might as well continue the "me" post with a blog today was going so well until I tore the skin of the old guy had to get five stitches old people really are fragile
Actually wait, most likely the result willl be closing the wage gap, possibly putting women ahead They're gonna solve it!
By having a huge amount of women strike on March 8th, the low skill, low income ones will maybe be fired, and that means the average goes up This is genius
>change status because accidentally clicked on the "whats on your mind" thing on batoto >replies to your status why?
there's an option to do that?
if you click your account thingie, it has a "what's on your mind?" I pretty much press that thing only once in few months so I jokinly each time alternate it between fishcakes and booze
>a robbery happened the day before Trump made that statement >3 masked men with AKs robbed a goldsmith >it just wasn't reported on until later Trump didn't know, but he managed to actually hit a day something big happened anyway
i'm watching a video of tucker carlson talk to an antifa protestor that was at the berkley riot and reading hermain cain's comments on it
i miss berkeley that's where i lived in california for two weeks
The matchmaking in Wildlands seems really good It recommended me a player to play with, and said he had a playstyle 82% similar to mine, and he's also someone who plays at least 3 hours at a time Those are two pretty key variables for games like this
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
this antifa lady is really painful to listen to
>>36476 What are you listening to? The interview with the teacher who outright, explicitly called for more riots?
Turns out it probably wasn't the right doing some Machiavellian shit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i wish she would shut the fuck up so tucker could actually talk to her
Oh it's a new interview with her! I guess the first one I watched was local news
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
https://www.hermancain.com/tucker-takes-on-a-proud-violent-berkeley?utm_content=buffer27cfe&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer hermain cain's comments on it
Saw a customer in the store totally lose his shit today. I think he just felt like the line was too long, so he started yelling all this racial abuse at my manager. And then this other told him to stop and he started yelling at her and calling her a bitch an' stuff. It broke the monotony of an otherwise uneventful day.
sick im hungover af bought a bottle of sake and some Bourbon Barrel Ale which was fucking delicious zero regrets i'm on about a four day pattern now, so that's a big improvement. did a week without a few weeks ago but a little slower progression was needed for reasons
I was meant to read some more law stuff but FUUHHK. THAT.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
http://www.politico.com/story/2017/02/trump-twitter-staffer-235263 >The key to keeping Trump’s Twitter habit under control, according to six former campaign officials, is to ensure that his personal media consumption includes a steady stream of praise. And when no such praise was to be found, staff would turn to friendly outlets to drum some up — and make sure it made its way to Trump’s desk. >Staff members had one advantage as they aimed to manage candidate Trump’s media diet: He rarely reads anything online, instead preferring print newspapers — especially his go-to, The New York Times — and reading material his staff brought to his desk. Indeed, his media consumption habits were on full display during his roller-coaster news conference this past Thursday, when he continually remarked on what the media would write “tomorrow,” even as print outlets’ websites already had posted stories about his remarks. >A former senior campaign official said Nunberg and his successor, former communications director Jason Miller, were particularly skilled at using alternative media like Breitbart, Washington Examiner, Infowars and the Daily Caller to show Trump positive coverage.
marsh, i need to ask you something, since you're the only person who's really used like i have the enjoyment of the drink, there's obviously immediate enjoyment but was it the calm the day-after that did it for you?
i mean, being hungover kind of sucks, but it's also the best part i get to fucking ignore any responsibility, have a gluttonous meal, binge watch youtube videos and binge-read wikipedia articles none of that stupid motivation crap that makes you want to get up and go for a walk or clean the house
I know exactly what you mean. For a little while I was basically living for that feeling. Life is much more manageable when your mind is chugging along at a nice, slow, calm pace. But it's not sustainable - at least.. It wasn't for me. >>36509 So what? They keep him in his own special hug box full of positive reinforcement?
it's also when i'm most productive, personally even though i'm lacking motivation i'm pretty complacent i'm content to do nothing or do whatever, as long as it's not really physically laborious
it's when i sit and watch six hours of lectures on game design from the GDC conference on youtube or whatever i think maybe my brain needs a leash
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>36511 yeah >During another damage-control mission, when former Miss Universe Alicia Machado took to the airwaves to call out Trump for calling her "Miss Piggy" and "Miss Housekeeping," the communications team scrambled to place a story in conservative-friendly outlets like Fox News, the Washington Examiner, the Daily Caller and Breitbart.
>>36512 Yeah. For sure. If you had asked me three years ago I would have told you that those periods were when I was thinking most clearly. and I was actually smarter and more rational when my mind was in that state. I really did enjoy it. It's also a great way to watch anime But like I said.. it's not sustainable. I lost those feelings after I started needing a heavier binge just to feel anything at all. And after those the hangovers/anxiety were too bad to enjoy anything.
>>36513 Sounds like the leader of the free world needs constant supervision from his handlers.
>>36514 sometimes i think back to way back when like when we used to go in mumu and you'd do your schoolwork i had never really drank back then. i mean, obviously i had drank a beer at an outing, or a glass of wine or whatever, but never enjoyed it and had never really been drunk i was a mess back then a real mess neurotic to the core, no doubt about it i couldn't even cope with simple distresses without having a breakdown
>>36521 Thanks for chatting I mainly just was curious about that hangover feeling I intend to keep progress with spacing out and replacing my consumption instead with valerian root it's what I used back then, and it's what i will use in the future
http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-39056786 Been a while since I've read a "nothing is wrong in sweden, shut up racists" >Malmo, along with other urban centres in Sweden, has one of the highest levels of reported rapes in proportion to population in the EU, mainly due to the strictness of Swedish laws and how rape is recorded in the country. "it isn't that they have high rapes, they just have strict laws
How many times have I heard that one especially from BBC
And seeing how it's really "rape and sexual offenses that get REPORTED", I wonder how that fluctuates with the reality
because it ignores the problem it ignores that there are zoens where the swedish police can't go, without being assaulted by the local gangs it ignores reality, that they give women "don't rape me" bracelets, that promptly got ignored and so on It is just "nothign to see please move on, and also trump and farage are WRONG"
>>36541 also yeah many //some swedes and germans don't report their own rapes, ebncause it might get the rapist deported
>>36543 That post had nothing to do with Sweden specifically. There's lots of reasons not to report. But when it comes down to all those other issues, that's completely separate from the claim of "Look at how high your sex offense count is." and the rebuttals to it. The problem with police penetration isn't here.
