Oh, my shoulder seems to have fixed itself Dunno when that happened
Don't see the new Wrinkle in Time movie. It's really bad and its existence is a disservice to the book. Every single additional dolla r it makes makes the likelihood of a sequal even more likely and I'd rather that not happen. Don't even pirate it because the more people that pirate it the more the studio will think its popular.
I intend to watch it BECAUSE it's awful
I can recommend you a worse film then. That book was very important to me as a child and if I can personally prevent even the slightest additional chance of this adaptation getting a sequel I will.
Alternatively just watch the bad mase for tv adaptation from 14 years ago. *made
why care the book's still gonna be around it's not like the movie burned down every copy
Because it makes the book look bad to people. Obviously not everyone, but I'd rather no adaptation be made than a really bad one of this particular novel.
every time i unexpectedly get time off and try to take some time for myself, i stop checking my email, and i always get an urgent email during the time im not checking it it's so annoying people got my phone number and it's in my fuckin email signature too if it's that urgent text me or like people send me emails i don't get and then they see me in person and never bring it up or ask the status or anything and then they email me like YOU HAVEN'T RESPONDED and forward me the email
communication was a fucking mistake
It's rough too, since you're dealing with a field where ignoring communication like that could be a potential problem, like a client in dire need of help or something.
I hope I don't ever get into an industry where I'm obligated to remain in contact with people even in my free time. If you send me an e-mail or a text out of work, and it's work-related, I'll look at it on my own pace, let alone respond to it.
>have some time off >oh wait you need to be on standby at all times and ready to respond at any time Doesn't sound like time off to me
Kirara π
you'd think a psychology graduate program would actually be organized in a way that allows people to do some self care they even have seminars on how important self-care is and then yeah they put me on standby 24/7
>>445229 like seriously if you call or text me while im not on campus im more likely to reply than if you just email me too
i was gonna try to nap but now i gotta sit here and wait to see if this person still wants to meet im on like 6 hours of sleep between two days
Fuck I need to find a way to speed up this shitty netbook
>>445228 tell em to go eat a giant pile of dicks you can't be everyone's solution
Kirara π
i wish i could but it's always like my supervisor or the clinic's boss or some shit and they never even tell me what it's about it's always WE NEED TO MEET fucking cunts it's so frustrating
i want to eat dinner and get ready for bed but nope and this all could have been avoided by texting or calling me my kratom just got here and i was gonna take some to help with my cravings because they've been so bad lately
i was gonna ask if it got there yet my red bali hasn't been doing what the red borneo from SS did it might be helping with pain, but im not sure it's hard to tell because my pain comes and goes anyway it's not bad, but whatever effect it's having isn't as internally measurable might be the different strain or it might be smoother i dunno
i would take your kratom and go to sleep it's 5 now anyway right whoever it is was slacking off in the first place if they didn't make the proper actions to contact you in time
Kirara π
bali is supposed to be more sedating than borneo but i think the pain killing is about the same
i like maeng da i only really take green though
yeah idk it's technically my fault because the world is a vampire if they don't reply by 6 im done they said it was important enough that they were willing to stay after hours
my clients are gonna want to call me and my phone's deactivated soon i don't even want to reactivate it probably not going to tryna tell them i'm not capable mentally right now of handling stuff but they're all too busy to listen so i feel bad because it just puts more stress on others for me to drop the ball
but i'm not letting myself feel bad for myself and do what i gotta do to take care of me so i'd say you should prolly do somethin to take care of you that's the first step in bein able to do somethin for anyone else
frontier just sent me this advert saying enjoy 10k miles and then followed it up with "that's enough for a domestic one-way ticket" i'm a little confused about their geography i guess
Or maybe they're telling you to get the hell out of town and never come back.
while i'd love to do that, it still doesn't add up the contiguous US, and probably even a trip to alaska, isn't nearly 10,000 miles even for a round trip
Well, it does sound like they're high-balling a bit. But technically that does mean a one-way ticket anywhere domestic is covered by 10,000 miles.
