Hisone to Masotan --Episode 6-7 Caligula Cardcaptor --Episode 17-20 Comic Girls Devils Line Full Metal Panic! Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-7 Hinamatsuri Nil Admirari Rokuhoudou Shokugeki no Souma Gun Gale Online
a sledgehammer seems like a pretty good weapon for mech duels
Yeah, get a good whack on a structural joint and down goes the robutt. As demonstrated I guess.
photo guy has a point it's not very cinematic when he just smashes the competition literally
>Good Smile Company
haha he's sleeping under the fucking bed
He was doing that the first night he slept in that room too. Guess he has a thing for under beds.
it's like he's a professional at mech battles or something
Yeah, I mean, Sousuke, what ARE you doing. Your girlfriend's been abducted and here you are playing mecha colloseum.
Hah hah this guy.
Copping an insolent attitude to a cop, huh.
Man Sousuke lays on the wit in situations like these.
i had to take a shower did i miss anything important
Sousuke got arrested on false charges by corrupt police and bartered an agreement to rig some of his official mecha battles so rich fucks don't lose too much money betting against him. In exchange he gets to fight illegal battles where he'll be putting his life on the line. He's talking to the orange-haired girl and apparently he wanted to get into the illegal battles all along.
Double slime >>508784 That's right. >>508784 Yeah she's pretty cute. Mechanic girls have a certain charm to them. The illegal battles are also related to the evil bastards that stole his waifu so he's going after them with a passion.
Notkyo ghoul
episode 8 right? >>508775 nami is a cupie padoodle though illegal battles where it's kill or be killed is more sagara's style anyways
The vampire teeth in this show always look so uncomfortable.
Yeah. The big bad asshole guy seemed to know his dad too. I bet he set up a fake story and made his dad look like the villain.
i wonder if his dad was framed yeah that's what i assumed too
i need a few minutes to take care of something
Oh his dad's not dead. I kind of just assumed that I guess. Maybe it's more the bid bad manipulated events into getting his dad to go beserk and vamp it up on everyone.
okay tasks complete that took a lot longer than it should have wow >>508834 i had to show my mom how to do something on her gmail and i don't use gmail that much
i just realized the OP spoiled the plot twist all along
Well Pita has always been kind of rival-y. The sheer degree of nutcasery she has was unexpected though.
I like Fukajirou.
i hope she starts blowing things up soon
>Female characters are rare here But you get your gender as your character, except in extraordinarily rare situations (like Kirito). I guess it's just not a popular game for girls.
M would probably be a good fit for her
Wow Fukajirou.
>>508848 Shame he's got his eyes set on a different crazy.
>Terminal isn't an Immortal Object So the stunt LLENN pulled to win the first time around won't work this time. I guess you don't need it intact to win the battle royale but you'd be playing at a huge disadvantage if yours broke.
commie girls? >>508881 >predicted sales what did he mean by this
ohh pre-orders i forgot people pre-order anime in japan
where is franxx sales-wise? >>508882 i was enjoying it but the new character made me enjoy it a lot more >>508881 hold up hoozuki was last season or was it split cour
Wow, aside from Uma Musume, which probably has mobage bonuses inflating it, GGO has the best predicted sales this season so far. >>508880 Sales threads on /a/ follow pre-order rankings for BD volume sales. Naturally that's not a proper demonstration of sales, but considering the entire running season from a glance it's a decent prediction index. I'm not seeing FranXX, but I think this list is only covering things that started this season. The order is: Uma Musume, GGO, Persona, Amanchu, LOTGH, Steins;Gate 0, Lupin, FMP, Hoozuki, Comic Girls, WotaKoi, Hinamatsuri, Highschool DxD, Nil Admirari, Rokuhoudou, Gundam, Golden Kamuy, Last Period, and onwards.
it must be really hard to reject kaos so many times
>>508880 Ah, I wasn't watching Hoozuki so I didn't know. Most of what's on there is stuff originating from this season though so that should be the precedence.
>>508881 sad to see golden kamuy so low but otherwise it seems as expected ATLUS fans sure are rabid
The dumb 4chan "ranking" the guy who's posted the rankings has Kamuy in the "Warning tier" whatever that means. So I guess it's selling enough if just barely. Or predicting just barely enough sales.
Hah hah hah. As ridiculous as this is, Tsubasa's trick for remembering names could actually be kind of effective. They'd probably need to put more practice into it though.
>>508924 Yeah let's do it. They were all really great this episode but I think Editor-chan wins out in my heart. I'm way too sympathetic to struggling with being honest.