I'm doing very bang! I've been channeling positive energy more and more in my life and it's paying off.
School can be really frustrating, I'm not the kind of person who can do school. I'm the type of person who can find success my own way though. That sounds braggardly, but I just think my path isn't one that lines up with academia. What sucks? What was your fault?
I don't 100% know what I'm doing it's sorta been going by the seat of my pants. It might turn out everything is fine but then again I might just get fucked by these next assignments
>>447799 Nah good for you man if you can skip 3 years and student loans to become successful on your own then do it. Management is stressful stuff and I really respect people who work in the food industry.
I won't be making like a ton of money or anything, but I think I've got a plan for the near future to live life happily and without wanting for much. I don't think money is as important as the people one surrounds themself with or the fulfillment of hobbies and an interest in various aspects of culture I'll likely be moving from this sector of food and service towards something a bit nicer within the next year
whenever I've had a job to do with food my thought was always "damn when do I get to leave this" >>447801 The security that comes with money makes people happier way more than the extra shit you're able to buy with more money. Depending on your view it hits diminishing returns real fast. I don't know what I'd actually want to spend money on if I had a tonne of disposable income. Travel would be neat but other than that what are you gonna buy? I can enjoy myself with just an internet connection why would I need much else. I'm not sure if that's the same sentiment you're going for but whatever.
I won't be leaving the industry, but I think I'm going to start bartending and looking to work in hotels once I can drive again. There's a lot more money to be had there.
And yeah, people really only need enough money for security, and the rest is just bonus Of course I'd like more money so I can go to more events and and maybe travel a little, but you're right in that food,water,internet, and a roof are enough to live happily. The rest is just how you choose to live
If I can grab a single Def Smoke out of this Hare Gacha, it'd be good. But I guess in the short term, I should just roll for more Eirikas. If I get her to +4, I'd have 40 Speed without needing the seal
>>447815 Do you think I should drop Warding Breath on Dorcas? Or wait for them to inevitably reveal Fierce Breath so I can just take that and whatever other two skills that the unit has that are nice.
>The colorless dragon will have it I'm calling it because it sounds so right.
Ah yes a five year old with such powerful sentence structure and understanding of privilige I believe you wholeheartedly
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, why is Jeanne D'Arc a mega waifu in all forms of media she appears in
Kirara 🚗
because stupid girls appeal to the western conceptualization of ideal women that is fostered in men from a young age
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Is Jeanne stupid?
Kirara 🚗
yes, she's portrayed as unintelligent in nearly every medium or at the very least, uneducated which is accurate to history - jeanne could not even read
I have the non-seasonal unit. I essentially have options from who I take it from But I don't really want to sacrifice either. I haven't finished him but Siegbert is actually nice. A sword Cavalry unit with an actual speed stat. Lilina is also not a unit I want to sacrifice for Atk Tactic because 1) I'd rather steal her HP/ATK A skill 2) I gave her Ward Cavalry and Renewal already 3) She's the "strongest" Green Cav that I have. I don't think I'll be yanking Atk Tactic from them I guess Res Tactic is better to pull but I need to throw feathers at L'Arachel
For some reason I don't get stuck in reconnecting hell if it's like the first tab I open in firefox Spooky
i told a colleague about my supervisor trying to give me tips on picking up women and apparently their supervisor calls them hot and shit like that that's so gross and inappropriate they think it's funny
I would feel worse about not +1-ing her if I was still using her. Which is unfortunate. She's cute. But she hasn't been on a team in a while. Arvis shows up when I need him He's kind of the best.
No I meant that there are doujinshi in which insults are used Gordan Ramsey insults people Ergo, my intense research into how real people have sex suggests that maybe he does.
Also I didn't know you could code for android, that's cool But like she only kind of looks like Koishi If you were going to add a character couldn't you have just used Koishi art?
I did. I don't remember anything about there only being one Askr. On top of that, if you ever have a friend with Alfonse as their main, he references that he's currently in another version of his own kingdom.
