Welcome to playing a pokemon randomizer Except now your pokemon are cute boys and girls that talk
Heaven's Feel's first movie will be in theatres at the end of September this year. So we can probably expect it on hard copy byyyyyyyy... Maybe March 2018?
>>32014 Did you see or hear about the guy who prays to cardboard Trump at the Florida rally?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>32019 didn't expect you to reply but I already prepared sources https://theintercept.com/2016/02/02/barrett-brown-the-rule-of-law-enforcement/ https://theintercept.com/2015/12/02/barrett-brown-the-government-explains-why-it-took-my-email/ https://theintercept.com/2016/07/09/barrett-brown-the-fact-of-sisyphus/
not entirely related but still a good read https://theintercept.com/2016/10/16/i-am-fully-capable-of-entertaining-myself-in-prison-for-decades-if-need-be/ inb4 >thats not the warden punishing him
>new story of seasons in 10 days oh my and I was having the urge to play another farming simulator but wasn't really feeling any of the ones I have. I guess I'll just wait a week or two.
I feel asleep in a hot bath and was in there for like 1.5 hours before fish noticed and woke me up My heart was not happy with it body functioning is not optimal right now
>>32116 I have a heart condition, remember? Three of them actually. People with heart problems have to be careful with water temperature.
I wish I could take a hot bath. All I have access to is a shower though. The public baths at the hotel I stayed at in Kyoto were really nice, I miss that.
>>32126 I was in there for an hour and a half and then when I got up, I was exposed to the cold air, so the change in temperature caused my heart to freak out.
>>32160 Yeah. It's related to blood pressure or something. And the sudden change in temperature tells the body that something is wrong so my heart freaks out, trying to keep me from suddenly cooling down. I think that's how it works, at least. >>32159 I hope I do.
What I'd like to do is prove to myself that I still have control. Rather than quitting, I'm just stopping the habit. I believe that I'm able to be a purely social drinker, or just on special occasion. Teetotaling isn't in my interests. What I'm feeling now isn't a big stumble, but more like buyer's remorse I thought I'd have some since it was the weekend and I'd relax but i didn't, really I just felt kind of crappy all day and didn't enjoy it I regret the experience
not that you asked but i felt like explaining it to myself it's also dead as h*ck
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
my dad also dras\nk for the first time in half a year last week, also generally for alcoholics its not a good idea to try and drink at all, even on special occasions
>>32210 Did you like it? I haven't played in awhile, I'm waiting on more features.
>>32211 yeah i played it with a couple friends it was really fun, we tried to make a tether chain around the world but we screwed up navigation at the poles and ended up missing eachother by almost half the world we should've gone east-west so we wouldn't have the problem
it'll be much better when it's a fully finished game
Astroneer definitely feels to me like it's fun with friends, but kind of barren without them.
Though that is purely from a spectator's viewpoint; I haven't actually played the game.
it's because there's a lot of goals that are daunting at the very least when you're one person and highly tedious but with a couple more people it becomes a teamwork thing and when things go efficiently it becomes a really satisfying game
they've definitely got a lot of bugs to work out too
fuck home base just live as a nomad off a truck train
It was pretty fun. I think it will be a good comfy game once they flesh it out a bit.
I want to play a comfy mmo but I can't think of one.
I've never really played an mmo I played an hour or two of vindictus but I don't think that really counts as playing an mmo since I barely got out of the starting areas
>>32222 gaslighting is when you make someone think they're crazy right what is it when you make someone who legitimately is crazy feel justified in their beliefs
I guess that would be enabling then yeah I was thinking since gaslighting is a form of manipulation that enabling wouldn't quite work since it also involves manipulating someone's beliefs
it's not an MMO exactly but it supports multiple players no dedicated servers yet it's about resource gathering and crafting in space
so space engineers? or more of a playful thing ?
