Even if you're uninterested, saying a leftwing liberal by most standards not involving immigrants and a complete right wing guy on every issue but... uh, I can't even think of anything, is the same person, or similar, is just incorrect
Why isn't there outrage about the White House being called the White House? Should be renamed The President's House White House probably comes from white people running everything back in the day
>At various times in history, the White House has been known as the "President's Palace," the "President's House," and the "Executive Mansion." President Theodore Roosevelt officially gave the White House its current name in 1901. according to Whitehouse.gov
So I'm waiting in the checkout line an this guy with a beard down to his waist and the cashier says "how are you today?" And beardo says "Depends! Are you a Republican?" "yes I am" "Great, what's the good word?" "uhh" "make America great again, that's what. I got invited to the rally over in Melbourne but I'm afraid I'll get kicked out for complaining about the CDC spending [inaudible]" "y-yeah" "alright then cya!"
Wow. I wonder what would have happened if cashier said he wasn't republican
>I don't need to be served by YOUR KIND of people
Then the cashier rang everything up twice And we were like, what are you doing She says "I gotta do it twice to make sure I got it" and takes the extra charges off
Also there was this senile old dude in a fedora that was trying to scan something to give me the price and kept scanning the wrong thing
>>30870 kek Well I don't know do they want to, but the only thing hurting the media is the media itself.
Finally, I when I put the cart away outside and another employee that collects the carts started hitting me "that's a really nice hat" "thanks" "looks good with your glasses" "uhh thanks, take it easy man"
What the fuck is Home Depot Also there were a bunch of dudes in cowboy hats WHAT THE FUCK IS HOME DEPOT
http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-iraq-children-idUSKBN15W0OU >In Mosul orphanage, Islamic State groomed child soldiers
>Another textbook entitled "English for the Islamic State" includes ordinary words like apple and ant beside army, bomb and sniper. Martyr, spy and mortar also appear alongside zebra crossing, yawn, and X-box.
People are pretty sociable where you are. Cashiers and people don't talk much at all except from friends who know each other or old ladies talking about things to cashiers.
>>30911 don't run 3,04 run 3,03 also install "pop demands" mod
https://www.dropbox.com/s/mtw1o4hx396e0n3/PoD.FINAL.rar mod and https://www.dropbox.com/s/kh3lewgbd6tpm5d/PoD%20Final%20Hotfix%20A.rar hotfix
What does Pop Demands do? I assume you have to satisfy population needs/desires?
>>30915 add in stuff more ethnicities more resources it muxes and balances the resource needs for stuff and also makes like "early, normal, late" for factories like early arms fac uses different resources than late
and it also adds new units and balances them areound
for example instead of just having infantry and guard, you have infantry, regular and guard, with guard only unlocking at machineguns and it also makes tanks much more effective.
And it mixes how the late game great war system works, allowing the victors of each war win much more territory from the losers if they win
And it adds more national ideas, the "order freedom" stuff and the abiltiy to switch between them andm uch more oh, more social and political stuff, like "immigration" and "minority rights" etc
Looks like it adds a fair bit, I'll think about using it.
You should, it makes having a large standing army way more worth it and the great power dynamic mixes it changes make it a lot more interesting in terms of alternate history also yeah, way more events and stuff
and it also balances the colonialism, so any single country can't get a huge jump start on colonising the final regions, ie most of africa
Oh shit I accidentally disabled adblock and tried to load a few sites and my computer is dying from the influx of ads, even typuing this is a at massive delay I don't think the internet is usable without adblock now.
I don't know if I can post on /moe/ while streaming on periscope/twitter so when I do start streaming, I'm just gonna post "streaming" on /moe/ and the stream will show up on my twitter a minute or two after that here's the twitter it'll be streaming on https://twitter.com/idlematts it's probably gonna start around 4:30 (1.5 hours from now) but idk the protest supposedly starts at 4 but i've never been to a protest like this before and the rally doesn't start until 5
they will probably be peaceful but it's better to be safe than sorry and i can't really do anything if everyone is disgusted at me at first glance
>recap episode on youjo seriously
wow, 8,5MB/s on phone connection. not bad
European comments instead of fullstops are always confusing, especially at work. I have to type out invoices and getting europeans convention numbers is sometimes a pain.
