what if he was havin a seizure or somethin though idk remember that time 50 cent was at the airport and recorded himself harassing some dude for being high on drugs and it turned out the kid had paralyzing social anxiety and didn't know how to react and then it got broadcast to the whole world on his twitter that was fucked up
GA this bridging sure works weird I need to sign up into both of my computers from both of my computers, for the connection to be enabled otherwise it is automatic, provided the networks needed for the bridge to form exist.
Two (2) AA bonus runs Ah ah h
i will sometimes not get an A on speed because i'll get myrrh on the flying map and she acts so dumb and just floats evasively away so i gotta waste two turns pushing her to the corner that i can attack from it's so frustrating
I hate making phonecalls. This is way too stressful.
So a feautre I had turned off on my both computers on my firewall turned itself automatically back on despite me having quite well made sure it COULDN'T even on purpose turn itself on >updates - improving user friendliness
On that note I should replace comodo with somethign mroe decent
Common Sense 2019
I actually don't know of anything better than comodo for Windows firewall. But I don't really pay attention to that kind of thing for Windows. I configure my computer firewall manually and also ny router firewall.
>>446890 Do you ever get tired of whining about how you're not the focus group for the functions these programs and updates cater to.
>>446895 So you want a in build dns blocker on your internet usage that blocks sites based on the whatever decisions of executives on the board of said company?
If no one used the feature and gave negative feedback of it, it wouldn't be there anymore. Despite comodo being at times dick, they do listen to their userbase
for example, when they were first going to change the UI, people protested having seen the new one and didn't like the look of it, so they made it that you can actually choose or even customise the UI if you want to, by downloading custom skins or using the official ones with each UI getting a name and lastest being always "modern" and just because a bunch of people went "this bad man"
so while I understand keeping the DNS as a feature, it being default on and sometimes getting turned on due to patches concerning it, is damn annoying cause it for example blocks moe
>french woman drowned 5 new borns and froze their remains >husband didn't know of any pregnancies *claims he
>>446908 I'm still working at the brewery, though working is a liberal way of putting it, considering they haven't called me in for a shift in over two months. They automate their paying of me through an online service, which also is what sorts out my tax forms for tax season. When I was first registered for it, I was emailed a registration code with an expiration of two weeks, which, in narrative predictability, I procrastinated on until it expired. I need to get in contact with someone from the brewery to see if something can be done to fix it. I tried texting the guy who handled as far as I know my hiring process, but apparently he doesn't work there anymore and I've got to call a different person for it. But I don't know this new person and it's already kind of anxiety-inducing trying to explain my situation to someone I do know, let alone someone who's a total stranger. That and I generally have a pretty bad gag reflex towards calling people to start with.
yeah i have terrible anxiety with phone calls generally too ive had to do a number of presentations in conference calls and some client calls this past year and i didnt have too much problem with that strangely but i can't bring myself to call my doctor to schedule a new appointment or do a lot of fairly basic functional things and errands i dont think i'm alone in that respect though, in my particular field anyway it seems like my clients are highly anxious too so that makes it a little easier for me to step up to the plate and feel comfortable navigating things too bad im letting them down and being a useless piece of shit i'm simultaneously burning myself out for underpaid overwork while also trying to instill confidence in my clients that i can solve or help solve their problems what a two-faced piece of shit
From my experience, I don't think there's many people that actually look forward to or anticipate phone calls like those. it just seems to instil some degree of dread and aprehension in most anybody. So they can offer some sympathy, even if thery don't fully realize that while for them, it's a minor discomfort, but for others it's such a terror that they spend hours dancing in a circle around the action, or once it starts are so nervous the words come out in a rushing slurry and there's an inevitable "I'm sorry can you say that again?" and I really just can't handle it well.
>>446914 inb4 he makes a fangame of that 7 sins game which artstyle is those style paintings 90%
I'd play the fuck out of that.
>>446913 i'm in a big pickle right now because i dont even have a phone it deactivated and ive had a rough winter and have seven dollars in my account so i can't renew i gotta just somehow hope nobody asks for a meeting in the next ten days and then play it off cool because i dont want my clients to know im fucking poor i'm managing their advertising budgets that they spend more on per month than i get paid it sucks because i'm super hesitant not to waste their money so i refine everything to save them few dollars and they're wondering why i'm not spending the budget i am spending the budget but i'm not wasting it but in their mind im just wasting time which is probably true
>>446913 >So they can offer some sympathy, even if thery don't fully realize that while for them, it's a minor discomfort, but for others it's such a terror that they spend hours dancing in a circle around the action, or once it starts are so nervous the words come out in a rushing slurry and there's an inevitable "I'm sorry can you say that again?" and I really just can't handle it well. sorry but i'm currently editing several hundred pages so i'm in that mode So they can offer some sympathy even if they don't fully realize that while, for them, it's a minor discomfort, (remove but) for others, it's such a terror that they spend ... I don't think this is right either but it rubbed against my flags and im tryna figure out how those commas should work
>>446921 Drop the first --second, really-- comma before 'its'. I use commas both in the grammatical fashion and in the pseudo-verbal fashion.
