Wow, how excited There isn't anything that Bang would watch tonight so it's just the two of us
Boku no Hero Academia Fruits Basket Episode 7-11 Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Episode 6-10 Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu Episode 9-10 Super Cub Episode 8-11 Zombieland Saga
isekai maou 9 boku no hero frutis 7 nagatoro 6 zombie
Today's downloads were pretty light just being Zombieland Turns out Isekai Maou is only ten episodes this season so with the episodes already on the list it's actually over
but he's going to save her and then beat down the enem
I still don't really know if Horn's supposed to be waifu material or daughter material She seems to get relagated to the "Too young for me to want to fuck" category with Diablo But they're not against writing her fanservice
For a paladin on a holy god these monsters don't really seem suitably noble for their role
WATASHI GA KITA I wonder how much we'll spend on between-arc stuff before they do anything else This class A and B exercise has eaten up pretty much all of this first half of this season
It's fine eventually Eri will get a control over her powers and she'll be able to revert him to back when he had his powers
Bakugou really doesn' Doesn't make for a good sparring partner for the delicacies of figuring out One For All It's nice that he's in on the secret but as far as functionality goes he's pretty useless
His copy Quirk really is limited Anything that has extenuating circumstances that helps the Quirk have power means he can't do anything
>>953889 If you think back to waaaay back at the start of the series All Might made Deku go through a lot of endurance training and stamina building Because One For All has so much latent energy in it that if it flows through an unprepared body, it makes the body explode That's also why Deku can't use it at full power under normal circumstances, because it tears his body apart to do that
Todoroki and Bakugou putting those new hero licenses to good use
Even as No Might, All Might still can't resist the urge to save people
100 eps is a big landmark I wonder how many more it will go
fruits 7 okay lets start
Well the manga is one of Shounen Jump's cornerstones at this point But the mangaka has said the manga is on its way to conclusion Not that it's going to end any time soon, but that the narrative arc has started collapsing towards a climax.
Kyo really has mommy issues Even the other mom of the series is tormenting him in his head
Akito's dad kinda looks quite a bit like Yuki I wonder if that's why she tried to make him her pet so much in their early years
The Soumas have lived in their own little bubble of practically a fantasy world of eternal bonds and weird family secrets Who knows how many generations this curse has gone back There's so much toxic mentality that has all but twisted itself into the family that it's no wonder they're all nutcases
At least some of them have gotten better Yuki's character arc as the show has gone on has really been one of growth and developing an identity which isn't being a total whackjob
Throwing the box with your father's momento in it probably isn't a good thing to do
Also because of how insular the Souma clan has to be to keep the family secret Just imagine the amount of inbreeding they have had to go through No wonder some of them die young at like thirty-something years
Another bond broken! Another Souma freed from the curse That makes three now
It's funny how all the subtitling for the servants, when they're referring to Akito, call her a "him" When really the Japanese is gender-neutral
There's been a good bit of pronoun confusion during this due to the lack of gendered pronouns
Well for Akito it was supposed to be a twist Harder to fool people with the anime since she always sounded at best androgynous And the servants do use a term for "family head" when referring to her that is generally assumed to be masculine
Poor Rooster though He's kind of stuck trying to keep Akito from going off the deep end while everyone generally just encourages her to get more and more crazy And now he's gotten stuck with a knife for his troubles.
There's a bit of a wild supernatural thing going on too The old necromancer guy keeps going on about the destruction of Saga And it doesn't seem like he means, like, just everyone moving out of the region
I wonder how bad these coastal parts of Japan can get hit by storms Typhoons are basically Pacific hurricanes but they never seem to hit Japan as hurricanes hit North America But this storm that hit Saga seems to have really crippled the region
Uh oh I guess three or four days' make-up can only last so long
They can't do much saving if they look like actual zombies As nice as they've been, I think looking like actual zombies would instill far too much terror in people
Yeah the masks are a bit too goofy
Uh oh
Well that went better than expected I feel like they could've done this from the get-go though Pretend to be zombies while being actual zombies