My cat has a funny relationship with guarding her food. We give her wet, tinned food two or three times a week as a bit of a treat. If we serve it inside, where no one else touches it, she'll peck at it, nibble a bit here and there. By the time it's finished there's a bunch of dried flecks left over. But if we put the dish it's on outside, she hunches over it and devours it--reasonably so, since other cats have come by in the past and eaten up her food if she let it be. But she's always so eager to go outside when she gets wet food that it almost feels like she prefers it that way.
what you feed your cat only dry food that is bad for it
Did you not catch the part where we feed her wet food?
I not brain mine was real picky about food and rarely ate drystuff
Mine eats dry stuff often enough. But she also really likes drinking water--which is the major issue with dry food. Cats by instinct aren't water drinkers, or at least most domestic cats aren't. They prefer to get their water from the creatures they hunt. It's leftover nature from the desert cats that a lot of domestic cats draw heritage from. With a previous cat we had, we actually had a vet recommend we mix in a bit of water into the dry kibble to ensure it was getting enough water.
I recall my cat being picky about the water temp if it aws too cold she didn't want it and if it was too warm she didn't want it either and also, NEVER fresh from the tap
Yeah, I don't think many cats actually like running water.
>>35110 Hah hah, during the warm season my mother leaves watering cans just out in the open so that when it rains, they fill up with water. My cat likes to drink out of those more than she'll ever drink out of the water bowl we have indoors.
but rain water damn she prolly got her system fucked by whatever was in those containers that gathered them several times
I swear I need to do something like whistling
whenever I walk into my kitchen. Anyone
who's already in it never hears me walking in, and I always scare the bejeezus out of them when I start talking to them.
Would broadcasting on the same signal someone else is, in a deliberate attempt to make it impossible to listen to them, be a violation of the Non Aggression Principle?
I think having your work judged and critiqued is important If we really just did it for ourselves, every artist would just keep their work tucked away in their bedroom
I think people being vegetarian is fine. It doesn't have any negative health benefits, and as long as they're not forcing their dietary habits on anyone, it doesn't harm anyone.
>>35117 But this means you can own a radiowave, by virtue of being the first to broadcast on it Which means if I set up a thing to just broadcast on all frequencies, I own all the frequencies
>Troy Hunt preemptively announcing another large data breach. >will be a big story I hope it's nothing I use
>>35120 You implied intentionally tuning to the same freguency while the other party was broadcasting just because you end up using the same freguency, but not at the same time is not wrong but if you jolt up your signal to maximum, when the other party is broadcasting, with the full knowledge and intent to slence them yeah it is nap breaking
Also you can buy freguencies so...
You can buy frequencies because we have a government we've given the rights to all the frequencies within the borders of the nation
A govertnment we elected that obeys the social order we created
shame there isn't a converting vegetarians II, eventhough there is an album named that.
So what if youjo this week is 6,75 or not airing at all
Patience is a virtue.
>music players that don't try to access the external sd card Fucking really? Why would you do this
>>35129 just not gonna look good for the NUTS company
Well GuP's studio is still considered pretty decent despite all the delays it went through.
oh yeah look at what I found in the op of maidragon
Yeah I saw that earlier. I think it's supposed to be part of the camera UI text.
yup but "moo" that is nothing also the temp is reversed...
Well there's also a bunny icon on the right side.
so it most likely is Zoom yeah the bunny is the author
Yeah I'm just saying it isn't quite an authentic camera reproduction, hah hah.
But why the text reversed? or is it just one of those animation errors, since they do reverse the image when they scan physical drawings
btw I will buy a beer to anyone who gets the joke in dat pic above
katana a crap
Well I'm kind of expecting that to be the endgame of the joke.
there was a reason for the folding afterall
is not like it isn't a good sword, real sharp too but unlike western swords which were made of more decent iron and could be used by an amateur without fearing it being broken that easily...
Yeah it's pretty funny how proud the Japs are of the folding, when the only reason they even did that was that their iron was crap "Glorious Japanese tradition of using shitty materials to make weapons of war"
I think it's fine to be proud of a technique that improves the quality of the finished product in the way it does.
Yeah Though one does wonder, if instead of hammering and folding it more theyä'd have fucking invented better smelting techniques like the rest of the world...
Hi /moe/ I just went to the site of an accident where both cars were totalled, and the other guy was flipped. My sister was driving, she just got her license Luckily everyone is alive A couple people are going to the hospital but I don't think anyone will sustain any major injuries
Right now I'm really happy my sister is alive.
and made swords for the occasion and purpose for that matter... which is why there are like 10000000 sword types in the rest of the world
Well the Japanese metalworking tradition has evolved nicely into the modern era. They don't make swords (much) anymore, but their knives are considered quite high-quality.
>>35150 your family seems accident prone when it comes to vechiles
>>35153 One of the passengers in my sister's car had what appeared to be a concussion, had a big nosebleed and was experiencing memory loss. >>35154 >>35156 v e h i c l e* It's only me who is accident prone, but now my sister I guess. This is her first week driving by herself, so it isn't really surprising
is vechile a french loan word it tastes like one
Do flamberges have an actual function, or are they just like that for cosmetic reasons?
Cause I could totally see someone arming their armies with swords that are just wobbly to look cool, as long as they perform as well as a regular sword
from French véhicule (16c.), from Latin vehiculum "means of transport, vehicle, carriage, conveyance," from vehere "to bear, carry, convey,"
Vehicle is pronounced differently depending on the situation, too Regular people will say "vee icle" Military goes "vee hickle"
>>35157 I think the curves were designed to cause greater injury and make deflecting them unpredictable but it's likely that in most cases it was aesthetic
>>35158 a quick look into it seems that it is mostly decorative though it could've served a purpose.
Wikipedia claims this >When parrying with such a sword, unpleasant vibrations may be transmitted into the attacker's blade. These vibrations cause the blades to slow contact with each other because additional friction is encountered with each wave. I wonder how much scientific proof there would have been for that back then.
I would totally arm my dudes with cosmetic swords For the same reason you carefully pick your banner
If nothing else, it displays serious confidence You went the extra mile and spent the money to have swords that look cool for these guys That means you really believe these guys are gonna do well here Which means the other guys are in a world of shit
>>35163 But this is one of those "we don't know jack shit actually how people fought with dem swords"
There might've been some parrying aid in it a miniscule, which is why the design survived so long but I think it mostly existed because it looked cool and intimidating
>>35167 I dunno You arm your guys with swords that are like flame and make them look cool tell them "these cut like hot butter cause they like flame YEAH" and boost their morale and then they are steady in formation marching towards the enemy with intimidating look and confidence radiating from them
Chances are the enemy are gonna go "wow these guys must know what they are doing, maaybe I don't want to see them in action"
Intimidation and suhc afterall did win battles at times.
