This girl is one of those typically stupid otome protagonists.
Yeah but it seemed like a choice moment. Like you can pick a guy or pick none. There could even be a joke pick like that dumb fluffy mascot or the reporter guy her friend is crushing on.
you guys are as slow as me no wonder i always show up just in time >>509373 hello aliove imgay
Hey don't lump me in with those nerds. I try to expedite things if I can.
Apparently Caligula is some kind of JRPG actually.
Ika please.
hello i am aliove
Oretachi no JUSTICE
>scoffing >they're actually just hanging out having friendly hotpot
Oh the pigirls are back.
How poetic, the escapist dorks that want to stay in this matrix forever are unhappy or too stupid to be otherwise, and the ones that want to escape are enjoying their lives and finding happiness.
they really need to force these crippled kids to go back to reality and stop escapism it's not healthy
poor guys are going to basically die when muse looses
what if they get out of mobius and it turns out the protagonists were all created by miyu anyway so they just destroy their own universe >>509402 maybe killing people just ejects them into the real world
Maybe it's Highlander and the last one alive gets to be a real boy.
now that she's out of the picture we can focus on the good characters
Hah hah hah. I just realized in all the times the main three girls are having a rough time, the bartender lady is either the cause of their struggles or is idly walking by without helping. In the OP I mean. Mishima is studying and the bartender is forcing her to. Anzu's getting her money yanked by her. Hina's getting soaked in the rain and she's just walking past with an umbrella.
>this holy man for whom death is not a concern >This apex predator
Hah hah it was Mishima's umbrella. She really has the absolute worst luck.
Man this girl that caught Hina being a psychic is really into this.
I think I mentioned it last week but it's really neat realizing how many characters you now recognize that have been in this shot from the first episode. Like Embarrassment Overload-chan and Supervisor-chan are in it and I'm only just noticing.