blue what the fuck man how do you do this so new york city is a city and manhattan is a city within new york city? and then in manhattan there's a city called alphabet city? what the fuck did you do
Forget Infinity War, THIS is the crossover of the century
infinity war isn't even crossover, though
Isn't there a black powder puff girl now? Like the professor locked her in vr ethics training or something because she was too dangerous. Like X from MegaMan X .
Uh, I don't know who you're talking about after reading your description Did the new show get another few episodes or something? >>510235 Like buttercup is green, or black black=
Also did they remove the secretary character? She wasn't listed in the powerpuff 2016 characters article
I guess she retired or something
It's a reboot though
>As a response to a rival's creation of the perfect little boy, Professor Utonium created Bliss out of sugar, spice and everything nice like the original Powerpuff Girls but using Chemical W (as opposed to the other Powerpuff Girls who were created with Chemical X), which gave her unique psionic powers (telekinesis, short-range teleportation, and energy) that neither her sisters nor their original counterparts possess, beyond the regular strength, durability and flight that all the Powerpuff Girls have had. Her unique abilities are difficult for her to control and she sometimes loses control of them when she feels any form of emotion. hahah
Time for a slep so I can go to work and maybe I'll even get a contract with money involved Not expecting a thing, but it'd be hella nice to finally have money
Goodnight moetacchi
Oh and this "bliss" character is OLDEST of the ppgs
>>510251 well ofc she isn't in the new show she'd be "problematic"
>>510268 Last night, I spent like an hour thinking about downing a bottle of vodka before I fell asleep. I could almost taste it. I was thinking about it all day today, too. I almost stopped at a liquor store on my way home. I really want to do it. I haven't read/listened. I'll go look.
>>510270 joan is kind of competing right now so i picked up some alcohol to try to shut her out i'll tell you what though if you don't relapse, i'll pour this shit out and surrender that fight and just stop straight up here for good you and joan can take some kratom together and chill out and watch videos and i'll go to sleep for a while
i know i need to stop too, so it's whatever tldr don't do it, and i'll quit rn
i want to feel the thing i miss the most and every method i have to cope with it takes me further away from even remembering what it is and i'm not sure what it is i'll pour all this shit out no point even keeping it in the fridge it'll be ok it's a mistake no matter how you look at it
I was trying to teach this 10 year old little shit to identify his emotions today, and he wouldn't cooperate. I was trying to get him to recognize bodily sensations associated with emotions. So I gave an example of some of the physiological sensations I experience when I'm sad and asked if he's ever felt that. And this little shit laughed and said no. I was so close to losing it. His mom fucked everything up by revealing that she recorded him in secret and wanted to show me to prove he was lying about not screaming. I shut it down and got her out of the room, but it was too late.
>>510281 He's been very open with me before today. He's interested in aircraft design, starwars, and the Pacific War, so we've built a lot of rapport on our mutual interests. But his mom fucked everything up. Now I have to rebuild rapport again. Mothers are the worst.
children are taught to feel shame from their emotions from the earliest of ages of course he's not going to open up about shit to the demographic he trusts least -- adults
no wonder the kid can't make progress there the mom is blackmailing him into shame fucking bitch
my phone got bricked today it wont turn on or factory reset
funny you mention that, though i just spent all day on focus groups of a major housing facility in nyc regarding tenant retention because they keep raising their rent every year and fucking over their tenants and in midmanhattan too where rent's already like 5k/mo
>>510285 They agreed to lower my increase from $100 to $60 because I'm a student, have never missed a payment, and have never had complaints about me. And one time I helped the property manager move her golf cart out of the road when it broke down. It's ridiculous. The company that owns my apartment has a policy of raising rent by 10% yearly.
>>510284 I can't wait for the day when landlords are hung from the trees.
I mean atleast they did agree to lower it I sometimes consider about the landlords consistently raising the prices don't they realise it will mostl ikely cause the current tenant to look for new places forcing them to find a new tenant then I mean, i have moved TWICE because of increased rents so far in my life.