It could work AS a handicap principle if the enemy isn't aware that the swords perform as well If they think the wobbly blade is worse, yet see it deliberately being wobbly, they may read into it that the soldiers are so good, they can compensate
Kinda like how you'd shit your pants if you saw Guts walking towards you with that sword He wouldn't carry it if he couldn't use it, and it's HUGE Holy shit why would you even think about fighting this man He's CLEARLY a really good fighter
Granted, Guts' big sword isn't actually a handicap for him, a regular sword would be, but you don't know that as you see him lumbering towards you
Not to mention he usually frightens people off with just his metal arm
It's the handicap principle, but with fakers
Like if you just gave a peacock a plastic tail
>ruin the local peacock population by giving shitty males tail surgery
>the more violent the male, the bigger a tail you give him artificially Just fuck my species up fam
>the worse a hunter the male is, the better the tail Ethical cleansing
Best form of ethical cleansing, is to hire about 5-10% of the local population of a prolematic ethinicty to your army, sen them to police a region where another proplematic ethnicity lives and do the same for that group and when the proplematic ethnicities eventually spark into rebellion, they deal with themselves you don't need to spend any masterrace resources on killing the shitty troublemakers.
and then of course you can throw those shitters into the worst battles to die for that matter too
Here's an idea to slowly phase out a population you deem lesser without resorting to violence Government funding of abortion for that demographic
OK if you're pro life, you may say that actually is violent But If you're not, weeeee
>give refugees free state abortions
I hope your sister is okay bang
Government subsidies for hiring that population in fields with high work-related mortality rates
We need death mines back for this shit
See the trick is to make it look like you're doing that population a favor
I did that kind of shit with the army hiring in vic2 when I played super germany kept the population at solid 50-60% german, eventhough I had half of the balkans, good /whole of africa and good part of china under my thumb and other places too
minority hiring to kill other minorities and constant passive aggressive stance towards them goading them to revolt and bam they killed each others and then in wars I threw the unwanted to the first big most bloody battles to die
and kept the main population so content they never objected for example there were 0 communists amongst the main german population
If the population in question is on average poor, you could combo free abortions with policies that increase the cost of having a baby at all Like hike food prices through added taxes and stuff
I mean it's starting to border on violence, but it ain't there yet
Not food baby food and such
VAT is a serious mess of bureaucratic hell holes, so you could easily slip in a special clause that makes some products be taxed more and no one would ever look into it
and you could have some bullshit explanation like "these are un-ecofriendly" or "have high sugar in them" etc
Really, whether you can or can't do it without violence relies heavily on where you draw the line and something becomes violence As far as an ancap is concerned, EVERYTHING a government does is necessarily violent due to being funded by taxes, which are acquired through violence But as far as a hardcore communist is concerned, the government can't really do anything wrong anyway, yaknow so
Ancap and ana logic anyhow is just weird #proana
>>35189 Like this I could see the argument for it being violence But at the same time, it's not actually using violence directly
Well when you are advocating for that kind of hidden policy and agenda, you are evil. But the point is to remain "Overlord with good PR"
There was a good example in Star Wars Thrawn trilogy the empire had fucked a //the republic had fucked a planet in a space battle during late clone wars and then once the empire took over, vader went there to check things out coz why not on the planet lived a species that was super stronk and good at combat, so vader was impressed and promised to help them
so the empire restored about 10-20% of the planet's surface to livable, and then infected the whole planet with an invasive species that was toxic to the locals and then they kept combating their self inflicted ecodisaster, while telling the locals they were actually saving them and they bought it up
Idunno, I think it's fun to think about these kinda things And who knows, maybe if it catches on with the fucking neonazis, we could avoid anotha shoa
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORUbang
hi kirara you're here today
Wel that was heavy derailment
so bong is your sister going to a hospital or?
also murrimoos sure all have siblings especially of the opposite gender
It is quite normal for people to have at least one sibling.
pretty much But I still think the ratio of "opposite sex" is quite high
Leave it to sk to completely sidetrack the thread
There was a track in the first place?
Not that I remember, but I think we went off even the small animal track we were on
>>35201 no i think only the people in the other car are going and it's only for minor stuff there was one person in her car who might
fortunately everyone is alive she's lucky she didn't kill someone today
>>35204 As far as I can tell the factors for determining that are so abstract that it's pretty much a coin toss.
>>35206 Not really, but it did wash the bang post away quite quick
it's her first week driving so it's hard to blame anyone but ourselves for letting her
that sucks man this might kill her passion to drive for that matter. >>35214 I dunno people with license usually can drive somewhat well and only after like few months of driving enter the "okay I know what I am doing, let's do stupid shit"
she probably won't want to drive for a while
>>35212 Not really. You pretty much have an equal chance of having a male or female sibling each time you get a sibling.
Actually no, I don't just think, I know.
>>35217 Yes but when you have 2 siblings, you have a higher chance for one being female and the other male than you have for both being the one you are There's also the possibility of 2 of the other sex
>>35215 it was inattentiveness I think it happened at a stoplight i don't think she was being reckless just inexperienced
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
wait what happened to your sister
TN !PcAPtAiNJobang
>>35221 she totaled two cars at an intersection just like her olderbrother
>>35219 But that doesn't matter because each instance is determined individually.
speaking of driving, I remember during lessons there was some instructional video on "driver types" or shit there were like "careful" and "reckless" and shit like that and some comedian/actor always acted them out in humorous manner
one thing I remember laughing outloud to was "enjoyer" which was a guy driving somewhat normally, but shouting at every fault someone did and all that all passion and emotions on sleeve
I recall thinking "no one actually does that and not definitely me" and now...
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
The possibilities are equal, I took statistics.
However If you associate them directly like in >>35230 Then yes
You see, in that scenario, the second result is dependent upon the first.
Thanks Tony.
>>35230 Each of these have a 25% chance of happening You have a 75% chance of at least one head
>>35232 Of course you associate them directly They're siblings
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Given that you have a boy, however, the chance of the next child being a girl is just as likely as it is to be a boy
>>35236 Yes, but that wasn't my statement >>35212 that is
People with siblings are more likely to have at least one of the other sex than to not have one of the other sex
Because it's 50% at 1 sibling, and 25% at 2, etc.
But it's also fifty percent at the second one.
>>35239 I can't ToN tasukete This man doesn't understand statistics
Look at it this way
You flip a coin 100 times What's more likely At least one head, or 100 tails?
Or if you must You have 100 siblings Most likely: 100 boys? At least one girl?
Why does this change when you get down to 2 siblings?
Any two outcomes have equal possibility in what you're describing but in general you would be able to say that the result should be closer to 50/50.
Apparently so, but suppose you throw a coin enough times suppose one day, it lands on its edge.
>>35243 No, it won't The two do not have the same possibility They just don't There are 3 possibilities leading to at least one female if you have 2 siblings There is one possibility that they're both male
It's simply not the case
Man i had forgotten how good infected mushroom were
oh helsinki is top 4 global listener to them on spotify
Because the chance of having 2 brothers is the same as having 2 sisters But the chance of having at least one brother is not the same as having 2 sisters Because there are 3 possibilities for one brother
I'm just repeating the same thing I'm gonna go to bed This is too fucking basic for me to comprehend someone not understanding it
What is HAPPENING in here?
Statistics good PR ethnic cleansing and bang's sister had an accident
don't worry everyone lived except for my favorite car
nothing is happening
Except the HAPPENING
>>35249 I understand, have understood, what you're getting at. But you're also ignoring the stuff I'm saying. So maybe it's best you go to bed.
>>35252 Well I'm glad there was no human loss of life.
>>35255 No I'm not You're saying there's an equal chance of 2 sisters and at least one brother
I'm not ignoring it I'm saying you're objectively wrong in saying that Because you are
>rain or overcast for the foreseeable future BUT MUH PHOTOGRAPH STROLLS
>>35257 I've skimmed the argument and I believe that you and tilde are approaching the topic from two different points in time.
If you have 0 kids, and plan to have 2, there are four different outcomes: boy boy girl girl girl boy boy girl
but I you have one kid, and it is a boy, there are only two outcomes for the second one: boy or girl.
I wanna get pics that have better lighting than this
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Rika what kancolle viewer do you use mine lacks ELOS
>>35259 But if you are one of two kids, you do not have 2 siblings You have 1
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
boy boy boy boy girl girl boy girl boy etc
And also, I didn't specify an amount of siblings in my original statement, meaning it doesn't matter if it's 2 or 1 If you are one of 100 kids, there is an astronomically small chance that you are one of 100 brothers There's an insane chance you have at least one sister
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>35262 Yes, and your sibling has a chance to be one or the other. Though infant sex statistics are a little bit slanted. Girls are slightly less likely to be born because the X sperm is a little slower than the Y sperm, but boys have higher mortality rates.
there should be a night mode to mechanical keyboards
you're unnecessary
I have a few friends who are unnecessary, or as they say accidents.
