
Thread #449717

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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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hi it's Anno again
gib us eva4
Kirara 🚗
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academia is so cancerous
the biggest sign that capitalism works is when you can't do research that will help people unless you spend a large amount of money to purchase the rights to an assessment measure, or you spend several years creating your own assessment measure so you can do a study
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oh crap it's nearly 6. I don't remember if I slept at all.
I feel like I did a little but I feel like my brain is lying to me.
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I feel so impossibly ill. Help me, onegai.
What does your illness feel like in particular.
A cross between the Spanish flu and the Black Death.
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it's anime withdrawal!
I mean what specific symptoms are you feeling.
Kirara 🚗
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don't feel
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don't think, feel
Kirara 🚗
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don't think or feel
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So how are we today?
Kirara 🚗
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The person who runs the clinic I work at is being a shit and says I'm not allowed to get new clients because I missed an intake a while ago and was late to something non-client related last week.
Apparently I haven't been allowed to get new clients for a while, but nobody told me!
I also had a letter sent about me from that bitchy lady who came 10 minutes late for session and then spent the entire session taking a 10 minute assessment on the computer, but nobody ever gave me the letter or any feedback whatsoever about it.
However, I'm being criticized for not following a procedure that nobody, including my supervisor at the clinic, knew existed.
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I've been laffing at dumb shit on norway reddit
I've been doing some reading.
Are you a nurse?
Kirara 🚗
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I'm a therapist.
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Yuru Camp is a camping anime right, so does that mean the grils are disposable?
Kirara 🚗
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Disposable grills?
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Like the aluminum ones that you only use once then throw away
Kirara 🚗
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They use camping stoves and folding charcoal grills
I wasn't even aware that was a thing
Conversely I'm not familiar with these disposable stoves.
Seems awfully material inefficient and kind of wasteful, really.
Kirara 🚗
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camping stoves like this
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No I meant the grills
Oh they are
They're left on campsites all the time

You CAN use them more than once, but nobody ever does
They come with coal and a metal grill over an aluminum casing
They're like, super bad in a lot of ways, and really I dunno if they're even sold anymore now that I think about it
Used a lot as a kid
Well "a lot", whenever we went tenting and stuff
I do not approve.
Kirara 🚗
They aren't common outside of Japan as far as I can tell.
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That's so cute and cool!
I want one
Kirara 🚗
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It weighs 500 g and folds up real small

The B6 is really popular in Japan
I kind of want one too but they're really expensive and I don't camp enough to warrant getting one
I never go camping, so it'd be as a curiosity
Kirara 🚗
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come campin in the US
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let's set a forest on fire
Kirara 🚗
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Let's not do that!
I used to camp a bunch.
Might be kind of fun to do again once.
I still feel I won't enjoy certain aspects of it though.
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let's at least slightly burn our food
Let's set the forest on fire and use the smoke to flush out our prey
Kirara 🚗
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>Aborigines fucked up Australia by doing that too much

I'm going camping in Zion National Park with Jan soon.
I'm excited.
In Australia's defense it was kind of fucked up to begin with.
Setting the forest on fire didn't summon horse of venomous spiders and other critters.

Hordes even.

Food shouldn't be burnt but cooked to exquisite perfection.

Yeah I've been seeing you talk about it.
Looks pretty; I've never been in a part of the world looking like that.
Honestly I'm impressed they managed to do that with just some sticks and stones
Kirara 🚗
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That's all you need to start a fire.
>A 2011 research paper has questioned whether Indigenous Australians carried out widespread burning of the Australian landscape. A study of charcoal records from more than 220 sites in Australasia dating back 70,000 years has found that the arrival of the first inhabitants about 50,000 years ago did not result in significantly greater fire activity across the continent. The arrival of European colonists after 1788, however, resulted in a substantial increase in fire activity.

Australia has a huge desert
The coastal areas have a lot of forest

No that's just the center bit
It's only like 80% that's desert
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Can't have been too excessive, Australia is like covered in forest isn't it?
Kirara 🚗
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The west is so beautiful.
I'll show you the west someday.

haha australia is a nearly uninhabitable desert
Covered? No.
Select portions of it are kind of rainforest-y, but the vast majority of it is desert-y and brushland.
I think it is mostly arid lands and desert in terms of %
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damn, I thought it was a lot of desert, but also like, a ton of vegetation in parts
I mean it's a BIG country.
The parts with vegetation and forest are still pretty large swaths of land.
But in terms of ratio the arid and sparse vegetation parts far outnumber it.
west and south coast are more fertile due to rains
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should probably have already known this tbh
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Wowiie look at all this forest
It's all scattered along the coast and Tasmania
Kirara 🚗
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weird thing about psychology is that psychologists all think they can bullshit each other
like we can all see through bullshit
that doesn't mean we can't have our bullshit be seen through
yet they all still try to bullshit each other
they'll talk shit about how they respect their colleagues and they do respect some of their colleagues but they bullshit everyone else

it's so weird
i hate how people will sit there and bullshit to my face
and i gotta sit there and take it because the bullshitters are in charge
like these people just sit there and disrespect me to my face, trying to talk shit to me but trying to phrase it so i don't know they're talking shit
"there's the path most people take, and then there's the path you take"
like you think i don't get what you're saying? you're saying you don't like the way i do things and don't understand how my brain works
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man i forgot how fun the platforming was in forgotten sands
just tell them you can't fuck a fucker and can't bullshit a n asshole
Kirara 🚗
i wish i could tell them to eat a fat dick
Would it be better if they just talked shit straight up instead of dacing around it
Kirara 🚗
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Yeah, it'd be better if they just up and talked shit
I hate how psychologists refuse to be straight about anything
They all think they know what's best for other people, they know what other people need to hear, and how they need to hear it
so they temper their language to a way they think you'll respond to well
tryna manipulate me
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it's like one, long job interview
Kirara 🚗
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I don't dance around and bullshit everyone
Even if I'm bullshitting people I say it straight if I can

Everyone thinks they're hot shit because they're psychologists
They do it to the point where they'll completely ignore tone and read too far into things
They think simple things are complex and complex things are simple and anything they can't understand must be wrong

I was laughing about people talking shit to me with some colleagues and they're trying to validate me, like, "oh, that's not true, you're great"
Bitch , I'm not looking for validation here. I'm telling you about something I thought was funny. I'm not fucking feeling insecure about the shit they was talking, I just think it's funny
Fucking annoying
Psychologists are so annoying
maria have you ever been out in that hueg australian desert
I had a friend in highschool and college who used to do this, take the inflections in my tone and some of the micro-expressions that would cross my face and take those are -those as hints to what I was "really" thinking when I said something.
And then I'd tell him he's wrong and explain what I was actually feeling and he'd go all huffy and act like he was in on it anyway.
It was kind of exhausting at times.
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fucking nerds
Kirara 🚗
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yeah it's annoying shit
And fuckin everybody is like that
It never ends, everyone thinks they see shit but they ignore the most obvious shit
Kirara 🚗
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all these fucks think they can identify that people have problems from their behaviors but miss all the important shit
thinking i'm upset about some shit i don't care about while ignoring my patterns of behavior that are common in PTSD or substance abuse
And get it in their heads that now that they have some kind of higher understanding they can't trust anyone to just be straight and honest with them.
Like sure I'm not the most candid person but I generally avoid an outright lie when I can.
You haven't unlocked the fucking secrets of the mind you loser you just have read up on what typically matches with what.
What do you think of dialectical behavioural therapy?

I can't afford a therapist, so I was thinking of trying that on my own somehow. Not sure how, really.
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Kirara 🚗
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Yeah, it's so stupid.
You can't really find shit out about what's going through someone's head unless you ask.
They all think they're fucking mind readers.

DBT is pretty good for some things.
It's not the treatment modality I generally use.
I might use it if I were treating PTSD since my humanistic models aren't particularly effective for a lot of PTSD symptoms and I don't have the proper training to administer EMDR.
It would be difficult to do DBT to yourself. Probably impossible. There are behavioral techniques you can do to yourself, but one of the biggest factors in therapy being successful is a good therapeutic relationship.
The therapeutic relationship is generally what mediates the effectiveness of the therapy.

Sometimes it's possible to find outpatient psychological help at community mental health centers that use a sliding scale for people who are poor. The clinic I work at costs $25 per appointment which is pricey, but it's pretty cheap compared to most treatment. We can also lower it to $15 sometimes.
No not in the huge desert
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>+37 Sacred Coins
Def Tactic 3 GET
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That seems like a really good seal.
Kirara 🚗
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My tactics team is almost ready.
I just need a horse unit that I actually want to use.
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I'll just have Tactics "units".
I need to see who the Arena bonuses are for the next two weeks before I burn feathers though.
I have my 20k
I've been doing all the little things to get feathers daily and it's added up.
Even though I should probably just send a bunch of units home but I need to steal their skills just in case.
Kirara 🚗
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Once I have a horse unit I like, I'll be able to make a lot of different tactics teams.
But none of the existing horse units are really characters I particularly like.
I mean, I like Camus, I guess.
And I like Lyn.
But I don't want either of them to be my tactics character.
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Siegbert is nice which is why it's hard to throw him away.
I want to put a Tactic 3 on Hinoka because her+Eirika are fun times
a 2 Inf 2 Flier setup runs really well between them.
Hinoka, Eirika, Myrrh, Fae for example
Kirara 🚗
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Wait, I've been reading movement type as the number of spaces something can move.
lmao oh no
Kirara 🚗
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I guess I don't need a horse for my team after all.
No, you don't
Kirara 🚗
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That's exciting.