>>446923 for them is a minor interjection. it either needs commas around both sides for continuity, or the comma needs to go before while and after discomfort "while it's a minor discomfort, for others it's..." just to see how it flows without that interjection in an implied state the commas have a symmetry about them that the sentence needs to flow without the interjection which is not an actual clause >>446925 you're still gonna have "don't fully realize that, for others, it's such a terror" or you could have "realize that, while it's a minor discomfort" // yeah you have to have a comma after that, no way around it the finnicky part is having a sub-interjection this is totally fine to do, but for clarity and to reduce vagueness in the text interpretation, rearranging it would be helpful to "it's a minor discomfort for them" what you've done is much closer to spoken convention though
sorry, this was a pointless endeavor but it was something i wanted to do to take a moment to breathe
Or what about "that while it's a minor discomfort for them, for others..."
>>446924 Well like I said, in casual text conversation like this, I use commas both grammatically and in part of the sentence where I feel I would naturally pause. At least, when I'm not super-aware of my writing like I am now, hah hah.
And also, in terms of clarity and vagueness, a lot could be done about the sentence, from how I lean super, suuuuper heavily on insinuated context and don't really establish using clear nouns, to how I clearly leave the realm of "others" shortly after mentioning them and leap headfirst into personal experience and not generalization.
yeah since im transcribing i have to use it in both those contexts and still make it somewhat readable so i have to slide the scale on the comma depending on the ambiguity of the sentence spoken and that makes it very disorienting at times and to the reader it certainly seems inconsistent because I might do "This, for me, is not what i'm looking for" and then i might not put "for me" in commas later when it's an overly constructed sentence this is such a nasty job tbh there's no structured way to format spoken word as text without destroying some of the information contained in the channel
Wait What if, you used rests from musical notation?
every day i grow more powerful and every day my grip on reality cracks a little more life is so strange and people interact with me ways i don't see them interact with others
>>446934 >getting washing all over the floor You fucking bitch it's all gonna get dirty again
>>446955 it still has the shading issues from what I have seen, though since they aren't human but gems? or something it doesn't kinda stick out like it did in Ajin man I wanted to watch that animated, but...
>>446949 this is like a weird thing to complain about but people seem to like me a lot for no reason my clinical supervisor was telling me today how great and brilliant and amazing i am and then the other person she supervises was complaining to me that our supervisor treats him like shit and insults him and doesn't keep things up to date for him which gets him in trouble and some other people had the same experience with her it reminds me of my old boss, where he was an absolute cock mangler to everyone but he loved me so much for no reason that i was able to do anything and get away with anything the way people interact with me is like that somewhat frequently and it weirds me out so much
>>446957 i think the term is cock mongler and yeah people like us aren't NPCs so we get a weird magnetic attraction i've had that most of my life too, but not always in pleasant contexts >>446964 hi rei yes comment here i'm going to totally read it that's a very valid point you have thanks for pointing it out
>>446956 You don't really notice the shading unless you're really looking to complain about it. Houseki also really takes advantage of the 3D CGI to make the gem's hairs really beautiful. And they utilize the fact that 3D CGI is more of a camera in front of a set to achieve some amazing cinematic moments too.
>>446962 >NPCs That's a terrible fucking attitude to have where you classify "other people" like that.
>>446962 it makes me feel like there's something special about me, like i actually am some kind of main character but that's such an unrealistic thought that it bothers me and yet things constantly go like that like there's some kind of pattern there it absolutely makes other people feel and look so different from me
also my supervisor decided to give me tips on picking up girls while discussing my stimulus value??
>>446964 yo lemme just jump into this other conversation and decode in a normal function and assume i know the context then judge people for it fuck entropy, fuck linguistics, there's one language and it's my language and i'm an ultimate observer to judge what's happening here
you don't know what levels of parody, saturation, humor, and where truth propogates between in the channel between me and kirara why are you so involved
>>446966 i can't get away from my clients i'm actively trying to fail because it's making me miserable but things i'm considering as unacceptable they're regarding as signs that it wasn't a reasonable request
translation for people who want to judge actively trying to fail doesn't mean i'm sabotaging other people or myself it means that i'm in an enclosed space that i can perform in and trying to inform them that im not the right person for the job and that i don't feel comfortable continuing, but they don't feel confident in anyone else besides me to perform this work, and it's a conundrum of my low self esteem and others' high esteem of me, unduly i would imagine, but there's something about my personality that makes this a commonplace experience and something kirara might be able to relate to
i'm sure glad i have to explain all that explicitly to observers when i'm sure the intended recipients already understood what i meant
It feels a bit similar to one of the issues I've had to deal with under what I call the burden of competence. Some people, when they see some of the things I do, assume my capacity to perform to be way higher than what I'm comfortable consistently putting out. So I kind of knowingly some times try to not excel because I want to be left alone or not weighed so down so heavily.
>>446976 burden of competence is such an, eh, egocentric term though i try to take the humor approach instead??
