I hooked up my Wii and am trying to play Wind Waker. I bought it at release in 2003 and never finished it. I 'm so lost, I completely forgot how to play this and have no idea why I 'm on Windfall Island at night with no people around.
>>448817 The Wii is from 2006. Not that old, really. I only use it as a second Gamecube.
I remember last christmas I saw some old couple buy a Wii from retail. It wasn't even advertised as for sale. I wonder if they just have a bunch sitting around at EB games.
right fucking palm sunday well i have no doorbell - i turned the thing off and no candy to give to the witches anyhow guess i will continue lying in bed
a shame i would have loved to have a twig or two as decoration
I am still yet to play Twilight Princess.
>>448821 Same. I've never even finished a Zelda game.
president puigdemont from catalonia has been going from country to country in exile for months, escaping police after being expelled by the literally fascist Spanish government but the damn germans got him a few hours ago
this show is getting even weirder It's not just alternate history, there is also real magid shit happening
The nazis and the japanese empire split the US between them, and now movies from either the future or an alternate history, possibly ours, is showing up
Kirara 🚗
what show
the man in the high castle
Also potentially Japanese aura stuff is real Only one time has it actually like, been hinted at directly, but still
I love snow but I've only seen in by chance in Spring in Wyoming, so it was mostly gone, and on Pike's Peak up in Colorado. I saw snow come down in Denver once, and flurries out near Cripple Creek in Colorado, but never seen it come down enough to coat the ground. Pike's Peak was fun. I almost busted my ass walking on ice for the first time, but my friend grabbed my arms as I was falling and kept me up, haha.
i didn't get shit for sleep because this cat kept waking me up now i'm overslept and still have over 5 hours left to transcribe in under 24 hours so im not gonna get to sleep tonight it's fucking torture having a home office, bedroom, and my cat all confined to this 8-by-8 prison i am going to lose my mind if i can't change this up soon
my pals and i grabbed some snowballs and brought it to the courthouse and threw it at our friends as they were leaving i missed and hit a window and the guards all made fun of me the next day haha
>>448873 weren't you talking about maybe being able to get a place in the city again?
>>448874 yeah but every day is so hard here every single day it wears me down i'm just a little anxious from work and there's so much other shit going on that i dunno how im supposed to do this have to go take care of a bunch of cats and other dumb shit
>>448841 he eas about to be arrested here but the bureacracy and legislative machine were stuck by somple problem of "this dorsn't seem legal"
Kirara 🚗
yeah, i saw he avoided arrest there yesterday why has he even been moving around so much he should have found a place and stayed until he couldn't anymore and Germany? you go to Germany? while the EU is out to get you?? they got fuckin pseudo gestapo in germany
>>448877 he would have been stuck in custody for months had he been caught here lol
Kirara 🚗
>>448879 i woulda left the EU i guess there aren't a lot of places he can go though since eu is everywhere and russia wouldn't work for him and the other surrounding countries are the same brand of fascism as spain
"Kärnä says that he has talked to Puigdemont about a possible arrest warrant on Friday at a lunch. After lunch, they stated that if an arrest warrant was issued, Puigdemon would either have to register with the Finnish authorities or leave Finland for Belgium where the extradition process is already in progress.- President [Puigdemont] chose the latter and, in my opinion, rationally. The process of extradition would have lasted for a long time in Finland and would have prevented him from continuing to spread the message of democracy, human rights and nonviolence in the world. The President also confirmed to me today that in Belgium he will work in full cooperation with the local authorities, Kärnä says." machine trnslation
he got caught while crossing danish-german border i guess he was driving to belgium
>>448880 how are you feelin today? i've kind of noticed by the way that cigarettes quiet down that drifty consciousness with the pseudo-visions i've talked about in the past
"Spain is a country where the rule of law is respected, said Vice-President Frans Timmermans shortly after the October independence turnout"
Kirara 🚗
>>448881 that's pretty cool sounds like they were good to him >>448884 lmao yeah right
fuck spain
>>448883 im feelin a little better i got control at least i have never smoked
>>448885 belgium already shot down spain once and some were considering granting him asylum
Kirara 🚗
they really should spain has not acted democratically at all in this whole thing their people and government are just violent fascists you'd think the legacy of franco would be gone by now
well merkel got him is too late for him, jim #flip (false)
Kirara 🚗
imagine if he escapes custody that'd be badass too bad they'll probably put him in jail for a million years
he has his trial already tomorrow
Kirara 🚗
i guess we already know the verdict then sounds like kangaroo court
well he eill be expodited to spain and then spain can eat him in peacr germany has the legislation in place to insta deal with this kind of stuff afterall
>>448895 i dont see it helping you for anything really i think that it helps me but i'm pretty averse to addiction i go off and on them without any real concern or intention i've never tried to quit but have gone long periods without them without thinking about it i got some now to cushion me through the work period because i know they'll help but i dont particularly enjoy smoking them
It's not Japanese, which dies prove your point I guess. *does
Anyways it's a Chinese divination method.
