>>37295 I guess I haven't seen it but I've now heard of it.
Malfestio is all the more reason for why birds are assholes.
Even if it is an owl.
He's not that bad with aerial IG or adept anything else The deviant looks like it'll really be annoying though It can steal items, it's basically bird chameleos
I would have slept longer but my cat kept waking me up
I mean yeah, he's not hard, especially once you get the knack of confusion. But confusion is still ANNOYING. There's nothing that makes suddenly have to reverse your control scheme not annoying.
The new Zelda game looks really really good. It's the first Zelda game that has made me want to play it in a long time. I don't know if it's enough to justify a Switch purchase though.
It does look good but I'm in the same boat I'll probably get one eventually but likely not soon >>37309 I used it all the way through 4u Used a bunch of different stuff in generations but brave style looks super fun for charge blade so I'll go back to it for dos equis
It's sold an early Switch purchase on me, at least. I mean I am totally biased for Zelda games; they were one of the original games of my childhood. But I need a job before I consider buying one anyway.
rip crab ;_;
>>37311 I like the payoff weapons the best. Shit like building up Long Sword combo metres until you can maintain a consistent end-tier metre while fighting non-stop. I think that's the original reason the Charge Blade appealed to me.
now the question is are you calling her a memegirl because you want to make her claim to being a cute anime character less legitimate or are you projecting to take the focus off of you being /moe/'s resident memegirl
Whenever my cat rests in my lap, I kind of need to wear thick pants. Otherwise the way she happily kneads her claws into whatever she's laying on really starts to sting after a while.
He made fun of my wife, Shigure, and he posted some lewd. Both are pretty low level mean techniques though. He may have the desire to be evil but he has some work to do on the technique.
Yeah. Although people have a big 21st too. Any excuse to booze up.
>>37553 >tfw 6 people showed up to my 18th and two of them don't count because they were a guy and his gf who wouldn't stop talking about how sick she felt
>>37557 Casual. Get on my level. Family dinner No friends
>>37558 Jesus mate I'm so sorry That's what my 21st will be actually. Fuck I wanna skip it.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
45 on recreational cannabis >And I think that when you see something like the opioid addiction crisis blossoming in so many states around this country, the last thing that we should be doing is encouraging people.
>>37563 Hahah now no It's "legal" in some states But it's illegal In all states
Federally illegal, some states make it "legal", but they actually can't do that because federal restrictions overrule states
Much like how you can't make it "OK" to smoke pot in your own house, legally You can say it is, and not enforce the government's law against pot in your house But the government can kick your door in and enforce it themselves
To be completely fair, I think there is SOMETHING to the gateway effect You're unlikely to go straight to like, crystal meth I'd think
But I dunno, I think it's mostly down to it all being illegal to begin with, meaning there's overlap in the people involved You go to get pot, the guy asks if you wanna try this other thing
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
it's an arbitrary grouping, "drugs" so yeah either it's people who deal in a variety of stuff or poor education people who are so poorly informed they think different types of drugs are interchangeable which anti-drug propaganda might have you believe, incidentally
US Customs and Border Protection begins process to solicit design and building contracts for southern border wall, contracts expected to be awarded in mid April.
>Bill Maher had a republican congressman and Seth McFarlane on, and a joke about how Seth had water, not booze came up >Bill Maher jokingly asks his crew to get Seth a Jack Daniels >The congressman actually gets up and comes back with a new cup for Seth This was pretty fun
Well it would actually unify the english speaking world into one market so why not?
Yeah, actually seems pretty good to me A good way to handle international relations with the Commonwealth I guess it was Farage's or the Queen's idea but I'm pleased Trump is considering it
Plot twist: Trump has been an agent for the British all along. His plan has always been to get America to rejoin the empire.
Queen reuniting the British empire Long live the Queen
Better start work sucking up to queen We've had decades as a head start
I wonder if there's a site that just archives historic advertising campaigns it's weird; when you don't want ads they're fucking everywhere when you want to go research what Delta's ad campaigns were two or three years ago you can't find shit except maybe a commercial here or there
Rewatchiing log horizon is fun
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>37627 I know of one that used to be around. Its called Ad Critic, or it was before it rebranded. You need to be a paying member to access most of the stuff on it. My dad and I would watch commercials on it a lot back when he had access through the ad agency he worked for.
Also if you want a good overview of ads by the year. Getting older copies of the Communication Arts Advertising Annual Issues might be a good investment. If you can find them for cheap. We have a bunch of them at my place.