also you get a neat gun that erases/creates matter
>>32226 I think it's fair to call it a more playful version of space engineers it doesn't get very complicated in the current version and it's got a cartoony aesthetic to reflect that
i still want to play STARBOUND i got to play for like two hours and then kannagi never came back and everyone else had already played it >>32230 yeah that's the thing. I don't want to be enjoying it brand new (or basically brand new) with someone who's played a shit ton of it all that sense of exploration is lost, and there's not a whole lot to begin with
>>32228 i made a grabbity cannon in space engineers but i could never get it to load in on shared servers because it was yuge
i played a bunch of starbound and then lost interest might go back when content gets added
I wish there was a multiplayer mode in besiege 1v1 would be sick
tell me why ain't nothin but a heartbreak
Rika what anime is there. Do we even have a Squid tonight.
there was a happy person one day he woke up and looked back on his life the he was sad forever the end
>>32342 i can relate to this i hurt my wrist moving boxes i had today and yesterday off though so it's fine now >>32343 i can relate to this this happens a lot
The box didn't even fell that heavy. But where it hit my leg each stair is really bruised and has been for like since friday. No discoloration but it definitely hurts.
discoloration a word only someone in your line of work would use
Or, discolouration. A word only someone north of the border would use.
oh for arena if you wnana score highish you should do 2 characters with 2 level 1 npc characters they get a bonus and you only have to deal with 1-2 high level units as well just hope you can kill a takumi +1
>>32363 there's nothihng wrong with using it it's just not a word i hear a lot except by medical people
It's tempting just to join the 4chan wow guild and cause a whole lot of drama to give him a headache, but that's a lot of work. Vanilla wow is really time consuming.
I think I'm gonna start up ffxiv again this weekend I took a break a while, but the expansion is soonish so I gotta power through the content of heavensward
I got banned from a server/forums for a private server of a game me and some friends played on a few months ago. But the admin was totally corrupt so he deserved all teh trouble I made.
I'm just sitting here fucking around on my phone Have been for like 10 minutes now
I don't know what the holdup with our assignment is, but nobody is doing anything and none of the people supervising us are saying anything so I assume something is happening
>>32453 >>32454 >>32455 Disgusting! Filthy! Terrible! >>32457 American enough for me >>32456 I'm going to exercise in about an hour >>32462 You need a lesson in American spirit.
>>32457 do you get a better wage on a public holiday?
>>32460 i don't know that there's such a thing most holidays are optional for everyone just that most take the option
the company i work for doesn't ever pay more on holidays though that's extremely rare in the food restaurant >>32465 oh well of course when i worked at the grocer they paid more but public holiday makes it sound like a day that everyone has to recognize
Lots of places give holiday pay When I worked at 211, I'd get holiday pay on President's Day I wouldn't have worked on that day otherwise wwwwwwwww
President's day is kind of a soft holiday. Lots of people don't get it off, but if you're state or federal or related to state or federal you might get it.
>australia goes to war with US >US destroys their infrastructure and attempts to reconstruct their country >politicians decide we were too mean and we should just stop halfway through
Does it have all the different online features that Dark Souls has? A lot of the fun of Dark Souls is knowing people are out there doing things alongside you.
>>32493 kangaroo-fighting education and barbeque grocers
>>32495 You can join people in co-op but I don't know if there is real PvP There's no notes or shades You can fight ai versions of other players which are really smart though
>>32497 I'll watch it when I get home Not allowed to bring headset in, and I'd rather not have audio of pedophiles being defended happening out loud at work
>>32498 >>32495 the problem with Nioh co-op is that you can only summon someone once they've already completed that area
>>32506 it's only a problem if you wish you could play co-op with a friend in order for you both to experience content in DaS // i don't feel like typing a lot but it's not as good as DaS co-op
while I think the gameplay should be and usually is balanced around one player I kind of agree with bang the option should be there
Sk phone
There should be laws against two things in entertainment Recap episodes Peer to peer pvp
>>32508 ehhhhh i would say that they're about equal if you look at their faults
das co-op has a big glaring fault in that you have to do everything twice if you and your friend want to do everything together and both want to beat the game which is kind of stupid
yeah but Nioh requires one of you to have done it solo first i mean it's about the same but it's also well yeah i guess it's mostly about the same
>>32522 you can still do that revnants can be insanely quick and faster than real humans and are pretty smart sometimes you aren't discriminating against ai are you?