>>35266 I know that stuff, but I think this is the kind of thing we have to approach on a 50/50 basis, because we are dealing with siblings of the opposite sex, meaning this applies to both sexes equally My statement, that is
Well the whole thing started with me just sating, that moos seem to have higher than average ratio of opposite gender siblings
>>35271 I knew that, but I thought about it a little and used it to jump into how it's kinda interesting that you have a high chance of having a sibling of the other sex provided you actually have siblings, than you are not to
Yeah well that is the magical world of statistics
It's also interesting that like 99.9% if not more of the human population have an above average amount of limbs
Anyway bed now I get heated on maths cause I like maths Sue me
Wait what was that war manga with two girls drivign a car or something through a post apocalyptic wasteland or ruins?
>>35294 check this one out p sure that's a custom wig and custom faceplate
>>35295 i was wondering if you could educate me on dissociative seizures i didn't even know they were a thing until the past couple weeks
>>35296 that is not as bad the eyes are too big now
hmm i can't find pics of the type that comes to mind but they were old, like from mid 20th century or older and were small child sized, like 1-2 year old
My grandmother or grandfather had one in their cottage in the bedroom it was facing the bed on the side I always slept on when we were over I just hated it I always moved it somewhere else, but if lights were turned off I didn't dare to I feared the doll would have moved back to the same place when I woke up but I did always atleast turn it around
>>35299 the angle doesn't cause the effect it isn't staring at me
okay i have 20k feathres not sure who to do though robin kagerou lilina
>>35301 it's actually a chinese thing of cosplaying as dolls people using facepaint and rigid clothing to appear as dolls i think it's really cool, but that one's a little weak Usually they'll facepaint the eyes hardcore and make them look like they have those giant eyes they're really dedicated >>35304 but it is a seizure? and not just like a partial complex seizure or something?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>35296 They're just sudden attacks of dissociation. You just suddenly dissociate, but it's really a generic term for any sudden dissociation. It's not //// >>35303 It's not a seizure in the traditional sense, no. Disassociative seizures are called non-epileptic seizures too, maybe you've heard them called that?
>>35303 kinda reminds me of those barbie people in eastern europe or whatever it was maybe russia
>>35304 Ive primed myself a little bit, but I'm working right now and don't have the time to research in depth by the time i'm done with work i won't care anymore though just wondering if it could have anything to do with my dissociative patterns those started really materializing about six months after my bike accident which involved a seizure i always was curious whether the dissociations now correspond to brain damage or psychological trauma from that, and that was just an epileptic seizure or whatever -- it was cold that night, i unno
but now i'm wondering if it was just the surfacing of a pattern that was already underway nothing really to gain from this knowledge besides learnings
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Disassociative seizures are solely caused by psychological problems. It can be stuff like stress that causes them usually. It's kind of like a coping mechanism to deal with stress, or at least, that's a big theory behind it.
I didn't have any dissociative issues that I was aware of at that time, but it was about two months after my dad passed, which was an exceptionally hard passing for me. Anyone passing is stressful, but that one was devastating. I started having dissociation i guess around june or july that year? so a few months later.
i didn't really know anything about it back then and i just remember telling sugoi that i felt strange and was wondering if there was an "associative identity disorder" where the consciousness isn't dissociated but i was naive about the brain back then i've gotten pretty used to the waves of dissociation and how they manifest now, and it's usually just a sloshing of things
but i'm also taking benzodiazepines (when possible) and wondering whether that's what's keeping it continuous and non-seizing i'm doing fine off of alcohol so far, but I think before i told you something like i'd remember something i wouldn't want to remember if i stayed sober too long and I think that's probably some trigger feeling that sends me back into seize territory, and the severe anxiety and confusion at those moments bring me back to a drink Outside of those instances, I've gone a week without, twice, with no problem. just a weekend wine because it was the weekend and i could
just kind of venting you don't really need to be reciprocating all this but it's helping air my mind out a bit
i keep forgetting to collect my faily orbs
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>35309 After Teacup died, I experienced disassociative seizures for a few months Eventually I stopped having them on my own I experienced them as blackouts >>35313 disassociative blackouts I would be doing stuff while dissociated For example I would be at home on the computer and then the next thing I knew I was getting ready to drive home from school I'd have steam conversations open that I didn't remember having when I hot home and stuff
Pass-out blackouts or just memory blackouts? I don't think ive ever passed out proper. I remember waking up in the hospital, but I wasn't even unconscious. I just wasn't storing memories of what happened. Yeah, that sounds a lot like the issues I was having last year or so. well, and recently too obviously, but less severe. i think i had a couple that must have lasted a couple days or so, but i still get them in very brief segments here and there i mean, everybody does in some respect, like when we're driving and we arrive at our destination without consciously making the turns to get there, or reading a book and finding yourself four pages past the last thing you remembered reading
that's pretty normal stuff, but I imagine there has to be a relevance threshold. It's pretty easy to dissociate from hypnotic things like driving and reading, I imagine -- simple tasks that the brain can do on autopilot What's really distinctive i think is dissociating and actively making decisions that are disjointed, and not just following a hypnotic activity idly like choosing to stop an activity and get in your car and go somewhere, and not realizing where you're at a // an hour later or cooking a dinner, or doing other executive-level brain function disassociated
dissociated fuck me
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORUTN !PcAPtAiNJo
Man I bought 2 litres of whisky so it would last me sometime, but I am down to maybe a quarter of a litre now shouldn't have drank that much last week
YuubangKirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORUTN !PcAPtAiNJo
one of those fucking bright nights damn droplets prevent taking through window pics
he likes them and allowed them to be published as a book, giving his consent to edit and redistribute his work
Man he is chill
hey moon do you know any booze that would either mix well or just go well with tomato juice?
A Bloody Mary involves vodka, tomato juice, and spices.
yeah but how do you even make it
never even had one
Beats me. I assume it involves pouring vodka and tomato juice into a glass to start.
Yeah but it feels to me one of those drinks that require some skill to make and not just knowing what to put in
>>35328 bloody maries are pretty good you'll have to look up a recipe i don't know how to make one
Despite the trials and tribulations I went through, this fried rice turned out good.
Oh yeah SK was the one who just tried to fry it without cooking it first that made me laugh Hmm one of my roommates once did or was about to do the same mistake when I asked them to "fry some rice"
My biggest problem was that I pulled the wrong type of chicken out of the freezer this morning. I ended up wasting several hours of defrosting and had some still pretty frozen chicken breasts when I went to start preparing the dinner. It tastes like they ended up cooking well though.
but panfried noodles that is the real thing even if it is just noodles with some spices, it is a decent tasty meal with little to no effort needed
Hmm I should ressurrect this weird pie/crepe/pizza recipe I invented few years ago
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
It has been raining for at least 15 hours now. It's so nice and relaxing.
Oh yeah I found where I want to live when I am rich here on top of a 8 or so story building a fucking another, I think 2 story thing/penthouse whatever so close to the sea, youc ould throw a rock from the balcony and hear a splash
The sunbeach area has some wonky building desings going anyhow like these balconies
Also, I am surprised these trees have not been cut down... look at that angle it bends
And then there is this guy >only big flat buildings and shit around >one solitary building with a fence of trees I just wonder how they pulled this off and how much money they refused to take in order to keep the plot
Are things like this trying naively to get anger-clicks from gun enthusiasts, or intentionally pretending to be retarded to trigger them into clicking and commenting, or are they actually trying to reach out to anti-gun people?
I don't really care, but being the market researcher i am, i'm extremely intrigued what the planning process was here, or if there was one
Well you know, take clickbait and such from them and most news outlets just have ideology based propaganda and such that are either so biased, they have nothing of the truth left or are just lies.
