years instead
i was wary about my decision then and i still regret it now
and now i'm a huge ball of anxiety and it's hard for me to travel to the store, much less across seas
I like how there a lots of really old websites on the internet still
like homepages not updated since the 80s
I yearn to do some kind of spontaneous, travel to a destination and figure out the details when I get to them sort of travelling, but on the other hand I know I'm a perpetually terrified and cowardly creature.
I mean I can barely even drive a car on quiet residential roads, let alone highways and major throughfares. I just don't know how to conquer my constant terror and anxiety over stuff like that.

I guess at the least I got to travel to Japan and do the road-trip with the money I saved from that previous bank job.
But I still wish I could just go somewhere. Just drop life for like a week or two and go somewhere else.
It's so hard though.
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>the message board is still active
It's nice
I wish modern websites could be a bit more simple like that
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kannagi, you still up?
you might enjoy TIS-100 and Shenzhen IO
they're games that are really built around the kind of thinking you use when programming, so it might be a fun complement to your learning
This cold front fucking sucks.
It was mid-twenties or something late last week and now it's 12C outside.
I want to be warm again.
Oh ta, I have played a little of TIS-100.
I haven't heard of Shenzhen IO before though

I'm still trying to work on this sudoku
all you need to fill in a line in sudoku is all the numbers on the row of that missing number and all the numbers in the colomn of that missing number
AAAA its more complex that that

Yeah that'd be cool, I don't know if you get fustrated with my terrible problem solving skills
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infinifactory too, though it's a little less so
shenzhen IO seems really cool
if you ever wanted to play those i would be very interested in watching, if you'd like to stream
i have some difficulties playing games these days but i still enjoy them vicariously through watching
of course i wouldn't

are you stuck on the sudoku
I am not even good at effectively solving sudoku
I should have looked up about good ways of solving sudoku, although that feels like cheating.

What I do as a human, is check the row and column of the missing number, put in a number that isn't on the row and column, try do that for each number in the box while making sure not reuse numbers from the box
lemme just check that I said something sane
Yeah I think I do it like that.
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huh, like pencil them in until you find the correct one?
sudokus should only have one solution, so there's a bit of trial and error sometimes

what's your structure look like? are you storing the space variables as anything special, or are you just doing a lot of if statements to compare them?

one thing that might be interesting to do is have each space already contain nine possibilities, then take a given space, look vertically, horizontally, and around its local square to remove all certain spaces from its array of possibilities
when it only has one element left in the array, its value is certain and can be filled in
that would be a deductive sort of way if that's how you intuitively play sudoku

inductive reasoning seems like it might be quicker but more complex
i'm not quite sure how i'd program that, but it's how i play sudoku
i see which numbers there are most of and try to get those cleared up in various boxes first, because if there's 5 or 6 squares that all contain a given number, it's often possible to find where that number is in the remaining boxes, and every number you clear up restricts hiding space for the other numbers
it seems really complicated to try to program that though; i dont know how it'd be done
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Sorry for slow reply.
It took me longer than I though to make somethings more sensible.

I know that there is a 9 on line 2
and a 9 on line 3
so it must be a 9 in line 1
maybe that is a better way to solve things?

Its hard for me to think it all up in my head a once. I have to work it out and fuck it up before I get to something sane.
yeah, the top-right zero of the first square is the only place the 9 can go, because it's blocked off by the 9 in lines 2 and 3
maybe playing some sudokus would help bolster some imagination of how to do it
i would point out though, in addition to numbers missing in row/column, you'll want //
oh nevermind you've got that right above it i didnt see that

can you set each 0 to a variable and, for each variable, have a corresponding array of 1-9 and do an if check to cross off what is already in that row/column/square?
i know that's potentially 81 variables and seems like a lot of work
but you should be able to do like a loop counter or whatever it's called to do it procedurally?
i'm not really familiar with what all python can do it's probably got all sorts of cool stuff
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I'm doing this in a really ugly way
just to solve the first square and then I'll try to clean it up a bit if that doesn't involve rewritting everything.
because of how shittily I wrote it
so the above I've got all the information solve one square in the first box.
so I just need to rule out all possibilties and make it into 9
so 2nd line has a 9 in it
3rd line has a 9 in it
row is missing a 9
and column is missing a nine
yes that right
Yes, and that's what I was referring to about an inductive process
it seems really complicated to approach it that way and i have no idea how because im a dumdum
if you do it deductively, at this point, the program can only know that that space cannot be a 5, 3, 2, 1 4, 6, or 7

which imo is easier logistically
if you've got an array 1-9, it already performed a check for numbers it can't be
so it'd look like [8, 9] from the original [1, 2, 3 ... 7, 8, 9] as it removes one element for each check
and you can leave it at an 8, 9 and move to the next square
by the time you loop back around for a second pass, a lot of it will be cleared up and you can figure out if it's an 8 or a 9 then
solving it square by square is definitely not going to work because not all squares are going to be solvable until you parse the information out of the other squares
oh right this is going to have do it all over again each time I fill in a square too, thats a pain dammit
dammit, you are right.
I can't solve it square by square
moon I'm going insane
what is wrong
I wrote 200 lines of nonsence code again.
I'm going to over your post carefully and try and work out an algorithm instead of focusing on a small part of a big problem.
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sometimes you gotta do a lot of nonsense in order to get a little bit of sense sorted
i do it all the time
it's part of the thinking process and it's good that you're doin it
though i worry that you haven't gotten any sleep

well, did you write some row/column/square checking thing that compares the square to what's around it?
then you've gotten some useful code out of the nonsense
I did help me out thinking about it but it is essentially 200 lines of code to solve one square on single box in a sudoku puzzle
somehow I got lost in my process of writing of the code that it went from solving the sudoku puzzle as a whole to solving on square of one box of the uzzle.