Americans also suck on invoicing they always put the date wrong. the system doesn't accept american dates but if they have something that legit fits you can figure out what date it is supposed to be if it isn't obvious it is an american company
That's my normie twitter for when I get my public face going Not that I tweet a lot of my weeb twitter though I just retweet stuff generally I'd tweet more if I had followers Hopefully streaming the protest live will get me followers
i'll just report on stuff that isn't directly trump if i just talk like "this protest was pretty lame everyone was a loser" he'll retweet that shit i'll get big! so many followers!
Just but random trump compliments at the end like "he has such big hands, very nice hands" He'll say you are the best reporter, the only reporter
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
someone named Patio Party just retweeted my tweet that i'm going to stream it i don't know who that is but but they have 200 followers and their description is #notmypresident #resist #impeach so clearly this is already working
Is that a round about way of saying you are going to sleep? oh wait you can understand it the other way you finished the protest therefore are awake. I am smart Tensai here.
Welcome to the waking world! What are you going to do today?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>30973 Oh Rika, there are two misunderstandings I want to clear, not that they're desperately important.
1 was that cap you didn't know the context off, regarding "running around as a lewd whore". That was in reference to playing Pokemon Moon, where I had the "trap-like" outfit. 2 was Kirara thinking Iw was on E-3. I'm not, I'm on E-2, but I read about that debuff mechanic in E-3 on normal/hard and wanted to let him know I thought it was dumb
Oh, I see, I finished E-2 normal recently, it wasn't too bad. I'm currently deciding what difficulty I want to do E-3 on, and if I want to bother farming for the second sub. Those two new subs aren't very good so I may not bother. They aren't particularly cute either.
The combined fleet isn't that bad. You just need to use boss support and either 1/3 or 2/2 on your LBAS. You'll get A rank most of the time if you do that. S rank is probably out of reach since it's combined fleet.
>>30980 I was under the impression that you were only allowed to use 1 of them. If there's a way to sortie the second, I was not aware of it and did not use it.
I used the top route.
>>30980 Yeah. 1 fighter 3 bombers or 2 fighters 2 bombers. I used 2/2 but I was on normal which means my AP requirement was higher than yours will be.
I am the sort of person to pick only a few and use them forever even if they aren't the best, I should probably play with other boats but I feel less motivation with other characters!
That is more than what I manage to do! I went out once to get something to eat and saw a hot air balloon. came back home. Thinking about what to do. Decided to read while thinking and now it is 10pm
>>31021 How do you DO it? I woke up after about 2.5 hours sleep and decided to start moving and working on my readings again. and I couldn't do it. I just felt too disgusting. I had to go back to bed.
But yeah, when you do stuff with little sleep and force yourself to do that often enough, it becomes quite easy to be really functional even with the tiniest amount of sleep. Just avoid driving a car if you pull several no-sleepers in a row.
>>31027 Man. fuck it. I'd like the extra time in the day but I'm already slow and dopey enough without creating additional barriers for myself.
>>31028 don't recommend it, nosleep life is nolife
You guys ever try that sleep REM cycle manipulation stuff? the sort of thing where its claimed that if you do it right you can get by with like four 30 minute blocks of sleep in a 24 hour cycle
ubermensch tried it once, it doesn't work
Some people seem to think it does. But I've also heard that if you miss one sleep block by even a few minutes it screws you up for days.