>>36544 I don't know what you are going about anymore, but my original point abvoe was that since sweden took a dive downhill in being a civil society, where you can walk the streets unharassed, the domestic media and some international media, with BBC being a flagboy there, have held a stance of "nothing is wrong, you are wrong, it is just because of their strict lwas, they are NOT FAILING" this has been going on for like 10 years already The strict law is I think from 14 or 15 first time i heard about it before that it was "most rapes are made by people the victim knew" with bullshit lies like 90% or shit when statistics prove that about 40% or more of cases in sweden was a complete stranger and only 10-20% where they were close or friends
Not to mention the whole coverup and loose or nonexistent punishments for people of special needs, when they did wrong. I mean, a good bad example is a guy who came in as "child refugee" , but turned out to be what 20 to 30, stayed in the country illegally, reapplied for asylum, got granted it, raped a 14 year old, was arrested, about to be deported, claimed to have converted to christianity and then got that asylum he wanted. Despite clearly not knowing what christianity was all about.
and it is just ridiculous that a system that allows this ind of bullshit exists and is allowed to contineu existing.
I mean, I'd do all the same shit and use the system to my benefit, if there was one and the people running it were gullible enough to buy all "big bad wolf blew muy house away" stories But just come on. No society can stand when they have that faulty ideologically driven bullshit systems running.
Not to mention sweden still deports people not the "people of special needs" of course but people who have commited no crimes, pay taxes and are good citizens, but have erred ins ome minor ways.
You can't deport people who have done serious crimes, because those crimes are heavily punished in their homeland, meaning they're at risk The whole system is literally set up to protect you as long as you've done something horrible
Wealth is what matters in western socities, dominantly white, the upper class is mostly white but in india it is indians and in africa it is africans and so on and so forth
>>36564 Being white factors in at a social level. Not so much on a financial one. Capitalism is the only thing that you aren't i mmediately granted under white privilege. While your dude got 2 years instead of 6 for murder, you can get 6 months instead of 10 years for rape.
>>36567 >black kids getting shot at for walking on lawns while white adults getting treated like babies for provoking ideas against civil rights all in the same day We live it friend. >>36568 You might not be able to play the system, but you definitely have a higher chance at doing so.
To be fair, only one of those is a violation of the NAP t. ancap
>>36573 Oh and btw if you were a swede, you'd have no rights since you are not an immigrant, even if you are black you have not moved there recently, you are a swede, you have no culture, no history you are just a shitty person who should give more space tot he new Swedes
>>36573 You're American, you're not gonna get the benefits You'll be treated like everyone else ...though that might be a step up anyway, since Sweden is still arguably better in a lot of ways than the US
Yeah I maen sweden is shittiest in eu in terms of the immigration problem but they have not done much cracking down on human and civil rights compared to germany, who are real thought policing and all that
Or france which is practically STILL under martial law
>>36584 That's not a lense thing It's legitimately used as just a term without any slight intended Like "white" or "black" It definitely is used as a slur too, though
Gtfo I think both me an SK know our national lexicon better than you and the culture and attitudes behind terms and such I won't deny "neekeri" wasn't used as a slur at times, but at the same time it wasn't frowned upon when describing someone "That thomas guy is a real nice fellow" "thoams who "you know that nigger" "Oooh"
Also "nigger" still exists, exclusively as a slur We just have "neger " as well Way milder
>>36589 I wasn't challenging your understanding of it at all.
We also have a pretty heavy anti-racism thing going on with everyone, so nobody actually says stuff that's outright racist Well, some do But most people avoid it like the plague
I guess it's cause clicking it doesn't close it, it hides it and pauses it But if it hasn't started playback yet, pausing won't do anything So it just hides it
man is shame no one ever uses this in SW movies force choke + saber throw all you need to do is time them well and wops
... It is just the simple truth over there. it is no pol stuff or right wing scare mongering there is nor ight wing in swedenf or that matter, their "right" is pretty much central party
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
I'm not talking about Swedish political groups brexit, trumpism bullshit
Well anyhow, whole nation of sweden is an ostrich with their head buried in sand ignorant of their situation and refusing to face truth. and of course, truth is oppressive and proplematic. >>36609 Well yeah, trump ahs no idea about sweden for that matter But sweden is a "canary in the coal mine"
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
Is there any actual evidence? Milo is for example a complete dumpster fire here's the gov release http://www.government.se/articles/2017/02/facts-about-migration-and-crime-in-sweden/ I don't buy this bullshit
>>36611 Reminded that sweden's government is a feminist government, self proclaimed and for their feminist views it was important to wear a hijab and not be culturally intolerant, when visiting iran. >>36614 well yeah because their government is nothing more than virtue signaling bunch of hypocrites
I don't really base much trust in a political system and party, whose previous prime minsiter stated while in power "Swedish people have no culture and history, sweden belongs tot he migrants"
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
there's so much slimy bullshit out there trying to push this stupid sweden narrative give me one good source
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>36616 nice soundbite bro i'm sure that's exactly what happened
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
lol i google that quote and it's all breitbart white genocide project yep >>36620 yep what he said was deliberately twisted whaddya know open society is good => we want to get cucked by da muslims!!!
Well you can have your views and your opinions I have seen the development with my own eyes, with just visiting sweden yearly or twice a year since I was born
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I don't have any first hand experience but I'm also not going to fall for obvious BS if you start distrusting the BBC of all things like the gold freaking standard of journalism maybe start questioning your assumptions
BBC, is not a good standard for quality journalism you can ask nagi more about that if you want a locals opinion.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah no
so you don't want to know what a british person, who pays taxes, thinks of their tax funded news organisation?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
right let me ask one person you've selected and as we all know all Britons are well informed about the state of their own news media tabloids have no purchase in the UK give me a break it would take an enormous burden of evidence to convince me that the freaking B B C of all things is actually the jew leftist illuminati
well for whatever bbc is, it is biased as fuck and more concerned about ideology than the truth nowadays Of course, that is just the "loudest" part of the organisation and doesn't represent the whole goliath but denying it just because it doesn't fit youur world view isn't a good stance
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah who am i gonna trust the freakin bbc or internet commentators
>>36623 I may be wrong, but. I believe her issue with the BBC was the cronyism of its hiring policy. And not the standard of its journalism.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
as soon as you start saying shit like "the bbc is not about the truth" you need to check yourself
No media outlet, main stream or alternate is about the truth entirely, for that matter. I just trust msm much less than the smaller ones, with no corporate or governments influencing them
What, trusting governments and corporate funded groups to be unbiased is badn ow?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
this is vague FUD man yeah duh everyone has their own bias there's a thing called journalism which BBC by the way has long been and continues to be incredibly good at but no apparently smaller publications which clearly have no agenda or ambition for clicks are definitely more trustworthy the cloud of complete garbage misinformation emitted from most of these, especially the ones you've linked, gives me great confidence in that regard
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
maybe i should move to the UK if i love the BBC that much
once I ve linked I don't really link much stuff for that matter and even today just that vid of the PM
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah man i'm sorry for attacking you i'm tired of seeing misinformation all over it's an eyesore to come back to my own site and see this stuff you know?
