Thread #36044
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okay let's all out! okay let's start!
all in
tfw abs
new best friends :3
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It's kind of sad the episode after a game ends
btw the 3 blossoms symbol thing is the symbol of their national team the brave blossoms
she's getting mansplained
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She's pretty cute, too bad she probably won't appear after this.
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Why are they sad?
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Is that true? Is that an unwritten rule?
kind of. it's considered uncouth to go overboard in try celebrations but people go wild when they win just don't rub it in the other teams faces
i bet tacchan shwos up
wow fujos
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It's just girl talk.
chubby chaser
time for old man wisdom
tfw too much
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That guy can't handle his booze.
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Masamune's revenge! we need ika and perhaps rook? okay just ika okay let's start!
Ready. Only took six minutes to show up.
. one little dumb squiddy>>36164 >>36161 >>36172 >>36165
I just wish I had a room as large as his. Something like that would be a luxury.
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I'm surprised he actually was able to answer the phone after all that thinking.
nopain wins
He's pretty sharp where it comes to stuff like this. Though I guess he's not actually stupid.
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Masamune-kun no(…).jpg )
Aki is really difficult.
I wonder if Neko expects this. She seems like the kind of person to predict him trying to retrieve the photo.
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I still haven't figured out what her angle is.
time to put it in
She likes her boys THICK.
Wow what is this music track.
Search [iqdb] (132 KB, 1280x720, [GJM] Urara Meirochou - 06 [30(…).jpg )
>it's okay that you were fat because you're hot now
I think she found him cute while fat too though.
adagaka cucki
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs]_Momokuri_-_07+0(…).jpg )
wow a hand on hand lip to lip kiss! they basically just had anime sex
Wow Masamune is this the shallowness of your RESOLVE?
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Guys pretty much always lose in this sort of situation.
not always true some people are STRONGEST
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So if she doesn't like him, what's her angle? Revenge on Aki, maybe?
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Or maybe she really did like him.
Her reaction did seem to indicate there was more to it than just like though. If he had missed the mark entirely when claiming she didn't like him it would have been easy for him -for her to just deny it.
she is a robot sent from the future to discover what love is
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Wow she's such a piggy she's immune to brain freeze too.
This attendant lady is saying a lot of stuff that could really mess with his pursuit of Adagaki if she's listening and putting two and two together.
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Wow, she was lying about lying about being sick. That's high level.
Oh fucking RIP.
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He did exactly what I was hoping he'd do. You didn't mess it up for once, Protagonist-kun!
apart from nopan being DEAD
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Well that's kinda her fault for going after a guy she knew was unavailable and then getting heartbroken when he said no. Though I'm sure it is a bit of a blow to the confidence for him to say no when you've already mounted him.
I mean like you said, a lot of guys would cave in a situation like that. She took her gamble and it didn't pay off.
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okay thanks for anime! I think that's all for me for now.
okay i think theres only zesty anyway
Search [iqdb] (814 KB, 1000x1000, 1487417505064.jpg )
yeah, just zesty. I have a super early day tomorrow though, so I plan to be unconscious in about 30 minutes.
Zestiria might help you speed towards that, har har har. But I'm still behind anyway so it's fine.