Those "sleep hacks" are something thatmight work, if you need to crunch something or shit writing, coding etc work that isn't physical labour and allows you to take the required naps when the time comes, so also kinda requires "working from home" But even then, you are just fooling your brain and body that you ahve rested and the gained "extra" hours most likely will be spent fixing minor mistakes a fully awake brain and body wouldn't do. Also, since you are tired your brain and body will require more energy, so you will eat more and gain weight. And add to that the other lack of sleep issues and you have >gaining weight >worse performance >decreased resistance to illness and diseases et al
Everything is wrong
mats why didn't you tell me about zubmarine expansion
ah, there is an LWA in here. >>31167 Yeah, they show a lot of figures, figma, and nendos and stuff here. This is when a lot of stuff gets announced, I guess.
Oooh. I'm rika and I'm better than you because I get paid for the words in my head instead of for scraping congealed grease out of the bottom of metal trays
Well I've used an axe a bunch of times which is more impressive if you think about it -- using only the your own strength of your body, and not relying on a machine to do the hard work for you.
Hey. Shut up. Not even.. I do TONS of hyper masculine stuff.
er. Every evening at work I use INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH ACID to clean the ovens. That stuff fucks up your skin pretty bad. which I know because I've spilled it on myself a few times and the next day my hand really hurts and I can't move my fingers properly.
And uh. When I worked in that vegetable factory I had to use a nail gun a fair bit to make up the shipping boxes.
I bet your dad just took out out a couple of times to chop up some small logs. It's not like you were heaving up huge planks of timber in a lumber yard.
The nail gun I used helping my dad build a fence, and yes, he lifted all the heavy stuff. I used a chainsaw during a tornado cleanup volunteer thingy my church did, and I had to haul some of the log parts too. And I've used it a few times helping my mom clean up logs and fallen trees from her property from storms and stuff. I had to pick up log and tree parts there too!
>>31359 Yeah, there's really no doubt that you can bench press more than me.
>>31361 Then can I have my man-card back please? >>31360 Now THAT'S hardcore.
sadly it was just electron microscopy in freshman year where we got to go look at the stuff and do like one group assignment for one day i never got to use it for real research or anything
The RAW POWER OF THE HUMAN BODY is a much truer measure of strength then using any faggy little machine. And I've transcended the need for AESTHETICS. I don't look strong - I am strong.
And going out on a couple of charity drives to cut up a few loose pieces of stray wood doesn't make you right!
>>31363 That's pretty neat. What were you looking at under it?
i don't remember it was like 2011 haha something boring
>>31367 I looked at onion cells once. Back in high school biology. That was... something. I think they chose onions because it's easy to see the different cell lines.
that was just a regular microscope? i think the cell lines would be too big to see with an electron microscope
i mean you can definitely scale it down and get super high-resolution images of larger things and that's always cool let me find that one image real quick hold up
>>31372 I lift for something deeper. More Primal. INHERENTLY HUMAN that's been lost in modern society. If the ladies want to watch and get excited about it (they do) then that's their businesses. Their approval means nothing to me, but I'm not out to stop anyone from enjoying themselves.
im being charged a late fee for an electric bill that hasn't been paid because it's on hold for investigation of the accuracy of the meter readings like a 25 late fee is not a massive deal but it's frustrating as hell
>>31377 What BS. and it's hardly worth your time to dispute the charge or take them to court over $25 so what do you do in that situation? Just grit your teeth and pay up?
no fuckin clue, hope they finish up the investigation soon i've received no bill for january, but after paying the december bill, there was a 506 dollar charge added to the account, but not in the form of a bill because ive received no bill. bill history shows no bill for january. and a letter saying that there's probably an error and they're going to investigate and then i got mailed a cutoff notice for not paying something that i couldn't pay because it was on hold and now i'm getting late fees added onto this month's bill for not paying it and i can't even pay this month's bill because it wants a full payment, which would be 700 dollars because of the anomalous balance it's really dumb i could just pay it but i dont want to fuckin pay 700 dollars and then have the investigation show "oh yeah the meter wasn't right you really only needed to pay 150 that month" because ive never had a bill more than 150, and i dont believe a 500 dollar bill would be possible if i tried
Hey ton. >>31379 Shitsux. Have you considered LIVING OFF THE GRID?
im considering corporate sabotage if they don't fix this shit ive been workin my ass off to save up money i'm not willing to waste it on stupid shit like this
>>31382 Do it. It will be one step closer to the /moe/ FIGHT CLUB I so desperately crave.