It sounds like they should stick to shitty animal puns though.
Kirara π
happy birthday barren trump :)
hope you got a big fuckin dick for your birthday that's what i got when i was your age
no, it's weird because the songs are already edgy they don't need to be edgy songs that aren't edgy should be made edgy and songs that are edgy should be made less edgy what's the point of covering a song if you're just going to do it exactly like it was originally but with an extra scream or two
We should make every song edgy
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh no kirara you reminded me of something I enjoy unironically
Kirara π
Why This is my favorite cover band
Kirara π
why didn't humans evolve to handle no sleep better evolution is stupid
Good news of the day, my neighborhood is finally serviced by the LTE part of my cell provider's network. Bad news, I missed my bus and don't really get to enjoy the speeds.
Not everyone can fall asleep fast enough to take a nap. And if you're already low on sleep trying and failing to fall asleep will just tire you out and get rid of your momentum most of the time.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>445285 I beat basically everything except Soul Melter arena and the ex stages
>>445284 Because it doesn't make sense to take a nap like three hours before bedtime. or four hours before
>>445283 I got really good at functioning on no sleep when I was getting like 4 hours a night for a year but after being able to sleep again, i feel crappy if i don't sleep
I have a business day trip friday and someone is riding with me. It would be weird to have it be silent the whole way but they're older and won't understand my collection of weird electionic music. Especially the vaporwave.
I wonder if I should find some normie music for the trip.
Shit like that happens in south korea a lot. Or sometimes the minority party gets locked out of the building before a vote.
Kirara π
it's weird how in us Congress, everyone is always super serious but it's so ridiculous and in nearly every country with a parliament, they will just beat the shit out of each other
I watch cspan sometimes, people do yell at eachother occassionally. I'd like to see it a bit more. Actual physical violence is a bit much, as good as it may be for the country.
Kirara π
I'd like to see a hundred 80 year old senators just have a big fuckin brawl
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara π
no nanobots allowed
What about nanomachinesson?
So what third party characters are you hoping to see for the new smash?
>>445311 Would be nice actually. Don't expect it to happen. But it is certainly more likely than otger stuff I hope for. >>445310 That simultaneously surprises and doesn't surprise me.
Anyways I'm hoping for Viewtiful Joe, Doom Slayer and Chosen Undead. Joe's the most likely. Oh yeah the Xbox division chief (or something similar) confirmed that they'd be willing to allow Banjo and Kazooie be in Smash.
I don't really think that they should stray too far from the aesthetic for smash. I always felt fire emblem was really pushing it and solid snake was waaaay too far.
It doesn't make sense to have a lot of cutesy mario type characters in with edgy guys like the chosen undead. Clashing art styles is such an eyesore.
add phil specter to smash
Solid Snake works because MGS was always sorta goofy and they limited him to explosives instead of guns
>>445331 Snake was fine The original Metal Gear series was on the NES.
Anyways my realistic third party predictions are Viewtiful Joe, Wonder Red / wonder something, Bomberman, Shantae and Shovel KKnight *Knight
Isn't Wonder Red technically first party since Nintendo legally owns him W101 was devved by platinum but funded and published by Nintendo.
>>445377 Wait really? I thought wonder 101 was by platinum?
>>445377 That doesn't mean they don't own him. Just that Nintendo published it. I mean the game was an exclusive but that doesn't mean Nintendo owns the rights.
Where are you getting the "legally owns him" part from?
The part where they funded and published it and have a big /// little copy right nintendo text on the official w101 site. I'm not sure if it's owned just by nintendo or if they simultaneously own or something though
>>445382 That's for that game, they don't neccesarily own the characters. I mean they could, but none of that explicitly Wait Lemme think for a sec
>>>/@pg_kamiya/958720700822401025?lang=en This is for bayonetta 2 specifically but I'm assuming the same principle applies to w101 Actually wait no disregard this post I suck cocks
toobie for smash
Okay so there's a difference between owning the rights and then having exclusivity. >>445385 I fucking wish
https://trademarks.justia.com/857/27/the-wonderful-85727861.html Nintendo owns the trademark but I dunno if that means they own the ip
They have some amount of rights over it but not full ownership of all the characters. Assuming there's not more shit out there tthat says they do.
