Man it would be weird to walk through a long tunnel if all the lights would be off Especially if it was one of those norwegian fucking long ones going under the fjords or the sea...
I just wonder why square killed Nosgoth, though it had a quite good playerbase it had JUST come out of early access, so the game had gotten a second wind to it and they could've easily started producing good money once they added more skins and collectibles to buy/earn
Maybe they thought it would immediately kick off nto another TF2 or shit and when it didn't they decided to quit with it such a shame I liked the game
>>34014 It's my grandfather's yahrzeit, which is the anniversary of his death. My mother neglected to invite me to light the candle and do the ritual stuff at my grandmother's house and when I asked her if I could come, she said she would find out and never replied again. I couldn't reach my grandmother on the phone either. And my mother just texted me and told me to call my grandmother for the yahrzeit but I don't know what to say. I'm in an awkward position now and I'm upset about missing things.
I told my mother I would light a candle and do the ritual stuff by myself after all this and she started giving me all this bullshit about why I can't, even though my mother doesn't even properly practice Judaism.
>>34017 Because you said that before I had finished explaining the situation.
>>34025 I know I am being rude intruding into others' family matters, but I still can't see the reason why didn't you just skip the middlewoman. Just from what you have shared, it is mind me saying, quite clear that your mother is bit unreliable and randomly or accidentally ill-intended towards you on things, especially things like this. So sure she would've gotten upset but you wouldn't have missed this.
My mother being upset is very problematic Because she influences the entire family Meaning she can ruin my relationships if she wants to
You could have also done "call gran and ask about things, then tell her not to mention the call to your mother and then called your mother about the same hting" but that's just me being me
That's not how things work
>>34028 i know that like when my mom called up my sisters and told them i was crazy and taking speed because she took a bunch of my adderall and it made her act crazy my family still thinks i'm a druggy
i think you cant go online if you do those patches if you want JP voices you can do the japanese version of the game with english patch translation if you do that you can do better skinship instead of just facerubbing
Wow from berlin film festival, Logan movie has a 95% tomato score of course that can be biased, since those kind of fests don't have enough critics present or audience for that matter, to give it a legitimate review yet.
just one. Funeral service yesterday. Burial today. And we spent the afternoon at the home of the widow. It was nice. I mainly played Smash Bros with all the kids.
I usually took second place most of the time as I forgot how to actually knock things off the stage with Peach. But I won a good amount Mainly with Jigglypuff and Ganondorf and G&W
>>34073 I'm sure you're tired and busy, but I'll at least offer I've got some overflow work available tomorrow if you want
>>34084 but birds are fine they're included in the reptile taxonomy these days
nomenclature, rather i'm not sure the difference
in phylogenetic system yeah but we are also reptiles there kosher is closer to a linnean system or however its spelled
oh okay i don't know all those details i'm just a curious cat
The linnean system groups animals by characteristics and phylogenetic system uses characteristics and ancestry which i think makes it pointless personally if humans and lizards are both reptiles it's a silly classification I think
>>34091 Okay I can pay you for up to five hours if you're willing that would buy me five hours of sleep because i've been procrastinating too hard but i can handle it myself also just holla at me
If ICE knocked on his door, maybe then we can call it fast for different reasons. but this was more like 'why did it take so long?' This was the equivalent of your parents finding a funny meme video from 2012.
what else would he have? do people stack up on visas?
I'm playing the special edition and I'm concerned because I have no idea when a path split happens wwwww
>Yiannopoulos said that he has an 01-B visa - designated for aliens of 'extraordinary ability', which means that the current storm is unlikely to affect his presence in the country. huh wtf
extraordinary ability? what's his ability >>34122 chapter 6
Much like Russia, they're painting Trump as some sort of nigh-omnipotent demigod
Trump can CAUSE riots in another country, among the very people he criticizes That's a LOT of power Because this is him saying "these people are bad because they riot", and then they RIOT TO PROVE HIM RIGHT
That's an INSANE amount of power That's CHR at 11 and Speech at 100 AT LEAST
>>34145 so what are they? If not the projects, that is.