Kirara 🚗
if you played the story for this, you'd know the answer to >>447883 the new paralogs
Wow, much like Catria, my Spring Alfonse's ivs are also the opposite of ideal. well, not opposite
That's perfect. You can feed Def Smoke to someone without caring
I have 7 Axe 5* now so I can toss S.Alfonse without problem now >>447896 hmmm Putting it on a Dagger is useless. What about a Light Breath Dragon? Or a Dark Breath one too. Atk/Spd/Def Smoke
Gorillaz music videos are generally really good And the music itself, too, is really good
I thought they quit, actually, but they dropped an album last year
Kirara 🚗
windsweep is meant for units with about 30-34 speed a unit like caeda suffers greatly from windsweep as someone who spent a year trying to build caeda, i can guarantee this
i really wanted to make her work but she was impossible to do so i eventually made her fodder her atk is too low to get a useful unit out of her maybe that will change someday
neither make her atk workable l&d ruins her good defense fury doesn't add enough to make her any better and also reduces her hp after every worthless attack she makes
Kirara 🚗
defense and res, not just defense
Kirara 🚗
i would use something that improves her speed along with wing sword which didn't exist when i had her and then moonbow or something even then she won't do more than scratch damage to most enemies though
Kirara 🚗
so uhh shkreli's wu tang album may end up in the hands of sessions and it might be up to him to decide if we even get to hear it
Fire Coming Out Of The Monkey's Head is such a good track I dunno if it really counts as a song
Kirara 🚗
just because it's him doesn't mean anything there are alternatives his shit should just be auctioned off or something at least then we have an opportunity to get stuff back even if it's not optimal
Yeah that'd be good Gofundme to buy the album and put it on piratebay
Kirara 🚗
ideally wu tang should get it back and they distribute it
yeah that'd be cool
>>447953 i thought he still had it, or that it's unclear whether the physical exchange was made that's why i thought they'd do the proceeds he signed the contract but they couldn't verify whose possession it was in i dunno i might be lookin at somethin old ideally they'll just return those proceeds and keep the album
interesting to note, the contract allows the owner to do anything they want with the album besides commercial release for 88 years so they could take it and do private listening parties in congress fuckin cunts
They could even release it outright, but that's not happening I'm not like a super big fan of wu tang but it'd be cool to hear the album anyway
what if it had to be reviewed by congress for some reason so it was examined as evidence but like, live on TV, the whole thing that would be a momentous occasion for legislative history
Would be like the shuttle launches, but for a wu tang album
Kirara 🚗
if i were president id order sessions to give me the album and id stream it for the state of the union aand then release it
Bernie should run 2020 on the platform of releasing the album for free FREE STUFF
Kirara 🚗
the American people. they want health care. they want a 15 dollar minimum wage. they want the wu tang album. we are going to give them what they want and join the rest of the developed world
We are the only government, on earth, refusing to release a music album in our possession
Zizek should do a talk about it
Truly I am Ohio Maybe I feel really discombobulated
Kirara 🚗
maybe sessions will have it destroyed and it will trigger the revolution
maybe he'll record over it spoken confessions of government secrets and no one will be able to know for 88 years
>>447972 33 avg hours worked what how in the hell do people do that and still have any money left i gotta do like 60 i guess i do take a lot of random time off nvm
Kirara 🚗
it's probably dragged down by outliers too interesting to see that lower work hour countries are more productive though
I didn't actually know the term until like six years ago. But the musician that I've seen in concert the most is a cowpunk guy. His name is Alejandro Escovedo. One of the few things I have in common with George Dubya is that we both like his music.
Although during tthe Bush administration, Alejandro refused to play some songs that Bush said he liked in an interview. I think one was "I like her better when she walks away"
Oh wait it was Castanets. Anyways, because my dad went to his concerts so much he would recognize him and wouod ask about his kids if my sister and I weren't there. We have a few autographed CDs that I think he gave us for free.
Do you like anything like Ramshackle Glory?
I'm not familiar with them. Wanna post something by em?
Kirara 🚗
>>447981 i figured out a viable caeda build wing sword really did make her viable after all
Kirara 🚗
expensive to build though
is it heavy blade quick impulse moonbow
Kirara 🚗
swift sparrow, chill def, def smoke, galeforce
Kirara 🚗
and the flashing blade sword she has
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I mean I'm kind of what's the word INSANE? So I'll do (something like) that eventually sure What IVs were you thinking
Kirara 🚗
+atk/-hp, but you could do -def too if necessary
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
That's what I have and have been leveling today er +atk/-def
Kirara 🚗
this would give her 48 base atk with an atk+ seal 37 spd when attacking, +4 to spd and atk chill def will make enemies more vulnerable to her, and def smoke will help on the galeforce atk of course with 48+4 atk, chill def isn't as necessary because she has enough atk to hurt things
>ATK smoke seal >Def Smoke >Spd Smoke My flier team is blazing it
Kirara 🚗
i have a +spd/-hp 4* caeda i can make her work on a flier team with atk/res bond but i don't want to use my new years takumi for that since he has such a good dagger
Kirara 🚗
mirror strike could work though if i paired her with halloween nowi, they could be a good team even though they're both red my sword flier right now is a 4* palla with 38atk
they should add some more red fliers there are like twice as many green fliers and three times as many blue ones
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I got pretty disappointed after playing FEH and seeing Caeda with a sword, and then playing Warriors and she has a spear While I understand that's common for a flier to have, all the pegasus riders in that game have spears and naturally the two wyverns have axes, but like she has the same moveset as Hinoka and Cordelia I'm almost certain it would be cooler to have another unique moveset.
Recently after my cat comes in from outside after being out for a good while, she's completely covered in sandy dirt. I don't know she's doing to get like that, but I wish she'd stop. I don't want to pet her like that and. I don't know where a cat brush is
Cats that are outside a lot seem to not mind water as much. Cats seem to universally hate baths though.
Big cats are quite capable in and even enjoy deep water. Smaller cats, especially the ones humankind have turned into housecats, don't generally come from environments that necessitate learning how to swim though. It's also a weird environment for them to go from being dry in room temperature air to warm bathwater. You can actually climatize cats to enjoying warm water and baths, but you generally need to start from a really young age.