Here read this. https://odinlaw.com/license-versus-sale-video-game-publishing/
IP law is complicated. The rights Err the ownership of the intellectual property is distinct from the rights to distribute it. Thats how console exclusives work (sometimes not always), the developers will license distribution to the publisher (not neccesarily exclusive rights for eternity) and then sometimes Nintendo or Sony or whomever will say "hey we'll help fund this game if you restrict this to only be distributed for our platform" so then that's a legal contract (not neccesarily for eternity either) that says "okay we wont release it for the other console" until/unless the terms of the contract become expire or otherwise become invalid.
>>445391 But that does not mean that Nintendo (or whomever) own the full intellectual property of the game.
I know I am seven hours late but that whole BP doing well hurts other movies is how indie games live period.
"Don't ship during Q4 if you want to make sales" is solid advice unless you're like.... Kojima or something. >>445397 Yeah or you have years of pre dev Funding, E3 level advertising, and a house to remortgage when you're cutting it close.
Or Cuphead Man.
And are literally named Chad.
Oh and also on the subject of exclusivity, sometimes in exchange for that they'll handle advertising and promotion stuff for you in addition or instead of funding tge development.
Blue, who are your not terribly unrealistic third party hopes for smash 5?
Stick in Elma
Kirara π
elsa from froze
Anyways, Maria do you get where I'm coming from now?
Torn stockings are cute too. They're something else but Iw ould call them cute
>>445417 I'm a big fan of fire emblem fans getting butthurt about Smash. They already have too many fire emblem characters in it. Those are character slots that could've been occupied by something from another series.
>>445419 Why wouldn't FE fans be butthurt about a nan fe character getting in *why would
I'd be more surprised than anything to see Tharja, because they use new additions to hype games or ride popularity. Tharja's game is old at this point.
If they were going to add a mew FE character, I would expect either something from the upcoming switch game, or Celica.
>>445423 My445423My fucking phon My fucking phone Why would FE fans be butthurt about Thraja getting in and why would you want her when there's already like 6 FE characters
A FEH addition would be surprising, although kind of well deserved. FEH is doing quite well.
>>445425 At this point I think its a reasonable assumption that they will have new FE characters in the new smash. I'd like one to be a character that a lot of people dislike.
>>445425 Because not only is he a waifufag, he is a contrarian waifufag. Tharja is a divisive character in the FE fandom so he assumes everyone would be butthurt if she got in.
>>445428 I didn't assume *every one* would. I'd just pike like a large amount of people to be.
>>445427 That sounds like a really petty and stupid way of looking at things.
>>445430 Yup Welcome to caring too much about smash Really though i don't care that much, i just thought it would sound funny.
>>445446 I think a new character being echoes is possible since it's the most recent FE. It seems like they've chosen Celica to be the representative of Echoes in other games though.
>>445445 roy in 4 is fucking lame project M roy is the GOAT though
I liked Project M luigi.
that triple spin nair gets me rock hard
His up b is broken and is way more likely to crit Err side b The rocket thing
>>445461 what's different between M and PM? i play luigi a lot in melee but never really tried him in PM he's fun as hell but i wish his dash attack and dtilt were actually useful
>>445463 oh the green missile it's like 1/8 in melee and 1/6 in PM or something and less laggy i like how they made a lot of the characters feel less clunky in PM
It makes enough of a difference to be better in project m. I still have my sd card with it somewhere. I even did a custom loading screen for it.
PM used to be pretty popular here i'm not real sure if it still is but i doubt it died that much
I played it all ththe time in highschool. I can't play it at home but thats cause I don't own a wii. Fuck I need to get a damn crt
I need to make room for it too. Luckily I've gotten a bunch of cleaning done but I still need to do more.
