My Uber driver tonight doesn't really know the roads very well Opted to take a busy highway and some streets rather than a major throughfare My ride went from being like thirty-two minutes to like forty-five It's not a big deal but I would rather spend as little time in a stranger's cars possible Plus I want to nap
come to think of it, uber is always a bit of rng what kinda driver you have tho that is taxi and other car services, but I have a feeling that cab drivers are more knowledgeable of their area
The RNG gets even more drastic when you realize/learn that a lot of former taxi drivers take up Uber-ing So sometimes you get a legitimately good driver who has decades of experience in this job Those are often some of the more enjoyable rides I've had, unsurprisingly
While it's definitely going to suck going from a 25 - 35 minute Uber ride to an hour long transit ride to get to or from work once they discontinue the Uber program, I am definitely looking forward to never having to listen to a Pop 40 radio station ever again once I'm taking public transit again
>>955557 Sure, I guess Plus the radio does fill the silence and probably means they're less likely to try and talk to me I don't think there's anything I'd find worth wanting to listen to anyway
too polite to ask them to switch channel or no radio?
I do enjoy talking to taxi drivers, since talkative finns are really good at talking and interesting people but then again, if that was every day and not like 4 times a year yeah no
luckily enough "earpods/headpones equipped" is a solid "don't talk to me" here
My thermostat panel has gone blank again It ends up like this every four or five days it feels like I can't use it at all when it gets like this and I'm not even sure it actually activates anything more than just the standard ventilation fan Though also I'm a little annoyed that I can't seem to get my unit to warm up naturally. I'm like five storeys up, the day temps are around 25c, but my unit never seems to peak above 23c and spends plenty of time beneath that I've taken to wearing a long sleeved shirt at home because my acclimated temperature finds this kind of chilly I need it to be warmer!
>Western Digital, maker of the popular My Disk external hard drives, is recommending customers unplug My Disk Live storage devices from the Internet until further notice while company engineers investigate unexplained compromises that have completely wiped data from devices around the world.
wow awful >The My Book Live device received its final firmware update in 2015. yikes rip people's data
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's so hot should i go back out should i lurk in the cool basement
sameru there's spameruu ah the google captcha is fucking up
I fell asleep listening to Slayer earlier. >>955576 In no particular order 8,9,12,13 and 24 Except 24 is the best. I wish there were a robo maid though.
hmm should i use a patricia trie in this key value store thus complicating the project very much or just use a b tree
>>955605 After skimming the Wikipedia articles on each of them I say B-tree. Cause I(log n) * O(log n) Water you werking on?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the patricia trie has a nice property that i could do merkle tree stuff to check the validity of the whole tree/use cryptographic hashing git-style which is kinda an interesting check for my use case which is just a secured key value store idk it's probably over kill i could just hash the entire b tree instead and worry about scaling with merkle patricia keys later down the line
d'you know how git stores files and directories? that's a merkle tree
>>955609 I know very little about data structures other than arrays and linked lists. And I've never actually had to use a linked list.
I might own a book about data structures though.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
who in their right mind would use a linked list
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
only NERDS and KERNEL DEVELOPERS use linked lists do you like a cache eviction? do you like a heap allocation? linked list is big waste doubly linked list is tragedy dom is pig disgusting
No idea Most of the programming I've done used matrices (including vectors) or very high level representations of symbolic mathematical things.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah for day to day programming linked lists are pretty rare so much extra overhead per item bad cache coherency, just bad performance in general on modern computers idk why the linux kernel uses them so much, but they have different constraints to work with, and of course the code is 30 years old
This guy uses Lisp. I kind of want one of these. Not cause lisp though, just cause its a tiny ass portable computer.
Oh he uses Clojure, I'm a little familiar with him though cause a few of my friends have used his textbook Land of Lisp which is notable because it has the (allegedly) most violent programming example ever published in a textbook. The game Grand Theft Wumpus.
it's bork whole thing will be need to taken out >>955683 we do have a fair bit of uranium yes we uhh export somewhere I think coal is big one over here though
>75% of electricity in Australia is generated by coal Jesus Fucking Christ Don't you guys have massive uranium deposits?
>>955682 >take out Wait 1: how does a fireplace break? 2: how do you remove a giant brick thing like that without it being obscenely expensive?
>>955682 Yeah I know you guys are really into coal but I didn't know it was that bad.