One time I was at my mom's house and we were cleaning, and she accidentally dropped a little squeezing bottle of some stronger cleaning solution and it just happened to smack down on the floor hard, and squirted a really high stream of it across the room. And some of it just by coincidence managed to hit a cat. So we had to grab him and forcibly give him a bath. He was very upset about the whole ordeal.
I'm too sober considering what I've consumed I am too lucid
>>448072 Potato potahto? It's dirt in most probabilities, but sparse and dried out to give it a sandy feel. Most importantly it gives her coat a grimy feel and I don't want to pet her when she's like that.
It's also a little annoying since she's starting her springtime shedding so I do want to groom her a bit. But I don't want to get my hands dirty.
is fun cause like your thoughts get all floaty, and your heartrate goes up, and music's a lot more interestin weed is better than hash though, and I dunno how come some people don't notice a difference hash is like, a lot more uh heavy, makes me way more heavy bodywise
I'm not against marijuana on a moral level but I only smoke it a few times a year and usually onyl making the decision when already drunk I am against most intoxicants besides alcohol and marijuana and against almost all stimulants
Huh I can't deal with booze and pot at the same time, makes me sick
why don't you? don't like it?
smoking is usually not a fun experience for me it can be alright but rarely is it better than being sober i enjoy life quite a bit as is i also don't like the feeling of altered consciousness i havea high high tolerance for alcohol for several reasons so i can drink quite a bit and be okay but i usually only get average drunk
hm I'm generally with you on not liking the lack of control, i guess, but it's still pretty nice makes it a lot easier to think, sorta Gets my thoughts to stop like, getting blocked
yeah no it makes it way harder for me to think i hate that shit and it makes me overanalyze every little movement and action and thought it's like the seconds pass by way too slowly and i have all this time to worry about every little thing
i also don't like the side effects it has on people when they aren't high
Kirara 🚗
i like kratom because it makes my brain quieter and doesn't have any effects that alter my perception or thinking other than relieving depression a little
>>448099 Well if you're prone to that sort of stuff I can understand it I like the time dilation, personally
It stops you from thinking? Like you can't keep track of why you're thinking about something, or are you just not able to think really? Cause the first part is kinda what allows me to think in the first place, I lose track of the why and just keep going
>>448100 yeah this is the same reason i like percocets and vicodin but i also really fear and respect their power and don't want them in my life
>>448101 no it makes me think too much and my thought gets lost in the clutter
Kirara 🚗
another good thing about kratom is that is partially negates one of the side effects of my amphetamines i really don't like amphetamines
i would hate having to take amphetamines one of my good friends is like hardcore stuck on a couple of them and it's like impossible for him to function without them
really I jkust like my heartrate going up, though, it's a good feeling
why are you against other drugs though bangarang, bad experience? I don't really understand why you'd be like, against it rather than not just wanting to yourself
i tried going off them for a month last semester and i couldn't focus at all on exams or studying or anything not even in class
i want to go off them but i can't until i'm free from school or if i drop out or if the world ends i guess
aside from the occasional alcohol session when i go to a show or concert, i typically don't like altering my state of mind whatsoever, or putting shit in my body besides food i'm only taking allergy meds this year because i don't want to bother my significant other with phlegm and hacking normally i just deal with it because i'd rather not take any pills or medication if possible
bangus a lot like I used to be i feel like
Kirara 🚗
i'd probably occasionally use kratom even without my amphetamines but a lot of my day-to-day problems come from or are made difficult to deal with by school, which i need amphetamines for
dilligence, self-control, empathy, sacrifice these are the pillars of progress
not like excessively, but like a little it's this like there's a pain but there's also like a soothing feeling it feels wrong when they're where they're naturally like they should be a little bit higher than they are
Maybe it's cause I just let my nails grow
Kirara 🚗
i would be bothered by it i think
I've always ljust let my nails grow, ever since I was a kid back then it had a purpose, cause I fought a lot, but now it's mostly laziness it's still useful though cause now and then nails are useful
honestly a lot of my body just feels wrong a lot of the time
like I keep stretching stuff, compulsively popping my elbows and stuff my hand feel off, I keep like, stretching out my fingers so they go halfway the wrong way that sorta stuff always feel off it's weird
well now i can speak like a guy who has smoked 5000000000000 smokes a day man i wish i had some throat medicine
Yeah a fun positive to getting sick and losing my voice is for a day or two afterwards I get a smooth, gravelly voice like some guy that DJs a jazz radio station.
weird that i dont have a cough or anythinh just throat imfection
wish i had fewer then could get better quicker
Fever is an effect caused by illness; it isn't an illness itself. Unless you were asking if the word is fever, in which yeah, fever.
I got feverish when I got sick in Japan, but other than that, yeah. Sickness for me is muscle aches, runny noses, and coughs that put a frog in my throat.
by ani and pops get feverish when sick. but me and mother don't unless it is something serious
hey samu you forgot to put an expuiry date on the bannu I dunno if im supposed to be here
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>448142 oh no i don't know freaking android i still only have ios >>448144 you're good
>>448145 whatever you did to fix the double characters when typing normally caused some weird glitch with swype, rendering characters and wordsI for no reason like that capital I at the end of some words here
i dunno man I thought the dicsussion we had was fine but like I get that for whatever reason you don't want that stuff on here, but if it's not disruptive, why is it really a problem?