>>445468 at least getting a wii is cheap nowadays a CRT might be a little harder to find but not very expensive either
>>445470 It will be free on Craigslist I see em all the time I just don't currently have a place to put one
I get shit off of Craigslist all the time. It's fine, just make sure to stab them first and everything works out great.
ah yes the early knife gets the worm
Fuck people who don't post phone numbers though Maybe 5% of the email only posts I've responded to have ended in me getting the thing. Usually i never hear back. Also fuck people who just add "gone" or "sold" to their posting as an update instead of just deleting it. And ticket scalpers And people who spam the same job listing every damn day and etc
Shit I've probably spent a thousand dollars on Craigslist in the past 12 years.
>>445484 He's possibly the best unit on the banner though.
>>445316 driver makes the rules exercise a little restraint of course but i'm sure even old fogeys and normies can handle some chillstep also i can't seem to phonepost, recurrent issue over many days it just never syncs
Works on my machineβ’
Most of the time anyways. I wish i were proficient enough to debug that stuff
i've been getting dropped on mobile a lot lately sometimes on wifi at home too
Thanks Trump
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>445488 he's not FeMorgan though so who caaaaaaaaaaaaares
here's a more normie-acceptable version >>>/watch?v=YbvrM6Nj2Ok even if it's not someone's taste i have a hard time imagining people finding stuff like this abrasive, or kaki king, royksopp, two lone swordsmen, edIT i use stuff like that when i'm in "dont offend others" mode
Vaporwave is good for me in the same kind of way those Lo-Fi tracks work well. It does something to the parts of my brain that hunger for constant distractions and can kind of help me zone in and focus on something.
>>445517 That's fine I wasn't trying to be defensive or anything. Just wanted to be a part of the conversation and this was the best thing I could do at short notice.
oh i wasn't trashing on vaporwave or lo-fi it's pretty memy because it's so easy to make and there's a million channels for it it's functional and easy to use comfy and easy to wear it's just not particularly interesting imo most of the time
>>445516 we should make some lo-fi music it's incredibly easy but the soft, subdued vocals should be really disturbing lyrics done in a calm fashion
>secluded tribe in south africa reacts to seeing their vibranium stolen for the first time
in my deam world there's a forum just like this, populated with AI, brainstorming millions of ideas for reaction videos, wikihow articles, and other content dream world*
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>445529 No, the May trip with Owl I can't come see him at all, let alone EPIC CAMPING PLANS
>>445530 Sounds like something that could be pretty fun. I don't know how to do digital music production at all though. Which is a little frustrating since it's something I kind of want to tinker with at times. But starting without knowing how to start something is pretty intimidating for me.
>>445533 Aw, that's a shame. Did your work just nix your time-off request or something?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>445534 Nah his family doesn't want him seeing someone he doesn't know from the internet
>>445534 it's super easy man the first thing you gotta do is just get a job you really hate, and want to take every chance you can to escape from it the more you procrastinate at your job, the more intense the need to escape will be sooner or later you'll get to a high-energy procrastination where literally everything is fascinating as long as it's a way to escape working then you just open up the software and enjoy like 8-10 hours of procrastination and you've got a song then you cry, have a beer, and start a 34-hour work shift
>>445547 i'm thinking about making a robin robe or coat i guess it's so cool
I felt something on my hand so I went to brush it off. But it definitely felt more of a bug than a speck of dust or something, but the entire motion happened without me actually looking at it. So now I've got a dead --probably dead at least-- insect somewhere that was crawling on my hand and I don't know what it was and it definitely is getting to me. Why this.