For example, here there is "common cost index" loosely translated, that monitors the cost of basic living expenses and as it raises/lowers, for example basic benefits are raised/decreased so rents can be raised according to that but never once has there been a case, where a landlord lowers the rent, because living expense index decreased instead of raising.
If I moved out, I'd have to go into an apartment that's only like $100 cheaper, but it also doesn't have running water or a working stove. The apartments in this area are miserable. I was lucky to get this one. It's one of three apartment communities in this part of the county that are livable.
>>510294 About the size of a studio apartment, but with an extra room.
so what 70-100 squaresm2?
for $700 a month we've got a bedroom, kitchen, living room, one bathroom, storage closet, pantry, and an upstairs loft bedroom location is a big factor in the states manhattan you can get a studio apartment for like 3k saint louis you can get a four bedroom for like 1k
Everything is pretty crappy! I could get a more reasonably priced apartment if I was willing to drive 30 minutes every day. I'd probably end up paying the same amount because of gas, and I'd be polluting a lot, though.
>>510304 added travel expenses rise my living from the 477 to about 550 a month, but that is still like 100-200 cheaper than any appartment would cost anywhere in the capital region
you'll've got mail
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
can confirm, am suffer
why do you have words rise and raise meaning similair but different concepts fucking annoying
Because it allows us to distinguish one as an action
like imagine if dye ment to die violently and die to die normally
This isn't an academic thing. I'm technically in a leadership role in the Democratic Socialists of America. I'm only involved because I'm using them as a stepping stone, though. I actually despise the DSA.
>>510329 Time changes have never bothered me very much. I'm trying to keep a regular sleep schedule because establishing a routine is good for depression.
>>510329 huh? at this point atleast this north there is barely any night left
Also what is with socialist + democracy or "people's republic" when they are never really about democracy and people >>510335 just read the post wrong nvm
>>510332 you're like seven hours ahead of me whatafux are you talking about
>>510331 the time is the same, but it gets dark way later i mean because of the latitude
>>510333 Yeah. They have done some good work, local chapters, have. The DSA in Houston, Texas are still fixing people's homes for free after Hurricane Harvey destroyed them last year. Some chapters do things where they repair people's break lights for free. The only reason I'm involved is because I want to get a group running that can work to help people in material ways, and because I want to use them to establish a presence as a free mental health clinician for people with certain struggles, after I get my Master's. So far it's working well. I got access to a dedicated space now. The space doesn't have any cameras and I can access it at any time, which is a big bonus, even outside of my goals. But DSA as an organization is an eyesore. Everyone in national leadership is an idiot. They don't want to have any democratic processes for electing leadership and want members to pay $10 every month for no reason. The downside of being local leadership is that I have to play along and go to stupid trainings like the one this weekend.
>>510336 Oh, that makes sense. It gets dark around 8:30 here.
>>510337 help how do i stop bad impulses there's a crossup here i think i switched too fast and some of the information is leaking to the wrong side
>>510329 I love living further north in the summer for that. In the heart of the season it can be 21:30 and only sunset 'round here. On the flipside winters are so dark and I hate that though.
>>510342 They all identify as communists, but none of them even really are. They're always bragging about how they've made gains electorally in the country, but all of the members that have been elected have gotten elected by literally being Democrats. They're all idiots who think you can actually make change in America by voting. It's really gross. I'm probably going to be the only person at the training that doesn't consider themselves a communist.
>>510340 I've been trying to use grounding techniques lately but they haven't done me a lot of good.
I'm an anarchist. I don't call myself an anarcho-communist because I don't think communism is completely realistic or anything. I'm an anti-capitalist, though. I use ancom imagery on Twitter because people won't understand my reservations with communism, though. I don't think there's actually any hope for a better society through communism or capitalism. I don't think there's any hope outside of cataclysm. My goals generally revolve around making life less painful for people while they wait for a mass extinction event.
