>>954336 that evil ball what lays its evil rays upon my lands, drumming up a heat so intolerable as to cause panting among the masses i cannot stand it so, it must be relinquished
I don't think eromanga artists are particularly interested in doing card game illustrations
commissions are commissions "no" just means "not enough money"
If they're already making good money from their pre-existing work, why would they spend time doing card game illustrations for extra money? Drawing takes time, and high quality game illustrations are pretty intensive
>>954355 No I'm disregarding the card game because time is as important for these people as money!
you're kind of underestimating the card game
but also this is a hypothetical asked for fun isn't it? aren't you being kind of an asshole?
i literally responded h-manga artists to a wild hypothetical and you just shut me down like i'm being a menace come on man
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
let's pretend im making an NFT card game the art can be total memes who would you contract to
>>954357 let me ask tilde for permission first >>954358 sir, could you please lay out which kinds of artists i'm allowed to contract with
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
joke's on uou i got nepata on the phone right now moshi moshi dess hai, dame ningyo dess sugoi dekai oppai onegaishimass
>>954357 If it doesn't have to be great I have a couple artists I follow I like. Honestly for a neat sketchy aesthetic I'd dig a card game of just different designed girls drawn by https://twitter.com/miannawzays You want pretty I'd love to get in on https://twitter.com/betanonbeet 's comms again but he fills up in less than an hour, I've set my notifications to ultra in the hopes I can get them again.
You want unaffordable and probably not going to happen though I absolutely love >>954343 https://twitter.com/rin7914 's art And then because I'm shilling for artists there's this one guy who draws almost exclusively Elaina content https://twitter.com/Kanaria_Hisagi >>954363 Yeah I've gotten commissions done before.
>>954361 do you actually commission stuff? what do you mean getting in on comms
A lot of artists that do commissions will only take on a limited number of jobs at any given time To ensure they don't overload themselves with work or to avoid having the person who made the commission wait too long for their finished product Good art takes a lot of work and there's only so many hours in the day.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the hunt for ton's comms is on
>>954361 i'm a simple being i see catgirl, i follow artist
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if i were a popular artist i would simply clone myself
animals kill animals for some people i guess it hits their endorphins or their synapses just right to validate their self-righteous quest to be above reproach to preach that all animals can live until they die of "natural causes" deemed solely to be complications that arise from old age but animals killing other animals is as natural as it gets fungus kills shrub, pig kills fungus, man kills pig, shrub eats.. well they used to eat us once we've gone but we bury our dead in secured boxes now to make sure mother earth never gets her cut you want to talk about unnatural? poor pugs and bulldogs live a mutant life we've designed for them to sate our desire for cute-looking doggies genetic monstrosities engineered for our pleasure
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i would like to see the effect of housecats in proportion to all the other stuff humans have introduced highways suburbia pollution logging strip mining paving everything draining water tables etc
pugs aren't even cute
>>954401 nah in europe we use wooden coffins, and just stomp the coffins and bones deeper and bury another body ontop so mother nature gets her due
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
SO SLEEPY oopa i didnt sleep much and got up at sunrise to praise the sun now the shadows are getting longer oh no
but becky texted me back choo choo
Oh no Is Becky a train
Hit my head and now I have a headache. Thanks Biden
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm a frickin' genius i re applied sunscreen to my head and arms gotta stave off the freckling including the backs of my hands then i squeezed a lime with same hand to make a marg
>>954420 It's legal to own them here, are they legal in Canada? Oh but generally you can't drive them on public roads.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds absolutely illegal to me but idk the laws
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha i went to quora > it is illegal in Canada to deprive your neighbour of surface runoff water from your property. For that reason it is illegal to own a tank in Canada.
