I'd like to see that spray painted on a train car.
>>509073 This might seem open-ended and weird to answer then, but do you have any particular thoughts on the "ontogeny recapitulates phylogency" theory?
>>509080 I was wondering if that was the case. My professor's brought it up a couple times, but I've always found it felt, kind of like it belongs more in a story, not real life. Feels like people were looking to hard for something that sounds nice and interesting as a narrative and weren't inclined to consider that narrative doesn't really explain real life, only simplify it.
>>509084 It probably feels like that to you because that theory is based on a religious principle and was popularized before Darwin's theory of evolution became known. The assumption of the theory is that God set a strict hierarchy of beings, where, for example, fish are below birds, and birds are below humans, and humans are below angels, etc. Some people tried to bring it back after Darwin's theory of evolution but it still didn't really check out. Today, we know enough about embryonic development to be certain that the theory false. Your professor seems to be very interested in old and dead theories.
>>509086 I was finishing up the reading I needed to do on Freud today, and even though he considers himself atheist a lot of what he writes still feels to me rife with Abrahamic faith undertones. That kind of feels tied into that religious principle I guess.
And yeah we've been kind of heavy into what I'd consider "old philosopy" more than anything. We started briefly on Plato's Allegory of the Cave and then did a bit on Decartes and his philosophies, and now Freud. There's been some value and interesting bits to what I've learned but it's also not really what I was expecting and wanted out of the class. Though in the second half we're moving documentary and history material, which is more to my expectations for this Non-Fiction class.
R/a/dio has api but it doesn't have a python wrapper for it. I wonder if I know enough to write one myself, interacting with json is a bit of pain.
Nagi This manga is good. https://mangadex.org/manga/23806/madowanai-hoshi It's kind of like Moyashimon but with the solar system.
>>509087 Plato and Descartes makes sense, but moving into Freud seems like an odd progression to me. Where does recapitulation factor in to that?
What did you expect to get out of the class? Mostly historical writing?
>>509090 He first brought up recapitulation when we were talking about Decartes. I'm a bit murky on the context, but I think it was in a lecture part where was talking about how Descartes argued the existence of God after establishing "I think therefore I am". He talked about disregarding religion, there's certain things we can be certain exist because all the evidence points to their existence even if their existence is in itself not actually provable. He mentioned the theory of one singular originating language from which all languages we speak owe some degree of inheritance from, and I think - particularly murky here mind you - that he drew parallels between this and the recapitulation theory.
I didn't really sign up for the class expecting philosophical debate and lecture, really. Even if we'd been told to read at the least Plato and Descartes and just get a lecture on why they formed these beliefs, I'd be fine with that. But asking dabbling students to debate stuff that has been laid out and considered over for a long time feels a bit unfair. The professor also has a Nietzsche unit put together, though he cut it from the class for time this due -whoops. He cut it for time. The class description kind of insinuated more historical writings and stuff like news articles, informative reports, and stuff more like that. The philosophy kind of came at a blind-side to me.
>>509091 Does the course have philosophy in the name?
Does it really count as philosophy if it's just a shitty hypothesis by people who had actually no idea what the fuck they were talking about, about an observable physical phenomena?
Like if I say grass goes through stages during growth where first the seed is actually a tree and then becomes grass, that's not philosophy. I'm just spectacularly wrong.
>>509094 I think philosophy is about random reassigning definitions. For me Philosophy is a lot to do with bounds and how we define those bounds and also proving definitions of things, we know something is something but how specifically do we define what makes it that thing. but like philosophy is a very broad subject in any case.
>>509091 That's really strange. I don't think it's a bad thing to know those historical theories which are today known to be false, but it's weird to bring them up outside of a conversation specifically about the history of a subject, too. Talking about there being a singular originating language is really weird, too, because there's really no evidence that points towards that or any other theory of the origin of language.
It doesn't sound like a particularly valuable class. That sucks.
>>509097 I don't think it's all bad. Even if the material is deprecated or proven not particularly applicable, there's been components here and there that I've filed away to maybe toy with in fantasy writing I might do down the line. Salvaging reality is a great way to find scrap for writing. The professor's entertaining too even if he seems kind of hokey, and like I said, I'm kind of banking on things "normalizing" in the second half of the course. It also hasn't been particularly hard so far, though I'm dreading the ever-present research essay as always.
