*100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru Bokutachi no Remake Fumetsu no Anata e Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoko Saikenki *Hamefura *Kageki Shoujo!! Episode 4-6 *Love Live! Superstar!! *Magia Record *Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Episode 5-6 Seirei Gensouki *Uramichi Oniisan
One of the nice things about Fushi is that since he's immortal the narrative can have him lose, and lose pretty badly, in a high stakes situation, and not still be written out of the story Of course the trade-off is when the stakes are high it usually means someone else important dies But they can put Fushi himself in dangerous situations and while he can't actually die, he can lose, and lose a lot
Utada Hikaru is strong I can't remember the last time she was involved in any anisong Aside from mainstream pop all she's really been involved with for like decades is Kingdom Hearts
>My Fushi Oh no she's possessive
This lady might be talking out of her ass but I think she's also completely crazy and legitimately obessed with Fushi After all the best lies you can tell are the ones you believe in
It's true that he's kinda not accomplished a lot as an immortal that said he just recently learned how to be human he's not been able to talk for very long he's doing pretty good for someone who recently learned how to be human
I too might be immortal, and haven't accomplished anything
>>968620 He's got the freedom of time to make mistakes Normal humans only really have so many years they can make mistakes in before they start running out of time
please no
Okay hang that post for a moment waht the fuck Man he had a nice sweet dream here and now he's got her intruding in on it
If it was like, thirteen and under or something like that, then it might be fine This island feels like the kind of place where kids grow up faster than they ought to And even kids that age might be basically adults But seven and under is way too young
fushi knows he can kill the truth lies beyond the gate
More like he thinks he can kill He's yet to actually kill anything more than a mole
i think he'll end up killing her
but what's a little scary is that if he does, she's probably going to be his most powerful form besides the bear she's clearly faster than anyone else they've met and possibly stronger
I don't think he'll get her as a form one way or another
seems like shit is hitting the fan next ep
seirei okay let's start
There were a lot of zombie-poi people in that PV I guess the Nokkers are evolving even further
>>968657 Yeah, while I can see there being the emotional link between Fushi and her that could be the basis of taking on her form It feels far too tainted a link to actually work All the forms he's taken on so far have been out of love and respect, which are not two ways to describe how Fushi feels about her
funny how this show can have all the makings of comfy but just not be interesting enough to get there
for the last little bit i've been operating on "i'm sure there will be something interesting eventually, right?" maybe these guys will cause it RIGHT NOW
wait i bet that was one of those soul gem things where if the other guy decides to pull the plug he'll just fuckin die
What happened to the harpy girl The elf, dwarf, and animal girl he's befriended in the village were all drinking with him But the harpy was missing
dude's teleporting wyvern eggs!?!?!
Elf-chan can just fuckin' levitate at the same speed a harpy and griffon can fly That's some real magic
hearing someone say why-vurn instead if whiv-ern or whivurn is weird
Quite the infodump on the military/socio structure of the kingdom
she's a mystic fox and her name has fox in it
The continent their kingdom is in is another one that really looks a lot like Australia I wonder if that's just a convenient blob shape to work with when designing a fantasy continent
Plus it gets warmer on their continent as you head north If you were in Australia, that would be, well, technically correct Although Australia's climate isn't really gonna be affected drastically by moving north/south
i think the important takeaway here is that australia is a strange land inhabited by beasts and demons, lacking modern technology
Yeah but they also have magic That's a pretty good sell
her face that was good
>Just a little soft in the head Oof
Man they were all ready to pounce this hothead
wow you can't just use one's love of a foxgirl like that, can you!? is that fair!?
i just don't like how they look with school uniforms and/or sailor uniforms something about it puts me off almost annoys me i'd have to think about why
Generally when you tell a king something, you want them to do something about it Also they've kind of worked this cliffhanger twice this season so far They did a similar thing with the poor fox girl when she whispered in his ear and then everyone got serious
damnit they're doing that thing
i love shows about politics and nations like this but this has to be my least favorite cliche
time for the good show! give me 2 mins
theyre all good shows, but this one is competing with shiroi for my favorite non-dragonmaid show
This had a funnnn cliffhanger last episode I can't wait to see it all come tumbling down
Wow they're already all close How sweet
Shit Poor her
uh oh she's mad
I wonder if they'll take long to do an arc putting her and Tsurayuki together When they were first introduced they had a bit of an old married couple's vibe So that's what the ship felt like
he can control the weather too those clouds parted at just the right moment
I too wish I had the power of pathetic fallacy
maybe it's like haruhi and his emotions are influencing the weather like that tsurayuki is actually the most important being on earth
Man, being able to make a doujin game in like mid-2000s Japan would have been a lot of fun That's when a lot of the roots of what are now staple cultural games were being made
Tiny sempai dressed up like she's Sherlock Holmes
yeah ikr with the pink hair she kinda looks like.......
Oh I thought she was gonna make him make it an eroge That would have been a fun way to wrangle him Plus eroge do sell well
what an ominous thing to say before dragging him into a dark room
they're gonna go play doujin games yeah that's the reaction i was expecting
Yeah It's good This is exactly the reaction I wanted
Less than half a day in and he's already morally crippled half his game staff
Oh this looks like my
sawashiro-san's voice only gets better with age
So professor onee-chan was a doujin game designer And in the future her imouto becomes a professional game director You'd thinke he'd have the foresight to tap Buchou to help with this
Nanako and Tsurayuki are definitely the more normal-inclined of their friend group The MC is obviously an otaku and Shinoaki is an artist and all artists are weird
>>968826 They're probably cousins or something Marrying cousins isn't terribly uncommon in Japan, especially amongst rich families like doctors and shit
I mean it would be neat if they're actually siblings But I wouldn't bet on it
wait no that would be not neat i was thinking he just called her that because they were childhood friends or something
Well they do have entirely different surnames so yeah, childhood friends isn't impossible But if he's the child of doctors and she's a financee, I'd suspect it's a marriage arranged by his folks And they usually pick someone they know is good stock
I enjoy it a lot The character drama is fun and the ways it makes me full of regret and longing for a past I've wasted is kind of refreshing It's the kind of discomfort that does more to motivate me to do things than most other motivators
Geordo really kicked the romance plot of this series into gear by going on the aggressive It's going to get harder for Bakarina to be the dense harem MC she is if he's constantly trying to make out with her
Also I want more of that megane ponytail guy He was cool and had a good rapport with Bakarina
Honestly though Keith needs to kick it He should clearly see he's long been brother-zoned by Bakarina As far as people in the running it's Geordo, Alan, the quiet onii-san guy whose name I forget, and now the megane ponytail guy
yeah but she still has to finish a route and get married I see we're back to kids now though I like the kid flashbacks they're doing this season
I wonder how much of it is the anime extrapolating on stuff the LN kinda glossed over By my understanding a fair bit of the first season was like that, plus a n episode or two of original content
Yeah Alan's got it right There's no such thing as ghosts!
I wish Mary or Sophie were a legitimate contender for the Bakarina bowl But I'm aware enough to know this isn't that kind of series Plus with Sophie seeming to kind of be a spiritual connection to her past life's friend A-chan it would be kind of sweet
Alan and Bakarina had a great friendship as kids It's good to have someone you can butt heads with like that