oh shit
its 4am.
Kirara 🚗
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people have so much blood it's crazy

You might facepalm over this
I am not sure I did things very usefully but it was fun.
fun in very fustrating way
I don't approach things in sensible ways.
even things that seem simple aren't very simple when you have to define a granular way to do it
don't feel discouraged by any means
it took me a long time to make the one i made
like i think i worked on it for several weeks
I might be able to make the col and row checking sensible.
I don't understand how people figure things out quickly, I zoom in one part of a problem and try and solve it and keep iterating and throwing away solutions until it fits
which is a pretty inefficient way of doing things.
but it is what is natural to me.
people do things quickly by having done them slowly before
what you're doing is completely natural
i do it all the time with everything, even maths still today
i'll have something pretty simple that i'll spend a long time wrestling with from all different angles
stuff just takes time to sort out
once it's sorted, it's much quicker
that mindset is the only thing keeping you back
it's so incredibly natural, but people don't usually showcase their struggles, only their achievements, so you never see it in other people
e.g. a ballerina's goal is to make the most difficult things look effortless
It doesn't feel natural, It feels like I'm an incredible imbecile.
I think it doesn't feel natural to me, because my mom and the people around her were PhDs, really smart people
and they // my mom would try and teach me stuff and I'd have trouble grasping it but my mom would solve it so easily and quickly and the it would make sense.
like in hindsight I can't even understand why I would do something when if you think about it properly it would never work.
but it never occurs me to me.

It was fun, I enjoyed talking to you about it.
and I learned a few things.
eh you're really overcriticizing yourself
as someone who TA'ed in math and tutored, i've seen people struggle for hours with stuff that, once they got, took them seconds to do later
i've done it myself when i was trying to learn functions, which are fairly simple things, and this was after high school
i had to go back to such fundamentals in math because i was so confused and clumsy and i had to re-sort myself
took me forever, but once i got it, everything was smooth after that
i think you might just ... i'm not sure the word
when you're biased towards only what you see
90% of people's struggle is hidden and they went through that part already, so what you see is the polished result

your code i'm looking at in pastebin looks fine as far as developing an approach
you'll probably rework it and try a different approach
idk what you think is weird about that. that's like the definition of problem solving and how everybody approaches any puzzle
try stuff, get a feel, if it doesnt work then try something else
especially with something like coding or math, where you're only working with certain "tools" that you already know how to use and are still learning, you want to explore how to implement them. and inevitably you'll often realize, "Oh man, why'd i just spend two hours building this up this way when i could have used this other tool i forgot about and rarely use"
that's so common in coding
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Thanks, I just not used to the idea that everyone works through things like this.
I have in my head I guess that most people solve things easier ways and I'm doing it incompetently.

I dunno, I don't have a lot confidence in my abilities at least in comparison to others.

I updated the pastebin and this is the final product before I give and scrap it for the next version I guess.

It solves one square on the sudoku grid.
I could iterate it horribly by.
putting the solved place in
and drawing up the new grid
and then doing the whole process again and again?
I think
how did you get the solution to be 9?
i mean, how did you get the program to arrive at that solution
i understand why it's 9 but how's the program doing it
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Gimme a sec.

I gather all the numbers in box1
I know what is already used up in the box1

then I get all the numbers in the row
and all the numbers in the column
and then in the 2nd and 3rd row of box1 I get all the numbers for those

I then test for all the numbers in box1 are any not in row, column, and the 2nd//

missing from the 2nd row and 3rd row.
and that leaves the only possible solution which is 9.

missing from row 2 is: 1,5,6,8
missing from row 3 is: 2,3,5,6,7,8
row = 4,6,7,8,9
col = 1,3,4,5,8,9
actually row and col are wrong
backspace not being avialble here is annoying.
row = 5,2,3,1
col = 2,7,6

the only missing number from all those is 9
It doesn't properly work though to be honest.
I think? who the fuck knows.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 525x525, IMG_-9y4jb2.jpg)
Well at the least with row 2 and row 3 having 9s in them and only one space in row 1 it has to be 9.
that works in that square but if the 5 or 3 weren't there it wouldn't
i'm only talking about that specific line and not what you posted above, which looks a lot more comprehensive
you should get some sleep though!
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 1024x953, DdzgspzVMAEBAdM-orig.jpg)
Thanks to idiot scheduling, I had to wake up an hour ago because I gotta go sign some papers in an hour
Then I'll probably sleep again
i should reschedule my idiot
this schedule just isn't working for me
I have no idea how valid my method is, I need so way to properly test it.
oh i see
blade tome daggger with atk tactics on a colorless unit
maybe if were lucky theyll get demoted
this email I received really should have been BCC'ed
I should actually go to bed.
5am is insane and this stupid sudoku is driving me insane!
Nighty moe
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man i suck at overwatch
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sometimes all you need to figure out a problem is to sleep on it
trying to wrack your brain to figure out a new way to think about it while you're tired is difficult
wow i come home and you are leaving me
Kirara 🚗
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I don't think windex is gonna be strong enough to clean up those kind of messes
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have any of you guys watched the live-action inuyashiki release?
Search [iqdb] (378 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Golden Kamuy - (…).jpg)
I've never even heard of inuyashiki until now
Search [iqdb] (56 KB, 1280x720, [Chihiro]_Absolute_Duo_-_09_[1(…).jpg)
well the anime was pretty gud.
Even if it was a little chuuni
Kirara 🚗
inuyashiki is about the ultimate edgelord vs the ultimate carelord
as immortal robots
it's actually a really good story
blue and i followed it closely when the manga was going

