Hi hey hello We're almost at the weekend I really need it personally This has been a tiring week
Back Arrow Episode 14-15 Bishounen Tanteidan Blue Reflection Ray Dragon, Ie wo Kau. Episode 2-3 Fruits Basket Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu Nomad - Megalo Box 2 Sayonara Watashi no Cramer Episode 2-3 Super Cub Tensura Nikki - Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Zombieland Saga
I dunno if Bang's knocking around but there might not be anything he's interested in watching left And even if there is it's probably just stragglers So we can probably do a full night of what we'd watch tonight
i'm here but i don't think i have anything lefty hrmmmmmmmmmmmmm yeah looks like we got all the bang shows oh by the way, i'm leaving sunday night for a work trip, so i won't be here for anime on sunday i might possibly be here for anime monday or tuesday if i end up bringing my pc but on second thought even then it's unlikely yeah i'd say just consider me out until wednesday night gotta make the big bucks
Well healing takes time I also don't think we're entirely free of the punches yet There's a few things I'm suspicious about
I really dig it when the chorus kicks in for this OP It really hits those Ennio Morricone vibes that I think the series is using to build a sort of Spaghetti Western feel.
>>940549 Judging from what they've been mentioning, they're a group of people who immigrated to this wasteland Japan, probably from yeah, a Hispanic part of the world. Latin America most likely Makes you wonder how awful the rest of the world is if this desolate place is a more ideal home
I guess I'm mostly assuming Joe's Japanese though, since the original Joe from Ashita no Joe was Japanese
This hallucination of his coach is back to having his good eye That's probably the difference between the hallucinations that haunt him and the ones that are more him remembering the old man's memory
I'm sure him coming to terms with coach will be a big part of the series
He shaved but kept the extra hair Kinda gives him a bit of a glam rock musician look
Oh Chief is being sly, hah hah Using his history of being an actor that threw his fights to seem on his last legs That's clever
>>940553 He already kinda has, I think that hallucination there in the trailer was him facing it But there's also the issue of the kid who always hung out with them He seems like he holds a real grudge against Joe for letting Coach die
Oh he's encountering difficulty earlier in the series than I anticipated
Yeah I figured this was a part of his keikaku When he mentioned he couldn't dodge the spear thrust I figured he had a back-up for a near fatality
>Angel Shot Using a bow enchanted by the Maou no less
I wonder what happened to all the orgy-goers though Surely they bolted as soon as a serious fight broke out
Gosh, princess carry
Man all these people in the Maou's army sure are going to be disappointed when they learn she's a tiny little girl who is more interested in eating biscuits than being the Maou
He's been losing them ever since he started fighting I figure he's got a time limit on how much he can fight without breaking them all
Fat chessmaster guy isn't too happy with this development I wonder if he wanted his kingdom to lose this battle
Here's more of that asinine stubborness that really doesn't make me like the China/Japanese nation in this series They constantly just go "But our honour" and act like it's more important than staying alive.
Yeah that just seems wasteful. but I guess it's effective against the soft hearted people
Yeah The kingdom the main group are allied with are used to being warriors and fighting Aside from the princess I guess But the main gang have all been left fairly innocent to the horrors of war
It is a bit fuzzy I think by healing everyone and forcing a standstill she exhausted his supply of armlets though Like I figured above I still think he was on a time limit
I guess public sentiment for her sided on the unfavourable while she was busy fighting
They were kinda manipulated into it though That fat guy put up public broadcasting as soon as she went berserk and cut it as soon as she returned to normal So the citizens not on the battlefield only saw her acting like a psycho and even killing their own soldiers with no remorse
I don't see why not especially if this is a world where elves are a dying race
I've been wondering, but Even if they find him a nice place to live It's not like he's got any money to spend on a new house How's he supposed to afford a new place
Who'd ever heard of a dragon that can't fly That's more the capabilities of a wyrm
Hah hah hah He's mixing his horror game references The vacuum cleaner is from Luigi's Mansion And the ink ribbon and typewriter is old-fashioned Resident Evil save mechanics
His bad experiences may be toughening him up slowly.
I'll believe it when it actually shows demonstrable change
Hah hah A bit of Japanese real estate law there I dunno if other countries have a similar thing But the Japanese do have to disclose if someone died on the premises of a house they're trying to sell/rent
>>940614 I wonder if other places have that it's all superstition in the end i guess
okay lets start
Yeah, I mean, even putting aside superstition, I think someone dying in the property is a valid reason for the value of the property to go down Since there's plenty of circumstantial stuff involved with an actual death, or well a murder or suicide or death along those lines, that might make the property less desireable. But the Japanese's reasonings are totally superstition
This season's OP is right in the same vein as the first season's Very dramatic and theatrical Though I miss the big finale of SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGAAAAAAAA
I wonder if Tae will ever evolve beyond being barely sentient
Oh they're going to be overworking Ai before too long
Wow he's really playing up the drill sargeant act
He's being smart about this though Iron Frill was the unit Ai belonged to before she died So he's got a rational excuse for why Ai needs to sit this one out Which still also helps the other girls not rely on her so much
I wonder if Tae will ever get her wits back It's been a really long time without any hint of it.
I wonder if Necroducer managed to swap her brain with the brain of the zombie dog when he was doing the reviving She definitely has a very canine vibe to her at times And a human brain in a dog's body would explain why it acts so weird from time to time
The dissonance between Junko's singing voice and her talking voice is always funny
I'm really happy to be getting more! I'm pretty sure in the between years since season one they put out some music by the unit But it's best when they can make more plot with the characters