Thread #32252
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idol jihen chaos child bang dream 3gatsu
is tilde live
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you're both here! let's start with chaos child>>32259 I did, yes! okay we're all orange let's start!
Ready.>>32259 No I totally missed your Fire Emblem post you wrote like three minutes ago.
did you read my fire emblem post
zestty too
I think I'm like two weeks behind on Zestiria, on top of this week's.
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I can't remember if we're behind on zesty or not.
i dont think so
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That twintails girl is the best girl.
She's the one with the most character so far. The other ones are just kind of floating about.
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So what's the deal with this girl?
Token not-loli loli. She's someone who's been handling the crazy people at the secret asylum. Probably a psychic like the MC. Oh another crazy sticker.
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Locking yourself in a tiny space with no escape when running from something is probably a bad idea.
Well fucking RIP.
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Now stuff is just weird.
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What do you guys wnat to do next?
chaos child kinda sucks i thought i'd like it
I can't decide which I'd rather get out of the way first, Idol Jihen or Bang Dream.>>32278 I'm a bit disappointed. I was hoping they'd stick away from the magical psychic swords and stick to the mindfuckery and weird paranormal mystery.
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let's idol jihen then i guess!
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oh yeah, orange play ;ets start
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wow she has to go up against her bestie's dad. I wonder if she will earn bestie points here.
Ponytail-kun is such a worrywart.
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ara ara
That's what I was thinking too.
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She really has no idea how to speak to this old guy.
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>negotiation didn't work let's just use idol mind control
This is some really high quality 3D CGI. The models are really clean.
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I guess the father is just as tsundere as the daughter.
Bang Dream? Or would you rather close on it, Rika.
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yeah, let's do bang dream strangely, the protagonist of this is getting a nendo>>32312 3gatsu after this>>32314 bang dream okay let's start!
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is this the last show
>>32311 The protagonist of Idol Jihen or Bang Dream? That doesn't surprise me that much.
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>>32314 It doesn't seem like something that would be popular enough to get a nendo.
Bang Dream's had a lot of priming material in Japan before the show even started airing. The seiyuu have been doing a few lives that have had pretty good success. And there has been a lot of promotional material.
Though if this show is a single cour, I really wonder what the plot tempo is even. The skill creep for learning instruments is way too slow for MC-chan to be proficient at playing at the pace she's learning. I mean we're halfway through the season and she can't even play anything of merit.
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Twintails is best girl.
MC kind of has a Honkers vibe to her. But is four times as obnoxious.
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She's a big time super baka.
She tries so hard to be tsun.
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Tsunderes that have to constantly expend effort to keep their front up are the best kind.
This is a nice bit of guitar though.
Also they're halfway through and they haven't even recruited their drummer yet. This show is moving at a really slow pace for a one-cour show.
This kinda makes me wish I'd had people to play music with. Learning music was always a solo thing for me. I never had people to jam with or anything. Maybe I'd have stuck with it better if I'd had people like that.
>>32328 shes more dumb than honkers
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Don't they like have a live coming up? They better hurry! but I don't mind the slow pace.
I don't think they're doing a live house live. I think this is about it.
I feel like K-On! had a similar song that was "My Heart is a <insert silly object here>".
Oh yeah, My Heart is an Eraser, I think.
On -whoops. Not My Heart is an Eraser, My Love is a Stapler. Don't know where I got eraser from.
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Wow she figured out how to sign and play the guitar quick.
O-tae is kind of autistic. Like in a legitimate way.
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i've lost all doubt a few episodes ago
Doubt in what?
that she was not normal
Didn't she only show up last episode?
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] Noragami - 12 [8B7448A1](…).jpg )
oh wait i thought you meant mc otae is a weirdo as well but i like her
Nah, the MC is just kind of dumb and straightforward. But O-tae has a weird awkwardness to her that reminds me of real autistic people.
they both might be but i think mc is more
Well the MC can kind of read a mood and reacts emotionally in normal timings. She's stupid, don't get me wrong, but I don't think she's autistic.
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okay 3gatsu oka let's start!
It's hard to pin the age of this guy, but he's getting all petty and arguing with a high schooler here either way.
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Onii-chan looks a lot older out of his suit.
wait the third match? i thought he only lost one so far
Oh geez it's me.
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see the girls don't know who that girl was. tThey don't know that she was his step-sister.
;_; Poor Shimada.
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so the score is 1-2 for him? or is it oh darn
3-0 for the white-haire guy. I think that's the full set too.
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 503x639, [FFF] Love Live! S2 - 11 [5B06(…).jpg )
i think they might have one more if i remember right it was a set of 7
I guess that makes sense. Shimada was talking about if he lost this one, it would be rough for him from then on. So yeah, he's probably at the end of his rope against whitey.
Ume-sensei title card!
End card even.
Her style's really changed since Hidamari.
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It's a nice looking end card.
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okay, that's all for now! Thanks for anime!
thanky ou
hfghfg hf