>>954587 → it's not that i don't understand where people get that from but street fighter kinda sucks these days and i feel like the degenerate gameplay that anime fighters have always been known for has kinda moved into street fighter as well but with less fun and way less cooler characters and art
but strive hasn't been around long enough to have borne any degeneracy yet (unless you count picking Sol i guess) and the roman cancel system and the way meter matters would make the game very different (and much deeper, as i see it) in a world where it was literally a SF reskin otherwise but the way characters are designed in strive and the way their movesets are tailored compared to both SF and previous GG titles is much more elegant, maintaining the possibility for complexity while remaining simple and straightforward
if anything i'd say it's much closer to Granblue Fantasy Versus than SF GBVS had it's own problems though
>>954593 don't worry too much about it unless you decide to get really competitive because it mostly only matters at the tournament level but the character is absolutely nuts
if i were to sum it all up in one thing it's like all the other characters get to have a handful of neat little things that work out nicely to give the character it's own sets of advantages, but they only get one handful out of the basket and sol gets the whole basket
his command grab does sicko-mode damage and is faster than all the others his DP has shorter recovery and more damage than all the others (well maybe less dmg than eisen sturm, comparing the 623 S's) his combos when optimized do more damage than the others he's got the 3 frame abare button, the projectile punisher NRV, the best air confirms, and gunflame is a great projectile he just has like everything in the end it doesn't mean that the better player loses very often at all, but it can feel very uphill to get out of sol's pressure and it seems like you can't make as many mistakes against him
>>954589 wait why is sol degenerate he's the only one I've really tried so far is it because he's good at almost everything?
don't feel like you shouldn't play sol either, if the devs decide he's actually busted he'll get nerfed, and eithe way people usually don't know characters' true power levels until much later in a game's lifespan
I mean sol is fun but I mostly am playing him to learn the game a bit before branching out, since he's the main character I figured he was the most balanced playstyle I wanna branch out into nago because I think he would get rid of my worst habit, pushing buttons when I should push no buttons also he looks rad
nago doesn't just look rad he is rad incarnate
Anji vs Nago is a very fun matchup my buddy and I played a solid 44 games in a row of it last night we ended up like 19 to 25, it was fun stuff
Sol and Ky are both pretty balanced playstyle for sure Sol's probably a little more aggressive and Ky's a little more defensive i also suggest trying Pot at least a bit just beware the power might turn you...
Night /moe/
>>954605 potemkin is tempting but playing a grappler seems kinda dirty but also heavenly potemkin buster
faust also seems fun but I don't like how random the items are
i feel like faust is either a massive brain character and i just don't get it or he really is just a slot-machine and i do get it and just don't like it
I think anyone who can win consistenly with faust has opened their third eye
still gotta explore a bunch of characters though anji seems cool with his options, and his projectile seems fun definitely gonna try I-no just for the design leo, may, and millia are on my radar too
I don't really care about fighting style in these kinds of games I just want to play who's cute
but that's most of the cast how do you choose
Well cute girls for starters After that it just boils down to personal preference
well then who are you gonna strive?
No clue I dunno if I even want the game yet I mean I do But I don't know if I want it enough to get it I also don't really like playing against human opponents in fighting games, so there might not really be value there for me
I've had fun against the cpu and even just doing the missions and training, but I think if you don't enjoy going against human opponents then you probably shouldn't get the game the story is kinda fun but not particularly well written and like most fighting games the real meat is pvp
Really I just want out of that last month of rent she wants though But legally speaking, i believe I'm entitled to "delay interest" for her putting the deposit in her own account instead of an actual deposit account, and if she's used any of it she could be up shit creek legally, too But Imma talk to some lawyermans tomorrow about it, figure out if I'm able to get out of that last month somehow, and how to proceed
If nothing can be done, then fair enough, I guess But if I can avoid it, screw her that's my money, I don't know her.