>>955684 I mean maybe it's just the metal box it's sticking out and lets all the smoke in maybe the owner will just remove it and never replace it who knows
>Peter Garrett is against nuclear power That's a shame. You guys are really (historically anyways) anti nuclear. I think it would be great for Australia to start getting over your heavy dependence on coal. Plus you're mostly desert so youve got a lot of places to choose from when it comes to waste storage.
>At 30 September 2015, native title has been recognised over approximately 2,469,647 km2 or about 32% of the Australian land mass. there's some maps here
>>955693 Wow That's a lot Good for you guys I gues s Well not really, its good for the aboriginies Kirara could probably tell us a ton about the US stealing native American land And even to this day even land that on paper belongs to native Americans is exploited and nothing is done about it.
we're probably in an alright position to use nuclear we're not on any fault lines from what I can remember
>>955695 Yeah As long as brush and stuff is cleared in a good radius aound the plant to prevent it from being damaged in a wildfire. Bbl shower
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i watched Luca how anime nice movie about miyazaki tings
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and about being different
I've heard its gay Italian Ponyo, is that accurate? Oh speaking of Pixar, one of my friend's moms worked at Pixar really early on and designed and programmed some of their computers.
you may laugh at that funny pic but there was hundreds maybe even a thousand posts on that social media picture calling it the next manbun and a natural condom etc people on facebook really do seem jaded
I swear Google used to have a feature that would bring up "similar sites" if you click it when it appeared next to your results maybe they got rid of that
the tinnitus do be hittin differently
>>955712 they did, it was next to the cached view on the arrow next to the search result they've done away with that completely and replaced it with the sideways ellipsis "About this result" feature which is a Beta feature anyway ive been disappointed with goog for a long time
maybe it's about time I de-googlify I use startpage or ddg sometimes and they're not awful whereis or other maps can be more updated like with housing estates and the like
i think there's still good utility with google and use their intrusiveness to my advantage, but i silo it specifically for those purposes i don't think it's a big deal but just on principle i don't want to use them though
>>955730 If it's out, it came out sometime between the fifteenth and today, so definitely new, yeah
BUT WAIT new server girl a challenger
Which one makes your heart go the most doki doki?
Fucking Uber driver rolls up in a Dodge Grand Caravan minivan but the middle row of seats has been taken out for a wheelchair mount I know these kinds of cars are invaluable for people who use a wheelchair but I don't! And these kinds of minivans are rickety things that rattle on every pothole or streetcar rail they drive on/over. It's a really uncomfortable ride Plus I can't remember the last time I was in a minivan that didn't have a stuffy, stagnant, slightly nauseating smell to it
>>955736 guess you'll start havin to spring for the deluxe ubers
>>955738 Allegedly I've heard if you 1-star rate your rides the app will not match you with that driver ever again So while I'm loathe to unfairly rate other people I really don't want to encounter these minivans ever again So that's what I've been doing so far when a ride schedules me with one
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bro but their driver ratings
I'm a selfish human being! If I have to pick between my comfort and their ratings, I'm going to pick my comfort every time!
a client at work (not one of my clients) tried to kill themselves by ODing on acetaminophen ended up in the hospital with liver failure who coulda guessed fuckin kids
>>955745 would in fact be sweet annihilation i f I did
Yeah, the other job is gone. This is the job that was my side gig.I I'm only working like 5 hours a week. I worked 5 hours last week and about the same this week. So I'm kind of still on break? I might get a few more hours next week, I dunno. I can just work 5-10 hours for the next few months since I have some savings but I'll probably start taking some more clients soon since it kind of sucks being home all day every day.
Yeah, I was the only therapist. They kept saying they couldn't hire anymore. Around the time I left, they did hire one more, but it was way too late. Also my boss that I liked got fired and replaced with this narcissistic piece of shit that put my life in danger several times, bought clients drugs, and some other unethical stuff. And when I told them I was promised a raise in January and still didn't have it in May, they said "Well, I can't offer you more money but I can offer you more work" even though I told them I was burned out.
Honestly, since I left that place, I've felt amazing almost every day.