I don't interface well with humour. And I'm a rather egocentric person! It doesn't translate into toxic output towards others too often though, I think. It's just, doing a good job at something creates an assumption of others towards you that you will do a good job. And that can feel kind of heavy at times.
>>446975 no matter how badly i do it always feels like it's Good Enough idk everyone else must be so poor in every domain if my worst is good enough people can't really read the signs and cues for some reason i feel like it's clear when i do something poorly and then point out its poorly done like i'm clearly indicating what path i want you to take and the implications for how you should respond are evident why don't you just do it
>>446982 the context it's being used in here is probably the most humanizing sentiment because it's so deeply engrained in feelings of internal dehumanization and dissociation and referring to people who are naive to these horrors it's not negative in the slightest, only that it's a disturbance to the way of life that i understand i believe this is something kirara understands as well, so i figured they would understand if i knew other people were gauging my verbiage i would have chosen to express myself through ways i don't know how to express myself in order to accomodate them
>>446985 > if i knew other people were gauging my verbiage i would have chosen to express myself through ways i don't know how to express myself in order to accomodate them Yeah well maybe next time Maria shouldn't talk about other peoples conversations like a douche
you're not a douche i just sometimes get an off feel and am not sure how to interpret it, like you think i'm a bad person for saying the things that i do which i dont doubt is untrue; i'm bad at being a person but ive been clear about that from the front it's better to think of me as an AI responding to its environment because that's closer to what i am
My thought wasn't "moon's a bad person" I've just always hated the absolute use of referring to people as npcs. >>446991 when you look at it from this perspective it makes much more sense
I'm sorry for jumping on you like that. Rika says "NPC" a lot and I have an extreme distaste for it being used to refer people, *to people
it' // it's a non-playable character because people like me will never be able to play those roles
there's a difference between them and us it's self-deprecatory
they're provided a comfort i can never feel
Kirara π
i've finally primed my colleagues enough that i can make self-deprecatory jokes about passive suicidal ideation without anyone getting worried for the most part we were talkin about brain eating amoebas today and i said there are are a lot of ways i'm comfortable dying and that's not one of them and people were kind of uncomfortable with it but they still laughed and that's exactly how i feel all the time so it felt good
united states' first mast school soothing
mass* fuck
Fuck I really don't feel like cleaning I'm gonna go eat the candy I put away for when I'm in a shit mode.
Functional people don't really know how good they have so many of my colleagues are able to dedicate the resources to crying because a client said something mean about them or something so many of my resources have to be dedicated to basic daily function and survival that i can't even fathom having the psychological luxury to be able to do that like if i tell a colleague what i'm going through, they're always like "wow that's crazy how do you stay so upbeat?" humor is less resource heavy than a lot of other coping skills
>>447016 i lvoe em easy to make, easy to eat, and last for quite long
Okay that I might try.
>>447019 I never make them, but most of the casseroles my mom makes smell terrible (to me). Or just taste gross in the case of egg kugel which doesn't smell awful.
>>446998 man you dont know how much i wish i could cry but i can't like ever it's so backed up i'd probably die if i did
Kirara π
>>447022 fuckin same the most i can get is like watery eyes but i can't go further than that and i can't do it when i want/need to
>>447023 i have so much dang work to do i can't even think about emotions right now i got six more hours today and then 12 tomorrow and sunday and like 10 monday
Kirara π
>>447024 do you ever wish you could just reach into your head and squeeze your prefrontal cortex
It's good but its not great. It suits the series and is well animate. But I'm talking about OPs that blow the doors off. Those OPs that are almost better than the show. You don't look forward to Yuru Camp every week because of the OP.
Inuyashiki was the last OP that just absolutely nailed it.
Kirara π
inuyashiki's OP is man on a mission they're the ones that did DATABASE everything they do is an absolute masterpiece they did some music for the hentai kamen movie too they pop up pretty often nowadays which is really exciting
i wonder will neulotgh have the alcohol is friend scene
Kirara π
how many episodes is it gonna be
if it succeeds, I bet quite many unless of course they shorten it a fuckton
I mean the original ova series already cut some parts from the novels
Kirara π
>adapt the entire thing to 12 episodes
I'd guess they do 24/6 episodes first and see what happens
Kirara π
what if they end it at episode 12 and it's just everyone looking to the horizon and someone says "our battle is just beginning...!"
wow one youtube comment kinda summarises why lotgh is so highly praised by its fans >In other shows, this would be the moment where the two main characters fight each other in the epic finale. In LOGTH, the high point is where they sit down and discuss the philosophy of rule over coffee.ο»Ώ
I really wonder how they can do R3 without undoing the everyone is happy and the two sides are happy and there's a happy marriage ending that the series has. R2 ended on a pretty definite note.
>>447086 it really wrapped off the series and then teased with the "is lelouch alive"
>>447087 I'd guess there must be more than CC and VV and their predecessors in terms of geass witches can't be just two, even the hallucintions when the geass contracts were made teased like dozens of them
Yeah, but the thingy was destroyed.