Fuckin' right I might be fucked when it comes to the rent though, since we hada verbal agreement to renew the contract, and we did verbally agree to the duration of this ending phase But I'm gonna ask my lawyer if that's binding, considering the contract renewal was only brought up like 2 days before it expired, so me changing my mind 4 days later could hardly be considered to have lost her any rent or anything, and the following agreement was made under the belief that she was right in claiming the previous verbal agreement was actually binding I just don't have the knowledge on that to say either way, but from my point of view, it seems unreasonable for a verbal agreement to renew a contract to be actually binding, especially since she wanted to change some parts of it Like, what if I didn't like the changes? I can't be considered bound to that agreement then, I'd think.
If they tell me I'm within my rights to refuse to pay that last month, I for sure will ask them if they'd be willing to represent me if she fucks around and takes it to court Even if they say I'm in the right, not having someone willing to represent me if it goes to court would make it hard to act on it
It shouldn't be a problem for a lawyer telling you you're golden to agree to represent you later, though, cause I'm pretty sure your legal fees as the supposed offending party are covered if you're found to be in the right I'd have to figure that out, too
Overall miffed with this whole renting situation I'm in
I already have another apartment lined up I just need to get outta this one, but the landlord wants one more month of rent than I'm wanting to give her So I'm exploring my options on avoiding that Whether it'll lead anywhere I dunno tho
WHy the hell does Fallout 4 have a bunch of perks and upgrades for your gear that improves unarmed damage, but no way to unequip your weapons via a hotkey? I got a mod that lets me,but needing a mod to do what should be default is kinda stinky, at least when there's a clear intent to have players do unarmed combat
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea any girl who doesn't bicycle is a red flag anyway
>>954589 the uphill matches were always interesting to me i've never been interested in trying to play the top tier character(s) because someone else will always be a lot better at it than me i just struggle in that technical aspect but i enjoy the creativity and the challenge of taking a dogshit character like abba or BBCS tager/rachel and finding niche answers to the onslaught of zoning bullshit
i dunno it's more mentally engaging for me than focusing on perfect technical execution, i dont have the attention span for that but at least with the unconventional stuff i can bypass some expectations and lock people in a rock-paper-scissors type scenario where i can try to get in their head a bit, which i have to do if i want a fair shot at winning cuz im bad otherwise
>>954737 Yeah it's good Very different vibes than what I think most people were expecting hah hah The little bits of Greek in it are kind of a neat touch too
I like that the security on this truck is that you can lock it once and it'll stay locked and running but if you try to open it, the door will open and the truck will shut off
>you will always be connected to the universe and everything in it through the fields that bind us and the mother we share
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Kirb your enthusiasm
my friend, a pot main, has shown me the error of my ways and with each misstep, he guides me gently back onto the path of righteouness he teaches me, that my whiffed f.S is but a path to redemption by the way of his Potemkin Buster that my j.HS is but one of many plans to guide me to Heaven and that Heat Knuckle is a tool of Zeppian justice to punish my eager approach
you want me to pay for more ram for that? not to mention people on their phone who end up paging everything out of memory to render it
Oh wait, big_cock.png is only 91.5MP >>954777 Both of these images are under 3MB And I probably use /moe/ on mobile more than anyone else >>954782 tano can do it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bruh imagemagick loads the full pixel buffer into ram
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so does the browser
Also the image size and resolution is displayed right above the thumbnail, if a mobile user expands it they know what theyre doing.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i hide those on mobile lol
>>954787 I don't cause I can't load hundreds of multi megabyte pictures on mobile data >>954789 Does anyone actually post from the front page?
