
Thread #32994

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FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Hi /moe/.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
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the fox who stayed in power by alternating who he was loyal to
and finally, the game caught up with him and
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
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FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Huh, Kino's Journey just got a manga. I hope that means its getting another season sometime soon.
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Well there are some what
19 20?
volumes of it and it is still technically on going
so there would be material for the anime but...
would it be so good?
Would it have the same artistical feel and shit`?

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frontier used the puffin one again today
two days in a row
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I fucking love this website.
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not cocaine?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I'm straight edge.
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
Cocaine love fucking I
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I love fucking cocaine
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Make sure to wear a condom.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I'll try not to link any more of these unless they are really funny.
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>let's develop a virus to kill the vampires
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Found a good new manga.
there was some sort of cover up and not everyone in the company knew about it, or something like that
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Oh yeah rei you were right
the W-Y did know of the derelict and that it had something "dangerous keep out" in it
but they didn't know exactly what.
But it does leave the question, how did they forget it existed when they build the terraforming station on the planet
or was it just that well
30-40 years passed
Also I can guess that "well whatever was there, its gone with the nostromo"
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Also more importantly, why did the company name and logo change from "Weylan-Yutani" to "Wayland-Yutani" between Alien and Aliens.
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Yeah that is a good question, but it might just be "fuck these guys screwed up the props, oh well we don't have time to make more, use em"
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Oh also I think Walmart was supposed to have bought the Weyland-Yutani corporation as of Alien 3.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
If anyone wants the raws for the manga I just linked feel free to ask. It runs in a shounen magazine so it has furigana on pretty much all the kanji.
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furigana katagana wakagana kana
all chicken legs to me
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Whoa, the guy who played Ash played Bilbo in the modern LotR movies and The Hobbit series. He was also in
the android from Alien

anyways he was also in Brazil which is a veryg good movie and I highly recommend it to anyone here who has not yet seen it.
pokeman ash?
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What you didn't know that?
Did you atleast know that john hurt cameod in spaceballs as the guy who had the dancing and singing alien pop out of him?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I never thought about it, yes I knew /// I never saw all of Space Balls.
I've seen The Producers, Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein. If we are going to pin the blame on anyone for my not having seen it blame my dad because he was the one
who decided what movie we would watch every week for over the first ten years of my life.
Ash is a weird name
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>never saw all of spaceballs
what are you doign with your life
I've seen maybe five minutes of it.
so are you ten and 1 day then
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
No, I just don't happen to remember exactly when we stopped watching one movie a week with everyone in my immediate family.
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mm toast
man I had forgotten how good just toasted bread with butter tastes
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Oh boy we really digging deep for that communism
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Its TEDx not TED, basically anybody can do a TEDx. For example vortex math guy.
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They've deleted TEDx videos in the past
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What in nine hells...
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Her description is more like a government
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YEah because governments and large corporations are similiar in structure.
what they use their resources for and what goals they strive for is just different
She's actually just describing an actual state now

ISIS is operating as a state
Who would have guessed THE ISLAMIC STATE would operate like a STATE
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Who would've guessed.
it's actually ISIL nowadays
Islamic state of iraq and levant
since they expanded.
they even do foreign trade
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In fact, they sort of are
By any definition they are at at this point

They're not recognized, but that doesn't mean they're not
none of the arabic nations recognise ISrael for that matter
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ISIS is an emerging nation
Though it's being strangled by everyone else
They've done their own fair share of strangling.
Or beheading.
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Yeah but that's not the point
and deroofing
and dewalling
no I mean they executed people by throwing them off roofs
which I think is quite novel
there's a specific word for that, actually

no wait, it's windows
fenstering ?
something like that
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Its not, I'm pretty sure that's how you are supposed to execute gays according to the Koran.
my favourite word in english
God I wish I could use that in a sentence sometime
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Do you want to make up the sentence yourself or just use it?
Cause I can give you one.
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It has to fit the conversation
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I have actually been defenestrated
not through a glass though
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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gonna head to bed

night night
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Defenestration can also refer to removing Windows from a computer.
night, I'll post stuff from the fenestrated Edward Norton art show (or maybe it was one piece for an Edward Norton artshow I can't remember) tomorrow.
But you already have Fish.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>Breitbart employees threaten to leave over Yiannopoulos
you're gonna miss the good stuff
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
he got disinvited from CPAC too wwwwww
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Oh wow, because of the child talk?

that sure gave everyone excuse to "legitimately" hate him
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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>A senior editor at the publication told The Washingtonian that "at least a half dozen" employees are prepared to leave.
>“The fact of the matter is that there’s been so many things that have been objectionable about Milo over the last couple of years, quite frankly. This is something far more sinister,” the senior editor said.
>“If the company isn’t willing to act, there are at least half a dozen people who are willing to walk out over it.”
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Search [iqdb] (399 KB, 643x680, 1511244-dogwelder_201.jpg)
There's also a DC superhero called The Defenestrator, he carries around windows (or pulls them from thin air, can't quite remember which) and then smashes them over people's heads.
He's on the same team as Dogwelder-Man and Bueno Excellente (who date raped the green lantern).
djog welder...
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
He welds dead dogs to people.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Also yes you can do that, human and animal flesh can be melted and fused together.
funny still, if what sk said earlier is true
and he has been saying similiar or the same thing earlier.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
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It was Kyle Rayner.
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what year is this?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I'll check, pretty sure it was late 90's early 2000's.
also daterpaing
also imagine if that run in the comics now...
especially if dateraped was a woman
But that still doesn't top DCs
"Darkseid hypnotises supers and some woman to have sex and then gives the tape to some other hero to cause him to snap"
Sk phone
You can't do anything even remotely out of the perfect mainstream anymore without it being a political statement, and even that would be a political statement.

The world has gotten way too messy
everything is political
everything is a satement
and you have to point it out
Sk phone
Similar but different
The difference being that it doesn't matter how many people think something is racist, it either is or isn't
But when enough people think everything is political, it is whether the person doing the something intended it or not.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
The year that the comic issue that referenced it having happened came out was 2007.
But the incident was implied to have happened in an earlier issue (which // off screen
I actually have that issue somewhere. Its the last issue in the multipar t arc where the government gets buttmad at Hitman for refusing to kill super powered people for them.
So they tell the Green Lantern that Hitman took a contract to kill him ( he did not, he doesn't take contracts on people as powerful as the green lantern).
He does however beat the Green Lantern in a fight though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Where the Kiraras at
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
When are you lady
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
time to pork then
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
okay I'll make thred
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
pork isn't kosher...
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Come on
way to ruin the joke
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
For Kirara
>>33092 →
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I doubt my laptop could run 3ds emulator
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>booze consumed in strain s1
maybe 1 litre raw alcohol
>booze consumed in strain s2 by episode 5
maybe 10 litres raw alcohol
And surprisingly quite "good" portrayal of it
the alcoholic guy is not portrayed at all to be in control of it or anything
or is it done as a joke or shit
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I had an annoying zit right on the middle of my hair line but it finally popped.
why didn't you pop it?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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It's bad to pop zits.
no is not
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah it is
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Worked for me when I was teenage
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that doesn't make it any less bad for you
it's bad for your skin and allows all kinds of bacteria to get deeper into your skin
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It wasn't ready to pop yet even though it kept getting bigger and bigger.
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well of course you clean your hands before you do it and clean the thing afterwards
or maybe even get it out with a needle
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Squeezing it is what causes the bacteria to go deeper into your skin.

