Thread #510455
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Nanatsu no Taizai Cardcaptor --Episode 17-20 Comic Girls Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-7 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Megalo Box Rokuhoudou Steins;Gate 0 Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai WotaKoi
watch megalo box without me fam
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megalo box nanatsu rokuhoudou wotakoi
watch megalo box with me fam
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megalo box okay lets start!
Megassa Box
*Freeze frame* Yeah, that's me. I bet you're wondering how I ended up here.
using an AI kind of feels like cheating for a sport like this
I guess it's permitted though. All the Gear seem to have some kind of on-board computer or processing unit already. Guess they figured it's fine to have some kind of analytic program running as well.
I guess they don't see it as that big of a leap to use AI, but I still disagree with it
Eisu wa
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The AI will get him in the end!
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Looks like joe figured it out!
now he just has to punch without punching
That animation of Joe swaying just there was REALLY smooth.
that was a really cool shot this artstyle is so good
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The cross counter!
megalonai megalonia* time at first I was worried they would focus too much on how he gets to the tournament instead of the tournament itself, but now I like the route they took instead
Yeah, though I also expected the tournament to be, like, sixteen participants or something. Instead of the four it actually ended up being. So they can still give the tournament the attention it deserves.
Partying hard under a harvest moon.
Kakkate koi yo
it's a good ED
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nanatsu! I think we still need Ika, right?>>510583 You aren't Ika, are you? okay let's start!
retrieving jan please hold
ok oh gosh a mystery who is this mystery man with the golden smile
Banana Two A shocking mystery Anno.
banana treasure >>510572 I'm pretty sure I'm not ika I can't believe you forgot my beautiful face
nanana>>510583 wait who are you you're not jan you traitor
>>510580 staato
Oh yeah SUPER-STRONG golem was great.
escanor is so fucking cool
>>510588 I guess in some sense I'm a traitor
I think this was supposed to be a meliodas heavy episode which is good because like escanor, meliodas is really fucking cool
>>510595 are you rook
>>510590 fuck what time
>>510600 3:45
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>>510598 I think so
What makes you uncertain?
I'm uncertain about pretty much everything so why not this too?
escanor is a true buddy
It's kind of funny seeing him do fancy arm movements like that with two stubs. Oh nowall the arms are gone.
haha what is this dumb armor oh well there goes that
meliodas is just too stronk
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Oh, he's pissed.
Meliodas hasn't really talked to the Commandments with familiarity like he should before. I guess he was trying to hide that he's one of them, kinda?
wow he had that level of magic available and he didn't use it before
looks like it took a lot out of him though
Holy shit Meliodas is some kind of wyvern.
what the fuck he has the dragon of the darkness flame
Oh that looks like it hurt.
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Feels like Meliodas is so strong that the others could never even get on his level.
I think Escanor could at his peak. But sheer power probably wouldn't be enough to be par with Meliodas.
well shit I doubt he could take them all on at once
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Time for him to unleash his true, true power!
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time for him to get bullied
Maybe it;ll be a MIDGET FIGHT for a bit.
Oh the one that raised Elaine is still alive. I guess she's not magically back for good then.
Well damn.
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He could always just go berserk. I think he's probably stronger than the lot of them if he goes berserk again.
I'm aaaa comboooo staaaarrrr
Worked for a moment.
oh this guy is finally stepping in
Literally just stepping in.
just stepping on
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next week's episode when
wow they really fucked him up
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okay rpluhpudpi rokuhoudou also>>510660 bye bye oaky lets start!
rpluhpudpi go>>510660 manta ne i managed to download rokuhoudou 8 before ika showed up
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that's all for me bye bye anime thank you
Toodloo Rook. You should watch WotaKoi it's pretty cute. Ika please be alive again.
>>510659 >>510664 Hello hello are you two okay.
ITARIA I don't see why his attitude is evocative of Italy though.
He's bulllying students now too.
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viva boat
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this guy is insanely positive
Well with a dream like this you kind of got to be.
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gure the stampede
He certainly stampedes about.
OTOKO NARA It's a shame Rook isn't watching this either he'd appreciate that.
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daddy gure
Gure's a good guy even if he loves paddleboats WAY too much.
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what a cute doggie
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okay wotakoi! oh sorry okay lets start!
wokay>>510705 maybe it's all ika's fault omg my gosh slippinslippin
It feels like it's been so long since we've watched this show to me. I wonder what's made the past week stretch out so much in my mind.>>510699 Beep boop Time keeps on slippin' Slippin' Days go by and still I dream
Wannabe chuunibyou
Hirotaka and Naru are cute. It's kind of wild that Japanese offices have smoking rooms.
Kabakura has it rough. Lucky bastard.
Hah hah hah. He got caught up too much in his thoughts and got carted.
Narumi has it rough.