*100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru *Boku no Hero Academia Episode 105-6 Bokutachi no Remake Fumetsu no Anata e *Hamefura *Kageki Shoujo!! Episode 3-4 *Magia Record *Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Episode 4-5 *Seirei Gensouki Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru. *Uramichi Oniisan
bangu desu
We don't have too much to watch with you tonight, but there is some good stuff there >>966555 That I did I wonder if I got it crossed with what I didn't have asterisked last night
you asterisked seirei
*100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru *Boku no Hero Academia Episode 105-6 Bokutachi no Remake Fumetsu no Anata e *Hamefura *Kageki Shoujo!! Episode 3-4 *Magia Record *Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Episode 4-5 Seirei Gensouki Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru. *Uramichi Oniisan
At this rate I'm going to finish the ice cream I got to eat while watching anime before we even watch anime
It would be kind of funny if this is one where nothing absolutely horrible happens But Fushi has yet to have his reunion with crazy soldier lady so there's still plenty of tragedy potential
Also it seems like kind of a "following the growth of a human" going on here First Fushi was born as a creature which understood nothing Then he met Marsh, his mother, and grew under her care Next came Gugu and the rest of the family he met living with Sake-ji And the narration just earlier called this island the "school where Fushi would grow as a person" Which fits that he's now left his family behind and is going to school
His ability to create food from his body is really weird
OH he created food drugged with sleepy flower
Her handwriting is really neat Most people don't ever get their handwriting to near-print level quality
That owl is pretty old actually, if it was an adult even back when she was a kid
do real owls live a long time? I really don't know
there's something about tonari that still makes it hard for me to like her very much
>>966572 I'd say they can live probably a decently long time for a wild animal Somewhere between two to three decades if they live a good life So even if it was an adult when she was a child, it could still be healthy, but getting on in its years
>>966573 I don't like her much either It's hard to trust her after all she did
Hah hah happy mole
Fushi really has the utmost trust in Pioran He got to see her again and he didn't even ask at all about the circumstances for her being locked up, he was just happy to see her again
I wonder if we'll see any more of the isekai'd people in this season I guess it might be difficult to track them down since it seems like for the most part they only barely remember their lives in Japan Even the MC is pretty stubborn about being who he's been reborn as rather than who he was in Japan
oh shit i was ready and i wasn't orange my bad
Oh right this was a goofy cliffhanger Looks like a whole bunch of monster girls
This way their dialogue is reversed is messing with me
yeah me too
this guy has a knack for rescuing people and looking like the bad guy
this is like the 3rd time, right? or 4th
Every time it's not even been his fault too Like it's always some class or race-based prejudice that gets him the blame, not even his actual actions
It looks like they're all at least remorseful for their hasty actions
So the elves, dwarves, and beastkin have some kind of alliance or cultural nation they all fall under I wonder if the elves and dwarves are treated as poorly by the humans as the beastkin are
Well it is a story about seirei They ought to come to the forefront eventually
So he's walking around with what's a god to these people sleeping inside him That seems risky
Saffron rice is pretty nice
He's been assigned a whole harem of beastgirls for his trouble How lucky
If I had to live in a fantasy world devoid of technology, a secluded village of beastkin in the forest would be nice As much as I'd crave city life, city life before modern plumbing and infrastructure suuuucked It's always something that's conveniently kept out of sight in fantasy series like this
everytime this ED kicks in it has a really powerful effect even if i'm not currently in a "oh wow" state it puts me in one
It's pretty unbefitting of this series hah hah The series has yet to really settle into the grandeur that its ED sets up
>>966614 Who knows if it'll happen before the season is up though It's not uncommon for a lot of these big fantasy series to barely get past their prologue in the one cour they often have Like imagine if Kumo desu ga had only been one cour long Or if we'd gotten to the end of Mushoku Tensei without knowing more was coming eventually
kumo might have been better if cut out the humans and was just one cour!