Kirara π
yeah, i think there are a lot more of them in Knightmare of Nunnally, they talk about there being more of them, too
>>447094 Knightmare of Nunnally establishes a multiverse for Code Geass in which many stories are canon including the anime we know considering it's an official manga, i assume it's canon
an isn't that ova series canon too akihito or something I dunno it had some characters with geasses
Kirara π
yeah, that one takes place in the same world as the one we know
>the robot arm must throw at least one hundred shuriken
in EU before the main series or something
Kirara π
there are also other geass users in the Renya show /// manga which i'm pretty sure takes place in the same timeline as Lelouch of the Rebellion that one takes place in the like 1500s if i remember correctly maybe 1600s
God knows how many ones CC had before Mao and lelouch afterall and it still leaves the question, how did Emperor's brother get the double geass at like age 10
Kirara π
yeah VV must have overused his geass a lot for such a young kid
Also considerign that little order of theirsh ad dozens if not hundreds of geass users and the emperor had his right hand knight with a geass who knows how many other geass agents like rolo there might be out there
>>447106 Lelouch's parents didn't really have any redeeming qualities Emperor was maniacal from young age, though it most likely stemmed from the harem kids fighting for power environment but what excuse did marianne have?
Kinda fun how Britannia functioned quite similiarly to the Ottoman empire >>447110 guess so but the series implies she was always like that
Kirara π
>>447108 wasn't marianne just mad about getting killed?
she actually had one of he most powerful ones >>447115 she had it, but it didn't work it was "transfer consciousness at the point of death" though after that I guess it would have worked better
Kirara π
didn't she have it before that? i'm sure she used it before oh, just at the point of death hmm
>>447122 i think anya wanted to get in with orenji but he tried to keep her as more of a daughteru
Jeremiah GOTTWALDO is one of the top characters ever
>>447123 in the end I don't think they have that big age difference he was like 15-25 when marianne died and it has been what 10 or so years from that and anya was maybe 5-6, she was actually lelouches age or a year younger
Kirara π
yeah, i guess she's just a small adult i think she's probably 16 or 17
>>447124 he's such a badass i hope he doesn't actually die in r3 CARVE IT INTO YOUR MEMORIES THE MEMORABLE NAME OF THE MAN WHO TOOK YOU DOWN
29 at end of R2 and 15 so yeah, not even that big age difference
Kirara π
and later when he was like "orenji? that name fills me with PRIDE"
I am guessing that was some actual character design for the maid character, but they just never had the time or moment to actually show it before she just ninjas around
i can't wait to see what r3 is like with any other studio, i'd probably be really cynical about it but after cross ange, i know that sunrise still has it
We were talking about memes and internet culture yesterday, spinzaku memes are another one of those relics of a day gone by. The current internet would not find them as funny as they were back then.
This reminds me, though, I need to watch Cross Ange with Fish.
7 days
>>447156 They lean more towards romantic instead of sexual, really. Love of all platitudes exist in their original work and doujinshi content, but they don't really do a lot of sexual love.
that pink princess death scene >flatlines >zero zero zero zero zero...
Ssssh There's a /moe/ who ststill hasn't seen it
BTW considering nunally overpowered the blindness geass her father set on her and if lelouch is indeed dead wouldn't schneizel eventually overpower the geass set on him?
carnivores don't exclusively eat meat that etymology means that they need meat to survive they will still eat vegetation
Yeah. Plenty of cats will happily knaw on a few strands of grass if given the chance.
>>447178 You don't need anything but vegetation; but you don't get told to fuck off for having some meat.
>>447176 yeh, but cats don't need anything but meat
>>447177 that is for digestive purposes and to get rid of hair stuck on their throat and stomach from grooming, not dietary purposes
Kirara π
lazarus loves food that's not meat especially bread
>>447178 sure i don't see the relevance to >>447175 though how does that interplay with whether or not they like blueberries
>>447177 considering our brains evolved from eating meat, I'd say that is false
>>447182 Evolved from the nutritional components of the meat, there's an important distinction, considering with modern capabilities, you can get all of that nutrition from plant-based sustenance. So my point still stands, you don't need anything but vegetation, so if cats shouldn't eat plants because they're carnivores, maybe you shouldn't eat meat either. Or you can stop bitching and just let them eat the occasional non-lethal piece of vegetation.
>>447183 it isn't shouldn't it is "they don't get any nutrients from it" compare it to like cows, who need what 2 or 3 stomachs to get the optimal amount of nutrients from grazing on grass and such
Kirara π
>>447190 sure but i'm not playin rn i played a little last night and i'm waitin for my stew to finish up i'll probbaly play in like an hour or so
Cats need meat but can gget some nutrition from non meat.
or omnivore humans who have digestive tracks upwards of what 20 metres inside us
the original point was that why would cats like blueberries if they're carnivores we clarified that carnivores still eat non-meats faulty premis so that conversation doesn't need to continue thanks
>>447184 Bugs are meat though. Unless you mean it in the "fish and poultry are not meat" sense.
>>447195 they lack much of the taste buds to enjoy it and most of its nutriental value goes straight down into poop >>447198 >blueberries aren't sweet what blueberries have you been eating?