>>509112 I know I can read it easily but it was parsing that I was worried about but the structure is really straight forward.
>>509111 I think it's neat in the sense that it's narratively tidy, but yeah, I don't think it's applicable to how spoken languages evolved in super-early human history.
People get paid to write terrible code. It's nothing special.
They either get paid to write terrible code, or get paid to copypaste someone else's terrible code.
It is amazing to me how you can have a method to do something and it is basic and simple but someone else can have one that is more efficient but is so difficult to understand. my code is so gentle compared to the brain hurting code some people produce. I haven't got the level of attainent to understand a lot of things
>>509134 This is what I wrote just now for the radio function. super basic.
Neat I find application programming to be sort of too much for me. Like I can do math stuff real easy but making a gajillion interactive thingies just seems so obtuse.
>poirot plays monopoly
how old is that board game?
Quite old, 1930s?
this ep is set in 1935
Monopoly was released that year.
It was based on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Landlord%27s_Game
Yeah, I was considering whatever it is might've translated The Landlord's Game into Monopoly since they're pretty interchangible already. But Monopoly's release date works out in the end.
It's quite ironic, the og Monopoly game was designed to be a game that satirises capitalism and well just look at it now
makes sense why they are playing it it is a new fad
>poirot keeps 444pounds 4 shillungs and 4 pence
>>509145 It's amazing how well it turns out. Even the fact that it's such a shitty game satirizes capitalism a lot. It's a boring, unfun game for anyone who's not winning and once you get lucky and start winning it's so easy to snowball. People since then have invented rules to try and make it fair again for the losing players, even if it's still a pretty unfun game regardless. The "balancing" rules also are what make the game drag on for so long. Everything about that game is shit. It's amazing.
Poirot is my favourite of the murder mysteries. I love watching it.
David Suchet played a really good poirot
poirot is getting schooled in monopoly
If I had a time machine I wouldn't mind going to the 1920s England. watching poirot makes me want to see all the buildings, fetes, societies There is or was a lot of stuff hanging around when I was a child that harked back ages ago since I went old victorian school with not replaced for years and years. *nothing. woodworking rooms with journals from student and teachers from 1900s onwards.
I fucking loving the theme song. Ah I want to watch it again now.
there's only one ep saved on the tv hdd
poirot gets reaired here every year
Yeah it get reaired all the time here. all of agatha's murder mysteries do but I haven't had a tv in ages in the UK. if you have a tv license you can watch it online on the BBC Iplayer as you like I believe. or ITV player
I watched it mostly online.#
damn fox is airing phone booth tomorrow why couldn't it be today
did london have a chinatown?
Probably still does.
Yeah and it does still have a chinatown. The chinatown in london historically had chinese mafia and such in it I've forgotten what they were called
I think Detroit: Become Human is actually a very good game. It's well-written and many of the choices you have to make are fairly stressful and feel like they have long-reaching consequences that change the course of the story considerably.
>>509179 I don't know about the endings yet, but there are certainly real choices in the story that have to effect the ending. For example, if a main character dies, they stay dead for the rest of the story.
>smug poirot finally beats hastings in monopolu >>509187 >dubbing
Poirot is the best.
why the fuck wouöd you dub anything live action
When I was in France as a kid a bunch of English stuff was dubbed in French.
>>509191 all central europeans lack brains to read that is why they dub
wow, do you use finnish subtitles
there aee sybs but i dom't read them
huh i could watch a 30 min documentary starring my uncle
All I used to watch when I was younger on the BBC was Miss Marple, Poirot, Murder She Wrote, Diagnoses Murder, Columbo and probably others. I really like that style of programme, especially ones like poirot. Theres a Japanese one I really like as well called Furuhata Ninzaburo which is a bit like a Japanese Columbo
>>509196 aside colombo we sure watched same stufg did you watch german shows like zwei or old fox?
>>509199 Columbo was on Channel 5 so was a bit of a rarity. I don't think we got much from Europe. At least I have ever heard of Zwei or Old Fox? Worth watching>
>>509226 If you want to could order you a dominos or something if they deliver to you.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Like I can make burgers
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
In theory I could make a meat sauce for a pasta then
Well for this you have to cook the meat, drain it (least important step), mix in the spices and then some water. And cook that until it boios then let it simmer all while stirring it intermittently.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I was around for that I think I helped make the taco stuff once.
