Hello, it's Wednesday! That means Maiddragon night!
*Boku no Hero Academia *Kageki Shoujo!! Episode 3-5 Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon *Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Episode 4-5 Night Head 2041 Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu
Oh they did get taken in by the Man what is with that look
>Free Speech Alliance Oh no Libertarians
obviously the system is the enemy here right right?
It's a near-future sci-fi with a totalitarian government, so they're certainly not the good guys Time will tell how nuanced the series wants the conflict between these free agents and the establishment to be I think
This lady here reminds me of Anemone from Eureka Seven Just visually I mean
The government seems particularly inflexible about people engaging in fantastical thought I guess even at a young age They want to nip any beliefs like that in the bud
Behaviourally it's healthy for children to engage in fantasy, it helps foster creativity, which is useful for more than just, well, creating But in sci-fi it's pretty normal to ignore things like that for the sake of an iron society
The kid's mind control and empath levels are pretty intense Not that he's entirely unreasonable But maybe a little violent in his actions
yeah that's a really wild scene with that mind control
I like that it's more than just mind control, he's flooding the area with his emotions that the sensitive people can pick up He's just a kid, who probably barely understands his powers There's no way he'd have fine-tuned control over them and the ability to focus them, especially with how angry he is
Poor mom though She was so convinced her son did nothing wrong, and now all this
Awakenings! The OST for this show does a fantastic job setting the cinematic moments in these episodes
what the actual fuck is happening though
also that was the real mom i really thought she might be an illusion
Hah hah hah What a dweeb He didn' didn't get his awakening at a heroic moment but only after everything had calmed down
what's going to happen with that kid though he's out of control
>>967161 yeah i feel that it's mostly good but a couple episodes have been just okay
When they sum up the series like that, he's kind of an anti-hero, if not actual antagonist to the rest of the world Since he's getting kind of buddy-buddy with the monsters and other inhuman species, that seem to be attacking the humans of the world Which was what he was suppose to stop by being summoned to this world in the first place
the pig girl is the imouto from mahouka and ryuu from danmachi and the ice sword girl i just got in genshin
Miss Piggy
Oh the onee-san of the sisters looks more suitably fantasy with armor on Although the tanktop and shorts she has on underneath would still fit in as casual summer wear in modern-day Earth
Tomoe is great Weeb dragongirl is a good aesthetic
Mio is good too I'm a bit iffy because spider but that's less of a problem in human form
He's having trouble dealing with the realities of living in isekai world
Well some isekai worlds do just have the monsters turn to dust and drop their goods on the ground I am definitely more partial to a slight degree of biological realism though
It's cool he gets to flex his archery skills Usually isekai and fantasy MC are all about the sword And while I do like a good sword user Getting some variety is nice
the animation this episode has been 90% still frames and static pieces i wonder if there's a big fight coming up
Wow the guild cards are basically magic smartphones
Cute dwarf girl
Oh he is able to handle her fine He is basically Superman in this world
whos paying
Probably a pool of the money they got from selling a bunch of the mats they got from the trip here
Oh wait yeah Hayami Saori She's a pretty big seiyuu Does a lot of soft-toned characters or gentle girls Although she can definitely go hard when the role requires it
It would probably hurt a fair bit to roll around with oppai like that
KyoAni really like their shoutengai Not that they're uncommon in Japan, but it really does mark the contrast between the usual Tokyo fixation of a lot of anime settings, and KyoAni's preference for situating their shows in Kyoto Shoutengai are pretty common in Kyoto, where as Tokyo is more shopping malls and indoor complexes
i'm at odds with myself on whether it's morally sanct to wish that this anime character's proportions were different should i care should it bother me do i have the right is it okay because they aren't real is it then not okay if they are? is it if they are? is it justifiable for the reasons?
body shaming is such an illusive act or an alarmingly omni-present one depending on what context you allow to include it and so mentally taxing to take into consider when self-evaluating
It's fine The dragons have explained why their bodies are kind of weird in human form And Tohru's said Iruru doesn't have the best control over the conversion of dragon to human
Really having read some of Coolkyousinnjya's other works, honestly, Maiddragon is by far the one with the most normal character designs This guy likes his somewhat abnormal looking girls Actually in the manga, Iruru was even shorter, she's like, not much taller than Kanna It does seem like KyoAni took at look at her design and went "yeah we can't do this"
quetzalcoatl's proportions don't bother me because i've actually seen people with them i think ilulu's proportions only bother me because they're inhuman i can probably justify that
With all the things Endeavor did, I think it's okay for Todoroki to hate him, even if he's a nice person and all Even nice people are capable of hate Hate doesn't have to be a forever thing, which might be what Deku was getting at with "it looks like you're waiting"
Hah hah Bakugou You could at least be polite and appreciative if you want someone to do something for you
Endeavor is trying to get better yeah I think he's doing a decent job
Even if you do a decent job building a house, the house doesn't get built in a day I agree that he's doing a good job, but work is as much time as it is quality
This driver of Endeavor's is a fun character Very much along for the ride
This shot of Deku, Bakugou, and Todoroki in the ED grouped together really has rock band album photo vibes to it
He's kinda getting his superhero complex mixed up with his desire to redeem himself The whole "I can't be with the people I love if I truly love them" You see that a lot in superhero works
Endeavor's not the only part of this though It's as much on his family as it is him He can work all he can but they're the ones who have to bring forgiveness and acceptance, not him
The MC for this is so gosh-darned tall She's probably not even that tall outside of Asian populations but since this is Japan she looks like a giant
Putting aside the angst of saying things like "I don't need friends" Not wanting to deal with people isn't really a good mindset for someone wanting to work in theatre There's plenty of things to do which are good for not wanting to deal with people But wanting to work in theatre means having good relationships with people
Ai's had it really rough An awful childhood and now she's the fixation of the ilk of otaku like this guy
Although it kinda feels like he's trying to make amends for being overbearing and creepy And thinks its his fault she got kicked out of the idol industry That's the feeling I get from him
Interesting show Dragon maid would have been a better comfy ender but this works
It's tricky to work around Bang's shorter schedule at times I kinda had a vague idea this episode might be a bit heavy for comfy But I didn't know how intense it was or, also, what the solution would be hah hah It was either it or the action-y Hero Academia