Independent too, I bet has declining visitors on their site and physical subscribers too if it does it >>35384 nah just keeps saying bad sync >>35385 It is shotgunning pasta at wall at this point.
Can you guys upload images? Seems like moon was just able to.
>>35381 It's obviously clickbait, but what are they targeting with it? Are they targeting the people who will obviously want to slap them for thinking an AR is an assault rifle Or do they legitimately not know that and targeting the people who want to defend the ownership of an AR (which is completely legal anyway, because it's not an assault rifle) Or are they trying to clickbait people who want guns to go away forever
>>35385 Hey these are people who for arbitrary reasons decide that a 50 million subscriber youtuber, who has 2-20 million views per video is "NEWS" when he does a joke.
>>35403 so ab unch of yous watching that webum could work as a power source
is that so
what would you do if you were married to a skeleton
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
smooch a ghost >>35400 i'm not exactly sure but there was a bug in /cards/ which may have caused an infinite loop but i'm not sure why that would have prevented uploads and broken the db connection
i thought you were being kind of mean until i hovered over and saw the video names
yeah fuck it
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I will admit that the first one was maybe not a good one to post, but the second one is poignant. Its about journalists not playing games before reviewing them, not "ethics in video game journalism".
Megumeme can meme once a day
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Did you guys see or hear about edges2cats? Its a machine learning thing that makes cat pictures from outlines you draw.
not interested
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>35445 Thanks for the input. What kind of things are you interested in by the way?
>>35512 Yeah I'm not particularly concerned with accounting, but that they drop series is kind of a bummer. I've been using Mangafox for the series I want to read that get dropped from Batoto.
yeah but that is around maybe 1% of all manga on the web they still usually host un-released chapters like 10 latest vinlands or so so yeah, you can't binge read on licensed series, but if you want to keep updated on it, it is a valid place to read too bad it no longer supports autopager, though
Okay, then I'm still good. I use Batoto with Mangafox as a backup. Which site is the cool site can change so quickly, though.
>>35513 You should rediscover goodness! You were so gentle before!
>>35516 I used to use Mangareader, but that was back before I installed adblocks. And eventually it got outright infuriating to use while dealing with the ad overload. Mangafox wasn't as obnoxious in that aspect so I kind of swapped over to it. I guess I can use Mangareader now that I've got adblock running.
>>35552 Yeah, sometimes. Fish gets uncomfortable around strangers so I generally don't invite people over.
I don't go out that often either, though, other than with Fish. I'm not really a go-out-and-do-stuff kind of person with my friends here because they're all either stuck-up academics or too afraid of dying to do fun things.
My Friend Fish Is Really ... A Cat!
And So Am I!
>>35558 You should invite a bunch of folks over and have a dinner party, and surprise her when she finds out all the folk coming are actually fishes
Even better: Balloon fishes
Then make it a sleepover so they can really be sleeping with the fishes.
It always amuses me when Koishi's sleeves are about as big as her.
>>35562 Are there fish balloons? i'm gonna google image search fish balloons i bet it's just going to give me balloon fish
did you try wiggling it about to see if that makes any noticeable interference my audio jacks on the back went kind of bad the front ones still work fine
>>35571 Yeah. I disconnected it and reconnected it too.
>>35573 mine have been a little funky too lately i've barely been able to do my work. Some of the work i got sent was plain janky, but I feel like i could have done it if i could hear things more properly i'm not sure if it's my headphones getting janky or if my sound card is crapping out i should get a new sound card
There was an accident last night and the wires were tugged.
SPEAKING OF WHICH THAT STRAY DOG QUARX BROUGHT HOME he chewed up the power cables to charge my bathroom things so now i have to buy a new one altogether because that's for some reason cheaper than buying a new charger cord
I'm not big on balloons
The cable for my headphones is entirely detachable from the actual hardware. Which is nice because I burned through something like three pairs of headphones in four or so years because the iwres -wires in the cable kept breaking.
>>35578 Oh yeah, you had a bad experience with them recently, didn't you?
did you scrap your shigure to have more space for good boats
Shigure is one of my best and most reliable ships! There is no better use of a slot.
are you behind the meta by half a year
>>35580 What do you think of this, Rika people had a scuffle when i posted it randomly earlier
>>35583 I don't think so. While it is true that I could lock mod someone like Kasumi and she would be a better cut-in girl than Shigure, I've chosen to use my Maruyus on Prinz. I think the lucky destroyers I have are fine and that I need a cut in CA more than I need a cut-in DD.
>>35584 I think it looks good for a doll. Dolls are always going to creep people out though, and I imagine that's what the scuffle was about?
that's a really long answer shigure is trash
>>35585 people said mostly the same thing and SK said he didn't think it was a doll so they were bashing him for thinking it was an actual person and i told them that it's doll-cosplay, a trend in china and some of japan where they cosplay as specific doll brands they thought i was messing with them and then nobody knew what to think
>>35586 Shigure is one of the best out of the box destroyers, and she's cute and overwhelmingly popular. She's #1 destroyer in Japan right now. There's no way you could call her trash!
>>35587 Oh, is that an actual person? The size of the eyes and face are in the range of what could be a person, I suppose. It's quite well done, she passes for a doll well.
>>35580 I don't know if recent is quite right, but that does contribute.
>>35591 I can kind of tell better that it's a person with her because of the makeup. But I also know what to look for now that you've pointed out that it's cosplay.
>>35592 Some people are so good with makeup I wish I could do stuff like that notice how they completely wipe out any grooves or wrinkles on the hand, and how they make the nose completely crease-less looking it's really cool
>>35593 She's currently top popularity so there will be lots of different kinds of pictures of her.
>>35594 That one is a doll? Or photoshop? Her eyes are too big.
I think a lot of these pictures you see are a combination of makeup and photoshop. Though there's no doubt that some people are really really good at applying makeup.
>>35595 the cosplay ones aren't photoshop, but they're professional-grade photoshoots they do all the makeup right there and there's pages and pages and pages of pictures from each shoot. some aren't as convincing it would never work to actually go out to a convention like that though it would all sweat right off
floop embraced the darkness
>>35598 Yeah, I imagine that it takes a lot of makeup to pull it off.
>>35601 good, good I'm almost getting the whole cgl experience now can you also respond in the persona of someone who thinks dolls have nothing in common with cosplay and fashion and is a spiteful bitch and then again in the persona of a very submissive moderator that is male in a group largely populated by aggressive, bitchy females and then once as someone who just trashes everything regardless because they're rich enough to get paid to wear costumes and would never pay for some anyway
>>35602 Ika is my minion, he won't say anything bad about me.
>>35603 I used to browse /cgl/ but I couldn't handle all the bitches and white knights there. The constant drama made me mad. Plus people didn't follow 4chan etiquette regarding keeping your identity out of it.
>>35604 and then you complain when moon asks you to get a hold of your people
>>35604 there are good people on there but there are a lot of "hey look at all my photoshoots, i'm way more important than you" people and they drown out everything and some of them are super bitchy i've got no identity on there, but people do recognize me as the person who makes mock-ups of outfits on dolls and talks about doll fashion
>>35602 something mean about rika >>35604 when did this happen are you drunk
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORUYuu
>>35606 Yeah, the constant drama and white knighting was TERRIBLE.
>>35607 This was awhile ago. Why are you accusing me of being drunk?
>>35612 It's just a case of mean girls rising to the top in a big impersonal environment like that. The mean girls will always rise to the top and ruin everything in large mostly female groups.
>>35614 that personality aint gettin no meaningful boyfriends ima say that much aint no partner want a gal bitchin at them like that
i seriously question how I'm considered less sane than these people
>>35617 You need a SSV with two decent scout planes on board. If you have the periscope thingy from E-2 that cna help.
>>35616 Sugoi rose to the top of his wow guild because 4chan guild leaders usually end up being people who get stuck with a bad job nobody else wants to do.