it's been fun to see Milo get completely deconstructed at least what a garbage heap that was it seems paying attention to a troll actually killed a troll for once >>36641 maybe your idea of the truth hmm hmmmm
Man these are sensitive times, ideologies clash easily. I just generally don't like groups that do shit like BBC, even if they in general are 90% good journalism in all topics but when it comes to some topics... they just lie and slander on people
And that is a sore spot for me, because speaking the truth even ehre in Finland, is racist at times. I can't even speak my mind out in the open with my student collegues in my uni, as they are more "tolerant" and demand that from me. I didn't know tolerance was questioning if a 20 year old looking man is actually a child... >>36640 Yeah his attention whoring tactics finally caught up with him, even if it is just smear and character assassination from his ideological opponents.
>>36640 I mean it isn't as bad as the pewds"-gate" but it is like 30% legitimate, what the fuck milo 30% bandwagoning and 30% time to bring this fucker down
and, the exact same would happen to a leftist major speaker, if they stood out it would just be different outlets shouting the stories and at the current state of business, most of the outlets, especially mainstrea, are still aligned with the old powers that be, especially in the states. But say trump is 4 years, a republican candidate follows him and ahs 2 terms
Then the outelts will be equally shitty but right-aligned compared to the current situation with them edia
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
from sam kriss who blew him out
>Listen to what Milo actually says, beyond all the teenage showiness about how many cocks he's sucked and how great his clothes are. He thinks Islam is "sinister," feminism is stupid, and the world revolves around him. He's someone's dad, a spluttering retired colonel full of gravy and defeat, spraying little specks of brussels sprouts from his mouth as he drones on about immigrants at the dinner table, while the kids roll their eyes and push their peas forlornly from one side of the plate to the other. fuckin rekt
But take the smear out and yeah it is a good piece that in a biased way sums up his character he is a provocator and a troll and this time he just said the wrong thing at the wrong time and is now paying the price for it.
Of course, still doesn't remove some idiotical platforms from being idiots like I don't remember what news site it was, that had pieces defending or spinning a symphatetic view on a pedophile, deleting those articles day before posting shit about milo
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
dude stop bringing up like vague accusations of spin and "powers that be" and shit like that is just crazy person talk be specific
It is a vague umbrella term, that mirrors our times just perfectly
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
man I can't talk to you like this it just sounds like youtube comments raving about DA LEFT or THE JEWS
I don't like milo personally and propably wouldn't care jackshit about this case but it just is amusing to find his opponents writing hypocritical pieces about him.
Milo has been playing "THE LEFTS" game against them so far, with all the victim cards he has been using and whatnots but I guess he just finally slipped up
What's hypocritical about it?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
TN reminds me of when i was a teenager taking amusement in trolls bein all above them being all "they're all the same!"
Very well. But Salon is only one news outlet. Not all of his "opponents" are acting hypocritical towards him.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
you say you find hypocrisy amusing and sure that's fine
but like hypocrisy is just a character attack like I can find basically any person or institution on this planet hypocritical if I read enough of their writing, it's not really a real 'result' do you have the deleted article? let's compare the actual substance of the arguments, the parts that matter
you can find the url in archive.is in the tweet
also reminder he didn't actually say he likes kids more like he just said he enjoyed his own abusement in some weird way and tried to somehow defend that attitude
still ended up saying that "older men doing thigns to teens can be okay" which is a weird stance to hold
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Todd Nickerson, writing for the Salon in 2015: >I’ve never touched a child sexually in my life and never will, nor do I use child pornography.
Milo: yeah "older men x teens" and "consent for minors is a thing"
so these are radically different articles
is it just a firefox problem or is it also on chrome hilighting things being 100% crap
well from pol shitposting to other things if you want a semi-humorous semi-legit doc about norway from I dunno 2008? hmm what was it called Brainwash or something
i wonder if i should change all my passwords after this cloudflare thing the chances are slim >>36681 the vuln is understood but we don't know who if anyone has been using it or how much private data is still out there at least gmail should be fine
You know how in fiction when there are big dictators and whatnots they always have giant monitors and whatnots where they give their speeches Has that ever been a case in history?
And should we give trump one?
Or putin, he'd like one A giant putin is watching you monitor on the red square
>>36686 Until fairly recently, giant monitors were really only things corporate ventures could afford.
Yeah but I am just thinking is it just influence from orwell or is there some basis for it Dictators are vain and like to glorify themselves and remin OH OH OH
Man orwell is an interesting character himself went to fight in the spanish civil war, got injured and in the whole mess of that war got so disillusioned by communism that he immediately wrote Animal farm, that parodied soviet union.
I think he did say some "I have to apologise to stalin, since he didn't flee moscow, unlike his pig counterpart in my book" or something.
>>36695 I think 1934 election was the last one untill 1945 or 6
>knife licking >15 tags on booru why so little knife love
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>36698 There's almost certainly more of it, its just untagged.
ceramic knife is better to lick than metallic no extra taste
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I actually lick knives sometimes. Usually not really sharp knives but if I've finished eating and there's a bit left I'll // a bit left on the knife I'll lick it off.
i got this ceramic knife I am eating cheese with is not dull but is not as sharp as a metallic knife would be, but these things practically never get dull
"A ceramic knife is a knife made out of very hard and tough ceramic, often zirconium dioxide (ZrO2; also known as zirconia)" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceramic_knife
ceramic knifes are quite brittle
I have a set of 3 and I accidentally broek the smallest one when I did somethign i use my normal knives for
Hrrm, scalping is actually illegal here. I wonder if they have any bounty programs on scalpers. Although I have scalped a little bit int // in the past I've never sold anything for more than twice the original value. Although I think I've actually not made of a *not made a net profit, but that's literally my father's fault.