it has a man with a mission track so you know it's good though
yeah he looks pretty uh

also next ghb is a swordboy bleeehhhhhh
Search [iqdb] (385 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Amanchu! Advanc(…).jpg)
oh it's made by the gantz guy
that would explain the edgelords and chuuni
sounds pretty fun
>a little
The kid was the ultimate edgelord
Edgemaster BANG
I am quite partial to the Funky Munkys
Kirara 🚗
hey blue, do you like one piece?
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Kirara 🚗
probably for farming
didn't want her killing enemies
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 1280x720, [Eila] Brave Witches - 07 (720(…).jpg)
Yeah alright. It was more than a little EDGY
but still - fun
Kirara 🚗
beware of bobcat
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two perfect runs ruined on the last map in a row
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>Prairie Dogs have PLAGUE
oh god the diving one
spooky shit
Kirara 🚗
the garbage can one gets me
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i'm feeling this one
Kirara 🚗
us at zion
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something tells me this isnt staying
Miss America competition to end swimsuit portion, and remove appearance/attire from judgment criteria.
Miss America but it's a battle royale
b b b b b ang
yes please
there can be only one
i like it
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where the fuck is the flcl subs
I don't wanna watch the dub
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>thinking they're being aired simultaneously
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 1024x953, DdzgspzVMAEBAdM-orig.jpg)
Is it not being aired in Japan?
Or even available?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
a single tweet has informed me that it's airing in US first or something
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This oughta be a fucking crime
why would you air flcl in japan first the japs have shit taste in cartoons
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Because english dubs suck
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is it really a dub if it's being aired in english first?
If you're waiting for subs instead of watching the one true version then you're not part of the animeelite
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I will wait for the subs
On the hope they didn't change the voice actors, I will place all my enjoyment
Watch the dub muted with closed captions.
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i tried a big person dose of adderall today, 20mg, the normal size
i'm not feeling anything more stimulating
tbh i'm just more tired, groggier feeling
what a bunch of bullshit
Fucking this
Seems strange, but imats has similar effects, right?
Search [iqdb] (398 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Amanchu! Advanc(…).jpg)
i'm not sure if i would notice a difference between like 10mg and 20mg but there seemed to be a significant difference between 20mg and 30mg for me
i still feel really sleepy after 7 or 8 hours either way though

idk man just crush up 100mg and snort it
I saw an anti fake news ad by facebook at my train stop.
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When I go to Montana theres a decent chance I'll shoot some prairie dogs. I'll make sure to wear gloves while handling them.
Also now I want to see art of a prairie dog friend dressed as a plague doctor.
Wow! You must be a friend who's good at spreading the Black Death!
And for armadillos
Wow! You must be a friend who's good at spreading leprosy!
Kirara 🚗
i'm not trying to get high
Search [iqdb] (365 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Golden Kamuy - (…).jpg)
the last line was a joke
oh okay
i'm very sloggish
i don't feel stimulated at all
take more until you feel stimulated
can't go wrong with that
Search [iqdb] (396 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sword Art Onlin(…).jpg)
if only everything was so easy
that'd be sweet but perhaps a bit empty as well
Search [iqdb] (421 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Cardcaptor Saku(…).jpg)
wow. just like me
you're not that sweet, honey
ninety-nine dollars
panasonic blu-ray
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okay fine i'm actually bitter and empty
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it's good to be honest with yourself anon-san
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it's not good to disparage yourself though
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only when it's not true
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you're right, i should jump off a bridge
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that's probably a bit extreme
unless it's just to have a refreshing dive into the water
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i could use a refreshing dive into HELL
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me too, but I'm afraid I'll never go back
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just kidding, we're already living there
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I'm glad hell has yuri then
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yuri is just something we invented to ease the pain of this lifelong torture
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it's as good as any other coping yeah
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how do you handle being born into this world?
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you suffer through.
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what kinda things do you do to try to forget?
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i just remind myself that i have nothing and i am nothing alive or dead
nothing really mattress
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nice I like to think that every day too
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a swamp is a swamp because you can't get out
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you're saying life is a swamp?
or depression?
>rigorous, meaningful work is the best medecine against questioning one's place in the world.
Other than that, I just watch animu until it's time to sleep.
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that's very well said, did you think of that?
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (54 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Shuumats(…).jpg)
Getting out of a swamp isn't that hard.
You can also drain a swamp.
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tell that to all those who died in there
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i just wanted to quote the scene that screenshot is from because it's funny
depression is more like quicksand
That's not what makes a swamp. That spunds like
Kirara 🚗
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Struggling against quicksand will get you killed, but struggling against depression is the best way to get rid of it, for most people.
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quicksand is a bad analogy then
maybe depression is more like a car
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no, it comes from houseki no kuni. But I could relate to it, as I got out from my depression that way. It started by making my bed everyday, and other householding stuff. Basically bringing structure to my life, and using that positive energy to start doing things. But I'm // I gues that's not for everyone, as my depression was mainly cause by myself and the fact that I wasn't able to accomplish anything I wanted to accomplish.
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struggling against depression has only ever left me exhausted and frustrated
Kirara 🚗
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I don't think depression is the only thing you have to deal with, though.
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Kirara 🚗
probably just breakfast
or something boring
Kirara 🚗
based on dutch coffeeshops
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Search [iqdb] (66 KB, 1280x720, Asuka (313).jpg)
So the uzbekistanis are turning the former lake aral into a forest to counter the health and pollution risks the dry desert is now causing
Kirara 🚗
nice but that sounds foolish
reforestation in an area undergoing desertification never works
not really desertification, but man caused "disappearance of a lake, which now has incredibly polluted dust problem"
Kirara 🚗
oh i see
why don't they just fix the lake
well cause it used to be more of a
an island sea to be fair
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Lunch break!
Kirara 🚗
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Enjoy your lunch.