>>955758 My current boss almost got shot by a cop once because he got out of his car at a traffic stop because he wanted to go to the cop car and tell the cop that he needed to stop at his house around the corner to grab something for his daughter and the cop pulled his gun on him lol
at least your boss didnt shoot your other boss yet....
yeah he's a good guy though he's kind of lacking in common sense but he's a super genius and the only truly christ-like christian ive ever met
All the realest homies are lacking in common sense
>>955757 I'm glad you are free of that job! And American police are so terrified to me, like the fear of getting killed by the police is really legitimate. The only last time I remember police getting spooked and armed here was someone having a lara croft lifesize cardboard cutout at a window and they had hours long stand off with the cardboard cutout.
Cops are like hybrids between rapid dogs and pigs. They'll eat anything and wallow around in their own filth, but they also smell fear and they'll get pumped up if they smell it. As long as you're white and respond to them confidently and without fear, they won't do anything to you. Keep your hands on the steering wheel, ask for permission to reach over to the glove box, etc. One time I got pulled over, and the cop was trying to scare me by saying it was a no-tolerance zone and that I was doing 20 over the speed limit. But I really didn't care, so I just said "okay" to whatever scary stuff he was trying to say. Even though it was a no-tolerance zone, he came back and said he wasn't going to give me a ticket for speeding. www
Very fast dog moving at incredible speeds
>>955764 I remember watching a recorded encounter where a black army guy got stopped and they really wanted to get him, really threatening him and when fucked up they threatened that it wouldn't be good for him if he reported it. cops are actually scary. I am glad my couple of months in the US I didn't see a single cop but I was also in the middle of nowhere most of the time.
I used to do a lot of work with the cops so I know how they work They really aren't that scary once you get the hang of dealing with them but it's definitely best to just avoid cops altogether if you can
Definately one of my biggest fears when I go to America is having an interaction with the cops since I'm hard of hearing. that and trying go star watching and hearing snake noises . I got spooked by a bush in dark. like it was proper dark since there was no artificial life for miles.
tbf she was already like this before i ever met her also their pronouns are they but i keep slippin up think the girl part would also be incorrect anyway (sorry for that) i don't know how to help them anymore
yeah lol i dont even know half the slang 18 year olds use i'll say "this song whips" or something and theyll make fun of me and then every kid in the county will know i'm an old person who doesnt know how to talk to kids also a 28yo dating an 18yo is pretty sus
my life would be over one day i would go into work and id have an adolescent client and theyd say hey your the old guy from that video and id ask what video and theyd show me a video on instagram of me saying something embarrassing because im old and the client will start laughing at me and say your a therapist bro? lol thats sus sdfhskdfgs and some slang i dont even know and ill start crying and theyll video it and put it on insta too #oldguycries
And then one day a kid will call me dad and I'll try to direct everyone's mocking ire onto them but instead everyone will say haha it's because your old like a dad old old old old and ill have to start wearing heelies like the young people so i can fit in but my knees are no good so ill collapse and say ahh my knees!! and theyll all laugh and laugh and laugh as i lie on the ground in tears the ambulance will come to pick me up and they'll offer me the senior discount my life is already over the wheels are turning /moe/ the wheels are turning
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jump starting my busking career by learning King Dedede's Theme for the solo violin
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>955804 the wheel of fate is turning you can reverse entropy you can reverse TIME you just gotta believe
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>955797 ouch what's the meme sad birthday balloon for a sad deathday fawn
the heats it's only going down to 21 deg tonight here we fuckin go
Found someone who made a tweet revealing that own an animal protected under the endangered species act and they definitely do not have a permit for it. *that they own
no dating metas involve hidden information whereas if you get stuck in chess you can just load up an engine and get the correct move /s
>>955840 Report them to fish and wild life services and make sure to include the info tthat they are armed and dangerous. The animal belongs to a crazy commune.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wildlife police don't fuck around i saw it on a TV show bullets everywhere you better be ready to accept the consequences
>>955844 These people were going to get raided by law enforcement eventually anyways.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea fuckit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
(the show i saw was fictional and highly exaggerated for entertainment's sake)
At least one of the people in this commune is obsessed with Waco.
neuro typicals are so quick to capitalize on any little slight that you perform it's kinda disappointing like bro just let me be me but no uou gotta police my shit
>>955883 Sounds hella nice It's been drizzly here all day and while it was like 25c and 90% humidity earlier in the day it's gotten a bit cooler Says it's 19c outside but who knows what temperature it is in here because my thermostat keeps breaking
If I stupidly switch lanes into another vehicle because I'm not paying attention, resulting in a ten car pileup on the interstate, it was just an accident and you should leave me alone.