>>36730 Oh there will be, definitely. i go to enough concerts to know that there will be scalpers, I'm actually about to check right now too.
and there will be those "tickets to sale" guys who then wind up with 9 or more unsold tickets on them
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
My favorite thing to do is get scalpers to lower their price by telling them "I have a friend or know a guy who will sell me tickets for less than you but he lives like two hours away", and they'll usually meet me in the middle in terms of pricing if I tell them that. It also works when selling tickets to scalpers on the day of an event.
>>36734 >>36732 don't go there don't support scalpers they are fucking cancer and deserve to be left with EVERY extra ticket they bought unused un sold
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Okay I found two people selling tickets to the show on craigslist. One guy is selling them for twice original value and the other is selling them for three times. Well, this is a non general admission show. I meant that they are selling them for twice the original value of the most expensive tickets and three times that value.
>>36734 yeah. That's exactly how you go about any sort of bargaining.
Don't forgot some shows track resellers and ban people from entering with those tickets
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>36739 That's never happened to me but if it did I would take the person/company who sold the ticket to me to court.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Well first I would do some legal research to make sure I actually had a case, I would take them to court if I felt that i had a case.
Report the scalpers to the event guys
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Kirara, do you have a copy of the two volume set "The Jewish Books of Why?"? Cause we have like 3 copies of that at my house.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Err I mean I'll send it to you if you don't have it.
>The Old North French word for 'cherry' is 'cherise'. English speakers heard the 'se' at the end of the word and assumed it was plural, 'cherries', and that the singular form of the word must then be 'cherry' (ok, they spelled it 'chery')
I had a shirt that said broken cherry on it before I knew what that meant. Actually now that I think about it I had two. I bought them at a music festival from a vendor called "Broken Cherry Clothing" or something like that. >>36752 The shirt was cheap and I liked the design, the other shirt had a robot riding a vespa and th elogo of the company on the back. >>36754 yeah I see that now, I got excited when I saw the you and thought someone was replying to this comment. I'd send it to him because he is somewhat new to this being a practicing Jew thing and this is a book about Judaism that is very good and since I have an extra copy I may as well give it to him.
>>36748 It's not the plural. That's the whole point of the FUN FACT
>In Old English, there was a word fragment that was used to refer to cherries: ciris. We say "fragment" because we most often find the word in combinations like ciristrēow and cirisbeam, which both mean "cherry tree," and cirisæppel, the word that means "cherry."
>>36756 If he doesn't feel comfortable doing that then I'm fine with that. But if he does and also wants the book then he gets the book. I don't really lose anything by asking.
>>36797 Maybe tomorrow Jan has been streaming it pretty often I don't think the quality of the game will show as well through streaming either
Like Every single level has a new mechanic but it doesn't feel like, "here's the new mechanic!!!!" shoved in your face I just beat the 23rd boss Every boss so far has been unique Every enemy is memorable The combat is insanely fun I've put at least 40 hours into this and I can tell I'm maybe reaching the halfway point It's just so fun It feels like decades of work and love has gone into this game All the weapon types are super cool and there are so many different play styles for each type They're adding in free new extra hard missions in March and in April, they're adding in live PvP for free too
NASA managers said Friday they hope to know within a month or so whether it might be feasible — or advisable — to put two astronauts on board the first test flight of a huge 322-foot-tall Space Launch System super booster scheduled for its maiden launch late next year.
The study, requested by the Trump administration, already is underway, but William Hill, deputy associate administrator for Exploration Systems Development at NASA Headquarters, said major technical challenges will need to be resolved, and the agency will need more money to make it happen.
??????? Trump wants us to put astronauts on the first test flight of an experimental rocket??????
Looks like the plan would be an unmanned test and if that works a manned test. Looks cool, I like space. We need our own launch system now that the space shuttles are grounded.
>>36809 It literally says >to put two astronauts on board the first test flight of a huge 322-foot-tall Space Launch System super booster scheduled for its maiden launch late next year.
>The current plan calls for launching a “Block 1” SLS rocket in late 2018 — Exploration Mission 1, or EM-1 — to boost an unpiloted Orion capsule on a three-week flight beyond the moon and back to a high-speed re-entry and splashdown.
>EM-2, featuring an astronaut crew, would be launched atop a Block 1B SLS rocket in the late 2021 timeframe. Unlike the EM-1 rocket, the Block 1B version of the SLS would feature a more powerful, human-rated “exploration upper stage,” or EUS.
>President Trump’s transition team asked NASA to look into the possibility of either moving EM-2 earlier or adding astronauts to EM-1. Hill said the latter option was more realistic than the former because of major infrastructure modifications that will be needed to support the larger Block 1B SLS.
The third paragraph mentions that, yeah. There's also this in that article:
>NASA staged a successful uncrewed test flight of the Orion capsule using a Delta 4 rocket in December 2014. Known as Exploration Flight Test 1, or EFT-1, the heavily instrumented Orion capsule was boosted into an orbit with a high point of about 3,600 miles above the Earth. From there, the spacecraft plunged back to Earth, hitting the atmosphere at some 20,000 mph to test its heat shield and other safety systems.
I know you dislike Trump and I'm fine with that and try to give you guys room talking about that, but space stuff is cool. There's nothing wrong with asking to move the timetable up, his administration asked NASA if it could be made safe, they did not order them to do it.
>>36817 I trust US built tech enough that there wouldn't be casualties but Whait what?
>>36818 There's nothing wrong with moving the time table up I am in full support of that UNLESS it means testing a new experimental rocket with human lives
>>36821 The capsule has been tested, the launch system itself is based on old launch systems that we have a lot of experience with from the space program before the shuttles, and the administration simply asked if it could be made safe. I don't see what the problem is.
I seem to remember you being pro Trump at one point Kirara
>>36823 The capsule has been tested But the rocket has not The rocket is similar to some older rockets but is still experimental and should be tested before human lives are risked here
>>36824 Pro-trump is misleading I did intend to vote for him at one point but I have never been pro-trump
>>36825 The rocket is based on the old Saturn V designs, and rockets themselves are very simple. It's basically just fuel + explosion. And it's not like he's ordering them to do it, they've asked NASA to determine if a manned test would be safe.