Maybe I'll use Halloween Nowi, then.
ahhh I wish
Kirara 🚗
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That improves my team a lot, since it uses Sanaki and her refined tome.
Which Tactic do you have that you're going to move? Atk from V.Lilina, right?
Kirara 🚗
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I can move a res or atk tactic.
I'm not 100% sure I'll use Nowi yet, since I already have a red tome on the team.
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Is weird how this game actually brings up new platforming tricks you need to learn
does them simple
and then bit later throws them at you full force as platforming timing puzzle
And then some newer games would kinda stop the gameplay and instead have a ingame tutorial for new things
isntead of just dropping them on you, having you go "oh this is how this goes"
and then be ready for it when it really comes at you in the wild
and all the while the game does this inch by inch training for the player, the harder its challenges become

sometimes I feel this is lacking in newer titles or maybe I just don't play those
How fucking cheap is it normally that makes you say "$25 is pricey"?
can i administer group therapy to myself
Kirara 🚗
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$25 a week for treatment is $100 a month which is a very sizable amount of money. It's pricey.
Kirara 🚗
probably not
that is pretty much a months food budget for 2
my mum got surgery and they want her to do physical therapy which is a $50 copay three times a week
and she'd have to drive an hour to the appointment which is // would do more damage probably
that's six hundred dollars a month
doctors are getting mad at her for not doing it and don't understand why she can't
it's so fucked up
I mean I guess its pricy compared to not getting treatment.
Although not everyone goes weekly. I've had therapists I saw every other week.
Kirara 🚗
i fuckin hate doctors
Yeah that really sucks
Why do you always say shit like this
Kirara 🚗
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Research shows that the most effective way of treating something is weekly.
The efficacy goes down considerably if it's every other week.

Because I actually hate doctors.
So you hate all doctors?
Kirara 🚗
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If you point out an individual doctor, there is a chance that I will like that individual human being.

But I still hate doctors.
he hates the form of doctors dont be black and white
what if I am red and blue?
I'm probably going to regret asking this, but why do you hate doctors?
Alternatively just tell me whether or not your hating it has to do with the fact that lives could be saved if "they" charged less.
Or has anything to do with money.
Kirara 🚗
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It doesn't really matter why.
Reasons are mistakes
Well I mean I guess it doesn't really matter why.
I was just wondering if it was something I would consider rational or reasonable. Like it could be something I consider irrational that I think is reasonable for you to think that way.
You just happen to have a lot of strong opinions in ways that really differ from most people and I find them interesting.
and does it also go down if it is say twicw a week?
Kirara 🚗
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At that point, it kind of depends on the diagnosis and the strength of the therapeutic relationship;
Did you drop out of premed? I've read it is extremely competetive and everyone acts like a psychopath.
i TA'ed premed classes it's so fuckin cringey
good god i dont even like thinking about it
Kirara 🚗
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My reason isn't really rational.
There are a lot of factors that go into it, but the real reason is probably because doctors failed to save the lives of all /// a lot of the people I loved, but they saved my life
storytime, please.
Premed isn't even a major, its just something your parents tell your relatives to brag about you.
Okay, that's not really surprising.
That would be something I consider to be irrational but reasonable.
i just graded papers for the premed phys/math classes
In my last therapy thing I had to do a lot of consideration about other people's feelings and beliefs in a way that I hadn't ever previously. So I think I sort of understand why people do things I don't really get or believe something I don't understand.
Where previously I'd usually just not consider those reasons important and just consider them irrational for ignoring objective facts.
of course it will be more expensive then
it's pretty hard to do
it can also be troublesome to infer things and misunderstand sometimes
Like I had a similar thing I sort of did that's related to how I rarely get angry at people.
Yeah part of what I do know is just consider certain beliefs or behaviors based in some sort of axiom that I don't know. Axiom in that its something core to the way they experience the world and it can't realistically be changed. And also that its irrelevant to them whether or not I prove that their feelings or reaction to something is irrational/hypocrisy. Because that's just how they are.
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Oh but by irrational I mean in this sense hypocritical I guess.
i mean, you're kind of inferring a lot to even call things hypocritical
in any context
Well for the purpose of what I'm referring to I will in a debate ask do you agree and believe in X and then if they say "yes" then I'll demonstrate logically how their previous statement or expressed belief is incosistent with their belief in X.
Where X is usually something about how someone believes they should treat other people.
oh yeah i guess debates are different
those are contained systems
just be wary about organic contexts and then labeling that because you dunno what's happening
Yeah it's hypocrisy in that sense.
But if something comes up in a conversation that really bothers me I'll turn ot into a debate and do the sort of "given proposition X that you agree to etc
I don't do that too much anymore.
Well I do, i just do it less.
do you feel uncomfortable outside of axiomatic contexts where things are clearly distinguished
i am variable in that and it's a phenomenon i consider anxious constriction
i can function a lot better unconstricted where i can navigate a system a little more fluidly
but that can be a little overwhelming to process sometimes
Yes, but not as much as I used to.
you can actually end up with less processing space by being overstimulated because the subroutines feed into higher-order functioning instead of being exploratory in their own right
it depends on the tasks and environment of course, but we can overlook a lot and only think we're processing better if we stay contained in that narrow space
there's a lot to be picked up by backnavigating though
Kirara 🚗
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are there any anime elephantgirls
elephants are like the happiest animal on the planet
did kemono friends have elephant girls?
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I don't remember seeing any in the anime but they should be in the game.
>in the past prince of persia games you could rewind time to restore a sand that you just used, by rewinding to the point you collected it
>thus enabling infinte sand for some situations
however in forgotten sands, if you try to do this it ERASES the "sand" you just collected
dunno if accidental or intentional
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Yeah here we go.
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Last one I think.
there is a game?
Was originally a game.
Then as -Then between the announcement for the anime and its actual airing the game shut down.
I believe with the eruption of success with the anime though, they are/were planning a reboot of the mobage or releasing a new one.
thank you!!
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I want to take it easy.
What's the difference between 3DS XL and LL?
screen size
an X and an L
you can't fit into ll
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ah yes i have awakeneded
now it is time to prepare to go to work in an hour
you workin da night shift now?
i am tonight because they asked
have a good night at work
Work hard and then you can play hard as they say.
this game has a mechanic where you "restore memories" of places
popping things into existence or out of
so I just realised, the game never once made it so that a trap is one of those things
that would have been neat
a trap run where you have to pop the traps too in and out of existence to proceed
Kirara 🚗
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Morning Kirara
Kirara 🚗
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Maybe I'll take advantage of the slow time at work and see why you like this Alm boy so much
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Alm is one of the best red units now. He's worth having.
Kirara 🚗
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Alm is the cutest and coolest Lord, and has the best personality.
He's worth having.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Well I meant more like >>449881 I was going to give Echoes some time
That or Fates or EO5 English

Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I can't believe all you think about is stats!
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I don't always think about stats.
Fire Emblem Echoes is good too.
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that was fun
time to continue with warrior within, though that will require consulting a walkthrough canät fucking remember where every health upgrade was
I'm laying on five pillows.

Kirara 🚗
purification through sweat
Purification through sweets
Kirara 🚗
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i am going to eat some sweats

I'm really glad I got some kratom
My alcohol cravings have been bad lately
school being fucking bad isn't helping
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synchronized sweating
mine too
it helps a little if i keep myself very busy and take my damphs but as soon as deadlines are over then the stress recoils so hard and i'm a mess
Kirara 🚗
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i vented about my problems to some colleagues, my school related problems, aand they're like "sorry you're feeling like that, we're here for you iif you need anything"

i got tthe green maeng da capsules this time
they're pretty good and way less noticable than the green malay i used to use

it helps with cravings and clears my head
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i should make some capsules, i got a little machine for doing that
i dont have a scale though
i wish i could take some kratom now but i gotta work
my main client made a life change to only work 20 hours a week which means all my deadlines are noon instead of five now
so im fuckin starting work at midnight each night now instead of four

i dunno what to do about my recruiting client
i wish i could vent and get out from under some of these responsibilities that i dont want but idk
i feel like any time i want to say something that i'm bein a piece of shit
everyone else functions and gets their work done who am i to be havin that problem and not do the job i got
but on the other hand if i dont say anything and keep not making progress then it's gonna be like "wtf so youve done nothing this whole time?"
and they // wasted their time

i dunno
I really want some dark chocolate biscuits with tea, or maybe some dark chocolate minis.

Someone needs to invent a mint dark chocolate tea biscuit. Something hard as a brick.
Kirara 🚗
lmao are you serious
that's so irresponsible what the hell

we gotta escape reality
tbh it is very comforting to me that im not the only person too fucked up tto function properly

people don't get it everyone thinks like oh, you have some problems, but EVERYONE has problems and they can work
fuckin shaming people that can't
what's irresponsible
Kirara 🚗
making a lifestyle change that drastically affects other people
oh no it's fine tbh
i could honestly just not wait and get the work done one day prior and still maintain my old schedule but this is what i choose because the deadlines help me coordinate and focus
i literally dont get anything done if there's no deadline
any time i become... not distressed, what's the word // like needing to take a break, i just never get back to the work because i'm like, "Oh, there's plenty of time. i can go think about systems and lay down in blankets" and i do that instead
all the change did was change their business hours from 5 est to 1 est
which is fine, they got a family and i understand

that's the other thing
i'm distressed yeah
other people do their jobs and have spouses and children and do their taxes on time too
i'm just too fuckin anxious to do anything
sometimes i wonder what i even do, like at all
time passes and i dont know what ive done, but i'm always fucking exhausted like i did a lot
i'm so anxious that i'd rather do work i dont want to do than say anything about it
im sitting next to someone since there will only be two people here and while i can gladly use my phone a 3ds would feel awkward as heck
is it one of the night shift nurses
Kirara 🚗
is she cute
is she cuter than me
not particularly
Kirara 🚗
what's his name
are you friends
i dont know and not really this is like the first time ive spoken to them
Kirara 🚗
ask her what his sign is
this is some pronoun soup
oh shit that is a really good idea
trans-friendly cafe / lunch spot called pronoun soup
or maybe just one of the dishes
a soup with those really tasty fish balls but they're molded into--
oh hi yuu
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 610x656, [HorribleSubs] Slow Start - 06(…).jpg)
Kirara 🚗
gonna go get some pronoun soup down at the queer cafe
gender spaghettios
Kirara 🚗
what would you like to drink?