Oh, I see.
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 633x593,
I think I might go axmurder an office
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It's just a muffin out of the microwave but it will do.
I actually had better internets than I currently am experiencing 20 years ago
never pay for swedish services
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (124 KB, 771x716, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 05 [7(…).jpg)
It's so hot out.
I walked from my car into my home and I'm so sweaty.

I guess something that big is a little hard to fix.

That's not a very good lunch.
But I had some peanuts for lunch so I guess I can't judge.
End of the month can't come too soon
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs]_Servant_x_Servi(…).jpg)
At least mine is a proper lunch-like meal.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (290 KB, 1024x1024, JS05_costume1.png)
Peanuts are probably a healthier lunch than a muffin, though.
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 1280x720, [FFF]_Love_Lab_-_08_[9E302B5E](…).jpg)
My muffin has canadian bacon and egg.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (121 KB, 713x719, 1472895138331.jpg)
That's not a muffin! It's called a sandwich!
Muffins can be sandwiches
Macdos do breakfast muffins with egg and sausage
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Kirara 🚗
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How'd they manage that?

But nobody just calls those muffins.
If you just say "muffin", it's misleading!
soviet ingeniuosity
Oh that situation. Otoyomegatari talks about it
Kirara 🚗
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The soviets were almost able to rival the US when it comes to destroying your own living space.
It's very impressive.
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DWARF is more appropriate word
But anyhow, they redirected the rivers floating into it to irrigate rice and cotton fields andw hatnot and I think also used the lake's own water for something else
which eventually dried it up
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (423 KB, 1024x1024, M950A_costume2_D.png)
No way, US has destroyed lakes and flooded its own cities and created deserts in its own area.
Soviets would win if they were around as long as US and kept up the same rate, though.
They also fucked with indigenous groups living there.
well is more like there is simply so much red tape still on the soviet stuff

you will find a lot of stuff, especially about their nuclear power/weapon stuff when you go poking around well enough
I eman, there still are towns taht JUST recently popped into existence officially
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (412 KB, 1024x1024, MG5_costume1.png)
Here in Florida, we're going to be burying large amounts of radioactive waste right beneath 1/3rd of the state's drinking water lol
We also destroyed like 1/6th of Florida by trying to drain swamps and fucking it up
And that's just the tip of the iceberg in Florida

But I guess all of these superpowers are terrible for the environment
Even glorious China eradicated all the sparrows and was surprised to find that completely destroying a food chain will cause famine
Well in russia there are entire town vanishing every so often because of sinkholes. They would unsafely build on top of mines and shit
Search [iqdb] (143 KB, 403x599, Asuka (244).jpg)
Russia doesn't like to leak its mistakes and especialyl with putin's nationalist campaigns, they have begun to red tape stuff they had begun to leak out during and post soviet collapse
So it is kinda dangerous to go poking around their buried sikrits
But yeah, most of their shit is usually industrial leaks, nuclear leaks and so on, nothing like >>513001 the some USA ones which smell more of "hmm didn't think this would happen"
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (199 KB, 1024x1024, MG3_costume1.png)
We have a history of that, too.
We also have had towns vanish due to diseases we've purposefully contaminated the town with.
I just find in incredible that there are huge holes where towns used to be.
Kirara 🚗
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Lake Aral one really sticks out, though
Just imagine if USA and Canada had managed to dry out the Great Lakes completely
and the biggest thing is they SAW it happening
and were just "meh"
keep draining it
The gov in flint knew they had contamination in the water and went meh
netflix hosted at one time a documentary about the russian closed cities, dunno if it has it still up
it was quite good one
Kirara 🚗
we're actually doing that right now
the great lakes are drying up
Russia is fucje