>>448153 like I get that but it's not like I or imats for that matter keep going if anyone says like 'give it a rest'
like I fuck off if it seems like I'm fucking up other discssion generally not like I'm tyna rock the boat here im just puzzled
>>448156 oh hey not a huge issue but i haven't been able to sync by phone i dont think others have been having the problem and it's not a big deal to me but it's been like that for a bit
>>448164 prairie farms makes this strawberry creme milk now strawberry milk isn't new, but this one is real fluffy and sweet i love it so much they have chocolate marshmallow milk and orange creme milk too, which i assume is like a dreamsicle, but i'm not fond of that flavor generally i havent tried either of those but i'm sure they're pretty good too
like as i said I didn't know if I was supposed to be unbanned on or not yet cause there was no expiry date
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
because it's obnoxious and cringey and why would i want that on this site
>>448173 yeah but just knowing what things taste like doesn't always provide you how they taste together do they mix or is it just "well this is indeed x+y mixed"
iunno you let me and tn påost about refuges and stuff for like 2 years is all
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
whataboutism now
i called out your shit for way too long what , like, this is the worst excuse ever "we shitposted so why can't we keep doing it"
'sokay i just wish the rules were cleared cleaered clearer* gddamn too much alalchol sorry samu I'm being unreasonable
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
no more excuses and no more playing dead there are no silver linings in anything you said we can keep on denying and i could stay away we could hold up our hands and say "i don't want it i don't need it"
if i give more than enough girl will you claim it? i will take it all up in one breath and hold it down and if I try to pretend I don't hear it you can tell me to move and I won't go you can tell me to turn and I won't go
im not excusing it, clearly I went over some line but it's hard to know where the line was cause from ym perspective it seemed like I was just clarifying to moon what my perspective was on stuff
and it's not like your rules are entirely anti-politics, either
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
"i just did know // i just didnt know the rules ok!!!!
fuck off with your bullshit
>>448191 Viscous, is a better way of putting it. Or in strawberry milk's case, less viscous.
>>448197 Maybe, but for literal usage it's accurate. It sounds like you've got a good approximation of the taste though. A little less of the cream and more like milk though, as you can probably understand.
>>448196 Yeah they are good and describive words, but the image they conjure isn't something you'd want to attribute or attach to a food item most of time.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
dude you make me sick shut the fuck up with your pretending you've been here years
sorry, i just really like systems and i was using sk's politics as a use case for systems thinking i wasnt tryin to goad anything or really be encouraging political debate sorry both
wow you are right especially the gradiency the darker parts are about the "skin" colour of a pickle while the bottom lightest part is like the core with the seeds
Kirara 🚗
look morty i turned myself into a pickle colored eyeball
i have five and a half more hours of audio to transcribe by noon on monday i've only been getting like two hours done per day the last two days because i hurt so bad so i dont know how tf i'm gonna make that happen i had to take a norco just a bit ago but i can't work while im on it and i'm gonna hurt again as soon as it wears off i'm just a bit distressed i hate this got a few 12-hour days and i cant even get through six
>>448233 i might be able to but I'd have low confidence in the quality more logistically it's an efficiency thing if i'm tired and sore am i gonna get more productivity hours from using this chance to rest up or working at a sedated pace and not resting who knows but i'm gonna do what's easier and break and maybe nap
>make show for younger teens gets flooded with incest porn >make show for older teens and young adults gets flooded with toxif fanbase can't really make anything nowadays, eh
if only people could find it in their heart to like something without turning themselves into a walking fucking meme and forgoing things like original thought and personality
>>448238 mixture a lot of bone pain and tendonitis, and some pretty obstructive nerve spasming in the same areas, but some sciatic stuff in my leg where i dont have joint pain thankfully less so in my neck these days
>>448241 religion does the same disgusting thing to people
>>448243 that is unironically kinda the joke in the end people skipped religion for wordly bullshit like celebrity worship, obsessive fandom etc or alternatively other new age religios or semi-religious movements, though those were more of a 90s thing
>>448244 the sad part is they think they're better or different from religious zealots zeal is abhorrent regardless of direction
>>448245 Indeed but sometimes those passionate/zealot people are needed for something so it is an admirable quality at times well at rare times, but a quality that is needed. But that kind of belonging to a bigger whole than oneself, I believe is a core part of being human Be it loyalty towards your job or family or community or fanbase or religion or whatever It just is shame, that we kinda don't teach people anyhow how to deal with the more toxic side of the tribalic emotions that go with them A positive community so easily turns into a cult like "us vs them" in the end I mean, there are people who take the "normie" thing too literally for that matter.