yeah can i get some uhhhhh gender fluid
lettuce, gouda, bacon, tomato, queso sandwich
butt or nut squash soup
Kirara 🚗
him or her steak
i miss being in the city
there's a queer cafe in benton park that i really liked
a little expensive but man they really did have great soups
Kirara 🚗
gay sex in the city
and the city
sex with the city
Kirara 🚗
gonna fuck the entire city
that sexy outdated infrastructure
i guess you could call it "mature"
please dont doink the building
embrace what it really means to work the sewers of the city
Search [iqdb] (98 KB, 597x687, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 09 (…).jpg)
Kirara 🚗
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i half-jokingly said i might drop out to some colleagues and they were like, "no, you have to stay, we need you" or shit like that
isn't that super selfish
they want me to stay somewhere im not happy because im entertaining
i mean i can't blame anyone for wanting to keep their idol around but still
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what will you do if you drop out
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 600x600, DYSnqp_VMAEQC64.jpg)
live in a camper and drive around the country aimlessly and explore the great outdoors
Kirara 🚗
Netflix is doing a where in the world is carmen sandiego live action adaptation
Search [iqdb] (8 KB, 236x236, lynne.jpg)
ooo can i come
i can build parabolic mirrors out of mylar to charge the solar panels to power my laptop
Could be fun.
I don't really have much of an idea what the Carmen Sandiego franchise is really.
Never watched or read or whatnot it.
My only experience with it was a point and click adventure game that was installed on the PCs of my grade...four? classroom or something.
Kirara 🚗
basically carmen sandiego is a bitch and nobody knows where the fuck she is because she never tells anyone

haha same but library computers

yeah well call it the buddy bus
Isn't it just some kind of Where's Wally dealio?
I'm sure we had it at school too, but I never played it.
we had that on our home pc when i was a kiddo
i played the shit out of that
we had a lot of educational games now that i think about it
the bussy
I don't remember if I ever actually beat it.
The computers also had SimAnt and some game that let you build marble tube contraptions and those were always much more interesting to me
Kirara 🚗
hell yeah
It'll be Tony's only real chance to get into Kirara's bussy.
Did you guys play the Cluefinders and Reader Rabbit in school? Those were 5/5. I still have the 4th Grade Adventures CD.
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it would be really cool to just go around the country selling parabolic mirrors
Kirara 🚗
i recognize the name reader rabbit
Only listen to Debussy.
I don't think I ever encountered Cluefinders but I had a bunch of Reader Rabbit games for home PC.
They were pretty solid educational games.
Kirara 🚗
we can do a lot of fun shit too
and maybe die cool deaths
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 960x1200, DTgeNTMV4AIlqe2.jpg)
We had SimCity, Math Circus, an Alien
Shooter demo and some games pack where I edited one of the games files with my own recorded sound files and paint scribbles.
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i miss all those children's pc games
they were the best
im gonna order discount bulk mylar once i get paid
Kirara 🚗
i want to drive around a city and launch fireworks into the sky at random intervals
Please don't disturb the poor city kots.
And city dogs.
can you just plate a vehicle in mylar or is that illegal
Kirara 🚗
i don't think it's illegal
Oh man I remember Math Circus now.
That was another really stellar educational game.
Everyone remembers Oregon Trail, but did anyone play Amazon Trail? I got it in a box of cereal and spent so many hours playing it on Win2k.
I only actually know Oregon Trail by fame; I've never actually played it myself.
i played it over and over a ton as a kid
Kirara 🚗
never played amazon trail but i played so much oregon trail
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i think i'm realizin that i don't like the responsibility in my work that other people's contingency depends on
when someone sends through like 20 hours of stuff to be transcribed and pays 1200 bucks for it it's like
it must be really important to them
i can't imagine doing anything that important that i'd be willing to pay 1200 bucks just to have it written down
it weirds me out and feels different
i just wanna make shit and sell it that feels more natural
scarves and little accessories and the occasional handmade telescope
Kirara 🚗
i want to feel natural
I don't know what I want.
Kirara 🚗
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I did some transcription work for this site called Rev and it made me feel like a voyeur. The pay was awful though so I stopped.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 403x455, 403px-GhostTrickWaitress.png)
that's where i started
how much did you do there?
it is actually a bit of a fruitful skill once it's developed but yes it is very poor pay to start
if i did work at rev i could make about 12 bucks an hour at their rates but i would not want to particularly
better companies pay about twice the rate and require about half the work
Im looking forward to the legendary banner
Well, to be honest I didn't make it past the newbie section. All of the recordings were so low quality and it took me hours to complete a job that would only earn me a couple dollars. It didn't feel worth it.

I would definitely do it if the pay were better and I didn't require audiophile reference headphones to understand what is being said. Working from home is the dream.
Kirara 🚗
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I am going to beat the everloving shit out of the hay
that means youre sleeping
good jighr
Maths circus had good minigames I liked it
But the real bigboi educational game was maths blaster
Kirara 🚗
good jigger
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even with rev, it gets better
getting out of the rookie stuff and making it to plus status gives access to a lot of better clients
technically everyone besides trainees have access to them, but plus status has earlier access to them, so what's still left after 90 minutes is sent on to the normal users to claim
so there is very clear audio in there but it is usually gobbled up by the more dedicated transcribers right away
while i don't condone their rate of pay, it is a decent chance to get experience under your belt so you can market yourself elsewhere

as far as higher-paying companies go, some of them dont require experience but you will still have to demonstrate an ability to handle difficult audio
so it's best to have some experience with that one way or another
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Do you know if Rev is about as challenging as the place you work for now?
The proficiency test you talk about for your place sounds kind of intimidating for me since I don't have any transcripting experience.
well you can pick and choose at rev so there's that
you can kind of set your own challenge in that regard

i definitely see better audio on average where i work now, but also the hardest files i have worked on come from here too
the baseline work is very easy, but it's the availability and reliability even for harder stuff that makes a transcriber valuable
Go get Rika already.
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Black Clover - (…).jpg)
Good timing!
anime >>449980 →
I really love how warrior within starts with "oh you are not sure how to fight, here have one of the hardest bosses as the first boss"
toot backwards is ton
oh shit
ton backwards is not
atleast you pick up the combat system by the third time getting your ass handed to you
Search [iqdb] (108 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura - cola grin.jpg)
also get
notso backwards is oston
os ton
os tan
ME is an os tan
no it is "faggot"
is ton
That must be why arena hasn't reset yet
And there's no list
it shouldnt be up for another day though, sadly
It's ton's os
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>attempt to page someone
>dont exactly remember what code to use when it works
>try to page their pager
>number says its no good
Pagers at
are great
i also wanted to note, i do most of my work from $20 sony headphones
i had nice headphones at one time but i dont find these particularly more difficult to work with
been doin it for years this way
Been hunting and fishing in these parts for years.

I dont think my poaching harms anyone.
The jarl cat hardly eat every deer, can he?
oh no i typo'd