Those are all really good things though right? What I want is kind of more volume data-driven, less so exceptional ads I just want a whole mass of them I'm collecting a few current ad campaign pieces but I am regretting that I don't have earlier data to look at the change in the trends
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Hrrm, I might be able to find something like that by asking my dad. I'll ask him in a little bit.
>>37635 I have a hard copy of the special edition volume of WaHH that came with the Kasen figure. I forgot to order two copies though, so I'm probably never going to open it.
now three of my units are +1 the onyl dfiference is like +2stats
It's basically like Phantom Pain with coop But less meaningful upgrades And the missions are a bit more simplistic
I've been watching someone play The Long Dark recently. It's a survival-oriented game that takes place in a post-apocalyptic, blizzard-overrun Canada. Eternal winter and long, dark nights. It's kind of neat, but I don't know if I'd consider it feature complete enough for me to buy it yet.
>No Hungry Kids Act >The bill repeals a specified rule that established certain nutrition standards for the national school lunch and breakfast programs. (In general, the rule requires schools to increase the availability of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat or fat free milk in school meals; reduce the levels of sodium, saturated fat, and trans fat in school meals; and meet children's nutritional needs within their caloric requirements.) to what end
To let schools save on money by buying cheap, unhealthy food for their provided meals!
>Choices in Education Act of 2017 >This bill repeals the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and limits the authority of the Department of Education (ED) such that ED is authorized only to award block grants to qualified states. >The bill establishes an education voucher program, through which each state shall distribute block grant funds among local educational agencies (LEAs) based on the number of eligible children within each LEA's geographical area. From these amounts, each LEA shall: (1) distribute a portion of funds to parents who elect to enroll their child in a private school or to home-school their child, and (2) do so in a manner that ensures that such payments will be used for appropriate educational expenses. >To be eligible to receive a block grant, a state must: (1) comply with education voucher program requirements, and (2) make it lawful for parents of an eligible child to elect to enroll their child in any public or private elementary or secondary school in the state or to home-school their child.
i guess devos is really doin it
Rest in pieces, the American public education system.
it was already pretty bad to be fair i guess if you get rid of everything altogether, later when someone fixes it, they can do so without having to worry about old garbage
I think this will destroy a lot of children's education, so we'll probably have a lot of uneducated people. But in maybe 8-12 years, this might pave the way to a good education system.
>>37709 You say RIP when something dies, not when it has been dead f0r 20+ years.
>>37710 The philosophy for the past few decades has been "no child left behind". Common core is similar, it concentrates on trying to help the worst students catch up to the best students.
For our education system to really thrive, we need to be more realistic and to promote the smart ones forward and teach the dumb ones life skills.
>>37712 It's been in an absolutely abhorrent state for quite some time.
It hasn't been dead yet. In pieces and full of flaws does not equate to dead. There's no flawless public education system out there.
Hell, I don't think there's ANY flawless education system out there.
But getting rid of the ESEA gets rid of all sorts of important things and protections Among them, title I, which helps poor kids go to school ESL programs Programs for autistic and special needs kids Programs that ensure disabled children are getting quality education Also it gets rid of the requirement that school curriculums needs to be evidence-based.
I think there's a lot of junk that is bogging down the education system, but I don't think that getting rid of everything without a replacement is necessarily the solution. The bill eliminates all federal oversight of education nationwide so that all education is completely state-based. I don't know if the states are prepared to handle that and what happens to the kids that are losing those programs that allow them to attempt to succeed?
>>37715 American students were a lot more competitive with other countries when education was solely handled by the states. There's no doubt that the Republicans are trying to go back to that.
>>37718 I figure it means all those Bible Belt states are skipping with joy now.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>37718 The federal government says that schools have to use evidence-based curricula to teach The bill makes it so the federal government has no power other than to give money to schools
>>37719 I honestly don't care whether it's federal or state-based. I just don't think it's a good idea to get rid of everything without anything to ease the transition. I do think that education would be better if the states had power over it, but I feel like this is going about it the wrong way.
Getting rid of all public funding for schools is a recipe for disaster in times like these.
>>37725 It has to authorize the block grants to educational institutions so it can just not authorize grants somewhere that doesn't comply with the new voucher program
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
one positive of this is that it gets rid of the mandate for standardized testing which has poisoned schools horribly and restricted their ability to teach anything other than how to take the standardized test
nobody wans // wants a fucking 39 dollar flight anyone taking a trip intends to pay hundreds of dollars the FLIGHT is not what you want to be skimping out on
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i would love a $39 flight in addition to cheap hotel flights are like one of the smallest costs shit food is more expensive than a flight for any trip that's more than a week sometimes
>>37741 Almost every flight I've been on in the last two years, which is roughly 30 flights minimum, has been like $100 per ticket. About $200 round trip. Not counting baggage costs.