Oh the sticks Yeah the trade minister does that stuff now and then, but it's not been particularly important seemingly He writes in Japanese and it's not translated, after he throws them or whatever I mean, so I dunno what he's divined other than the first time
Have any novels been mentioned?
Also fun fact: the I ching was consulted by the author when making significant decisions regarding the plot.
>>448923 The bible was important for a bit, that's the only book I can remember being mentioned
Anyways, Phillip K Dick is a damn good author so its no surprise that they made a great miniseries from one of his books. Especially considering that the book won a Hugo award.
Maybe one day they'll do a kyouko figure that detailed
You could learn to sculpt and make it yourself.
Kirara 🚗
it would probably be easier to learn modeling and painting and 3D print it and paint it
That might be easier, but it would be more expensive. It's really expensive to 3D print big stuff. For sculpting you can just reuse your clay. Learning both would probably be best though.
Kirara 🚗
good point
i wonder would i sleep better or wonkier if i took some kodeine pills
Plus in terms of worlkflows and techniques the process for making fogures the old fashioned way is a more mature field.
That's a good investment Also I found a job to apply for that I think I have an over 50% chance of getting. So that's good.
Kirara 🚗
good luck what's the job doin?
also, why are there two tharjas in fates?
Minor office work at a library
If I interview I'm going to be even more likely to get it because I'm very passionate about books and libraries and have a family history in literature, I won't go into the details but some relatives of mine have participated greatly in library expansions and non profits dedicated to expanding literacy in southern rural areas as well as organizations that bring books to underprivileged youth.
>>448956 nyx yeah why are there two like i read that rhajat is like some kind of reincarnation so theres that but why BOTH in the same game
Kirara 🚗
>>448959 well nyx is actually a pretty good character and super different but rhajat is in because tharja makes money and they reused a bunch of designs from Awakening and then explained them away as dimensional travel
If I get it I hope I can join a /moe/ trip.
>>448960 yeah from what little i have seen of nyx I like her I just thought it was weird since I would have assumed Nyx was the game's tharja clone since I didnt know about rhajat her personality is different but she has a very similar appearance
>>448960 I just realized something really funny about the term dimensional travel.
In physics and physical modeling, dimension implies units. Like you walk 6 miles. Miles are a unit. A number with out a unit is referred to as "dimensionless". So not traveling dimensionally in of itself means nothing.
>>448964 Im so not far into fates i was playing nohr and im like chapter 16 and i just started losing interest plus the patch not being done doesnt help so i run into all these untranslated supports
ToN, did you ever learn dimensional analysis?
It's also called "factor labelling" It's the thing in physics/chemistry/whatever when you always make sure to write the units next to your numbers so all the operations are done with the correct units.
Kirara 🚗
>>448966 yeah that sucks i think it was fine in the English i mean id prefer a better translation but the story is poor enough that a better translation wouldn't make it that much more enjoyable
Ten years ago I got it drilled into me by my chemistry teacher and he'd talk about how fformer students of his would contact him and let him know how thankful they were for him teaching it because its so important in science and engineering.
>>448969 I was in the mindset of "i want to poke girls in the face" at the time i think
Same.e Although I think about writing them. In that I consider how to write something abd think maybe I'll do it and then dont. Or just consider how to do it.
The guy playing hitler does a really good job, too
They're probably good for the local economy. Maybe
Kirara 🚗
yeah, that might be true they shake the houses and scare the animals, though, so it annoys me a little nearly every city in Brevard and Indian River Counties have air shows a few times a year probably cities outside of those too but i don't know for sure
>Did you know: Indian River is the seventh-highest-income Florida location by per capita income ($31,918). Neat, thanks google.
I can't stop sleeping. Stuck in bed for like, ten to twelve hours of the day. It's not even satisfying sleep, even after all that time I still feel groggy and sleepy.
16 more hours 12 if i can keep up this pace but i dont think i can
Kirara 🚗
good luck
Is the Nintendo Switch worth it?