i dont really care about the hurt so much i can endure that with no big complaints what is breaking my spirit is the neural traffic that comes from pain that constantly signals my brain to interrupt what it's doing, and having so much work to do tryna work this shitty job to survive another month and it's not working well and that makes me anxious and not enjoy my days, also living out here in this rural hell and trying to move anything forward i can live happy with pain i'm havin trouble livin happy with poor though tbh i'd be fine with a meager disability pay if it meant i could just spend my functional hours on my maths
Kirara 🚗
>>448251 i wonder if you could get physical disability what with your pain and all
i dont know about eligibility but the pain's not keeping me from functioning, the anxiety is pain does kind of act like a two-fold anxiety amplifier though firstly, physiologically, it floods the nervous system with signals so that high neural traffic causes friction, which imo is what anxiety is, neural friction secondly there's some logistic constraints about the expectation of pain and apprehension of activity, so most action is prefaced with uncertainty, and uncertainty/apprehension is a very high energy state to be in i'm sure you know it's not all that significant for something as minor as a pain response, but the sheer volume of that action queue really does tax the system a lot i've always been a highly anxious person, but now i've got two things that cause interference with my systemic ways of resolving anxiety so it makes me irritable sometimes and causes behaviors that i do not align myself with, or moods that i do not like being in and consider part of my personality
that's one of the reasons i've never given cognitive bitch therapy much credit behaviors are such a contrived output that conditioning the right behavior seems like purely a convenience-to-others factor i dont see how it helps anything inside the person just detours them with some extra steps to get a desired function for social accountability unless it's a mental condition that's based around environmental feedback and internalization of social stimuli, i don't see that helping a person i think schizophrenia could be helped with more intimate feedback with social environs, but behavior isn't usually the barrier in letting that happen i dont think anyway that's neither here nor there
Kirara 🚗
>>448253 even if it's not the pain, you might be able to use it to get disability it's way harder with mental health stuff unfortunately you gotta work the system to get on disability
well my mental healths are at least diagnosed my doctor was kind enough to write a letter for me to send to my school saying i was suffering too bad and that my withdrawal should be cited as medical i sent all that paperwork in and the university just ignored it my advisor forwarded it to the dean and told me to email the dean so i did never got anything back, nothing got updated i did it again and this time attached the letter (it was mailed from my doctor the 1nd time) and still nothing and now it's five years later and shit is pretty fucked up i was too anxious to keep pressing about it after the third time i didnt really plan on being alive long enough for it to matter, at the time
>>448257 how are you gonna do that buttermilk is a p strong base are you using something to acidify it well not that strong of a base >>448261 huh no i mean literally how not contrarian, what are you doin to make that work >>448260 >>448256 i dunno how to do that
>>448255 i agree with rika but idk how much that'll cost
>>448258 nah it's like an old southern thing gordon ramsay taught me
>>448258 i put chicken in tupperware and filled it up with buttermilk then you leave it for at least 8 hours but no longer than a couple days and then you coat it in flour and seasonings and fry it up
>>448262 and it just takes up like that? you don't need like coriander or lemon zest or anything? >>448264 i wish i could talk to an estate lawyer and see if they could get my dad's pension released for us every time i tried it was so discouraging so i dont have a lot of energy for things that get my hopes up anymore
so they are good at whipping up a payment plan, eh
look up cute lawyers in your area click now
i guess i could im already needing to look into disabaility lawyers since im disabled i should find someone to handle the legalities of my cuteness too
before i was an actual consultant and still a student, an acquaintance business owner told me about trying to advertise for his website and he found out about 4chan and made a thread there that got a lot of hits but that they took it down because he couldn't find it anymore this was like two days afterward
>>448290 sundays in floridaland or I guess what day was 22.? thrusday
>>448290 >lookin for accomplice to help me commit arson >hey man i can help you w/ that i love burnin shit but the problem is i dont got a chin >it's ok i got enough chin for both of us but btw i dont have a neck > i got you covered
>>448290 The part concerning spaghetti sauce makes me wonder if Tony has a future career in serial arson.
what is with tony mild and pastasauce?
Which one do you figure was disguised in bull costume.
but bulls are manly and stronk tonski is a whipped dog
No that wasn't an answer to your question. Tony once let pasta sauce cook too long too hot and burned it to the pot a bit, according to himself.
>>448303 I intentionally let a bit of tomato-based sauces burn to the bottom of a pot when I'm cooking with it. Just a marginal amount that separates off the bottom when you give it a bit of a prod with with your stirring implement. I like the bit of extra flavour.
That is the beauty of it you think you are still living, but it is actually a very personalised hell some tormented are actually working as tormentors, without ever realising it themselves
Kirara 🚗
>>448311 well you might still be alive the you im talking to could just be a representation of you present in my hell and you wouldnt know it or if you did you wouldn't tell me obviously
a lot of things make sense if i assume i died in 2015
Also think about it seriously some aspect of good turned evil vs person who thinks they are helping you but actually just ruining your day which is a worse tormentor for all eternity?
Poked with spiky bits in a boiling cauldron vs eternally lasting family dinner where everyone hates eachother?
and then you die old andm iserable out of old age are told the WHOLE thing was your personal hell and are sent back to relive it again, not knowing at all about the truth of the matter and even if you realise it mid process, you can never prove it one way or another an eternal doubt, just there in the back of your mind
>>448336 I did that with a pizza stone that was like 500 degrees, it's kind of similar but I did it on accident. Pretty miserable experience, but it wasn't really that painful. My hand was sensitive for like 2 weeks though yeah.