Search [iqdb] (126 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dame x Prince A(…).jpg)
Could you imagine a jarl cat.
Every other jarl would freak out over a Khajiit noble.
Elder Scrolls creates some really amazing moments.
>picks up best side weapon in game
>forgetting that circle is throw weapon away and not roll tosses it immediately away
i'm gay
what does the wall say
>both Touhou Nerdstm
don't misgender me
are you pretending to be me or is it just a coincidence
Im you but stronger
Who are you? Can we be friends?
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 612x573, [HorribleSubs] Ramen Daisuki K(…).jpg)
don't spend money on gacha games
i've got a no friends policy sorry
it just makes things complicated
how did you read what im talking about in discord
How much did you spend this time.
there's a 50/50 chance you're talking gacha at every given point of time
im gonna crack this case wide open
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 491x703, [HorribleSubs] Cardcaptor Saku(…).jpg)
onee-san always knows
what am I thinking about right now
"why are pagers still used if there are more advanced technologies available?"
they're still super useful today imo
Yeah I know
Most people wonder that about hospitals
Well, many, not sure about "most"
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replace pagers with snapchat
Replace pagers with neural implants.
replace my life with a neural implant
replace /moe/s with robots
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i think i need a service dog
but i can't out here
what would a service dog do for you
service her
service her? dawg, I don't even know her
lol this game has jiggle physics on the few female enemies
What game?
warrior within
I haven't played that in over a decade.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
meow motherfuckers let's get BLAZIKEN
Sup samurai
escort me in public, retrieve my medications or a phone during episodes
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
OW time
TN, you ever play the original Prince of Persia?
oh okay
yeh was boring
It was really influential though. At the time no one had ever considered using rotoscoping for animation in a game.
It'd be nice if they did a new one. Ideally having parkour mechanics like mirrors edge and combat like shadow of mordor.
I hate how she has that unblockable near instan 50% hp kick on hard
Prince of Edge: Angst Within
also fuck did they change the design of kayleena for ww and tt
Search [iqdb] (209 KB, 320x200, Prince_of_Persia_(1989_video_g(…).gif)
I used to do animation a lot so there are a lot of little things in animation that really excite me.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
man i still love mirror's edge
Have you ever played 2D mirror's edge? It was made as promotion for the game.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
the flash game? yeah i did
I found a glitch in it and had the top scores for like a week.
They patched it and removed my scores though.
the technique behind the art in PoP was really cool for the time
the animation rather
Actually rotoscoping had been a mainstay of animation for like 50+ years at that point in time. Its just that no one considered using it for animation in a videogame.
Excluding shit like dragon's lair because that was traditionally animated. Although i am not familiar enough with it to know whether or not it had any rotoscoped stuff.
no i know rotoscoping
i mean about the creator of the game recording with a camera and what he did to get the fluid animations
compared to animation in games at the time
Oh yeah that part,
That is rotoscoping
I liked his reason for it though, he was a self proclaimed bad animator so he did it because he thought it would be easier.
it's achieved through rotoscoping but i'm not talking about rotoscoping
Okay yeah i get what you mean. While picking clip sources or making yoyr own isn't strictly part of the literal definition of rotoscoping in reality it is generally a part of the process because in order to do the rotoscoping you need to have frames to copy
It looks a lot more fluid than many other video games produced in that time
sorry im not good with words i shouldn't have said technique
implementation and design concept
and the execution
the whole story behind the pop development really
the amount of technicality in the game's development is notable for the time
rotoscoping is one of the techniques used yes but that's not what made it all
oh shit
dahaka chase
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
playin me some mirrors edge 2
run run jump jump
What about run jump jump run
run jump jump run jump fall crunch
There were prince of persia lego sets?
That's kind of kick ass.
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 1440x900, harmful.png)
I forgot about this.
mirrors can't edge that's silly
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i played a round of that first
probably go back to it now
dammit crackwatch
Although using xml to store records or other data is deviant and repulsive. I have a friend whose job includes writing code to convert XML files formatted in different ways to some other way
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
rolleyes at that chart
I don't agree with all of it but it does have some pretty good advice on there
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
it's a bunch of hipster bullshit
and i love the vague column titles
harmful and not harmful
what the fuck is harmful
Things that are unnecessarily complicated or just bad. Or non Unix philosophy based
It's from cat-v
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
fuckin less harmful alternatives
yeah ok thanks
real nice i know there's a freaking ed scene idgaf
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
anyway back to games
Search [iqdb] (27 KB, 600x632, 1434993767.jpg)
I think cat-v is Rob Pike's website.
Oh wait its Uriel's website
Rob Pike wrote the thing that the website is named after.
Uriel killed himself in like 2012 or so though. I don't know who runs it now.
aiju from #cat-v runs it
I love that paper
Oh yeah Hennessy and Patterson won the Turing award.
for what
does it have a specific publication attached to it or is it more broad
Inventing RISC
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
tracer is funn
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As much as I love to meme about Scheme, in reality I've written less than 100 loc in it. Less than 10 even.
Why this.
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I really like what they've done with the animation.
Going bed
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I have to submit some odd interview video thing for some job application I filled out.
It's annoying, but hopefully it means I am a step closer.
Although there's the convenience of being able to do it whenever, so that's a bonus.
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Ready Player One got 5 out of 6 by NRK's movie people
Not that I ever go by their reviews to begin with, because they're shit
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What little 'review' there is accompanying the score is just
An extremely rough outline of the plot, like "there's 3 keys and if you get them you get the company that owns the game. most players have given up but a few and this other company still haven't. The main characters are sympathetic, the supporting cast is boring and bland"
And then, of course, the reason for the score
"There are many references"

I fucking hate this timeline
Paying money to see RPO is basically paying money to have multi-media corporations advertise to you
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I am, nonetheless going to steal this movie and watch it
I refuse to pay for this

I just need to see how awful it is is, and how much it relies solely on "I recognize that!"
Have you read any excerpts from the book?
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 600x600, DTq8G9QV4AAi8Jn-orig.jpg)
I have been exposed to some, and I fear for my mental health watching the movie as a result
PAGES AND PAGES of "Haha, look, I grew up in the 80s"
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Holy shit the movie was leaked onto youtube!

It's so fucking bad
His writing is so stilted and the references constantly interrupt its flow


Because someone thought that it could make money and they were able to get the rights to a bunch of IPs. A lot of cameos in the book they couldn't get like Ultraman was just replaced with something else.
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Don't you slander the ultimate showdown like this that's a part of newgrounds history
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so how come it became a movie?
Because someone with money noticed this is what makes money now
Alternatively, because god is real and He has abandoned us
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Let love burn to its silent end
>the most ambitious crossover in history
i enjoy those
The fight in the ultimate showdown lasted a century but somehow Mr. Rogers won.
Truly the most powerful
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 900x1196, DYKsQAyVQAAxiZd.jpg)
Mr Rogers gave his life essence to the ultimate showdown
I had a lot of options to choose from but... I ended up just spending feathers on Gwen+1
Gotta get my armor friends higher if I want to get those higher ranks.
And so far it's been a good idea
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>Pulling off slick Reciprocal Aid / Guidance / Hit and Run combat tricks
how did I win this
Yo, my team is good as hell wtf
i was certain that this thumbnail was of ice cream until i opened it
it just looks like fluffy lumps of butter pecan or something with flux on
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>Make Def Tactic 3 seal
>Earth Season
>Vanguard Ike already has DT3 built in
I guess I won't be using my cool new toy for a while.
i should beef up def tactics once the coins roll in
i thought it was a fucking fish
Kirara 🚗
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I feel plike i wanted to talk to kirara about something
but i forget what
Kirara 🚗
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Oh well.
beef tactics seal
how was the night shift
>go around settings
>lock screen message
>eg.(brother's name)'s android
what are the odds...
Kirara 🚗
hell world
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Oh cool, Miami will be like kids think it actually is until the first time they meet a teacher in the grocery store or something
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subs: I feel such shame

There was no elaboration afterwards either, or I could understand it in interest of making the conversation more understandable in English
But that was like, it
hi it's Anno again
Oh hai Anno
Kirara 🚗
hello anno
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The plot thickens
Kirara 🚗
shovel knight
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bloodbath & beyond
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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you guys fight in arena tier 20 and shit but this is what I live for
My dog is dying.
I can't stop crying.
I didn't mean to rhyme.
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That's awful dude.
Sorry to hear that happened.
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My condolences.
Or is happening, it's a shitty deal either way,
I didn't really want to interrupt /moe/ or anything. I just needed to get it out.
She has like a week left.
Does she have cancer or something?
End stage renal failure
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Shoebills are an interesting looking bird.
They look like they're smiling.
Search [iqdb] (760 KB, 1200x797, shoebill-prov-by-paulwsharpe.jpg)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that's pretty good
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I'm watching Jacy stream.
Coloring the pictures looks really finnicky, I don't think I could ever have the patience to do that.
Oop there - and he's back.
I thought he bailed.
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t-that's a big bird
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F-for you
I spoilered that by mistake.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
kusoj lives
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Just clicking that link ruined my youtube recs.
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The power of friends.
A rather late night/ early morning kuso too.
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Oh, it's Koume's birthday, that's why Koume.
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Omedetou to her then.
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A zoo near me has a donation program where you donate money to be used to help care for a specific species of animal. And one of the tiers comes with a plush. Maybe I should do that for shoebills.
>they don't have shoebills listed
Fuck this gay earth
Ah that's dumb.
And the other larger local zoo's website isn't working properly. So i can't tell if they have em or not.
I know a zoologist who used to work there, I'll ask him next time I see him.
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You ever listen to The Church?
Yes, not enough that I'm super familiar with them though.
Ah I see, I might just listen to whatever of them on youtube.
t tell me it's Under the milky way.
Ah wait
Actually there's a song by them that gets pretty regular airplay on the radiostation I listen to the most.
Yeah, it is.
The Saints are such a good band.
They were the first non US punk band to release an album.
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On a rrelated note, The Damned have a new album out.
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The Captain is so kick ass.
Oh shit there's a music video.
Oh that's neat.
The original version of the song is from a rogers and Hammerstein musical
Called South Pacific
Hence the pacific theme in the video and the cover for the singke
Oh wow, it was based on a James Michener novel.
Damn are those things long.
They're good too.
>He also wrote an analysis of the United States' Electoral College system in a book which condemned it, entitled Presidential Lottery: The Reckless Gamble in Our Electoral System. It was published in 1969, and republished in 2014 and 2016.