Breath of the Wild looks really neat, but I can't think of another reason for one atm.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
You may want to wait until E3's announcements maybe There are some cool games like the new Kirby (which is short) and BOTW like you said. I haven't played Odyssey myself though.
>>449018 Oddyssey is a wonderful platforming collectathon. If you ever felt you enjoyed the classic 3D Mario games, Odyssey is definitely excellent in the same vein. Splatoon 2 is a fun multiplayer experience, but it doesn't offer much more than that. It does offer a LOT of multiplayer experience though. For RPGs there's Xenoblade, and Disgaea 5 and Dark Souls Remastered if you didn't get to play either in the past.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I tend to forget splatoon exists tbh
Kirara 🚗
>>449018 I had a lot of fun with the 4 or so games I got on it but I don't use it often. there are a bunch of things coming out over the next year or two I want though
I still need to finish a bunch of the games on mine.
>>449018 Ask yourself how many games there are on it that you're interested in and whether or not you want to play them now instead of waiting for a price drop
Kirara 🚗
i mostly can't wait for the metroid prime stuff
I'm hotly anticipating the TWEWY remastered. It'll be a shame to not get the full DS experience but it should be fun either way.
Wikipedia already lists over nine-hundred games for the Switch, but a massive portion of those are on their digital marketplace, or not released outside of Japan. The outside-Japan hardcopy market for the Switch isn't too large at the moment, but if you're fine with downloading indie releases there's probably a lot of neat stuff that I've never looked into.
>twewy remastered >comes with a secret ending that teases twewy 2 It'd be so hype
Kirara 🚗
they are adding content to it a new route if i remember right
>>449028 If it's another whole fully fledged route I'll be seriously tempted to get a Switch early
Kirara 🚗
the Nintendo shop says it has a new epilogue. I guess I misremembered.
Somewhat less exciting I like how in the DeSu2 remake you can just access the new route immediately if that's what you want
Kirara 🚗
totally new visuals on the switch remake too at least
Would be needed, really.
Kirara 🚗
oh yeah, switch has the bayonetta games too
A bunch of really good PC indies are also on it, like Celeste, Hollow Knight, Night in the Woods, Stardew Valley, and others. PC gaming is great and all, but the portability function of the Switch is a reaaaally nice component to it.
Kirara 🚗
shovel knight too
Honestly, the Switch's controllers are the most comfortable things I've ever played games with
Apparently if your computer is Bluetooth functional you can set them up to be picked up by your computer. Which means with some finagling you could use them for PC gaming.
Kirara 🚗
I'm looking forward to that upcoming Yoshi game. It looks so comfy and casual.
I'm hotly anticipating Switch Pokemon. Even if it's likely not out until November next year.
Kirara 🚗
Yeah, it'll be nice to see it without the 3DS's limitations.
Kirara 🚗
It's cool that the switch has a lot of kids games that are actually good, but also a bunch of adult games that are good Which isn't really something you get elsewhere
>>449042 Yeah. In the Wii era, Nintendo really stuck a home run selling themselves as a family-friendly platform, but in doing so they kind of shut out a lot of more "mature" gamers because of it. They tried to reach out with the Wii U to a slightly more mature crowd but the Wii U was a bit of a failure in several accounts, including that. It seems they've managed a good balance of the two now at least.
>>449044 The Wii sorta bit them on the ass when all the kids and casuals started playing on mobile phones instead of Wiis The Wii U didn't really seem to know what it wanted to do. It didn't go far enough to capture the family friendly crowd but it also didn't go far enough to get the 'hardcore' crowd Didn't really help that the ps4 and xbawks wan came out just a year or so after
>>449048 I'm talking in the long run post Wii life. The Wii was a success but it was one that lead into the situation with the U
>>449045 >The Wii sorta bit them on the ass when all the kids and casuals started playing on mobile phones instead of Wiis Except the Wii had a long, successful shelf life.
>>449045 Except that Nintendo had another hardware line that has endured throughout the smartphone craze and is still ridiculously popular in that group of "kids and casuals" that now play on smartphones.
>>449050 My point is the growing popularity of smartphones in those groups hasn't had as nearly a large impact on the traditional video game consumption that you're giving it credit for. The Wii U didn't flop because too many people were playing on smartphones. It flopped because Nintendo did almost no public ad campaigns for it, made no effort to distinguish it from the Wii, and because it took like a year-plus for them to actually put out flagship titles to sell the console with.