Capture a while *wild taco and hunt it for its meat.
hmm 25 mins in and first commercial i thoyght it was 30 mins before first...
Right I understand how discord rejects messages larger than 2000 characters. so I need to catch messages larger than that and somehow split or discard anything after 2000 characters
I'd like to stay and play with python and my discord bot but I gotta go to some thing with family
I like taking a bit of time during the mid-class break to watch the city through the windows. They overlook a pretty busy part of downtown so it's neat. Plus the pigeons always rest on the windowsills outside. They might be filthy creatures but they're pretty birds.
I have a picture but no upload speed.
>>509250 I always thought the way their necks are coloured is quite pretty
>>509255 how are you doing? i saw your twitter thing but my phone has been off and i couldn't text anyway i thought you would be bothered by getting in your space
>>509257 I'm sorry, which tip was that again? The liquid diet?
>>509258 I'm alive, but I wouldn't say I'm doing well. I'm sleeping a lot, which is helping.
>>509259 yup i mean your condition is mental, but all vomitninducing diseases are treated with that and ofc other medicibe, but liquid stuff allowd it to enter yerr system faster
I started using some psych techniques to keep myself calm enough to avoid vomiting, so I've been able to get solid food for a bit now. I bought some soup, but I didn't need to use it.
keep in mind if you fancy yoghurt, that is a good product too
>>509280 danke >>509281 arigatou >>509282 gracias >>509284 merci >>509283 I'll start as a barista, but he interviewed me as a shift supervisor/assistant manager kind of thing, and said that i'll work through the summer as a barista for sure, and probably have the opportunity to move up later if i'm proven to be capable
Starbucks, at least up here, comes with some pretty decent perks for working there. As far as it goes they seem to treat their employees decent on a relative scale.
>>509286 do you think it'll be much better than the old job
René !XAVIERbeiQ
perks is always a good way to decribe coffee benefits
i just wanna work somewhere that gives me free chicken tendies in exchange for GBP
>>509289 Up here I've I've heard employees can take home a packaged bag of coffee once per month/week. Can't remember which, but I think either one is a decent deal at the least. Definitely a perk.
My tablet pen Was at. Worl
Work? Didn't you realize that yesterday?
René !XAVIERbeiQ
>>509292 my mind only went to bagged milk and how much a headache that would be but once a week would be pretty good I'm inclined to think it's the former though
You just get one of these. They last forever, and can be used to mix ingredients you want to pour into something if you're not currently using milk bags. The milk bag fits snugly in. The bags are pretty durable. I've fumbled them out of the fridge onto the floor and never had one burst.
Honestly it is a bit of a pain to replace. If you want a quintessential Canadian story, on several occasions I've thought about posting on /moe/ about this. When you replace the bag, you gotta pull the old one out and toss it, get a new one from the fridge, drop it into the holder and make sure it's in there deep enough so not too much of the bag's sticking out, then snip a corner off the bag so it pours. People in my house always seem to leave just the barest bit of milk left in the bag and I feel like I'm mostly the one who has to replace the bags when I want some milk.
And so I've considered posting about it on /moe/ to complain about it but I figure it's the kind of story no one's really gonna relate to, so I never bothered.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
idk about you guys but in my country our milk comes in a miniature cow and anytime you want milk you place a glass or cereal bowl underneath the cow and when you lift the tail, milk comes out of the udder and I'm also making all of this up
>>509309 I feel you except for ice cream tubs instead
Also while I'm bitching about milk bags, while they -are- the most cost-effective way of buying milk in terms of volume per dollar, they're kind of unenvironmental. The only part you can recycle is the outer bag the milk bags come in, I don't think the actual milk bags are certified for recycling. So in using them you're contributing additional plastic waste to landfills, which is a kind of bother to me. If I had the freedom, I'd probably pick the milk cartons myself if I was shopping for myself.
i wish i could buy milkbags the jugs take up so much room when you're done
1) delicious 2) doesn't get shit all over your hands
I'm kind of finnicky over eating anything by hand. Like there's probably flour residue on those tortilla shells that I'd have to get up to wash off if I ate while game. I mean I'd still totally eat them while gaming they look delicious. It would just interrupt me all the same.