Frontier says it's $39 but it'll actually be about $130 if you want to bring bags.
;_; I was like, thrice the --er. I was like, a third of the distance that you were from Philly and my ticket was a few hundred dollars round-trip. Definitely more than a hundred dollars per ticket.
>>37755 yeah that is different, but in general on international flights, say berlin as a basepoint and every route is extremely trafficed, distance rises up the price
maybe that's the case for europe but you to berlin is not the same as new york to las vegas it's about route saturation here and distance is a non-issue and i'd really wish you wouldn't equate finland standard to the rest of the world because it's really obnoxious
Also ironically, I can fly cheaper to berlin than say to rovaniemi, a northern finnish city a good example of a shitty route that isn't really proftable to keep running
it's more profitable to run a full flight at a lower price than a quarter-full flight at a marginally higher price
One thing that always baffles me, is how many domestic flight routes we have. Like seriously soem are like 10-15 minutes in the air you sit more in the RUNWAY in the plane, than on the air.
>>37755 All right, I'll admit I may have been under a bit of a mistaken concept there.
But even for intranational flights. It's hard for me to find a round trip under two hundred dollars. Airlines are just not cheap up here.
>>37761 how is that different? i have a much more expensive flight from -- oh okay you already replied i dont need to give any more detail you already ahve // have the answer let's hear it
>>37763 this is not about price this is about "fuckign country of 5 million people" what baffles me how are the routes thing, some of those flights are like 2 or so hour train or car drives
maybe if you didn't fucking interrupt people you'd have an answer
yeah that isn't gonna happen moon almost everyone here does that because they think it's impossible to >>37768 even though we've been wrestling with the concept of LIVE IMAGEBOARD for years now
>interrupting writing
>>37767 i mean, in generally it's fine but when i'm literally answering the question you're complaining about it's fucking obnoxious
>>37773 what article of clothing or accessory might be preferred
>Ethiopian Airlines claims the world’s shortest jet flight, flying the Boeing 787 Dreamliner for the 17-mile trip between Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo and Brazzaville, Congo.
I had a dream last night that I (along with about 30 other people) was captured by an evil wizard little girl and she tortured us and killed us and turned us into zombies and then brought us back to life so she could do it again. and she always brought me back to life last so I could suffer the most. So I spent every loop before I died working out and earning money so I could break free. And at the end of the dream I bought a strength vitamins company, which somehow meant I could use them in magical prison. So I went to break out and the guy next to me who is a guy I used to know in real life named Pauly turned to me and said "we're doomed" and then I gave him a big toothy smile with my mouth full of half-chewed strength vitamins and I broke out of magical prison. Then I woke up.
What an interesting subconscious desire.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Gee whiz, Rika dreaming about being stuck in a cycle of death and rebirth and suffering?
It was kinda short notice, yeah. It was a great aunt. She was in the hospital not doing well, but I expected her to last a week or two and instead she died in like two days. I planned to visit her tomorrow but that won't be happening now!
>>37820 can i ask what he // her complications were sorry, ive been working all day so my fingers are trying to type too fast
>>37821 Sorry, I don't know specifically what it was. It was just a case of old age.
>>37822 I'm not too upset about it. I was only moderately close to her and her meth head daughter treated her like shit so it may be better that she's in a better place now.
>>37823 no need to apologize to me was just asking out of curiosity and not really my place to know in the first place
I was running and they just tore up the sidewalk and left it like this I had to go into the middle of the street because a gutter runs across that portion of curb
She was super close with my dad but I didn't really get to know her too well. I feel a little bad that I didn't get a chance to see her in the hospital, but I didn't expect her to go so quickly so it can't be helped.
>>37826 this is probably not meaningful, but eh, don't having taken care of somebody on hospice and several extended family who were just declining in general it's okay they'd feel bad that you feel bad
>>37825 I think I would have probably just cut onto the left side of the torn up walk in that situation.
>>37828 It was super rocky Sidewalk pieces were just left all over the side on the left Lazy ass construction workers
Even so, I don't like going onto major roads if I can avoid it. I'd rather take cut and choppy terrain.
I'm too afraid of fucking up my knee again to run over stuff like that haha
Fair enough. Do you run in shorts?
I did today because it's like 80 degrees out, but its been cool enough to wear pants recently
>>37893 Ellison is deputy, I think he'll still do good. Honestly, I think either would have been fine in the position but the actual decision to choose Perez is more of a symptom of a bad philosophy.
I'm very annoyed with them. Their party is losing ground in every corner of government, they are losing and have lost core groups of voters, and still they choose to double down.