There's absolutely no indication that they would go forward if NASA indicated that it would not be safe, it's too early to get upset.
When was the last time nasa had a disaster anyhow?
>>36830 I wasn't saying he wants to force them to I'm saying it's a stupid idea >>36834 Literally not what I'm saying at all Why are YOU being sensationalist
>>36837 If NASA says it's fine, I don't see a problem with it. The capsule is tested and the rocket is based on old designs. Rocket science is pretty easy anyway, it's really just a fuel tank on top of an engine. The hard math stuff is actually orbital mechanics.
>>36840 bang have big strong ass not like you, pansy ass
>>36848 Two bits of NASA news, actually! The rocketry stuff Kirara was talking about, and yesterday NASA discovered 7 rocky earth-like exoplanets around a class M Star.
>>36851 You can google it and find countless examples of rocket scientists saying that rocket science really isn't that hard.
>>36853 yeah i know about the exoplanets that's old news what's this rocket thing
the hard part of rocket science isn't building the rockets that's not the rocket science that phrase references the hard part is getting them to go where you want them to i can build a rocket out of the shit under my sink but i can't get that fucker to go anywhere >>36860 well maybe now with half the math figured out
i want to say you're wrong but i guess the major problems we've had in the past involved explosions
>>36858 actually rocket guidance is incredibly easy the complexity of rocket science is that everything on-earth is so precariously configured and all the fuel calculations and specifications of the fuel tanks and coolants and all that have to be so carefully measured lest you blow up a whole crew
Because I'm bad at math. I had to compute interest today and it was horrible.
I guess this is a good place to ask this too when computing monthly interest, do you compute every month off the principal, or do you have to compute off each month's new principal amount based off last month's interest?
>>36862 It sounds more like he wants to know how feasible it is and what barriers are in play check out China's space program
>>36865 that's more a question of if it's compound interest or simple interest usually it's compound nowadays but different accounts work differently but it's almost like you asked a test question and just forgot to work in the vocab words
>>36865 is it compound interest or not if yes, then neither
I dunno, it's just an overdue bill that someone didn't pay and I was trying to figure out how much they owe us.
>>36870 overdue to who oh you should work those terms out on paper beforehand
>>36870 is the debt a loan of some sort? if so it's probably compound interest or is it a contracted interest on late/unpaid balances? if so it's probably just the principal i mean i understand interest but i have no idea with what you're handling
>>36860 Explosions will send the crew pretty far though
>>36871 >>36873 It's a bill for services rendered. The invoice doesn't say what kind of interest it is, just that overdue bills will be 1.5% monthly and 18% annually.
i still haven't watched past the first episode of urara
>>36876 just ask your pimp i'm sure he'll handle it
>>36876 wtf do rocket explosions have to do with bills
>>36867 I don't think it is responsible to send people up in an experimental rocket that has not been tested previously I would totally support moving the timeline up but proposing that we skip the unmanned test flight seems absurd to me
>>36876 Oh you work in the medical industry, right I would assume you want to go by the most recent outstanding balance every single time that you add interest
>>36879 clearly you don't know anything about rocket science
>>36882 Ah, I forgot to account for the explosion tax
>>36879 >The risks were calculated, but man am I bad at math.
>>36879 Rockets are expensive, make sure to pay properly when you have work done on your rocket.
>>36881 Wow, so I have to compute 1.5% monthly and then take the new principal to calculate off of?
>>36876 if it just says 19% annually i'd guess it's not compound and you're just plopping it on from the principal balance but that's just guessing since that's completely dependent on the contract
>>36885 well if you don't know what the contract says, then we're just guessing based on our experience but your contract terms could have all sorts of strange legalese and terms you absolutely need to find out from someone involved or important
Wait, that's like... Is that either/or? It has to be right? 1.5% per month or 18% annually >>36891 You can definitely ask a lawyer to do that for you then
One of them is so small it feels like a waste to have an attorney look at it though. If he looks at it for like two seconds it's going to be more money than the bill itself.
>>36918 You kind of just... use the compound interest formula it should be built into excel if you have defined compound intervals then you just divide that annual interest up into those intervals if you don't, then you've got that thing where you use e instead
>>36924 >asking who even watches anime when it airs >on a small peruvian picture palace where almost everyone watches anime when it airs
LWA series is decent but it's not as good as the OVAs The trigger dude on /a/ said they were having budget problems already Sasuga Trigger
>>36932 do you guys not have an accountant that would deal with that stuff? even being a math person, i don't really understand the legalities of interest and what you'd do in situations >>36934 later nerd
My experience with invoicing is just kind of wing it you run into crazy shit all the time that you don't know how to bill for
ive had to plop late fees, random things, all sorts of stuff as long as it's something to document, it's usually fine but that's invoicing a company for services rendered from me, a contractor i don't know about invoicing an individual who's already late and not paying
Oh, now that I think about it, that's kinda weird. because 18% annually and 1.5% monthly don't even line up. I can only imagine how the terms go but i'm just assuming you go by years first and then countdown the months. Have fun with math.
Oh, Nier is out now. I kinda wanted to try that one, it looked fun.
>>36942 usually you'd just use Pert for continuous compounding since monthly compounding is pretty outdated but in those cases you'd just replace e with (1+ r/n) with r being the rate and n being the frequency so p(1 + 0.19/12)rt
>>36945 Yes but compounding makes that math weird. If you do 18% interest on 100 once, you'd get 118 But if you do 1.5 interest on 100 twelve times, it'd be more than 118. That's why I was confused about doing both annual and monthly. I figured you'd do either one or the other. Doing both would be like, every 12 months counts as a year and then every month remaining gets the monthly rate.
>>36946 Oh, that is true. That's one of the reasons I'm confused!
>>36947 Seems like a silly thing to have an autistic fit over.
>>36944 oh fuck i forgot sammy put that feature in
They added in an achievement for trying to see toobie's butthole too
Don't look at the achievements
>>36946 >if you do 1.5 on 100 twelve times, you get more than 118 no? that's exactly 118 if you're compounding each time then you're not doing it on 100 twelve times though terms usually stipulate if it's annual, monthly, or continuous compounding for invoicing, any compounding seems weird to me though i imagine it'd just be simple interest on the principal
>>36958 Nier is supposed to get a PC release eventually.