Well I mean they basically are ghettos Some in which the cops are afraid to go at all
The thing is we didn't fucking have these before That's why you see TN and I get pretty up in arms This is like if suddenly there were just gulags in the US Over the course of 10 years there's just gulags and the entire political establishment is going "But this isn't actually happening" despite you having actual evidence of it And incidentally the only people wanting to get rid of that are people who are... otherwise really fucked
The joke is that someone really offered free airfare to people who live in the states saying that we can go hang out in what's essentially the Bronx of Sweden.
I would write about all the crazy shit that happens. >These dudes got into a fight. >They called the police and the ambulance came >Damn, I hope he's got good healthca- oh wait
Republican politicians don't even know what their base cares about until they realize they're about to literally lose something. I don't entirely know who to fault for that. I guess on the politicians since it's their job to keep the base informed on what's happening.
but then the other half on the constituents who just expect it to be bluster.
>there's a lack of economic opportunity in the town where the riots was Alright listen, this is horseshit Sweden is TINY, dude If there's no work in your town, you can just... get it elsewhere Like you might have to move out of your gang-run no-go zone But even so, it's gonna be more effective than a riot
Not always. Sometimes you move and you dont succeed at anything and you just go hungry and become a homeless bum and that non-gang-run zone is filled with police that tell you that you can't sleep on the street because you're an eyesore so you just end up going back.
Nothing is simple. No story is easy. All successes are biased.
Oh also they're talking about riots before, too But those were also immigrants, though not specifically SYRIAN refugees, so I guess it's not at all comparable
Also, just because I might as well mention this The "segregation" in question is self-inflicted and self-enforced This isn't the white man going "No the BROWNS go there, and us white folk are over here" This is the people IN these areas going "THIS IS A BROWN ONLY AREA, NO WHITE DEVIL" And enforcing that
These riots in Sweden don't even look that intense It's like maybe 10 guys hitting police cars In broad daylight, with other people just walking around nearby Wow that link
>>34208 >>34207 I can get a hold of him if you need him for something.
i'm just bored without his incessant pestering and bragging it really takes a few weeks without his retarded comments and stupid jokes to make you realize how much you miss them
>>34238 Yeah, we usually just take it easy tonight because there's nothing on. We do have lots of backlogged stuff we could watch, yeah. We should probably catch up on gundam.
But jokes on them. I was the one who got a belay pass
I'm now qualified to have somebody's life in my hands
didn't you go to the big important mountains doesn't that make you the climbing king
I am the God king of stamina. That's what trekking for weeks gets you. But rock climbing is a different skill set. You need good balance and upper body strength an shit .. Which I have less of
important question: why did you go out into the wilderness alone instead of safely with people
Yeah you're a normal fucking riajuu. Omedetou, mother fucker.
Would it shock you to learn that I could probably tell the people in the Mountaineering society and the anime Society appart and which club someone belongs to just by looking at them
You're only watching Fridays, right? Or are you making Wednesdays now too?
Only Wednesday. I work Friday
That's a shame, New Game and ReLIFE are stuff that's a loss to miss out on. Iron-Blooded Orphans is also really good, but jumping into season two without any experience of season one is probably rough.
