There's this private detective he controls in the second segment And he has options for getting information about this woman, and the Trick option is like "OH SURE, IT'S NOT YOUR PROBLEM ANYMORE, IS IT? MORE KIDS ARE GONNA END UP DEAD BUT WHY SHOULD YOU CARE?"
>>446113 see look at this one This is a great one. Didn't you have an xbox? I did, that thing weighed more than I did. If you'd seen this bakc in like 2007 you would have been quite amused.
>>446117 I feel like this one works fine without the text though All you need is the image of the xbox on the boat to get the joke
OG Xbox was huge I love it Even the controllers were fuckhueg
>>446118 Yeah, but the obsession with removal of superfluous text/features is something that's ahppened relatively recently in terms of internet culture.
>>446118 They brought back the Duke, you can get one that'll work with an Xbone.
>>446129 The obsession with removing clutter is recent though. Back in the day no one had problem with it. The internet was a happy place back then and not riddled with ass-ravaged nitpickers.
>>446135 No, that's before my time. usenet seemed like it was populated by 30 year old autists, so I'm sure the mood there was a little different.
>>446139 Usenet was the most used part of the internet by consumers pre worldwideweb. Just like how 90% of the time people say internet they mean world wideweb. Back then 90% of the time people said internet they meant usenet.
>>446140 You had to be somewhat techy to get on usenet. Any place full of techies is going to be autistic because techies are autistic. see look, case in point, you're lecturing me on what worldwideweb means, I don't care about that shit.
>>446142 Pre AOL ypu had to be techie to use the internet at all. *you
I'm not even sure there... was any sort of punishment for being late when I went to school Like, obviously in high school it ended up on your record and thus your resume But before then, like, you just weren't supposed to I guess? I don't know if anyone got in trouble beyond like, harsh words maybe from the teacher
Being late was serious business at my highschool. >>446147 >and thus your resume Wait What in the actual fuck?
>>446148 Ya your late and absense ends up on your uh, school papers? I dunno I think so at least, I'm not entirely sure
Oh "permanent record" or whatever? You don't need to put that shit on your resume. You just put "highschool years went" and if you graduated. Nobody checks that shit (usually).
You don't have to put it down or anything, but if they wanna see the papers, well there it is dude
I don't think my employer would care that I got an in school suspension for skipping gym too many times a fucking decade ago. Also here, I'd have to sign a release to allow them access to anything like that.
Ya but if you don't, they could always just get the next person in line so >>446156 I shoulda skipped school more, in retrospect
>>446155 Yeah my bad Here, they don't look for that shit. They just call the school and ask "hey did this guy ho here these years and graduate?" And then they call me and adk if they can tell them.
yeah it sucks but I still wanna go back, but also I need money so I'm stuck
School doesn't suck, I just don't like thinking about it too much because I'll get really irritated that i haven't finished and still can't go back yet.
Well atleast the portable wlan still works now options are #1 figure out how to use my laptop as a router for my phone wlna #2 get a new phone #3 get actual internet contract with a router well #2 and #3 are actually inevitabilities, considering last phone that did the same, as in didn't any more connect to a pc when plugged in, also stopped charging alltogether less than month later
and #3 is on the "to do list at what nro 3 or 4" before my next birthday also I am currently dual wielding keyboards
ask him to play a fighting game you're certain he hasn't played and keep spamming the same move again and again so that he doesn't have time to think of a counter
>>446167 I should play that game at some point I got it with PS MOVE when it was hyped up to be a big thing a rather good system actually, if you could provide the dark enough lighting for it work proper too bad no one made games for it aside heavy rain
I think irritation is less intense than frustration.