>>445552 the other day i was reaching behind a stack of magazines to pull them out and felt something weird and when i took my hand out it was covered in hundreds of baby spiders
it tickled a lot
Please no.
i felt a small amount of guilt killing the baby spiders with hot water a really small amount about as small as a baby spider
Drown them in the waters of purgatory.
this one is really feely listen to that interplay between the strings and the beat as it progresses >>>/watch?v=8E_jk2XbhmQ
man i really wish i had the willpower to edit a hokuto no ken meme over this diablos kill it would be great
>get an orange flashy on steam and get excited thinking someone wants to say something to me >it's an auto thing that steam sends out to let you know something changed that won't affect you because it's meant to affect people who actually have friends
Yeah, I got it pinging me for an update or something that needed a program restart. How disappointing.
it's such a cruel world hey tilde do you want to play town of salem with me and kori
i think you'd like this game
Sorry, I can't say I'm really interested. I'm familiar with the game and its similars and find them neat, but it also feels like the kind of thing I get more fun out of observing than participating in.
>>445568 as a fellow writer i think you'd be great at it you gotta pretend to be someone else so convincingly that nobody suspects it, in a group of highly paranoid people
>>445569 >I put a lot of smilies /// smileys in our emails so I thought we'd become friends and you wouldn't charge :):) This one's just taking the piss
>>445569 >This will pay off!!! >(no pay) haha fuck
The one offering to pay in beer is legit tho
>>445570 Maybe; I haven't really worked improv skills much lately though. But putting myself under scrutiny and spotlight like that feels like it would create more stress than anything.
Colbert is good tonight. He was invited to work out with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
>>445591 not yet i got distracted for a good hour trying to learn how to use the ShareFactory app on PS4 to edit videos >>445590 that's why they call it the gr8sword
Today has been thoroughly exhausting for me today. I barely even did anything. But my stamina feels like its near zero.
Did you leave the house?
Yeah, I had a night class lecture. But I slept in too so I haven't even been awake that long.
Also I just had eight cookies.
That may have been a mistake.
No you made the right decision my man
I just don't understand the logistics right now Why are we (people stationed on one side of NYC) out here in another zone where there should be a lot of people... But sitting inside doing nothing while contractors are getting paid to do the work we were expecting to do. Like... what even happened?
>>445650 Well yes. My medicine says to take it with at least a certain amount of calories. And I got that amount from the cookies.
>>445651 Bureaucracy has a hard time getting things right some times.
Oh neat I just thought of a new silly really quickly increasing function Wait no nevermind thats not new
>>445687 Seventy, huh? Well I guess you've got something to spend all that dolla you're holla-ing on. But the fuck's up with the twenty-seventh, huh. HUH
You were all making fun of that other one. Can't trust you guys with the titty.
I still can't get over the fucking new big bad in ky D&D campaign being called Orrin. *in my
>>445708 If I remember the right image here you could actually see the shape of her nipples through the shirt. That was way more lewd than just a naked apron.
>>445708 Oh that's cause her rack was huge. Well, I didn't say anything I think
>>445711 /Moe/ is so anti-areola-the-size-of-dinner-plates.
>>445718 I mean I can't personally appreciate them, but that's neither here nor there. It's kind of lewd for the aroused shape of any areolas to be clearly seen through a shirt.
nothing really mattress, therefore you should do your best to have as much fun as possible before your body stops working right my flavor of irresponsible nihilism
What if my flavour of fun impedes on other peoples fun Like taking someones seat on the bus
>>445779 carefully consider how impeding other people's fun is going to affect your ability to have fun in the future as well you can't have fun if someone knocks your ass out or if you're locked up, for example
Ah I get it so I just need to make sure that I'm accounting for potential consequences that will impede on my future ability to have fun So long as it doesn't affect **me** it's all gucci Oh fuck I screwed up my italics and embarrassed myself this is NOT fun
>>445781 how well you treat other people around you depends on your personal moral code, so keep in mind that if being rude makes you feel bad, you shouldn't just be thinking of your own feelings while you're seeking your own happiness.
I think I might just be able to cut out the part of the brain that makes me consider risks and handles guilt but I'm worried I might also hit the bit that handles dopamine and all that good stuff
>>445783 you should probably take care of your brain if you want to live a long enough life to do the things you really want to but then again i don't know how gundam brains work??
