Thread #448317
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the very second i sat down and opened my laptop lid! how did you do it?
Koi wa Ameagari 3-gatsu no Lion Beatless (probably recap) Cardcaptors Citrus Dagashi Kashi Dame x Prince --Episodes 10-11 FranXX Grancrest Senki --Episodes 9-11.5 Hakata Ramens HakuMiko Mahoutsukai no Yome Marchen Madchen Mob Psycho Recap Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san ReLIFE --Episodes 15-17 Slow Start Takunomi Violet Evergarden Yuru Camp
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Ramen Daisuki K(…).jpg )
I'm amazing and so is tilde for doing the list right as im about to start it
>>448331 jesús cristo oh that show with the baka russians is back neato
Yeah, they took a two-week hiatus in order to fix the overwhelming lack of quality control. Spoiler, they didn't actually fix it.
Apparently the animation team has been plagued with all sorts of incompetence during the project though, and the entire series director quite at like episode eight or something, and the whole production desk resigned too. The studio was aware the workload wasn't going to be enough for the staff they had on hand before starting to animate the show, and requested to the studio CEO to subcontract stuff out to proper other studios. The CEO kept refusing the request until it was nearly the deadlines for the first episodes, which is when he finally caved in. But finding studios to subcontract out to on such short notice like that seems like it's really difficult, so they had to make do with bottom of the barrel kind of stuff.
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>>448342 That's fucking hilarious. I wonder what kind of shit is gonna happen now. >>448346 FranXX?
I'm also amazing
franxx bang are you caught up on koi wa ameagari? mahoutsukai slow start takunomi
i'm not caught up on koi wa
Jan do you watch evergarden oh actually nevermind
Pop Team Epic should also be out today but HorribleSubs seem to be slow putting it out.
wait, franxx first? i can do it but i gotta let people know
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Would it be better as show #3?
i think
maybe not
The good ramens how
>>448371 how did you do that
show 3 show 3 yeah
>>448372 shift 6
>>448373 ok
>>448374 i didnt think you could cancel it after you started
>>448365 mahoutsukai first?
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okay mahoutsukai violet evergarden franXX slow start
>>448371 Rude. They're both good.
hi new here
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okay mahoutsukai>>448382 welcome there are two threads active right now, you should check it out. this thread is where people are watching anime so it will be anime discussion that goes over your head check out >>447777 → >>448385 that's fine hakata ramens is next instead of violet evergarden okay lets start
>>448380 lets do the better ramen show instead of violet tonight
>>448385 upvoted this will be an exciting night and then the thirtytwothousandyen moeshit
what the heck why did my post close i swear i didn't press anything i was plugging an hdmi in
This is the last time this OP will play. Squid can finally rest at peace.
>>448392 it took them this long to animate the OP
i really didn't expect that the final episode OP reveal
It looked like it was also looking back on the whole series too. Showed a bunch of the characters and moments of previous arcs.
>You and I might be very much alike, and that's why I need to beat the hell out of you I totally get this feeling.
theyré having a pity party
so it was this guy trolling them the whole time
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keikaku doori man
Well that's pleasant.
that's exactly what one of the bosses of demons souls is like, literally a big guy made of centipedes
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Looks like she has her own keikaku doori man.
I hope Chise gets her eye back after this is all done with.
i hope she keeps the jacked up eye
;_; RIP little faerie.
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what a nice girl
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So is she going to deal with her various curses by taking his never dying curse?
Nullifying a curse with a curse. 'Cause that's always a good idea.
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It would suit her at the very least.
Pretty much.
elias didn't even explain anything to those two
The shadow of Cartaphilius has both eyes normal again.
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She really did nullitfy a curse with a curse.
>>448426 did the shadow have one messed up eye before?
After they did the trade, yeah. She's got her eye back too.
That's such a dad pose Elias has going on there.
that looks so comfy
Impressive set-up at the bottom of a well.
what if it rains
There was some kind of structure built over it.
that girl looks like korra
I wonder if Chise's arm is still weird though. She's wearing a single glove on that one hand.
it looks like it with the glove at least what was the present dammit
yeah it's still messed up
Hah hah Elias.
He can be charmingly dopey when he doesn't try.
Normally it's supposed to be the guy proposing that.
Oh this is a nice rendition of this theme.
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They wrapped up and had their happy ending quickly.
Well the manga is still ongoing. So there's plenty more to come. Just likely not in anime form.
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i like this show hope it gets season 2 in like 4 years
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They could really have another season of anime no problem whether they're married or not doesn't make much difference to the show, the romance stuff is on the side okay hakata ramens oaky lets start
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you can still have romance after marriage!
Looks like there wouldn't be enough material for another two-cour at the moment. Though after WIT's current line-up is done airing there might be enough content by then.
Japanese Ninja vs. Chinese Assassin
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He looks like evil Shirou.
If by some unfortunate event I need to get an artificial eyeball I'm totally getting one that lights the iris up.
Is Bamba just telling all his friends to help Lin out. He's such a good guy.
Hah hah hah get fucked Lin. Oh this is Raincoat-kun's fault.
Hah hah hah. Poor Saito.