Well You could indirectly insult them, or use their words against them, you could have a discussion with them and then move the goalposts whenever they refute your point, insult their taste in music/Vidya/movies/anime
Irritation is like being at an interview and you have an itchy nose and you can't scratch it or having to deal with annoying customers frustration is to have an argument with rika
>>446175 >frustration is to have an argument with rika This is a really good idea to follow on with. Have some sort of debate and purposefully misinterepret their arguments and constantly shift the goal posts
>>446188 He responds to frustration poorly and I want to tease out his response in therapy so we can work on it. My attempts to frustrate him today were fruitless, though.
get him to talk about the new movies if he says they were bad, agree with him and then casually state that transformers was always bad anyway
Argue that transformers is bad because it's unrealistic and try telling him that robots aren't relateable Tell him you watched one episode last night and that it was enough to convince you the show is bad
Tell him that the animation is terrible because it's old that'll really get him
Ask him why he's frustrated when he isn't and the repeatedly bring up.
i tried to recreate the situations where I know he gets frustrating but it didn't work so i said i guess im not great at frustrating people and he was like "yeah that sucked"
God dammit If he knows its coming that makes it harder
Kirara π
it's not ethical to just make my clients upset purposefully when they aren't prepared for it
why everyone in this goddamn game got expensive shit? Even the dude himself in his 'rundown' house is living in a fairly sweet place the fbi man has AR sunglasses and a powerglove
unrealistic gameplay, everyone's too rich
>>446224 I'm having trouble parsing this statement
>>446222 >i guess im not great at frustrating people
Kirara π
>>446227 it isn't ethical to purposefully inflict intense negative emotions on a client that is not aware we are going to work on something involving those emotions
>>446222 Also that it false, you frustrate me sometimes
>>446226 that is because the "I know ellen page" guy has weird fetishes that his games are filled with
Kirara π
>>446230 thanks i think im alright at it like, at length but i guess it's harder to just snap my fingers and frustrate someone
>>446229 I wouldn't consider frustration to be an intense negative emotion. Also excluding some things like trauma I think its entirely okay to purposefully induce some amount of negative emotions in a patient without their immediate prior knowledge since you are doing it to help them work through it.
maybe that is what you need to do just keep doing something while having a normal session like snapping your fingers randomly or something else
>>446233 Frustration is an intense negative emotional experience for my client. Whether you think it's okay or not, I'm obligated to follow the ethical guidelines as closely as possible while I'm being recorded for training purposes.
I do agree with you, though.
>>446239 I tried to take on the role of his father and demand that he do things. He gets really frustrated when his father orders him around. So I'd do something like shout at him and order him to take out the trash, but he'd be like "I'd say ok" instead of responding normally He's autistic so that kind of roleplay may not work for him like it does with other clients.
Hrrrm, I guess I was misintepreting some of what you were saying.
>>446241 Ask him why he isn't taking out the trash and when he says because there isn't any trash pretend there is some trash and ask him to do it again
>>446241 How much have you talked with him about why it frustrates him to be asked to do those things?
>>446241 maybe I can figure out how to make this -atk/+def cutie work
>>446245 Hrrrrrm In my experience when I was much younger I'd get frustrated with my parents asking me to do things sometimes. Often when I was in the middle of doing something. And part of that was likely due to my lack of awareness of the fact that the person asking me to do something didn't know I couldn't do it right then. I would think "how dare they, I'm in the middle of this important thing" and I didn't understand that they wouldn't neccesarily be aware of that.
That sort of theme is a common behavior pattern in people with autism. In a more general sense its related to lack of empathy and considering other peoples perspectives.
That definitely happens with him, but he gets really frustrated when his parents tell him to do anything even if it's while we're having a group session. They'll say something like, "He didn't take out the trash again!" and he gets so frustrated it's really more like "He didn't take out the trash again! You need to do that!"
Hrrm I'm gonna think for a bit, I know I've had similar behavior patterns to that in the past
Could you frustrate him by giving him some sorta homework
It could also be maybe he does know that he needs to do the thing and doesn't like being told to do it because it feels like he's being talked down to. But that might be a bit of a stretch
Normally in this case, I'd ask him to try to pay more attention to his own responses and teach him how to do it so he can observe himself next time it happens, but his memory is horrible and I don't think he'll remember that I wanted him to do that by the time he gets home.
I can't enlist his parents to help with treatment, either, because they're wholly incompetent and fail to do even the simplest tasks they're asked to do like "say thank you when your son does something properly"
He was really discouraged after he lost the last one and declared his dream of being a cook could never happen because he got fired from another dishwashing job
but he got offered a job at another kitchen and took it, so that's great
>>446256 Yeah, it's not really that simple. Most parents don't really thank their kids for doing chores and stuff in general, and they need to thank him for not doing something, sometimes Like when he doesn't leave silverware and plates in his room, they need to reinforce that by thanking him or praising him but instead they're like, "oh, so you did it one time, is that supposed to impress me??"