It's better to just let them pop normally.

That doesn't really mean anything. It was still bad for you even if it didn't result in any visible issues.
It's scientific fact that this happens, it doesn't depend on people.
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Guess it depends on people.
For me popping always resulted in them being gone by 2nd day
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i'm an ankylosaurus
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that's cool i'm a cat
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
when it comes to being a cat, i'm a viking!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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i'm whatever this thing is
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Looks like some kind of chicken, you better watch out for ToN!
oh no
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I am the lizard kng
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Any of you getting the Berserk musou?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
looks cute
I've been getting a lot of headaches lately. I wonder if I'm just not hydrating properly, or if there's another reason for it.
Not me
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
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See, I told you to watch out >>33280
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Apparently there are three official Magic the Gathering supplements for D&D and they are also all free downloads through Wizards' website.
But unfortunately they are all for 5e.
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>they had to open a word document
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Word documents are very good tools for spreading malware, especially macros.
or more over opens them at all?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Here are the pdfs for anyone interested.
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Nice virus
Can you even attach viruses, easily atleast, to pdf?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
yes, pdfs are based on the postscript filetype/language which happens to be turing complete.
Also people do put malware in pdfs a lot so its not just an "is it possible thing".
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FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
what's wrong?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
cute dragon
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Any /moe/s familiar with this band?
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I found someone who is even more autism than me about castles
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
More // nvm
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
This is actually pretty cool. I would totally hire this guy as a castle expert (I would have to watch more of his videos first though to be sure) if I needed one for a movie or book or whatever.
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I'd hire him to build me a castle
I bet he'd make it practically impossible to conquer
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Anyways I thought there were some /moe/s that might've been familiar with The Happy Mondays because we have several people (unless I'm wrong) who are into EDM and the rave scene.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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What /moe/s are into the EDM and rave scene
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I'm not 100% sure but I think Bang.
And also some people that haven't been on much recently or I just can't tell who they are when they post as anon.
Probably rook and Jan too
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I don't think I would say Jan is an EDM rave guy
I mean he'd definitely go if you asked him to go with you but I've never heard him talking about it or anything as far as I cn remember
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Oh, I guess Valentine's is over long enough that I should probably take off my wife's apron.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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It's never the wrong time of year for your wife to wear an apron.
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Valentine's is over!
But maybe I will wait until the in-game CG is removed.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Aprons can be enjoyed year-round.
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This is a valentine's outfit though!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I still haven't boats.
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7 days left.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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It's a shame I'm so busy having fun that I'm forgetting to do something tedious
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This event is short and easy, too.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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That doesn't mean it's fun!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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If you don't think it's fun, don't worry about it and just forget about it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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>Wiki was wrong about routing for easy
Why am I not surprised
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Because people don't play on easy and therefore there's never any real information on it until the end.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>old information
Being me is suffering it seems
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Which routing?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
easy was said earlier to only need a Kamikaze class, but it needs 1 Kamikaze 1 other
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Two Kamikaze would be fine too.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>taking a paper thin level 15
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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>I don't play this game anymore so my ship is weak
>I have to use this ship here?! What the hell!
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Just stick them in the main fleet!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Mine are only level 40, which is too low for kai ni.
They held up fine, I just stuck them in the main fleet.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
... they don't have kai ni though
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kai, whatever.
They don't upgrade at all until a high level.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I started on FE:Fates Revelation tonight.
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Done the other routes?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Yeah. I've been playing an hour or two nightly for a while.
Birthright was hard to finish.
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Yeah, I thought the same.
I'd ask if you preferred nohr or hoshido but that's really not even a question.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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The lava level in Birthright was really annoying.
There was no indication of which Vein would do which so I set all my guys on fire and then there was no way to get them out so you have to just let them die slowly or shut the game off and start over. That really frustrated me.
what moe up to
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Waiting for the fish to be ready for bed so we can sleep.
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I'm doing the boats event.
Then I may go back to playing gravity rush.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Gravity rush saga?

Oh, Rika, running FE on emulator went horribly. It was slow during character creation and crashed at the first scripted battle.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Just buy it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I bought fates already
But I'm doing magic with 3ds stuff now to do something neat.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Sou ka na
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I'm gonna use the fanslation patch.

I get to have all of my cake, mostly.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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>get hana early in Revelation
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Once I'm done fiddle faddling I can DLCs for things too.
I can grab the EO5 dlc that they won't let me pay for wwwww
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Hana is pretty invaluable in Revelation.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Hana is invaluable everywhere.
In Birthright, I had her soloing entire maps occasionally.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Once I get started I'll be sure to tell you all about my experiences and we can have a fun time.

Also how important are the L and R buttons in that?
Mine are pretty dead.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i would say you will be miserable without l and r but can still play
What do they do
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
switch between units
In menus?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
in the game
in battle
so if you have someone 50 squares away from another unit you don't have to move the cursor 50 squares you can just switch between units
Oh okay
I miss the convenience of strafing in eo5 but i can live without it
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Hana can be hard to use because of how squishy she is if she doesn't get the right points when she levels.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I'm going to be sure to fix her up good to carry me again.
I'm doing Revelation for the first time on classic mode too.
Oh Hana
Thats my red unit I'm using in mobage
She seems strong here
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
hana is probably best girl in fates

nina is pretty top-tier too
I'll find my own best girl!
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It's like three games though thats gonna take a while and not every support is translated!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh i'm sure you will
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
just play the normal version you weirdo
No im stubborn

Also I can possibly use my save for both if I need to
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
stubborn about what
How am I supposed to be a raging lesbian
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the same way you do in the normal version
I've already gone and patched things so I might as well go through with it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
But if I play Japanese I can poke everyone's faces and listen to glorious Nippon voice acting
Only your spouse, right?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you can poke people's faces in the normal version ton
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
is that not enough for you
are you an adulterer
I did say EVERYONE
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you are an adulterer
How is it adultery if my character isn't committed first
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
because you'll do it after you're married too
Wow maybe
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you know you will
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JP voices aren't that big a deal for FE since they just grunt anyway.
Though playing without some of the butchering that Treehouse did would be nice.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I don't really like that kids are paternally based this time.
It feels like the balance between boys and girls is bad too.
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Yeah, the maternally based kids was better.
There are a lot of guys in the game that make kids with no real character. Like pretty much all of the nobles have boring kids.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Yeah. Tacomi's kid is okay, I think.
His supports with Kana were fun. But pretty much all the noble's kids were bad. Their retainers had way better kids.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Azura's kid really bothered me too
Every single support with him is like "wow you sing, you're so good!" but he can't use sing
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Azura herself is kind of annoying in the game too.
She's a lot less annoying in Heroes it seems.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Yeah, all her supports are just her going, "goodness! why are you talking to me??? you hate me!"
In Heroes, she's just like "I like singing, let's work together, I can't tell you about my homeland."
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ive got a big fat stack of work to do the next couple days and i'm not gonna enjoy it
it's SOCIAL WORK investigations woooo
transcripts of, rathere
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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The curse stuff about her homeland is silly.
They didn't need to do all that.