>>510343 i normally fragment for safety but it didn't happen this time all moon's peripherals are just out in the open and it's difficult to not pry into stuff that's probably better left unexposed it's giving me strong compulsions to do something i shouldn't do intrapersonally and interpersonally making my heart palpitate in apprehension
also will is kinda small fora blacksmith I mean it would be weird to get the actor all buffy just because background is "blacksmith" but just a tiny thing
nice I got my pay for the latter half of this month hmm still bit lacking to declare myself in the black uuu
i really wanted to order a big toasted sub from marcos and a big greek salad and have it delivered even though those things are each nine dollars, the total order ends up being 27 dollars between tax, delivery fee (which the delivery drivers don't get) and the tip that corresponds to the pay cut they're getting while taking a delivery to compensate for what the employer is not paying them
i can't justify that wastefulness for a sandwich and a salad 18 bucks woulda been all right probably but that's just too much ramen and buttermilk it is
Yeah, ordered out food can really rack up in expenses. It's rough because it's fun to get food you don't have to make yourself some times, but it's so expensive that even treating yourself to it some time can be too much to merit paying.
i just don't have a vehicle i would much prefer to go to the grocery store and pick up a roast with some garlic and onions and patatas but i can only do that at other people's leisure, or get a Lyft/Uber and pay 10 bucks each way?? fuck that
Some of the people I ate out with last night, they were about a half-hour walk from where we ate at and caught a rideshare. It was kind of weird to me. I talked with them about heading over with enough time for them to get there before the reservation, but they dallied and instead paid the price of a rideshare to travel the distance. That sort of thing feels like wasting money to me.
yeah, especially so if you're calling a lyft to take you to the grocery store so you can save money over ordering delivery and then order a return trip with groceries and wait
groceries factoring in such that you're fundamentally limited to the volume of your shopping in such a scenario it might be worth it if you were doing a month's worth of shopping and getting 250 dollars worth of stock supplies so you dont have to go out again but aint nobody gonna roll up and haul your 40 bags of groceries home with you
>>510368 yeah they did it a couple days ago I guess I just listened to it and it's good except the guitar drowns out the chorus
I'm really kind of tired of the saturation of that song and how long it has persisted. Like I'm sure Toto's a decent guy but he had no understanding of the monster he was unleashing on the world.
>>510245 well he's from that generation and there was such a stink kicked up about the reboot surprised you didn't know yourself
>>510371 I'm also from that generation. I just didn't hear about it.
some of the scenes are really awesome but as a whole it's a little less memorable than the first film the house of mirrors scene is still my favorite sequence in the series though
>>510430 He abandoned us a long time ago. He created His wonderful machine and then let it run without him, but now it's old and needs maintenance, but there's no one to do it.
I thought he was tormenting us I wish he'd go away
>>510439 How did you even break it? I've climbed mountains and fallen down steep hills with mine on. I've punched my ha hand through a wall with it on.
>>510440 I woke up today and a curved crack formed inside the screen. I have been super careful with it, No idea why it cracked.
I think the crack must have been a defect in it.
Is the replacement worth getting, I don't know how likely it'll be to have the same defect again or if it is even worth spending money
>>510443 I've never heard of a defect like that happen in a Fitbit. I'm banking on it being an occasional manufacture defect. What I'm imagining, is that the glass wasn't put on at quite the precise placement, and once it got sealed in as the device was assembled, the pressure slowly started adding up. And then eventually, crack. I'm pretty distanced from this of course, so take this with a grain of salt.
Oh that might be fun. I was listening to some stuff concerning Sparta in a historical podcast recently. Though that was in the time of the Persians, so if they're moving chronologically from Origins onwards the high point of the Spartan history would be kind of in the past. I wonder what it will follow.
>>510449 It developed a curved crack from the top to the bottom. The rest of the screen is devoid of scratches or anything to suggest damage. Also its not so much glass as some kind of plastic I think?