Everyone in the family loves each other, but they have very poor communication skills and get frustrated with each other easily.
It's kinda funny isn't it, how doing something like making someone laugh is easy but making them laugh on demand is a lot harder. It's the same way with frustration.
>>446262 I can actually do both on demand if I know the person well enough. Although I'm lucky in that a lot of my friends laugh at really stupid shit.
>>446266 Rika, the DameDame viewers are still trying to solve the puzzles we gave them after 5 years. I don't know if that's going to work.
>>446267 I don't know you well enough. If we had been voice chatting regularly or something I might be able to, but that's only because I would be able to know what sorts of things make you laugh. It's hard to figure that sort of thing out through just text/image based interactions.
>>446275 Yeah, but you can't just say "do something frustrating" and have the other person be frustrating. It's like someone with a big shield up asking you to stab them. You get people really frustrated with attacks of opportunity.
>>446278 I know you were making a joke, my "joke" was responding to you seriously.
>>446281 No it's a perfect analogy. If people are expecting something from you they're naturally on guard. People naturally resist attempts to let you influence their moods like that!
Yeah it just happens always you just waltz there carrying just your dagger and then that random guy pops up in full plate armour with a shield thrice his size and goes STAB ME PEASANT
so apparently the guy that got shot to death at my store was trying to steal a phone charger when my coworker confronted them they threatened to wait outside and beat her up then another customer got in an argument with him over that and outside of the store he decided to just get his gun and shoot the motherfucker >>446305 last night at about 6:40pm
Kirara π
when did someone get shot i didn't hear about that
damn that's really something
Kirara π
nice guy protecting your coworker though
people talk shit like that all the time there's no need to shoot someone in the chest over it
Kirara π
yeah i guess talkin shit is probably only really worth knee capping someone over
>>446304 wow I kinda doubt that will pass as self defense
>>446308 yeah exactly should have shot him in the knee tbh
>>446309 People get shot in Texas all the time Sometimes people even shoot you for knocking on the door and get acquitted. *shoot and kill you
Kirara π
elbow might have been fine too
>>446309 yeah this guy is probably going to get murder
Kirara π
wait why did he get caught he should have just left after he shot them
>>446314 he shot the guy in plain sight on the street right out side of the store in the middle of a residential neighborhood no doubt they got at least 10 people calling in the crime
>>446314 don't all these stores and stations have either plenty of witnesses and/or security cameras
Kirara π
idk what it's like where jan is but i can go to a 7/11 like any time and be the only one there around here >>446316 damn that sucks
gonna walk into your store with your hidden weed and be like yo guy i found this by the dumpster
>>446311 you can only get acquitted for shooting someone who knocked on your door if they have a gun on them but if they do its pretty easy private property law is pretty intense here
Kirara π
was the dude like really mad or did he just feel like shootin the guy
>>446329 Found the case I was looking for >Andrew de Vries, from Aberdeen, Scotland, who got lost on January 7, 1994, after drinking with American friends in Houston, Texas. He knocked on a back door of a house asking for directions, and was shot by the householder through the closed door. The householder, Jeffrey Agee, was not indicted
>>446337 If he was trying hard not to get frustrated, there wouldn't be any problem and I wouldn't have to frustrate him. He doesn't know when or why he's getting frustrated, so he doesn't have the level of insight necessary to resist frustration.
I ams till annoyed how few years back my foobar spontatenously combusted and fucked up all of my custom layouts, playlists and everything
>>446331 >backdoor of a house ??? how did he get to the backdoor
hmm this cheap tesco brand ceylon tea turned out to be quite "meh" you can drink it , but it isn't bad but german cheap brand green tea is actually quite tasty guess germans do even tea better
>>446346 not literally, I mean how did some drunk guy wandering around in the street capable of getting to your backdoor? did the tenants not have a fence or something?
>>446338 Well with the setting being what it is you have a big obstacle to him actually getting frustrated. It needs to happen in a natural way for it to be therapy. How do you think you'll induce natural frustration in him?