You can make a horrible mistake and should still be held accountable for your actions!
I shouldn't be held accountable for anything, especially not ruining a major race by causing half of the bikers to fall, and damage their bikes or get injured.
>>955928 oh wow each tour has one pile up atleast, but usually caused by tge contesters damn
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the hill i'm willing to die on is that when it comes to motor vehicles there are vanishingly few accidents almost everything can and should be prevented by the operators of the vehicles
you can avoid 99% of road accidemts by not veing an idiot and looking at the road&traffic&conditions ie. if it is raining a lake, don't drive 100kmh even if that is the limit
we're gonna get 37C tomorrow apparently which will pretty much shatter records for this particular area of BC
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's only $1.79 wiw! wow!
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Features Work your job at GloboCorp to make money You can give all your hard-earned money to the bull Browse your favorite websites, such as Reddit™ Your fat wife will verbally abuse you Become emotionally attached to children that are not biologically yours Collect 'Funky Pop' collectibles that are hidden across the world Play actual games on your 'Wintendo Snitch' gaming console, such as 'Cuck Souls' And more!
Yeah I really wish I wasn't so distracted by tattoos Like I don't dislike them, but I can't not focus on them It's all I can look at when someone has a lot of them
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sick tata FUCK tats*
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow you like her tatas huh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
n-no welp doubt i'll match with this person but fingers crossed
>>955965 amusing part is, how these kinda games, be they offensive or not, but rather filled with enough internet memes and such to garner interest. get few youtubers/twitchers to play them and go "lol funny memes ebin yeah" and you get few hundred to few thousand sales, especially considering the price enough to get the assets you flipped from unity store (or didn't even pay) and steam entry price of what 100€ back easily and make a decent enough profit.
It annoys me that you can make any game about roleplaying a job or character type and just slap "Simulator" on it Of course there are some actually good simulator games out there but the wide variety of them which are just shovelware meme ideas annoys me It clutters the store up when I'm looking for proper simulation games
fun how the legs spread far and wide now was it truly ame who started it?
Yeah, as far as legs go
Extra body props probably started with Nene though She would doodle little body props like a game controller and arms Which then got popular with all the really polished controllers you see a lot of people using
You can see an easy line of evolution from that to the legs props
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
An indie person did it first but Ame was the one who popularized it
wish ame does more of the podcast format it was fun
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, Nene was the first to popularize body props and stuff. Tilde's right
>>955994 Most controller props don't actively track, they just operate on a GIF loop to look like they are There is however an app that can interface with controllers to pick up when the user is actually pressing buttons
>>955993 the girl too kinda looks like "adam driver, but female"
I've ever seen someone who had an app that tracked their pen movement on a drawing tablet and used that to move an arm prop across the screen to make it look like you were actively watching them draw
Russia gets one they could, atleast in the kuola peninsula quite easily combat it, but they choose not to mostly much to our annoyance, but we just dig huge fire trenches and brepurn the borderzone
The whole west coast of North America gets set on fire during the summer, usually I think the side of B.C. that Samu lives in is usually safer than not, from the fire hazard, but still gets the worse air quality from literally a fifth of a continent being on fire The fires in Canada normally track up the eastern side of the Rockies into Alberta, I think At the least that's the province I hear the most forest fire news from
finland btw could get one, but we nowadays pour huge resources into keeping it in check way more than we should, but imo better that way
>>956031 downsize of having so much wilderness/0 population zone
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we didn't have any smoke last year from what i remember but it wasn't such a crazy summer by the looks of the heat dome forming overhead this summer's gonna be wild
it only tastes even relatively good when cold, but even then, drinking it before all the ice melts... and then you have that same taste, watered down, lukewarm
only once ordered it
instantly regretted
never finished it btw
>>956043 Wow I can't believe you'd be a part of the ketchup haters My impression of you is tarnished forever
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe one day ill develop a taste for it but not anytime soon heck i learned to like gin so anything's possible when there's alcohol involved >>956046 it's ok with fries and terrible otherwise
we have "breweries" that only brew sample sizes for testing note down what is good jot it down hire an estonian brewery to make a huge batch of this, with them checking its quality ofc and then import it back here
and sell it as "finnish small time brewery" product
damn genius
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pixar's tribute to ghibli