I dunno they are usually pretty dry on the outside unless you butter the tortilla i can't stand eating anything that leaves grease or residue on my hands while i'm playing games i can't get my controller dirty the buttons and shit will get slippery
I think I've gotten worse with feeling like there's shit on my hands as the years have gone on. It always feels like I've hypochondriac'd my way into being almost neurotic about it. Thuogh -Though if not for being on the computer so often I guess it wouldn't be a big deal, at least for slight feelings. But I'm always aware that shit I have on my hands will transfer to my keyboard and mouse so I'm always washing them once they start feeling a bit unclean.
>make manga about marx work >get bucks capitalism ho
Well we do live in capitalist society
>>509517 hey now don't get too hasty i'm reading the free version typeset with ms paint translated from apparently portuguese judging from these sfx that they didn't replace
>>509531 The last time someone died on the railroads here, it was a suicide as far as I know Years back
>wow there's not a lot of blood >yeah because the heat from the wheel cauterized it ...thanks guy >>509536 No. I didn't see it happen. But we got called out to go assist and I saw him under there. Luckily he was on the opposite side of the train from the platform because we didn't have to see the actual body extraction.
>>509534 Yeah, that's how it goes. I knew someone that was dragged underneath a train for a mile and he survived (albeit disfigured) because his wounds were cauterized by the heat.
Do you not have fences or something? What the hell >>509541 What the hell Clipping a fence to the railroad here is a crime I think Everything's fenced in if near where people like, walk
>>509540 This was in an underground station. And he was a trainee. He was on the train. The speculation is that he might have been between cars and slipped through the side gap while the train was in motion. So he... rolled
>>509540 We don't believe in restricting people's freedoms. Like freedom to walk in front of a train at any part of the railroad track because there is no barrier or fence at all anywhere
>>509544 Yes, the US is indeed one big death trap. If you have enough children, some of them will survive, though. It's the same principle as sea turtles. Most of them are killed by predators on their first trip to the ocean after hatching, so the turtles have so many that there are high odds at least several will survive.
>Starbucks Racial Sensitivity Day >feat. Common Lmao
>>509547 this has to be intentional >>509548 don't worry though they put fences around the depots to prevent homeless people from taking shelter on the trains too much
>>509550 Sometimes they put broken glass in the empty cars to help with this, too.
>>509553 eventually we will just shoot trains out of concrete shells to guarantee that nobody hitches rides or survives trying to
>>509553 That's ridiculous Someone's gotta clean that up Do they just smash a few bottles in the car and clean it the next day?
>>509556 Yeah but someone has to actually go into the train cart and pick up the broken pieces before passengers arrive right?
>>509559 oh okay whatever disregard this I suck dicks
>>509555 It's no big deal they'll just dump it somewhere or worse leave it at a recycling center where it will never get processed due to higher income of salvaged glass than output of recycled glass
Yeah. You can just dump it. You can put stuff on top of the broken glass, too, if you're transporting boxes.
I have heard that some of the newer cargo cars have spikes on the bottom of the cars, the kind people put on benches to prevent homeless people from sleeping on them.
In a lot of cities, benches have spikes in the middle, vertically. They are doing it on curbs and stuff sometimes, too, to prevent homeless people from loitering on them. Anything you can lie down on, generally. It's a newer development.
This is America. All you have to do is complain to the city that homeless people are disrupting your business, and they'll update the public benches with taxpayer dollars.
Government, mostly
>>509563 Nothing exists for you All is for profit accumulation
>>509561 good thing i live in a low income neighborhood and it's going to take twenty five years for any change like that to reach me! i bet they probably have that kind of shit around the sports stadiums though
Did you hear that the Bitcoin network now uses more energy than 175 countries?
>Here comes the snake Here comes the snake Here comes the snake Here comes the snake Here comes the snake Here comes the snake Here comes the snake Here comes the snake
>>509577 That sounds wrong. I heard it uses .5% of the world's electricity. But its not simple to estimate things like that.
Hey everybody. Please don't go between train cars to Urinate thanks
>>509580 I'd rather they do it there then inside the train car.
https://bato.to/series/10688 >Sick of the trickery in the royal court, former knight captain Hans now serves at a remote station in the countryside. But his peaceful and idyllic days end when some Japanese people with superhuman abilities suddenly show up. found a fun mango
start my work, transcribing some studio quality stuff, so real sensitive and delicate audio
all of a sudden BARKBARKBARK right into the microphone dog trauma and how much i hate the sound of sudden barking because it makes my heart stop aside, that just plain hurt my ears really bad fuckin off to a bad day already
they say a storm is coming, what about in winland?
tana is the girl from FE8 i think?