>>446350 It doesn't have to happen in a natural way. He just has to get frustrated. Most people don't even have to get frustrated in therapy for us to do this kind of work! I don't know how I'll frustrate him. That's why I was looking for tips.
>>446379 if there was a chance to get rid of her easily, i'd do it for really cheap honestly if someone set up the situation for me i might do it for free
now it won't be fun to greentext, you basically gave it to me. >>446381 I guess the good news is you don't even have to do anything and she'll resolve that herself eventually. Sometimes Rand Paul is actually really awesome.
Actually that's part of tthe joke. Anyways, the budget bill is over 2,000 pages long and a budget bill has to be passed to prevent another government shut down. Also a law that would allow the US government to have access to personal data of us citizens stored in the cloud was tacked onto it near the end. So by adding it to a federal budget bill over 2000 pages long it makes it more likely to get passed. The bill was released a few days ago. Rand Paul has stalled the senate vote on it using some process I'm unfamiliar with but part of it involves hhim pointing out that literally no one in the senate has actually read it.
>>446396 It's a law designed to prevent sex trafficking by punishing websites that "knowingly" let sex traffickers communicate using their websites. What it will actually do is make sex traffickers use tor and make it really easy for someone to get any (non giant corporate backed) website in legal trouble by making fake posts on it about a sex trafficking deal and then contacting the fbi.
Kirara π
blows my mind that people think the US government has a single redeeming quality when it so frequently works against the interests of its citizens on every level
Oh and also encourage chilling effects. I can't really get into much more details without making an extremely long post but in general iit iis a terrible idea.
>>446398 kinda follows naturally when you have next to zero restriction on lobbying and such connections that would make people in power compromised in their interests
Kirara π
>>446415 yeah more important to show up those people you claim starve their citizens by, uhh, putting a man on the moon instead of feeding your citizens
>>446415 There are restrictions on lobbying they just aren't effective at much other than getting the EPA in trouble for lobbying for itself and the occasional politician getting in trouble for banging a lobbyist
>>446417 words on paper don't mean jackshit if they don't do anything so "next to zero" is an apt statement like saying "human rights in soviet russia" yeah they existed, but could be revoked arpitrarily for no particular reason
>>446416 space race would be a good distraction from the problems atleast better one than invading countries with oil
>>446418 Well actually the restrictions prevent it from being significantly worse.
Kirara π
one of the things marxist-leninists do is claim that soviet russia made it illegal to be racist or sexist it always makes me laugh because one of the first things lenin and his cronies did when they got into power was to fund antisemitic gangs in the ukraine
Besides, even if any law existed, it could be revoked from any person by just claimign them to enemy of revolution/state rule of law was 0 in soviet union
Kirara π
yeah they all got worms for brains honestly they defend north korea and shit too like a lot of the north korea stuff is propaganda but a lot of it is also verifiable
but anyhow, what woudl you even do with NK after taking down the government, you have some 5-10 million people who only know how t o shoot and oppress and a population working 30-40 year old technology to barely stay afloat I guess if you pour money there as a long term investment so you could one day get it back with the mineral mining could work, but >any current government in the world capable of such long term plans
>>446443 I hate that type the pets generally dislike it
My dogdogkes sweaters when its cold, and her raincoat when its raining. But we don't do anymore than that.
>>446443 why doesn't teespring or whatever put the design across the entire tee
>>446445 Some dogs can enjoy things like torso clothes. They tend to hate things that cover their feet though. Cats though, way, way, way more often than not can't stand being clothed in things.
>>446446 yeah but those are body fitting and don't get in way of moving unlike the costumes for fun and shit
>>446493 Her right thigh in the third one Jesus christ It's huge
Kirara π
it looks like it's all muscle it's so weird that she has so much muscle there and no where else usually your entire leg is muscular or something but it's like wtf
tiger >africa lol the bearded tiger what was it called lion
hahahah what the the hell is Heavy Rain? >burglar shows up >gets knocked down >another shows up behind the player character >the camera shows, in that clip, the place the other guy got knocked out literally a second ago >he's not there Oh OK it was explained
hidden between the piano keys, is an evil anarchy ebony and ivory are snapping at your sanity melodies and malarchies are attackimg your anatomy
>>446652 not usually sometimes you'll get people who want to give them a very opaque and forced meaning but it's so shitty then you've got music videos that just are artistic expression to accompany the music and/or look cool and some asshole's gonna be like WAIT GUYS, I THINK IT MEANS ____
I can't remember the last time I saw a music video that like, seemed to mean anything at all beyond "I am doing what I am describing in the song, behold I possess much wealth and socialize with others who possess much wealth, but not quite as much as me."