There's this thing where a group of people buy an entire cow and then split the meat and have a big cook out. But like in urban areaareas. Cause there are companies ththat fafacilitate everything.
do you put onion slices into your burgers?
I can't handmake the patties myself actually. I have huge problems touching things that feel like ground beef does with my bare hands. There was a time last summer or the summer before it I was making them with my mother, and I tried several times to get my hand into the mixing bowl with the ground beef and all the addings in it, but I couldn't get my hand past ground-level.
It was easier to form the patties though, even though I was still washing my hands non-stop while doing it.
>>447218 We put an egg into the mixture for consistency, yeah. Add a bit of seasoned breadcrumbs, minced onions and garlic, and some seasonings from the cupboard too.
>>447218 Yeah sometimes, I also sometimes put a frfried egegg on top of the patty.
I usually do minced oonions, pressed gagarlic or garlic salt, worschestire sauce, bread crumbs, a little bit of pepper occasionally add other random stuff
>>447226 A moose would feed llike ffive people for a month. Hope you don't get sick of it.
>>447230 I can fight a meteorite ez I don't expect to win, though
I rate moose my top scariest encounter in the woods beats bear
Oh also sometimes I have bison burgers. I don't add as much stuff to those bbecause ththe mmeat has a good susubtlettaste to it that differs from ground bebeef.
>>447221 >>447220 >>447222 I pretty much usually add in a soup mix, ususally onion soup, maybe sliced onions, some spices, like paprika, and ofc black pepper and then see what else I have and then finish off with an egg to make the mixture more firm
Kirara π
>>447231 it will feed the local homeless population
Kirara π
i don't really like bison or at least the bison burger i had a while ago i didn't like maybe i just got a bad one i'd try again
>>>/watch?v=6GEhM2Byk7w#t=1m40s They are pretty intimidating animals. They'll feint charges at you as a part of trying to scare you off, but they will charge -at- you if they feel sufficiently threatened.
>>447238 weird canadian mooses a finnish moose just doesn't give a fuck it doesn't treat people as a threat it will like stare down an incoming truck expecting it to vanish in a puff of smoke Moose King of the Woods
>>447237 have you had turnip cakes before what kinda weeb are you if you havent
>>447235 Yeah, talking about it, I think we do add in some onion soup mix usually. I'd forgotten about it until now.
>>447245 It's all a matter of situation. I've seen moose that do the stare-down with vehicles for minutes and minutes on end. But the moose also isn't going to turn tail and run away from you if it needs to be somewhere else. That's where the feint run like the video comes into play. Make the threat flinch or dive out of the way, and escape the area at full speed.
>>447245 and this is despite being hunted to near extinction here
>>447250 they are, inasmuch as sandwiches are american erryone that grew up in japan has had them plenty they're so good and easy to make i wanna make some for you and jan and ton ton especially im so worried about him it'd be good if he tried some good foods and good cultures and grew up to be a good boy
>>447248 My wild encounter with a moose was kinda like that deer god scene from Mononoke hime it pops up from the woods into the path and stares at me from I dunno 20-30 metres and I just freeze then it stares at me for a while, makes some sort of snort sound and walks off not giving a fuck
Man I am looking forward to grilling season.
Kirara π
>>447251 yeah i worry about ton too i was always deprived of a lot of diverse foods but i've taken initiative to explore
Moon's right; turnip is a staple of traditional Japanese cuisine. They've really mastered the art of turning a turnip into just about everything physically possible, and then some.
I wonder do space marines ever get food into wrong throat
I guess english idiom is "down the wrong pipe"?
Kirara π
yeah, wrong pipe or wrong way in finnish it's wrong throat?
vÀÀrÀÀn kurkkuubn *kurkkuun literally that amusingly kurkku also means cucumber and not just throat
>>447260 etymologially so interesting, though english is just "loan word from french" 90% of time
Kirara π
>>447261 i introduced a colleague to mongolian throat singing recently and she was really into it but then she was like "can i show you some good music you probably haven't heard?" so i said ok and it was all like linkin park screamo covers and shit
>>447263 i was thinking about doing some remixes of deepak chopra recordings recently specifically his track "The D in me"
>>447265 I like the flavour of turnip when it's a component or palate cleanser of something else, but its flavour is a bit much for me as the focal point of a dish.
Or I guess "bit much" isn't quite right, it's just not something that I can quite appreciate.
ahh good stuff bit runny, cause I didn't boil all the liquids in the meat onion mix out and no eggs maybe I could add rice or macaroni to eat some of the liquids
I used to have cucumber and mozzarella cheese sandwiches as a kid.