Poor dame ninja got betrayed by his agent.
Oh he's not that bad a guy.
okay im here
Four minutes.
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This guy is probably stronger than Lin.
He's probably a total sociopath, where as Lin is at least a kind of decent guy.
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haha gay yandere wants to kill everyone so fujo
Oh no the PV is spilling out into the rest of the ED.
This ED is really bebop-y
grabbing water before franxx
oh shit is it another BIG water
yeah it's probably the hugest
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franXX okay lets start!
BIG WATER acquired
im l@dy are you ready
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let's do ika pls respond kyaa i can always count on you, ika
what is he so pissy about
i'm not sure he thinks MC is a dickhead though apparently that's new to me
he's still jealous about 02 what a little prick
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I wonder if 02 has a real name.
oh no
this promise is going somewhere bad i think
kokoro is going to be led astray by the pissy guy
hes dead bye fatso
wow he just put that shit on speaker
wow action skippu
Wow Mitsuru wanted to be Hiro's stamen.
uh oh
this is BAD
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patnah shuffuru somebody is gonna get cucked I wonder why 02 is being distant though, she's stuck with her dahling
oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
wait does this mean futoshi and goro?
dude WHAT what's going on
Poor lesbian-chan got her chance shot down.
so they work together because they're both fucking gay
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cucked fatty
this dude is objectifying 02 really hard
i mean i understand that the entire culture of this universe objectifies people and it's a major theme but this dude is heartless
>>448531 He's just totally got a hard-on for Hiro. Women aren't worth anything more than objectifying for him.
poor ikuno she's got the worst end of all the sticks
This mecha-dino is kind of cute. The starfish it makes in particular.
this is good action
ganbatte gunlance roboto
i'm likin it
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Does Mitsuru just suck?
>>448542 He wants to suck Hiro if you noamsayin.
He's probably combat-able but has a hard time reaching high levels of synchronization because he can't get on a wavelength with female partners.
what the helllllllllllllllllllll
she's gonna kissu
I wonder why Hiro lost his memory.
i imagine they took it
she's gonna kiss him while futoshi is holding that foot up above them
she finally got a chance to actually talk to him
Oh shit.
Aw. Hah hah hah.
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Oh she's doing the thing that 002 does all the time.
It's always Hiro and Zero-Two that get the kill though.
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I think Kokoro and Mitsuru will continue to be a pair. RIP debu
Sounds like it.
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wow that's harsh
i was right he died
at least he took the blow tho
alright that went better than i expected in all ways i was expecting darkness instead everything was solved but not in some shitty cheesy way good show definitely aots
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darkness comes in the second cour
yeah you're probably right
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i want to know more about that elixir infusion thing was it because he was sickly and couldn't pilot without it? >>448579 second cour when they revolutionize the world
Gotta build up that audience caring quantity before tearing it all to pieces.
or it will be like TTGL or KLK and second cour is where shit goes super fucking ham
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ijay okay too slow start okay let's start!
rolling start oh this is the slow finish fast start
Ne Ne Ne Ne
Travelling ten kilometres to get to a convenience store kind of removes the whole convenience of it.
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best girl
That's not Eiko.
This however, is Eiko.
Oh my.
What a dream.
atashiwashi watashi wa me
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Eiko is the time who seems like she could be 20.
the type too
It's not bad, but it's a bit too much in the same colour as the rest of her palette.
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really makes you think
>Tuna parfait
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>>448622 hana is thinking a lot this episode weird
Jeez loiuse Shion.
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>shimmered fish head
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how many japan dollars went into that 3 second animation of her head moving
Some weirdly massive amount. The studio that animated this is the one animated WotaKoi next season. They are a kind of large studio but I wonder if the staff that worked on Slow Start, now freed up, are working on WotaKoi. If it can get the same kind of love and attention that Slow Start did, I'll be very happy.
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oh we got a fancy ED This is probably the last episode, isn't it?
It's the last episode of the season, yeah.
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hmm does that mean we're getting more slow start?
Who knows. Sales numbers aren't always a good indication of Cute Girls Doing Cute Things shows getting second seasons.
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it's all written in the stars
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good endcard
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>>448635 Is it selling well?
I don't recall what its numbers were if I saw them, so they're not exceptionally good or bad. A-1's last sequel series was Saekano's second season; and they've also made Blend S and Eromanga-sensei in recent time too. There's not a lot of precedent for them animating a lot of season twos, but they did also animate all the Working seasons along with the other Working. So it might happen.
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>>448637 idk why this one is all pixelated
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This was a pretty good series. Very comfy, maybe even my comfy of the season.
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it was alright the jokes and animation were what made it any different from your average moeshit nine outta ten needs more tama
Between this, Takagi-san, Yuru Camp, and Mitsuboshi we're really spoiled for comfy, relaxing shows.
it was okay i liked the other c omfy shows more
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i think i like mitsuboshi the mosst out of those four
Oh we've also got HakuMiko for comfy too. The season of comfiness.
are we takunomi
i dunno
same question here
Rika might've already tapped out of the thread.
well thanks for anime(?)
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Oh sorry I stepped away. Let's takunomi tomorrow