I feel bad for the random people who are going to basically get caught up in a stupid conversation no competition, not conversation betwee protagonist-chan and being X
I was peeking into Youjo Senki theads. Threads, even. Apparently the author of the novels might not even be Japanese. And that the original web novels were published as a sort of point made to show how any kind of stupid shit can be published by Japanese publishing companies. But now the franchise is a runaway success, and it's kind of hard to just say "hey this was just a joke, man".
I was kind of hoping Tanya's second in command-chan was going to finish him off after noticing him to demonstrate exactly how much of a mook he really was.
He says that, but Scandinavia is looking pretty damned.
The fetishes in this show are a little more difficult than the ones in Amagami. Amagami just had stuff like naval fixation and kneepits. This show's got furfaggotry and sitting fixations.
Biking anime is weird too because of the way bike races are conducted you draft for your teammates and then die and let a single teammate win for you. So at the end of the race everybody dies.
Though this arc has been a bit more hot-blooded than the series has been previously. That sort of thing is nice too.
>it's the unicorn talking that finally pushes her over the edge on deciding if it's a dream or not
Of course Rika, don't be silly. Animals can't talk.
All these shows about people pushing themselves hard while biking and getting to relax in baths after the physical work. I wish I could relax in a bath.
You have to be assertive with women or they will walk all over you. You're plenty stubborn here I'm sure you can muster some to win some time in the tub.
This was a good episode.
Another good end card.
>>37484 I give way to people I respect. Both tubs in the house are in bathrooms that are undeniably ones possessed by other entities other than myself. I try to avoid intruding on those bathrooms unless absolutely necessary out of respect.