Fucked up, the villages look like medival villages like toilets are holes in the ground and the sanitation is really poor
Kirara 🚗
lots of cities in the US look like they're still in the 1700s
anachronistic cities are just natural things for big states
but is it enviromental or active draining of it, ie say redirecting rivers?
Using it as water source and nature no longer refilling it, is a proble globally in many regions rn
Kirara 🚗
we keep deepening and widening one single river and it's draining the entire lakes
we did it so we could move cargo ships through it lol
I guess they went "Hold my beer" when they heard of lake aral...
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 354x482, Asuka (27).jpg)
Can't wait when Finnish Terrorists blow up a new yorkian high rise, so USA has to invade us for our water
Kirara 🚗
we just start stealing glaciers
they melt before we even get them here because we turn the heat on
I kind of want to see a world with the final effects of global warming
Like flooding and shit, really inhospitable to humans
Just to see how the world reacts
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 1280x720, Asuka (61).jpg)
Let's go and conquer antarcitca
found our utopia there
rip netherlands
or rather
I think the netherlands will become like the Walled city in eotens
but instead of surrounded by eotens
it will be surrounded by the atlantic ocean
I bet even in those circumstances the world will still pollute and fuck things up for their cheap shit
well ofc
some people will go "it doesn't affect us"
or "we are just doing this much, it is nothing compared to what people did in the past"
or "we need to do this right now otherwise we will not survive"
Probably be like its already too late, we don't have to change
this train anime is actually quite well done
What one
Kirara 🚗
i prefer my anime medium
I like my anime raw
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 1280x720, Asuka (302).jpg)
Well that is raw as it can be
straight from the producer with no subs
Kirara 🚗
just like you like your women?
I like it when I still hear my anime do a tsundere on the plate
Kuudere on a plate with fries please
Search [iqdb] (221 KB, 598x720, Asuka (324).jpg)
eww fries with kuudere
Ketchup and mayo all over the kuudere
Kirara 🚗
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The quest giver in MHW is like, "Oh, we've never seen the courtship rituals between a Lunastra and Teostra before. This is a good opportunity to learn a lot. Go observe them!"
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>proceeds to bucher them mid boning
>>51303 →
Voyeurism! How lewd
>did you cuck them
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (261 KB, 1024x1024, OTs-14_costume1.png)
I ain't willing to fuck either of those griffon looking motherfuckers
MHW looks like a lot of fun
I wanna play it, but it is not on PC.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (332 KB, 1024x1024, OTs-44.png)
It's crazy good.
I think you'll probably need a pretty good PC to handle it though

They keep adding new monsters and new content
Its really awesome
There have been some cool collabs, too
like the Devil May Cry collab
>tfw no one liked the frog I found
i lost my slinky
this is terrible
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (393 KB, 1024x1024, RO635.png)
At least slinkies are pretty cheap
Search [iqdb] (243 KB, 488x681, Asuka (307).jpg)
only french like frogs
Kirara 🚗
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the emperor and empress love each other very much
Don't slaughter them
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They are filthy aristocrats
they deservet o die
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (370 KB, 1024x1024, Skorpion_costume1.png)
They have to die.

It is in my nature to kill kings and queens


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[to the tune of gucci gang]
regicide regicideregicideregicide regicide regicide regicide
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...that is a good tweet actually hold on
Kirara 🚗
there are no good tweets
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 1280x720, Asuka (314).jpg)
twitter is evil
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The lack of truly good tweets means my tweets are able to survive, despite being abhorrent
Twitter is a sea of normies
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We need a solution for the normie question
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (300 KB, 1024x1024, Skorpion_costume1_D.png)
The normies have their circles and we have ours
lately i have not been able to stop looking at terrible things
i see normie shit in my youtube recommendations that the very premise annoys me so i end up having to watch it
idk what it is
time for lunch
I think thats the whole point of the titles and clip content.
it is weird to think humans have learnt how tailor content like that
Kirara 🚗
like what?
my youtube recs are always anime OPs and shit
it's more about what i can tell it's going to contain than the clickbait
i dont mind clickbaiting, but knowing that it's ultimately misleading in some fashion
like some fucking thing earlier that was like "Rare live footage of Japan earthquake 2011"
and it was 8 minutes long, and i knew it wasn't gonna be like uploaded live footage
it was just 8 minutes of some TV special about the earthquake
and you know, four minutes, half of it, was explaining how an earthquake causes a tsunami
it's actually so frustrating that you can have 10 different documentaries about a topic and they still overlap 85% of the intro level material that you don't need a documentary to understand

or like this: >>>/watch?v=qDVNYo2Jw3A
like, i've seen this pop up in my recommended a ton, despite not using youtube to watch any cartoons or have anything related to it on there
every time, i say "Not interested" with the reason "I don't like the video"
so today i was so irritated with it that i opened it in cognito and watched it and everything about it was exactly as terrible as i thought it would be
like precisely so
i can't stand it
my recommend tomorrow's world clips and just those because I watched one episode of tomorrow's world
I can't find a recommended that isn't a tomorrow's world clip
but I never notice the recommend column, I don't use it.
I wish there were youtube videos that explained more complex stuff without reducing it down too much.
it is hard to find interesting to stuff that isn't made basic for casual clicks
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Time to work on my sudoku!
Search [iqdb] (632 KB, 1521x424, chicken.png)
at least this is still in my recommended
i dont know what i'd do without it
>stupid chickens decieved by ice
like you wouldn't watch it
chicken bullying.
trying to look up videos about new complement inhibitors used in oncology since asco just happened and everything is like "What are complement inhibitors? All you need to know!" and there's nothing that i need to know in there
i wish i could have gone to asco fuckin rich people
I am watching a video about KFC in Japan and just noticed that it as ASMR in it and I was wondering why the person was whispering.
how annoying!
what is that and what is asco?
asco is the american society of clinical oncology
they just had their annual conference, during which i know a lot of keynote sessions and information about new clinical spaces for complement inhibitors
in oncology, that is, so treating cancerous tumors
there are some interesting new small molecules [sic] compared to other immunologics out there and i've really wanted to hear updates on some research and see the actual research data
but it's all behind a paywall and there's not even access to the information on the kinds of studies being done or by which organizations
not because it's specifically not public
but because it's not deemed interesting enough to the public for anyone to make it publicly available
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (416 KB, 1024x1024, OTs-14_D.png)
I killed the emperor and empress