>>36959 Probably because she's an android and "do androids poop"
>>36959 Someone Photoshopped a butthole onto Toobie and posted it on Twitter It tricked a very large amount of people And resulted in a short-lived controversy >>36964 Yeah It resulted in a ton of fanart Yoko Taro even joked about it on Twitter, saying there was too much to keep up with and asking for it to just be sent directly to him
>>36969 No, but I will! It's natural to look up a video game character's skirt. It's like how when you get a new doll the first thing you do is look up her skirt.
Stop treating androids as sex objects. They are people too.
>>37027 i recognize that highway i've been on it going through 70 west from saint louis to san francisco there's a rest stop about 30 or so miles east with a bunch of cool trails and i sat out and slept on a giant boulder to the west about 20 miles is a really long tunnel and when you get out you're in frisco colorado which is freaking beautiful
>>37044 for sure i'm not much for doing that at this hour of the day though i'm a little too spastic between like 6am and 3pm i could watch those back to back to back that's usually how i spend my days off watching GDC, topology lectures, random videos like those derren brown specials i showed you whatever things to keep my brain spongy and absorbing by this hour of the day, the sponge is full and i need to squeeze it out into activity
I spent hours watching things about Hardware and Networking and then I remembered that I can watch videos at 1.5x speed on youtube. It's such a blessing.
I've got a canker sore on the inside of my lower lip and it's making chewing difficult. This is suffering.
Bite it off
I might end up unintentionally doing that by the end of these burgers.
she said i'm a slut, i'm a hoe i'm a freak i got a different girl every day of the week
>>37059 Welcome to your life There's no turning back Even while we sleep we will find you acting on yoru best behaviourturn your back on mother nature Everybody wants to rule the world
i dont know i just use the pictures of her singing from the anime because they fit how i feel singing most of the time and i have some other fun stuff just because i impulsively save shit
Well, she is a nice girl to post. my sister has a kurisu in her avatar on telegram as her avatar, even.
I have also grown to like her. Just have only seen the anime, because I'm a busy boy and doing anything else is way beyond many other things on the pile of things I should do. If you want to ball, you gotta do a lot of shit that you might not want to do. You still gotta do that shit. If you want to ball.
>>37065 I found her a bit of a tsundere in the beginning (why hide the fact you like imageboards) but she's pretty nice especially in the later part of the anime. only a girl like her would make a chuuni scientist risk the fate of the world and time travel. >>37067 yeah but he *she, was in a room full of chuunis, and weebs and cosplayers. the most normal person was suzuha.
i mean i dont really jog around telling knobs and every old droog about how imageboards are the shit but i mean i guess thats because im not on them all that often, but you know >>37066 that's true, that's true i concede that fact for sure
I imagine, for japanese otakus, being a imageboard meme is like the worst tier. memer*
Yeah, the node I/J debuff weakens the CV himes she has along for the ride. It's pretty easy to do and you have to go to node J anyway for the final debuff so you should do it. Just make sure you take some anti-installation stuff when you go to node J so you can actually S rank it.
It's a pretty common mean trick to put a rock in a snowball and toss it at people. I've certainly had rocks thrown at me, but I can't say with certainty as to what the motives of the throwers were.
have you ever had three men from the future who were actually just one guy fuse into one guy and then die but put his soul in your motorcycle so it can fly so you can have a flying card game on a motorcycle with a guy that looks like you but from the future and then drive your motorcycle into space so you could use the power of friendship to combine you and your friend's trading cards to summon your new trump card and save the world
have you ever spent 400 dollars in tea in one sitting
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>37135 so your life is literally endless despair until you die
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
isn't that normal
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Republican senators in Arizona voted for SB1142 this week, which proposes expanding the state’s racketeering laws to also include rioting.
It will permit police to arrest people who are at least involved in planning a protest.
“Wouldn’t you rather stop a riot before it starts?” asked former police officer and Senator John Kavanagh during the debate, according to the Capitol Times.
>>37141 Next they're going to be claiming all protests are riots just waiting to happen.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that's what their claim is for the rationale behind the bill actually
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
“Do you really want to wait until people are injuring each other, throwing Molotov cocktails, picking up barricades and smashing them through businesses in downtown Phoenix?
“You now have a situation where you have full-time, almost professional agent-provocateurs that attempt to create public disorder.
“A lot of them are ideologues, some of them are anarchists. But this stuff is all planned.”
What a glorious authoritarian.
>>37142 Only watched this and the original (egyptian series)
>>37147 GX gets pretty good. I need to actually watch Zexal, I got halfway through it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the people that were supposed to be "evicted" from the area the keystone pipeline were in was raided today 200 police officers swarmed roughly 100 people and set fire to a barricade that the protestors put up 50+ people were violently arrested for refusing to leave
>>37149 well, I think the loli demon card posesses yaden that could have been fun.
By racketerrering, they probably mean RICO. RICO allows you to prosecute people who conspire with other criminals to commit criminal acts, simply the act of plotting criminal acts can make a group of people liable for the crime. RICO is a federal act but it's a kind of anti-racketeering law.
If people are preparing molotov cocktails and stuff they're probably up to no good.
>>37151 Yuel is a hermaphrodite yandere but I wouldn't say they're a loli
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
meanwhile the vice president keeps claiming that the US will stand with israel and posting an image of nicaragua's flag
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>37152 It's not RICO, it's just a state thing. It doesn't just cover criminal acts, it covers all plannings of protests under the assumption that they have the potential to become riots.
>>37157 Yeah, like I said RICO is a federal law and they probably just mean racketerring in the sense that RICO does. Most people just think shady business when they hear racketeering.
>>37164 I'm sure it's aimed at trying to get people who plan to show up to protests and cause property damage/fights/civil disruption/etc. I think it's probably difficult to draw the line where planning for a protest stops and planning a riot begins, and it will probably be up to the courts to decide where it is.
>>37166 A large amount of criminal law is open to abuse though, it's often written in a vague fashion to give prosecutors lots of wiggle room to do their jobs.
where it's aimed isn't the issue, it's the potential for abuse
What it does is make it so if you plan a protest and someone comes and starts being violent, you're liable for that person's actions. So if they start breaking windows, you are now guilty of racketeering under conspiracy to riot.