yeah, this is my biggest gripe with the english localization.
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english effie is the worst
they butchered her
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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My dish washer leaked for some reason.
Fish walked into the kitchen and slipped on the water and landed on her butt.
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>haev 3 swords to spend
>this arena season is closed
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that's pretty moe
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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It seems like it was pretty painful.
She's fairly upset.
Not only did she hurt herself, but her clothes got wet.
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Yeah, falling on your butt and getting wet is usually not a very fun experience.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I feel bad for her.
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You can feel bad for her and think it's moe at the same time.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I just feel bad, mostly.
It was kind of cute the way she was sitting there, looking upset, though.
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I've had that experience a few times.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I don't doubt that at all.
do you ever just ctrl + t, type in a website, not see something engaging, then alt + d and type the same website back in the url to see if anything's up
i fucking do that constantly it's obnoxious
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i do that for /moe/ sometimes
Tonight's headache is really bad.
It's not going away either, and ibuprofen isn't having an effect.
what kind of headache is it
like a migraine or like a pulsing headache not unlike a hangover headache
I don't know, t
It just fucking hurts.
I'm sorry I can't really give input right now.
a vasoconstrictor like caffeine might help
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One time it happened on picture day in high school.
Told that story before.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Your luck is cute sometimes.
Are there any grounds for why throwing up can make headaches go away.
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I have good luck except for when I don't.
>all these people in lit class with wrong opinions
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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That class is LIT.

A good way to be.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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my time in this mortal plane is over
goodbye forever
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It was a comfy three day weekend but now it's dead.

bye vye
I look forward to your rebirth from the ashes
But seriously
>poem about this guy with cancer anxiously pacing around his own house because he doesn't know what else to do
>'I err. Didn't like it. The writing was all disjointed and jumpy. It was too hard to follow
People are allowed to not like things that are also points.
But it's hardly a valid criticism if its deliberate
Is Apple's deliberate doing away with of the headphone jack then not a valid criticism of the new iPhone?
APPLES and oranges
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Everybody seems to hate it, so yes
Anyway. These faggots had better start getting better at appreciating the written word real fast or there's going to be problems
You can appreciate the written word while taking issue with deliberately obfuscated writings.
Not these people
I'm OBJECTIVELY better at analyzing obscure themes
And why is that.
I guess i was just born with better opinions
>taking away features
>there are people who will leap through mental gymnastics in order to interpret this as something that's done in the best interests of the consumer
What is the purpose behind saying this.
You do realize you're preaching to the choir here.
I appreciated the post
Iunno what the problem is
It's not like there's an Apple fanboy around here.
It's basically picking some random group out in the wild and saying "let's pick on them for no good reason".
Why does commentary amongst peers have to incorporate needless mockery of total strangers?
What's the problem with commentary amongst peers
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I keep waking up during the night
Do you know if you suffer from sleep apnea?
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No idea
Ahhhh sweet release.
At least one of the three attempts to calm this headache are working.
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>not only immigrants participated in the "skip work and look virtuous" day
>if you have any criticism of anyone who did, you just hate immigrants and you're also racist
Thanks TYT
Glad to have you here to tell us what is OK to think
Multiplayer Astroneer is really funny to watch. It's so buggy, and there's a lot of times when people swear they're seeing something the other player can't see.
Two guys I was watching play drove a buggy off a cliff, which expelled the guy driving from the vehicle--but the passenger still saw him in the buggy. The driver could also still drive the buggy despite his side thinking he was out of it, and so it became something of a physics problem, trying to drive the buggy while he was walking around to get the buggy close enough to him so he could "exit" and re-enter the vehicle.
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>footage of BLM thing in Chicago
>like 90% of the audience is white

What a time to be alive
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I tried some space astronaut game where you can make ships and warpdrives and stuff
For a few hours, then I got bored because turns out there's NOTHING TO DO
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Next time I see a game has crafting, I'm fucking ditching the idea of buying it
I like crafting games.
It's far more appealing to me to make my weapons and armor or whatnot by hand than finding them in Diablo-esque loot situations.

But unless you're on a super-sandbox scale like Minecraft or Terraria or Starbound, you can't really having crafting as your driving gameplay feature.
Think of Skyrim or Fallout 4 with their crafting elements. They're pretty robust, but they're certainly not the focus of the games.
Even GTA kind of has a crafting element with how you can mod cars and weapons (maybe? I haven't played so I'm a bit vague on that detail).
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The problem is there's never anything MORE than just crafting
Like oh boy you can make a big base so you can do other stuff to improve the base for the sake of improving the base and there's literally no difference in gameplay between having ALL the things, and having none of the things
For a lot of people (including me) that's pretty satisfying though.
Plus there's usually a lot of aesthetic freedom with designing this base, so it attracts people that have a fascination with architectural design whether they realize it or not.
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How the hell is MAGIC OBSELETE, LWA
How is this the reality
I mean it's kind of like Monster Hunter, where you hunt monsters to get materials to craft armor and weapons to hunt stronger monsters to get better materials to craft armor and weapons to hunt even stronger monsters to etc.
But I guess you are rewarded with more engaging and challenging fights to go up against.
It's a game that balances a core crafting game mechanic with other major game elements.
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Event complete.
Back to idlecolle.
I hate headaches with a passion, but the feeling that comes when one finally fades away is an amazing relief.
ay lmao
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>mar-a-lago shuts down when Trump shows up and everyone's fucking tanking economically because he's always there
Well look at the bright side.
He wanted to originally fly into New York from the White House every night because he didn't want to not sleep in his own bed.
Which would have required them to do a similar shut down of one of the most major avenues in Manhattan.
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This motherfucker is LOOKING to get impeached
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Him getting impeached is just a meme, you need valid grounds to impeach someone on.
I don't think this in particular is grounds for impeachment, but it is an example of him being a bonafide arsehole.
Shame it's not really the kind of thing that most people care about.
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Most of the people in charge are.
[Citation needed]
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I mean you can google practically any leader and come up with results for them being an asshole.
"Practically any leader" is a pretty vague and encompassing term.
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Well, our last many presidents were assholes. The last one that wasn't was Jimmy Carter, maybe George Bush Sr.?

Your PM is an asshole and they want him out
Merkel is an asshole
Putin is an asshole
I don't know much about the new lady in charge in Europe, but people are saying she's Margaret Thatcher 2.0 and she was an asshole.