>>954810 Nice It was in the seventies here today but we had a b bad storm last night.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Alpha-gal syndrome is a recently identified type of food allergy to red meat and other products made from mammals. In the United States, the condition most often begins when a Lone Star tick bites someone. The bite transmits a sugar molecule called alpha-gal into the person's body. In some people, this triggers an immune system reaction that later produces mild to severe allergic reactions to red meat, such as beef, pork or lamb, or other mammal products.
alpha gal and the beta carnies
Who the fuck is naming this shit
>>954825 Yeah I'm really afraid of getting that. Although it doesn't make you allergic to all mammal meat, just non primate meat. So you can still eat monkeys and apes and long pig Due to climate change this tick's habitat is expanding North.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>The Lone Star tick is found predominantly in the southeastern United States, and most cases of alpha-gal syndrome occur in this region. The tick can also be found in the eastern and south central United States. The condition appears to be spreading farther north and west, however, as deer carry the Lone Star tick to new parts of the United States. Alpha-gal syndrome also has been diagnosed in Europe, Australia and Asia, where other types of ticks carry alpha-gal molecules.
deer pls honestly if i quit red meat forever it would probably be a good thing maybe i'll go get bit
>>954831 I'm still waiting for PETA to let a bunch of these loose at some big barbeque convention. It's the most obvious bioterrorism attack they could ever dream of.
>>954831 You can always have chicken at least Chicken is wonderfully flexible
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
as long as i can still eat seafood i'm happy
>>954831 One real issue it can cause is that sometimes cultured arteries used in heart surgeries are made with pig tissue so developing this allergy can literally kill people with those.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do people still worry about PETA bein the boogeyman lol
>>954843 No I just think it would be very on brand for them.
>>954923 the song that plays during the loading screen always ends after the first riff on PC i watched a streamer playing on PS4 and the song goes on for like twice as long
Marsh shit posting on the go via Telephone
As part of my training i need to drive across the state to attend a seminar on multiculturalism
I.mean obviously its being shot in some company that sells computer parts because you can see boxes of stuff in the background in part of it but seeing so many of them at once being used as dominos just gets at me.
i put wine in my water bottle i hope it isn't obvious
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this guy comes to this beach and playa the same music ever evening guh my brain demands all new content all the time everything always novel inventive different but not TOO different
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow police showed up on an ATV and cleared him out noise complaint now i feel bas bad
wineter bottle
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
p much at least it's not a red wine seems like i got away
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how r u doin tonight
Got bored a minute into installing Slackware and quit leaving it for tomorrow.
for everything a modern net faring OS should be up to date on
>>954969 I can update the packages yes. This comp actually has a processor so slow that it is unaffected by Spectre/Meltdown bbebecause it has non of the optimizations that have the vulnerabilities.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yikes good luck
>>954971 I don't do a lot of net browsing on it because it only has one gig gig of RAM. I ostensibly intend tto pprproprogprogram on this machine and the inability to browse the web with ease helps prevebt distractions. In reality I will probably do a little programming tomorrow and then only use it for Nethack for the next six months.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ONE GIG OF RAM from the person who wanted 100 megapixel images
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Can you hear the drums, Fernando? Do you still recall the frightful night we cross the Rio Grande>
>>954973 Last I checked /moe/ doesn't work on this comp because its too slow for modern web browsers. I mainly use text only browsers on i *it Although I found a super lightweight web browser with a text mode that has partial JavaScript support. So I may finally have my dream of posting on /moe/ from a text based browser.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the DOM is a harsh mistress that and modern JIT javascript VMs
Man Why on Earth do people still use Pascal?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you could write a text mode moe clieny client terminal rendering libraries are all the rage these days
>>954978 Yeah but then I would have to use object oriented programming.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ha rust isnt Oo
>>954980 I have some good rust memes somewhere. Oh speaking of rust, ddid you know that the mmozilla ceo makes like 8 million dollars a year?
Oh in other news there's this cute girl I've been hanging out with who seems pretty into me.