>>449049 The DS is not the Wii and is not what I was talking about. The DS was able to capture both hardcore and casuals so that when many of the casuals left the 3DS was still a success. Consider too that the 3DS sold about half as much as the DS. Still a huge success but clearly smart phones had an impact. Yes the Nintendo managed the Wii U poorly. The point I'm making is that the "hardcore" crowd left Nintendo for the more powerful machines and that a large chunk of the casuals and family market that carried the Wii were not sticking around I'm not saying it's any one single factor but that it is certainly one of them.
Can we just take a moment to appreciate how amazing a console the purple lunchbox was?
Can we just take a moment to appreciate the fact that Sin and Punishment 2 exists and it's perfect
>>449051 It was pretty good Having gamecube compatability is ones of the best bits of the Wii
>>449058 ps1 emulation isn't that great.some games work but most haveI bad glitches or don't boot. PSP is really good for playing PSX gamesI and cheap too if you're interested in a handheld emulator. otherwise best to just use your average toaster PC with a controller adapter.
My family has a real love for Chinese take-out. I think it was a bit of a date night-y meal for my parents when they were dating, but we seem to jump for it every few weeks or so. Not that I mind really, it's tasty. But you get so much of it, and stuff like fried rice or chicken balls don't really re-heat well in my opinion.
On top of that, what exactly is the kind of reaction to seeing a bird just poof out of existence like that. I feel a bunch of them that might've even processed it would be kind of confused as to how to respond.
im still workin got about 10 hours left, been at it all day i dont mind doing this but im not lookin forward to tomorrow because it's business hours and im gonna have to deal with PEOPLE and i dont wanna do that hope no clients tryna call me my phone is disconnected
Kirara 🚗
>>449103 hype >>449104 have you tried google voice? if you set it up next time you have a connected phone, you can answer calls on your computer using the voice number and it's free i use it with my clients
won't the phone still have to stay connected for that to work though i looked into it in the past when i didn't have a phone a few years ago but i never followed through with it
Kirara 🚗
nope, i have used it with a burner phone before it's possible that someone else can eventually get the number if the number you verify with is disconnected for too long, though they don't regularly verify or anything, though
The Barenaked Ladies have been welcomed into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame and been awarded a lifetime achievement award for their work.
It's also particularly heartwarming because there was a fallout between two of the leading men years ago, and this ceremony marks the first time they've been together on a stage since that break-up. >>>/watch?v=fC_q9KPczAg
>>449116 they got a rip cord that you attach to the bike so if you wipe it'll activate and protect you from the impact a little bit the expensive ones use an accelerometer instead of a ripcord so it doesn't accidentally go off and they have haptic feedback so you don't accidentally set it off every time you get off your bike and forget to unlatch it some conductive gloves that are durable would be nice too
Kirara 🚗
>>449118 that's pretty cool are you thinkin about riding again?
more like dreamin i sold my bike and don't imagine i'll ever be able to own property of value again or it'll prolly get eaten by the feds
Kirara 🚗
if you could have a bike, would you go ridin again?
im not currently licensed for a bike anymore i would be pretty happy just to have a bicycle again though tbh, not that i can ride it around here, but both of those are very fun
>>449130 i heard heavy panting in here what's going on?? hunny are stressed out about those dragon girls again i told you i'll get you one for your birthday just be patient
>>449135 please dont rile him up!! it took me hours to calm him down last time and he stayed up way past his bed time we will have a dragon girl birthday cake on his birthday but only if he behaves until then you're invited
I like writing on paper but I get really annoyed writing in spiral notebooks. I'm left-handed so writing on them involves a lot of resting my wrist on the wire spiral. It's aggravating.
>>449144 He lost any respect I might've even considered giving him for having an ifunny watermark.
Kirara 🚗
>>>/@spookyboosky/977721205854752768?s=19 >pretend to be aggressive and demand to know who prepared your food >haha rused im going to compliment you after putting unnecessary stress on you >everybody claps
prank culture is kinda in decline now that I think about it.
As it should be. It kind of peaked at a point where pranks were far too malevolent and harmful and less about creating a situation where everyone involved could have a laugh afterwards.
Yeah, prank culture is really childish and stupid. It evolved into a lot of horrible stuff like that trend of dumping boiling water on someone.
Wait, did people really do that? Are you sure that isn't meta prank culture? Tricking people into thinking that that's a prank.
Kirara 🚗
there are videos of it on YouTube unfortunately ive seen quite a few of them they show the burns and stuff too sometimes there was a lot of news about people in the hospital from it late last year too
>>449150 And those asinine YouTube channels that rake in views by being the biggest assholes to people to make prank videos. There's no good reason to do stuff like that
>>449152 Yeah so if a prank going right makes you liable for tens of thousands of dollars in a civil suit then the prank goes too far.