I was planning on watching iron blooded orphans on my own anyway
>>34287 Yeah. Well. It's not like I miss them forever. Im perfectly capable of downloading something on my own
This is mostly a social thing.. Gotta stay true to my weeaboo roots and not lose myself amoung the outdooray types
Dear community! I hope you’re sleeping soundly, tucked in in your beds. Because I haven't been sleeping since Elysium launched. Do you know what it's like to run a private game server? This job is tougher than raising a fucking toddler. You can't go anywhere, you just don't have the time for your family, your friends or a job. Why? Because the entire time you are trying to take care of it, it’s trying to kill itself. Each morning starts with a fascinating read of Discord messages. If there's a lot, you know some sort of bullshit is here to start your day. I've got something to tell all the people who've been raising all the fucking drama around the project: I AM FUCKING DONE WITH YOUR HYPOCRISY. You want transparency? You gonna get it. I'm not going to try and talk myself out of the rumours, nor will I write any damage control posts in order to smooth out the situation. Because the rumours are not true. I won't let my community managers lie and try not to offend anyone. Because what's being passed around isn't true. Elysium hasn't sold a single coin. For some fucking reason you think we bathe in money, but that's not true. We barely get enough donations to host the servers. On a financial announcement day we might get a month's worth of donations, but on a slow day we get between 15 and 20 dollars, or maybe nothing. Now, onto the main part. From this moment on I won't let anyone shittalk my team. I know Vitaliy made some mistakes like his joke in the Chinese chat, but he's a man who's been spending all his free time on the project, being torn between his job, his family and our servers. And I also know he hasn't sold a single coin. Sure, he used to run a commercial project, but when Elysium launched, all the transactions stopped. I know Vitaliy is an honest man. Sure, we've had our differences, but those weren't money-related.Together we started this project.. His little server helped us create a huge, strong and beautiful project. He might not be very active as a
>>34311 yeah check this one out too I got him good >>34302
>>34312 Im in anime club right this secons shitposibg fron my phone
>>34311 :fire: >>34304 too much to type whole thing without getting desynched >>34308 >>34307 there server is burning too much suspicious shady things
they did a faithful recreation then >>34323 Yeah and got defended by mountains of shilldrones. However the team that had been brought into work with them (and replace their devs because they fired their head dev) has now pulled out as a result. Saying they beleive the shady rumours
Player run servers are like that. I'm banned from a certain server for calling out the admin team.
let's see though Elysuin isn't the one you're playing the most on, is it? I thought you were playing on that one that's really big and popular and french that I can't remember the name of.
Ooh. Flip flappers started. Shut up, /moe/. I need to concentrate
Enjoy it, it was a fun one.
>>34325 Nostalrius died lad. However they gave their code to russians @ Valkyrie. Who launched the Nost code as a new server called Elysium. Nost later pulled out and told Elysium not to use their code which was kind of suspicious. Since then they've been pretty incompetent with coding so teamed up with Crestfall (a new and upcoming and more promising server) devs to release AQ. When the Crestfall devs were brought in they fired the head of their old dev team for being shit, but now Crestfall has left too over this shady shit. So they are fucked in the dev department l o l
is the unbanning of chinamen such a scadalous act that it is worth losing the server over?
oh i see then yeah that is kind of bad but if it results in the loss of the server you'll have to wait for yet another one to pop up and just hope that it's better so you can level to 60 again and find a guild again and start progressing again
those chinamen that were banned were banned for hacking and gold selling in other words elysium helping the gold selling market to make a profit
Yeah BUT Hellground is coming soon and that's a TBC server and burning crusade is best wow imo. only issue i have is 2x xp there :vomit:
>>34333 that looks awful... who would eat that....
And then it's going to turn out that Hellground is also corrupt and there's going to be a bunch of server drama before the server shuts down. And the cycle begins anew.
>>34333 i've always wondered why people care about exp rates on servers where endgame content is the purpose of playing
>>34328 Oh so this server you're talking about is the nost 2.0 everyone was excited for.
every server is shit duhhh
>>34336 muh 100% blizzlike >>34335 They're Polish they can't be corrupt! >>34337 yeah. anyway finding a guild wouldn't be hard. where i go many would follow
blizzard is probably the only ones capable of running proper wow servers because they're blizzard and modern wow isn't so bad if you're in a real guild probably
So you're not free after all with that TBC server coming, huh?