I guess those paid protest mercenaries are going to see a lot more business now then eh. Hoh hoh hoh.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Also people who participated in the protest, even if they didn't plan it, can be held responsible for the actions of the violent person due to the broadness of the writing
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
actually, there doesn't even have to be violence it's written so that threats of violence are considered rioting
They also want you to get your news from the only authentic source in the country. The office of the White House. Har har har.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's important to stop fake news like bbs or the new york times! can't let them report on the white house - someone might read those reports and that would be bad
>>37176 hmm I believe that racketeering works like that, as long as the initial act is illegal you're liable for anything that happens during the comission of the act. I'm not sure I can think of any example where you're liable if someone comes and does something illegal during a legal act, though.
I need to finish reading this big piece of law though to really know if it can hold up or not. It may be possible that planning a protest that you didn't file the right papers for is technically an illegal act under the law.
>>37184 I'd prick her and make her bleed if you know what I'm saying.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>37185 The initial act isn't illegal here, yeah, you were just saying that
>>37185 The new parts are colored in blue and removals are colored in red. It's mostly just a list.
>>37183 Tangentially related, but do you have an opinion on CNN and The New York Times being refused access to the White House's press gauntlet recently?
>>37189 I think it's absolutely absurd to ban them I do think that CNN has been heavily biased against Trump but he just has a personal grudge with the NYT Even so, banning a major news conglomerate like this is obscene, especially if you are doing it on the claim that they print lies, when you are spouting even more lies
It's kind of an interesting situation, because the government doesn't really owe the press anything. But it seems a bit distopian for the government to give preferential treatment to the news agencies they like. But a lot of the things that have happened with the press in the past year or two is pretty distopian. I think it speaks to a larger issue with how entertwined government and press is right now.
>>37188 So all they really did was add rioting to the list?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>37198 A lot of theories from people that know Spicer are saying that this sentence is terribly formatted
A lot of people that know Spicer have been saying that they think he is trying his best to properly represent Trump's views on the media
>>37199 If you say it like that, it sounds like it's not a big deal, but if you want to oversimplify it, yes. It wouldn't be a problem if the wording didn't make it so broad that anyone involved in a protest risks becoming guilty of a class 5 felony just by being in proximity to someone doing something bad. The law also allows the state to seize someone's personal property if they are involved in rioting, which under this definition, is /// ranges from "making threats" to using violence or force.
In other words, the peaceful protest that I recently visited for photographs would have been a riot because there were people making threats of violence.
>>37200 I mean, perhaps he's a decent person inside. But the face he's been showing to the public in recent time has been confrontational, rude, and inconsiderate. Not to mention he has consistently failed to impart clear and concise information in his role as press secretary. I don't believe in giving people slack in situations like this just because they might be a decent person underneath it.
>>37201 This law (and most other criminal laws) has an intent element that has to be satisfied for you to be guilty. if you read subsections A and B of it you can read some about that. Basically, you have to willfully be part of a common sceme scheme that involves rioting.
Simply being present at a protest probably would not be enough. But if you were a bystander screaming as left wing thugs punch right wing thugs, and especially if you acted as if you were a part of the crowd or did anything to be in the way of police, you could probably be held liable. My advice to anyone in Arizona is that if you are at a protest and it turns violent, you should leave the area as quickly as you can and get off the protest line, etc, etc.
This legislation will allow the police to grab up people who seem to be with the rioters but aren't committing any really overt criminal actions, like throwing molotovs right in front of the police or anything like that.
Bystanders should be safe because it would be too hard for the police to prove intent. The intent applies to the illegal act of rioting, not simply being present at a large protest.
Definitions can be stretched and pulled to great extents. They can even be used wrongly. The seizures and shit is one thing but the law as //ends up being a mechanism for action.
>>37209 What qualifies as a riot should be defined in their state code somewhere. I imagine it would be things like property damage, obstruction of traffic, etc. I agree that it does increase the ability of police to break up protests because as soon as violent acts happen the police will be able to scatter the group and arrest those that appear to be a part of the violence.
It basically means a few violent people could ruing the whole thing for everybody.
>>37210 >>37212 Right, this is why racketeering laws can be tricky. You have to watch out who you are planning things with because if one of your fellows is planning with another fellow to do something illegal, you can be held liable for their bad acts. Subsection B requires that: >knows or has reason to know that a person with whom such person conspires to commit an offense Which means that you still have to know that something fishy is going on. As long as you leave the area and do not assist in violent acts, you will probably be fine. If you do anything to indicate that you probably know that bad acts will happen, then you're liable.
Subsection A requires >uch person agrees with one or more persons that at least one of them or another person will engage in conduct constituting the offense and one of the parties commits an overt act in furtherance of the offense Which is pretty easy not to fall into. Don't help them.
Conspiracy is really easy to get someone on. If you agree to protest, you're agreeing that a criminal act could occur because you're organizing an event knowing full well that this could happen. Just organizing a protest is helping them, that's how they get you. To get someone on conspiracy, all you really need is an agreement and aid to the bad guy. Even if you're not agreeing to commit acts of violence, you can prove in court that you had an agreement with people involved in the riot.
You must know or have reason to know that another person will engage in conduct constituting the offense. Implicit in this is knowledge of a specific scheme or action. A suspicion does not rise to the level of knowledge, you have to be aware of and have knowledge of something specific.
>>37214 I understand that's how it works on paper, but conspiracy is almost always shown in court using circumstantial evidence. You don't have to actually prove that the person had knowledge of a specific scheme or action, even though you are supposed to do so.
From the definition of conspiracy they have, the first thing that comes to mind is cheering on a dude that punches a guy in a crowd. Riot seems harder.
>>37216 Yep, that person can be snatched up. That person will definitely be fair game for prosecution.
>>37215 I understand that you show it through circumstantial evidence, but the prosecution is going to need something better than that a person just attended a protest! It may get the occasional person who unwittingly plans a protest with a bunch of antifa planning to beat people up, but most people who do things innocently and don't really have any reason to know something bad is up should be reasonably safe from it.
A law that "occasionally gets" an innocent doesn't really seem like a sound law to me.
>>37217 They should be, but they won't necessarily be. The law isn't inherently bad here. It could be a fine, normal law. However, we can't trust it to be carried out in good faith here. This law is clearly being proposed to stop protests from occurring through fear.