Granted, I don't watch a lot of music videos Cause I'm uninterested in most of the music that's popular, and that's what the music videos are for
i should train some AI that makes really loose connections and then writes a story about visual feedback and use it solely to spam youtube music video comment sections
wait sorry i meant sherlock gnomes gnomeo and juliet is the old one
that, too, is entirely unknown to me
okay fuckin look at this >On its first weekend, the film had a worldwide opening of $30.7,000,000, finishing in second place behind Just Go with It ($35.8,000,000). the actual figures aside, look at how they formatted 30.7 million i'm almost livid
>>446663 The formating actually just multiplied the figure by 10 Journalism is dead
can't wait for the population and economy to get so inflated that box office starts reporting in scientific notation
>>>/@lulucopatrol/976516893728235520?s=19 people get mad over people being mad about the redesigns tumblr does but it's so weird to me the redesign is bad not because they made the girls ugly, but because they're various levels of overweight and there are entire episodes of love live dedicated to how inshape they are they run nearly every day, up stairs they dance for hours a day they shouldn't be obese
What is wrong with their faces Why are all the idols now unattractive when half the job of being an idol is being attractive That's not even bawww they're ugly it's a fact of the industry What's wrong with their legs
Nozomi is okay Why aren't they all like Nozomi. >>446679 Instead of building myself up through self improvement so I could be like the animes I watch I just chose to tear them down to my level
>>446682 Why is Nico now a stick insect Why does Tumblr enjoy glorifying destroying your own body through unhealthy habits
let's draw the love live cast without bones and watch the tumblerinas get pissed for seeing them like real people and not their ideal cisskeletons
Let's draw the love live cast except they're just bones
dude let's put them side-by-side in the same image
>why don't my stylized cartoons have a bunch o of realistic features added to them that would make it harder for the already overworked animators to draw them?
>>446702 >dudebros I'm sure all the guys jacking it to love live are the same dudebros who go out and do dudebro things like play sports and go to bars
do they not understand what idols do it's not shaming everybody else's body but they're supposed to be fit and healthy >>446706 if the marin are so brave why they always hide at the water where you cant get to them
>>446702 >braver than any us marine This has to be a joke
Id you don't even like love live then why are you drawing them
>>446705 If they're so brave why do they have guns they can just use a knife
Kirara π
i saw a license plate that said "marine wife" yesterday and something broke in me and i started laughing like a madman
>>446705 yeah idgi they have episodes dedicated to their rigorous exercise routines
>>446707 let's go find shows we don't like then redraw the characters and tell the fanbase they're fucked up and offensive
Ya but tumblr isn't really drawing for us to begin with, is kinda the point
>>446708 do you ever think about that girl with two heads, she's teachin elementary school now like that's great and all but isn't it pretty fucked up to send your kid to school for the first day and they're traumatized because they think their kindergarten teacher is a monster and gonna kill them
>>446713 Just tell them that she was born with an abnormality or something. Kids aren't that dumb they'll understand
i guess tumblr is ok but their site is too hard to navigate
Tumblr has some genuinely talented artists on it
so does deviantart
I feel like tumblr has a better ratio of good to bad than deviantart
you're pulling from the same sphere my point was to accentuate further that even deviantart has genuinely talented artists on it it would be a pointless comment if i was adding the name of a sphere with a better ratio
Kirara π
devientart has a lot of good artists
we just don't see them
i like deviantart because it allows me an easier way to connect with thai and indonesian artists, of which there are a lot of great ones, that i wouldn't be able to discover on tumblr a lot of them are great illustrators but tumblr isn't as big of a thing in some locales
I use deviantart for only one thing steam skins
Kirara π
rainmeter skins
>it's another Japanese artist who exclusively posts on twitter so if you're looking for art of a certain character you have to sort through all the other shit on twitter