I'm not a robot, I'm a human! But she says I'm a robot and she thinks robots are less than human so she's saying I'm inferior to everyone! I'm a human so I have feelings and those feelings are HURT!
I'm going to RUN away. Please reflect on your terrible deeds while I'm gone! >>32567 You always say I'm a robot! You think I'm some kind of terrible tsunderebot!
You may not know this but I type at like 130 words a minute. I could make a living as a typist or secretary practically anywhere. I could even be a court reporter if I wanted to, I type so fast.
it always weirds me out how much people from other countries tune into american news though like every person i've met on the internet who lives in a different country brings up american news more often than people i know in person
i remember there were protests the day after trump announced the travel ban you don't just say "hey boss i'm not coming in to work tomorrow because i have to go shout and hold a sign" that kind of stuff has to be planned in advance
>>32781 more like, find something he can't buy himself free of
>>32785 Bunch of people got fired on the "day without immigrants"
Wish I had three arms
Could play games and eat potachi more easily
http://heatst.com/culture-wars/uc-san-diego-students-protest-oppressive-dalai-lama-visit/ >They have claimed that his presence is offensive because of his campaign to make Tibet more independent – contrary to the Communist government’s position that Tibet is a region of China under their control. Oh god this can't be real this must be onion article
there's no actual news anymore it's all propaganda for someone or someone else
>had put aside the pieces I need to assemble my bookshelves >while packing stuff day before moving them moved them into one of the boxes riiight... I really should've marked that one
Though he also said that the law as is, is pretty much where it should be, so he's clearly talking about a small part of the population I dunno dude, this is old shit
>>32859 It's old in the sense that he's talked about this before and hasn't moved from that position since
It's like Richard Spencer going "America should be for white people" after being out of the spotlight for a year and a half It's not new just because he said it again recently
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
guy spent $30k burying that shipping container to get rekt by reddit comments
>>32864 Well it's not if someone brings it up again It's worth talking about sure, but it's not really new if you already know about it, and how this hasn't been talked about before is beyond me He's been way open with this since he first got big through gamergate, basically
I remember this from last year, early last year
It's iffy and I don't really agree with him, but it's not like he's advocating for changing the age of consent either, he's just saying that some kids are more mature than others, and he was one of them Sure you can say that's what pedophiles actually think, and he's fueling their delusions, but if that was true, then there wouldn't be pedophiles doing shit or thinking that today with the HEAVY anti-allthatshit going through every single part of western society Pedophiles who actually think "Oh this kid is ready for the thing" aren't gonna be swayed either way by Milo going "Actually, you're right\wrong about that, pedophile-san"
It's just a non-issue to me, I guess, because I don't see it affecting reality in any way
Not to mention pinning him in with the alt right seems really weird Do you know who's the second most likely to kick his shit in for this hebe-shit, after antifa? Stormfront
To even mention it is insanely dishonest, because god help you if you even bring that kind of shit up with an ACTUAL nazi, he'll straight kill you
huh but he is alt-right the fact that alt-right would destroy itself isnt relevant
He's what the alt-right was before it morphed into white nationalism
The alt-right hasn't been an entirely solid group of people until fairly recently It began as just a gathering label for practically everyone who was tired of modern politics, lefties and righties alike, and then it devolved into just, you know Racists
Also he's never said he's part of it, he's actually said the exact opposite several times Groups latch onto people who say stuff they agree with all the time, I dunno why we're making exceptions only for people on the right and bunching them in with those groups by default I bet you anything the black panthers and nation of islam liked Hillary, and they probably like Bernie too Neither are treated as members or spokespeople of those groups
Yet Milo, because he's liked by the alt-right, is Trump, because he's liked by the alt-right, the KKK and other fuckos, is
But this is tangential, it's not related to the hebe thing, it's just a thing that annoys me It just seems even more dishonest when you bother including it with something that clearly has nothing to do with the alt-right
"BLM supporter, Hillary Clinton, thinks the war in Iraq was a good decision" Like what kind of relevance would that have? She likes healthcare too, are we gonna add that to every mention of her on anything? "White nationalist Richard Spencer believes in equality of the sexes" ??? (I don't actually know if he does that or not, it's an example)
it's the good old policy of labels if you have a label that paints you into a clear black and white picture, especially the msm likes to do, but so do others for that matter, so why not use them people like simple stories and narrow views on the world afterall.