The worst is, that the afterpain from your nerves is like 5x worse than the burning sensation that didn't even actually hurt even that much your nevers cut that kind of shit luckily out or they burn and there isn o real pain register immediately
but the 3-5th days are the worst the itch the constant leaking of muscle juices and shit
Kirara 🚗
can't help that i am feeling a compulsion to do it
Yeah my two top ones are >picking up a rock that fell from sauna stove and placing it back on the stove and >leaning on a stove at maximum heat cause I didn't bother to check which one was on, as my roomie had turned the wrong stove on instead of the one he had the kettle on
Kirara 🚗
i keep picturing myself just slamming my hand down on it and holding it there
>>448351 my personal high point is probably >microwave cup // mug that doesn't have anything in it for a minute and a half >grab the round part of the mug i thought it had water in it but it was just extremely hot ceramic even then i grabbed the wrong part of it
but the sauna rock is just >picks up 100-300c rock and hols it in his hand for 5-10 seconds and places it back >then realises "wait a minute"
for some reason when i grabbed the mug i froze up and held it there stupefied for like 5 seconds then dropped it and it chipped >>448357 how did you even manage to hold it that long maybe cause you are already in the sauna?
but yeah after the stove lean, I have had a subconcsious aversion of hot things especially thigns that radiate heat getting over it slowly, but still hard to go close to anything that ish otter than 60 or so degrees at times >>448360 not even that, i was picking up sausages we had been grilling on the stove and while taking them I dropped a decorative rock and then just "oh better put that back" I dunno was it how I held it or just because it seared the flesh so quick that I didn't notice the burns btu I did manage to toss it back on the stove before the pain hit me I didn't burn my hand that bad, though, so I think I held onto it quite loosely and as it was shaped like a sitting person isntead of round rock or something, it propably didn't make contact that bad
>>448366 i get this shit especially when im overworked and underslept i was in the car just a little bit ago and the vibration of the heater vent was making my physically nauseous so i left sometimes i'm transcribing files and all the conference rooms have an air unit in them that switches on and off every once in a while and listening to it at the volume i have to have it to transcribe voices makes me ill too electricity seems the worst though i think it can be felt benzodiazepines help me with this that is why i take them so much
>>448366 I used to hear the hum of electrical current all the time. Especially when someone turned on a CRT television or something. Don't hear it as much anymore.
Kirara 🚗
i need a sensory deprivation chamber i can hear this candle burning my senses are all amped up for no reason im stuck in fight or flight i want to go somewhere far away from civilization so i can have some quiet
well do that if you can or try to drown the loud noise with some white noise music or something calming
but in terms of annoying sounds, I htink most annoying is sometimes when your ear canals get fucked and you start hearing your body's noises too loudly can't even drown it off, as the shit comes from inside
i dont think that's a healthy physiological state to be in i'm familiar with it and at least how it affects my system everything just looks like wires and mesh networks i have to take valerian root or a benzo to enter a useable thoughtspace again a hot shower to get some other feedback to the brain can help extinguish some of that oversensitivity
if i do endure it then i tend to lose my memory a bit or something i may be extrapolating a general symptom to a specific case but in my neurotic mind i reason that the symptom is the cause that's probably a dangerous thought process though. i think that's how schizophrenic patterns emerge i was looking for the name of one thought disorder but i can't find it, about thinking everything is mechanically controlled in relation to the technological state in the era that the person's living in
this anime forum doesn't allow quoting wtf not /moe/ some other one i'm perusing forum forum
>>448455 Quoting like 4chan style quoting, or - >>448459 BBS right.
>>448458 no the old brick style forums it's like a freakin comment box at the bottom like you're signing a guest book almost, and there's no reply or quote function on individual posts if i want to reference what someone's saying i gotta actually copy paste in quotes >>448460 yeah and can't format it into a block quote either, or backlink and it's hard locked at 10 posts per page haha but there's the ability to like -- sorry, heart -- posts
Like you can't use the UI to quote someone, you'd have to actually copy-paste their writing into your post, right?
just realised I am sucking on throat tablets that are older than some of my relatives' kids hmm
>>448464 there sure are some weird chasms on the internet it's so rudimentary but it gets like maxed out posts within hours with just a couple dozen users >>448469 this doesn't seem to have anything like that it looks handmade it might be outdated but just grandfathered into acceptance
my stepdad started getting worse again suddenly now he's losing his memories from 20 years ago
Cook the sketti.
>>448565 wasn't his health bad already when yous till livedh ome?
Kirara 🚗
he was alright when i lived there as soon as i left he started becoming incapable of creating new memories he still feels like it's September 2016 (i left August 2016)
20 years ago, what about recent times?
>>448572 kinda weird or maybe you were last thing keeping him sane
it's some kind of brain degeneration but if so it shouldn't just stop for a while especially without treatment that it stopped and then started again makes me even more suspicious
>>448583 id guess arsenic but she's avoided having him tested for metal toxicities
maybe she is feeding him lead?