borders are spooks eliminate the borders free the world
ill break down the walls to your heart kyun
Joke: doctors without borders Woke: nations without borders
we need borders they're container shells for communication you lose the entropic evolution of information by taking out the transduction stage of a system
Naw, but I might if I land a job I like the IWW, at least what I know about them
Not that I see a general strike as actually happening anytime in my lifetime
>>446745 words have borders and that's what allows them to be used to communicate if words didn't have borders then we'd have no functional language that encodes and decodes information we'd just be one multi-part entity instead of being individuals and then we'd be alone
>>446748 I don't know what it means for words to have borders
Might join the IWW just to wear a sabotabby tshirt tbph
Kirara π
the things that make a word that word
>>446750 like byte stuffing how we pack a whole bunch of zeroes together with a pattern of ones in between electrical signals on the router to separate different transmissions we put borders on them so we can pack information into them that can be interpreted >>446754 whitespaces, pauses in speech, surrounding words, punctuation, emphasis, setting and context of the larger conversation all of those are separate boundaries that change the way you're gonna interpret the word i use >>446755 the word is a boundary too language is a latent ability. lexical recall and reasoning, and the attachment of meaning to sounds and symbols, is what's learned
RIght yeah then I can understand what you meant I was wondering what the hell it meant for a word to have a border I thought the word itself was what had the border
yaknow, like an outline
Kirara π
we will never have one big commune that idea is one of marx's problems he was educated in the west and only knew the west
It doesn't matter as long as it works about the same World cooperation is possible
but is it useful if we can't have the better functioning parts of the world reaching forward to progress we'd all get slogged down bringing africa up to speed
Why would we want to have underdeveloped parts of the world?
Kirara π
see, that's your western thought
what does it mean to be underdeveloped is it ok to force your western conceptualization of development on people who don't ask for it?
>>446760 there's no way of bringing the entire world to the development we're at now. we would move backwards to do this until there was equilibrium, and then we'd start moving forward that sheer amount of time we could have been progressing onto better systems to reshape things independence and boundaries are a crucial part of systems signalling because otherwise there's nothing to signal and you lack exploratory resources when you've got 100 varied, developed entities all following their own nurtured patterns to resolve a problem then signal, you're learning a lot more than having one larger batch of resources do one thing homogenous systems are really limited
>>446761 Well if they wanna have less tech that's fine I don't think that's a problem, and if they don't want the same level of any particular area, we won't need to use time on it either >>446764 Underdeveloped would only be applicable if they even want to reach a different state of affairs
Kirara π
calling them underdeveloped is really xenophobic
Like African countries aren't underdeveloped because they're not fitting our mold They're underdeveloped because they want to have a different society, I would assume, like that's the only meaningful way to use the word without an authority anyway
Kirara π
they want to have a different society because they were halfway westernized and now they're being forced to engage in competition with the western world they aren't willingly in this situation
And they should be allowed to do their thing But I'll \\\ really does it matter who I'd support in any kind of situation? that's one of my gripes with MLs, honestly
>>446765 society as we have it worked for us in our circumstances applying it to a much larger overall group with a much more diverse set of cultures like africa, with so many different microcultures, might not even be good africa's got a pretty rich culture and their way of diplomacy and politics is very different than ours. it's always going to be different, even if we overlay our systems onto them
It was poorly worded, then, but you're not wrong on the face of it I guess a better way to phrase it would be like "why would we want to withhold what we consider development from anyone?"