>>37897 Perez is anti-Bernie and was part of the anti-Bernie corps in the DNC leaks
Keep in mind, blue, the dnc still insists they did nothing wrong
There's a lot of things that can be said were right and wrong but eh. I think we're going to need a Coffee Party or something.
It was all wrong From the beginning This is likely the dnc's fault to a large degree
>>37912 It's funny you mention that, I read an article the other day mentioning how there are a lot of parallels between the environment that created the Tea Party amongst the right-leaning peoples back then, and the environment in the left side these days. The time is fertile for a similar movement to form for the left. Whether or not is actually happens is up to you people, I guess.
cawfee paati
debauchery tea party
>>37914 What do you mean YOU PEOP- oh no wait you're right it really is us people lol
Yeah it really is literally US people. Not my country, losers.
>>37914 I think that there is enough fear and sensationalism to retard the development of a party like that
>>37919 Yeah, that's why it happening or not is up to the people. You all can't just sit around twiddling your thumbs and wait for the movement to emerge as a natural evolution of things. But I guess that's the natural Democratic course of action down there. Har har har.
I always think up things I need to or should do when I'm moving about the house. And then promptly forget what they were by the time I get back to my desk. Why is remembering things so hard.
Literally swapping computers helps me get work done lol
>>37928 I sit down at the computer and there's a nagging tug in the back of my brain going "yeah, remember that thing you needed to do? That somewhat pressing, desirable, or important thing? Remember that thing? No, of course you don't." I hate it.
get up, walk to the fridge, remember I am going to go get ice cream before I forget again
>spending days of frustration to get a boat you won't see again for several months >in several months you'll get frustrated because you didn't level the boat and it's needed for routing
Apparently you can get those cameras that are on the ends of long, snaky cables that now can plug into your cellphone. It's not really an application that I'd ever need, I think, but functionality is kind of cool.
you can push it under a door and see what's on the other side like a cool spy guy
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you can put it down someone's throat to see into their tummy
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you don't want to see inside a tummy?
might be cool in there
It's not a desire I've ever particularly cared for.
Also Hell Girl is getting another anime season. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/daily-briefs/2017-02-25/new-hell-girl-anime-tv-series-listed-in-july-by-retailers/.112700
Though I can't claim to have really watched the series.
It might be worth a chuckle, but it's really not that funny.
Japanese purple grenade
>>38489 but it is it's like a /moe/ meme became real
a quantized packet of energy walks into a hotel and books a room the bellhop comes along and says "Can I get your luggage for you?" and it responds, "no thanks, i'm traveling light"
I love it.
two atoms are walking along one stops and says "wait i think i dropped an electron" the other one says "are you sure?" and the first responds "Yes, I'm sure"
>>38500 it's not really going to do anything if you want to make it stop, just get in contact with rika's brothers and do something equivalent it'll get under control pretty fast
Well I'm not supposed to know things like his name or where exactly he lives or things like that. I don't want to find those things out, not that she would tell me. That someone stuck a funny bumper sticker on his car is a totally trivial piece of information.
Because physical details are what we keep most private, right what the fuck for someone always worried about privacy and boundaries, you don't really respect others'
I've upgraded mine to 4. I may upgrade her to 5 eventually.
She feels like she is tanky but a little less explosive than other mages.
'Cause she has GARBAGE stat gains at two stars.
>>38517 Male Robin's felt far more effective for me. Maybe that's the power of four stars.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
her stats are basically the same as male robin's
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I think it's just that the 2* is really shitty There's a massive difference between my 2* robin and my 3* robin 2* robin could barely scratch anyone and 3* robin can carry
Leveling mine at two stars has been incredibly frustrating. But I guess it doesn't help that I'm leveling her alongside two three stars.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I ended up using crystals to level her for her last levels because it was so slow
I've been leveling her alongside Palla, a lance pegasus rider who's not Shanna, and female Tiki. I think Palla might already be four stars, but the lance pegasus rider and Tiki are both three stars. They're not really a good team.
I'm trying a thing where I made Tiki the captain of my group in hopes of baiting pesky falchion users into dueling me and behind that I have Sully, Abel, and Nino. Sully and Abel both bully swords users really badly.
I'm leveling mine with Male Corrin, Hana, and Fir.
Fir is already one of my most-used sword characters. I'd probably fare better if I swapped her with...Stahn? Stahl? Some horseback guy with a sword. But I'm still stubborn on making teams of cute girls if I can.
This is why there's only one woman per tech startup company. Girl talk will damage them. But then they talk anyway about how there's only one per company. Everything is compromised.