I've read that this is going to be a tough election for him and that lots of people are stepping up to take his place. Isn't that correct?
>They want him out
I think your news source is horrible.
There's issues people have with Trudeau but it's far, far, far from wanting him out.
>Lots of people are stepping up to take his place
Do you mean amongst his own party or within other major parties.
Because as it stands, the other two major parties are the NDP and the Conservative party.
The NDP is still pretty much a laughingstock shell of its former self, and the Conservatives don't even have a leader since Harper stepped down when he lost the last election.
There are a lot of candidates for the Conservative leadership, but I believe they're still in the stage of "I can do this job better than the guy next to me" rather than taking on Trudeau.
I have also not heard any sound of infighting within Trudeau's Liberal party either, which leads me to believe no one is trying to oust him from that.

Also, "tough election for him"
We had our last election in 2015, the next one isn't even due for 2019 unless there's a vote of no-confidence--which is unlikely to happen with a Liberal party majority in the House of Commons, especially since like I said earlier, there's no sound of instability within the party.
No one on this side of the border is looking towards the election yet.
not my chair not my problem, that's what i say
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Well, my understanding of the situation is that he's unpopular with a lot of canadians.
but he has nice hair
And nice forearms.
But of course he's unpopular with a lot of Canadians; there's large swathes of the central provinces that despise the Liberal party of out nature.
Out of nature, even. The Liberal party generally does not err in favour of industrial fields like the Conservatives do, and are generally more for environmental regulations that can frustrate those fields.
But people are quick to forget that the previous Conservative party's heavy favour for oil industries left our eggs in one faulty basket for when the oil crash came around a couple years back.
Or that the Conservative majority were extremely enthusiastic about silencing scientific research for public access. Er, public access to scientific research. But really, most common people don't really care about that I guess.

Again though, the phrase "he's unpopular with a lot of Canadians" is really vague and encompassing, and neglects to factor in that there are lots of important little details here.
You should really reconsider where you get your news sources from if that's the conclusion you draw from them.
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I don't really even have news sources, except the little news briefing thingy that comes up on my phone and that's mostly about American stuff.
All I know is there's going to be a big political rumble in Canada and even the shark tank guy is getting in on it.
And that a lot of the workers from the middle provinces and stuff are mad because they're losing their jobs due to regulations.
The Shark Tank guy is one of the contenders for the Conservative party leadership position.
If that's what you think "a big political rumble" is then I think you're kind of mistaken.
The Conservative party suffered a (relatively) pretty crushing defeat last election, and Harper was probably pretty tuckered out from leading the party for the bettermost of the past decade.

Also if you don't have any news sources, why are you so certain this is what's happening.
Is your showerhead dictating the goings on to you when you're in the shower or something.
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I dunno, it's just stuff I see around.
There aren't really any sites I go to for news though.
"Just stuff I see around" doesn't really give it any merit.
I could go on any alt-right news site and see stuff around detailing how Obama's post-presidency vacation is actually a secret ISIS radicalization camp, probably.
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None of the news sources are really credible in this day and age, either.
If I see an interesting article on my phone or on BBV
BBC or something I'll click it.
but I don't really go out of my way for news.
So all you really have are opinions compiled from information of dubious origin.
I see.
where do you get yours
mine are from cnn
I've been polling the CBC. While they have something of a liberal bias, they don't refrain from reporting on stuff that's inherently flawed. They didn't shy away from Trudeau's moving away from the electoral reform.
In the past I've found the BBC to be pretty decent too.
Today has been such a good day but I was stuck at a funeral. Even though the funeral was pretty good too but it was really long and they wrote part of the program in Comic Sans.
But it was good.
I saw you mention that, hah hah.
How do people see Comic Sans when writing material for a funeral and think "yeah this is a good idea".
you what?
oh yeah

Comic Sans is just cool.
to people...
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Pretty much everywhere is dubious these days.
[Citation needed]
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How do I even offer a citation for that? Go through every single news source and outline why it has bias?
If you know of a new source that isn't biased, please point me to it.
Everything can be held to skepticism and is susceptible to human error and bias but to call it dubious is strong.
There are no non-bias sources.
If you're going to make a vague and encompassing statement like that you better be prepared to back it up.
And bias does not equate to dubious.
I said before the CBC has a mild liberal bias but I believe them to be very not dubious.
The Theseus paradox has been fucking my mind up for the past few days. Everything that communicates does it with bias.
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Anything with a bias is bad news in my eyes.
So you're bad news too?
I guess that makes me bad news.
And Blue bad news.
Kirara's bad news while we're at it too.
Also >>33498 this.
No news is good news.
im bad news
you better not mess with me
I am bad news.
This is definitely true.
Even with bias.
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 496x669, [HorribleSubs] Masamune-kun no(…).jpg)
Well, I did just say that I don't trust the news.
I don't trust any news source with bias.
So why should I trust you?
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I never claimed that you should!
Not even you're self.
So should I not trust you?
not even myself
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The most rational thing to do is to view everything with skepticism.
That's not rational at all though.
If spend all your time doubting everything you don't actually learn anything.
It would be a horribly sad life to not be able to trust anything.
Excessive skepticism leads to conspiracy theories and puts you even farther from the truth.
but what if you end up right
Highly susceptible to confirmation bias
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You should be skeptical of conspiracy theories too.
And skeptical of your own conclusions.

Being a skeptic isn't easy though, most people aren't cut out for it.
But you should evaluate all information that you come across very carefully.
Being a skeptic is hella easy. Having a healthy approach to skepticism takes a lot more effort and nuance.
Everything in moderation, including moderation.
And viewing "everything with skepticism" is far from a healthy approach to the task.
You have to draw the line and trust things somewhere.
So, I've been thinking about this fucking Ship of Theseus thing again.
How you can rip something apart and repair it with new things and still call it the same thing.
Even if you remove everything and replace it with everything new, is it still the same thing or not?
And yeah, you can totally see it as the same thing.
But you can also see it as something totally different.
And I realize just how brainwashing that is. You can literally take something, rip enough of it, patch it with new stuff, and suddenly what it used to be is null and void to some people.
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Well, biased news sources definitely should not be trusted.
If you can detect some bias, that means there's probably that thing where they select what articles to run under the surface going on.

I don't buy that business AT ALL.
Even if people are biased, they can behave in a way that is unbiased. Doctors, lawyers, etc etc anyone with any amount of professionalism is asked to look past their biases every day.
Any reporter that tells you that their news can't not be biased because humans are biased is making excuses.
But everything touched by humans is biased.
So that's just fucking stupid.
The thing about the Ship of Thesus that kind of nags at me is, the moment the ship sets sail, even before the first repair or crew replacement happens, it's no longer the same ship it was at construction.
The Ship of Thesus problem completely ignores the natural decay of things that changes something from one state to another.

But all that's irrelevant because the dynamic change of things doesn't modify the conceptual image of things.
Or doesn't necessarily, I guess.
Something can exist beyond the impermanence of its material self, and that's fine.
I guess you can say...