I have a hard time enjoying seeing people legitimately getting seriously injured or worse. Like if it's staged or animated, or descriptive text, it's whatever. But the moment it's a real scenario, enjoyment just drops off for me.
Fun fact: most of Jackass isn't people getting seriously injured or worse
>>449158 i don't really like watching people get injured at all watching someone writh in pain is sad
Also usually in Jackass they all laugh about it.
Someone in a Discord I frequent posted a gif of a guy leaning too far forward as a train's coming in for a stop and getting smashed on the hand and head by the train. It's likely not lethal and probably not too serious considering it was uploaded from his phone or whatnot, but it's still not something I enjoy seeing. And what's more annoying is Discord auto-plays gifs like that so I wasn't even expecting it.
Kirara 🚗
i usually laugh after me and my friends get hurt but that doesn't mean i think it's funny getting hurt makes me laugh but not because it's funny having been in serious pain, i can't enjoy other people experience that feeling
If a friend gets hurt I can both find it kind of funny and be worried about them; I don't see how I'm not allowed to experience both those emotions. If it's clear the injury or experience was very painful for them though, again, the enjoyment of the situation drops to zero in a snap.
I can appreciate that. Well, understand The laughing when its not funny thing is weird.
Kirara 🚗
one time i was sitting in the mud in the rain laughing my ass off while tilde and jan tried to help me stand up but any weight at all was too painful for me to stand because my knee was fucked up so i just sat there in the mud outside a castle, laughing like a madman
And that image was pretty funny, I remember feeling bemused. But I was also trying to figure out how to get you up and leaning on my shoulder or something. But I haven't ever had to do that for someone so I didn't know where to start. Which in itself was also kind of stupidly funny.
I destroyed my knee a long time ago and there are certain ranges of movement that my knee doesn't handle well. If I make a jump poorly or run with a short pace, sometimes it messes up my knee and I can't even stand on it. It's because I was climbing through a creek like 7 years ago and the rocks were slippery, and I slipped and smashed my knee, but was too poor to ever have it looked at. My other knee has been hit with bricks before, so it can give out under certain circumstances, but is generally painless.
>>449167 The whole thing was kind of funny. But not really in a funny haha way.
Sauna is 50/50 each time either it helps a lot or you are way sicker due to strain on body
>>449173 With any luck we'll start within twenty or so minutes from this post's timestamp. There's plenty of shows we can watch first or second that won't put you behind on anything though.
has your animetime slipped to an even later time slot recently?
"Starting" time has been midnight EST (so in like four minutes) for like half a year now or so. But Ika and RIka are easily distracted and have a hard time showing up promptly! And Ika in particular has had stuff that keeps him from showing up for the starting time recently.
>>449176 If I had easy access to a sauna I'd definitely use it when I had a cold. Steam helps you drain your sinuses. I forget the specifics but I think it causes the nasal passageway to open up more.
don't even ahve anything to make a marinade out of anyhow
well it hasn't melted fully yet so it can sit there untill midday but I need to eat something
fuck I should have just stopped by a store in wednesday didn't expect to get sick tbh
I mean i could ask someone with a car to go shopping few things for me, but anyone I'd ask would have to drive like 1,5h to just get to me and back to their place not to mention everyone sleeping or at work
or downhill skii-ing in eastern finland in case of one
http://www.geniuskitchen.com/recipe/coca-cola-brisket-49866 This is similar to a recipe I use.
well my plan is gonna be quite simple >roll it around in salt and pepper and leave to warm up for an hour or so >bake on pan to seal the veins >toss into oven with onions and maybe half a cabbage head if it has survived freezing
No garlic salt? Onions will definitely help though.
don't got any
then I will prolly make some risotto style rice as side dish with vegetable stock and some of them eat stock that comes out of the thing
if I had some sauce I could whip up some macaroni or rice and eat it with that to satiate myself rn all I have is some spices, mustard and fuckton of pasta and rice well I do have some tomatosauce, but I don't ahve the energy to cook up anything really
I thought my food from firday would still last me half way today
You have any soup mixes?