I think if I were to join the game again (I might probably not) it would be nice if i get to collect characters i actually remember. when the game just debuted the main charas were from the NDS games.
Been spending the day doing stuff outside, mowing the lawn and washing the house and stuff, had a few beers, and chatted with my dad about THE CAPITALISMS, sports and other subjects
So just the other day I was thinking "hmm havn't burnt myself recently, that is good" >putting pizza in oven >hmm I can't get a good grab of this 200c grill with this glove >hey what if I just slightly nudge it closer with my other hand >nudge it closer >*beat* >the fuck am I doing? >hand under cold water the weirdest part is always how I don't even really feel pain from this when it happens
I always feel it but I never remember that it hurt the last time.
but I raelly like my decision making part of brain >what if I grab hold of this hot grill with my unprotected hand, because I don't want to grab onto it loosely with my protected hand, so accidents don't happen
what I miss most is firegestures
and tab mix atleast tab mix is under develpment to be working someday
>12€ for 10 gram pack of nettle seeds what... why would anyone PAY for nettle seeds? just fucking grab one from the wild and plant it the fucker of a plant will prosper on any soil and getting rid of it is impossible
or maybe it is food
huh, growing, harvesting and I guess "processing" weeds is a business now Well good many weeds actually have a lot of good things in them or can be used for quite surprisingly many things
Hmm I smell smoke I wonder if there is someone burning something, but then I should have smelt it more oft, or did someone use the yard grill earlier and the smoke still lingers or... is there a forest fire somewhere nearby
>>509687 I don't really know how I feel about this. It's not really what I wanted from a new Pokemon game.
Oh wait there's still a new core series game coming next year. I gueeeessss it's fine then. I'll keep an eye on this one and see if the content in it seems fun enough to get. Going back to Kanto might be fun.
So that in mind, do any of you know some good original xbox games?
Metal Wolf Chaos
I never had an original Xbox, so I don't have much experience. Only ever played Halo I think.
René !XAVIERbeiQ
Yeah most people I would guess have played Halo. >>509742 >The game revolves around a fictional President of the United States named Michael Wilson. Using a suit of powered armor named Metal Wolf, he battles forces who have taken over his country in a coup d'état, including his nemesis, Vice President Richard Hawk. That sounds pretty cool, I hope I can find an iso.
Try Jet Set Radio Future That Conkers Bad Furday remake
The Betheda stream is still a slowly changing shot of a Vault-Boy bobblehead. Right now it's sleeping, all tucked in and lights off. I wonder if there'll be a media release tomorrow morning.
there's this guy at work that idolizes the joker he's also an actual cuck coincidence?
>>509821 >Idolizes the joker Tell me more about him he sounds funny
I don't really talk to him much but he's got the good ol "ha ha ha ha" tattooed o. // on his arm with the heath ledger joker right above it >>509824 two of his friends have been telling me about how his girlfriend constantly cheats on him for a while now when I asked why he's still with her they said it's for the kid, but the kid isn't his
How do you know he's a cuck?
What a cuck Also I eventually fell asleep I dreamt that I went on an alien spaceship But all the aliens were engineers.
the AC at work is broke so I brought a box fan from home to help cool my coworkers down since they kept complaining out of four people only one guy even said thanks fuckers i should have just let them die
I'll thank yoy *you Thanks for bri ging the fan in. *bringing
>>509829 Well that might be fun. West Virginia doesn't strike me as somewhere that would have been a particular bomb target though. Wonder where fallout might be.
I'm starting off pretty critical of it. They'll have to work hard if they want me to feel excited about it after Fallout 4.
if one of the ten first mods isn't a Soldier 76 outfit I'll be upset
>>509833 Apparently some guy from Kotaku is reporting that if people are expecting 76 to be a typical single-player RPG, they're going to be disappointed. On one hand this isn't really what I find interesting in games, on the other hand, typical single-player RPGs aren't where Bethesda seems to want Fallout anyway. I'm curious at the least.
Also the guy said to expect some online component.