>>510451 They showed someone kicking someone else into a pit and the logo is the stereotypical Spartan helmet so I imagine it'll be before Origins, even though that seems weird. >>510453 I agree.
>>510452 Yeah, that sounds like a build up of pressure to me. I think sufficiently durable plastic would produce a similar effect, but I'm not certain.
>>510457 I imagine we'll get more details in Ubisoft's segment in the upcoming E3, so I'll see if I can check in to see that live. The time of the Persians would be more interesting for Sparta so I kind of hope they go that way, even if it's weird.
>>510466 Sparta facing off against Persia is kind of overdone in my opinion. And I feel like I've seen enough Greek architecture to last a lifetime of AC games.
>>510485 I only said it was wonderful because the cycle was complete with the repeat the pay back line. And also because tilde has good tastes with yellow abomination.
>>510489 Countercounterpoint Who said Word of God needs to come from a god or a master.
well regardless, if tilde -- or someone pretending to be tilde -- can post that cringey image then i get to post one (1) memion image i think that's only fair
>>510494 Honestly I'm not going to infringe on your freedom to post Memion images, you just looked so excited to respond as if I hated them that I had to give it up to you.
>>510503 the image bothers me so much that i was projecting that everyone else would be equally distressed by it
Why would two bara dogs loving each other bother you so much?
Without addressing your question at all, I'd clarify that I was referring to the memion image
>>510496 The first time I saw this image I was really confused because I thought he was talking to his tattoo and didn't realise he just left out "artist"
>>510509 I was pretty distressed by it I hope that satisfies you somewhat
>>510526 i feel like earnestness is the key to feeling fulfilled
>>510526 I already kind of see it happen in some places. People reach for meme-y reactions even in situations where they probably should be more earnest and, well, decent.
Memes have become some meaningless social interaction, like the rules we had //we have for how to engage people that are left overs from victorian times, social faux pas and shit. You have to engage in an exchange as some sort display of membership to something and if you are earnest or legitmate you stick out as not belonging or belonging to an older membership online.
>>510540 yeah i'd agree, but currently it's not a smooth manifold there's contextual boundaries in that it's pervading only one platform and isn't bleeding outward to occupy more organic platforms my concern is the social obsession that comes from trending social media and compulsive response that will incentivize fragmentation of the organic platforms
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
"performative" is a word that gets a lot of use nowadays
There are so many terrible things that can happen to an unborn child. What's the point of millions of years of evolution if I still have to worry about all of the horrible things that can happen.
My dad is cursed, and I'm cursed even worse than him. My kid is probably going to be even more cursed than me.
Your dad's not cursed, you're not cursed, your kid won't be cursed. Curses aren't real, fate is non-existent, there's nothing about what has happened in your life that is going to affect some non-existent fate of a kid that comes after you.
>>510599 And if you're going to insist something that there's no point in arguing about it. But it's still entirely incorrect of you to presume that's going to be the case.
All of my stories are too adult for a kid. I probably won't even be able to connect with my kid. I'll probably be overbearing and ruin their childhood.
You'll just have to censor bits and put them back in when they're older
i think i would be a good solo parent i can't have a real child though so i'm hoping to create an AI one in my underground facility
I enjoyed playing with the little baby, it was fun watching him smile and grab my hair and hands. children at 7 months old are super cute but if they were older I am not sure, I think I got a little attached to baby when I was with it, I felt sad when I had to leave texas.
My mom's side of the family is going to treat my kid so poorly They'll probably hate him for existing My mom will hate him for being part black. My grandmother will hate them for not being born of a Jewish mother.
>>510628 My mom's side of the family lives 30 minutes from me and I have two years until I can leave.