>>35619 it's like getting a double chocolate brownie
except instead of delicious, it bleeds twice as much and bitches 100% of the time
You should have around 5 with that. Do you have the right LoS formula plugged in? What are you calling a decent scout plane?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Yes, but I also only have 5 subs
The highest scouting planes I can grab
>>35618 didn't he too pay dota or lol or something that has a top lane
>>35626 I used two type 0 observation seaplanes. Which are you using?
Maybe it's because you're only using 5 subs. Which one are you missing? Nimu?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
to the second part
I think Nimu and Shioi drop in E-1. If you're on easy you can probably do it with lower LoS. I have definitely seen screenshots of people with 5 subs at the boss node in E-3.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what a pain
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
think that might be a bit too lewd
no panties, it's fine
schrodingers panties
AnnoTalesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Uh, Rika, can you not send your land base to the boss during transport?
The boob window was endearing VK is just... why It's too loose all the time, there's too much space, it doesn't make the butt more attractive, it looks cold, I will die with my virginity.
So wait what if you combine them? virgin killer boob window sweater
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh good.
Boob window and virgin killer are dumb
they take everything away from what matters hug the waist, wrap the thighs you don't need to reveal anything when you show off the curves
Virgin killer boob window ppap
>>35649 and it is essentially just a lame sweater version of naked apron
maybe the VK is the VK because it only hits the virgins, iunno it shows off enough to get that arousal? but it's really not attractive it's just impulsive
>>35674 As /moe/'s expert witness on being a virgin, I can say that it's still not that attractive.
I don't find it attractive but it's stupid enough to be funny to me.
Floop is just trying his hand at evil. He's not being that unacceptable right now.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
He's been doing this for quite some time.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
He's being very unacceptable.
>>35678 I don't think virgin when i think of you actual technicalities aside, i think there's something deeper underlying that terminology you've got refined taste in what you like you're not desperate for some action what i think of when i think of virgin is someone mystifying the experience and making it way more impulsive and enigmatic than it needs to be you already solidly know what you like
Well, I'm going to enjoy myself regardless.
>>35683 This is honestly really funny to me. Mainly because it makes sense. And somewhat explains why I can't pass as one by my family members.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
It makes sense because it's true That stuff is all psychological immaturity
I'm pretty good at making random statements that are true for instance i said yesterday that bang was going to eat a tuna melt sandwich and he did
>Lie to friend that I had sex >Years later, he has sex because he wanted to be like me >Years after that, they still don't know I'm a liar
How do I exude such experience? Better question: How do I get a job like this? I have to be unmysty in work-related areas This will be difficult.
>>35676 I think he needs to get into apprenticeship to become evil ain't in his nature to learn it on his own.
>>35689 I'm going to be honest you're not missing out on anything
given the choice between sex or a back massage, i'd take the back massage sex is just something you do for your partner really
I'd take a shoulder massage over it I could use one of those
>>35692 well fuck you you know i don't have shoulders and you're intentionally triggering me
>>35693 shit dude it wasn't on purpose i totally forgot about the accident
Floating arms without shoulders
>given the choice between sex or a back massage, i'd take the back massage Well, what do you know? I, too, have made this decision (sorta)
Don't mystify sex. it's nothing special Back massages are great sex is gross and dirty and you get smells and things that you'd rather not have and it's over when it's over you don't really feel any better after it's done it's just a disappointment
Back massages refresh you for the night to come and the day ahead
it's a lot of work
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
You guys are making me feel absolutely awful.
It's fine to enjoy things that other people don't, Tony.
They just want to keep their blue pure
do you not have a back
>>35702 you're doing this on purpose now, FUCK OFF i have no shoulders and no back can't you try to be supportive
>>35702 this is the best post that I've read today
>national coalition has had a joke in their homesite, where visitors can try to guess how politician Ben Zyskowicz' surname is written >so far it has been mispelled in 24 533 different ways just WOW
If you need cheap pizza, Little Caesar's is pretty good.
>>35727 Speaking of cheap I got my amazon prime pantry stuff for this month
No, it's not pretty good, just pretty affordable.
I like their deep dish
good pizza>cheap pizza
it's only good if it's really, really hot and fresh i speak from experience dealing with -- oh nevermind But yeah, it can be alright real fresh and hot kinda lame after a while though.
>>35730 should i do code red units righbt away or water for later wait*
>>35734 I bought 46 things for 100 bucks, after taxes and delivery 35 of the items are Hormel Compleats. The chicken-gravy-mashed potatoes is nice. The beef steak tips and mashed potatoes is cheaper, and less good. The turkey and dressing i haven't tried yet. The breakfast sausage-egg-potato is meh. There's little flavor.
It's all handy to have around though if im working and dont have time to cook a real meal The chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy is one of my favorite things though. I strongly encourage packing it on bread with a little pepper and making a chicken mashed potato sandwich
I'm trying to live very frugally right now though, so that's why i'm doing this.
>>35745 I think it's an associative thing I'm conditioned to dislike it We always had it when I did martial arts and I was abused badly during that time
>>35744 Sports drinks aren't really about nutrition, they're designed to replenish the compounds your body loses when you sweat and exercise a lot. On top of hydration.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>35747 Mainly electrolytes if I recall correctly.
>>35746 You just don't personally, as a consumer, find it pleasing? That's not a statement respective of its role or function?
>>35747 aside from sugar, what that has listed, you'd get with water and a teaspoonful of salt about
>>35751 I understand that. I feel the same way about zucchini.
I am like that with popcorn too I associate the smell of popcorn with the smell of something else It's been like 10 years but the conditioning is strong enough that I still smell the other thing in response to smelling popcorn
well popcorn fucking sucks in general >let me eat shit that's going to get stuck in my sinus cavities and i'll never be able to get out
popcorn is quite good, but the greasy buttery movie theater popcorn is awful and also >it will be in your teeth for the next eternity
>>35753 I remember having a popcorn-flavored lollipop once i thought it tasted like piss
...oh shit Question: Does anyone know specifically why we were down the other day?
/cards/ had a bug in it
cards? That's it? Huh. Well, I guess that's okay. Then again, something like this wouldn't just HIT EVERY SITE but that would've been really curious. Cloudflare seems to have had a SERIOUS bug four days ago. One that is really problematic. >It looked like that if an html page hosted behind cloudflare had a specific combination of unbalanced tags, the proxy would intersperse pages of uninitialized memory into the output (kinda like heartbleed, but cloudflare specific and worse for reasons I'll explain later). My working theory was that this was related to their "ScrapeShield" feature which parses and obfuscates html - but because reverse proxies are shared between customers, it would affect all Cloudflare customers.
>We fetched a few live samples, and we observed encryption keys, cookies, passwords, chunks of POST data and even HTTPS requests for other major cloudflare-hosted sites from other users. Once we understood what we were seeing and the implications, we immediately stopped and contacted cloudflare security.
>This situation was unusual, PII was actively being downloaded by crawlers and users during normal usage, they just didn't understand what they were seeing.
taviso found a way to scrape pii from just about any cloudflare site
I think the "three door, one is opened change it" thing was it from jeopardy or whatever applies to that too
Monty Hall problem
also says random number between 0 and 1 so 0,1 is a possibilty or just 0 and 1?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>35733 If you can handle them you should go for it You probably can The skunk and the monkey are bastards The islands are fun
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I'm going to guess one half, even though its probably wrong. I don't feel like trying to work on this problem right now.
I mean cause if it is just binary, if your opponent rolled 1, it doesn't matter do you keep or reroll it is tie or lose and at that point, you might as well reroll
oh wait read it wrong, they see their own number not the opponents
but if it is 0,00 to 1,00 0,51 would be a logical cutpoint
I doubt it's in the middle.