I'm cackling at my own joke right now, you don't even know.
I wouldn't say that it's necessarily or intellectually ignoring it. When a ship sails, no one considers the natural decay. It's more like that's a "given" to the use of the object. The ship decays like all ships but the natural decay isn't what makes it no longer itself. The real bulk of the paradox is whether the entire new object is still the ship of theseus or not.
Just chill and snort cocaine from a pretty lady's tits
much better than stressing out over things you can't change
Snorting cocaine costs money, nerd.
Not everyone has the freedom to enjoy such pleasures.
This came up when I was talking about ACA before.
I was reminded since we were talking about biases.
There's no difference between a 'repeal and replace' and just 'fixing the problems of the ACA'. Especially considering that they're going to keep what they like, remove what they don't, and patch it.
So now you've got the Ship of Obamacare.
When you rip it apart and patch it back together and then finalize the new thing, do you call it Obamacare or Trumpcare?
I see the same paradox here. Where the value of what you cared about it is what guides you to believing whether it's the same thing or the new thing.
Well specifically about the Ship of Thesus, I just think it's fine for a material existence and a conceptual existence to not necessarily rely on the other for validity.
There's plenty of ships out there that have been re-christened with new names after considerable repairs and re-outfitting. Are they now different ships, even though they didn't go through the total modification that the Ship of Thesus did?
If a ship has its physical state changed entirely and people still want to keep the conceptual identity the same, I think it's fine.
Heidegger describes that pretty well in The Problem Concerning Technology
anime >>33528 →
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Julia does huge damage.
It's great.
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oh you have her too?
shese really good against mages
robin especiallyt
I got her with my first twenty-roll for the sibling focus.
She was my first five-star too.
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 1280x720, [DerpDesuYo] Owari no Seraph -(…).jpg)
she was my first roll outside the initial too
I WANT JULIA ;_______;\
I don't really have any way of demonstrating my smug gloating here but I wanted to make sure you knew it was happening.
I mean you could always pull a Squid and just go re-roll until you get her.
Search [iqdb] (118 KB, 619x720, [Commie] Cross Ange - Tenshi t(…).jpg)
im really happy i rerolled
i got eirika and ephraim twice and julia
I kind of want Eirika. I don't really need her, but she's got a cute character design.
I'd go grind some more orbs, but my net connection on my phone is being really slow today. It takes like thirty seconds to process whenever the loading icon in Heroes shows up.
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shes cute
I should sleep now
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bye blue!
Sk phone
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Sk phone
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Today is going by fast
It's already been two hours
Time keeps on slippin'
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wow it's already two o clock am
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Tuesday (Monday) is almost here
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but it is Tuesday
Sk phone
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Ko nosuba is Wednesday right?
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It's Tuesday (Monday)
Sk phone
Sk phone
The midcards are pretty fun
I think Christmas Island is supposed to be in the timezone that's the most ahead in time.
Maybe I should move there and I can beat up refugees too.
That's right.
Roc come be witchy.
I should catch up on Konosuba
I only got as far as the OVA
i'm home from work!
hello, home from work
homu from work-san
how are you doing rookerino
not too bad
could be worse
homu from work-san
well here's a song for you
and when it happens, let the trumpets hit
Search [iqdb] (470 KB, 800x1194, KAWORU - 鈴谷にお任せー.jpg)
homu from work-san
that's a good suzuya
i'd hug her
but would she hug you?
homu from work-san
i think most people that i've known for a little while would hug me
but i think most people that don't know me wouldn't want to hug me
so probably now
since that anime character hasn't ever met me
Maybe like how we watch anime characters go about their daily lives, they watch us go about their daily lives.
Maybe she's known you for a long time now.
homu from work-san
homu from work-san
That sounds like a short story
I'd probably read it, if it exists.
homu from work-san
i could see a manga about that
or an anime
unable to confess
gifted with a deus ex machina
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I'm everybody's favorite realie.
homu from work-san
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My archetype never goes out of style.
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That is what vhs told itself when dvds came out
homu from work-san
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hey guess what guess what
Do I have to.
homu from work-san
guessing what is optional
I am bang
homu from work-san
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given my present view on the matter i find this possibility to be highly unliikely
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So are you going to tell us what you did?
homu from work-san
someone was supposed to say what faster
now there's been too much build up and it's actually literally nothing
i just have the day off tomorrow (tuesday)
oh that's cool
Sk phone
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I don't get days off
Sk phone
I work for less than minimum us wage
homu from work-san
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Sk phone
That's a good hair style
Sk phone
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I wonder if anime causes autism by overloading the part of your brain that keeps tabs on people

The amount of anime characters I can name from an image is insane, but show me people in my own family and I go blank
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oh, congrats
but is that really something you did?
homu from work-san
when did i say i did something
There's probably a lot more reinforcement for anime characters since you see them periodically.
For ongoing shows it's once a week for three months at least.
Where as family members, you may only see sporadically three or four times a year, tops.
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Oh, seems I read it wrong.
The anime characters are just more endearing
Sk phone
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Extra extra, Rika admits to being wrong
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I admit to being wrong all the time.
The idea that I never admit to being wrong is a meme.
It's not a meme
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It's a meme!
Just look, I just did it!
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here's a meme
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Why are you so mean to me?
it's ok you'll forget it anyway
Search [iqdb] (524 KB, 750x1060, はるとき - のぞみちゃん.jpg)
I won't!
I don't forget emotions!
we'll see about that
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poor rika
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evil floop
was it floop all along
Floop did nothing wrong
homu from work-san
i'm so proud of you right now
homu from work-san
i miss floop
If only Floop didn't have to sacrifice himself to save that school bus.
Why Floop...
We can rebuild him.
We have the technology.
Sk phone
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I miss floop a little bit

I really wish I could log out of the net here
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time to take sleepytime meds
goodnight forever in an hour
goodbye for then
homu from work-san
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (647 KB, 1016x1400, ネイト二世(龍撃剣) - 長波ちゃん.jpg)
lots of love
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
[citation needed]
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cite THIS
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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*unzips easybib*
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
I'm buttblasted
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Sk phone
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Fuck, my thumbnail broke off

Aaaa I wanna go home
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
homu from work-san
indian street food again?
homu from work-san
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oh no somebody froze bang
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
i honest to god puked
kill me
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Sk phone
Sk phone
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So many box
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So one of my clients didn't suffer a fatal aneurysm rupture
he just had pancreatitis
So many tigers
Sk phone
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Yeah I guess
there's not much left of him mentally either
he's eighty years old
Sk phone
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At least I don't need brass knuckles ever
My hands are COATED in brass

It's like, a coat of paint
But brass
Never thought I'd be happy to see Hillary say something

We don't even do anything
Why do they do this to us
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
I spent the morning puking and blasting jfc
Sk phone
The hell is she talking about
that sounds like some real bad food poisoning
that really is the worst
Sk phone
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Oh wow