I don't you'd let your mom's side of the family do that.
i wonder if i could get a job as a nanny my motherly instincts are getting pretty primed i'm good at taking care of things i'm "mentally ill" though so i'd never be allowed to
>>510627 A two // the child isn't even going to be two years old, they aren't going to be able to traumatise them in that time. This is all really hypothetical though. >>510636 I really really hope your family would not do that.
>>510634 You can kill a baby in like a second with just your hands. My mom could poison them like she is my stepfather. There are a lot of terrible things that can happen. >>510629 You'd be a good mom.
You should not spiral into negativity, if you can't trust your mother or other people you just make sure they will never access to the child. That might not be easy but in any case you have to focus on a more immediate future than that
>>510638 I can't realistically prevent them from touching my child unless I'm willing to risk having people with a lot of money who are incredibly dangerous and evil after me.
>Hunters will also earn the same rate paid to district hunters: minimum wage plus $50 for every four-foot snake and $25 for each additional foot. Anyone want to go live in the Everglades and hunt Burmese pythons
>>510680 I guess that's a no. What will you do if both Fish and me are taken by Nigeria?
>>510679 do you get to keep the snake afterwards a four foot python is worth far more than 50 dollars if you either taxidermy it or harvest it for resources
>Contractors will be paid monthly by the FWC for python removal efforts based on hourly rates ($8.25/hour for surveys conducted on Everglades and Francis S. Taylor WMA and Everglades National Park; $15.00/hour for surveys conducted on Holey Land, Rotenberger, Big Cypress and Picayune Strand WMAs and $15/hour for responding to survey requests). Contractors also will be paid $200 for removal of each active python nest that has been field verified by FWC. For all submitted pythons, the FWC will make an additional payment per python of $50.00 for pythons measuring up to four feet, and an extra $25.00 for every foot measured above four feet (see illustration below).
>>510701 If you collect enough moral support can you exchange it for morale support?
i wouldn't know i never had any
Yeah me neither.
>>510704 I think it would be neat to travel to parts of Africa and see what it's like there. Maybe not Nigeria though. But it's probably not something that's remotely concerning travel for pleasure for you, eh.
Yeah, skipping out on my classes to go find my missing sick pregnant girlfriend in Nigeria isn't quite the kind of African adventure that appeals to me.
Oh fuck, there is some sort of huge spider in kitchen, I trapped it in a glass.
what kind of spider?
No idea, it is huge. it has a huge scorpion like body and is red. I have goosebumps
spiders from your area are probably dangerous is what my gut says
>>510718 looks more like an ant >>510722 there are some big ants
I was thinking that too, but it's got eight legs. Or ten? Are those things at the front legs or other things? Ants have only six legs anyway, I believe.
oh god, I put it and the chopping board outside. Fuck.
>>510729 I don't know much about the camel spider but it is horrifying looking. all the spiders I am used to seeing are small. I hope it isn't poisonous or anything
It's an arachnid, but it's not a spider. They eat bugs and sometimes small rodents. They go really hard and will fight just about anything, but they're not venomous, generally.
Yeah, the wikipedia article says despite called a kind of spider or a scorpion in some common names, it's not a proper one of either. But it sounds like to me that they've gotten the worst of the both kinds.
>>510732 how to gaslight someone having a traumatic crisis and then blame them for having a psychotic break
I need to put socks or slippers on around the house, that was really not nice. I have never seen something like that before.
how to litter an imageboard with egg shells how to make sure nobody cares ever again
I don't really get anything like that up here, but I'm still stepping gingerly once summer comes around. Ants weasel their way in wherever they can. I don't like squashing bugs unless I absolutely have to.
>>>/@koumeposter/1002438425868423168?s=19 >>510746 It's mostly like packaging and stuff, same place I've been so far I'm gonna apply for the job I've basically been doing so far, but they still don't see me as able to do that entirely on my own so for now I've got packaging and forklift driving and such
>>510745 good job good on you What sort of work is it
I'll be getting like $22 an hour
>>510745 Well that's good isn't it? You'll be able to just start working without having to adjust to new work
>>510745 Congratulations on climbing up the next step in the machine.