>>448529 wow a moe specific edit i don't remember this
from low quality looks like somethign suggers made
probably yeah
he's the only one auts enough
whoa or dutch from filename time would have access to the actual spoiler files and can't think of anyone else who'd do it especially with that combo nyaruko taunting over ika
I know where to get the spoiler files Or how if that doesn't work
>>448669 The other whats? Liveboards? Tell us about yourself newfriend
>>448670 I watched their previous work. It consisted of two short movies and a six-episode television series. Production quality is solid, consistent, if not particularly exceptional. It also wasn't a series that necessitated much action, so assuming this new series is a little more exciting, those previous standards might be all that relevant.
oh, they did Fate/GO i still never finished that the first few eps were pretty good
binan koukou chikyuu bouei-bu is getting a second season too that's really not something i expected to ever happen everyone but me and rika dropped that show
i'm sure there will be plenty of other stuff to watch on that day this time though
>>448679 Isn't it a third season? I could have sworn it already got a second.
also anyone who says "i never get hangover" is lying as it is a fucking side effect of consuming alcohol what you just don't get are the "stereotypical reactions" of hangover
>>448687 Apparently they've traded out the director whose handled Persona adaptations in the past. So that's potentially promising.
>>448695 in the past main issue was rather half-full charging etc and what kept a battery longer was letting it drain and then properly charging it after it had emptied modern phones batteries don't have this particular problem, but older models and laptops for example still have this. No battery ofc will last forever. If memory serves, modern phones like being charged and can lose their capacity from being empty too long or too oft but while older batteries could be temporarily short term rejuvinated by letting them empty 100% and then charging them up to 100% and bit longer, modern ones don't have any quick fixes like that or atleast I havn't heard of any
hard to even say what kinda batteries phone have, since fewer and fewer models come with a detachable battery
If there was something at all to do except naval battles, maybe it could have some sort of gameplay value, but all it's got is that and uh, going to an island, stopping, digging up a chest And naval battles seem rare >>448704 Oh yeah, you can also press m1 2 or 3 times on skeletons now and then
Even dying is inconsequential unless the ship sinks
and fighting skellingtons or something
And it all costs $60
holy shit what?
not even if i had a million billion donald trump dollars
Weird how there seems to be a demand for a co-op naval battle game or even a single player AC4 style game, but so few options exist or maybe they do but all are so bad
I genuinely can not believe they had this at E3, and they went "yes, this is the end product" Like this game's gonna tank, people aren't gonna be buying this >>448717 There's usually an actual, somewhat engaging gameplay loop though, even in the most shovelware of big studio games
>>448716 I dunno if you look at the triple A culture, that sounds EXACTLY what they do all the time
>>448712 People seemed hype because it was an xbone/w10 exclusive
>>448716 Yeah when I saw the E3 footage I was like "oh that's cool but how's the rest of the game gonna play"
>>448719 In the case of the Xbox One I'd say post purchase rationalization. Having a good exclusive lets them feel like they didn't waste their money.
Look at this dumb motherfucker
>>448720 I think part of the problem with these games is there's no difficulty curve There's no ramping tension where you slowly get better at it Just very samey missions where you collect cosmetics
>>448718 Like The puzzling seemed interesting, I thought that was kinda cool, having to solve these riddles to get to the chest, that could itself be fairly interesting as long as there's a lotta puzzles The battles on the sea looked cool, you can even steal other people's chests and stuff, which seems like a good game IN ITSELF if they built around it a little
But reality is all they have is like Wow, mostly you walk to the spot on the map and shovel, after sailing in a straight line from the spawn island and meeting NOBODY Then you sail back, meeting NOBODY
>>448718 Right? If there were like, advanced islands with scary monsters that you gotta collect money and get a better gun, or a better SHIP before taking on, that could actually add SOMETHING to play for beyond the sailing
>>448720 "Giant universe and you can meet other players, but this most likely never happens"
>>448722 Yeah islands with really sick treasure but they're full of traps and harder monsters so you gotta weigh up the risks against the rewards of going for it. That'd be cool. What's the combat like? Could it even account for harder encounters with more complicated patterns?
>>448727 Man that's another thing. These sorts of things never develop a single game mechanic to a point where it's really indepth. Instead it's a hodgepodge with like 5 mechanics that don't have any depth so they're all boring.