>>956056 oh the weird "don't go into the land, luca" thing I have been seeing on youtube ads aside from that dragon woman god they are so badly finn dubbed
/moe/ I think I'm gonna make an appointment this week to hopefully get a prescription for ADHD medication I feel like its something I should've done a lot earlier in life
the loneliness isn't so bad once you get really used to it
you've staved off loneliness go on then ave a million
you'd think anybody with the tiniest bit of foresight would put on purchasing limits with a state masking then again panic buying is illogical and therefore maybe not entirely predictable
>>956134 Hah hah hah wow What a dick I don't think his mechanical critcisms of the game are all too unfounded, having played a fair chunk of the remake But if you're gonna start your review complaining that the game's Japanese cultural immersion is too much for you, man Let someone else review the game
I wish I could figure out what's keeping my unit so cool I stepped outside for a moment and discovered that the comfortable long-sleeve shirt I was wearing indoors was swelteringly hot outside I don't need it to be like par with the 30c it is outside but I wouldn't mind it being something more like 25-7c
I gotta look into how much it'd cost me to like, replace all the speakers in my car The front speaker on the right is crackling whenever there's any bass, so I had to turn both front speakers off And the back speaker on the left is fucked somehow so I had to shift the balance to the left just to make it somewhat equal
i was at the range today and the couple next to me kept muzzling me and the second time they pointed at me i was like "hey buddy please be careful not to point your gun at me!!" and they kept doing it and finally i got pissed off and i told them that if they muzzle me one more time im going to consider it a threat and will respond accordingly and then the range safety officer threw them out
>>956182 Glad they got thrown out. What do you shoot?
>>956201 ldr had a bit of a Lolita fascination early in career, so I would think it's just a reference to something from the book I don't know if Lolita is actually referencing Bizet tho
>>956399 If you check the anime thread, right at the end of the night, you can see where we went from watching and having fun to "What." That was a real wild way to end a season
Oh, you thought the blood was what I was excited about!
It was the reasonable plot hook to expect! Nothing would have prepared me to expect the actual plot hook!
Anno That dumbass who caused the bike pile-up during the Tour de France just up and vanished before she could get sued I'm impressed by how readily she was able to disappear herself
hamster a dentist hard porn steven seagul warrior this rifle, in me the fish master
It's a delightfully thick 30c out there today Man I wish I could just relax under a tree with a book or something Would be way better than being cooped up in this basement
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>956403 she'll turn up sooner or later im sure unless she was a time traveler sent there to disturb the race to prevent a certain outcome from occurring and then she just returned to her own time hm
went into the office for NOTHIN my group tonight's got NO ONE in it and the client i'm here to see wants to do our session via phone because they're sick
its not hype it means that im at work all dressed up for NO REASON i look like a functional member of society do you know how much effort it takes for someone like me to look like a functional member of society
two buttons one on the left is dismount one on the right is skirmish mode
now if you are quickly setting up commands, would you actaully based on visual information, never press dismount button on cavalry units, instead of skirmish?
it feels like when i did a trip to Turkey out here there's a haze over everything
It was a bit hazy here today too When I was relaxing out on my balcony I can kinda see towards the downtown skyline And it was a little fuzzy in the heat I actually live pretty close to the lakeshore 'round here but my unit unfortunately faces away from the water Eventually there should be a common-use patio area I think on one of the higher floors that might have a nice view of the lake Once it's done, if they finish before summer's over at least, I might go up and see what it's like
Is the water around the city decent enough for swimming? I figure that beach is probably a fair distance from the port but being a port city, and well a city, I can't imagine the water is exactly pristine quality I dunno how comfortable I'd be swimming in it
plastic there's no way they make glass baja blast, right? there's no way
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i drink a coke out of a can for what it's worth then i had to have a big boy nap
I can't remember the last time I had a Coke If I'm going for some kind of soft drink I usually just get iced tea And honestly even that's kind of rare these days
i probably drink regular sodas only a few times a month but i did used to drink energy drinks every morning for a long long time usually 0 cal ones but recently i'm down to only one or two a week the caffeine withdrawls were some real shit tho
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whenever my parents order spicy chicken wings it comes with a free can of coke and i end up drinking it and then die temporarily
what the why do you die?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i can't handle the sugar idk the fall after the high is too powerful
coke zero is fine tho
The greater the high the further the fall
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i watched the first two episodes of season 5 rick and morty with my fam wow that was lewd
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
🎤 if i saw you in the street would i have you in my dreams tonite?