wow siesta bikini right from the start
>>966619 I really don't think that's true at all The juxtaposition of the two time periods set up a lot of plot points, and it's pretty clear the present day with the humans is where the focus of the plot is anyway If they wanted to make the present day stuff make any sense at all they needed the backstory with the humans and elves
Plus from a meta level it means they don't only have Kumoko narrating to herself for like eight episodes straight before another voiced character appears in her backstory. That's not really ideal for animation material
If we're back with Siesta maybe we'll get to see how she died If not for the fact that her heart's in Natsuki's chest later on it's almost tempting to think it'll end up being a mysterious, body-less death But you can't really not die but still have your heart transplanted into another person
Nothing like some good ol' fashioned Sayaka ZETSUBOU
We've seen a variety of Kyuubey varieties in more recent years that kind of changes its character a fair bit It's nice to see the proper, lawfully villainous Kyuubey of the original
There have been a lot of Aoi Yuuki roles in recent seasons It's not like Madoka was her breakout role or anything, but I do think it really elevated her to A-tier seiyuu status
The SHAFT headtilts do always look great in Aoki Ume artstyle
They're doing a good job of setting up the chronological point that the plot of Magia Record takes place in It's before Homura goes determinator to save Madoka, but after she's seen a few failed attempts to save her
ohhhhhhh I forgot you didn't see rebellion forget i said anything
It's okay! Don't worry I'm not particularly stressed by spoilers Although I do appreciate people keeping it in mind It's more my fault for not having seen it yet anyway, it's been out now for ages.
There's a lot I'm vaguely familiar about it anyway
Moemura's being really goofy here I get why she was along for the ride, so they could keep moving around in the timestop But she was basically just being dangled along behind the other two
yeah I wonder if she makes the transition to badass homu later in this timeline
They might be able to work it like that, but I don't think Walpurgisnacht is involved with the events of Magia Record Not yet so far at least And from what we saw in Madoka, it was her and Madoka defeating Walpurgisnacht but still not being able to save Madoka from becoming a Witch which made her go determinator They could definitely still tie that all together though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is there new madoka content wat
>>966670 Not really There's a Madoka mobage which has a second season of its adaptation running right now As far as I know it's a standalone plot that takes place on one of the failed timelines Homura went through during her attempts to save Madoka from her fate The mobage mostly focuses on a new cast of characters but there are a lot of cameos and appearances from the original cast
That said there is going to be a new movie coming out some time in the future, but the only news we have on that was -that is that the movie's been announced
It's the adaptation for the mobile game, season 2 the first episode dealt mainly with homu, madoka, and sayaka no idea how much attention they'll get going forward
I hope they get a good bit of focus I found the first season of magia to be a bit boring because the character didn't click with me
oh das neato infinite timelines, unlimited content
My biggest gripe with season one was the plot was too episodic and too much of "this character needs an episode for introduction" Kind of the same problem Love Live Nijisanji had But Magia Record started to get pretty wild towards the end of the first season, which was why it was nice to hear it was getting a second
Oh yeah Geordo went for the nuclear option Or maybe not. But he probablyh did
wow she changed so fast clothes don't work like that
They do when you're a proespionagemaster
Fuck Oh no He's a real degenerate
I wonder how contentious throne succession could get in real life, back when that kind of thing actually mattered My understand ing is that aside from coincidental heir death (which did happen a lot), it was usually a pretty clear route from previous ruler to first son
The crown prince seems like a pretty nice guy, despite his degeneracy Sticks around to try his best to support both his depressed younger brother and angsty younger brother
Though it was Bakarina that pulled them out of their respective funks Still, it's always nice to have support like that Even if it is from a degenerate
Even her internal council thinks the kiss was a dream She's really convinced herself of that
She might have escaped all the death flags of the original game's setting But now she has to deal with the mess of a whole different kind of dating sim
Oh nice Very nice I was thinking back in the OP earlier that I wanted to see more of A-chan