>>448723 >>448725 >game relies on having a high playerbase for fun multiplayer >sell it for $60
>>448724 Naw the combat is too basic for harder encounters
The AI seems to go in a straight line to you and M1 The combat with other players is cool, but could be better The feedback on hitting something is like, just a CoD tick on your crosshair, until the enemy dies
The subreddit has like 80K subscribers lol And from what I've glanced at, the thoughts on the game seem split between the following: "There's literally nothing to fucking do, and the game is boring as shit, I don't like it" And "There's fucking nothing to do, and that's revolutionary game design, because it allows you to just have fun with your friends"
The game gives you the TOOLS to pretend you're a pirate in voice chat, /moe/! You can sail aimlessly from island to island
>>448729 >there's nothing to do and that allows you to just have fun with your friends Second Life did that shit years ago Might as well just boot up vr chat
>>448736 Club Penguin has more things to do than Sea of Thieves
I don't even really understand second life tbh It seems overrun with landlords somehow, which I don't understand at all. it's virtual, there's gotta be enough land for everyone, no? >>448738 I have tried SL, but like, everywhere I went someone else owned everything, and I couldn't really do anything but engage with their stuff
How long was this in development for? Like 4 years? What did they spend all that time on? It's not like Rare was doing anything else
>>448739 Are they at least good at it Does it /// sea of thieves have good sea shanties
>>448737 Are you sure you were doing it right. Maybe in Second Life you pay the devs real money to own land or something. I'm assuming the devs produce land indefinitely
I just don't understand why you'd release for $60 a game you'd likely not be able to get people to play for free more than a few hours I mean I DO understand why, but I don't get why the people actually making it wanted to make that
>>448747 This is the most likely answer >shit we've invested millions and we have fucking nothing to show for it >do we invest millions more to make a better game and potentiall profit more? >or do we just ship it out now and hope to recoup what we've already invested
>>448749 This reads like a joke. Like someone pretending to be a fanboy. >same as League of Legends That's not a statement I'd make to defend a game lol
*extremely not buyers remorse voice* Th-the game is boring as shit and that's why it's good
Maybe being a pirate was a boring way to live? Ever think about that? Huh? No. You didn't YOU ONLY THINK ABOUT YOURSELF
>>448753 A lot of time being a pirate was probably just spent sitting on a boat waiting it might not have been very fun
>>448757 Yeah even worse Pirating isn't all fighting and drinking and fucking
Pirating a game about piracy? Really activates my almonds.
>>448749 if having fun with your friends is the only positive trait you can define for a game then it's bad there are games that have plenty of positives and are fun with friends anything is fun with friends watching paint dry is bearable if you have somebody to talk to
>>448754 not sitting doing a LOT of menial tasks to keep it a float naval life during age of seiling was constant toiling unless you were the commanding staff and even then you had to constantly be aware and vigilant so that everything was being done
>>448756 Literally all games let you have fun with your friends if you're just playing the game as background noise, and the bants are what keeps you entertained >>448760 Well they were outside the law, so
>>448754 also considering pirates wanted food and such stuff more than the traditional booty, it kinda illuminates their life
>>448656 Really? I think it gets used on /int/ a lot or something. Otherwise I wouldn't have heard it from one of my friends.
And once again most pirates were privateers, so they had a port to sail to and spend their ill-gotten goods /money or sell their ill-gotten goods if they actually were pirates, it would be hard as fug to get by
>>448761 Have you ever seen it used? >/int/ I wouldn't be surprised tbh
>>448764 Maybe there's just an inconsistency between internet language and everyday use Or it might be a word that gets used in over states. Victoria is fairly liberal and I don't think many aboriginies actually live there So I just might not have grown up where it was used
>>448768 It represents the countries population of /int/ users However I do not think that the amount of people who use /int/ can represent a very significantly large amount of a country
>>448766 It represents the country's people on some level, not neccesarily accurately in terms of how prevalent certain behaviours are. But it is a microcosm.
On some level, but doesn't mean that word came from there.
? I never said it came from there. I did some reading, it seems to have come from an insult aboriginies used against the colonists.
Oh, looks like flst earth guy finally took off.
Also basically everything except movies and music that has informed me about Australia suggests that racism (particularly against aboriginies) is relatively common there. Not thst it's neccesarily true. But that's the sense of things I've experienced.
I can't comment on racism and Australia because I grew up in a fairly well off area in private schools where like 95% of people were white. I didn't see racism towards the few black and asian students in our schools but that's probably more to do with the school itself than Australia as a whole.
There was probably a pretty large dislike of refugees if Tony "Turn back the boats" Abbott got in though It's really hard to talk about racism towards aborigines when there's so few left
>>448775 Christmas Island is a really fucked up place.
Oh yeah I completely forgot sbout that Yeah Australia has a really really bad human rights record when it comes to refugees in the past decade.
>>448774 There'd be more left if they didn't drink petrol.
There'd be more left if we didn't slaughter them and take their land LOL If you wanna see something fucked up look up the black line
>>448780 No this was in Tasmania. A large group of people formed a line of of moving cordons with the goal of pushing the aboriginies out of settled land and had free reign to kill them.
>>448779 There was probably a way to develop Australia without murdering them all. Shit New Zealand still has fairly large maori populations and it's mostly first world
>>448775 Well the refugees are illegally entering the country... and while strict as fuck they have a immigration policy that isn't that hard to tackle
>>448781 You have no idea what we're talking about do you?
>>448782 how they sink or drag any refugee boat and ferry them all into chris isles to which they pay a large sum to keep them there in horrible conditions
Okay just checking I'm half asleep and misread your post My bad
Well the horrible conditions are more fault of local government, but aussie gov neither does care to enforce them to keep humane standards in the camps
>>448777 Maori and Aboriginies are a lot different, I'm not really going to elaborate mich on that but I feel that the cultural differences may be related a bit.
>>448781 Just because something's illegal doesn't mean what goes on in there is okay >>448786 I don't think they even let the media have very good coverage