>>446769 any point of interface is inherently going to be a boundary what boundaries do you want rid? is there a clear way // clear point to express, like national boundaries and policy, work visas and stuff, or like civil boundaries, cultural boundaries if you wanna go the route of abolishing all municipal governing bodies and putting a blockchain system in place to scale from the local to the national and global, then that's either no boundaries at all or everything is a boundary. functionally the same
Well really it's not as though 'borders' and some abstract concept are the problem They're a problem connected to the overall societal system we operate in
It's not like I, or anarchsits in general really, want to impose on people who just wanna be left alone to live their lives, that's not the point, so that is in a sense a respected border But national borders are not that, except for like, North Korea maybe
And North Korea's border is guarded the other way around as well, so that's still bad
A lot of the things criticized from the left, and anarchists in particular, are things which in isolation could be looked at as 'not really that bad', but are actually garbage because of the system surrounding it 'money' as a concept isn't like, a BAD thing in itself, there's nothing WRONG with exchange and a common currency or whatever The problem comes from the systems created in order to even make money a real thing
switzerland has a sort of border even though it's pretty open, y'aint gettin in to live there unless you got a really good reason or even to work
Kirara π
borders imply land ownership which i am opposed to
>>446778 money is just a rudimentary, laggy blockchain technology instead of momma russia running slow analysis on what resources go where, it just let us have a physical footprint to track the validation and merit of certain interactions >>446784 that is not its function but its exploitation it was a system that was necessary and moved us forward and now it is time for us to move the system forward
Kirara π
>>446781 it might be, but i use border because people generally associate border with national borders
Well rather, I'm not some conspiracist who thinks anything in our society was deliberately designed to be this way Capitalism wasn't designed 'to keep the bourgeoisie in power of the political system', it's just how it functions >>446786 I mean yes, it was But not in the sense that they conspired to do this as some malicious act
Kirara π
id argue it was only necessary in order to facilitate the system we use there are still hundreds of gift economy societies that work much more smoothly than ours
i'd argue it wasn't designed at all it's an emergent system
>>446787 Yeah this is a better way to say what I'm trying to say
It's 'designed' to some extent, there are obviously rules set down over time by people in power But it wasn't from the word go like "OK, so in order to maintain class society and keep a permanent underclass, and extract as much resources as we can for a tiny elite, we'll do x, y and z" Most bourg and most proles don't even recognize the existence of class beyond income brackets
and it's not like the burgies wanted ISM anyway it was a threat to the power they did hold (see french revolve) they just had the power to keep their power through the system shift >>446790 yeah but capitalism was around before dollaridoos it existed in the form of BUTTONS and hundreds of people were slain for it
Kirara π
money didn't exist until john smith gave the economy an invisible handjob
I'm not against 'intervention' in the abstract for that matter I think any established anarchist society would have an obligation to aid the oppressed within other states, but that's different from imposing on them
Not that it's likely it'd be an issue, since such a society would be under siege, at least coming out of capitalist society
Besides, all of what goes into my stances are things I think would arise on their own without needing anyone to like, tell people Free of the state, other states would be seen as hostile forces just as much as we see like, the North Korean state as a hostile force to its people now
>>446795 Yeah they just released the first in a series of 6 mini movies BC school deserved to win with that sick pincer attack on the bridge. Pirate girls were the best bit of the episode
I hate this stupid sales scam company that always purposly miscategorises their adverts they always put it in the hospitality section and word it really vaguely I I once got sucked into their interviews and it was a huge waste of time
im pretty fed up with my recruiting efforts the amount of detail that goes into the work i do is meticulous, and i straight up say on the advert that you really need a strong, strong, strong attention to detail if you wanna apply and then i have a link to take the test at the bottom of the page but these fuckers don't even read the first sentence above the bullet points and just click LOG IN right away on our website, which is where customers log in, then get frustrated when they can't log in
and complain about it*
like read the thing you nerds it takes, on average, a minute and 30 seconds total and then they're bein upset about the test too and saying it's too hard or didn't know they ran out of time if you can't pay attention to simple tasks how you expectin to function when overloaded with tasks if you did get the job huh i really do not belong in HR i cannot deal with people and i do not think like people and they make me anxious
HR does not sound like a job I would enjoy
i took it up because it was more advertising, but as the problem isn't being solved my expectations are pushing me towards the HR side of things and that's not somethin im willing to do i'm down with designing the messaging, sending info out, raking through applications and picking out good candidates i am not okay with reaching out to people directly and making less informed judgments based on resumes and saying yes or no to them or inviting people to apply and all that
does anyone have prollems with their keyboard getting a little... not sticky like sticky, but where it's stick-y kind of to your fingers after using it a while i keep wiping it down with water and stuff but it just makes it worse i clean this thing daily but i'm using it like 15 hours straight and it gets a little painful to use when there's that abrasion to my fingers >>446849 yeah i think this is the problem it's suffered two years of nonstop abuse i'm not actually sure if the keyboard gets a little residue-y or oily, or if my fingers are just dried out or something i am full of energy to type but it's hurting my fingers a bit and it slows me down quite a lot, like in a way that's bad for my job hmm
Use an alcohol based cleaner
Alternatively you are actually wearing down the plastic and I don't know what to suggest
i could lotion up my hands but i feel like that would be counterproductive i would really like some typing gloves do they make those
Maybe lotion up immediately after you start a break. So that way its on when you're not typing. Typing gloves probably exist
>>446847 I can't say I've noticed something like that in particular, but I don't throw nearly as much typing at my keyboard than I assume you do, and I also wash my hands quite regularly throughout the day. Even if you can't find or have a hard time rationalizing buying typing gloves, maybe even a pair of cheap, elastic cotton gloves might do the trick. The new desk chair I got for Christmas came with a complimentary pair for assembly, and aside from the loss of feeling context for me, which is a little weird, I don't notice a particular slow-down in typing when wearing them.