>kello lyâ kaksitoista, ovi aukeaa, veitsi vÀlÀhtÀÀ, kurkku katkeaa ja herkullinen kurkkuvoileipÀ on valmis
huh spoiler didn't work with that eh herkullinen kurkkuvoileipΓ€ on valmis "clock hits midnight, door creaks open, knife shines in the dark and the throat is cut and a delicious cucumber sandwhich is ready
>>447318 Curious path to take in life with that education, but then again americas
>>447321 He decided that he wanted to enrich the lives of children by providing education through the (as of then) new medium of television. He felt that most tv programs for children at that time were terrible and believed that he could do better. His show taught good morals and manners in addition to informational content and in general things about society.
i was talking to my colleagues about my upcoming camping trip to zion this summer and some of them started telling me their availability like i was inviting them or something people are so funny sometimes
haha, i know right? i invited people on one trip with me and now they think there's an open invitation everywhere i go! at least most people interested asked if they could come which is reasonable
asking is normal, but going like "okay I can come on these days" is just weird
so updeito on the guy who got shot he got into a short fistfight with the shooter who then retrieved a pistol from his truck, shouted at him while the victim was walking away, and shot him in the chest they don't have the money for a funeral so my store is helping raise some with a tip bucket
>>447341 then i will get their bodies and bring them into the mountains and we will all go down together [extremely billy joel voice] and we will allll go down together
the text message covnersation in yuruc are so cute
but man does yuru camp have similiar ost to it as Aria
>>447359 I'm still confused as to why you guys are raising money for a person who threatened an employee. But thats still really cool of you guts. *guys
>>447365 no is guy who defended the store from a gunman
>>447366 Wait now I'm confused. I thought there was a guy who threatened an employee, then another customer picked a fight with them over that and the other customer shot and killed them.
that was the shooter
Kirara π
no, the guy that's dead threatened an employee then the shooter got in a fist fight with him after that, he got his gun and shot the dude that threatening the employee
Oh my god Trump's new national security advisor is Michael Bolton This is a man *John Bolton This is a man who advocates pre emptive nuclear strikes on Iran, North Korea and also still defends Operation Ira
>>447379 it's familiar so i know i know something i might have to check rease ant leap laid to find out though
The Doomsday Clock is currently two minutes to midnight. They generally only update it at the beginning of the year. But on occasion they move it at other times.
All the popular shogi apps on the Android app store are hilariously bad machine translations of the Japanese UI. Though ignoring the language, they work pretty well and come with both a variety of AI levels and checkmate puzzles to work through.
>>447460 about few steps from TN to the abuser path
>>447462 How often does it have to occur to be "consistent"? Cause I get what you mean sort of. But there has to be a border or gray area.
>>447436 it's "and it's ALL RIGHT" wtf man go back to rock school
>>447365 also people threaten me all the time it's no big dealdeal >>447370 pretty much
Kirara π
>>447464 I think it's kind of a gray area. Probably if more than half the interactions you have with someone have that emotionally abusive quality, you could say they're an emotional abuser
But then what counts as an interaction?
Kirara π
coming into contact with another person and engaging in any kind of acknowledgement of each other's existence is probably an interaction
i wpuld like my ears to stop ijteracting woth all the noises coming into them right now
Stahp I'm gonna have flashbacks to feels from watching Lain
I am stahping
So a friend of mine is getting rid of like 1000~ CDs this weekend. He said I can have first pick of the stuff. So I'm probably getting like 200 CDs on Sunday.
rid as in threw them away?
No, he's going to sell them to a music store. And or donate some to a music related not for profit.
and you take in 200 cds... where the fuck are you gonna store em?
We're buying cd shelves anyways. Plus he's getting rid of some CD storage as well. Interim will be boxes. I cleaned out a lot of shit from the basement so we have room. Plus 200 CDs is like two small boxes.
you will one time end up as this guy I worked for, with storage full of cds and vinyls
Yeah probably, but I'll be under 1000 CDs and under 300 records for quite a while. Don't have the money to buy a lot consistently.
well he does it as a hobby selling and buying
Yeah, I do that too. I'm working for a big music buying selling convention right now. Well volunteering, but I get a discount and some free shit and work experience to out on my resume. And also concert tickets.
but is curious how phones and tablets run it easy on android
Growing portion of the people accessing doing so through their phones and smart devices I'd figure.
>>447545 It's not growing anymore actually. Smartphones have hit their peak, sales went down for the first time in 2017. Well "a peak", not neccesarily the peak.
>>447545 which is why they do so it is damn understandable but you have the youtube app why not design the website and the app differently?
>>447546 is more likely that everyone who can get one has gotten one and not it is just replacing, though there is also the people quitting smart phones
>>447547 From a purely economical perspective, you're cutting back on resources you need to designate to the project by collapsing the two development streams into one.
>>447550 Sound business strat sure, but I always question these "updates" that just make things worse youtube has been a prime example of this
Well, removing subjective concerns like UI modifications, I haven't noticed any particular detriment to my use of the website that's not more likely attributed to issues on my end.
They've gimped the mobile browser version in an attempt to encourage people to use youtubered. *YouTube Red
also they fucking removed "double tap to rewind/skip" from the mobile app why?
Probably because a subset of the userbase got frustrated with accidentally activating it and interrupting their experience. That would be my guess.
It won't continue to play the video if you change tabs ununless you activate "request ddesktop vversion" And if yyou ddo rrequifest desktop vversion iin a ttab wwith yYouTube hhistory iin iit, rrequest ddesktop vversion wwill ttake yyou tto a pprevious yYouTube ppage
>>447555 too bad that fault came with the touchscreen sensitivity and not youtube's part and MAN those are too sensitive nowadays, with fewer and fewer phoens offering you to tone it down rather you jus have "gloves mode" which makes it even more sensitive fucking my sony phone can be triggered by AIR MOISTURE
>>447556 did your stutter break out into your text?