I don't have ANYTHING that I could make ANYTHING that I would really like to eat I guess it is porridge with butter
if I had something, you think I would have taken a 2kg roast out of the freezer?
does that sound like a dish a sick person goes up and just cooks
Well, I was bringing up soup mix because you can make gravy or marinades with them.
if I had a soup mix I'd make soup out of it
and not eat the roast
I mean i could make onion+tomato sauce pasta or soup but... fuck that
my options yesterday for futurem eals were >unfunf to cook unfun to eat food >roast >order and I felt like I would have the energy to do roast preparations and now that I have taken it out to melt, welp can't go back to other stuff
besides even if I ordered food and left the roast o marinate I don't think I could eat pizza or kebab
note to self to stack up a hidden pile of soup and bean cans somewhere for next time I am sick weird enough I ahve been sick twice already in short span actuall thrice in about 4 months which is about quite much more than the 1-2 per 1-3 years
I always have stockpiled soup. Not for when I'm sick, but mainly for when there's barely anything to eat.
well I have mostly eaten my emergency food due to reasons and havn't really stocked up my emergency emergency supplies since I ate them durign NYs
I always try to restock ASAP after using any sort of stockpiled stuff. Hope you feel better soon though.
The small tree we had for Christmas is still kicking around out on our back porch. Sure most of its needles have gone more brown than not, but it hasn't shed most of them yet either. A little surprising.
My uncle wowould always drag the Christmas tree onto the beach and then we'd set it on fire. They burn really well.
>>449233 problem with logistics on my part really cans take a lot fo sapce and weigh a decent amount
a direct connection would work well enough and wouldn't cost any upkeep either though you could just "here have a basis for th phantasmagoria 2 server daata" and leave it to fandom to keep them up
Also Yuuka's dialogue in PotFV references pc98 game stuff.
hmm hard to say especially when it has really mild taste when sampled as poweder
It's a bit citrus-y, I think? Smells a bit like that when adding to stuff, I find.
I think it goes well with many meat dishes
Oh yeah, it and cilantro are the same plant. I always forget that. So in that case coriander sometimes gets people who are genetically disposed to finding it a disgusting soapy flavour.
yeah it is rare as fuck though
my mom doesn't like the flavor, but i don't think it tastes much like anything they put it in pico de gallo and i can barely tell its there compared to the tomatoes and onions and such
but it is kinda mild in flavour anyhow so you could basically use it as thickener too
Yeah it's more of an accent flavour than something that actually drives the meal.
but man that beef is from 2016 CHRISTMAS been in the fridge for a while and wait... 3 different freezers
Guegh I get that meat keeps practically externally in a sufficiently cold freezer. But it still gets to me.
meh it has been vacuum packed so it hasn't gone bad really but yeah no way I would serve it to guests or would it be served in the food industry
Eternally, even We've got packs of meat that have been in our freezer for who knows how long. My mother really likes to buy meat on sale since it keeps. But then she'll buy more meat on sale later on but use that newer meat instead of the older stuff. It's so weird to me
i'm not sure i've ever kept meat longer than maybe 10 months
It is good meat so I have just been waiting for a special occasion to eat it but... it never arrived so I was thinking of preparing it for easter for myself or if I have people over but then I went "waaaait, it has been in the freezer for..." and decided to eat it myself
>>449476 >buying things on sale you will never use steam syndrome
Properly packed and kept cold enough, meat will last practicalyl forever in the freezer the question /the issue is to avoid the crysallisation that will ruin the flavour and texture
i've never really noticed any difference in 8 month frozen meat but i only keep meat that long when it's from a hunt and the butchers always vacuum pack meat they process
But I will prolly use some of the cabbage fry it a little and then lay it down on the container I am goign to palce the meat in then it will suck in the meat juices I will prolly toss some vegetable stock in there, though, so they don't dry
>>449487 If you boil cabbage, you gotta boil it for eternity good cabbage soup is real delish like you see some "stir fry them a bit on the pan and toss them into the pot and cook for few hours" HAH try 4-8 then you will have it properly softened
well i take that back i have tried fresh cabbage and it is good
trying to get into a random party at 3AM in MHW is fucking frustrating why does every quest fail to join fuck you capcom
>>449490 hey atleast you don't have the european real dead hours problem 100% slavi
>>449491 this game has no servers it's all p2p and the only people online at this time are all yuro or asians i haven't seen more than one slav the entire 280 hours ive played for though
guess it isn't poplar in russia
i guess so i've seen a handful of skandinavian players, i can't tell who's who but the shoutouts were in some unintelligible gibberish that looked like someone threw up alphabet soup there weren't a lot of diacrytics so i'm assuming it's not swedish
i saw one german guy the other day i think that makes a grand total of two
there's a shit load of chinese people playing this game right now though almost every quest is full of them >>449495 shit maybe he was finnish
it could be one of the nordics or it could silkkaa suomalaista sekamelskaa
>>449494 oder han var svenska och du märkte bara det inte
wrong key olen tyrmätty sounds familiar what would you say as a translation for "I've mounted the monster!" like riding a horse or grabbing onto creatures in dragon's dogma
fuck if I know it could be "ratsastan hirviöllä" for a very literal translation "olen kiivennyt hirviön päälle" "olen hirviön päällä" "olen tarttunut hirviöön"
finnish isn't a language that works well in some context and gamestuff is just... cringy isn't even close to how it always sounds
No idea But I am bit worried abotu the person, since if their shit was showing in finnish, that means they used the finnish translation themself
i imagine it's pretty easy to translate monster hunter there isn't a whole lot of complicated dialogue, just a lot of item names and stuff on the other hand its also a game that doesn't even need to be translated to be played i played P3rd in japanese for a while and had no real problem
it is easy to translate anything, but to make it actually work is another thing...