>>509835 It wasn't an rpg, really. And it completely contradicted a lot of the lore the entire series is built on. They basically started to retcon everything from the original games, even though New Vegas established those as canon in the Bethesda games. The writing was really bad and on PC, it was purposefully made to run slowly on AMD chips. It had insane memory leaks on release that rendered Boston unnavigable for the first few months the game was out (for AMD cards).
No information on that is available. The trailer is heavily with talk of "reclaiming the land" though, so it might be something of a survival style game. >>509841 Yeah, and the clock on the Pip-Boy has a date set almost exactly 25 years after the bombs fell.
FO3 established that 76 opened 20 years after the bombs fell So it may take place long before the more recent games If they use this game to reconcile some lore, I will be happy
>20 years after An entire game inside a vault, wow
no, 76 opened 20 years after
Yeah but I would assume we're not going to be playing as a corpse
Considering it takes place somewhere far from any prime nuke targets, it's possible that it takes place somewhere that had relatively low radiation levels.
In New Vegas, you can go to Zion National Park, and large portions of it aren't irradiated because it's so far from any targets.
Well maybe we'll play as a Ghoul. West Virginia probably isn't as irradiated as much of the Fallout America too though.
>>509848 maybe if they add some mountain climbing mechanics haha instead of jump up over and over slowly gaining altitude up a hill
Yeah, that's true, hah hah. I wonder if they're still using the ancient engine. If this isn't a single-player RPG at all it could be something like a city-builder/survivalist game that could use a different style of engine.
Judging by how quickly this is coming out after 4, I'd be surprised if it was a new engine unless they've been working on the engine for a while and chose not to do 4 in it for some reason. I would appreciate a new engine, though. It desperately needs an engine that can handle high res textures.
>>509852 >it will have dark souls like multiplayer
>souls Old and busted it'll have a battle royale zone
>>509853 I could see them having had a new engine on the back-burner for a while maybe, and it just not developed well enough for Fallout 4's release. But I don't know anything of how engine development would go so that might not even be how things would go.
Maybe 76 will be a smaller game to test how a new engine handles lots of greenery to prep them for developing a Valenwood Elder Scrolls game. I as always, remain hopeful.
Maybe 4 was going to be in a new engine, but it wasn't done enough, so they threw everything into the old engine and released that.
A game that takes place so close to the bomb fall is an interesting decision because it kind of necessitates a world that isn't completely in-line with the aesthetics of the series.
Yeah, one of the things that piques my curiosity. For all the fun things in the Fallout games, I hate, hate, HATE the aesthetic. Every is ramshackle and half-broken, and everywhere is almost always a muddy brown or grey. A departure from both those things would be appreciated.
I am skeptical, but willing to be open to it if they can convince me to trust them after FO4.
>>509859 In New Vegas, there's Jacobstown which is on Mt. Charleston, at elevation like 9000-12000 feet or something, which was basically untouched by the bombs. It's very green and snowy and nice.
a hot box of hyper-competition and shithole level corruption must be fun to live there
>>509861 Yeah, I guess it's not fair to say the whole of the game are like that. They all have had green moment amongst the dreary. The post-apocalyptic mud is still by far the presiding terrain of the games though. It's just so depressing for me.
where have the fall out game taken place in usa anyhow I think fallout I think desert
1, 2, have taken place in California. New Vegas somewhat near...ish in, well. 3 takes place in Washington DC, and 4 around the Boston area. There's a particular West Coast/East Coast divide there.
>>509873 I dunno that sounds like a wild fan theory
>>509874 The bombs targeted places of cultural and populace focus in America. As the nation's capital and a major city, Washington DC and Boston didn't stand a chance
Yeah, only areas with high populations or significance were targeted. The Las Vegas area survived because House shot down many of the nukes because he was an immortal computer capitalist and wanted to live forever and keep making money.
Both coasts were devestated. 1 and 2 say that very little even exists on the East Coast anymore.
House's actions protected the Hoover Dam which allowed the Vegas area to continue with normal electricity.
That's why New Vegas revolves around the dam. NCR, who were founded in 2, want it to help power California. Caesar wants it because he's evil and wants to conquer.
>>509883 I wonder how the landscape would change short and long term if a massive dam like Hoover broke
MonHun Elder Dragon that hasn't been in a major game in like a decade. It's more of a griffin if the griffin had a lion's head though.
>>509892 Oh, that's cool. I didn't hear about that.