Blizzard could run an amazing legacy server yeah, but they're unwilling to unfortunately. >>34342 I'm freeeee
if they charged a seperate sub fee and made you buy vanilla wow again would you do it
If you mean I have to pay the $15 a month sub fee + an additional sub fee then no. That's being a money grubbing jew. I would pay $15 a month BC though yyeah. >>34347 I would if they handled it right yeah. I could go progress through all the content again and then unsub. Would be sweet
no actually i was mad at tbc making illidan the bad guy to be perfectly honest same with kael'thas. as impossible as it is to believe some of the retconning caused an autistic outburst
>frozen throne night elf campaign ends with tyrande and malfurion siding with Ilidan, realising maeve is the bitch queen >we side with maeve in tbc ???
>>34404 rika hates it but that's not really something you should know
Mmmn. Maybe I'll just go home. Not a whole lot of friend making sitting in silence in a dark room. Even if I could fund likable people here. And ive already seen ego proxy. And i have a ton of reading to do
>>34435 I'm lazy and an angel and super cute. Why wouldn't I?
>>34436 There's some edgy torture grimdark stuff in there too.
>>34440 you're definitely at least one of those things
>>34440 I mean that's still not all there is to it, but okay. It's all right Rika. It's all right for you to be wrong. You've admitted to being wrong in the past. It's okay.
I did just yesterday. We had this conversation literally yesterday. See, everyone has already forgotten because me never admitting to being wrong is just a meme.
>>34483 This is just an old picture from when I was in Japan, hah hah. A New Zealander i was with brought a bunch of jars with him to give out to people he knew at Comiket. One of the jars even went to Ume-sense, the mangaka of Hidamari Sketch.
>>34492 I think a proper desk is my next purchase, but once I get some furniture needs I might start collecting not kancolle things though i don't know whether i kancolle or not
It's one of those Febreeze ads where they claim your entire car smells like dog. BUT YOU CAN'T TELL BECAUSE YOU'RE USED TO IT. So you better buy this trademarked scent to get rid of that scent everyone but you can smell!
All these dollfies are 22 inches tall they're pretty big that's a great size for making clothes and taking pictures and doing custom faceplates and stuff though Kos Mos is 1500 freaking dollars though But that's the beauty of customizing it'll be way more fun to buy a standard model for cheap and then custom-make her into what I want
This Syrian guy is apparently from alleppo Or however you spell that
Can I just have only immigrants on my table please? Other than the language issue, they're way easier to deal with Ask them to do a thing and they do the thing
wait did you choose the one with the better stats units usually have different banes and boons you dont want a swordperson with -atk or -speed usually at lvl 40 that is like -3 total of that stat or +3 so it can be from like 29 speed to 38 speed
i made my new ephraim eat my old ephraim because the new one had a better bane and bo on >>34616 no i think its like if oh im stupid yeah why did i think neutral was wait okay if neutral is 32 then bane is 29 and boon is 35 yeah i >>34618 show me both lemme try to guess its usually not htat hard kinda
>>34613 I don't know what her stats are and since she's not 40 I can't know. I still have both of them though. So once this is 40 I'll check them both to see.
oh yeah if you dotn have any arena bonus characters you should use Narcian having one will boost your score by 2x but also make you lose some because his tats stats* are low
public transportation is the kind of thing that could turn me into a single-issue voter tbh half the reason i supported trump over hilary was actually just the idea that money would be invested into infrastructure >“2016 was the year when the cynical use of ‘us vs them’ narratives of blame, hate and fear took on a global prominence to a level not seen since the 1930s. Riiight.. and Us vs Them of the Cold War was mild... I just hate Amnesty
>implying the progressives aren't fearful and hateful and promote more us vs them than any other group
>fucking white people smh
i don't even understand what kind of post-ironic mess i'm looking at
>>34678 I just lvoe the whole "look what is happenign it is horrible" but no one ever dares to look into why the right and populism are so popular now...