Here's an interesting twist on the blame game for that one
I say the media is at fault for making actual nazis think they're a significant part of the population now, which emboldens them and lets them justify this kind of shit to themselves
I'm Barrack Obama and I party.
See >>33745 and >>33753
I don't know who is at fault
But it needs to stop
Sk phone
I did

Sk phone
Don't worry too hard about that post though, it's mostly me just using the same argument as those saying Trump emboldens nazis against those very people
Same argument, different target, still as skeptical towards it as always

I think anti semitism is on the rise due to the insane outrage that sparks up the instant anyone is remotely nationalistic though
should have eaten more rocks my dinosaur friend
What bothers me the most is that nobody talks about it
It makes me feel like people don't consider it an issue
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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gonna die
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>an ancap being pro borders
This doesn't fucking make sense
You need someone to enforce that
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Amazing Venezuelan Diet: WHole nation lost 9kg on average per person.
Read more
I spent about $100 on a quality of life improvement
The same as the feelings that I get from Harrison Ford
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If you looked at the people I listen to on a regular basis, you'd probably never be able to guess my political leaning
Bluetooth earbuds
For work
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What did you buy?
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>battery runs out of phones and phone
How would a bluetooth thing even run off of a phone?
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No, I mean due to playing mjusack
Yeah, but that's just the music being beamed to it
It's not using the phone's power to run, it's basically a radio receiver I gues
Except since bluetooth it needs an internal battery for the protocol
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My hype for For Honor has now died down
The P2P is bad enough, but >uplay
Oh man
Oh boy
I can't wait to not buy this
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Don't forget microtransactions and typical ubisoft pay2win
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Oh, actually, if you just look at what I ACTUALLY watch, you could probably guess my political leanings
But just subscribes and stuff on youtube and twitter?
No chance, dude
That's a DIVERSE group of motherfuckers
As in literally everything between ancom to ancap to Varg Veum
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ancom is such a paradoxically stupid concept
Ancom is the most absurd political idea in existence
Second to it is ancap
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so annaz next?
Anarchistic nationalism
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anarchistic national socialism
Sounds like a sock brand
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To do: confuse anarchists and make them think pro-ana is about anarchism
Make twitter L I T
Just came from black bloc riot
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"I socked a statist right in the jaw, he won't be able to eat for a week! #proana"
Punch a nazi in the face
#downwithtrump #pro-ana
This could really work if you timed it right after a anarchist protest/riot happened/happening
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I'm a bit questioning whether laws should or shouldn't work retroactively when a law is repealed
Like if it suddenly is legal to steal, for whatever reason, should thiefs be released from prison if they have no convictions?
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I don't think any law acted now, should also apply retroactively.
While it would serve to punish people for some deeds, at the same time a retroactive policy, would allow for quite shitty deeds for lesser mistakes.
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>Gordon Ramsay's Pork Butt Sliders
This sounds like a joke video, but it's not
Oh these are actually really comfy once you figure out how to put them on
Oh man, they have one issue though
They open that part in my left jaw that makes me hear my own voice too bassy through my left ear
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I guess that's inevitable
Other than that they're real comfy though
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you on the left
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Popeye's has been bought up by the same corporate overlord that owns Burger King and Tim Horton's.
I think they also own Wendy's?

McDonald's by a long shot.
Burger King isn't all that good--they're a marginal increase in quality over McDonald's.
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Which is bigger btw BK or McD?
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BK has better food though, not that either is that "quality" grup anyhow.
And BK gets you more food per € spent.
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It's the novelty that effects finnomindset.
BK just recently stranded over ehre afterall
And who knows, maybe Burger King is actually pretty good over there. Sometimes companies will use overseas openings to change restaurant level operations or secure higher quality ingredients.
Japanese McDonald's are really high quality for fast food, and Canadian ones are actually not bad either.
But say you buy a meal, the BK meal is bigger
so they have that going on for them
also unlimited drinks
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The bass in these things is actually satisfactory
Also, they are the only burger joint that serves beer
Wendy's is apparently the best place for that kind of fast food here.
But it's a mystery to me how they even stay in business. They don't exactly have a wide permeance like other major joints, and I can't remember the last time I saw a Wendy's advertisement ran.
How are they getting income?
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Mcs is not good, but it ain't bad
and it is cheapest of the 3 burger joints
BK is novel, bit more expensive but also you get unlimited drinks, the fries are better than their rivals and the burgers while not that much better are bigger
Hesburger, the native joint, is kinda random. Depending on where you eat, it might be good or it might be just disappointingly plain
BUt they rotate their menu and items every few months, and have limited offer special burgers about monthly, so that keeps them afloat. Also the "homeground" bonus
Bus hesburger is most expensive in terms of €/food
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This is almost good enough I'd consider using it with my PC
It's got a mic too, apparently
Are they separate pieces like the new Apple earbuds, or are they-
Good. Something about the separate mo dels drives my anxiety crazy.
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Naw, they're corded with eachother
I prefer this, really
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The main issue is it opens up my ears
ear, rather
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I'm only allowed to use one at work, so the other one will just kinda dangle, but that's daijobu
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It definitely has that recognizable earbud sound, though
Did they start allowing music or did you move to a position that allows it?
If you use only one earbud, it's OK now, apparently
Did you try applying for that waiter thing a week or so back?
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No reply though
I wonder if your current work thing is worth mentioning
It is work kinda
But it might have a negative effect if it has bad rep, and according to you people working there aren't all that good
I mentioned it
It's my only reference anyway
well it is better to mention it anyhow
a "i was doing something" vs "I was doing nothing" in this time period always wins, atleast here
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Hmm talking about burgers made me hungry
luckily, my bro is cooking so I don't have to do a thing
But I kinda feel like eating a burger now
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Well correction I had to instruct him on how to use my steam cooker
Unless you're actually doing something illegal, I don't think citing work experience is ever bad.
It can be if the work experience is the kind of place they're used to complete retards working and citing as a reference
Pro-tip: Every place of employment employs complete retards.
mm steak
Tea and steiki
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no it was water
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
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it's bit painful to watch this small resolutions full screen on big monitors...
I wish they'd BD aria
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Mon I feel like rewatching both aria and SnW now
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There should be more sols like those
or just adapt Yokohama kaidashi kikou already
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
YKK already had an anime.
it had 2 ovas
that covered like 3 chapters
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Just because it isn't satisfying doesn't make it not an anime adaptation.
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hmm few bottles of wine
some cheese
and snw
that would be a good friday evening
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two /moe/s meeting
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I always wondered what a kamas exactly is?
It looks like a flying pike with sunglasses
and are those its eyes or just something the owner provides?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
It reminds me a bit of a dragon fly. See how it has six legs. Its probably some genetically engineered fish dragonfly hybrid.
Or a robot. But its been a really long time since I read YKK.
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Most likely it is genetically engineered
I mean, the humanity pre-collapse whatever caused it, seemd to be super advanced
fully sentient AI and all dat shit
is not robot
they breed and grow
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I wasn't sure. I haven't read YKK in like 3 years.
Search [iqdb] (126 KB, 559x800, YKK_Special_05.png)
and they grow big
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Oh yeah, I remembered that I wanted to get some kind of bike and stroll the countryside looking for good kodac moments
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Oh yeah I found some really interesting wikipedia articles the other day.
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FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
that is some lenght to have
seeing the world charlatan always pops friends on the otherside to ring in my head
laudanum is a real thing
I thought it was just amnesia thing
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
laudanum is great
>Reddish-brown and extremely bitter, laudanum contains almost all of the opium alkaloids, including morphine and codeine
gotta git some laudanum
but I wonder would I then be spooked by pale fat monsters with slippers
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
How will you know if you don't try it?
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I joe you joe omoi wa kazete
taisetsu vodka
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this monga is kinda double-entendre at times
or I just have a dirty mind
I dunno man, I think a machine that vibrates all over when it starts up, and a woman straddling it.
There's only so many ways that can be taken.
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They are robots
so it is quite DOUBLISH so
I'll admit I don't have a very thorough knowledge on YKK, but I'm pretty sure one of the points of the series was the blurring of lines between robots and humans.
go read it
is pretty much best sol there is
though it depends on the character how much
well on the robot
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I wouldn't really call it "the point" of the series, but it does do a great job at it.
It is an important thing for the series, and it would not be anywhere near as good if it weren't present.
Rather than a point I would say it is more of a