It's been about a decade since I last had a date. This feels like high *like a really high level encounter to start with, for lack oof a better phrase.
roman cancel means romantic cancel
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>954981 yeah he's been leechin for a while now fuckin corpo asshole man "ohh uhh well u see this salary is competitive with other similar positions so yea" fuck offfff
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>954989 don't over think it just do what feels natural
>>954991 *She I almost miss Eich. Too bad he's kind of retarded.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whoops >>954993 bruh fuck u get outta here with that language
>>954994 I was going to post an emoticon and ttthen I remembered that I can't because it has a caret in it. ;_; And no not :^)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
getcho ass whupped
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Overwatch Cross-Play Now Live who tf wants to play against PC mousers man maybe i should buy ow switch for the lulz and play rein
>>954997 Wow This is the same dev team that complained about the adapters tthtthat people used to play with kbm on consoles like five years ago.
And wanted to be abe to disable those devices, incidentally the devices used for that are often designed and sold for accessibility reasons to disabled gamers.
>>955015 i thought i saw ika log into steam a few months ago but now i'm doubting my memory
ive seen him on discord a few times but he's offline right now
ika is a collective hallucination
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
surely ika has libii life ika cannot be kill by normal means
Man Optimizing cache access is complicated Apparently people have come up with a cache that can be accessed by multiple things at once.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
... yers how genial
Hypothetically, if someone were to make a gann for the purpose of generating images of Borzoi how many images do you think it wouod need to be trained on?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im gonna completely guess 1,000 is a lower bound
Hrrrrmmmmmm I'm gonna check how many pictures are on that one borzoi Instagram. Obviously I'd need to cull a bunch and only keep ones with certain poses.
Okay there's 1100 on Eris's (Eris has the longest snout of any dog in the world at 11.2 inches) And 500 on another one. And I'm motivated (autistic) enough to go through thousands of borzoi photos and figuring out which I can use instead of using mechanical turk. Only problem is that I don't have the hardware.
I might need to start bringing a hoodie or something in to work again It gets really cold when the A/C is working I need like ~24c once summer kicks in or my body is too cold
I hope they include that fucked up downs syndrome transformer from the show
Nailed my coffee with my elbow and sent it toppling to the ground Drenched one of my shoes and a bit splashed up the bottom of my pant leg, but other than that it all landed on the floor But I'd only gotten maybe three sips at best out of that cup What a total waste
>>955197 hello! how are you Kannagi found any interesting signals in the noise?
>>955198 I made a new antenna for 1.6/1.7ghz weather satellite stuff which is fun, I'm currently moving house so I haven't experimented with it too much lately. I've also been spending some time learning piano so I've sort neglected radio stuff for a little!
>>955199 im good my life is kinda on pause purgatory as usual i need to do some mundane things and the ADHD is strong
>>955200 That scream is amazing when he turns to her. >>955202 I am kinda curious if I have ADHD myself but I've never tried for diagnosis, I always find it hard to concentrate and whenever I need to something It is massive struggle to sit down and get on with it. I spend too much time browsing and giving myself new projects all the time.
also it is too humid.
but what is wrong with is face some plastic and a ton?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hes a mermaid
darn, I'm trying to find the Ningyo to kaite part of seto no hanayome in a clip
but it isnt monday
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>955203 same with me i think i have. a lot of the traits associated with it but i haven't gotten diagnosed that's one of the little mundane things i should go do figure out who my doctor is
>>955208 Yeah, same. It is really obvious a hinderance with essay writing and just even as // with stuff like learning piano because learning foundational stuff is super mundane. >>955206 >>>/watch?v=LLV5M6ae2m8#t=76
i took some thyroid medication and im wondering if this is how everybody else feels all the time normally if so that's an incredibly unfair 30 years ive endured for nothing fuck
Yeah, the variant has meant some of the restrictions are in place but tbh, at the point might as well not be restrictions the only thing people do is differently now is wear masks. I haven't really left my house in like 3 years now. Hikkomori >>955229 boop
>>955230 I'll keep going. I'm gonna be immortal. like a star in the sky >>955231 Anytime I sleep for like just two hours I wake up like terrible. If I nap it always ends up like i wake up hours later. like 5 or something hours.