You want to slug it out with your imaginary friend?
Man. This novel they have me reading for school got so dark so quickly I thought it was just going to be some comfy shit about the Australian countryside.. that's how it started out. Now it's got a woman caring for the crazy alcoholic who raped her 12 year old daughter so she can retain the lease on her land.
>>31388 Sounds like it's still perfectly normal Australian countryside at least.
>>31388 I remember in HS we read a book about detectives hunting down these guys who were torturing and murdering the men who raped them as kids. Also an abbo shoots himself. Australian booklists are great
>>31391 Yeah. I had bunch of that in high school too. I guess it was part of some sort of push to show that BOOKS CAN BE RELATEABLE. And down to earth and about real life problems that teenagers face or some crap like that.
I remember getting a booklet of short stories and it was all about drug abuse and sex problems and stuff. And this was in year nine. so I would have been like what.. 15. 16.
Whatever happened to Shakespeare
Conversely, when I went to the uber elite private Christian American school in Seoul, it caused a scandal when a movie we watched in class had a character call another character a 'son of a bitch'. Everyone gasped. The teacher paused the movie and apologized to us.
>>31405 Oh yeah. Tons of Abbo stuff. At least three different books on >mah stolen generation
>>31406 I will do whatever it takes to get ahead in this world.
>>31407 >muh stolen generation We did this too! Except all our books were on >muh stolen land muh sacred plot of fucking nothing muh whales Every assembly goes "we must remember that the original custodians of this land are the boonarongagrogdog people"
>>31407 >stolen generation >stolen, singular Wow you Aussies are small time. We stole GENERATIONS of natives here away from their societies and cultures in an attempt to force indoctrinate them into "European" culture.
>>31408 Because at this point we weren't really European anymore but not really Canadian. It was that weird transitional period where there wasn't a solid concept of culture. To say we were doing a proper indoctrination into European culture would be a misnomer since we were already shying away from the old world cultural values, but we were still totally embracing old world cultural values by trying to enforce other cultures on native peoples.
didgeridoos are pretty cool though
>>31411 yeah I'll give them credit for that and boomerangs
I'm actually pretty close to getting my arts degree. And now I've decided what to major in I just have to smash out a bunch of the prerequisites. So I'm taking three lit classes at the moment.
Which results in me giving up my weekend to read mediocre novels about life in the bush.
And even if an arts degree is pretty useless, it might lead to better things than frying chicken while I finish the rest of my studies.
just stay in school forever learn everything there is to learn
>>31421 >listening to lecture online >teacher talking about class demographics >"90% of the students here are in 1st year. There's a couple of second years. and one person in their 4th year - It's ok - you don't have to identify yourself" ..
Well law/arts is five years. And I've done about two years worth of subjects. Give or take. Mostly arts stuff though. So that's another three years of law. Plus an IT bachelors is three years.
And that's not counting extra stuff I'd have to do if I actually wanted to get a license to practice law.
I might try to get into cyber law. Maybe. That's one idea. MARSH-CHAN -- DEFENDER OF THE INTERNET
To practice law you have to pass several additional tests. There's like a theory exam which is the main thing, and then also background checks stuff like that. I think it takes about a year all up. I don't really remember. I've never really wanted to be a lawyer anyway so all that is secondary.
This isn't just a half thought out pipe dream. There are a few places around the country that have a combined law/IT option, including some very prestigious ones. So after I finish the arts stuff at this crappy local tin-pot university I'm gonna start applying. Maybe move to Sydney.
