Thread #34245
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anime specifically gundam and looots of it
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Amine So do we have a Squid or not?
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Like I said, I can get Ika! But there's nothing to watch, really. We usually just save hand shakers because it's a one show night and the next couple of nights are slow too.
but wednesday night is the only night worth tuning in for
I'm pretty sure we need to start on episode thirty-nine. We're so behind it's hard to pinpoint these things.
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Let me check my files!
Well I flipped through episode thirty-nine and don't think I recognized anything from it. But I definitely remembered stuff from episode thirty-eight. That also lines up with the indicator I left for myself that the last episode I watched was episode thirty-eight, but that's not always reliable.
so youre gundam right
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>>34263 yeah unless you want to hand shakers tonight. Do you want to?>>34262 yeah it's episode 39.
no its ok
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are you suuuuure?
Rika doesn't want to be stuck alone with me for two and a half hours.
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okay gundam 39 oikay let's start!
There was always some romantic tension between those two, but I guess she's still one of Aniki's wives in the end.
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New OP And Mikazuki is just a useless lump.
He's fine when he's in Barbatos!
This little shit is still messing with things. How many times was he almost dead, but saved by someone.
>I only ask you to follow my orders blindly That's kind of a lot to ask for.
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I guess the next arc is moving along really quickly. Even though we're still recovering from the last one.
An umbilical cord was what came to mind for me too.>>34282 There's no time to rest! There's a lot of plot threads that are all starting to coalesce towards a climax here.
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She didn't really tell her that tying Mikazuki down with a baby is a bad idea. She just said "you do it".
Mikazuki's autism is the best.
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I guess they are setting things up for some of his girls to go with the tekkadan guys.
They kind of already were with the Tekkadan for a bit. I think some of them are going to DIE.
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I don't think they'll kill the girls.
Wow, I didn't realize the Wind Turbines were that massive. I thought it was just the ship with his harem on it.
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Looks like a pinchy for the turbines though!
That red-haired rival of Naze's is moving pretty heavily to crush the Turbines and Tekkadan.
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Yeah, aniki may be in trouble, Maybe the turbines will die and the girls that survive will get taken by Tekkadan.
But even so, Naze's RESOLVE is pretty strong. Maybe that's enough to keep him going.
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okay let's move on to 40 okay lets start
The fact that everyone has to lug Mikazuki around like a sack of potatoes is hilarious. Poor Mikazuki.
Orga really is still kind of a kid.
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They're in a big pinchy now!
Naze really lives a man's romance.
Fuck this little shit.
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Yeah, he's a really terrible guy.
Oh wow. Seriously. Fuck this little shit.
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Looks like lots of people are going to die this episode.
Wow this guy is total scum. Like before he was kind of just pathetic. But this is just cruel.
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It's going to be a really terrible massacre if Tekkadan doesn't save the day.
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I guess the B team gets to look cool this episode. I wonder if Mikazuki will be making an appearance.
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death flags~ they'll probably be fine though
Hah hah Akihiro was pretty dorky there though.
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These two may die though.
>May Naze's first wife is totally dead.
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that was a good episode okay let's episode 41 okay let's start!
I hope that little shit got successfully smashed in.
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>>34432 You know he lived. He'll die eventually though.
Yup, still alive. It better be by Orga's hand that he dies though.
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I'm sure he'll die some kind of poetic death. Maybe one of the girls will get him.
Maybe Lafter is the only one going over. Are the rest of them just getting put on a bus?
Does extensive use of the spinal jack into Gundams make you fucking autistic or something. He's as bad as you'd expect Mikazuki to be.
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I'm sure that the spinal jack kids don't have a lot of experiences with girls.
Huh, I guess all the Turbines are getting put on a bus.
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Aw, I thought she was going to stick around. Her being in love with him is a big anti-death flag for Akihiro though. They'll definitely meet again, and he's immune to death until they do!
For fuck's sake Mikazuki.
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Be careful what you ask for.
This guy has a bit of a dead fish look to his eyes. It's a bit of a funny contrast with Atra.
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haha, it's an akihiro bear.
Well fucking RIP.
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What the fuck.
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This sort of thing sours me on a show quickly.
Well it's a damn shame things can't always be sunshine and blue skies. This is kind of what I expected was going to happen.
They're still all dancing around in the palm of Buddha's hand. MacGillis still holds all the cards.
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MacGillis is a very hard to trust guy.
Barbatos looks more and more beast-like with each iteration.
That red-haired arsehole is narrating the PV too. He's totally already got one foot in the grave.
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I think let's stop there for now. I need to go find something relaxing to end on.
Want to do an episode of Long Riders!> Bah. That was supposed to be a question mark.
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Oh, that will be fine. Is it episode 11 we're on? okay let's start!
I saw the Long Riders! manga while i was in Japan too. If I hadn't already had a lot of stuff on the list to buy, I might have picked it up.
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It's too mediocre to buy when there are so many other things you can get.
Manga is pretty cheap! But despite that, I was running short on storage space and had to make cuts.
Riding at night in a polished biking trail sounds really nice. Especially if it goes past some good scenery. Something like that on a warm summer night would be lovely.
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I don't like piloting anything in the dark.
We cut pretty close to the 18:30 turn in for our bike rentals in Kyoto, and since it was winter, we usually had to do the route back to the bike shop in fairly dark lighting. It's kind of nerve-wracking, but biking on vehicle roads is already kind of nerve-wracking, so it kind of blurs in to that.
They're all bullying her.
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wow even her hand;ebars have lights.
I've got a little flashlight like that on my desk. They're useful to have around.
Hah hah, this is pretty much what I expected from all that light.
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I have a little LED flashlight. My new phone has a flashlight function too. It's pretty handy.
Yeah, that's been a staple of phones for a few generations. I guess you're just learning of it since you used to have a grandfather phone, hah hah. I don't use it that much though, but it's good to have around.
Biking is probably a good trick to staying awake though. Oh no.
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She's always getting into trouble.
There's something really comforting about the fluorescent lighting of conbini late at night.
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I like cool lighting.
Man I want to do biking again. It's still pretty thoroughly winter here though.
Ice cream Ice cream
Let's try and get Kirara for the last episode of this if we can.
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okay! thanks for anime
Mhm, thanks.