Which is why I use "hacker's keyboard" quite functionable qwerty keyboard for most phones takes a bit getting used to, though, since you are typing on quite small "buttons" man i miss SLIDE phones
I don't! The miniscule keyboards they had were really annoying for me to use.
phyical keyboard wa just the best also they were smaller than the smart phoens, so much more breastpocket friendly
>>447560 Oh I use thst one sometimes. When I used to ssh into my *nix box I needed ctrl and shift and stuff for cli
I adopted to touch screen keyboards before really getting to grow accustomed to cellphone physical keyboards. Adapted, even. I didn't get a personal cell until I was in college, which was far after phones with physical keyboards had dropped out of almost everyone's production. Instead I had an iPod Touch and so with using smartphone-like functionality, I kind of leapfrogged over physical keyboards.
I hated the early touch screens due to them being too unsensitive and I hate the modern ones cause they are too sensitive man industry guys must have it hard to find that balance >finally get the sensitivity to just perfect with some options on it >people start to complain not being able to use them with their gloves on >back to the drawing board
>>447486 Oh sorry I stepped away. Ika will not be with us tonight. I talked to him about the issue and he has some real stuff going on and says his schedule will be back to normal tomorrow.
I rarely wear gloves I just place my hands into my pocket well pockets maybe if I need to carry soemthing or am walking at a brisk pace,t hen I would be wearing gloves
>>447570 Same Unfortunately my touchscreen gloves were borrowed by my dad a few years ago and he lost them. Never bothered to get a new pair
I do own a damn fine collection of gloves for every weather practically
I have leather gloves with rabbit fur insides somewhere.
I have reindeer leather gloves and goat leather gloves both are comfy, though leather gloves give out at -10 to -15 depending on wind you'll need mittens instead of finger gloves then I have my wintersport gloves, those are damn warm
Super comfy >>447575 I almost got sheepskin shoes.
Err lined shoes
the only gloves I have are my hands
There's a pair of gloves somewhere in this room that I could use if I ever needed some. Probably.
I've been here, I just should be asleep Which is what I'm about to do
that was just served on a silver platter so
>>447596 Isn't released yet. It looks like they're airing this anime next season as promotion in part.
really? I thought it was already out I guess they are going with a bang and hoping the best
>horsegirls mentioned >ton appears hmmm
There's an anime convention going on in Japan right now so a bunch of PVs for upcoming stuff are dropping. This is always a fun time to pick at the new content.
>>447618 Yeah it's good. This PV for an upcoming adaptation of some Japanese free-to-play JRPG has some really catchy music to it too.>>>/watch?v=tOYYLXy0XQo I hope that's the OP or ED or something.
Looks like it's a bit of a kitchen sink of fantasy tropes. As long as it's funny it should be fine.
>>>/watch?v=dX0zvcxpnnc >The story takes place in Nagasaki in a world where a small amount of magic remains in everyday life. A descendant of mages, 17-year-old Hitomi lost her sense of color at a young age and grew up lacking emotion. Her grandmother Kohaku, a great mage, sends Hitomi to the past, to the year 2018. There, she spends time with a 17-year-old Kohaku and friends from club activities. This has the writer for Tsuki ga Kirei on board apparently, so it's piqued my interest a fair bit. Tsuki ga Kirei's SoL character-driven scenes with a dash of magic sounds kind of nice.
>>447625 >and then she turns out to be her own great grandmother
Yeah. Professor Layton was a puzzle-driven mystery game for the DS family. In later games he was replaced by I think his daughter, which is probably the Catherine Layton talking in that PV. Professor Layton did get a movie to himself though, which despite being a little kid-sy, was actually pretty well-written and well-animated. This one looks like a television anime though, so who knows what it's going to be like.
Man imagine playing some dungeon crawling game and then giant glowing eyes pop up in a dark long tunnel and then one of these >>447631>>447635 runs at you
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6grsey The Yuuragi-sou anime is being animated by XEBEC, which, while I'm generally unappreciative of ecchi shows like that, can at least appreciate it being delegated to a studio that will care for it properly.
>>447638 You've got to remember these costumes are being worn by comparatively short Japanese people in all likeliness. There's a good chance they wouldn't even clear the top of your head even with the extra height the bobblehead gives them.
after reading theI obituary and gofundme page for this guy I realized he has threatened to beat the shit out of me beforeI I figured he had anger issues I donated a bit to help them lay the guy to rest properly
>>447646 yeah and besides they are giving us a lot of business buying beer and roses and shit this guy and his family probably made us like thousands of dollars this last year lol
>>447671 wow it's fucking nothing cool art style but nothing happened in the PV
Yeah. But at the same time it's fairly safe to assume it's exactly what it says on the tin. White Fox generally puts out reliable adaptations though. And I assume if I knew people in the animation industry better the names they dropped during it might've meant something.