>>35776 yup but at 51, you have higher chance of rolling a smaller number, than a higher one if you reroll.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
don't do math don't do math tonight can't do math don't do math tonight SAVE ME
I am not if you search for something like that on internet, the answer most likely is one some forum/site/imageboard and of all of the ones out there, reddit has the highest visibility on every search engine results, due to for example never deleting old "threads" or whatever they call them there.
I think they all have a lot of fun with the roles.
Aqua and Darkness seem like the most fun roles for voice acting.
>kid makes youtube videos reviewing fried chicken spots in Europe >one of his videos blow up >gentrification of fried chicken spots die a hero live long enough to become the villain
>>35794 I think Kazama would be a lot of fun too. His seiyuu gets to play around with a bunch of obnoxious and ridiculous voices as well.
>>35795 i'm eating chicken breast and mashed potato sandwiches as i type
I made some nice fried rice last night with chicken breast.
>>35799 Do you have any special fried chicken joints in NY? back in saint louis, when i used to roam the streets, i had a few places that I think were the fucking best We didn't have no rosco's, but goody goody's was one of them for fried chicken and waffles the thing was, it was in a bad area, so white people would only come BEFORE 10 AM after that, it was a no white man zone but i'd stroll in there 1PM and get some chicken thighs and waffles and jesus it was the best thing i ever had
>>35800 I don't really go for fried chicken specifically outside of a casual Popeyes run close by. So unfortunately, I can't think of any. Just Popeyes and Crown. There are places that sell fried chicken just like that but I usually don't get that. >>35804 I know. The black community has already mourned its passing.
Popeyes got bought up by the corporate overlord that own Burger King recently. They also own Tim Horton's up here, which makes me think they also own Wendy's.
>>35803 do you like barbecue? you oughtta come out to memphis sometime
>boss man, i dont know wa gwan but that cant run Hearing this mixed with all the London lingo that I am completely unfamiliar with was the best.
oh god i didn't realize how heavily alcohol tolerance drops after just a few days i'm dizzy i had two beers and a little bit of sake
Wow. It is kind of nice to be able to be economical on drinking though.
Speaking of destinations, Google Captcha recently tried to get me to identify street signs and those street signs are literally within walking distance of my home. I feel really awkward about it
she's my brooklyn aunt you should go hit her up blue hang out and talk about how the capitalists are oppressing us
Layer layer Pants-a-flared
That would be fun. I don't know how to describe this feeling that I'm having watching everything collapse. Not just society though, like all kinds of things are just going bad. Like how does this happen every day? Every day.
Inherit makes a lot of sense though. Because the ABC thing seemed really stupid.
Oh.. Ohhhhhh.... THIS IS GOING TO BE A LOT MORE FUN. This is going to take a lot of work to make sense of if they do this the way I'm expecting.
i hope i roll a hector so i can destroy him to make my eirika or ephraim stronger
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I'll show you the true power of my 5* Anna.
> You have to send home the character whose skills are inherited but there are no other limits on the system
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
wow that's so easy it's retarded
hmm i think distant coujnters and and close counter are the most viable maybe bow breaker to kill takumi
No, there is still the ABC limit. Remember you have to equip skills and they go into a specific slot. So if you inherit an A skill, and you already have an A skill on the character, then you can't have both. This is going to be the hinge of the limits of customization
wary fighter on hector would be scary you wouldnt be able to double him
but hector would double you always wew
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
can finally make hana viable by getting rid of retsraed /// retarded obstruct and replace it with vantage and give renewal
Oh shit, Renewal is a B slot skill. I can put it on Lucina. Oh god, she will heal every second and every third turn. Turn 2, Turn 3, Turn 4, Turn 6.
A major vulnerability in the Cloudflare proxying provider used by all sites using Cloudflare leaves all traffic vulnerable to hacking and leakage, going back for multiple months. Sites vulnerable include: Uber Reddit Yelp Digital Ocean OKCupid RapGenius Coinbase Product Hunt Udemy Crunchyroll FitBit Hacker News Zendesk Discord Github pages Chocolatey
It is recommended that you change your passwords for those sites immediately.
This is why I was asking about /moe/'s downtime earlier.
and why this is a thing
It looks like the only concern I have is Discord. I think I'm just going to enjoy my usual apathy to these situations.
Those are just the REALLY popular websites. If you have any other website that you sign into that uses CloudFlare, which is very likely since they're one of the biggest proxy providers, then anything can be fucked.
I dunno man I'm scratching my head to think of any other site I've seen CloudFlare on. I don't actually go to a lot of websites.
>Inherit means I won't have to use this god awful Pass skill on Gaius anymore.
Or on anyone, really. The problem with Pass is most characters in the game only move two squares or less. Pass doesn't really give you much because of how limited movement is in Fire Emblem.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
no more pass, no more obstruct hana and male corrin are suddenly good
Pass can be useful on Cavalry. But outside of that it's useless.
Yeah but that's still only a marginal improvement.
>>35896 I actually kind of like Obstruct since it can force the enemy to attack who I want them to attack. On a unit that can tank hits like nothing else that's an immense boon to have when partnered with a ranged attacker.
3 spaces as opposed to 2 is actually really big for Pass. You can turn corners on all the maps with chokepoints (eg every map) with that one extra square.
__Breaker skills are all B skills. So I can't have RGB Tomebreaker on a single character
It does mean that you can make a jack of all trades and give your unit a bonus against the opposite direction in the weapons triangle.
Bah, they made almost all the skills I want to exploit B skills Brash Assault and Desperation are both B too
whats the point of changing my discord are they gonna hack my emails
They can. If you have any repeating passwords, you can pwned
I use pretty much the same single password for everything unless it's one of those really finicky password creations. I haven't changed it once and I have yet to be hacked.
Apathy in ignorance is wonderful.
hmmm maybe ubuer ill change the rest are worhtless
Natsume Inc. is still going on with trying to continue the Harvest Moon brand despite the split from Marvelous Interactive. Who's even making these games anymore.
BTC broke record high currently a few cents away from $1200 flat on coinbase
wait you can give units dance im gonna do it to ephraim if ic an
It's not an ABC skill is it?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
dance/sing aren't abc skills they're support skills
You could give one of the dancers good abc skills. That's probably worth doing.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Azura has pretty decent stats so I'm going to be doing that.
kanna stop
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
don't stop kanna
Stop Kanna
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
why can't ryoma and scarlet marry
Because Hoshido nobility can't marry a filthy NOHR.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
but scarlet is a REBEL siding with hoshido it's fine
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
and her grandpa guarded king sumaragi
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm gonna marry taco and camilla
I'd forgotten there's a biking machine in my dad's study--mostly because my dad uses it more as a coatrack than anything else. I should see if it's still working.
Oh, units can get married?
I'm pretty sure he's playing the 3DS games again.
Oh you're talking about FEF.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
You're so silly, Rika.
I wanted to marry Robin with Robin.
Selfcest, eh.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
You're so silly.
Shipping is a fire emblem mechanic, though!
you ready to farm characters for their abilities?
It'll make them more useful than how I've just been feeding them to their higher-star copies.
Instead of the silly stamina cost for skill switching they should have just made you pay a reduced cost of SP for re-equipping skills.
If you merge allies and they're the same rank, it reduces the amount of feathers you need to raise their rank ...not by a lot though. It seems like the same amount of feathers that you would have gotten by just sending the character home.
I think that's the case, yeah.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
wow it's midnight i thought it was like 9:00 still fish dozed off and didn't make me keep track of the time! bye forever /moe/
Time keeps on slippin' Slipping'
Oh yeah Blue I saw this on /a/ and thought of you.
>>35945 That's true, but it can be chalked up to perspective Since it's from below
Sk phone
It's a really good drawing though Does the artist have a pixiv or a tumblr or something?
The joke is the guy that popularized those shitty Rika drawings on /jp/ was actually fucking amazing at art. And the dumb Rika joke was a thing because his waifu was the crazy villain lady from Higurashi.
