86 - Eighty Six Back Arrow Boku no Hero Academia Fruits Basket Episode 8-11 Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Episode 7-11 Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu Kumo desu ga, Nani ka Nomad - Megalo Box 2 Sentouin, Hakenshimasu! Slime Taoshite 300-nen, etc. SSSS.Dynazenon Super Cub Episode 8-11 Tokyo Revengers Vivy - Fluorite Eye's Song
Yeah Sentouin is probably gonna be more comfy than 86
Well if they want to make it I'm pretty sure there's material Though I don't know where the LN is relative to the web novel and the anime is almost certainly adapting off the LN
Seems like the elves and the demons really do not like each other.
Neither side seems to be particularly good I mean it's easier to cheer for the demons since they've got some good characters on their side But the elves have been scheming and generally being insufferable egotists On the other hand though the demons are trying to take over the human world it seems
So a lot of people are still dead even with the extra time they were granted But I guess they've got a second chance at avoiding having the entire planet glassed
They haven't really used the duality of human blood and android ... blue fluid much in the series It's a good colour contrast but it's always been dead humans and busted androids kept separate from each other
i liked it i can definitely recommend it to people
>>954550 Also not too "Washover with niceness"-y Like a whole lot of people still died and they couldn't save everyone But the struggles were also not fruitless It's a good, impactful resolution
This series didn't touch on the nature of their world as much as the first one did.
It was different circumstances too This world retained the destruction of the environment unlike Gridman's manner of resetting
But Gridman's world was also directly tied to [REDACTED] while this world seems to be more of a free-standing thing.
is this the moment he instance dominated him?
shizumu didn't yell when they were doing the big beam
He also didn't say anything after becoming the giant kaiju
yeah but they showed his face and he was expressionless right after showing mujina and the nerdy guy yelling
D'aw well that was cute
I think Gridman had a more cohesive story and bigger impact But I really liked how they developed the characters in Dynazenon Gridman really only focused on maybe three or four characters with the rest more or less being filler cast But Dynazenon did a lot of really good work fleshing out and humanizing its cast
dynazenon was great very good
wait this is just street fighter with a guilty gear skin on it
That was another strong finale you got that feeling that the whole series gave
86 everyone is excited about that lately okay lets start
I'd definitely love to see Trigger do more of this every few years or so Take an old giant robot series and give a modern refresh and environment It's worked great for Gridman, though I guess Gridman might've been more a toku show, and Dynazenon so far
I guess we'll move on after Bang's done his Guilty Gear essay
It looks fun but I don't really know if I want it And if I do, I don't really want to play against people
we still don't know exacttly how they got into this fight
Starting in the middle of something and rewinding time to explain it is pretty par the course for this series at least
i just remembered last episode poor robot :(
I think we saw the shot that sent it into critical condition there At the least the pose it was in was similar to the one we saw it in as it was reliving its memory banks
Looks like his plan was to leave the robot in a state of partial destruction with the tools left behind to repair it. I guess he didn't want to take it along with them on their suicide mission.
I dunno if suicide mission is quite what they're on They've served their duty as the Spearhead Squadron so by their terms they're free men and women This is them attempting to escape the war
Too bad I think the loca parts of the world that aren't the not-Nazi Republic are crawling with robots
For want of an axe Basic tools like that sure would make their life easier
Oh he seems to be aware of a place where the robots aren't at
Must be a clear silence in all the static he's constantly hearing of all the ghosts in the robots But who knows if that means there's people there or if there's just nothing there anymore
His tank finally got got No more fighting or running with that thing
Moments like that always make me think Her boots were so cute and stylish it's the end of the world and you're horribly depressed and you're still wearing such cute boots?
Well even if she's better, she's still an Alba And pretending the world is all fine and dandy while it burns around your gilded cage seems to come naturally to them Also maybe it's a part of her uniform and she doesn't want to been seen without it
Well this was pretty good too but not nearly as good as the last few obviously
It was a very fun series And never really wavered from being about that This author really gets how to make a bunch of absolute asshole and degenerate characters and have them play off each other
i would say it's about as good as konosuba was i probably like konosuba just a slight bit more but that could change if this show ends up getting another season down the line
Yeah Always kinda sucks to reach the end of a season and get all the endings But the endings are also always fun to watch too Part of the story is the ending, after all