So everybody who thought I was just a useless NEET will know I'm actually super smart an' stuff.
There's heaps of stuff you can do with a law degree besides actually becoming a lawyer. Both public and private sector. And combined with the IT stuff I could lead down some really interesting paths. Policy making. Security of important infrastructure. All that good stuff.s
Man, when the actual nazis start getting more traction, we won't have anything left to say as to why they're bad We've wasted all of it on people who want the government to have a say in who is and isn't in the country
"They'll start concentration camps and kill everyone they deem lesser!" "Yeah, well, to be fair you said the same about Trump from the day he announced, so excuse me for being a bit skeptical here"
>>31476 you seem like a pretty good writer I mean all I've read is your mountain blog on almost dying twice but it was really engaging
I'm not kidding myself that I'll ever make a living out of it, but maybe getting something published somewhere would be nice. That's an actual goal.
>>31481 Summarise it to me so I can drag myself to success
1) Hit rock bottom 2) Start going to the gym. Spend two hours every day squatting and deadlifting and then eat an entire rotisserie chicken 3) Run up Mt Everest.
Now you're a total badass.
>>31487 Do I have to start at rock bottom? Honestly I have some room to drill
Yes. Its crucial. You need to be at rock bottom to fill yourself with enough self disgust to push you into reaching your goals. If you haven't yet found the lowest point of bedrock in your life, I'd recommend drinking a bottle of absinthe per day. that will get you there pretty quickly.
>>31493 That's a good plan, Thanks Marsh, I now have the confidence I need to sabotage my own life, and then maybe salvage the wreckage using your handy guide
>>31514 I want to make enough to live comfortably on my own and buy weeb shit. That's enough ambition for me until loneliness sets in. I'll jump off when I get to that bridge
>>31590 Yeah. I know how STAUNCHLY you stand by it. I'll probably order some of those capsules soon. >>31578 It mostly happens because I've taken to getting fucked up on energy drinks / coffee when I feel like getting loaded. Lesser of two evils.
wow you grinded to finish huh are you gonna ng+ right away or wait a bit
I'm almost out of the carton of marlboro reds I bought from a Mexican for $30 These things are drier than a desert and fuck my lungs up but man I'm saving so much money
>>31662 oh he'll no I still have the post game and stuff
So like Vesperia >= Berseria > Xillia 2 and so forth
It owned the Destroyer, which had been terrorizing the whole world since ANCIENT TIMES
>>31770 I imagine wiz just not having anywhere else to dump skill points into.
Like don't you come here and tell me that the spell that took 2 blows to tank a walking mechanical spider created by a now-dead, ancient civilization, which has been destroying everything in its path ever since, moving endlessly through the land... is a worthless spell Like stop
>>31774 Other magic seems to be capable of the same while requiring less mana and skill points
If other magic was capable, why was the spider still walking around? This thing should have been smacked into the ground long ago, as a defensive measure by just any random high level guy
>>31777 Yeah, I guess it's better to just let it stampede through the king's own shit Wouldn't want to inconvenience the adventurers whose only reason for existence is taking quests and destroying mobs
>>31778 Do you really think that the deal here is explosion magic and not a high level lich and mana transfer from god
I \\ Oh yeah that probably did a fair bit to make it happen But even so, megumin's not high level
And Wiz doesn't seem too overly powerful either, judging by how easy it was to take over her role in the graveyard
>>31780 Again her role was taken over by a top tier god
It wouldn't have quotes if it was actual censorship I meant
Because I'm pretty sure most Japanese television stations don't actually let shows display the act of throwing up. You can heave off camera, wipe your mouth, and have the camera show a pile of bile. But actually showing the act? I can't remember the last time I saw it in action.