>>35948 Beats me, it was in a sort-of "how do I get better at drawing" thread on /a/. I'm not actually familiar with the artist. Their name is in the picture though. Nsio? You might be able to start there.
Sk phone
Aw man
Uh, yeah. They're masterpieces.
He also did this thing for a short while where he got this paper cutout of Takano (aforementioned crazy villain lady) and took her around parts of Russia, taking pictures like he was on dates with her and narrating the events in /jp/ threads. I miss Beato he was funny.
nnS posts a lot of wip, too, but he keeps it on twitter
My drawfriends don't post a lot of WIPs, but they do a lot of rakugaki, quick sketches, which they'll put on Twitter. ...Even though the attention to detail they put into those quick sketches would take me ages to produce something of similar detail. Accomplished artists are scary robots, man.
reeeeee eee
Ohio moe
My dad finally got a job and my sister too I'm so happy yaaay
Jobs for everyone!
Not me.
Just today I got qualified to do this shit I don't wanna do For shit tier money
It feels like there's a portion of my drawing tablet surface that isn't responding very well to pen input anymore. ;_; I didn't even use this thing that much but I've had it a good while I guess.
>>35974 post an ad on craigslist i'm sure you'll find one quality i can't guarantee
She'd probably get a middle-aged Latino or Filipino woman.
And at that point, what's even the point of having a maid?
>>35979 well for the low cost of harboring an illegal immigrant and a tiny salary you could have all your housechores done
They're not all illegals. A lot of legal immigrant women from those locales go into housework to support the family they've brought over.
>>35981 no but that's how you get the best deals and the most power over them
I don't care if the housework gets done or not.
A larger concern of the employer is more that these maids can often be pretty liberal with what's considered the employer's valuables.
At least here, there was a lot of maid and cleaning lady companies that had their workers lifting jewelry and similar valuables from houses. Friends of my mother even had stuff like engagement rings taken.
>>35983 oh you're looking for THAT kind of maid that's why it has to be dashhu
Rika only has eyes for girls, after all.
>yurifags near me
Yeah, they're so near you, they're literally INSIDE YOU. RIGHT NOW.
If I had anyone inside me I most certainly wouldn't be posting on moe.
Oh gosh Bang do you see what she's getting at? She's practically empty inside. A shell of a human being.
I dunno maybe we should applaud her courage for finally admitting it.
wait i don't think she's empty inside how did you get that
She doesn't have anyone inside her. Now I dunno about you people but I've got me inside me.
oh i see a rika-less rika no she's just really short you have to look hard
Are we talking magnifying glass look hard, or electron microscope look hard?
i just mean like if there's a picket fence in between you, you probably have to lean over the fence
also if she was standing behind a light post you'd have to look around the light post
Didn't you guys like, not get along? How did this bullying alliance come to be?
i don't even know who i'm talking to
i suspect it's tilde and btw tilde is my good friend now, i took him from you
We've bonded over trials and tribulations that few men can share and come out of without forging bonds stronger than steel. Such is the miracle of DIGITAL SPORTS.
you could always join our camaraderie and discord shitposting but i know you hate fun an all, rika
>>36031 Cloudflare FUCKED IT UP So you need to change your passwords for stuff that used cloudflare. or don't, who is going to hack your discord name anyway
>>36031 someone said to them post nudes so they did off every neck down from behind and then people laughed at the person until they got mad for ages
2017 is already the year of flamethrower drones. China uses them to clean debris on wires and stuff like that.
Speaking of pitchforks, I felt some spring in the air today. It will be hay season soon.
>don't forget, i'm a country girl
I know eh.
But it's also pretty springy around here too. Thoooough, there's still all of March to get through and some times there's a surprise last burst of winter in early March here.
>>36079 I'm allergic to hay. Though the chance that I will pick up a few bales of hay this year is not zero.
i want to post that webm of the guy who takes his overalls off and jumps into a hay baler to become a brick of hay i don't have it saved though
Tfw rika is going to her country manor this summer
>>36107 You should have seen all the LEWD he was posting. Also he believed Rika's wife is a slut. He was also snarking at Kirara and Tony a bit.
>>36123 jesus you don't pay attention at all even to yourself
>>36124 rika is a slut therefore rika's wife is a slut >>36127 read things over again and pay at least a mediocre amount of attention this time or give me a compliment and i'll key you in
Any second now she'll announce that we fell for a clever ruse
i got nothing maybe lissa is okay cause i can steal her renewal ability for the skill inherit oh yeah jan they're adding skill inherit in march >>36129
some day she'll read moe instead of just post on it
It's an almost admirable fault
I mentioned my damaged drawing tablet to some friends, and one of them was like "hey I have an old tablet I'm not using anymore, do you want me to send it your way?" It's a larger version of the same model I've been using. I 'm having a bit of a hard time accepting charity like this ;_;
>>36173 I read moe! You can't expect me to remember everything.
i wonder
>>36179 I don't expect everything, but even a goldfish can remember ten minutes into the past.
no (you) no read!
>>36182 It has to get over my threshold of minimum interest to even get into my short term meory!
Wow, you hear that, Roc? Rika doesn't find your posts interesting enough to even remember them in the slightest.
It's fine, I already knew riki never pays attention to me unless I say something she can use to support whatever argument she's currently having Or to watch anime
Oh man those are some swell shades.
Don't listen to him rook, you're very interesting!
rika has been FOUND OUT
i wonder how much rika can be bullied tonight before she ends up pouting
I said I was going to give her a rest but my bullying cravings are setting in.
>>36251 if Hector could get Wings of Mercy or whatever its called that would be so scary I had it happen to me once in a random training battle needless to say i didnt know he had it and he came outta nowhere
okay moe i have to go work until 11 am see you guys tomorrow
see you later masturbator
goodbye my taco friend
Adios forever
Sayonara carbonara
Oha You
>about to do a deathless advance run >ephraim gets oneshotted by best mage-chan
hi kannagi!
How are you all? I just got on my ttrain
i'm the best
7z files refute that
Rate my ninja sword
How well does it L1 +triangle?
It's the lightning that will slay kami/10.
>>36271 >huge armor >tiny sword you look like sugoi
oops i drank a little bit i needed to sleep though so it was good
what's happening with cloudflare?
Security compromise that potentially leaves password data for sites using CloudFlare attainable by hacking and data leaking. It's advisable that you change your passwords for any service that uses CloudFlare.
yo kannagi are you on your way to work?
this ad is fucking killing me
>>36297 it's a good thing i don't use any websites that use cloudflare
Yep On my first ttrain, will soon arrive at the next station for train numero 2
>>36299 Yeah it's fucking ridiculous. Why is this a thing.
>>36300 Discord uses CloudFlare, and I think that means an account through it is at risk.
shit if my discord password was leaked i hope they email me what it was because i sure as fuck can't remember
I don't even remember which email I used for discord
>>35885 Here's a list of major sites that use CloudFlare--but keep in mind it doesn't list more minor sites that may use the service. Or maybe even major ones that failed to get listed.
shit i do have a udemy account
that Tavis tweet is cracking me up though >someone from cloudflare sec contact me asap please
Yeah I know eh. You can just see the first guy at CloudFlare security who sees it just immediately slam the PANIC button.
>>36335 have you had bourbon before? It tastes extremely rich and sweet like bourbon, but obviously not bourbon alcohol content to make it bitter it is a bit heavy though. at 8.2% i had two beers and fucking passed out
Tired, I wish I had time stop powers Fucking train tunnels, always cutting my signal
I dunno how, but the password for one of my emails changed, and google doesn't show anyone logging in in the last month
And it changed at some point in the last 14 hours, too
I got logged out without doing anything today spooky
Well if it was just a logout, thunderbird would have automatically signed back in So
my brain pieced together "secure the white race for our children" from that
『sk』 Oh now oh no!