>tfw equipped with state of the art learning computer capable of processing immense amounts of information allowing for increadible speed and efficiency but they're letting a literal child pilot you I should be above this shit
We should watch it, but not right now Weekend is better
Kirara π
yeah im free this weekend
I'm not entirely sure if I will be or not Probably will after like 5pm on saturday, and sunday for that matter since Monday I got nothing I think I'll know tomorrow
Kirara π
oh Wind River is on Netflix now that movie sucks but it takes place on the indian reservation i worked on
Well I have been suspended a few times before Maybe I should tone things down, and coax everything in like "we should elect politicians who will..." That's OK, that's just freedom of speech yaknow
Kirara π
i try not to call for people's deaths explicitly
partly because idk if fbi knows my @ they probably do
They can definitely find out Though maybe not, what with the state of your government atm Trump supposedly doesn't like the FBI much, he might pull strings and reject information requests
Kirara π
fbi are back in a working organizational structure as of last Monday according to my people involved with them directly im probably going to be asked to resume working for them soon
Oh, that's kinda neet neat neet possibly if they dig too deep
Kirara π
i don't really like the idea of workers for them they used me to do something that hurt native Americans but at the same time if i go back to the research i might be able to move it in a direction that undoes what i did
also the angry pickle dropped into MHW last night around like 10pm your time i think he's pretty cool but his armor has questionable skills and no set bonus unfortunately
>>445840 a decently quick way to get it unlocked is to spam some low rank investigation until the notice for him appearing shows up when you come back to camp, then look in the high rank expeditions for him >low rank actually it might have to be a high rank investigation it showed up after i hunted an odo i think
after you spot him once you get the special investigation but you can probably max the bar out before acquiring that by just killing him in the expedition and picking up the tracks during
>>445855 It wasn't really it was just fruit picking I was kinda young and my dad was like "just give it a try and if you don't like it you can quit" so I took that to heart and bounced on the first day >>445858 true
I just got more details about the death that happened. I can't say them though. Just know that the news stuff is wrong and you'll probably never hear the actual story
>>445879 yeah What actually happened is pretty worse. As it is clearly not his fault >>445883 Two days ago? or three? It happened this week. Yesterday was safety stand down so the day after had to be when it happened.
There are some details I can give though. It was about a 12 ft drop. And the wooden board that was in there wasn't supposed to be there. Those should be replaced with either pipe or fiberglass but it wasn't
Also my dad was there
Kirara π
i think i can fill in the rest of the details damn
this article mentioned he was 300lbs as a factor? why even bring that up
The articles don't mention anything important. It leads people to think that being heavy contributed to his fall. It even led to the news talking to his dad, which is fucked up by the way because what USUALLY happens when you're KIA is that the Transit Authority breaks the news to the family. Not the news itself. So with the reporters breaking whatever information they have, it leads to that awful quote of the dad saying he told him to lose some weight. I'm under 200lbs, and based on what I know, I would have broken that and died too.
I felt so guilty about it that I shoveled the crosswalk close by the house
>poor man dies >interview family >we told him to not be poor, he shoulda listened >cause of death in coroner's notes: not listening to parents listen to your parents kids
for the brightline train, the new one down south, ive been monitoring the official reports for the myriad deaths it's causing and half of them are listed as "cause of death: trespassing"
Kirara π
(those deaths occurred while people tried to move across the tracks before the train was there)
person from yesterday still ain't reply "urgent" my ass
i dont understand how cause of death is determined or the rules of noting it i understand an autopsy and how it can determine what caused them to die, like suffocation or inhalation of fluids and so forth but that's not what they put they put like human reasons // causes not bodily causes like how you gonna know the cause of death was a car crash maybe they survived the car crash but it gave them a heart spook that killed them
they'll say like, human error or something like that cause of death always blames the victim
oh so is it just the legal statement for where the liability is held really i never thought of it as a legal thing i thought it was just a medical thing i guess that makes sense so insurance companies can refuse to pay
Kirara π
legally what we think of as cause of death is usually listed as "injury" and it'll say like, "pinching, crushing, etc"
cause of death: hurty bones
i think that's a good name for my next release cause of death, by DJ Hurty Bones
>>445916 >if there's never been a boneless album i think most albums are boneless
Kirara π
>>445923 OOHHH like psalm ok i was reading it as p salty i was like, h u h?