You know one thing always bothers me about Alien. Why didn'tt hey detach their cargo before blowing their shit up? Shouldn't have been that hard, leave it there for the company to salvage and just blow up the ship, thus lessening the losses and possibly keepinh your job. >>31806 Oh right the AI and computer directives. >>31806 No they didn't they just had "if meet interesting things, bring them back, crew expendable
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>31805 Ridley didn't care because she found out that the company already knew that the alien would probably kill most of the crew.
Man I just love old scifi the hard tech designs are much more pleasant to the eye than some sleek and smooth white shit
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>31805 In the Alien novel it states that Wayland Yutani >>31810 no idea but its cited on the alien wiki anyways if you read between the lines you can tell that Wayland Yutani totally knew about the Alien. >>31811 they knew that it needed to put an egg into a person, the android was supposed to be able to deal with everything also why >>31812
do people actually read those cashgrab movie novelisations?
>>31808 then why the fuck did they not send a proper team to pick the eggs up No they didn't they just knew that any interesting tech or organism find would be profitable even in Alien Isolation, W-Y didn't exactly know what it was, just that it aws deadly and profitable potentionally
>>31808 Then explain ALiens if they knew that the plaent had the eggs in there, why did they only send in people to investigate the derelict after having COLONIALSIED IT FOR YEARS when they had heard Ripley's report?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
fuck accidentally clicked done >>31812 no idea, when was the last time you saw Alien by the way? Anyways its not my job to convince you that Weylan(d)-Yutani already knew about the xenomorph, but that is what most people believe. >>31815 they're movies, they don't have to make sense (unfortunately)
I am watching alien atm and last time was maybe a year ago same for aliens
Simply said, W-Y has most likely "grab any unknown tech or organism by anymeans necessary" policy I mean, in A: isolation they buy the whole station and go "fuck everyone, as long as we can get this whatever it is"
>>31813 them knowing about it, just makes no sense considering the plot and events of the first two movies simply said
But that aside, how the alienwiki explains how the facehugger actually grows is quite interesting shame the movies never imply it. >lump of cancer causing cells that make the body grow the chestburster naturally
But there should be a space game, where you salvage shit and find weird stuff like aliens rogue AI or just a ship with hull breach basically, setting of dead space or alien or alien isolation, but without the main point being "what went wrong" but picking up and fixing and looting derelict vessels
well basically, but it would be nice if it wasn't all retro graphics and 2d
I mean you could do like Alien: Isolation style environments, and just shrug off the plot details.
yeah, something like the survival games, but instead of planets you have ships and wll no silly hunger and shit meters and you just go look into signals or "hey go pick up this shit and haul it back here" requests as a salvage ship/crew and occasionally it is just "fix engines, drive back" and occasionally you find a protoss fleet carrier with zergs inside it or shit
Well, this has been a real productive day I watched all the konosuba that's out so far I found out that somehow Richard Spencer has a twitter account when Milo was bannu >>31826 Yeah I watched that between the seasons
Okay the W-Y did know there was a derelict and something dangerous there, but they didn't exactly know what. Just whatt he transmission had in it. that much is said in the movie, but easily missable, since iti s just on the computer screen.
Still dumbchoice if you ask me to send some random towing crew if they wanted it...
This week in stupid: Now nearly 90 minutes long
Isn't it always long?
It's usually closer to like 40 minutes
From what i understand those aren't the full thing but rather just the main topic?
man... if the alien's 3 crew members plan had worked and they had all went into the shuttle it would've been 2 in the hypersleep beds and oneguy being awake untill they are picked up or arrive at earth 10 months later... man imagine the isolation and wall crazy and all that bonkers you go, stuck in a small spaceship for all that time.
well most likely, they would've had turns on the bed s
Goddamnit That's still a pretty sweet gig though "Here, just be alive and sleep and do whatever for 6 months"
Sign me up, nigga Do I get to bring anime?
