this guy waves his fan and a blue butterfly start flying towards you, what do you do?
wow that took way too long to upload is moe okay
Back Arrow Boku no Hero Academia Episode 99-100 Fruits Basket Episode 7-11 Full Dive Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Episode 6-10 Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu Episode 9-10 Osananajimi ga Zettai ni Makenai Love Comedy Super Cub Episode 7-11
>>953594 I dunno, he kinda sucks in real life and your abilities in this game are modelled off you in real life
>>953595 That's what I'm saying Like the game is so "we make everything realistic" but then they've got monsters that can just flash step everywhere like it's nothing
This looks like the part where everything goes to shit.
>>953599 Considering he knows a variety of routes and methods to clear the game, he must've gone down as many routes as he could explore playing this game Which feels astounding considering the game bricks your console if you die And if he knows this route has a 0.1% chance at victory then that one in a thousand ratio has to come from somewhere.
It makes you wonder how far boobs actually got in this game cause she's surprised by all this stuff.
She might've taken the more sensible, normal approach to the game Doing the noob quests and building comraderie with Alicia and the other guy This plot thread might be completely unavailable if you don't get thrown in jail early in the game
How is he going to win that fight. I wonder if he'll get a BS powerup like the game is hinting he might get.
Maybe all he'll ever be able to do is just run real fast Though that doesn't seem all that useful against Tesla since he can flash step anyway hah hah
It was nice to get the reveal that the nice and knightly Tesla is just as much a scumbag as any other NPC in this game though While I feel like the undermessage of "In a realistic situation, all people are assholes" is a bit of a cynical take on social culture Well I just don't agree with it!
I was expecting the show to be mostly romcom antics but the plot stuff with their acting/YouTube club is fun too It's a bit more of a modern take on the Highschool Club genre of LNs
>Soy sauce in orange juice >Kids, don't try this at home
It's also really refreshing how unashamedly these three are at each other's throats
thanks for anime bang boku no hero 99 okay lets start
trhanks for anime!
Enjoy your fightan' Bang
>You're nicer than you look Wow that's mean All Might You practically look like a zombie yourself
Wow Mineta being useful Well he's still his usual self But he was useful there for once
Kinda as expected, he couldn't copy One For All properly It must kinda suck to have a Quirk so contingent on other people's Quirks being useful and then not always being able to copy the more nuanced ones
>>953648 Yeah I don't think a 291GB episode -291MB episode would be a full-length episode unless it's encoded amazingly well
i just checked, yeah it's 12 mins
Well that secures Class A the overall victory in this exercise I wasn't sure if they'd take this final match since Deku can be kind of all over the place when it comes to more nuanced things like school exercises But the rest of his squad performed really well
yeah This is doing that typical robot stuff when robot battles start out pretty normal and by the end the power level is EXTREME
That's kind of the romance of it though, isn't it? Just continuing to step up the stakes and power until it reaches absurd proportions' I don't quite thing any giant robot series has ever really embraced that concept as well as Gurren Lagann did though It kinda remains the gold standard of power scaling for power scaling's sake
They've kind of exhausted most of the various degrees at which they can gattai and get power increases that way I wonder if they can socket Arrow onto the new super-combined dreadnought or something and hit max-limit power that way
Hah hah hah yeah It's the kind of absolutely corny and unironically fun parts of it More kinds of media just need to earnestly enjoy being dopey and fun
Personally I really like Americano espresso I find it gives me a more manic boost than just a normal coffee Which these days I really need the energy from hah hah
If I had the disposable income And the countertop space I guess I might consider getting an espresso machine But any half-decent machine is going to be a bit pricey
Oh here's an actual smartphone I guess that places this series closer to present day than we were figuring Especially since Japan were slow adopters of the smartphone They kept using their style of flipphones well past the point where the Western world had picked up smartphones en masse
>>953677 There was one last episode too I think it was her friend with it
Yeah, so it's probably more the MC's just too poor to own a good phone Those classic Japanese flip phones were really versatile though Most of what you'd need a smartphone for would work fine on them
These two girls end up looking pretty kakoii with their bikes and jackets Sure at least with the MC it isn't much more powerful than a scooter, but they do kinda have delinquent vibes going on with the aesthetic It must be a fun way to enjoy your teenage years
Yeah I've been kind of wanting a bike or something An actual motorbike is a bit out of consideration since I don't have a license Even a bike like her Cub would probably require me having my motorcycle license But I might be able to get an electric scooter which would handle similarly and go at probably similar speeds, that wouldn't require a license here It's something I've really been thinking a lot about.