Thread #445594
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Cardcaptor Sakura --Episodes 10-11 Dame x Prince --Episodes 8-11 Grancrest Senki --Episodes 9-11 HakuMiko Mob Psych 100 Probably Recap OVA ReLIFE (!!!) --Episodes 14-17 Toji no Miko --Episodes 7-11
so what's up
Waiting for Ika to not be dead as beans first, I guess.
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Yeah. I messaged Ika.
There's a four-episode OVA of ReLIFE, that show about the guy that got to take a drug to make him high-school age again and relive his final year of high school.>>445604 I haven't looked, but I believe after. The manga series for it very recently wrapped up too, so these might be adapting the finale even.
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wow the OVAs are really piling up. Are they set after the resolution of the series, or before? Do you know?
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There is not a lot new tonight. Violet Evergarden should have aired and been our best show but it appears it didn't.
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dame prince 8 dame prince 9 relife 14 hakumiko 10
Yeah I'm not sure where Violet is. Kind of a shame.
ReLIFE definitely seems to pick up after the show wrapped up. Don't know if they're jumping over stuff or something to get to the end or whatever.
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dame prince 8 okay lets start
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Oh great.
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Oh I see where this is going.
I guess it was only time before they had to cater to the shotacon fanbase.
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>i'll save the day >immediately goes to the river and starts skipping rocks
I totally expected that "you're sparkling" moment to be Narek literally sparkling as he turned into kidmode.
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>>445616 I did too, yeah.
Some of them seem to keep a semblance of their mature self, like the chief and Vino. Both others totally go full kid mentality.
Fucking WRECKED.
I've run out of pictures of disgust and disappointment.
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>>445622 here's one
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dame prince 9 okay lets start
Dame desu yo
dam e
This This'll probably be another exhausting episode.
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I don't think can top last episode, that was a pure pandering episode.
Well so was the hot springs turned beach episode.
Vino knows his wine-o. Unsurprisingly.
>When a girl cares more about a cow than some one-on-one time with you
Up 'til now they've all just kind of been road trip buddies. But now they're Oh what the fuck is this.
Reverse of...whatever that move is again.
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>>445633 They're all acting weird and the music is overly corny. They have to be under the influence of something.
I dunno I think they're all acting in line with their characters. Aside from kind of Mare, who's suddenly really aggressive about getting to dance with her. Random fate does seem to be conspiring absolutely ridiculous scenarios though.
In before she just dances with her dad.
reverse harem modo
Oh this is a suitably stupid resolution too.
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party wipe
Time for the damsel in distress arc.
Wow they just stuffed her in a sack. How undignified.
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okay re-life 14 let's see how this goes oaky lets start
okay lets watch all four ova episdoes
i still really really like this opening
It ends on a really nice note.
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I wonder how this series will end. I kinda have a feeling of how but it depends on if they go all the way.
I totally didn't spoil myself on the last three chapters as they were getting posted on /a/ on -over the last three weeks.
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so somebody was shot and killed in the parking lot of the 7-11 i work at earlier today
You weren't working there at the time, were you?
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nah i'm off today so it's no big deal i guess
I guess, huh. The 7-11 is also like a three minute walk from your place too, isn't it. I remember it being pretty close at least.
>YOLO handbook The fuck is this.
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>>445666 it's a 3 minute drive, 15 to 20 minute walk depending on if i cross the freeway or go through the neighborhood instead
>>445668 do you weant to watch RELIFE it is the final ova series finale episdoes
>>445668 That's still much closer than comfortable for me to have someone get killed by something like a gun. Would probably rattle me a bit.
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>>445669 nah i'm good i didn't watch the series itself >>445670 i'm just curious who shot who i probably know them
We'll be doing an episode of the smol people living in the woods in about sixteen minutes, you want a go at that?
she hates her
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>>445663 Patron or staff?
>>445672 yeah i'll watch that one >>445674 just two customers who had an argument or something
Hishiron is pretty perceptive.
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>>445675 I wonder what they were arguing about?
>>445678 hard to say since there is no real information beyond their ages, the victim was 20 and the shooter in his 50s
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Oh, I wonder what it was all about. Crime is interesting.
The two of them were totally putting that office life experience to good use, dealing with the cafe paperwork.
>I don't want to bring my girlfriend over because my brother is a shut-in. Sometimes I wonder if this is how my younger siblings think of me.
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I can see Japanese people being bothered by it but it's hard to imagine westerners caring too much.
Yeah I'm mostly joking. Mostly. They always bring people over anyway so it's not like I have much reason to believe it.
Oh man some ORANGE RANGE. I haven't heard anything from them since they did the first Bleach OP/
I like how the EDs for this show are all nostalgia bombs for people that would have been teenagers when the MC and Hishiron were teenagers their first pass around.
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hakumei 10 well we can do relife 15 instead oh is jan here no wait hakumei 10 as planned>>445716 >>445716 >>445716 okay let's start!
lets watch another episode>>445712 oh jans watching haku lets do haku
Wow poor Jan. How could you betray him like this Ika.>>445716 Return Jaaaannnn it was just Ika being dumb. Okey dokes.
well aight
i am still here haha i am trying to open my torrent folder okay
>Onsen episode What a pleasant surprise.
Sleeeepy OP
Aw the onsen episode got shot down.
>Get locked out of the onsen >Make one yourself
bamboo bathtub
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Bamboo-cutting seems kind of dangerous when you're tiny- Pft. Poor Hakumei.
it's gonna be night before they even get finished making the bath
Nighttime baths are pretty nice though. Just imagine soaking in warm water under a moonlit, starry sky.
it sounds relaxing i want my own onsen episode
Yeah, really. The best I've done is open-air bathing, never been to an onsen.
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looks like the onsen episode found a way.
Onee-san episode!
onee-san onsen
>>445743 I'll take one please kudasai.
That is a lot of soy sauce for tiny people.
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this useless onee-san sure is relatable
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the paneling in this show is cool
she poured a smaller glass for nee-san
>>445748 I'd totally do that to my sister if she could somehow persuade me to even give her some of my precious alcohol in the first place.>>445747 Yeah, i really like the way they do it. It gives it an interesting style that doesn't show up in many shows.
Ara ara
I wish the translations for the little infoblurbs that run during the credits were set a little cleaner and easier to read.
they really take up too much space you can't see the art at all
And the sentences jump down lines so haphazardly it actually makes it harder to read properly. Should've just had them pop up on the top of the screen or something.