What a Mensch
Anyways he writes very accurate historical fiction. Usually centered in a certain region and it covers several families over hundreds of years.
Well wrote, he's dead now.
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hey rei my condolences
i'm tryna help my mom save up the money now to get her golden retriever euthanized and also two cats that are on their way
i know the feelin it's rough
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sent a painful email to my client
rip me
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could use a buddy if anyone is home
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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hey ton what is up
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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vidya jame
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wassa matta you dont wanna play splatoon 2 with your mom
what are you a kid, a squid, or a fuckin coward who's afraid to get beat up by his mum
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I don't own splatoon 2
yeah me either but i wish i did
Kirara 🚗
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me: [explains that i missed the intake weeks ago because i didn't know i had it]
professors: well, let's get you back on track.
me: ok, sounds good
professors: we're gonna plan some interventions to improve your time management skills
Kirara 🚗
man do you ever just
yeah i fuckin did today and im not happy from it
Kirara 🚗
people really are
loosin my shit man
Kirara 🚗
wish i could loosen their skulls
there is literally no reason shit has to be as complicated and difficult as people make it
i wish i could tell you it aint be like it do but it is
Kirara 🚗
it would make everyone else's lives easier if they weren't cunts but they still be cunts
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not to weigh down on people or nothin but im prolly gonna need some help tonight
Kirara 🚗
what kinda help
the not stabbin myself in the heart kind
Kirara 🚗
wanna watch a movie or somethin later
will that help
i think so maybe yes
i am done with my work in a sense i want to actually relax and actually have a day that i'm not suffocating
i would normally be resuming to recruiting efforts atm but i told me client that i am too fucked up inside to be able to do that, in more or less words
so like i dunno
i wish sc was around i'm in so much pain atm
Kirara 🚗
do you wanna try it at least
yeah i think so
Kirara 🚗
alright i can't for like 2.5-3 hours but after that i'm good 2 go
do you got something you wanna watch
i will think about it
if i end up being asleep by then dont worry about it
ive been up since 11pm so it's questionable
Kirara 🚗
alright well just let me know if you decide
if not i guess you won't hurt yourself while you're sleepin
have you watched monster
i feel like i tried to show it to you but it didnt work out
Kirara 🚗
we watched a bunch of it together when i was new to /moe/ but then i got a girlfriend and became a dumbass for a while and we stopped
i finished it on my own though eventually
oh im glad you finished it though
how'd you like it
it was pretty long
it didnt quite fit season formatting of the japanese animation studios
Kirara 🚗
yeah it was like 70 episodes if i remember right
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can you remember the very first time you ever wanted to kill yourself
Kirara 🚗
like the first time it entered my mind or the first time i actually wanted to do it
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I remember both
but don't do that moon
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I remember the former but I've never had the latter.
Kirara 🚗
i remember the first time i actually wanted to do it
the first time it entered my mind as a possibility might be the same time i actually wanted to do it but i don't remember if there was a time before that
I remember walking on a bridge over the valley and wondering what it would be like to jump off it.
But I don't think I've ever wanted to.
The worst I can manage seems to be a general apathy to my continued living, not a commitment to ending it.
Kirara 🚗
i think about doing it pretty much every day but i have better alternatives now
Kirara 🚗
i've had consistent suicidal ideation for so long now that i always forget other people haven't wanted to do that usually haha
Do you think it's stastically normal to have considered it at a point in ones life
Common not normal
Kirara 🚗
considered it at what level
like, "i wish i were dead"
or like "i'm going to kill myself and this is how i'll do it"?
or in between
"I wish I was dead" "I should kill myself and this is how I'd do it" "I'm going to do it"
It's a sliding scale
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I consider it far less often now than I used to, at least
Kirara 🚗
i think "i wish i were dead" is common but above that is probably not
in terms of lifetime prevalence
"i want to kill myself but never would" is common as well, though
i just handed over my gun to a family member and told them to keep it safe because i don't trust myself with it anymore
i'm not doing well
Kirara 🚗
that was a good idea
It is strange. People will go through decades of their lies and the thought never seriously comes up. Makes me realise how messed up my mind must truly be. But I wouldn't ever talk about it.
Kirara 🚗
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yeah a lot of people are pretty functional
even people with really poor coping skills don't end up suicidal all the time usually
i'm honestly pretty jealous of normal people
i've been through so much shit, and other people get to just happily glide through life with occasional sad events
i've got like two decades of emotional abuse, a ton of trauma, and that's just like part of it
my brain is also different from most people's
i got colleagues that can get insulted by a client and then cry about it later because it was so hurtful and i can't even fathom having the luxury of being able to respond like that
Why would you then take on other people's problems? Do you find them a distraction from your own?
Kirara 🚗
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I don't take on anyone else's problems!
My job is to guide people and provide them with tools they can use to become their most authentic self.
Also this is the path I was on before I got super fucked up and it was really the only thing I could do other than start over completely or go work minimum wage jobs as a homeless person.
Plus I'm pretty good at what I do, in general.
It's good you get to be your most authentic self then.
but it really seems emotionally taxing
Kirara 🚗
i can't really be my most authentic self unless i can be free from western civilization
how can a self be inauthentic
...I should have done this +1 a long time ago.
Still not exceeding 700 but I'm no longer getting 688-695
Oh. The difference wasn't the +1, it was Vanguard Ike.
Probably because of his season?
Oh yeah that's totally it. Now I'm getting 704 scores with full Earth teams.
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BST sucks!
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I usually get teams around 698-702.
I use Corrin+6, Amelia+4, Black Knight, and bonus unit.
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Is your Corrin 5* now?
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Yeah, she's been 5 star for awhile.
I have two more Corrins to merge into her ready too.
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I have 12 Corrins but I have yet to 5 any
I've been averaging 1 5* every two weeks now.
But I don't know if the feather output is going to keep up with my pace.
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Corrin is great but it does cost a lot of feathers to make her good.
Relatively low skill investment though.
And since you're merging her from a large pool of Corrins you get a good selection of IVs.
I recommend +spd.
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I think I'll reconsider who I Summoner boost. I need more Matthews but until then, I need more points.
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My summoner boost is Corrin.
She is a little bit of a BST anchor though, I could probably get higher boost with someone in her slot.
On the other hand, she counters so much bullshit in arena (including horse Lyn) that she's worth bringing along.

A more BST minded decision would be a distant counter Myrrh (or lightning breath as a budget option) with the iote's shield seal.
She could do everything my Corrin does while providing high BST.
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That's what I like about Matthew too. He eats through Lyn easy because he slides through all the things she's strong against.
I guess Dragons also work since the refined weapons will hit against her DEF instead of RES
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Yeah, you can deal with a lot of annoying issues using dragon breath.
The only thing that really beats up my Corrin are certain green mages and green dragons.

One strange team comp that I have trouble with is the Nino/Eirika combo.
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paging kuro
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Ah, that sounds fun.
I should probably work on a Blade user.
Eirikas stack up on Hone skills are funny.
Just wait until you see Eirika Atk Tactic/Def Tactic
Oh wait, they wouldn't put the Atk Tactic on there.
Maybe Res
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single frobin discovers this one weird trick for exploding the entire enemy team
reinhardts are PISSED
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
is the answer refined Keen Gronnwolf+?
Kirara 🚗
i can't get my team to 700+ this week because all of the bonus units are so crappy and low bst
i can't put a coherent team together with any of the ones i have
No Hinoka?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara 🚗
bst too low
Low BST huh
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh that's weird I thought I had 4 characters when I went into arena
Kirara 🚗
a team with +1 effie, +2 v hector, and +4 nowi with arvis, anna, or xander
can't reach 700
it probably could if i +2'd arvis or xander i guess
Are any of them Earth blessed? Swap someone for Earth Ike
I think the blessings actually affect the score range
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Yeah, the selection is not all that good this time. I'm using Arvis.
Kirara 🚗
nope and my v ike is level 1 anyway
Well, if you wanna go further beyond, I recommend him because my scores got better when I swapped him in despite having a lower general bst
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
vanguard ike
v ike
Kirara 🚗
There's no room on my team for V Ike and a bonus unit
not without drastically lowering my bst
i blinked again and thought i was in arena instead of tempest trials
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V Ike, Sheena+1, Gwen+1, Hinoka reaches 696-700
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Does Vike get a bonus since it's earth season?
Sheena, Gwen are Earth Blessed.
I don't think Ike gets the bonus himself
he does not
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm going to miss tempest trials
I like watching FeMorgan delete things effortlessly
i wish she would delete me effortlessly
Got a fuck ton of free CDs
Like 200 ish maybe
So I probably just doubled my cd collection
Also I was wrong about how long my dog has left.
I'm thinking its like three or four days rather than a week.
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Kirara 🚗

that must be really hard
i'm sorry to hear that it's going to be so soon
Well, it's a week until she dies painfully of her disease. So probably three to four days until we get her euthanized to spare her the pain.
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/r/ shoebill anime bird
fuck man that's sad
Sorry to hear that
Kirara 🚗
i'm really sorry man
it's hard to see that happen
hard to make that decision
It's fine, I just don't want her to suffer.
I'm really sad about it but there's nothing I can do.
Short of stealing a bunch of money and getting her a kidney transplant.
Do they even do that for dogs?
Like it's theoretically possible.
we've got an old golden who has got tumors and skin disease that neads to go very soon too
it is hard
and my cat is old and depressed and needs to go
i feel you
How old is she?
But her breed often lives into their twenties.
I imagine dog dialysis is also possible.
But that would be so painful and traumatic for her.
How old is the golden retriever?
There's a super slim chance that its a dog I gave up for adoption like 18 years ago.
Oh nvm
i'm not sure
he was a rescue
he was found during a bad thunderstorm so he's got terrible anxiety just like me
he's afraid of --
oh okay nevermind sorry for bringing a male dog into the equation
Nah, I was just thinking thete was a super slim chance that it was the golden retriever we gave up a while ago. Cause I know it went somewhere in rural Missouri.
not to be rude but that's kind of rude
Yeah my bad.
I was just thinking about that dog. She'd either be really old and ready to be put down now or been dead for a while.
It's the only other dog I've owned.
well i feel for you
sorry you have to put your dog down but you know you are saving her pain
as someone in pain i promise you it's the humane choice
The nvm was about me thinking it was my old dog.
I didn't intend to stifle you.
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Anyways I was only giving an update on the timing, I don't intend to continually bring it up.
Although I don't really know how to deal with it emotionally.
I can't imagine what it's like to put your beloved dog down. How
i think it's okay
/moe/ is mostly full of people who are compassionate to animals and you are not being overly burdensome in that regard
Yeah, but I don't want to bring it up every time I come on this week. I want to distract myself from it.
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Wait is that a thumbnail, why do I have that?
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Anyways, we got so many CDs that I have to wait until my mother goes to bed before bringing them inside.
Cause she'll freak out.
Although it's like 200 at most.
Oh yeah if I get that job I might go to the anime convention this year.
If I don't soend everything at the big record store day event.
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Kirara 🚗
are wa debiru
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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oh fuk I'm becoming too mobage
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I want a shoebill figure
Kirara 🚗
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>Telling colleague about the struggles I have due to my ADHD and how society is designed in a way that causes a lot of people with ADHD to fall through the cracks and fail
>"Well, [colleague] has ADHD, and she's been through two graduate programs and has a kid."
psychologists are the stupidest people on the entire fucking planet
why do i waste my time with these people
You should go into AI
Or behavioral prediction and analytics
Oh but saying that society is "designed" is inaccurate. Well it may be composed of things that are designed it all really just grows in weird ways and just happens. Its very organic.
Everyone with adhd is the same :]
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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It's almost like they didn't listen to what you even said
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Kirara 🚗
a termite hill has a design too
But a rainforest doesn't.
Well, it might be arguable that it does. But it isn't designed.
Ants and termites are so cool
Kirara 🚗
you could say "a termite mound is designed in a way that allows easy movement from one part of the mound to another" and the usage would be correct
designed can refer to the fact that it does have a design, some kind of set-up or plan, rather than saying that something was explicitly created in a certain way
even if organic forces are what create something, it can still have a design and be designed in a specific way
Designed implies intent and there is no intent behind a rainforest. It consists of things that may have their own "intent" but they have to work around each other.
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Kirara 🚗
designed does not imply intent unless you are using the word in a way that implies intent
After looking at dictionaries for a bit I've determined it doesn't just imply intent but by definition includes intent with the exception of an archaic definition that is unrelated to the discussion.
So I was wrong to say "implies intent".
I don't know whether or not something can explicitly refer to intent and imply it at the same time though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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You can put rings on characters and make them stronger now.
but it's rng
Kirara 🚗
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>I think it would be a shame to deprive the field of such a unique and passionate individual as yourself only because the going got tough and you stopped fighting the hard fight. This program is fucking hard. Unlike you, I have to study to get decent grades and maybe the therapy/working within the system shit comes more naturally for me, but it’s a struggle regardless of your disorder or background. If this struggle overrides your passion for bringing more to the table than another vanilla girl with a good GPA (just being honest), then it’s a damn shame we won’t get more unique minds to help advance this field.