Peanuts in ice cream are one of those things that don't really make sense to me. They already have a rather subtle flavour to them, and cold temperatures dull your sense of taste. It effectively means you're chewing on flavourless bits of nut.
>>510748 according to some article I read norway has good pay like the average was $20/hr equivalent
>>510751 It adds more texture to the ice cream by contrasting against its usual soft nature
>>510752 I mean on that pay alone you're pretty much at a living, full-time wage. That's the sort of pay that you could probably start saving for sustaining yourself on, at the least.
>>510748 Yeah it's pretty good I can actually pay the bills and stuff at home now
>>510754 On the other hand, it also adds a component to ice cream of having something that will get stuck between your teeth. Something you wouldn't have to worry about with conventional ice cream. I don't think the things you gain are worth that horrid nuisance.
>>510753 Yeah our unions and stuff have been very strong for a while Norway has like top tier standard of living, so just having a job means you make it, usually
checking out a hipster cafe got served by a guy who looked and sounded gay or msybe it was one of those famed soyboys
I don't know why but the way that guy is hunched over was really amusing to me
>>510781 oh god noe i noticsd him top he is even more amusing rl
It's quasimodo
business man of notre dame
this is a good latte and cheesecake, but >plastic plates >plastic utensils >serving all customers with plastic/papercups 4,5 for a latte and i don't get a proper mug ugh
angle of straw looks like up his nose
☑ Hunchback ☑ Soy latte ☑ Goblin hands ☑ Macbook Y I K E S
what arr goblin hands
but this is a good cheesecake
>>510788 you know really gnarly looking gangled up goblin hands
>>510794 reminds me of a cafe i went to in dallas that had a coffee table made out of a spool for industrial wire they didn't even sand it down or polish it looked like they just went and got it from the fucking dump
Seeing how I only want those other two for their skills, that wouldn't bother me in the slightest.
Sanaki's Def/Res Link is legit. And I can ALWAYS use more Atk/Spd Bonds
heh, nordea. my bank, moves its headquarters from stockholm to helsinki, and registers its main operative oart as a finnish corporation loooots of income taxation our way fuck you swedes
I like Sanaki.
>>510811 i sometimes browse my friendlist abd wonder which ones are rando addiyions and which ones are drunk additions
>>510817 Noice I'm always up for Sweden losing money.
>>510820 amusing pary they dug this hole themselves: they raised company taxation so much that several big companies went "hmm it would cost us money to move, but long term save us a ton" every ecpnomist was "if you do this, companies will jump to cheaper eu countries" did the government listen, naw finland is actually quite business friendly country, though nothing like say uk pr luxembutg or netherlands
>>>/@jendlouhyhc/1002386812038414338?s=19 Wow, after Trump destabilizes the energy industry and we start having rolling blackouts, I'll finally be free to live out my primitivist fantasies.
It's cool that he suddenly decided to heavily tax European imports from the US and some other ridiculous stuff, too.
What is he thinking?