I could do the "drive people there, drive back" work like 1-2 weeks and then sleep 12 months and get paid for the whole duration and then do the same again in few years and prolly be set for life
Actually if video games have taught me anything, let's just skip Mars? Just... let's do the rest, but Mars... let's leave it
Though, in doom all incarnations, it isn't exactly mars they just happen to do research that leads into hell in mars wait in doom3 there was a literal portal, I think
Isn't it Mars? >>31859 In Doom3, Mars is basically hell It's like the waiting room at the doctor's You're still at the doctor's, even if it's the waiting room
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>31860 Hell comes to Mars in Doom 3, not sure about Nu Doom. In the first Doom it takes place on Phobos.
In new doom, it was just argent energy research
All I associate with Phobos is a Quake Arena character model
But it is mars in new doom
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Also that game you said you wanted earlier, a space exploration thing where you encounter abandoned ships and things like that. It would be pretty easy to just do that in Dwarf Fortress, err it would be easy for the dev of Dwarf Fortress to change it. I'm not sure if the world generation code uses the same type of description files.
>>31878 I have a ten inch knife that I got at an anime convention for $10. I got it because I bought what turned out to be a shitty rpg book so I wanted to return it but the guy only did excahnges, so the only things I wanted that he had for $10 were a giant zippo lighter and a giant shotgun shell lighter and the giant knife. I regret not getting the giant zippo but I was like 13 and wanted the giant knife.
Oh yeah SK, I am probably going to be going through boxes with records and CDs later. So I might find that mindless slef indulgence promo CD sometimes over the next few days.
>>31887 Oh cool If you do, figure out how to rip it
>>31883 suck on this, I've had the same number for like 18 years
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>31888 I know how to rip it, what format do you want it in btw? Ideally a Free as in Freedom format but I would be willing to do mp3. >>31891 FLAC is probably placebo but I can do that, I usually rip CDs to flac anyways.
Yeah it probably is, but at the same time, if you're only gonna have one copy and you have an unbelievable amount of space...
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
That reminds me, I'm really glad I figured out how to rip my friend's radio show archives from his radio stations website. Previously I would pass the audio through into audacity and record it as lossless, but I found out that the station encodes it as mp3. So I was making lossless recording of mp3 audio.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Although I'm a bit bothered that he didn't do his annual Anti-Valentines Day radio special this year. I think this might be the first time he didn't do it in his 21 years of radio.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
We used to have a bunch of cassette tape recordings of his radio show, but my mom threw away all of them except for one (as far as I know, no more showed up during the move).
If the government calls me and is like "hey you gotta do this thing, otherwise we're gonna fine you a million dollars" there's gonna be literally no way for me to find out
>>31898 There's been articles and such that dive into this aspect for a while, it's pretty neat. Kind of like how nice some parts of The Lord of the Rings looked because of the hybrid special effects they used. Then The Hobbit came along and a lot of it didn't have the same impact because it was just entirely CGI.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
found an interesting manga http://bato.to/comic/_/comics/masturbation-count-r20786 >A city has been cursed by a lust demon and everyone in the city has the number of times they've masturbated in their life floating above their head
Oh god Hikikomori for life
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>31903 They have the guy who masturbates the most hang out at the entrance of the town to mitigate the shock.
do they get paid? also imagine the awkwardness in some work place or shit >friday say 1000 >monday 1500
>you enter a town where your characters masturbation count floats over your head >some player goes, shiiit, what fontsize cause this gonna be a big number
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>31909 I'm not sure if I would actually have them go there, because I'm sure if I did we would all get into a huge argument. >>31911 I would not let a player play an immortal elf, at least not any time soon. I don't want to have to deal with high level characters. Also I'm pretty sure that elves are supposed to have a low sex drive.