this person is trying to convince me not to drop out of the program by completely dismissing all of my problems and saying it's hard for people without problems too
This person is a master's level psychologist with a few years of experience

now that you mention it, vanilla is kind of a weird way to describe something as plain
Are there any chocolate girls?
they all seem quite full of themselves to the level of parody
kike the psych michael goes to in gta5
dictionaries are statistical accounts of language operations
Yeah but
I'm a prescriptivist when it comes to most things.
Kirara 🚗
yeah basically
everyone is like a fucking parody
Speaking of psychology I was listening to psychotherapy by the ramones until fourty seconds ago.
also yaii i woke up and i don't have 40 years od'f daily smoking voice for once
sorry to be blunt but that's delusional and not functional linguistically
if you're familiar with shannon's works on entropy, you'd see it as impossible
In this case it is part of the core definition. Also there is a point where people use words incorrectly.
Okay, but at what point is it okay to pick a word and use it with a new definition and expect people to understand what you're saying?
Are you saying that because its statistical I should just accept any new definitions?
again, definitions are statistic interpretations
to deny the meta-relevance of linguistic objects is to abandon linguistic principles
it's not a new definition
it's an inherited context
you expect people with that context to decode your linguistic object in the way you encoded it because that's what's culturally relevant within that sphere
the last question is no, and you don't have to accept any definitions
you also don't have to respond to definitions which aren't congruent with your cultural mesh
Okay, but what if there is let's say, multiple orders of magnitude of more people who "decode" and "encode" it in the way I do amongst people in my sphere than people who ostensibly speak my language and use that word in a way that is utterly distinct from its definition on my end?
why are you putting decode and encode in quotes
I'm not familiar enough with the terminology in this specific context to be 100% sure that I'm using them correctly.
what's the question here
most people are expressing concepts exemplified in the statistical dictionary of terms? then that's pretty simple to interpret
there are also statistical outliers using the terminology in specialized contexts, in smaller proportions? they're just tryna communicate within their specialization
i'm not sure where the issue arises
Okay, but then are you saying that there's no way to use a word incorrectly?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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The fuck did I come back to
what's happening
whether you're using a word incorrectly depends on the transducer being signalled
e.g. if i'm signalling to you through language and there's poor receptivity to my linguistic objects due to a disparity in terminology, then yeah it's poor signalling on my part
if i'm signalling to the public then i'm going to want statistical significance so that any misinterpretations can be resolved within the public populace
if i'm signalling to a peer, or someone very close to me and familiar with my referenec language, i will have the most clarity by using the same linguistic objects that i formalize an idea with
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
too many words
Yeah, I don't mean in the really general case.
I mean shit like calling a red fruit yellow. Or asking if I watched a movie.
Or calling a perfectly flat plain a valley.
Watched a book
Autocorrect fucked that up
Let's go wordier
these are things that haven't occurred
there's no ambiguity in those statements across a normalized channel
Yeah so I get that language changes and shit but in a more strict sense I guess it would be better to say I use an approximation by treating it as if it is static and has a rigid and logical structure.
Kirara 🚗
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i'm complaining that psychology as a field ignores societal conditions that perpetuate mental illness and does nothing to rectify it, and it's hard to be excited to help a single person when so many are being actively ignored and i got this response
>You as an individual will not reach every person who could benefit from your help. People will die and for reasons that make no sense. It isn’t fair. And it hurts. And it is okay to take time to grieve, or nurse a fever back to health, or go into nature where you feel free. If you return and find that inspite of all the suffering and pain, you still feel inspired to leave your print on the world in the way that you are able, the program will still be here or another program. You have the intelligence and skills to do many things, Matt, and that’s likely one of the many things your friends admire in you.
>Please remember that mental illness, much like physical illness, unfortunately, takes lives, despite efforts to prevent it. It doesn’t mean we should stop trying to save the ones that are still alive. Our meaning comes from our process, not necessarily the end result.

they're not even fucking talking to me like a person
they're just spouting bullshit from a textbook at me
and completely ignoring my complaints
language is an internal process
the expression of language is an argument with the environment
But what about C
It has a language specification
what are you hoping to accomplish here
you're comparing a constructed language to a natural one
what do you want
I'm hoping to communicate to you how I communicate
oh no, even your graduate school npcs think youre a robot
Kirara 🚗
it's like
no matter how hard i try and how clearly i try to elaborate my concerns about anything, these people just can't understand it at all
they don't listen
academia is centred around the masses
water you gonna do
we're in an age where being a statistical outlier is a sign of poor understanding
to understand something means to use it statistically, functionally for mass apeal
even as a doctor, you're geared around treating the general case, and exceptions are referred out
you're not permitted to take risks so you just follow statistical guidelines and that's that
can't go wrong if you defer to a specialist

by novel thought in academia you're demonstrating poor functionality within the system
it's not a corrupted system but it is a useless system
So I'm parsing that right now and I think that's just a long way of saying "that's not our job because its hard and shit happens"
Also do you want to be Emiya?
You can't solve everything, and you shouldn't burden yourself with the feeling of an obligation to do things you can't. Although I could be misunderstanding something.
Kirara 🚗
my idea is that if we as psychologists work on creating interventions that will prevent or at least help prevent mental illness from taking hold
if we can attribute certain causes and factors to the onset of mental illness, it's irresponsible to perpetuate a system which does nothing to address those factors
this isn't even like, an ANARCHY NOW REVOLUTION thing, this is just like, we need to actually try to help people before mental illness really gets them
answer to them all "when did you all stop being people and became sentient self-help books?"
What do you think of clinical psychologist versus a basic therapist? Does having a PhD mean they are better suited to helping people?
the case work is drastically different
it's not that it's about being better-suited to help people
it's that it's helping more specialized cases than a therapist can
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Is the program giving you a tough time?
Is it academically taxing or is it more stuff like >>450516
where you're having issues with the field itself?
I think that's actually something some people are working on. Although I can also see this feeling of yours as part of a sort of common theme about responsibility in a way I can't easily express.
But I sirt of grok it.
Kirara 🚗
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Well, the problems I'm having in the program are representative of the problems in psychology as a whole.
I have a lot of issues with the field itself and the program.

I recently found out that a very large amount of very important information has been withheld from me and is still being withheld from me despite the fact that it is basically necessary that I have it.
The boss of my clinic is withholding feedback that clients have provided about me, and I've apparently been barred from seeing new clients for some time now and had no idea about it.
She also has a number of vague complaints about an intake I did three or four months ago??? And I'm just now finding out about it.

a basic "let's spot ilness early so it can be treared away and not alleviated untill you die" basicallu
a'since medicine already does this to a point, why shpuldn't indeed the mental side do it too
tbh i'm most triggered by "inspite"
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wrong avatar lol not a great time for the spicy avatar

Is this about them doing you dirty?
Or is it about you being disillusioned with the field?
reported for loling
reporting isn't working i guess
we can't load captchas
what the fuck
how is that helpful towards anyone or does your bosd think ypu will shatter from little feedback?
Reported for announcing your reports
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (436 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs]_Yuru_Camp_-_10_(…).jpg)
They're doing me dirty and I'm also disillusioned with the field.

Yeah, exactly.

It's not helpful at all. I think that might be the point, I think the goal may be to have me removed if possible.
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Which would you say is the primary of the two?
>we've had complaints
>and we're not gonna let you have your feedback so you can actually adress the complaints
It's like a fucked up game
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 475x710, [HorribleSubs]_Yuru_Camp_-_11 (…).jpg)
Also, I explained very clearly that I missed an intake that was scheduled for me because I did not know I had it to the program chair, and she decided that the best way to help me would be to improve my time management skills.
Nobody listens to anything anyone says.
the system sounds more like hammering any shaped peg into a round hole and not giving a single fuck about results
I feel like that's like half of the people in your field do that consistently. Its fit my experience, but then the other half is very understanding.
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allow me to be sexist here and say that women generally suck as bosses, especially those who are conflict avoidant and indirect.
Which is what it sounds like is the problem here.

The real question is that if your disillusionment with the field has grown out of the fact that your boss did you dirty.
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especially on boards
everyone sucks on boards
it's so complicated and contrived
Also this reminds me of the sort of bullshit I had handed to me when I was asked to leave that internship.
Well I was asked to "voluntarily leave" and that if I did I could come back later but if I stayed that I would not be able to come back if it didn't go well.
I knew at that point there was no way I could rectify the situation without them accusing me of being confrontational so I just took my check and left.
you should have agreed with the contingency that they voluntarily sucked deez nuts
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 377x637, [HorribleSubs]_Yuru_Camp_-_11 (…).jpg)
No, I've been disillusioned for a long time and I think probably 70% of psychologists are shit.
I've been complaining on /moe/ about how shit psychology is as a field and how horrible and corrupt the APA is for a long time.