Say what you will about concentration camps, their trains sure were efficient
actually 1920s or 30s might be better or even earlier i just want to live in an era where being a professional criminal was an actual career path nowadays you can't do anything without being found by TECHNOLOGY
i would want the option to keep moving if i went to the future and there was not an inhabitable earth or there were death robots everywhere or something i'd hate to just pop forward a millenia and earth is mostly methane
a time cowboy
I want to go back in time and become nioh
I wanna be a lone bounty hunter
yes we must become honorable samurai
gomenasai, my name is bangu-sama
i have over 300 confirmed haiku
hey rook i'm gonna amazon prime myself some lube can you expedite that
right to your booty babe
rook doesn't have a booty
please don't use the culturally-unaware term "booty" unless you are permitted to by your skin color if you are a lower class "white" citizen you must only use Safe terms
>>34693 travel back to 17th and 18th century and become a highwayman in the GB rob from the rich and give little to poor and you will be a local superhero
yeah moot was pretty chill he wasn't annoying or weird or anything just a chill dude and then we memed the photo
also JUST vanilla
you caught him just before he died
actually we're relatively sure that was the night that him and hiroruki met at SXSW and talked about selling 4chan i'm not certain if it was that night or the night before but when i read the moot letter after the transfer, it mentioned something about that night and that was totally the same two-day span that we met him
best game i've played in years is Dota 2 Kappa Kappa KappaPride
something something pogchamp
wait automaton isn't out for like two weeks I should get nioh I thought it was out sooner
MGSV was probably the best game i played in 2015 Dark Souls 3 probably the best in 2016 i'm trying to remember games i played in 2014 2014 was the year i put over 1k hours in dota2 most of the other games i played that year had already been out for a while, like dark souls
you're not cool enough to hang out with me if you're not nioh
MGR was definitely 2013 yeah that sounds right probably one of the better games i played that year, probably my favorite even
>>34780 if you don't hang out with me I won't show you my toobie figure
One hour left of work and my earbuds are still going "Battery: Medium" Impressive.wav
there's like 80% chance of rain until 3am just like IN MY HEART >>34864 Fuuuuuuck
you don't have a heart
>>34864 a short perusing of a few different articles the ones who like the train project are mostly speaking sentiments and the ones who don't like the project are mostly bringing up dollar amounts and the fact that the guy who approved it left his post to join the contracting company that the approval is paying rip
Fair enough It's only like half an hour, and the most important part is like the first 10 min But I guess if you don't really care, there's no reason to watch it
I might watch it again when I get home cause I wasn't paying full attention this morning
The package says these things have 8 hours of battery life, but it's been 7 hours and it only interrupted for a sec to let me know I was at the halfway mark
I wonder if it's based on playing at high volume? I have it fairly low because earbuds at high is actually uncomfortable
i wish we could have a Duterte but in regards to politicians instead of drugs quick everyone sign this
>Preferably of a YOUNGER D. Va. Why does Ana get a young skin but D. Va doesn't? Loli Korean Schoolgirl please. It would look really cute. And hot. blizzard will have NO CHOICE
>riots in Sweden >TYT on damage control >"There were riots in that town BEFORE the big mass refugee acceptance in 2015" >it's true, there were two riots previously ...Guess what kinda demographic we're looking at in terms of rioters here Just take a wild stab
>Ana flippantly says voting for Trump is arguably worse than rioting TYT actively trying to kill itself now? What the fuck is this, dude
Like don't get me wrong here, I know that was meant as a joke, but considering how uncharitable the media is with everything lately, that wasn't a very good decision to air
Seeing Cenk say Milo is a no-name person It's interesting because, you know, he's the biggest name in Breitbart, until today, which is one of the most read news sources in the US now
>Ana literally hadn't heard of Antifa until Berkely How the fuck do you call yourself a journalist, ON THE LEFT, and you don't know about the number one left-leaning terrorist organization? This is like Glenn Beck going "Apparently these men in white hoods are members of a group, which I had never heard of before today, called 'The Ku Klux Klan'" Like are you fucking insane?