And, it makes even less sense since the current definition of alt-right is white nationalism with a different coat of paint Fuck does kiddie fiddling have to do with white nationalism? When has that ever been a thing white nationalism has had associated with it? If anything, it's opposed to them, since one of the big complaints with Islam is they literally worship a kiddie fiddler
Like don't take this as me defending the alt-right, either They're fucking wacko But at least attack them on the things they believe as a group rather than ASSIGNING some random gay dude with a black fetish as their spokesman and then assuming everything he says has anything to do with a group he personally dislikes That's fucking insanity
>>32875 It pretty much does at this point Like sure they have more to them than JUST the white separatism\nationalism But that's the big draw, and you won't find a lot of people hanging around the label without believing in that part
Spencer and his boys have done a fairly good job claiming the term
In any case, I'd like to not have to mentally go "But that's not what the alt right believes, and he's not even one of them" every time I see Milo say something wild Betya ISIS likes Merkel, too
Antifa were probably pretty fucking united around Hillary during the election, but I'm not convinced she's a fucking ancom
My understanding is that Milo very much represents a large portion of alt-right ideology It's completely fair to call him alt-right
He has a lot of overlap in that he's anti-establishment, he's somewhere on the right, he's 'not' a collectivist And he's not a commie
The parts the same people labeling him alt-right actually say the alt-right is about, NONE of those he's in favor of So it's at absolute best a smear tactic
>>32879 Is it right to call someone part of a movement, if they themselves don't associate with them, and don't represent them?
Like, judging by the media, what does the alt-right actually stand for? I can think of only one thing ever mentioned specifically about their beliefs They're racists, they're white nationalists When those same people call Milo alt-right, they're not going "oh, but only in those OTHER parts of the alt-right that we literally haven't spoken a fucking word about at any point in the last year and a hafl" They mean the racism
Is Milo a racist? Unlikely
I mean, at this point when used by the media, Alt-Right is a big bad boogieman them evil right wing radicals coming to goosestep over your rights
>>32882 also alt-right is misogynistic and hates fags
>>32881 But he does associate with them and does seek to represent them
I dunno, it just seems odd to me for over a tenth of a country to be alt-right when seemingly nobody is willing to say they are, other than white nationalists
Sure but the guy who is the only one actually outright saying "I am alt-right" in the media.... white nationalist The only thing associated with the alt-right anywhere you see it, white nationalism
And it was never actually said that the deplorables are the alt-right
Maybe because you aren't an American You're getting biased info, not the full story Yes, people think alt-right is racist They think a lot more stuff about them too It's a political ideology
I dunno, but yeah most likely not but the idiotic progressive circle did grasp unto power quite well, but then again they have that good PR still going on with them. Even if their whole ideology is cancer.
I mean maybe if antifa steps it the fuck up already, we'll see the alt-right gain some real power Policy-changing power
But that's unlikely to really happen Antifa is too fucking fringe, not to mention retarded, to do enough damage
Gotta remember, that fascism only ever gained power in europe, because COMMIES were trying to gain power att he same time. Easy breeding ground for a war of ideologies and let's be honest. No one really wants communism.
Yeah, sort of The alt right only has power in so far as the rest of the right agrees with them And even the whitest republican is unlikely to go "Yeah, let's do a race war"
There are senators that used to be KKK
which is pretty spooky I dunno, I just don't see it as a legitimate threat because as wild as Trump is, he won't fucking start segregation again
And I doubt US has such legislation or constitutional loop holes that allowed Hitler to get into power anyhow.
