86 - Eighty-Six Bishounen Tanteidan Blue Reflection Ray Hige wo Soru. Full Dive Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Joran The Princess of Snow and Blood Kumo desu ga, Nani ka Mars Red Osananajimi ga Zettai Makenai Love Comedy Sayonara Watashi no Cramer Episode 2-4 Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou Desu Sentouin, Hakenshimasu Shadows House Slime Taoshite 300-nen Subarashiki Kono Sekai The Animation Super Cub Tensura Nikki - Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Tokyo Revengers Vivy - Fluorite Eye's Song
i can fit two it's pushing it but i can do it
Well Rika and I can probably only do like three, super-maybe four tops Or well, I can only do that much I haven't been sleeping great lately and I can't be up too late
for the record i can totally do anime as early as 9pm btw
Which is 10PM us, yeah Problem is consistently having that time open during the week
consistently, i could do pretty much any time between 8pm central and 11:30pm central as long as i know when to be here
More than a boss fight, this is like a walking catastrophe If Momma Spider is about four times as strong as the Earth Dragon she fought, then she's probably a serious concern for the people of the aboveground world
Yeah I guess the spider was the true master of the labrynth.
Definitely seems like it Not only is she super-strong, she also commands a massive army of her brood And she's super smart it seems She moved against Kumoko herself, but moved a bunch of her army to where she'd predict Kumoko would panic teleport to
Thankfully it seems while tough, the mook spiders are all as dumb as mob monsters
Oh this is a really high level minion or something.
it's terrifying!
I wonder what Momma Spider's intent is If she's got these legions of spiders, and even some advanced, intelligent minions like this puppet She's demonstrated cunning and planning, so logically she should be intelligent enough to make plans and posses ambition more complex than survival
I guess we have to wait to see waht the next form looks like, unless it's after credits.
They've hung a lot of her evolutions on cliffhangers so far
oh! ther credits are a little early there's a chance!
Well they might also use the after-credits stuff to be the human-side plot
if someone had told me before i'd seen this show that this would be the performance that sells me on Aoi Yuuki as my favorite VA i probably would've laughed them away
Hah hah called it
damn you tilde if you would have called the other way then it would've happened how DARE you call it right when it's not what i want
i feel like i say this every week but this show is really good i'm enjoying it a lot
it's not particularly deep or anything the show isn't treading any crazy untreaded ground but it's solid fun and i think the fights are cool and the universe is really interesting there's so many things i want to know more about
worldbuilding goes really far with me
that's probably one of the reasons that many of my favorite shows are my favorite shows worldbuilding is one of the top priorities
charging the company card for meals is one of life's most sweet luxuries, i am happy to report
My work pays for us to take Uber to and from work because of the pandemic so I can definitely understand Sure is nice to get to and from work in like twenty minutes tops and not pay a cent I'd be taking public transit otherwise and that would take 50-60 minutes and require me to pay fare
It almost looks like a cute moe thing with the little muzzle painted on
I wonder why he's worried about losing control All the other vampires sentient enough to be a part of the squad seem to be able to control their bloodlust
if i had to take a wild guess he lost control once and hurt someone and felt bad so he swore to wear the mask but when she took it off he was ok so i think it's voluntary
Yeah, a pretty solid guess
Another one I was thinking is maybe he resents the addiction to blood and doesn't drink it at all/as often as he should So he is at risk of caving in to the impulse more than the others Not that he'll go berkser the second the mask is taken off, but enough that he can't be around humans regularly with his nose to the open air.
i can't help but imagine that defrott is a good guy
At the least he doesn't seem to be associated with whoever is distributing this dangerous blood If he'd reacted less cautious of it then I'd suspect him more But as it is, it might be he's just a third party to this divide between the military vampires and the ones that are making all these vampires
oh wow he went murdermode
The way they represent the vampiric superhuman speed is pretty neat
Now we've got green vampire eyes Is there a difference between the colours or is it just aesthetic
i think defrott is a good guy
also suwa went from nobody to favorite vampire very fast
I dunno about good guy but I think he's at least likely to cooperate I think he just wants to take it easy and that might at least encourage other vampires from causing havoc in Tokyo And at the least he won't oppose the military vampires if they're not going to make trouble for him
He's also pretty tiny, hah hah He's even shorter than the MC, and the MC's currently a middle school student
I can see why he's the boss though Even if he's normal looking, he really exhudes a boss aura And it looks like he can throw the punches needed to be one too
It seems like he really dodged a bullet that he almost created though His red-haired friend didn't seem to ever come close to stabbing the older guy in his previous timeline So his meddling changed it so that he almost did But by meeting the boss he prevented it from happening too.
yeah he's in that small but super strong trope you see that kinda thing sometimes
His new social connections are already maing problems for him though, hah hah I wonder what happens to this guy with shaved head and tattoo though The actual boss of the gang seems to have a different second head in his adult time period And the boss in the adult time has a neck tattoo that's kind of similar to this shaved guy's tattoo.
His girlfriend is Wow His girlfriend is trying to help him stay on the straight and narrow What a nice girl.
Oh wow he's doign something dangerous. Well he's definitely fixed his running away problem.
The boss sure is a chaos elemental But aside from being kind of a sadistic psychopath, he doesn't seem entirely awful.
I suspect right now the boss is kind of Chaotic Neutral He's not quite good, but he's not aggressively evil But something happens between this time period and the future one that makes him go off the deep end and go full criminal. I wouldn't be surprised if it has something to do with either losing that guy with the shaved head who's his second Or it has to do with meeting that guy who in the future time period is the second head of the gang.
One of those events, or both, or whatever causes them to happen, is what makes his gang of delinquents into a criminal gang.
Oh shit here's the second head Now he looks like a right proper villain.
>>941853 >>941854 I assume they'll become nakama and go against the true bad guy
He's already made big ripples in the past with his actions, so it's definitely possible he's made some real changes We'll have to see what's different when he returns to the future. But I feel like the other head of the gang probably for a long time wanted to turn it into a criminal enterprise So it's like, even if he fixes the past one way, the other head will have had some other scheme he used to make the gang go evil.
Because I'm pretty sure he'll fail at making sure the current head of the gang and the eventual second head never meet. That's far too early an objective to succeed at.
The head's character design is too normal i think he'll end up becoming a party member
okay shadows house okay lets start
Based on some of the chatter I've seen about this series, I think the MC, Emilyko, and her mistress Kate, are abnormalities in this household In that Emily can't properly be Kate's "face" But I think there's more duos that don't do their job properly either And we'll see more of them soon.
Being the cleaning staff for this house must suuuuck Soot just collects everywhere on a daily basis
All this talk of living dolls and the father of the Shadows household really sounds like homunculi and alchemic experimentation
Oh here's the angry girl from the first episode She's still as angry as ever
Well this is getting a bit into horror now
Quick thinking Emily
Man this soot is some unpleasant stuff.
So the living dolls get baths only every few days Probably even longer, honestly But that's fairly accurate for the Victorian era that this series seems to take aesthetic inspiration from
Considering how dangerous we just saw dense gatherings of soot could be Having these dolls be stuff ed with the soot is probably not a good idea.
Yup yup, thanks I hope you can get some more rest before the night is up Rika It's easy for sleep to start getting off-balance if you sleep too long in the evening