I didn't go to bed expecting to sleep any particular length I was just dead tired and had nothing else to do after work so I figured I'd just sleep as much as my body wanted
Most of my sleep the past two-thirds of a year has been heavily constrained by the little time I have here and there so, while ironically it ended up being so short, it was nice to just sleep whatever my body felt necessary
I get that, I have such a hard time getting decent sleep. I say as I'm up at nearly 3am for no reason. I end doing loads of work on very little sleep that it triggers my narcolepsy.
Sleep is super nice. Lately I've been having super realistic dreams so I wake up with no real sense of reality. especially with narcolepsy where i fall asleep in the middle of doing something
I was really late getting to sleep the morning earlier today, probably drifted off somewhere around 05:00 Felt like I'd slept a lot since I had a weird, meandering dream, so when I came back into consciousness my first response was "Shit did I sleep through my alarms" But frantically grabbing at my phone I discovered it was only 05:45 I don't even understand how that felt like a lot of sleep. By any standard it shouldn't have even felt like sleep in the first place!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i drank a lot yesterday passed out woke up at 6:45 randomly with my head pounding and full of congestion did two trades and then slept until 2 awful way to spend a lovely wednesday summer morning why do i drink
Moderation is advisable But if you can't moderate then maybe it's best to just not
Because your foolish human brain doesn't understand that alcohol is bad for you and simply desires more booze for the dopamine it gives
but alcohol is healthier for me than a fountain drink
You can just drink neither!
no that's impossible
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i do usually drink a couple drinks and feel fine idk why yesterday i went way overboard and drank a a bottle of rose and then some tequila avoiding my responsibilities
I've tried being more adventurous with alcohol but I never really enjoy it. I just really dislike the taste of ethanol. And anything that is fruity or low alcohol a equivalent non-alcoholic version is just cheaper. >>955246 Clearly aliens
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> a drone nearly collided with a Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) helicopter above Tucson. The chopper then chased the craft over a veering, 70-mile course at speeds over 100 mph and altitudes of up to 14,000 feet. During that run, the escaping uncrewed aerial system (UAS) craft violated restricted airspaces – including those of an Air Force base and Tucson’s airport – and displayed maneuverability and power reserves far beyond those of a consumer drone. mysterious super drone on the loose
I still have most of that bottle of plum wine I really like it but I don't want to drink on a worknight and I've been asleep pretty much 75% of the weekends the past few weeks.
i love booze so much it's so good i want to down a bottle of finlandia like the good old days
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> The uas was very sophisticated/specialized and able to perform like no other uas I have ever observed. The uas began flying orbits around our aircraft as we tracked it… up to an altitude of 12,000 ft (the uas was in excess of 14,000ft), its speed at times well in excess of 100 mph… (From) its flight path (it) was obvious the controller had clear sight of both the helicopters tracking it by the way it would orbit us and abruptly fly behind us and attempt to avoid our visual contact.
you could also try cocaine or percs i got a lot of dopamine from lean if i hadnt gotten sober when i did lean probably would have become my drug of choice
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh man that reminds me of that one time i tried DXM and then laid on a couch and suffered for a little bit maybe i should try that again
Yeah, gotta be careful. Once you become a full blown addict, it's pretty much over for you. Even using drugs you aren't addicted to can send you right back into addiction.
Although hallucinogens tend to still be fine.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah they're self limiting well i been drinking steadily for the last six or eight years well the year i was in montreal i barely drank at all it's weird i can pretty easily quit i just get bored and start again or go on a date or hang out with a friend
what angle do you rotate your cow at?