>>449511 good example is blood echoes becoming "blood wisps" in bloodborne
i want to build a new computer but i also don't need to waste the money on more computers and shit >>449516 yeah i suppose that works but doesn't really retain the meaning of the original name
what was the mist weapon/tool called in bb
if you're talking about the thing that sprays the white mist to deal arcane damage anyways
yeah that >A special weapon used by the Choir, high-ranking members of the Healing Church. Sprays a cloud of sacred mist, created by using blood-imbued Quicksilver Bullets as a special medium. Arias are heard wherever sacred mist is seen, proving that the mist is a heavenly blessing. "sacred mist" became "turruttava usva" turruttava meaning something like numbing but to a finni t just sounds like "it sprays a fart"
haha damn that's good a great description of the actual effect of this piece of shit garbage gun
not that i didn't want to use it i mean i had like 60 arcane on that character but damn it sucks
how do you feel about options would you consider yourself somewhat passionate about options or are you fairly indifferent
I'll need A new motherboard A new CPU A new GPU (sort of taken care of) AAAAAAAAAAAAA I'll probably need new fans too with my luck And fuck it, why not a new box too for that matter I bet a new motherboard will be too big for this one >>449528 Naw It's working fine, I just need a new one if I'm gonna play anything not indie for the rest of time
did it explode ask your twitterfriends for a donation laptop or somethin i bet a lot of them got old junkers they're not usin oh okay you are operational
>go fill up your phone at talkmore.no or it'll get closed >
bet I'll need a new PSU too with my luck
what's your current wattage?
uh I'm not even sure It's been forever since I messed with this
if you're sitting somewhere between like 600 and 750W you will be fine no matter what you put in that thing modern cards and processors haven't really demanded much more power than in previous years
the video card i have only needs like 60W by itself actually
i want to get a 4k capable setup but now that i've DINGED MY FUCKING TV i might just shoot myself instead
twitter has ceased their wrongful imprisonment of me
congrats you are officially no longer being detained
>gold crown bazel >gold crown pink rathian damn this is the first time i have ever gotten consecutive crowns for monsters it's really rare to see the small or large variety of monster for some reason
>>449547 ah yeah that sucks i seem to sleep longer when i am sick but it doesn't make me feel any more rested and when i sleep for that long i feel tired when i wake up anyways >>449548 well codeine causes drowsiness and it lingers for a lot longer than the mediocre painkilling >>449550 a small amount yeah it becomes a couple byproducts of codeine metabolization as well it's like a weaker version of morphine but does basically the same thing
I just took it cause I felt like the dullness it produces in your head would be nice in the morning I felt real crap back then but turns out I had a little bit fever too, so the painkillers in that pill also helped a lot
codeine is also commonly prescribed to help treat cough but i'm unsure as to how effective it really is from personal experience i can't say it helped me much when i had pertussis dextromethorphan and acetaminophen did just as well as the codeine and promethazine and that is over the counter stuff anyone can buy
dnno but since I have only had like it once last time I had a tooth removed, I know it affects me quite heavily so I napped it just for the fuck of it I only wanted the slight high feeling you get from it
it's so easy to make dumb typos while you're typing along, even moreso when you're actively listening and parsing/formatting heavy streams of language i always catch myself making really inexcusable errors while i'm typing the rough drafts and i dont notice them, like breeding instead of breading or cum instead of come or asses instead of assests/assess
and it makes me so paranoid so i have to pore through everything to find my errors, but there's over 800 pages here and i've gone through about 200 of them and not seen anything it's trick paranoia because in my highest faculty i'm doing so much, then i have difficulty when my stamina and focus wears out and i think back to the over-stimulated workload prior and compare how i'm fuckin up in-the-moment to an system state i can't recall because it was at a different level of function so i think there must be a lot more fuckups where i was doing more shit than when i'm doing less
i guess i dont have time to edit all of this. there's only about an hour and a half left tempted to send it in now but i'll review it longer im so tired
not to be rude to m.g. freeman but why were people hype to hear him talk about penguins what's his specialty here?? he doesn't capture any of the intimate beauty of it he just projects a script to the midrange so it's comfortable to listen to
Oh I thought she was getting a nendo or a figma or a revoltech In general I prefer posable figures. The design process is different and I appreciate the engineering that has to go into it.