wtf that sounds annoying as shit
i just wanted to see some live footage like it said
i guess it was live footage of a television broadcast with some three-second clips narrated over?
i get really inpatient when there are videos about a topic and then the video opens up and is like, "So, what is [topic here]? Well, I'm gonna tell you in a minute, but first I just want to thank you guys for coming here and give you a brief update. So next week I'll be going to .... and it'll be a ton of fun and I'll be sure to make a video on that, so keep your eyes peeled!"
like, i dont even want you to start off with explaining what the topic is
if i'm looking for it i must already know what it is, much less the four minute blog
i know it broadens user appeal and reaches out to more people to make it very accessible, but it becomes so formless and indistinguishable from the rest of the noise because nothing's being said of substance

i know i'm just being really nitpicky but whatever
it's more a concern about the world that i'm living in that that's what is most important than what the people are doing
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no, i think it's something more acute than that
it's frustration that the way we're personalizing data is geared towards certain personalities
moving forward with the organization of information, it's increasingly going to become a barrier for outliers to access information because personalization will be broad instead of accurate
the way most people feel and behave is going to dictate the kinds of information personalization that's available to everybody
which has always been the case really, but i don't feel comfortable with how it will play out with the increase effect the information we're exposed to will have on our lives in the current era and the future

so yeah, i was being nitpicky i guess, but it's because companies are currently bent on personalization and the scope of it is marginalized
I don't like the fact that nearly every video about a topic is about the reaction of a personality to that topic rather than specifically the topic in neutral manner
i don't like the fact that you can't look up "bully hunter fails" on youtube and get videos of bully hunters getting rekt in games because it's all going to be 70 different blog casts of people talking about the failed initiative and all saying the same thing
that's not interesting at all to me
i wanted the videos that i know exist of people blowing up bullyhunters in cs
Kirara 🚗
the search algorithms have really become frustrating
bullyhunters was amazing.
how does a company make something like that
Kirara 🚗
what are bullyhunters?
an effort to prevent harassment in videogames specifically against females
so steel series and some other people sponsored this thing called bully hunters, where people could report instances where they've been bullied in csgo and fortnite and a PROFESSIONAL PLAYER would come and teach those bullies a lesson!!
gotta find out who put my dad in jail

it backfired incredibly bad and does nothing to prevent bullying or harassment ingame
unlike the common safeguard of a fucking mute button

Kirara 🚗
a 35 minute video is a pretty hefty time commitment
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (332 KB, 1024x1024, OTs-44.png)
lmao what did they think would happen?
the bullies would get killed in-game and just apologize and stop bullying
is a short one from the recommend
Kirara 🚗
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that one looks like a talk show
it's okay though i don't need to see it
i appreciate you grabbing videos though
i feel like the integrity of information and processes is crucially important going forward and that we're being incredibly reckless
i also feel that it's important to voice that and fight against it because that's how the world works, nature red in tooth and claw
the importance of it to an individual or group makes that individual or group the voice that has to fight for it
the longer i go without my sedatives the more irritated i've become with my longstanding mentality that whatever factors contribute to the future are the deserved ones and feeling like i'm separate from the system
i'd normally scoff off the agitation as an effect of not being on my medication but i'm seriously feeling differently now
it's definitely not easier though
I'm thinking about how I store the sudoku numbers.
in my previous code, I just stored each box of 9 numbers in a list of 3
box1 = [[5,3,9],[2,4,0],[0,0,0]]

Which is
5 3 9
2 4 0
0 0 0

0 being the empty parts, since 1-9 are only used in sudoku.
I wonder if that is the best way to store the information.

to reference the first line I have to do box1[0]. second line box1[1] and third line box1[2]
and inside those lines for 9 in on the first line I have to: box1[0][2]

and the for each box i need to make a list labelled box1 to box9 which is a lot manual work.
and you can 't reference the box because the number is non iterable because it part of the variable name.

