i regret to inform you that i am phoneposting drunk from a hotel room and have no headphones also I'm up past my bedtime business trip bedtime is early
Well going to bed drunk isn't going to help that much
Back Arrow Bishounen Tanteidan Episode 2-3 Blue Reflection Ray Episode 2-3 Dragon, Ie wo Kau. Episode 3-4 Fumetsu no Anata e Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Episode 2-3 Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui Sayonara Watashi no Cramer Episode 2-4 Shadows House Super Cub Tensura Nikki - Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Tokyo Revengers
Can we switch either Fumets u or Koi to Yobu into first place I'd need a bit of time to get Back Arrow >>941252 Okey dokes
There's obviously a fantasy element to this world and its people, but with the little girl and her tribe, it feels there's a clear inspiration from the Ainu people, like what we see in Golden Kamuy
Still kinda surprises me they got Utada Hikaru to do the OP for this series She doesn't really do anisong
I wonder how things are going to work out where he takes the sacrifice for her I think that's whats gonna happen
I don't remember if I read far enough to see how this set-up develops And well if I don't remember, it's about as good as not knowing
That's a biiiig bear It's like the size of an elephant There isn't really any land creatures that are that size, aside from, well, the elephant Land creatures that size are honestly a total abnormality.
Well that's one way to replace her as the sacrifice
This isn't a sacrifice this is a fight! It's cool to see the return of the wolfdog
I wonder if the bear's spines are supposed to be things it picked up from its long, violent life Or if it was born with them
He eats it the same way, wolf or boy
Man that must be almost unpleasantly bizarre though Human sounds coming out of inhuman animals is one of those things that makes the human brain go weird.
Things are probably going to change quite a bit now though If they're being dragged along to society by this warrior lady It'll be the first time the MC has ever encountered more than one or two people at one time
So a bit of a brief time-skip Things have pretty much been non-stop "cameras on" since the start of this series, so it's always bit weird to just say "okay but now two months have passed with nothing happening"
So they made their sherrif their queen, eh
Guess they're showing the process of elimination that ended up with her being the only choice
She's the one that declared their ship an independent nation anyway So she ought to take responsibility for it!
I guess there's a bunch of petty city-states in this world that exist between the two big countries We already saw one of them in the not-America And it seems like the shiny boys have managed to stake out their own independent nation
Oh here's the other thing that was nagging at me I was wondering if we'd ever see Berserker Hime again, since she was sealed in the armband That was left back at her former kingdom, but I guess they managed to get it back in her possession
I guess Rekka has to level back up and Lutoh is the new bad guys
The only good guys were only ever the villagers And the princess, I guess. She's always been earnestly nice.
>We'd rather die than live in shame There's that philosophy again
Arrow's right of course She's kind of dumb to think Shu wouldn't expect her to try a stunt like this
This old man continues to be a bit horny for the princess
I'm pretty sure someone beyond the wall is the one telling the fat guy what he needs to do And their objective is to keep Rekka and Lutoh constantly fighting each other, since if the major nations of the world were to ever make peace, it would be only a matter of time before they tried exploring beyond the wall. But if this hooded person is trying to get the main crew to adventure beyond the wall, then maybe there's more than one faction beyond the wall.
I just really don't like their whole "be the best or die trying" attitude With emphasis on "die trying" I get it's supposed to draw inspiration from the way Japanese Samurai faced life under the assumption they were already dead, but the characterization comes off as either missing the mark of it, or is intentionally written to be more whiny and desperate than actually noble. Other than that, I don't really mind them.
Rio's got to put in overtime to make sure the boy in her class doesn't snatch her up though She's surprisingly caring about her older brother's feelings for the MC I think most little sisters would be a little skeeved by their adult older brother chasing after a high school girl
I'd like to visit Okinawa some day It's not particularly high on my list of travel locations, but it does look nice
They're practically taunting us here These people get to go out to movies and do social activities like that How mean I want to go see a movie too!
This ED song is really nice That build up to the chorus just hits well for me
>Serving jail time for arson I feel that's a mean thing to imprison a salamander for They're creatures of flame, arson is probably basic nature for them
Oh they're getting a bit to the problem of money What kind of funds can this dame dragon even put together
I suspect for some reason he won't end up moving into this house It's far too early to accomplish the whole point of this series
Oh there's the catch The house has to attract Heroes and they have to die to pay off its costs I guess he's got some bodyguards to do the hard work at least Though I doubt it'll work out.
It's the same Yuusha squad from the first episode I guess they can respawn Lucky guys
Seems to have a thing for helping out the useless and weak A good trait for a demon lord to have Since people you help out are good will in the bank for later
Scooters are kind of nice I wish I lived in a more mild climate that made them feasible As it stands I dunno if I'd want to ride one through proper winter conditions, which would make one kind of lousy for at least a third of the year
She still can't get to the microwave though These instant meals she brings would probably be much more bearable if she heated it up
This show is pretty comfy. I like the washed out color scheme too
I'm surprised it started off as an LN series There's not a whole lot of action and kinda limited dialogue Maybe the LN has more inner monologue from the MC and scenery narration But without that, I can't imagne there's much to fill the pages with
Her bike definitely has the look of a poverty bike though The wire basket doesn't really help much in that department And the big box storage unit kinda cheapens its overall image too
But I guess a poverty bike suits her
Good helmets are always pricey, no matter how stylish they look But she's not wrong A good helmet is the price of your life!
Also seems like the past if it were modern day she'd just order the face shield off amazon
Hm, not past-past, I don't get that feeling But yeah, before the emergence of online shopping as a normal thing Maybe some time in the mid-late 00s? That kinda feels like what that computer make they were using would place too. And it's before smartphones meant you could do what they were doing in the library there from the comfort of your own pocket
She ended up with another poverty option for -poverty solution for her problem hah hah Just getting some goggles to wear over the helmet rather than install a faceplate
Also I think they might be in Okinawa At the least I don't think palm trees grow in mainland Japan And there's kind of a certain flatness to the setting that you don't really get in Japan
It's hard to use the MC as a reference for time period though Since she's so poor, you kind of expect her to be using stuff that's years out of date already.
I don't know where it's set It doesnt look hot enough to be Okinawa
Yeah that's true Maybe it's the southern island of the main archipelago of islands that make up most of Japan
I suppose with this episode we wrap up the first volume of the LN series That little monologue she ended the episode with kinda echoed what she said at the start of episode one. So it's a nice bookend, and it ends on a fairly conclusive "look how far I've come" moment.