Only every like... ten years. The thing is that mass hirings tend to stretch out.
Time to spend another HOUR figuring out how to kill the same six units in different ways. >>449605 it's okay, the rest of /moe/ definitely didn't help your ability to see I meant FEH
Hrrm, they're out of a lot of stuff and have less general surplus than usual.
Fuck They're out of their M1 Garand scarfs. I was going to get one for my grandfather but my dad insisted I not.
It had a full scale illustration of the garand on one side and the other had the words "bang bang bang bang bang ping" or something like that.
Kirara 🚗
>>449635 night shift is a good way to avoid your mom
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>449659 If my mom gets a certain job as a nanny she says I'll barely see her too.
I get really conflicted about her. There are times where I can't stand her and others where I'm actually kind of fond of her. Emotions are complicated.
However, I'm considering teasing her when she comes home by saying I quit my job and that's why I'm home early.
How are those Terävä Jääkäripuukko? I'm on the market for a new knife and the fact that the news post mentions them selling out quick has me intrigued.
seems to be well received dunno don't have one of my own
That place has a physical store right?
Any of near you or your job (or not too far out of the way)?
We have officially the most anal alcohol legislation outside of total ban countries
We actually have states here where its illegal to sell alcohol on Sundays.
>>449683 it took 3 cabinets and 6 months of debate to pass a law that allows stores to sell drinks with alcohol content at 5,5% instead of the former 4,7%
>>449686 It takes years for laws to get passed here so tg at sounds better.
and the original law was emnt to allow wines to be seld in stores
>>449687 consider alcohol our guns, but state and powers that be don't want anyone to buy anything
Oh and the best part about those states os that they're referred to as "blue states". So when we were stuck in Indiana from a blizzard, my dad went to the Walmart by the motel to buy some beer. And the guy at the register said "I can't sell that to you today, Indiana's a blue state" my dad "Indiana's not a blue state, its a red state" In common vernacular blue state refers to primarily liberal/democratic state and red to conservative/repuplican.
Also anything stronger than 5,5% is sold either from breweries directly or the state monopoly store no exceptions and the brewery sales are veeeery limited
Oh but all the "blue" states are red states.
Kirara 🚗
>>449660 people like to think of love and hate as two sides of the same coin but you can definitely mix the two
>>449693 Likewise, you can loathe the everloving shit out of someone but still feel some familial obligation to them. I mean I wouldn't say I loathe my sister but I will fully say I am far more content when I don't have to see her than when I do. But she's still my sister which means there are certain things I'd still do for her.
I think we're ahead, honestly Our limit is like, 4.7% or something?
hard to say with our recent changes, though but the last time I checked, before recent changes, we were #1 most restrictive country in terms of alcohol in the part of world where such things are allowed
maybe in terms of importing you're more restrictive? Cause you seem less restrictive in the other areas than here
I think that is what was the final nail but yeah, now that breweries are allowed direct sale and 5,5 is allowed in stores ,norway might be top1 our taxation on importing is actually considered illegal in terms of EU market laws, but...
Breweries under a certain production size are allowed to sell directly to consumers here in Canada. I can't remember the specifics but I think it's tied to how we classify stuff as microbreweries or minibreweries or even nanobreweries? I'm not really interested in beer so I don't know the details. If you're above a certain size you have to sell through okay'd retailers, which for the longest time, and still for most retailers, consisted only of government-run stores. A select number of chain grocery stores can now sell beer though.
oh yeah and that is part of it production size, it is quite abysmally low and the "store" facilities have to be part of the brewery, but not actually part of the brewery basically you can't due to hygiene reasons and such just sell from the brewery but the store part has to be part of the brewery complex and all kind of regulations and whatnot Basically at the current moment the REGULATIONS toa llow the selling don't exist yet, while the selling is legal you can sell, but you can't apply for the license to sell as the license doesn't exist yet.
mm good roast bit has that "okay this has been in freezer for ages" texture but noise