what I could do is a 3 layer list called box:
box = [[[5,3,9],[2,4,0],[0,0,0]],[[2,1,0],[0,0,9],[4,0,0]],etc] so the first box is box[0], the first line is box[0][0] and the fist number of the first box of the first line is box[0][0][0]
I think that would make more sense
or maybe thinking in terms of boxes is wrong, and it should think in terms of lines top and bottom
*up and down
and instead of search for the first empty cell (i guess?) I am going to search for rows occupied with the same numbers to find positions where numbers cannot be anywhere else and fill them in,
I'll see how complex that is to do.
Kirara 🚗
what can be done to fight it?
hello moes
I think ive gotten good at explaining what countable and uncountable infinities are to people who don't know math very well.
hello kawaii
I'm participating on the pride this year, wow.
it will probably be a big thing.
if you see hyenas run
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (326 KB, 1024x1024, UMP45.png)
what are you gonna do for pride
i'm part of the lgbti++++ group of the political party i joined.
the idea would be doing something and invite politicians to march with us.
but im not doing anything particular outside of that

ofc, the politicians are the rad lefty ones that come from the school movement, not old awkward corrupt politicians that people usually imagine.
at least it might work
the idea would be making it like a protest thing
Kirara 🚗
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Well, have fun.
I feel it was an awkard thing to say suddenly.
Kirara 🚗
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That you're participating in pride? I don't think that's awkward.
maybe in a less diverse environment but here i think youd be fine
Kirara 🚗
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You should go to pride with Pan, ToN.
ToN, you know I live in chile right?
just checking.
oh shit did I tell you about he time that I accidentally went to an “it gets better” panel instead of a legos panel with pan at a con
Did you not read the sign?
Kirara 🚗
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I don't know what an "it gets better" panel is.
it’s a support panel for lgbt and other minorities that suffer and are dsicriminated against
it was roght next door
Specifically targeted towards highschool and younger
Wait its for minorities too now?
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (412 KB, 1024x1024, MG5_costume1.png)
So what happened?
The "it gets better tagline" is about the fact that people tend to get harassed a lot more while they're in highschool and that if you make it through life won't be as hard in that same way
Kirara 🚗
>It Gets Better is an Internet-based 501(c)3 nonprofit founded in the United States by gay activist, author, media pundit, and journalist Dan Savage and his husband[1] Terry Miller[2] on September 21, 2010, in response to the suicides of teenagers who were bullied because they were gay or because their peers suspected that they were gay. Its goal is to prevent suicide among LGBT youth by having gay adults convey the message that these teens' lives will improve.[3] The project has grown rapidly: over 200 videos were uploaded in the first week,[4] and the project's YouTube channel reached the 650 video limit in the next week.[5] The project is now organized on its own website, the It Gets Better Project,[5] and includes more than 50,000 entries from people of all sexual orientations,[6] including many celebrities;[7] the videos have received over 50 million views.
we got up and left as soon as we realized and felt super awkward
Dan Savage is really funny
why not stay
Kirara 🚗
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I don't think Pan is suited for that kind of environment tbh
write a paper on natural language encryption and informatics and hope it's taken seriously enough to build leverage
Fun fact
Two of the 26 google results for "natural language encryption" are posts on /moe/.
Kirara 🚗
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Kirara 🚗
are you gonna do that?
Oh I get three /moe/ results when I click "include omitted"
been working on it for a while kinda
he is a dear but i dont really think it would be a fun time
we arent the target audience
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (470 KB, 1024x1024, Type_79_costume1.png)
I recently read this really interesting article.

So what you mean by natural language encryption?

*what do you mean?
in your professional opinion, kirara, +atk/-hp or +def/-spd for vanilla chrim
>living termites are used to suture wounds
How does that work?
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (297 KB, 1024x1024, UMP9.png)
That really fascinated me so I looked into it.
Apparently there are some termites with very large mandibles and they get the termites to bite the wound which kind of pinches it closed, and then they take off the termite's body, so the head has its mandibles locked in place and can't release the pressure.
They do it with ants apparently, too.
that actually dors sound kind of cool if a little horrifying
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (326 KB, 1024x1024, UMP45.png)
>Soldiers have a medicinal use. For surgical purposes, they are used to suture a wound (Rwanda: Toro). The mandibles of the soldiers are applied to the edges of the skin which are drawn together over the wound. When the soldiers bite, their bodies are snipped off. The row of mandibles is left in place until the wound heals. Ground soldiers are also rubbed into cuts made in the forearm in order to make somebody a good boxer (Zambia: Tonga).
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (332 KB, 1024x1024, OTs-44.png)
It's really an ingenious method, albeit probably horribly unhygienic.
Maybe the people that use that method are better at fighting off whatever terrible bacteria the ants carry.
Kirara 🚗
depends on your build
if you're going brave chrom i'd say +atk
a more defensive chrom might benefit from +def but in general i guess i'd go with +atk
+def would also be better for a support chrom i guess
yeah looking at builds thats kind what. they recommend
the idea of steady stance/breath wall chrom amuses me but it feels like a waste to throw away his big atk
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (307 KB, 1024x1024, Zas_M21.png)
It might be fun to do a music playlist exchange like a secret santa thing but for music playlists
on /moe/
i hope you like metal if you get me
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (141 KB, 512x512, Rescue_Fairy.png)
the idea would be to build a playlist of music you think they'd like
i could go through the things we might both like
whats a rescue fairy dies it function the same way
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (372 KB, 1024x1024, MG5_costume2.png)
Increases your luck for the next character you rescue.
When a character drops after combat, it's called rescuing a t-doll.
oh that chrom isnt +def he is +hp
oh cool
My guess is that the wound
Being closed is more beneficial than the
Err helps more than the bacteria exposure hurts
Kirara 🚗
Fair enough.
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 750x1334, 8551D12C-CA65-4ED2-98FB-6F7ABAD0B18E.png)
Kirara 🚗
i got kana
That termite article is really good
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dynamic signalling in organic communication systems
Kirara 🚗
Right? It's super interesting and written so well.
Can you give an explanation that isn't so terse?
Or give me a link to a paper that explains "dynamic signalling" as used in this context and "organic communication systems" in this context
If you give Kana a katana, does that make her a Katakana
you can replace organic with emergent if that makes more sense
the developing signalling landscape of emergent systems
the term language isn't about human spoken language, but the signalling functions that evolve organically from a system's entropy progression
dynamic in that the signalling patterns expand from local systems and are influenced and changed throughout the global environment through feedback with other systems
Okay that makes a lot more sense.
it's going to take a lot of finessing to make it comprehensive to people that aren't me, i'm aware
i don't really know where to begin with that
i'm influenced heavily by claude shannon's work on information theory if that's not obvious
Unfortunately I'm not well veversed on his work
i think you'd really like it
here's a primer you'd probably find interesting
It's on my backlog
I know i have pdfs of his stuff somewhere
wait that's only one pagef
fucking cocks
here we go
I should probably print that out.
I'm certain I've read part of that paper before
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welcome home rika
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hello hello
Kirara 🚗
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How do I get my BST higher in FEH?
I'm to the point where I'm winning everything but can't move up to 20.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 600x600, DYSnqp_VMAEQC64.jpg)
Add +'s.
Add unique weapons.
Add blessings.