Like it's literally her only job to report on political shit How do you not know about antifa when this isn't even the first time they've rioted recently It's fucking antifa
You know when you see footage of a riot and you see a flag that's black and red, or an A in a circle? 90% chance of that being Antifa
Journalists, in my opinion, have a duty to be informed Though nowadays that duty has been thrown into trashcan, since misinforming is what they do most of the time.
I should become journalism I will report everything completely without bias but exaggerate it WILDLY in an unbiased direction
Since technically, you can never know for sure that there weren't more than the ones you've found
>>34978 I used to write articles about eating corn causing people to commit crimes based heavily loosely upon a study that showed that criminal-heavy communities have diets mostly of courn.
>>35018 no you don't haha most of it's [unintelligible] anyway >>35017 i have to wonder what was going on with her that day if that's her norm she wouldn't even be at university maybe she crammed a lot of adderall for an overnighter and was having dissociation by that point of the day
How do you even go to college if you hate science this much
>>35026 she probably didn't hate science but there was some context of evolution in terms of race and she goes on this HOW DOES EVOLUTION KILL BLACK PEOPLE thing
I don't even know what she's so upset about Evolution kills black people by moving the population somewhere where being black isn't beneficial Like a white country No but really it does\did by just putting them in a place with less sunlight
evolution kills all people
And by perfection I mean a creature capable of replicating really, really efficiently, and quickly, and kills or prevents any mistakes in the replicating process
no more people the stronk survive become more than human
>>35032 evolution continues until there's thermodynamic equilibrium of a localized system and then evolution itself dies nigga take some high school physics courses
Evolution itself was naturally selected Evolution is a product of evolution
so are you
but not you
that's because I was created by God
how nice to refer to your human creators as gods
>>35041 we should report on actual news, but continually get the subject of the news' gender wrong BEAUTIFUL AFRICAN GODDESS ARRESTED FOR DEFENDING HER OWN RIGHTS! BAD! picture of a gruff man
Whats as this burly muscular man plays his role as black widow in the latest avengers movie
>>35044 do it for community figures and general news stories, politics or whatever just bait it out when someone finally corrects you, say "_____ supports the LBGQT community by telling off gender-assumers"
>You gonna call me a lame nigga in front of your brother? For real? >Like you didn't just call me a hoe and a bumbitch? >Yo, yo, I called you a hoe not a bumbitch And now he's out of the house.
>>35049 I was boiling eggs in the kitchen. It has about the same amount of feeling. >>35050 I didn't particularly care for him but my sister liked him so he was okay. But whenever I see them fight it's kinda like "so what just happened and what are you seeing in this person anymore?" The thing about him is that while he can support 'financially', he's pretty subpar 'emotionally' and has all the red flags of a person that you can't trust. Like in >>35048 He barters and argues on things that don't even help his case. He's also quick to make false equivalences on things that he knows he did wrong with a suspicion against my sister that he can't prove. It's whatever.
>>35051 I'ma be honest, I see this a lot in black guys. I see it in other guys too obviously, but I think a lot of it stems from the matriarchy family style, with the mom in charge and everyone generally respecting and fearing her. They tend to feel a little claustrophobic at times and invasion of their mental freedom feels like nagging, but because of a lot of things they won't outright just say "sometimes i need some space to myself" like i would do but instead just appease or micro-negotiate a little bit just to buy that extra space and freedom
tbh namecalling doesn't usually upset couples as much as you think it would. it shows there's still some investment enough to be angry about something. Shows there's passion, just that it doesn't have the freedom to flow in a productive manner. The thing about fights is that it usually opens that window into the other person and you get to see what's not connecting, and make those adjustments, if only subconsciously.