And with how Trump is doing, he's... not getting a second term, and neither is another republican until we get a new democrat And by that time, this whole alt-right thing will have blown over because far right, white collectivism chokes the fuck to death as long as there isn't left-wing violence there to fan in more air
>>32915 they still changed constitutiona nd all dat shit and there wasn't any safeguards to prevent that kind of shit, compared to modern democracies. Germany afterall, at that time had been a democracy for just 10 or so years
>>32919 what SK said Military most likely supports him, because he has promised tot reat them well and hasn't gone all "boom boom go to war" yet atleast. >>32923 I'd say biggest problem you ahve is proper criticism getting buried under the non-issues.
The safeguards in the US are mostly just... you know People chosen by the president If he gets real lucky and some supreme court justices fade off, he could stack the deck and do whatever he wants to, technically
I don't either but things are not as safe as you think If you assume you are safe, you will never be safe
Not to mention he could push for amendments or the revocation of amendments Sure that takes a lot, but it's technically possible, and I bet the Nazi party would have been able to do it legally with their numbers
Or italy in that matter or the many other european nations that got far right take overs.
>>32926 but as he and the powers that be are now right it wouldn't be the right who would take over after his fuck up
Trump is dangerous, but in reality nah he don't have the necessary strings and keys to open the doors to dictatorship proper And I doubt US army would ever point their guns at their own people. Some might, but the majority nah
I mean, look atj ust the arab nations that fell over there some big wigs in the army went "okay go bring order" but the grunts went "wait a minute, I ain't shooting at my friends protesting"
Only way it could happen if he can secure enough power like say Erdogan in turkey, to the point that the people and the army have to raise up againsth im, basically "commit treason", to take him down. But 4 year terms and >turkey compared to US, yeaah Kinda don't see thath appening.
some people here in tennessee did that "protest trump by not going to work" the other day and then they lost their jobs and now they're fussing about it tennessee has looser laws on just firing people
>>32932 Seems like a completely justified reason to fire someone
i would have the particular case in question, it was like 18 mid-level management people all taking the day off the fuck do you expect the company to do?
the point of the protest was to "illustrate how removing immigrants from the country hurts our workplaces, and what companies will have to deal with" or some garbo like that you know what the companies had to deal with? they had to deal with hiring different people to do the job it's not like there's a fucking shortage of people looking for work
I don't really care if someone gets fired for political activism when the activism in question is to not show up for work Like at least clear it with your boss, asswipe
>>32934 Not to mention it's actually not legal to hire illegals, so their argument is that crime is supporting the US economy And they're advocating for the continuation of that crime because otherwise the economy takes a mild hit
>>32936 I think it was also (or maybe moreso) talking about welcoming legal immigrants but i don't know i don't know shit
What would have been pretty neat is if all those open positions now went to immigrants As a "fuck you" to the protesters
SK, what's the equivalent of what you make from your work in USD? you've mentioned it being a low-end job quite a bit, but i'm curious how that translates given the different economies >>32941 what's that in your currency?
I make about $4.5 an hour
roughly 50 NOK Uh lemme check exact numbers here
that's 7.14 an hour tbh that's not bad i've worked for 6 an hour before
>>32937 this is the "non-issue" problem people protest more on misunderstandings, mis-perceivings and wrong ideas they have about trump. Like the whole 7 country ban exec order which resulted first in people protesting at air ports with "racism is bad, refugees welcome" when the actual issue about it was the double-citizen and creen gard and (lol wht a fail) mid-stopping issue etc.
i wish i had a cigarette to take a cigarette break right now >>32945 i'd try and get you doing transcription somewhere since your english is good but that'd be weird as hell to be paying US taxes probably
>>32947 I wouldn't know how to do that, and I probably would have to pay taxes here, too It'd be a really bad income stream I think, once two separate governments steal my money
yeah, i figured as much sometimes i see really specific jobs pop up, like english to (other language) transcripts or other language to english. It's not just the translation, but the transcript as well.
wondering what market there is for english-norwegian in that regard
I'd like to do it though, I just don't think it'd be worthwhile
Actually SK would just pay norwegian taxes since he works at norway even if he works for a us company based in US
>>32956 $60 for one hour of audio is kind of industry standard $1/1 minute legal transcripts (which usually require a good bit of either paralegal or previous transcript experience) pays by the page instead -- usually about $2+ per page, but that's legal pages with formatting and double spaced. Tends to be about a minute and 20 seconds a page.
