I arrived at 4:00. I parked at Sears because it was easy even though there were signs that said not to park there. I walked to the Free Speech Area. Along the way, the streets are lined with stalls: People selling Trump memorabilia. They shout catchphrases like "Orange is the New President!"
From 4:00 until 5:45, I walk around aimlessly, taking pictures, ignoring the protest zone, doing whatever I want. People chant angrily, "We want a leader, not a stupid tweeter!" and "Hands too small, can't build a wall!"
I was really hoping that was going to be "We want a leader, not a breeder"
The rally began at 5:00. Trump flew in at 5:30. He was late. While the people waited in the heat, ambulances came and went from the airport. I counted 12 of them in the 3 hours I was there. A protestor told me that people waiting for Trump were getting heatstroke.
This might be a strange question but what did it smell like there big crowds hanging around for long times always makes the area smell like BO to me
As Air Force 1 flew over our heads, the protestors erupted into a rage and started screaming "Lock him up!" over and over, mirroring the chants of "lock her up" that were common at Trump's rallies.
As people wait for Trump to eventually get off AF1, which takes 15 minutes, a man turns to me and starts telling me about something ridiculous he saw earlier: A gay man that was Republican. I wrote down a quote from him. "He was a gay man... and a Republican? I don't get it man. I guess he'll learn eventually."
The cameraman for Fox 35 walks by with his reporter. A protester grabs at the reporter, screaming, "You should be fucking ashamed of yourselves!" The cameraman knocks the protester away and explains that they are Fox 35, not Fox Network. The protester doesn't care and hurls profanities at the reporter, calling her a whore and a slut.
At 6:00, about a hundred people walk out of the rally. They're protesters. A protestor on my side of the street explains that those people got tickets so they could take seats away from Trump supporters. Then she explains that there are actually no seats at the rally so, and I quote, "That way he can say there was a standing ovation the entire time." Most of the protesters on my side of the street start leaving. It's going to get dark soon and apparently they aren't committed enough to stay until Trump is done speaking.
It took me a very long time to realize that the pussy hats were just supposed to look like cat ears and not the reproductive organ. I kept looking at pictures of them trying to figure how they looked like it.
The two TVs start flickering and strange artifacts scatter across them periodically. It panics the supporters, some of which scream "Fuckin' snowflakes!" or "Fuckin' ISIS!"
These two ladies step in front of me. The girl in the tight dress says that Trump is so dreamy. The other girl who is barely wearing a shirt and no bra agrees.
Trump reads the statute that says the president can do whatever he wants to immigration and claims he is going to "do something about" the judges that disagree with him. The crowd claps.
He notes that the statute mentions the president is a "he" Laughs and says "maybe it should say he or she?" Asks if his female supporters care. He answers for them: They don't because they won't be president.
>>31139 orange is the new whack is the only amusing sign here.
Trump claims that the Democrats were expected to win almost every senate seat, the presidency, and the house, but did not. Claims that the GOP has been in control of Congress completely for a very long time. The people shout things like "Fucking Democrats!" and "Libtards!"
Trump says he's going to take on the global elite. A man shouts "Drive those kikes out!" Someone else tells him to fuck off.
Finally, at 6:45 or so, the rally ends. You Can't Always Get What You Want plays.
People start chanting, "Hands too small, can't build a wall!" again. I see the Fox 35 news lady again. She looks like she's been crying. She's clearly miserable. Her makeup is smudged and running down her face. I can only assume that protesters went after her again.
>>31197 >What are citizen journalists????? I thought we were in an era of that shit since twitter and arab spring and the like. >I see the Fox 35 news lady again. She looks like she's been crying. She's clearly miserable. Oh man, that's pretty sad... :( The anti-trump protesters?
Yes. See: >>31160 They were harassing her terribly.
I decide that I can't take it anymore and I walk back to my car. As I turn my back to leave, Backstreet Boys start playing from the rally TVs. "I Want It That Way".
>>31242 probably nothing since there was a guy with a swastica tattoo and a guy shouting seig heil and doing nazi salutes and everyone thought it was funny
>>31244 >nazi salutes THEY'RE ROMAN SALUTES, FAM!!!!
>and everyone thought it was funny. Oh lawdy
>>31244 people thought it was funny when john cleese did it in germany, too
I had a thing that looked like a press pass and I put my driver's license in it and a pen and a notepad and just walked though while taking pictures and nobody stopped me because I looked like a journalist
It was really great though I would just point my camera at people and everyone was so eager to be photographed even though they had no idea who I was or why I was taking photos or where the photos would end up
were there no >Roses are red >Violets are blue >Fuck donald trump signs
There was one chant that I liked though It was "Drugs for all, not a stupid wall!" And that's totally something I could get behind even though I don't know why they were chanting it.
the alt-right task force is commenting on my videos like "wow soros out of money?" and stuff like that because the video shows like 50 people out of a thousand wwwww
If Soros paid people, I'd be eating good.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
he does pay people it's just that you haven't gotten into the right networks for that
He doesn't pay enough. He might foot bills for organizers maybe >>31287 I need to become an organizer
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
he pays 20/h or some shit dude
it's usually 2500 for inciting a riot or being excessively violent and destructive one night, 2500 bucks
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
pretty good deal tbh
I'd incite a violent riot just for a hot meal and some new earbuds.
I think my favorite protest sign was simply >you are sad, Mr. Trump. Direct. Pungent. To-the-point.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the motorcyle guys were my favorites
>>31292 So - was there actually any discernible point to the protests? was anything achieved? Was the day well spent by all?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i got a pretty good workout, that's something
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
everyone i asked had a different reason to be there though i wrote down a bunch of them one sec
With a few more presidential policies that result in a complete cardio workout for Imats, maybe the nations future isn't so bleak after all.
>>31188 >They don't because they won't be president. Bait "it should have said he or she, right. They were not politically correct when they drew this. In fact, that's the only thing that was actually wrong with it. He or she. I don't think the women care too much about that. Right?"
>>31295 And I know that people will have THOUGHT they were there for a reason. that they were doing some good. Getting results. making progress.
But it seems - at least from an outsiders perspective - that these people only show up to these things because they want to feel involved. They make a lot of fuss and a lot of noise. Wave their WITTY signage around.
But at the end of the day it's all just a bunch of hot air and nothing more. The day could have been better spent sowing a field or working in a factory. Something that produces value.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>31297 not bait as i said earlier, i could not hear him well over the shrieking
Here are the answers I wrote down because they were interesting
"My dad shot a Nazi, once. Gotta follow in his footsteps." "Trump is evil. He has to be stopped." "We need open borders, man." "We are all immigrants. You, me, Trump, everyone." "Hashtag I'm still with her." "Trump is a monster, he's gotta go." "Trump is a cheater." "My girlfriend wanted to come." "I have a right to protest, man, you can't fuckin' stop me."
>"My girlfriend wanted to come." I mean... Uhh I'm sorry bro
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>31303 She was right there, too she gave him this look like "you are gonna get it"
he was awesome just walking around on stilts walking up hills on stilts and then his friend with a mullet showed up on stilts and they just walked around on stilts together
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
there was an impressive number of black people there too i was happy usually you don't see black people anywhere
the joker's spat with the infowars dude was kind of funny joker was just pointing and laughing obnoxiously and infowars guy was like HAHA THIS IS GREAT
>>31322 I'm really upset that he's wearing fucking tennis shoes with a suit. That triggers the shit out of me.