i wash my hands every 30 minutes at least, and every time i touch a cat or a broom or a litter scoop, so sometimes more it's kind of a problem actually the sticky-ness is worse when it's cold so i'm guessing it's my hands >>446855 yeah i know but i'm not gonna get my keyboard dirty when i'm working on it all day i dont want toxoplasmosis from the cats
that is gonna dry your skin
>>446817 oh by the way she hates the taste of water but loves to CHOMP ICE
That's bad for your teeth. It can also crack fillings.
Is she cute?
>>446853 do you use mechanical? there's enough tactile feedback there that you wouldn't need the fingertip skin sensation as much i can do my work on my laptop directly but i dont want to abuse the built-in keyboard and the keys are so small and flat and everything's cramped together so i can't fluidly pgup/pgdn/end/home and numpad stuff i get probably an extra 80 wpm from my mechanical but it's kinda bulky and i don't have actual desk space so i use it on my lap and that kinda sucks
I have a keyboard that's mechanical and rubber dome.
>>446859 Testing it right now, I was using my mechanical keyboard. I never learned to touch-type though, so my hands move about the keyboard more than the average "quick" typist I figure. Having the barrier of the cotton glove makes that motion a little harder to control since I rely on the texture of the keys based on a number of factors to reliable hit the keys I want without looking at the keyboard.
>>446862 i've got a laptop stand but nothing like that i dont think it'd work for me anyway i dont have room for anything
>>446861 oh yeah i could see that i can't imagine actually using asdf jkl; for hand positions like we were taught in typing class my default is, uh, lemme see left shift, a, w, f j, i/o, p, enter sometimes r instead of F i guess
>>446858 no like size aside she's not very cute either
>>446864 I don't ever recall actually being taught the proper starting positions for typing in computer classes actually. Really they just put us in front of a typing program and if you could hit whatever the WPM the program called being a good typist at, the teacher didn't figure you needed extra help or whatever. Being stuck to that frozen wrist style of typing just seems unfathomly uncomfortable to work with. Maybe it's got something to do with my history of piano , or maybe I just enjoy moving around a little more than others, but I'm much happier typing in my method, and I can still keep up with what's considered a fast WPM by using it. My left hand tends to rest on Shift, A , W, D, space from years of gaming, where the only reliable keys for my right hand to lay on is Shift and space, with other fingers just sitting into place on whatever key they happen to land on at the time.
>>446866 yeah i've noticed my left hand has become my dominant typing hand despite normally being right-handed i think keyboards and gaming have made us an ambidextrous generation i can't mouse with my left hand too well, but i also can't do as much precision typing on my right hand i use my left hand for everything up to H and Y on the keyboard, pretty much
>>446869 I've been left-handed since my handiness developed, so it's hard for me to say for certain. There's certain things I struggle with in ambidextrousness but I can generally function one-handed on a computer with either hand. What's funny for me is the realization that unconsciously, I use the right-shift for capitalization and when I'm typing stuff out. But for macros like cut, copy, pretty much every one except the most right-oriented macros like paste, I'm using left-shift. Actually I guess that's the Ctrl key and not shift but really the distance difference is negligible.