>>447680 i stopped looking at the steam sales because i was ending up with more and more games i only played for like an hour usually if i impulse buy something like that i end up with no real interest in actually using it >>447682 where is the price i can't see a price
>>447683 Look at the box with the camera in it in one of the corners of the sign, then move your eyes Okay good.
It's still a really blurry take of the actual price, though it looks like- >>447686 Yeah i was gonna say the 20,000 or 25,000yen price is probably the full ensemble.
nvm found it i literally could not see it when i turned my head beause this laptop monitor is some basic LED garbage crappy viewing angle 12000 doesn't seem that bad for a whole outfit wonder what the 20000 is maybe that's for the whole set and the 12000 is for the blouse
>>447687 never done anything like that >>447688 haha fuck dude is it made out of the finest fucking indian silk or something
Nah there's probably just like a stupidly low number of them actually made. And okatu have kind of demonstrated that they'll pay stupid prices for this kind of stuff.
you gotta put some cashmere or some shit in there to get me to ever consider that much for an outfit especially one i can't even wear myself >>447691 that still blows my mind if you tried to sell a whole 12 episode disc in america for $50 people would balk
but yeah 300β¬ for a dress and blouse is like well party level stuff already or a brand name
It is a kind of brand name, really. You're buying the Slow Start brand.
true dat I wonder how expensive to make those are actually I kinda doubt upwards of 50
Assuming some training with handicrafts and making it right on your first try, yeah, pretty cheap. There are some technical bits in the blouse that probably actually take some proper skill to put to gether properly, which is probably what's driving the blouse's price up so much more. But if you had the time and skill, putting together a sailor fuku like this, which in comparitive sense is pretty simplistic, would probably be pretty affordable.
>>447696 they are usually made of some weird mixture like cotton, some fake fabrics and plastic stuff
cotton lol wool usually similiar stuff you find on cheaper range suits instead of silk wool+polyester stuff
Would you wear it on a boat in the imperial japanese navy?
>>447705 >>447682 The convention I've been getting all this stuff from has a Slow Start booth selling their school's sailor fuku. It's also absurdly expensive to get both the top and the skirt.
>>447705 Would you pay THREE HUNDRED AND TWENTY THOUSAND YEN to look like one of the big baka girls from Slow Start? Is it really worth?
it looks like Yu Yu Hakushou also has a presence at the convention. Haven't seen any video or PV or something, but it looks like they're there. Probably promoting the new OVA coming out some time this year.
That is a lot of money though. Like even if you want to talk otaku pandering, you can get a loooooot of figures for that much money. I would just buy the figs.
>>447713 I think they're likely handmade, and they've probably made only a super small supply of them. Combined with the fact that otaku -will- actually buy merchandise like this for stupid prices, I can't blame them. Really even if you don't have the skills to make it yourself, if you were driven enough you could probably go out and find a handicraft person who could make the outfit on request for less. There a whole bunch of costs of convenience bundled up into the set they're selling at the booth I figure.
>>447726 >search sailor fuku sewing pattern >plenty of useful results come up >use pattern, make the necessary modifications to make it look like the uniform in question
>>447737 Well first I would give it to my older sister most likely, whereupon she will wear it once and then put it in the closet for the next 3 years until it is rediscovered under a pile of dust. Then I would probably drink because I wasted $300.
>>447753 you're right this does look up my alley >>447751 I like watching Gordon fix up businesses that are totally fucked And when he has to play therapist and deal with all the stupid problems with the owners family
I think kitchen nightmares and hotel hell are his worst shows. Hell's kitchen and masterchef are good.
I haven't seen hells kitchen or masterchef. I just like Kitchen Knightmare and Hotel Hell because I really like the concept of watching terrible businesses There's some really awful managers in that show. It's shocking how many of them don't even pay their staff.
>>447752 >it is a grilled lettuce, what can go wrong with that
>>447756 the smug cheffs of KN are just awesome >it is fresh >a week old microwaved meal
>>447757 >Yeah like after Gordon tried it I was like "why are we serving grilled lettuce?"
>>447758 I love that one guy who tried denying anything was microwaved and gordon fucking knew he was lying. >that one time they served him risotto that was stuck to the plate
and then there is that one restaurant that made good meat, but then froze it and served it on the next day like WHY?
and then there are the just >week old rice >god knows how old meat >moldy meat
>that one kitchen that kept cooked and uncooked chicken in the same tray seperated by nothing THIS IS A FUCKING HEALTH HAZARD. ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL PEOPLE
>>447763 Oh jesus they had a dead lobster in the tank
>that one restaurant where customer got food poisoning from lobster
>>447764 The shogi app I got has a neat scoreboard that calculates a point-based advantage for each move of the match. It's kind of neat, though its purpose gets less useful the longer the game goes on, since it's such a small portion of the screen size.
>>447762 but yeah that is a fucking reality if a health inspector came to any of those places the owner might be thrown to jail even
>>447766 You'd think they'd take enough pride to at least not kill people with their food
also I always love the waiters they so often have a damn cheeky attidute compared to the delusional ownrs or chefs