it is fucking retarded but i dunno i just somehow find it amusing
>>510841 well tarifs exist to protect domestic industry he imagines protectong those sectors will give them nee boost as us companies needing the materials would be required to buy domestic but 1. can us companies match demand and quality 2. even if you buy domestic, will it be cheaper and stabilise the industry and create jobs 3. protectionism at mpst in this dsy and age is a stop-gap measure and never a permanent or healthy fix
i bet donald trump's palace is really cool like a massive golden tower with 500 floors and when you get to the top you see some kefka looking God/abomination
>>510843 so it might be beneficial for metal and cosl industry short term and actually give a boost to the evonomy, it would be artificial and be like temporary high oil price fueled economy for the opecs once it ends shit hits the fan
so it isn~t completely insane thing, other presidents have done similiar things too but in the emd protectionism is anti-capitalist and anti-free market move and will just promote corript and unhealthy business practices
but i don~t think any single president has hit the tariff hammer on so many directions in just one term, though
my smoke alarm won't stop going off and i can't even reach it without a ladder Lazarus won't eat or drink if it's going it's giving me a migraine i was feeling pretty good this morning but i guess im not allowed to live unless im living in terror haha can't let me get too relaxed can't let me enjoy life a little! if i leave and they don't come to fix this today, Lazarus will probably be too scared to go eat or drink ill get back and he'll be dead under my fucking bed fuck my head hurts why can't i just die already, why does my life just have to torture me i can't even escape the alarm if i go outside someone will probably hear it and call the fire department and they'll break in and destroy my home
it's fucking 3 meters up the wall jesus christ what did i do to deserve this life
i threw things at it until it made a whining noise and stopped i hope i broke it oh there it goes again
all of my afternoon plans are ruined this is my life now
Could you see if any of your neighbours have a ladder.
they don't
None of them have a ladder.
that's right people don't typically keep ladders in places like this so it's not particularly surprising
What about your landlord. Maybe keeps a ladder to go about fixing problems they don't want to hire someone to fix.
ive contacted maintenance there is a dedicated maintenance crew but i can only submit work requests online
Can you not go out and get a ladder? Like put a note on ypur door that says "broken fire alarm" or something. Or tell your neighbors. (pre emptive rebuttal against "people will call the fire department if I leave")
i don't have a way to transport a ladder from a store to my home, nor do i have time to do that
How many brooms and mops do you have?
one of each and ive already tried that
Taping them together?
Try bending a wire hanger and putting it at the end and hook it.
i can reach the smoke detector with a broom but i have no way of manipulating the smoke detector there are no buttons on it, no obvious place to manipulate a wire will do nothing i would have to remove it from the wall which i am not able to
i am just going to have to cancel my weekend plans and sit at home and wait for maintenance to come
It's not screwed to the wall its attached to a mounted plate
I was gonna say try slsliding it off but you won't be able to manipulate it that precisely.
i just turned the electric off it's done now
Oh it's one of those
yeah i didn't think it'd work it's on the same circuit as my AC for some reason it's going to get so hot in my house, i can't do this for long or my cat will die
Good thinking
Also there are telescoping ladders ...
>>510893 That sounds like really lazy installing though. Fire alarms shouldn't be only dependent on your house's electrical grid.
Oh I guess maybe someone could lift you up or vice versa Bit of a stretch I guess
You're going to hate this but you could try contacting your cohorts and seeing if any of them have a ladder Even worse you could call your mom
i don't have time i have tto leave for a meeting right now and then i have to get back at 4, leave again for the weekend at 4:30 if i have to cancel my weekend plans i might as well just wait for maintenance and wallow in my terrible life
>>510901 See if someone can take care of laz Like literally ask a neighbor Inb4 you don't have time
none of my neighbors are trustworthy, that's ridiculous Lazarus is the only thing keeping me even slightly sane right now the only positive thing in my entire life i can't risk anything happening to him
So you're going to Then you can't go to the DSA thing
Glad a conclusion has occurred
same brings me great joy to be living this utterly torturous life
Just go pet your cat
i can't. i have to go to a meeting.
At least leave a note on your door saying "fire alarm is broken" or something.
well it's not going to go off i just left a note telling maint i turned off electric
Actually is it a fire alarm, a carbon monoxide detector, or. do they even make dual-purpose devices for that? But if so, one that can read either. There's no fire, evidently, but it can be near impossible some times to detect carbon monoxide levels in human means.
I get that kind of thing on the Canadian Amazon site too pretty often. I'll be looking at, I'unno, computer cables and all of a sudden I'll see a totally unrelated plastic doodad pop up.
i broke the alarm so i can keep the air on and still go but im so stressed out now i want to drink so bad this weekend is going to go really badly idk why i even try to do anything i should just hide away in my house forever or just go live in the woods