One unique weapon is worth like 3+ for a character without a unique weapon.

That's why I'm working on that high + Seliph.
Unique weapon and easy to +.

The more SP the skills cost, the more BST you get, too.
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Do the base BSTs from the old system for each unit still cost?
Kirara 🚗
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Base BST is the unit's stats added up without any skills or weapons.
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I'm using lots of armored units and unique weapons and stuff and merges but I can't get more than like 706-708
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are you using an in-season blessing + legendary?
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Does being in season help?
it seemed to for me
it was an 10-ish point bonus when it was in season, otherwise not
i doubt it was just a matter of ike vs fjorm
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (248 KB, 1024x1024, K5_costume1.png)
It does. I previously claimed it didn't, but it does.

Post your team.
it also heps you kill good
Kirara 🚗
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By the way, using an armored unit doesn't really matter anymore.
A low BST mage with a unique weapon will contribute more to your team BST than an armored unit without one, unless the armored unit is like +2.
A low BST mage with a unique weapon at +2 will contribute far more than that armored unit.
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my score being high enough for tier 20 was shortlived
but julius sure can put in work
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hmm, it's like
well I'll look in a minute.

I think this may be the issue, because I have Corrin and Amelia, who don't have unique weapons.
Kirara 🚗
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My V Hector/Grima/Fjorm/Seliph team gets up to 718.
Hector and Grima are +2, Seliph is +3.
My Seliph is very powerful.
Unfortunately, he's not done yet, though.
the julius lene valter fgrila combo is only missing one unique weapon

also valter with 40 speed before buffs and swift sparriw is whew
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (290 KB, 1024x1024, JS05_costume1.png)
I play defensively so speed isn't important for me.
I just hit hard with counter attacks.
If you don't kill my Seliph on your first attack, he's hitting you twice with 51 atk, and then he gets +7 atk and +7 def going forward.
If he doesn't kill whoever attacked him with the counter attack, they get =5 atk /// -5 atk and def, so they're dead pretty much no matter what.
I don't have Divine Tyrfing on him yet, though.
So he's not full power yet.
I like that julius and valter can be mixed phase

julius laughs at anything ranged exepct powerful arrows and valter with def tactics can tank some melee hits and slam them back with a special usually

lene can pseudotank when she isnt dancing
grima is the only real weak link just because everyone else does her job better
but she does have vantage dragonbreaths to soap people with
Kirara 🚗
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My Grima just uses QR and gets +10def/res when being attacked melee.
And +6 def from def tactic.
my grima is the carrier of def tactics for me
in theory julius could have it but his seal is distant def for being tankier himself
Kirara 🚗
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For me, whoever has the highest value for that stat gets the seal.
Kirara 🚗
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Or skill.
I don't usually use the seal because I have the skill.
i do have a def tactics available but i finished the deal
i could give it to valter who has the highest def but he currently is my res tactic user since his is so low it cant really be salvaged
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do you think what guides an individual's interactions is more a construct of intention or a precipitate of affect
Kirara 🚗
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What do you mean by guides?
the impetus for interpersonal interaction
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I cannot STAND the sight of Reinhardt
the next time he appears before me, he WILL die
sorry, it's a dumb question
Kirara 🚗
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I'm just thinking about it.
I want to say it's a precipitate of affect.
Being removed from interpersonal interaction seems to invoke unpleasant affect
Actually solving sudoku puzzles manually makes it easier to think about how to do it.
I just realised how you don't have enough clues for certain positions.
i think so too
Yeah, familiarity with the method is an important step in creating a programmed method for solving them.
like I can see that position can only be either 7 or an 8.
but I can't decide if it is a 7 or 8 until it I get more information
maybe I can use that?
Like store that it can either be a 7 or 8 and when enough information is found fil l it in.
but I wonder how you store that sort information while then moving on to the next one.
the brain does a lot of stuff when you think about it.
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>>513215 →
>>513215 →
