Thread #509699
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Hisone to Masotan --Episode 6-7 3D Kanojo Black Clover Cardcaptor --Episode 17-20 Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-7 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Mahou Shoujo Ore Rokuhoudou --Episode 7-8 Shokugeki no Souma Tokyo Ghoul re
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hello I've informed Ika that it's anime time.
anime is jan around
Today is Tuesday, and like all recent Tuesday, he's likely to not be around on Tuesday.
black clover rokuhoudou souma 3d kanojo
Kuso Kuroba
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yes, black clover okay lets start!
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aww yeah it's captain We got to see him in action.
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Captain is a cool guy.
d a n c h o u
Giving Asta a battle lecture while blocking the Gates of Babylon.
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Oh, he's going to get a ki powerup.
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He's expecting him to learn something really abstract really fast.
That's the kind of guy the captain is. He's kind of had a "do what I tell you I don't care how hard it is" attitude the whole time.
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Even though she's the focus of the OP, tsundere princess girl hasn't been around a lot lately.
She was a bit of a comic relief in those filler-y episodes. Not around much though, yeah.
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rokuhoudou 7 oh yeah what episode of that are we on 9? mahou shoujo ore okay lets start
We could maybe do Mahou Ore instead. Since we don't watch that with Jan. The most recent one, episode nine.
Back to the actual aidoru.
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That's the first time we've seen too much from those idols.
Saki using the opportunity to get some points in.
I wonder if this -yup. It's the glasses. And the kind of possibly-illegitimate aura they've got
No publicity is bad publicity, eh.
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Looks like those two are joining the team. Kind of ironic since she was looking to upgrade her girl power.
Upgrading girl power by transforming into a buff dude.
Hah hah the Yukarin one is really into the act.
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Looks like they're rivals.
Wow a mahou shoujo without RABU POWAH gets old fast.
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Looks like their combo has a gay one too.
She's a dangerous combination of tsun tsun and too self-absorbed. I guess you got to be honest with yourself to have some RABU POWAH
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Making Yukarin play the characer that's getting too old is kind of cruel.
Maybe she's finally broken and she's doing it herself because of the cruel humour of it. It's probably a cruel joke though yeah. Man everyone's calling it out.
i like yukarin the most shes suffering
Kokoro gets to actually be like a proper Yakuza again.
Oh wow.
The character designs in this ED are so nice. I wish they'd been a bit more in this style than how it is in the anime.
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Yukarin's character is super cute. souma okay lets start!
Megumi has this pose she always does, hands halfway clenched, held up to her chest. People in threads have mentioned it and now I can't not pick it out when I see it.
Both Souma and Erina kind of have imperfect images of Souma's dad. Erina's only seem him as a professional chef and doesn't know his tendency to goof around and experiment. And Souma's kind of the flipside.
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They both seem to be catching on though.
These look kind of good, even if a little "fine cuisine"-y for me.
There hasn't been as much of the goofy cooking in more recent bits of this series. It's nice to see a return to form.
That meat didn't really look "well-done" to me.
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Chefs always like things a bit more rare than everyone else.
Cooking Guru-jii-chan is fun too. He got side-lined when Erina's dad came along and it's nice to have him back.
shes hyperventilating
She tears the hands off the bear for oven mitts. Doesn't really have the right to whine about him zipping it up and down.
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I bet she fights back this time.
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okay 3D kanojo okay lets start!
The bitchy one is a good ingredient in their friendship dynamic.
Kids can sure be vicious.
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I'm guessing her issue she doesn't want to talk about is that her sickness isn't going well.
Oh this is all a mess.
Nanja kore
>I don't want to cause you trouble but I'm going to trouble you by smashing your density with a sledgehammer
She's so great.
hes too nice for his own good
You got to squash that kind of thing before it grows deep roots.
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Thanks for anime!
Ami go to you