It's probably more than half. It's way too common.

People really love to force others into catch-22s
Yeah probably but I still feel like there's a sizable portion that are good.
Technically by leaving midway and coming back I would've made more money.
But I've decided not to go back because they won't change and I don't really feel like dealing with them again if I don't have to.
The commute was also like two hours.
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yeah same for physics
my thesis wasn't approved because "linguistic entropy isn't a field of physics"
was also told by my advisor that cryptology was a dead field for the past two decades
Your advisor was a mong.
Oh but the field is generally referred to as cryptography. Unless cryptology is a distinct thing I'm unfamiliar with.
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Ramen Daisuki K(…).jpg)
What do you think you'll do?

Women can be good bosses though, they just have to be direct.
Women are just more likely to be indirect and conflict adverse, which is not a good trait for a boss.
cryptography is more of the practice
cryptology is more of the generalizations
i dunno i disagree
i think conflict adverse is a great trait for a boss, depending on the job i guess
that trait generally costs women bosses a little more of their time but get to find meeting points of disagreements instead of forceful exertion, which tends to be better for the company presuming competent parties
women appreciate homogenous flow a little bit more when in charge, in my experience
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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>2500 points
I'm a jerk
Kirara 🚗
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I don't know.
It's too early to say. If this problem clears up and I'm allowed to move on, I'll at least keep with it until I get my Master's.
But maybe I'll just ghost the program.
It wouldn't be that hard for me to just ghost it and leave this life behind.

I wish people would at least try to listen
people are so closed minded
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so why do I have fever now and yesterday, but not on the wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday and sunday?
like fucking gimme that self boiling self healing self damaging shit so I don't have to sit 5 days sounding like a bad loui armstrong imitator
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Slow Start - 05(…).jpg)
Ghosting it probably isn't a good idea.
You need a career and stuff.
Kirara 🚗
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I don't really need a career.
I can live as a nomad.
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 611x677, [HorribleSubs] Citrus - 10 [72(…).jpg)
Well I don't really know if that's a good walk in life.
You need to plan for the future. you need to be able to support yourself.
Search [iqdb] (421 KB, 865x1226, Sakura - crossed2.jpg)
Well maybe atleast fully try the society thing out with a carreer before ditching it
afterall after ditching it, it is quite hard to go back
while ditching it is always quite easy
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (353 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs]_Yuru_Camp_-_09_(…).jpg)
I can live as a nomad and then die when I can't do it anymore.
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That is the opposite to planning for the future.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 611x706, [HorribleSubs]_Yuru_Camp_-_05_(…).jpg)
That's the kind of person I am.

We'll see what happens!

I have enough money to live out of my car as a nomad for a few years, probably.
Probably a lot longer than a few years if I only move on when I have to.
Can you even live as a nomad these days
Search [iqdb] (492 KB, 1920x1601, Sakura - sitting.jpg)
Depends onw hat kinda nomad you mean
if you just mean "not owning a home and not having stable job" then yeah
it is doable
or a literal old type nomad and that too is doable, but kinda have to be born into it nowadays
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>the new legendary unit
Kirara 🚗
link? it's not on my feeds yet
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hang on
Kirara 🚗
that's so fucking stupid
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I want her nonetheless but
that's still really
silly to do this
Kirara 🚗
i hate the devs so much
Kirara 🚗
lol the gacha is spoiled by halloween sakura and horse lyn
Search [iqdb] (322 KB, 618x792, Sakura (7).jpg)
my godf that cringe voice acting
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
There's far worse, don't worry
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (385 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 08 (…).jpg)
i think i'm just going to avoid talking to my colleagues about anything that isn't entirely superficial
with one or two exceptions

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Huh they are making a game based on setting of this guy's art
Search [iqdb] (338 KB, 1920x1078, jakub-rozalski-17ix-s1s.jpg)
should be cool and looks quite good already
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Where's Rika to comment on Robin number 6
Kirara 🚗
we already know what she'll say
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I'm sure Moon will be thrilled though
Kirara 🚗
i really do hate the devs of this game
seems to be a company of heroes style strat game
kinda wanna back the kickstarter now
mUbe youll get an older game unit next year
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 491x703, [HorribleSubs] Cardcaptor Saku(…).jpg)
all my orbs!
thanks rika
i knew i could count on you
Kirara 🚗
it must be nice to be in love with the most popular characters
It must be nice to be in love.
Kirara 🚗
yeah it is
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Im gonna toss orbs and enjoy nice things hopefully
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I mean doing evil Robin dragon right after evil Robin dragon is weird.
but that's okay
I will roll for this one.
Kirara 🚗
isn't your theory that next month is veronica?
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Slow Start - 06(…).jpg)
Yeah, I think she'll be soon.
I hope I don't have to spend all my orbs for Robin.

She seems to have a fairly bad base kit. She looks like she'll be a little bit of a skill sink.
>bad base kit
are you fukin
>iotes with def res strike
>triangle negate to avoid ravens
>res smoke to weaken her targets
the only thing she could pissibly remain weak to is falchoon because i dont know if triangle negate stops it
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 674x719, [HorribleSubs] Ramen Daisuki K(…).jpg)
You'll want a different B on her, especially if she is low speed.
I don't think the A is that good either, I'd prefer distant counter. I may feed my valentine's hector to her.

hmm is it built in? I guess evil male robin has it.
Still, you may want a different A.
Love me love me say that you love me
Fool me fool me go on and fool me
rika she has distant counter vuilt in to her weapon
its literally man grima robins weapon
why would you want to remove her ability to not get owned by bows
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 612x573, [HorribleSubs] Ramen Daisuki K(…).jpg)
Oh, it's if foe initiates.
I guess that's okay.
Kirara 🚗
that A skill is really good

she's also a flying unit and not an armor unit so her speed will most likely be decent
plus she can hang out with my pal flying azura and get speed for days
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 414x590, [HorribleSubs]_Yuru_Camp_-_05_(…).jpg)
The B skill will probably need to be replaced.
The C skill might work but would probably be best replaced with something else.

Fire Emblem Heroes.
What game?
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Well I can't wait.
When is this banner?
Kirara 🚗
in a few hours
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Ramen Daisuki K(…).jpg)
I have 400 orbs, and the other red units on the banner are good too.
Kirara 🚗
she's a colorless unit
Kirara 🚗
the spoilers are horse lyn and halloween sakura
Search [iqdb] (122 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dame x Prince A(…).jpg)
yeah I guess I'm a retard.
oh well
Kirara 🚗
i hope you can make a really good +6 halloween sakura
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dame x Prince A(…).jpg)
I already have two of those so it's more likely than you think.
Kirara 🚗
oh nice, +8 then
that'd actually be pretty good
getting some lyns would be dope
i can swift sparrow and atk smoke some fools
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Slow Start - 03(…).jpg)
+8 halloween sakura would actually be a good unit
Kirara 🚗
yeah that's what i just said
Search [iqdb] (122 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 05 (…).jpg)
Well let's hope I have good luck.
Kirara 🚗
back when myrrh came out i spent 400 orbs for her and got one myyrh
much like rika i have 40... orbs
Search [iqdb] (98 KB, 597x687, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 09 (…).jpg)
I really wasn't too far off in thinking that the colorless dragon would be a legendary Corrin.
I just got the protagonist and the legendary element wrong.
Kirara 🚗
that's kind of far off
i mean whats the difference between corrin and robin anyway
theyre both in smash
Kirara 🚗
robin is pretty interesting and corrin has no consistent characterization in any media and behaves in random ways
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Ramen Daisuki K(…).jpg)
It's close-ish in a sort of way.
Kirara 🚗
i mean you can argue that about just about anything if you desperately want to be right
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I could, yeah.
Kirara 🚗
i think female grima might have low attack though
in the video she's only doing 33x2 damage to a bow unit
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Kirara 🚗
she also only does 28 damage to horse chrom
Kirara 🚗
i hope her atk isn't as low as it looks
she would be a good unit for my tactics team
you can't fix low atk though
its ok thats clearly a buffed multi-ward cavalry horse xhrom
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She'll also have the issue of never having color advantage.
Kirara 🚗
are you still gonna roll for her if she's crap
[stats intensifies]
Kirara 🚗
she will probably have like 165 bst
which is really good
but it looks like it might all be distributed into spd, def, and res
Kirara 🚗
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Some girl from Quebec won one of those $1000 a week for life on her eighteenth birthday.
Literally only just old enough to play the lottery and she won it.
Some people have all the luck.
Kirara 🚗
what the hell
>Congratulations on becoming an adult, here's a base 52,000 income for you for the rest of your life!
As long as she's got a good family environment and doesn't have to start paying shit like rent right off the bat she'll pretty much never have to take a serious career.
Does the $1000 a week adjust with inflation?
I'unno I've never fucking won it.
Even if it doesn't that's still enough income to build up a strong nest egg if you play it smart.
Yeah she can live off of that for a good while
Kirara 🚗
i watched that The Outsider movie on netflix that has been getting horrible reviews
Do you find the reviews had reasonable reviewings?
Kirara 🚗
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A lot of the reviews criticize the movie because it's about a white guy in the Yakuza, but I dunno, I think that was fine, since him being white was part of what made the story work.

But overall, I'd say it wasn't a very good movie.
The pacing was kind of poor and at the end of the movie, the white guy suddenly became such a katana master that he could slit a guy's throat with a katana that was in its sheath and return it to its sheath so quickly that I could barely see it.
They didn't like, set him up as training with the katana and he only had it for a few days.
The ending was really unsatisfying and the narrative didn't really flow that well. A lot of the plot points seemed pointless.