This is bad
>>36365 And it's people who themselves DIDN'T riot, too And if you planned the protest but never went, YOU TOO can have all your property taken by the cops
Like, THIS is the fucking fascism, America THIS is the fascists you're so scared of >>36368 Civil Asset Forfeiture If the cops think you're involved in mob shit, they can take all the things you could conceivably have gotten with mob money In Arizona it's a vote away from applying to ANYONE involved in a protest, if that protest became a riot, and it's just all the shit you own
so you'd basically get audited and have to prove your earnings?
>audited No No they take it, that's the end of it Then they prosecute you >>36371 Oh, right, yeah For mobsters that's the case, they can potentially prove they got it legally
But with this rioting shit, they're not insinuating you got your car through rioting, so I don't know what the fuck you'd have to show for them to give it back
If it ONLY applied to people who actually riot, I wouldn't be so fucking freaked by this, but it's everyone involved with the protest, rioters and non-rioters
>conceivably have gotten with mob money
Forfeiture is weird in America. They take stuff before you are proven guilty
CAF is a spit in the face of freedom as is, and this just makes it worse Innocent until proven guilty is completely ignored
They don't actually have to prosecute you, either They can just take your shit and leave it at that
I think it might be to prevent money ddisappearing elsewhere for organised gangs
>>36375 I know what is said as the reason, and I stand by it being a complete disregard for the concept of innocent until proven guilty, because it is The moment you have to prove your innocence because the cops assumed you weren't, you have removed the assumption of innocence
>>36372 have you played / heard of The Beginner's Guide
that's the one from the stanley parable guy right?
Yep, it is pretty good. I didn't expect it to be a sort Linear story I was expecting it to be like Stanley
Trump administration removed that thing stopping states from telling trans students to use the bathroom that matches their body
>>36379 i played it earlier, yesterday evening it was really powerful to me
I feel like the narrator is sort of still fucking up with his friend at the end
>>36382 It's fictional. There is no friend. The dev team made all those games, and the storyline, and designed the player perspective around listening to such a storyline. They really built an experience, and not just entertainment
>>36383 Important note: he didn't pass anything beyond that Like, it's up to the state now
Which Cenk over at TYT can't understand How can you personally be against a thing, but allow states to have their own autonomy? That's unamerica, you should be a fascist dictator and FORCE all the states to do exactly the things YOU want
>>36386 Last year that bathroom thing happened, and apparently some law was made that went "Hey, states, you don't get to do that. Trannies can go where they please kthnx" And now Trump has just nixed that, basically So now it's up to each state whether they wanna allow trans people in whichever bathroom they want, or not
oh wait, stopping states from wait a second too many negatives here what exactly did he do? do i have it backwards?
>>36384 Yeah I got that, i meant in the story context On bus now. Pron Probably no signal soon as i get to work.
>>36387 Have fun at work get home soon and play a tealier
Conway playing the woman card now Interesting strategy, and considering how Trump accused Hillary of the same during the election, this could go either way
>>36389 i read it as "removed that thing, stopping states from telling trans..." i misunderstood try to be more direct sometimes i don't always understand the implications of what you're saying is happening
>>36390 Ah Well the thing is what he removed, and the thing is what told states not to tell trannies what bathroom they get to use
I can see that it wasn't that clear, yeah
so the implication is that the states can still, if they choose, not tell trans to use bathroom X or Y but there's nothing stopping them from telling them to do so
i don't ethically agree with that but i think there's practicality in putting it in the state's hands
why do you focus on our policies more than we do anyway
There's apparently a buncha censorship in the new Berserk game >>36394 I dunno, I think it's interesting how America moves back and forth and wobbles on so many things Like every time any policy is suggested in the US, there's like a 50/50 split for and against based on party lines
Here its usually like If we hear about a new law, the population is generally for, or generally against it There's not a lot of back and forth here "Should we ban trannies from choosing their own bathroom?" "Naw let's not t.the majority"
I guess it helps that we're not a country with 2 relevant parties, so every issue has more than two sides going "that other side is always wrong, so this is the right one"
The only thing close we have is MUH IMMIGRUNTS, and even there the majority wanted to reduce them, thus FrP and H got into office, but it SEEMS a bit more 50/50 because that's also the only policy from the right side of politics the majority of the country approves of
America makes the world so much more entertaining
It really does US politics is infotainment
>>36399 I think U.S politics is like a reverse truman show. It's a made up country for TV I mean, I've only ever met one ""American"" in person.
Hahah that would be amazing
>>36401 I think Japan was originally intended to replace it as the new show, but the ratings weren't high enough. That's why we got the 90s recession arc
>>36400 great job dipshit now our board is gonna get closed down for censorship it's not supposed to be said out loud
I've never met an american either OH NO
>he thought americans were real
>>36402 Japan just had bad writers who forgot to make it barely function They just made it function really well and went "as long as there's one flaw it should be entertaining and get ratings, right?, and then they dipped the birthrate and went home
>>36404 Does this board have any Americans? Can they confirm?
>>36406 Yeah really the post WW2 reboot was shit. Great climax though.
>>36409 >dehumanize yourself Someone get me a bucket of abbo blood and some needles
Wildlands hasn't entirely sold me yet It's fairly fun, but it also has some issues
For example, the vehicles are all like taken out of a lego game, they're so basic The helicopter controls SUPER easy, it can handle being slammed into the ground at huge speeds The cars are GLUED TO THE GROUND, I'm not joking, they literally can not get air You can be going mach 5 over a hilltop, and then you just hover over the ground for a few meters and you're grounded again Like not even a meter above the ground
i really wish vic berger would stop making trump videos they're not very good >>36414 the jim bakker videos are where his talents are at is what i mean but the trump videos feel so lazy the old ones back during the GOP primaries were good >>36415 the recent trump videos are just stale it's just same shit over and over every video
>>36413 I only subscribed for the Trump videos like all the other shit is so fucking meh "here's a video of a thing being made with white noise. for when you're high lmao"
The trump videos now can't be much good, I guess The primaries were the golden age of Vic Berger
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWErook
>>36413 I checked out the rest of the channel after you linked the jim bakker one and was pretty disappointed also most videos seemed to have a much different feel than that one, are there multiple people making videos for the channel or something?
>>36413 It sorta fits I guess Since Trump himself is pretty stale now
>>36417 Nobody actually knows where Super Deluxe came from, or what it really is
>>36417 Yeah Each video has a little tab on it, with a different color each content creator has their own color vic berger's is orange i don't know what the others are because i dont really care
>there's a middle school girl who plays vidya on youtube and talks shit about politics now and then >she's got 666K subs
I might as well just fucking end it, I'll never make it as big as a child
making it big seems like a chore making enough to satisfy my basic needs + a few hobbies is pretty alright
I've been considering a yutub channel myself, but I legitimately don't have anything interesting to say about anything
i have a few youtube channels ive been making random ass videos for like a decade it's not really anything other than a platform for me it just lets me share videos id have made otherwise that's all a youtube channel is really worth
a guy from work asked me to edit videos for a gaming channel he wants to start but I'm really not about that kind of life doesn't help that I highly doubt he'll be successful
>>36425 Make him sign a contract to pay you x% of what he ends up making, if he does
Dude the let's play game is pretty saturated, but people are still hungry for more Just discuss identity politics over it and people will flock to it like moths to a new flame
Seriously We're talking tens of thousands of subs after like maybe a year tops
There's no shortage of content or content creators having a successful youtube channel is not about content it's marketing and promotion and networking if you're going to take the effort to do that, you can do that without having the added weight of being a content creator on top of that, especially if you're not passionate about it
There isn't, but still people watch this junk
I mostly watch these sorta video game channels as background noise because I go fucking mental when it's quiet around me, and sometimes I can't be bothered to listen to music