first longtitudinal then i start adding lattitudinal twist
tenor sax, double bass, guitar unusual to see past sundown the moon is at the top right but my phone can't resolve it for shit
I want to take pictures of the moon
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
me too! tripod and mirrorless wishlist tings
you could buy a scope but what else can you take pics of mars or mercury or something
I don't want to see another tripod in my life
but why
Because I need to unload and shelve like twenty of them a week and it's exhausting
oh the job right do you have an aversion to graphics cards too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no here come the police on their fuckin ATV
pull out a metal wire string em up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>955361 The store I work for doesn't sell graphics cards It's audio/visual equipment and infrastructure As well as the hardware and material for printing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>955353 that seems overkill not enough darkness here anyway i'd rather just have a decent zoom so i can take poctures of mountains n shit
hmm maybe u right >>955367 ah well a jobs a job I unload kgs of groceries everyday
awake my capitalistic masters if I were to ever use our service I probably wouldn't order water or soda that is a task to carry out to people >>955376 oh wtf bastards
>>955377 Are you familiar at all with School House Rock?
i am not
>>955384 It was a series of short educational cartoons that started during the seventies And they all are set to song. I don't know if its still used in schools but we watched it in school when I was a kid. >>955392 No but seen *ween did do a cover of a song from the show for this compilation.
do they have the Ween song that teaches you to tie your shoes? I guess it was on SpongeBob and that was past that period
>>955392 https://vimeo.com/8283566 Anyways there are some specific school house rock songs that were parodied a lot (I'm Just a Bill and Conjunction Junction) in American pop culture. I recommend checking out some of the cartoons sometime they're only a few minutes long.
Anyways the origin of the series is tththat tththethere wwawas aan ad executive whose son was having trouble memorizing his multiplication tables But he realized tgat his son could memorize song lyrics easily (iirc specifically rolling stones) so he hired a guy to do a song about multiplication and shopped it out to people and ABC wanted to make a tv show out of it. Oh and iirc De la Soul has a cover of the song about multiplying by 3.
I'll post it on tano
Oh never mind, its not a cover It's just a song that samples it
you have my divided attention >>955398 I had that album on cd but I never got around to listening wowee zowee that is
>What Happens When You Drink an Entire Bottle of Weed Lube
>I drank the entire bottle. All 450mg of THC down my idiotic gullet. I assumed it had very little THC in it, and that's why it didn't get me high when I put it in my vagina. As it turns out, that was just because THC is absorbed differently through your vagina than through your digestive system. >I was high for the next three days.
I mean I get why you would think doing it anally would have worse side effects.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
https://www.vice.com/en/article/53nx9k/what-happens-when-you-drink-an-entire-bottle-of-weed-lube >>955415 no but she seems to have a history of taking on big doses of edibles i can somewhat relate
>>955417 i have heard of people soaking things in alcohol and absorbing it that way
>>955420 TThat sounds like a rrereally g good wway for female alcoholics to get away with what is basically drinking on the job. Or sneaking alcohol into music festivals.
this pussycat is demanding my full attention
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
give her some industrial strength pets
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Get ready for years of chaos in container shipping >Backed up ports and the Suez Canal fiasco are just surface problems. When things go wrong in this business, they go seriously wrong. >>>/@bopinion/1407740231260979200 fml let's start a shipping biz
>>955493 People have the brains of infants and don't believe anything that isn't explicitly stated to be true. There was a document that said Loki was genderfluid so despite the fact that Loki has clearly been genderfucked for the last decade, it wasn't "real" until a canon piece of paper told them.
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well not decade thousand years?
i know authors who use subtext and they are all cowards
>>955516 I'm literally just watching piano anime OPs/EDs at the moment. >>955517 Heyo. I'm a little wet from running inside from the rain but good. hows life for you?
my mom knows a guy with a few acres that they use as a private range
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
rip hana >>955541 how american my bro is like that he wants some private acreage to schüt GUN while im the opposite i want a townhouse in the heart of the city
we should go camping some time it's great! i didnt camp at all last year but the best camping experience ive ever had was with jan i wanted to do winter camping last year in december in washington but covid fucked that all up
Give me another couple weeks and I'll be eligible for my second vaccine dose
I want to live under a mountain in geneva or somewhere like that. >>955546 the pictures from when I think you went camping and up the hills were really nice.