Oh come on, it would be ridiculous like someone playing some immortal elf character could really throw their character around
Oh aliens had a Shining reference never noticed that before
>>31910 yeah, but once you have lived some thousand years, those numbers gonna staaack maybe dwarf would be worse, though or something
why would an elf have a low sex drive Why would being an elf have any influence on your sex dricve
because, when you are naturally immortal, if you say sprout kids every few years, eventually BILLION IMMORTALS bam there goes the planet so basically, just like in real world the longer you live, the less you generally breed. so elves most likely wouldn't breed that much and their pregnancy most likely would also take time.
of course sentient beings would still do stuff that is fun and... welp that wouldn't mean elves wouldn't do 24/7 orgies with safe-magic-sex enabled
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>31915 I'm like 99% sure that D&D elves aren't immortal (as in live indefinitely as long as they aren't killed).
Yeah, but generally elves live like 1000 years or shit
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>31918 I'm in the middle of looking it up right now but I'm pretty sure sure 1000 is the high end of an elf's natural lifespan. >>31920 not in D&D
and usually are biologically immortal
>>31919 that doesn't still refute any of my points. live they 1000, 10 000 or 500 years they are sentient beings who most likely have similiar biological responses as humans to faciliate drive for breeding somewhat as in "sechs feels good" so a 500 year elf would still most likely have a high number on m-count
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Okay the maximum age of a D&D elf with no class features or other special shit that changes their lifespan has // is 750.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
In D&D 3.5.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Also I'm pretty sure that there are rules (non homebrew) that I could use to calculate average masturbation counts for different races. >>31925 well yes, do you think I'm going to let people make pun pun? I would also likely not allow psionics. At least not initially. >>31925 I know a DM who is much worse than me about that.
wow now you dictate how the players can make their characters what a bad DM
>let's go to camelot >on the otherhand let's not go to camelot, it's a silly place a game by rei
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>31927 I meant more of when they're researching something and roll a knowledge check "this poison comes from the city of x in the country of y, incidentally city x was cursed by a lust demon and a magic number counting how many times you've masturbated floats your head if you go there, it affects everyone who is within the city limits".
When you make your character you have to define their One Unique Thing, the thing that makes them stand out. They can range from purely fun to campaign-shaping.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>31931 Its made by the primary designer of D&D third edition and the lead designer of D&D fourth edition.
PAN's character, for instance, is a holy paladin whose god he prays to is dice. >>31939 This could definitely be a One Unique Thing but I imagine it could be very unpleasant to roleplay, haha
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I would basically only run 3.5 or something else d20 system based that isn't super far from the base srd. Well I would also run GURPS, maybe. Although i have told my friends that if they buy me a hard copy of the book I would need to run a game in a system that I would be willing to run at least one game in any system. Like FATAL for example.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
For anyone not familiar with FATAL this should give you all you need to know. https://1d4chan.org/wiki/FATAL
Also mousing over links is part of the experience since err mousing over sentences or portions of them that have been turned into links, because the page it links to is often // I'm having a terrible time expressing myself in text form today
oh yeah ton how did you farm the axe at all isnt th e event stupid hard
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>31949 It is insanely hard yes I got half my vajras for one axe by using full elixirs half the time on my extremes when suddenly a flip gave me an axe
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
heh, I forgot about some of these awful magic items >Armor of Jewy Jewbacca: "Whosoever dons this armor will acquire a nose twice the size and a manhood half the size. Further, the wearer will become extremely greedy and fight to the death for one silver piece. Finally, the wearer acquires 2 inches of hair all over their body, resulting in halving their Facial Charisma and Bodily Attractiveness. While hairy, the wearer must bathe every 1d6 hours or smell foul." There are three other armors just like this which turn the wearer into an ethnic stereotype with no benefits whatsoever. According to Byron, this was supposed to be "controversial humor". So funny everyone forgot to laugh.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Oh wow, I found a game even worse than FATAL. https://1d4chan.org/wiki/VTNL
Apparently cats react to brain freeze in similar ways to humans. I guess it's kind of unsurprising when you think about it, but it's still kind of neat.
but do cats eat cold things that much even`?
Well the clips of brainfrozen cats seem to have them licking cold yoghurt or ice cream. So they probably don't, but like with milk and cream, they really like the other milk-based products.