I wasn't there obviously so i don't know the intensity of the fight, but that doesn't sound like permanent break-up stuff to me. But then again, Im not exactly a model relationship partner myself and have endured some crazy, so i dunno
>>35061 Cheating, lying, cheating again, being untrustworthy, being annoying. >>35058 I don't see it as a matriarchal thing. In fact, quite the opposite. There is a lot of weight on women to put up with a lot of shit and a lot of value on our men doing things like this. One of the greatest qualities you'll hear about in a black girl is being "ride or die", which is a nice quip for "Will put up with all your dumb shit and not leave you for it". I think more than just family upbringing, we kinda reinforce that on a normal basis.
>>35062 Let me rephrase that as being influenced by that. It's some habits that flow in from that, and if it actually was their mother they'd probably buck up and deal with it But in a relationship situation, when it's not, that puts them in the position to bring into question all the things that don't make it worth it to them, and it's easy to get distant and cold
not saying at all that it makes this dude okay, but it's a trend i see quite a lot
Oh and as far as the namecalling thing and the energy of the fight, it was very different from the other ones. My sister was a lot more 'at peace' about it than usually. She was still raising her voice to the point where I could hear her from when I was still in my room but it was very different. The other times seemed more distressing. This one was very nonchalant.
Oh, was it something he said to someone else about her, that she heard back on? And not something he said to her directly? >>35067 oh so the fight was more of a sizzling out, burning the loose ends kinda thing i gotcha
They had the "We're boring and don't do anything" talk yesterday apparently. And he came to collect his stuff and I think he was just dawdling time and just being really difficult. Around the time when I went to have breakfast and was actually able to hear what was being said, it was really petty shit like >Pick up the bag. >Nah, nigga. That's your shit. Why am I picking up your shit? >give me back the watch etc etc They spent like 10 minutes trying to get the other to pick up a fucking bag.
The hoe and bumbitch thing happened after he left and got in his van. And then he called her and she was like >Let me put him on speaker so you can hear this shit and man... I was trying not to laugh. It was so silly.
>After three years of going out, eating, all that shit, we go to Checkers and ask for a burger without ketchup. What? >And I didn't pay it no mind at first but then you asked for a packet of ketchup after they hand you the bag. Nigga, what was your problem? "Oh... They put the ketchup on too sloppy" What kind of effeminate shit are you talking about? Who COMPLAINS about that
>And you even got the fruit punch to match with it. >>35069 Apparently he was going around with some other girl the day before that and she was talking about how he was acting weird the whole time after. But man, I was ready to just make sure nothing dumb went down this time. But it ended up turning into entertainment. If you want to know why there's all these single moms, part of it is because men are like this.
I don't get the whole post-breakup shaming thing Like i never went through that, had people saying hurtful things afterwards really
the ketchup and fruit punch thing kinda gets me it's funny and all, but why you shamin a man for enjoying his food how he enjoys it that's a right anyone should have i think, a fairly simple one i'd be really upset if there was a food i really liked and i could never eat it again because i'd get angry thinking about an ex that mocked me for it
>>35071 It was // I wouldn't really call that a shaming thing. That was more of a really weird example that just stood out to me as really funny. There was other shit he was doing that was weird.
it sounds fine in this context, but i just mean more in general you broke up, it's done and there's freedom why you gotta try and hurt the person you loved after it's done i'll never understand it
>>35073 Because they keep calling you to tell you dumb shit and lies. I was talking to her after he left and put his stuff in his van and he stayed parked outside and kept trying to call her like why? The whole phone call was a laundry list of dumb and sketchy shit that he couldn't even say was wrong. He just kept bringing up things that he thought was suspect and I'm sitting there like ... I stay in this house a lot, you know. And so does my sister. She's taking care of her son essentially all day. So when you go and talk about her hanging out with people being suspect ... for what? I'm just listening like "Why are people like this? Why keep calling and embarrassing yourself?"