I get $1.50 a minute for quick turnaround, like same-day >>32961 >maybe 6 if i use 2 minutes per audio minute lol
How difficult would it be for you to figure out if I'd have to pay US taxes doing it? Cause if I don't have to, I could probably give it a shot because holy shit dude That's like a 12 times upgrade in pay Maybe 6 if I use 2 minutes per minute of audio
Whatever the case, I have to use a LOT of time for it to dip down to current level AND I get to stay home AND I don't have to talk to people
Well the simpliest way would be for moon to treat SK as a freelancer working for him that relishes him of any legal responsibiltiy in terms of SK paying the taxes and docments etc.
>>32964 i'm not in a position to employ freelancers i already have to pay taxes on my own income i can't use that income to pay people net what i make gross
Well in terms of how shit usually goes you pay taxes to the country you reside in. Which is why countries generally hate people who are employed in them, but live abroads All dat tax money going away
Anyway, counting reviewing and everything, after you get used to it, I wouldn't say to expect more than 12 dollars an hour gross and that'll be taxed or whatever >>32970 does everyone in norway already speak english? why not look into NOR->ENG translation?
Though really I don't see much of a problem with it when the system is the way it is It's people based anyway, if you vote for "democrats" or "republicans" you're a fucking tool Both of those have like a ton of differences within them
It's different if the politician in question outright lies about his intents, but that's like You just swap that nigga out then, next election
https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/tools-and-samples/hr-qa/pages/engagingindependentcontractorsabroad.aspx this looks complicated you could honestly probably find something within your own country, to be honest i'm sure there are businesses in norway that deal with english-speaking businesses
transcription isn't one of those major-company industries. It's small companies littered all over, that just crop up wherever business is taking place, usually because there's a need for something local so that need gets filled
If you're on welfare, they surely asked about what skills you have, right? Did you include anything about clerical capability or familiarity with computers and basic software?
I think it would take way too much effort and time that neither me or SK want to spend, to explain any of the nordic systems for welfare and unemployment Can't even do it proper in ym case, since I have never used them
>>32978 it's not that simple, huh? like in Kannagi's case, working (or was working) with temp agencies, they just ask about work experience and what skillset, if any you have and then companies that need that, or just grunt work, will request a temp employer >>32973 who particularly? there are a lot of republicans who are more liberal than a lot of the democracts, and vice versa. They're republican but want to push the party more in a different direction.
If memory serves, here you first inform the unemployment office, though now all part of KELA, that you are unemployed then after having left the open job application there, you will become applicable for unemployed benefits, if you don't receive any union or such money already. You can also then separately apply for housing+living expense benefits, which are granted separately depending on need or emergency social welfare money, which is granted once a month and has to be reapplied to each month.
Of course now they are testing the "general income", which would just be 500 or so each month, to everyone who earns under X or something along those lines. Much easier to apply for if need, and wouldn't be tied to being unemployed and would also not be so anal about being part-time worker or short-term worker, which the unemployment money is. Basically >dependent on une-money to survive >work 2 days a month on some oddjob >get just 1€ over the limit >have to return the une-money from that month and most likely won't get it untill reapplied
>>32984 can you tell me? i'm working so i can't pop up a video
it's weird when you can't remember faces most white politicians look identically bland like i can notice the difference in baldy-greyhair up top and caterpillar eyebrows in the top right and nobrow on the bottom. they're obviously different. I wouldn't mistake them for the same person but they're all the exact same flavor of bland i would never be able to pick them out of a group of white people
Hmm yeah it might be a thing for me I can't tell some really african looking guys apart or shit But whites naah atleast the types that are in funland
>>32992 it's a little different in person because there's a lot to go off of but these mugshots, all in the same suit it's like taking a handful of rocks and throwing them into a pile of rocks and then going to try and find which rocks you had to begin with