>15 billion in gold, silver and jewels in a sunken ship on Columbian waters
Yeah I heard about that last week. Apparently there's confusion over who "gets" the treasure. Does it belong to Spain, since it was travelling on a Spanish treasure ship? Does it belong to the countries that Spain pillaged in the colonial era to get the treasure? Does it belong to the guy who found it, a marine scientist working for a marine scientific organization? He didn't want it and wanted to give it up, so does it go to the foundation he was working for? A marine science organization could do a LOT with 17 billion gold.
>>509897 That seems like a strange confusion It's obviously Spain's. They stole it.
>>509897 >Does it belong to the countries that Spain pillaged in the colonial era to get the treasure? this is kinda silly to say, since by the time it sunk, those kingdoms hadn't existed for centuries
also it isn't "Pillaged" it is just mined
Legally, the nation in which the treasure sunk generally gets to claim a large portion of it, if not all of it. There's a lot of sunken treasure here in Florida, on the Treasure Coast, where I grew up.
>>509903 I say pillaged because they came in and enslaved the local populace to do all the grunt work.
>>509904 That is general maritime law yeah "on whose waters it lies, gets to decide first" >>509905 too bad by 18th century, they were dead so it was indentured slavery and african slavery then
war of spanish succession Is amusing how secure the spanish national budget was "let's hope all of this valuable shit from the colonies makes it to the main land or we are bankrupt"
not to mention they dug themselves into a deep hole, by bringing over SO MUCH silver and gold, that their value collapsed collpasing their economy
spain has a long history of self-owns and just consistently doing nothing right
>started planning on making a silmarillion based wc3 map with friend >just realised that no matter how much planning I do with my former b.net mates I will be the one man studio once again doing all the work
>>509935 Myrrh Cordelia Ninian and Adult Tiki It required some bad tinkering though I gave Myrrh daggerbreaker
I really wish this bus would arrive at :17 like it says it should and not some time like :12 or something. If the bus you're driving is five minutes ahead of schedule, you're not early. You're off-schedule.
Fuck I gptta deal with Kickstarter bullshit. I need to change my shipping address for a thing I ordered like two years ago but it say my backerkit accoubt doesn't exist. I had been putting this off for a while but the deadline is tomorrow. Worst case scenario I go to my old house on the delivery date.
>>509938 Sucks when you miss the buss because it is EARLY
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>509938 shouldn't they have to wait? I feel like they'd get in trouble if they left early because they're not there at the designated time
>>509940 The bus loop runs on a half-hour schedule too, which means a -it's off schedule by a sixth of its run. Honestly I don't mind the extra walking I need to do to catch a more frequent bus. There's lovely weather right now and it's only like fifteen minutes. But this cuts down on the time I have before class tonight and there's some things I was hoping to take care of.
>>509954 i was going to ask if you were gale force do you iote’s
>>509957 galeforce didn't have the time to trigger not using Iote's either Cordelia needed at least +2 Atk to oneshot Ryoma with Brave Lance so I had her using atk+3 seal
im contemplating building tana i could foiresweep but i would need feathers that i just spent on my boy valter
A decent Brave Lance+ can end Ryoma.
hilariously the left archer survives a femorgan blast with 1 hp and killls her so that makes things unhappy
You guys hear about this? https://hackaday.com/2018/05/17/open-gaming-to-everyone-with-a-controller-meant-to-be-hacked/ I expect people to build some amazing controllers with this. And not just stuff for disabled people but I feel that real advancement in the field of videogame controller design could come from people messing with this thing.
Hallelujah I actually already fixed my Kickstarter shipping info.
One of the fun parts of being downtown is walking down a major street and seeing a guy walking past me with a large snake hung about his shoulders like a feather boa.
I don't blame you, you are under a lot of stress especially where the topic of your partner is concerned, it might felt really unsavory for you to have someone flirt with you like that in this current situation. Not exactly the best time to woo soemone when their partner is ill and your super worried about them
I don't think I'm ready to be back on /moe/ yet. I'm just going to have to disappear again. I just can't be a positive poster while I'm like this. You all know how to reach me.
I went out to Korean barbeque with some friends and friends of friends tonight. It was good. I ate a lot of cheap, tasty meat. Hopefully more than I paid for in the all-you-can-eat special, but I wasn't entirely keeping track. Still, I ate a lot of meat. I'm very full now.