Oh I see Yeah the names are gonna be different for phone poster
Boku no Hero Academia Fruits Basket Episode 9-12 Fumetsu no Anata e Hige wo Soru. Soshite Joshikousei wo Hirou. Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Episode 7-11 Mars Red Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou desu Shadows House Slime Taoshite 300-nen, etc. Super Cub Episode 9-11 Tokyo Revengers
damn everything except for fumetsu is a final episode what a good run this season has been though
starting out with "Winter" oh and it's actually snowing nice
Snow in Tokyo is pretty uncommon
I guess Rufus has entirely stepped out into center stage now
Sure give the old guy who now really hates your guts a fully loaded gun
rufus looked really scared to see defrott
When he last left him, he was pretty confident he was dead Probably also thinks he's the only other vampire around who can match pace with him too Defrott being alive is a total snag in his big plan And Rufus really seems to be a serious control freak, so something as serious as that going awry in his plan, never mind being someone he tried killing, is probably a big moment of anxiety
we haven't actually seen how powerful defrott is yet though i'm guessing this means he's pretty strong
They took this arc in unexpected directions at the end of last episode Didn't expect Fushi to stay with Gugu and the crew
i had a feeling he simply hadn't transformed yeah
I figured it would be something like that
>If I make him a shirt, do you think he'll wear it
I wonder if Fushi regenerates if he'll keep the full extent of his intelligence now He's carried it as he's evolved throughout his life, developing it But this current stretch is an abnormality for him
gugu doesn't wear shirts but if she made the shirt hmmm
You gotta feel a bit bad for Gugu's older brother He came to Gugu earnestly trying to make amends for who he was in the past But not everything is easily forgivable
Hah hah hah She was really trying her hardest to get that ring on him Maybe if she'd have tried the pinky finger
Sake-ji is really incredible for being a perpetually wasted drunkard Coming up with the gear for a flamethrower isn't something you'd expect from someone of his caliber
>I just can't stand the thought that I'm going to die before him Hmmmmmmmm
that's one hell of a house
Rean's family do feel like the local lords, or at least very successful merchants So they gotta have a house to match the status
She does not look happy there
Talk about everything going wrong at once And it was almost all going so well
i just went from heaven to hell in 15 seconds flat
everything was great this was about to be the best tuesday night of my entire life now it's RUINED
>>955072 Well the mysterious figure implied gugu was gonna have a grisly fate
It was a bit more abstract than that but yeah We'd been hinted that Fushi staying with them was gonna be a tragic scene before it was over
well if gugu dies he's gonna have a really powerful form to swap into a buff young dude with the ability to breathe fire
I wonder if he'd take teen Gugu or boy Gugu though
it's the state of the being as it died if gugu left the alcohol at home like the old man suggested, he wouldn't e ven get that
The full party's here now They do kinda make for a very JRPG-y group You got the rough and tough fighter, the noble battlemage, the priestess, the super wizard, and the maiden
Giri giri saafu Oh he got singed a bit though
She really just rushed in without thinking We get to see some cool fire magic for the trouble though
damn grand magus gets scary when he's pissed
He had to earn that title somehow You don't get to be a Grrrrand Magus by only using wimpy little spells
Oh I bet he'd like to pledge his sword to her if you know what I mean
Well that kinda makes sense If her healing magic can mend wounds and regenerate biological harm, then it logically follows that she can use her magic to restore forests and greenery as well
nap time oh waking up time waking up while being princess carried time
Hah hah Aira She was watching them through peeking eyes
This old lady's face vaguely reminds me of a snapping turtle
i was thinking the exact same thing
wo wthe grandma said it the real saint's power is omnipotent is love
Romance stuff is always a bit weak if they can't really get around to the romance in the time they have to adapt the material And everything that happened felt fairly small-scale. I dunno if that's just the vibes of the series overall or if the original material is looking at long-scale developments But when you go through a full season and there isn't really a big climactic build-up because the actual build-up is something that takes like twenty or thirty episodes to get to rather than twelve It makes some of these adaptations a bit more dull then they could be.
This is kind of a common episode type dramatic talking the whole time
There wasn't going to be any other option, probably You can't exactly try to get physical with a woman in her own house and expect to come out of it okay And with all the tension going into that meeting there wasn't going to a peaceful, calm conclusion
I don't really like that he feels the need to apologize for what he said He didn't say anything wrong, and any insults made are probably more reflective on the mother than him
>>955125 yeah i believe so though i'm curious what it'll be about
Well the current situation is Sayu still has to live at home until she graduates Which would totally upset the dynamic and premise of this series It feels weird to leave her in Hokkaido
i'm wondering if there will be a timeskip or something but i kinda wonder if maybe the mom will just want to give up custody or something
This world seems to operate on Touhou principles Everyone more or less gets along aside from the occasional troublemaker And any time you beat someone up you become best friends and are over for tea all the time
>Add literal life-threatening hazards to the area to encourage visitors to use the elevators
They've been paying for her way through this World Tree but I wonder how much it actually is Like as employees of demon nobility I'm sure their purses are pretty deep And since they were sent here by the actual Maou they might have been given some money too
Well that's a call back Instead of climbing the whole World tree they could've just gone to Eno
Oh no don't fall for her trap
yeah she should see this coming
There it goes.
eh EH
>You will never be gently scolded by an omnipotent onee-sama