Thread #33528
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anime! tonight is LWA gabby trickster
I got off work early If you give me a bit of time i can LWA
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>>33529 Good, we'll do Trickster first.
If Squid takes forever to show up I'll be up to date in Zestiria too.
ok letsog
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trickster okay lets start
Oh I wasn't sure if these people were showing back up. They felt like major characters but they were awfully related to the previous arc.
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This show got weird. I didn't expect Suzaku to go emo and then AWOL.
I'd rather watch suzaku become one of them and do fun adventures
They're kind of criminals though. It's all vigilante justice in a way, sure, but they're still committing crimes for it. Sure he's going emo right now, but he had his try at being a criminal and still failed at that.
Oh hey that was me like three hours ago.
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What is Suzaku doing back? I thought he peaced out last episode and told everyone they were losers.
I'm not sure. But hey, I'm not even sure I watched last episode, hah hah.
But both Suzaku and Wheelchair-kun are being kind of losers in this situation. Sure Suzaku is being a shut-up. mopey emo here, but Wheelchair-kun is being really stubborn about not reaching out to him.
i guess he got him imprisoned somehow
or was he helping someone escape
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Are you back with us, rook?
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okay, no rook yet. Let's watch Gabby. okay let's start!
That's a liberal translation.
Fucking localization.
This show's as bad as Stella no Mahou was at times with its localization.
How devilish.
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Sometimes I miss spotty translations since I only need the subs half the time.
So comfy.
Needing them is kind of irrelevant to me since I'm gonna read them regardless. I have a hard time ignoring text when it's presented to me.
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gG HAHA er caps the stipend gag at the end of that was pretty funny.
Did the op change or did i ignore it that much?
You ignored it.
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>>33573 It's the same it's always been.
The liberal translations of this show seem to get worse and worse though. I don't remember it being so ridiculous at the start of the show.
Poor Manager-san.
Rebellious age
Those are some wild fantasies.
It's always the mild-mannered ones you have to look out for.
A slovenly Vigne is nice too.
Bad to the bone
what time are you im im at 9:55 did i catch up oh
I'm at 10:35
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>>33590 You're fine. I'm at 10:30
sorry for delay I'm here now
Hi Roc we'll be ready to go in about twelve minutes.
Vigne's trying so hard to reign in her lack of devilish antics but Gabu is keeping to her usual shtick.
so cool
Geez, she gets so perked up from a sort-of compliment from Satania.
I hope CrunchyRoll gives whoever handled the sub scripting for this episode a stern talking to.
That's a cute kerberos
Hah hah hah. It's a dogpile.
Wow, even when she tries to give melonpan as a gift the dog steals it. How cruel.
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Is melon something you really want when sick?
Well melons are an expensive delicacy in Japan, so maybe it's a bit of a consolation thing.
This isn't ending well
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Using yourself as a pillow is an interesting concept. haha drawing on a sick person is so mean
It's pretty nice. One of the benefits I've found of keeping my hair long.
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That's using your hair as a pillow, not using yourself as a pillow!
My hair is still myself!
She just wants someone to do her homework Oh yeah
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See she wanted to help out in the end. This would have been a really comfy episode to end on.
Thirty-three Gaburieru to fall asleep.
Would gabs stipend go up for helping Or down for helping a demon
Probably up. Helping anyone, regardless of who they are, is definitely a good. Er, helping someone in need.
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Especially a good demon like Vigne. She's a positive influence on everyone around her! rook are you around and read y now?
Vigne is bad to the bone
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yep that's me ready
Okey dokes.
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okay we're all orange let's start!
Seriousu Akko
Andrew was a pretty nice character. I hope he shows up again.
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I thought Diana was going to learn a little humility but she's still just terrible.
Being Akko is suffering.
Lotte's faerie magic is pretty cute. I like stuff like that.
i wonder what her specialty will be
There's a lot of really weird inane technicalities for magic exams.
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such bullying!
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oh no
oh no her dreams
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I think now we can see why those guys thought magic was obselete. obsolete Who needs to talk to goldfish?
Oh no RIP in Pisces.
uh what I didn't expect this
Sucy should have become an eel. I think it would have suited her tail cloak better.
This is pretty funny.
this is a really strange episode but I like it
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Akko is going to have to take the exam as a fish.
McGonagall is kind of a really bitchy professor. She also totally favours Diana in a classroom environment she shouldn't pick favourites on.
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That guy was quick on the draw taking that picture.
technology sure is convenient these days
Aw yeah Ursula is remembering her Chariot vibes.
I hope these pictures in the Ed -ED of Ursula and the trio going on a road trip to what's probably Stonehenge happen in the show.
blue sensei is best
>>33654 >>33654 >>33654
>>33654 She's secretly a fallen Shiny Chariot so duh.
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well that was good thanks for anime!