I'd give it a 6/10.
It's watchable.

One of the cool things is that the Yakuza members are all played by real Japanese people.
And they speak Japanese for almost the entire film with the exception of a few characters that have English but with Japanese accents.
Kirara did you see that netflix doco on the Rajneeshpuram commune
Seems like the sorta thing you'd be into

I don't think it's fair to criticize a movie on a base premise like that instead of its overall execution

The one I'm talking about is called Wild Wild Country.
It's pretty messed up what happened. I was hoping the commune would find a way because everything started out so peachy

I watched a thing on Rajneeshpuram a short while back.
Don't remember what it was but I'm pretty sure it wasn't a Netflix doc.
Oh right it was a Down the Rabbit Hole piece.
Thanks Moon for introducing me to that; there were some intereting stuff there.
Interesting eve.
Even even.
Oh yeah hearing that name I think I saw some chatter about it.
The Down the Rabbit Hole piece on it showed how the cult, even back in India, was hardly a goody-goody institution though.
It was pretty clear even before they moved to America that even if there were some passionate believers at the top of the management, the whole affair was at the least also a ploy to get hella material worth.

Sou desu ne.
I hadn't even heard of the movie until you mentioned it.

My brother went out to see Isle of Dogs earlier tonight. Seemed to really enjoy it; said it had some really good animation and camerawork.

I still haven't seen a movie since The Last Jedi.
Kirara 🚗
i did not see it
Isle of Dogs looks really really good

Maybe the netflix doco sugarcoats it a bit up until the bioterrorism.
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Since it's one of my favorite characters, I will.
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
it's kind of weird that grima is a legendary hero
doesn't that kind of go against the concept of legendary heroes
don't trust the alien
Kirara 🚗
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poor fuckerburg was cryin crocodile tears about the controversy

people are finally realizing that by installing the Facebook app, Facebook records all their texts and calls
it's so silly
If I was Zuckerberg I'd have retired by now tbh
He's already a gazillionaire why even bother anymore
He's already got more money than he could possibly spend
Kirara 🚗
i think he honestly thinks he can do something good for the world but didn't realize until just now that he created a horrible monster
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Grima is definitely a legend, but not a hero!
It's so weird that they did the same hero twice.

I don't know if a person could in good faith create what facebook has become.
Kirara 🚗
I wouldn't believe you could if I hadn't seen moot constantly try to fix 4chan only to unknowingly make it worse nearly every time.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
>I've already created an ungodly monster
Either try to cull it or embrace it by that point

Sell your monster to someone else on the monster mart

I feel weird thinking that he started 4chan at 15 to talk about anime and things he couldn't say on SA and now it's turned into what it is today
legendary hero grima
Or the more human response, run the FUCK away.
Kirara 🚗
it would probably seriously fuck up the internet if he just shut Facebook down or tried to cull it
The best he could do is get a process going to reduce the info it scrapes.
But I don't think he realized just how evil his monster was until the recent controversy.
And now it may be too late to regain people's trust.
The vaccum -vacuum of power that would result from that would be amazing to watch though.
Some times I wish we had perfect simulations just to see what it would be like if something big and important just crumbled into nothingness.
anime >>450678 →
Kirara 🚗
yeah, agreed
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colo(…).jpg)
4chan is different.
It's a mess, but it's our mess.
Communities change over time, and 4chan is just a thing like that.

Facebook became an orwellian nightmare that spies on like literally everyone.
Search [iqdb] (♫, 13s, 4.0 MB, 640x360, Not that I was not human.mp4)
I think he has already embraced his monster
>our mess
I can't identify with like 90% of the userbase anymore Rika
Are you gonna say that /r9k/ and /pol/ are part of your mess

Zuckerberg is just a series of alogorithims compiling and analyzing millions of facebook messages in an attempt to emulate human behaviour

tbh I don't blame moot for selling at the end. Running 4chan must be a nightmare and he did it for 13 years.

None of this contradicts the point Kirara was making, being that you can attempt to improve something whilst constantly making it worse and worse
Search [iqdb] (116 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 08 (…).jpg)
No, but imagine being the creator of 4chan vs the creator of facebook.

4chan is when you walk back in on your home board and go "wow, what a mess"
facebook is like walking back home in on your creation and realizing that you've created one of the most evil things in the world.
Kirara 🚗
The process of trying to improve it and making it worse is what I'm talking about, Rika.
Also moot sold us out in the end and joined an evil empire.
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 10 (…).jpg)
Yeah, but my point was that 4chan isn't even within the realm of facebook in terms of evil.
4chan is just fucked up.
Kirara 🚗
it is interesting to me how bad you are at analogies and metaphors
haha i tricked you
i knew there was a thread up
She's just not comfortable having any kind of parallel between 4chan and facebook.
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Ryuuou no Oshig(…).jpg)
It's because analogies and metaphors are tools to explain things to low IQ normies.
I don't need that sort of thing.

There's a huuuuuuuuuuge difference between 4chan and Facebook.

Like I said, 4chan is merely fucked up and facebook is an orwellian nightmare.

Kirara 🚗
moot and Zuckerberg are incredibly similar in personality and history
Facebook started off as the kind of thing that 4chan started for, but in 3D.

im not even going to dignify this ridiculous shit with a response
Low IQ people are consistently the people that struggle with metaphorical phrases and analogies.
Autusm excepted.
no moot is a geek
zuckerburg is an ass!!!

Moot is way cuter than Zuckerberg
Kirara 🚗
His hand mannerisms are adorable
Zuckerberg really actually looks like a less robotic version of Data from whatever Star Trek series he was in.
Kirara 🚗
zuck is uncanny valley as hell
it's so weird
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 611x677, [HorribleSubs] Citrus - 10 [72(…).jpg)
Do you agree with either of these statements:

Facebook is a legitimate source of evil in this world.
oh, let me revise that

Facebook is a legitimate and substantial source of evil in this world.
4chan is a legitimate and substantial source of evil in this world.
Do you ever wonder what Zuckerberg does for fun
For some reason I can't wrap my head around the idea of Zuckerberg doing something like watching a movie
He just seems too robotic
Kirara 🚗
im not going to respond to that because it's so irrelevant from the point i was making
Kirara 🚗
he goes to diners and stuff and tries to communicate with people
Search [iqdb] (98 KB, 597x687, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 09 (…).jpg)
No way.
It's the same thing.
It's exactly what I was saying.

Yeah, moot tried to fix 4chan and it got fucked up.
Zuck created something legit evil.

It's a completely different order of magnitude.
i cant find the moot shirl on that shirobako girl with the yellow highlight
Kirara 🚗
no, it's not the same thing
you have completely misunderstood the very point i was making at such a fundamental level that the points you're making aren't even remotely related
reads your posts
Search [iqdb] (29 KB, 480x519, tumblr_nizy4yycXS1r0vlcfo1_500.jpg)

he's the only person to read those souless business books like "die empty: unleash your best work every day"
no human could withstand that

i got to E once
reading the dictionary durnt make you smarter
you're the best
Kirara 🚗
zuck could read an entire dictionary in one sitting
Kirara 🚗
were you fucked up at the time
no, i was just very bored
Who here still has a Facebook account though?

You're all on Discord probably which isn't great either.
Kirara 🚗
i have to use facebook for school related things unfortunately
I have one for school stuff
>exploding dogs
my mind had removed these from my memories
that is how much I hated this foe
i have one to keep in touch with family
facebook spying isn't very high up on my worry totem pole

huh, i guess i was a touch autistic

a persistent history is a really nice feature
Wow my posts need serious improvement if zuck likes them
I read multiple entire dictionaries when I was a kid.
Not in one sitting though.
One to stop the family calling me.
I'm not on discord.
Yet anyways, people keep telling me to get one
Then I tell them
>or we could just use irc
I am still amused that one of the constantly hardest things in ANY prince of persia is pushing and pulling levers
the thing has a 50% ratio of not moving to the direction you want it to
Also holy shit this is a lot of CDs.
You can have that with irc
I fucking wish you could have it with steam though
I had to fucking archive my chats manually
Kirara 🚗
discord is pretty accessible
even like 50 year olds with little computer skill can just hop right in
Search [iqdb] (142 KB, 952x1024, DWtxLjTVQAAuVVB.jpg)
i met a 62 year old man on discord today
he was funny

yeah, it's dumb
you can still read old stuff on your phone for some reason
i should archive that one history before steam loses it
Facebook is accessible too
That doesn't mean I want to use it.
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Ramen Daisuki K(…).jpg)
Mine is open but I haven't messed with it in awhile.
I don't keep anything other than basic info there.
Same with discord or any other messaging app.
Pics or it didn't happen
Oh yeah
I got a fucking channukah album.
Kirara 🚗
is it adam sandler
It's the Leevees
You've probably never heard of them. They only had one or two albums, but they're composed of some important people from the hoboken music scene.
Or wherever they're from.
Kirara 🚗
yeah never heard of them
From their wiki article.
It mentions the two bands the guys are from originally.
>. The latter band only writes songs about hockey.
Search [iqdb] (11 KB, 443x78, Untitled.png)
Oh holy shit they have a music video.
Okay, so I don't knlw the full context but that could literally just be someone claiming to be 61.
I mean probably not.
But still its not definitive evidence.
thank you for the warning, i didn't know people could lie on the internet
i believe he's 61, his daugher is in the same channel
on another note
who designs their castle so that you need to
>climb on top of a door
>crab a ledge
>shimmy the ledge to the switch
>drop down
>have 3 secodns to make it through the door
and can i hire him?
This reminds me of something.
Kirara, check out that music video if you aren't too busy.
The song is called "How do you spell channukkahh?"
Okay I haven't counted them all but based on stack heights and the number of stacks its about 111 CDs.
But that's a low estimate.
>>450782 →
>>450782 →
>>450782 →
