Koi wa Ameagari 3-gatsu no Lion Beatless Cardcaptor Citrus Dagashi Kashi Dame x Prince --Episodes 101-1 Death March Grancrest Senki --Episodes 9-11.5 HakuMiko Kokkoku Marchen Madchen Mitsuboshi Colors Mob Psycho 100 recap Pop Team Epic Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san ReLIFE --Episodes 15-17 Takunomi Toji no Miko --Episodes 7-12
Beatless is also almost certainly recap, though I haven't bothered to check.
Jan will be around tonight but needs some unspecified time before he can join in.
Coolio. What on earth is that to the left of your laptop.
a little contraption i purchased from china that makes filling capsules with powdered substances easy the green stuff is powdered kratom
Oh that's kind of neat. Never encountered one before.
it's very easy to use, you just separate the two halves of an empty capsule into slots on two different pieces of plastic, pour the powdered botanical or whatever on top of the big half, spread it around with something that looks like a putty knife kinda, compress it with a plate that has a bunch of cylindrical protrusions to pack it tightly, then push the two halves together takes like 30 minutes maybe to make 100 capsules
this kind of thing is popular in china where there are hundreds more botanical remedies for various things they usually come in powdered form and taste bad (this one does too)
i really didn't expect him to turn into a wolf makes me wonder why bang has the fang too? they're the only two i've seen with them
haha he stole his sword
Oh wow King that's a pretty good spell.
>>449251 I think Ban is a normal human bean. Aside from being undying and superhuman I guess. I don't think he's actually Zhivago's son or anything; Zhivago was just talking like Ban was his son because that's how he treated him.
Yeah, Ban is a normal human who gained his immortality stuff later. He was a pitiable orphan growing up. He's the only normal human of the bunch, though I don't know what Pride's deal is.
holy shit imouto-zoned
i m o u t o
Oh no
>something that should never happen gee thanks for the explanation
So what happens to the person in the normal world if they get stuck in status.
haha she did it the madwoman
Well from everyone else's perspective, she just going to become active again in the same fraction of a second that they all leave Stasis, I think? Like, it's been days for her, but it's still the same frozen moment of time for the non-Stasis world.
Man that husk thing is kind of weird.
She looks pretty nice with her hair grown out a bit like that.
>>449349 That means she would just start moving again to everyone else if she managed to get out? Would she pop out older?
Aw she's cutting it.
>>449352 I'm not sure. I've been thinking that over throughout the entire series. It's kind of hard to gauge what will happen because this entire frozen moment has encapsulated the whole series. And we haven't seen any perspective from the people that have already been sent back.
Oh no
Hah hah hah. The husk stopped her from turning for a moment there.
At the same time I swear we've seen this woman before at some point.
Oh there goes the Stasis.
I guess there's some explanation. You don't return to wherever you were when the Stasis stops, you remain where you are when it ends. Though she did move them all into their beds during her long time alone in the Stasis, so they probably all returned in normal places.
>>449383 Probably really because the author wanted to do this arc with Hina getting into his high school. It's probably safe to assume Kiriyama's still been doing shogi and everything else has just been normal.
This is a crazy extravagant midnight snack.
He's such a good jii-chan.
My cat tends to snore when she falls asleep the right way. It's kind of cute.
The shogi app I downloaded has a bunch of tsume-shogi problems too. They only go as high as within three moves though.
how many eps is this season?
Wikipedia reports the final episode of the season will be episode forty-four. So two more episodes.
I hope this series continues further. In a future cour or something. IT's a good one.
Is Jan back with us?
I just sat back down. thank you for deigning to take pity on my glorious rika-chama. I am finally clean after a long day of moving beer. we're watching mitsuboshi colors right
This episode looks like it covered chapter eighty-six of the manga, so it's been adapting at approximately two chapters an episode so far. There's currently 139 chapters, so certainly enough material for one more two-cour season like we've gotten so far. And this show runs on public television and so isn't reliant on high sales of BD copies to encourage further seasons. As long as the Japanese public is watching it sufficiently, it should get more. But who knows what those numbers are.
>>449426 That technique looks cool and saves money. It's great!
oh man i want hot sake
Wow they've got specific names for hot sake at specific temperatures.
this show makes me hungry and drunk
>>449433 It really does food porn an awful lot for being a show about drinking. But I guess Japanese culture kind of traditionally lumps the two together a lot.
Yeah why do you have to not buy stuff on sale. Save money wherever you can!
>>449435 drinking just naturally goes with eating the best time to have a drink is with a full dinner
Asahi SUPER DRY They're ending off the season on a very traditional Nipponese beer.