Unfortunately, this law has the potential to capture a lot of people that are innocent.
>>37218 All law is like that, though. The only way to completely eliminate false convictions is to eliminate law. This law is no more likely to produce false convictions than racketeering normally is. But yes, racketeering laws tend to catch people more often than things like murder laws.
Drug laws often catch innocent people at a pretty high frequency though, you can get in trouble if you let someone into your car and they have drugs on them even though you didn't know they did.
>>37222 I trust courts. I don't trust the police here, and I don't trust the lawmakers, and I don't trust that the law is written in a way that a Jury could interpret it without sentencing innocents along with the actual criminals.
>>37223 I think the burden of proof lies with the side making the claim that the legislature, law enforcement, judges, prosecutors, and defense lawyers are all in on a plot to prosecute innocent protesters is the one that needs er this sentence is derailed
but you get my drift.
>>37224 Law enforcement and prosecutors can often by a little overzealous. The court usually does a good job of checking them though. Judges aren't out to get people.
Well geez, can you find someone like that then? I just want citation.
>>37222 I can't. Not in this climate. Not in regards to protests. And definitely not by the law enforcement that will be carrying it out. The courts are one thing. My problem lies in the law as a mechanism to strong arm protests. Even if all the charges get thrown out because the jury/judge think the officers were wrong, the damage is essentially already done.
>>37225 I trust judges, definitely. I generally trust law enforcement - I work with law enforcement, I have lots of friends that are law enforcement. I don't think law enforcement is going to overstep their bounds here. But I think the law tells them that their bounds are where they aren't, and the police will be doing things they shouldn't and arresting innocent people because they are ordered to.
But the judges' opinion of the law isn't going to be a major factor. When these people are sentenced, the state seizes their property, meaning they no longer have money. They aren't going to be able to appeal these and take it to a court that can declare that law to be wrong. And if the fact is that this person fits what the bill describes, the jury has to say guilty.
>>37228 Law enforcement can be a mixed bag. Many of them just want to do what's right and help people and communities, but some of them are assholes. Prosecutors are politicians in the end, and can be overzealous around election time.
I really don't think too many innocent people will be targeted by this law. This seems aimed at getting the people who stand around and cheer as people are beaten up.
I believe the seizure of property that goes along with racketeering law is generally done with the aim to prove the offense. I haven't read those sections though.
>>37227 I think that protests will be strong armed and dispersed, yes, but that the blame lies as much with people who go to them to hurt people and cause property damage as it does law enforcement. If these things didn't happen at protests, law enforcement would not be able to use this act to disperse them.
I believe that people who are wrongly arrested have a good chance of fighting and winning in court.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>This seems aimed at getting the people who stand around and cheer as people are beaten up. that could be anyone, even someone that didn't do that
I wonder if Rika would have an identical opinion on the matter if a similar law had been introduced in the Obama administration.
>>37230 There are lots of videos of mobs chasing people and people getting beaten up while other people cheer, though. There are lots of examples of this sort of thing happening.
>>37231 Of course, I abhor political violence. I'm just reading the law fairly. Me being a super passionate trump supporter is just a meme, I care a lot less about the administration than people seem to think I do. I just approach most things with a fairly neutral temperament so I give lots of things a fair shake.
>>37231 I don't think she's okay with this because of Trump or anything, she's not that bad.
I think this is a cultural thing.
>>37232 That's not wrong, but what I mean is that it's easy to say someone was cheering even if they weren't. Not even on purpose, just by mistake. In that situation, it's easy to mix people up. Eyewitnesses are terrible across the board and should never be used as the smoking gun, but that's what this comes down to in situations like that.
I don't disagree with what this law is trying to do (stop George Soros), but I think there are ways to do it without putting innocents in danger. In fact, I think you can already go after people funding these riots without using racketeering laws.
>>37234 It affords the state wide prosecutorial discretion, but that's just the nature of racketeering laws. Prosecutorial discretion is most often used to help people though, despite the conceptions a lot of people have about law enforcement.
>>37236 I may be morally deficient enough to take that kind of money for a single night. Shame I probably don't fit the casting for the role, probably.
>>37236 Someone at CPAC was like "these guys get paid 1500/wk to protest" and I want that.
>>37238 It would be kind of tempting to break a window or two for $2000. I bet you could even go the entire night without actually doing anything illegal and just lie about what you did to Soros' goons. >>37241 "i'm getting paid to break this window, i will give you $200 to not call the police"
>>37237 I think that we're at a point where we can't afford this kind of discretion. This could be used to curtail first amendment rights and that's terrifying in the current political environment.
Just fucking pay off the dude whose window you're about to break. Be like "Bro, I will get this shit fixed and slide you $200 extra, we are fucking in this."
Yeah I could probably do that.
Man why don't we have any kind of complete dissolution into rioting here. Life here is so boring.
Shit dude, you could REPLACE your window with a CERTIFIED PRE-BROKEN WINDOW And just make it a photoshoot
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
if the cops actually come, we can be like "this is my house, i'm just doing a photoshoot for twitter"
These fucking people love to talk shit about getting paid to do all this when you could just use all that money to fake it. Holy shit, what if people are getting paid to say they're windows are broken? What if there's a reverse Soros?
For all the shit people say about Soros with all this money, it just doesn't make sense sometimes. Unless he really just likes seeing people break windows.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i would take a bit of koch cash to say my windows are broken
>>37253 It's probably just because he thinks it's the right thing to do, that the cause is worth fighting for. In interviews, he describes himself as someone that is both moral and amoral at the same time, where he acts as a businessman and does what he has to do, but also wants to make the world better, and thinks that those aren't at odds with each other. So he's willing to manipulate currency and, for example, crash the Bank of England, but he still wants to make sure that people have rights, even if they're poor and dying.
Soros is just an extremely demented individual. He was a Nazi collaborator who sent his own people off to die and stole their belongings. I'm fairly biased against him for that reason, but I do think that he's a genuinely demented person.
Well it certainly is a "right" thing to do. Har har har.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
jan's gas station got robbed but he's okay
Yeah he mentioned that earlier. Poor guy can't seem to catch a break there.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
he says the guy had a gun but wasn't particularly hostile and said please and thank you
Did a Canadian with a gun end up all the way in Texas or something.
>>37259 is he otherwise okay or was it distressing