>one of "the point"s
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it is a behind the scenes point
it is implied the robots were made to carry on if humanity completely died to the collapse and such
it most likely is a climate change that just fucked humanity over, but not completely
But it is mostly speculation what happened that caused the world to go into the bleak "twilight" and then "night" of humanity
>One of the points
Learn better reading comprehension, nerd.
when your communication is mostly unopened link spamming, well
what can you do
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
speaking of mongas with bikes and yuri
here is a good short one
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
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A piece of work can have a multitude of points, of varying magnitude and relevancy to the overall product.
So yes, one of the points, but not THE POINT, singular, like you seemed to insist on at the start.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Good point. Also I have determined empirically that I tend to be less stupid when I am sitting up over when I am laying down or on my side.
So I'm going to make a concerted effort to not make posts on /moe/ while not sitting up.
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The main point of alpha is pretty much nothing
just the passage of time following the characters
the rest is ymw and what you make of it
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Shit, I keep forgetting that I need to ask Kirara something.
There is this Jewish encyclopedia that my family has three copies of and I want to check if he has a copy before we get rid of the extra copies.
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FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Oh yeah I saw a 1.75L bottle of Finlandia for $27.99 at a grocery store the other day.
Search [iqdb] (502 KB, 1098x1080, Sakura (839).jpg)
Oh the year long 22,50 sale ended?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Was that a thing I mentioned previously? Also most of the grocery stores I go to don't carry it in 1.75L bottles.
When I get a job I'd totally be up for buying some and sending it to you as long as you pay me back for the bottle and shipping.
You'd still save a lot.
Search [iqdb] (282 KB, 451x931, Sakura (643).jpg)
Or even older
no, finlandia just has been on sale as told by many moos for a looooooooooooooong time
btw 1,75l bottle costs was it 55€ here
>get found in customs
>poured away or I have to pay the tax
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I'd make sure to label it as a gift and also wrap it in wrapping paper.
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But yeah, wrap ipt up and but it in a box and send it over
It would still be atleast 10€ cheaper than picking it from the store
but that is why Estonia is a thing
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Oh cool, I'm getting angina again.
I used to get it a lot when I was younger but I've recently started getting it again.
Hmm 19.50/l in eesti
not bad not bad
wash your teeth nerd
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FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>washing teeth prevents chest pain
must be a superior Finnish folk remedy
are you sure it's angina and not just regular chest pain
oh so you call it pharyngitis...
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Not really but several people I know always refer to it as angina when I mention random chest pains.
I know its technically not the strict definition but I've done some reading and it these pains seem to match the description.
huh so in english angina is Angina pectoris
unlike in finnish where it is angina tonsillaris
Same concept really
angina's just a greek word for, uh, strangle? or cut off the airway or something like that
inflamed tonsils kind of do that
and angina pectoris is when oxygen flow to the coronary arteries is cut off
I know but it is interesting

also fuck shouldn't have eaten the noodles I had taken from my old place that had expired
>noo these are dry products, they won't go bad nom nom nom
Whenever I see someone on social media say "I'm cutting off all these fake friends" or something like that

I like to instantly assume they're talking about me
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>having some presence
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Hmm if that became a thing in english, how woudl you pronounce it
Milo left breitbart
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Wow guess he caved in
Or maybe it was just a good chance to finally leave them?
The former, likely
It's a forced resignation
Search [iqdb] (209 KB, 767x1100, Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou v06 c048 067.jpg)
Oh, I just finished YKK the other day. It was great.
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It is amazing.
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yo naggs
what up
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I have to stay up until 12
this sucks
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A golden handshake as they call it
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Yo moon
I am alright, tired as always during the week.
>stay up till 12
If only I went to bed that early.
im p tired too
got a big work load today and tomorrow though
can you do me a favor and check your moe email real quick?
i left you somethin
Holy shit.
That is super kind.
Are you sure about it, I feel bad if it put you out of pocket.
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no problem
i don't have time to play it anyway
but in exchange, try to stream it for me if you're able to so i can watch along from time to time
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Quit fussin', it's fine
I've quit drinking anyway and that's about how much a bottle of bourbon would cost me that I'd buy twice a week
I'm short on time, not cash
>In September 1940 the Polish soldier Witold Pilecki used faked identity documents to be arrested and sent to Auschwitz, which he planned to infiltrate and destroy from within. Boldly, Pilecki organized the opposition from within, hoping that one day friends from outside would liberate the camp. When no help from outside came he decided to flee and inform the world of the atrocities inside. He managed not only to flee but also to bring secret documents which he planned to use as proof, and even then he was not believed, as the stories seemed exaggerated. After the war he was arrested for treason and execute
What the fug dude
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happy unbirthday
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That reminds me
This image speaks to me, and it's doubly fun because I got this from some actual commie's twitter
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Aw man, I am going super enjoy this!
I can't wait for the weekend to get some decent time to play.
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Glad to hear it. Hope it's a lot of fun!
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That is a really kind gift moon, I feel a bit bad since I can't really repay you with anything close to the cost.
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Is sometimes weird to go over my old spotify playlists
some of them are 100% gone, with all the songs listed there no longer available
replaced by better versions etc.
Some, too big for the modern UI-design to open them, just causing the software to crash
And some, still subscribed by random strangers, all dem years ago
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Well that wouldn't make it a gift, would it?
You seemed really sad when it wasn't on sale, so I was planning to do it whenever I got paid anyway, but I wasn't able to catch you online.
Just have fun with it; that's repayment enough.
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You are an awesome person.
I love atelier so much.
Thank you!
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Do you have a PC capable of streaming? no big deal if not
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I am not sure if my upload speed is good enough.
I've tried streaming before and it has just been stutter and long audio lags.
Or my pc just might not be good enough but it should be.
It has 4gb of ram, and a fast graphic card.
my CPU is pretty old now though.
Hmm there is some weird sound coming over from somewhere
It is just noticeable when the window is opened, but the low bass somehow invades even when the window is closed.
I wonder what makes it.
what are your internet specs?
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You tried through steam or through twitch? Steam has its own broadcast thing now, which i think works better, but is a little more taxing on the graphics card? i can't do it, but i have a shitty graphics card
and twitch free members get fucked over occasionally, especially in european servers
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Steam streaming doesn't work great on my computer for some reason.
It forever goes into a loading screen.
I have tried twitch.
but it has the aforementioned issues.
I think it is my upload since the UK has great download speeds but shitty upload speeds
There's a Berserk game on Steam.
That's news to me.
a dynastic warrior style i hear
not gonna buy it though, can't even run it most likely
If the stages were that, with interludes of big one-on-one fights, it would actually be a pretty good interpretation of the series' content.
It might be something neat to keep in mind if it goes on sale.
well it is the dynasty warrior company that made it anyhow
okau gpu NVIDIA Geforce GTS 450
would be but
Core i7 870 over
Well the game ain't going anywhere.
Upgrade your computer on your own time and it'll still be around in the future.
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oh well
no reason to make a headache out of it
just have fun and unblockmeonsteam
yeah but seriously
the fuck is that gap between gpu and cpu requirements?
usually iti is gpu that is way over my head, but i fucking 7 while running on gts450
Might have something to do with the tracking for all the spawned units.
I haven't played many Dynasty Warriors games, but I think I remember them having a bazillion enemy units.
YEah I was thinking about that
similiar how RTS games are more heavy on the cpu to calculate all the unit movements
and shit, it would make sense for them to design them to use the CPU
and since they make games first and foremost for consoles, being high end on CPU and not that high end on GPU is also logical
afterall consoles do have quite powerful cpus, but not that big gpus
But I bet it would run on i5 or equilevant
they just prolly didn't test it on anything but i7 or slammed that there so no one can say "hey it ain't running"
Well the i7 870 goes up to 2.90 or something GHz.
The i5 I've got in my PC can hit up to 3.80, so in a way it can perform faster than minimum there.