i was reading it as p salty hahahaha yeah me too
Kirara π
yo yo this is p salty on the mic
Kirara π
that's a good stage name actually
will that be jan's he is good on vocals
why is he salty though is he Job or something
Kirara π
i been thinkin about moses a lot lately fuck built that big ass boat and saved the dinosaurs and elephants and shit and when it's all over he's like, i seen some shit, im gonna grow grapes, make booze, drink he becomes an alcoholic and God got mad about it
of course it's a bone opera tellin the story of his escape from the human flesh, climax point in "Made Him a Steak" when he makes his fleshy captor into a steak
Kirara π
is ghosts when it comes back to... heh heh.... haunt him
no that's just 17 minutes of ghosty glitch-hop as he acclimates to the strange afterlife with so many ghost voices tryin to be observed
my catria isnt great so im considering tearing her throat out and feeding her to someone for chill res
Kirara π
we should do a ton of peyote and record some screaming and use it as part of ghosts we'll write it off as a business expense
>>445949 her art is so good but her skills don't synergize very well that's probably what id do
it can als // also be 17 minutes of skelly boy fuckin ghosts there's not really a difference in the quantum superposition of death so it's indeterminant
Kirara π
it's open to interpretation
man having a /moe/ band would be so fun
Kirara π
what do you think the beforelife is like people always talk about the afterlife like it's all that matters
>>445960 you can survive on rice and it's certainly good for you but there are foods that are more nourishing one of the reasons Asians have historically been short is due to a diet heavy in rice which doesn't have the nutritional value of the mainstays of food in other nations
>had to factory reset phone to get it working >cant connect to computers so no internets >got dick lol sick wellbthat was a fun end to my mini vacation >oh what is this domeone is having fun, time to fuck them over
Kirara π
life's a bitch and then you die that's why we get high cuz you never know when you're gonna go
>>446007 well terrorism is politically motivated, and atleast to the general public no one has outright told that the guy had an agenda of sort on the end even a serial killer coild be counted as a terrorist if their motives and agenda alogm
so while quite demonstrably false, due to the places the guy was targetting, it isn't an outright lie from the WH
Yeah but also, often in the US abortion clinic bombings don't get classified as terrorism. And Christian Fundamentalist organizations that do them aren't investigated as terrorists.
also if you ask me, by now when they say "terrorism" they mean islamic t
f ound a thing that doesn't work as i thought it would, dissapudding also i
It's two #'s
i was adding them post
Yeah the text styling doesn't work well if you try to do compositions of them.
i n this whic results
>>446026 so i tried if you can write the thitd word infront of the two non sending ones didn't work
s ee like this
i can see uses for this discovery though i nstant word posting a a
>updated ytube app as reinstalling stuff >double tapping on vudeo no longer rewinds/skips updates, adding features and improving products, no longer since 2012
https://www.theverge.com/2018/3/22/17150870/google-chrome-autoplay-videos-sound-mute-update Yeah but on the other hand they're doing this.
Honestly you might just be in a minority that appreciated that feature, and the general populace found it frustrating and easy to accidentally activate.
I found one of the two books Ibwas explicitly looking for today, and like 30lbs of other stuff I'd been looking for previously. And also 90% of my foreign language dictionaries and phrase books. And a shit ton of manga, lns and other misc japanese books.
Oh Jesus Christ I found my business card from ten years ago. It even has the qr code that goes to my old website.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I forgot how embarrassing that was.
do tell
It had two sides, one in Japanese and one in English. The QR code on each side went to the version of the website in each language. Also I gave it out at an anime convention. I was trying to do freelance webdesign. I figured the bilingual part would impress people there. It did, but no one hired me.
Well from about ten years ago, not 100% sure it was exactly ten. No I need to shower because I have dust all over me from cleaning.