Nah, but i5 and i7 get model upgrades every few years. An i7 model will perform faster than an i5 of the same generation.

For gaming, it's highly, HIGHLY unlikely that the difference in core numbers will matter. Games aren't really calibrated to take advantage of all the cores CPUs come with these days, and some times they don't even try to run on more than one core.
You might see a n almost negligible increase in performance if you have eight or ten or whatever the high-end core count is for CPUs these days, but it'll still just be negligible. You get more out of the clock speed than the core count.
oh it was that way?
i5 came after i7?
yeah but what is the number of cores...
weird and shameful how so few games take use of multicores
well then the game would have to be pretty much designed for pcs and usually would only work optimal on some set up
I think crysis was an example of this kind of design
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Figured it out
the port
something big must be running there or shit
maybe a ship still running its engines?

its about 3-4 klicks to the actual "dock" part of the port, while the port is just maybe 1,5 klicks away but still
quite amasing you can hear the engine rumble
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Why this.
Where can you even fly to for forty bucks.
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from turku to danzig
actually for just 20€
Ironically, if you buy the flight on a whim, you can end up paying more for the bus or train ticket from helsinki to turku than for the flight
Hmm, weird to think, that if you take a ferry to estonia, it is about the same drive distance to say berlin
than driving to the northernmost city in funland.
And how much money you would save...
You're talking about things that no one here at the moment has a frame of reference for, hah hah.
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True dat
but imagine if you could just ferry your car for 100 bucks to france from say NY
that is comparable to how cheap you can get from helsinki to estonia, and then just drive anywhere on europe
sure you would spend quite much money on gas and especially time, but isn't that driving part of the adventure then?
Not yet from estonia
they start in poland an shit
but eventually there will be a berlin to estonia and maybe under the baltic sea to helsinki
Can you get on the train lines that criss-cross Europe in Estonia?
But those trainlines aren't that cheap anyhow
sure cheaper than flight, but car is cheaper and gives you freedom of movement
and works as an emergency hotel
Hm, I see.
For tourists, would you say rail or car rental is cheaper?
I'd say for americans, take the train
european car culture would be weird to get into, not to mention it changes completely whenever you cross any national border
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Also if you go roadtripping, you will need to speak the local language at some level
france, poland, germany, italy, austria
they don't speak english in the rurals that much

or just refuse to speak

big cities and such, no problemo
but once you get out of the "tourist zone"
you in deep shit if you can't communicate
I wonder is euro still a thing by the time I turn 30
I think even if the multi-nation state of the EU suffers, the Euro probably has a good chance of staying on.
There's a lot of little benefits to not having a dozen smaller states all having their own currency.
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Frexit is becoming more and more likely by the day and that kinda ends the EU if it happens
if france leaves and UK is already out
the balance of power is 100% on germany in the shit then
it is like the UN or whatever in Code Geass when Britannia wanted to join with no limits on population vote
they would've dicatated anything in the parliament.
Yeah I kinda hope that EU grumbles as a superstate project
but the core parts, the EEC and shit remain
the economical co-operations, trade deals, freedom of movement for citizens and so on
but I would slap on say 2020-2030 lasting increased border control on all
not 100%checks but occasional checkups do the people travelling actually own a EU passport
As shcengen zone is not "free movement for all" it is "free movement for the citizens of the participating nations"
or people with tourist visas
or such documents

the whole pilgrimages from greece to finland aren't legal, since the people doing it aren't actually allowed to travel like that
on paper, they should register for refugee status on the first EU nation they arrive in
and then they would be posted in that nation, or as agreed in pacts, placed on some other EU nation that has the capacity to take them in, if the nation they arrived in can't at the moment
Still doesn't stop germany from taking in 1+ million refugees and then going
"Hey remember this deal we made before there were a million "refugees in /" in our lands
Welp, everyone did go "fuck you merkle" at that point, though"
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I wonder what X is
it acts like it is "god the creator" but at the same time it doesn't
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who knows
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Hmm I should propose to spotify that they make a "spotify share" or something
a co-music listening feature

Man I wonder would spotify treat me any special
I have been their customer 7 years and was prolly one of the first 100 or 1000 users in finland
Have you been a paying customer though?
Search [iqdb] (223 KB, 630x735, Sakura (792).jpg)
7 years as I said

I still remember when the "online" features first became a thing
my classical playlist had quite many subscribers to it, since it had ALL of the classical music on it that was available at the time
faded from relevance a loong time ago, but...
It was weird to notice one day that "you have 28 followers on this playlist" noted on it
and I was like "dafug is this shit"
I turned all my other playlists private the very second, but for somereason didn't do that to the classical
nowadays it is private it seems
Search [iqdb] (188 KB, 740x1100, Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou v06 c048 068.jpg)
me in YKK
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>>33974 →
>>33974 →
