Bishounen Tanteidan Episode 2-3 Blue Reflection Ray Episode 2-3 Dragon, Ie wo Kau. Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Episode 2-3 Sayonara Watashi no Cramer Episode 2-4 Shadows House Subarashiki Kono Sekai The Animation Tensura Nikki - Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 3-4 Tokyo Revengers
The list looks kind of thin without all the stuff we watch with Bang But I think there's a good chance he'll be back tomorrow And either way, everything he asked to hold over is out by now, so anything new that airs will be free game for us
Yeah, I think this is a bit too bishie for me. It hasn't snagged me so far.
I'm enjoying the plot here There's a certain absurdity and I can see the details coming together The male cast of characters is put a bit on display though, yeah
Hopefully this is a bit more of an exciting episode two I did find the first episode probably the weakest out of everything we've watched this season Which is a shame too since by components, it's a bunch of stuff that should be good
Isn't this an adaptation for a game I think that there's a blue reflection game by the same people that did atelier but I remember looking at the game and not being impressed enough to buy it.
despite being gust and kis dhida mel
Yeah, it's a GUST RPG With character designs by Kishida Mel, who did the character designs for the Rorona series
I think it was on sale on Steam over the weekend since they had a bunch of GUST stuff on sale I was looking at the Atelier series and thinking maybe picking some of those up But I got distracted and forgot to before the sale ran out
Either way I probably have enough on my plate as is anyway Monster Hunter has been eating up almost all my free time as is, and they just pushed a new content update for it too I probably don't have the timespace to play a JRPG right now
One thing that I'm waiting on is, I'm pretty sure there's some very fantasy world-y stuff in the game screenshots when I was looking at them But so far this series has spent all its time in mundane Japan So I'm wondering what's up with that.
I want to play some of the atelier stuff but i'm waiting for a deeper sale even on sale, the ones i wanted were 35 dollars
I never finished Totori and never played the other games in the series So I was thinking at the least I could pick those ones up; they're older so they're cheaper, even before discount Then there's also the next Atelier series they made, I'm blanking on the series name But I never even touched that one, so I was considering picking the whole series up as a bundle.
Rorona plus, Totori, and Meruru were all good. I think from that batch, Totori is the best story and Meruru is the best gameplay.
Dusk is great and an atmospheric masterpiece but the gameplay isn't as robust as Meruru since they're restarting another trilogy. Eschalogy didn't really catch me. Shallie was pretty good, I enjoyed it throughly.
The triolgy that started with Sophie didn't really impress me.
Atelier Ryza was pretty good and was very well recieved.
Yeah I'd like to play Ryza at some point There's just not enough time to do everything I want to do! Even if I get burnt out/done with Monster Hunter, there's still Yakuza that I've gotten into recently that I want to get back to
>My mom went to buy lightbulbs and never came back Is this like the female version of "went out to get cigarettes"
This girl rolls with the punches to a degree that is insane.
There's definitely a mental off-ness to her She's almost kind of Pollyanna Someone who's positive and chipper in grim or unfortunate circumstances to the point where it's more a cognitive dissonance than just a positive mental attitude.
There's definitely a Very Gay undertone to this series But I'm pretty sure it'll be nothing more than yuribait Or at the least the actually gay people being the villains
rimuru sure is depicted in a much more girly manner in this
I still think that's probably a more accurate way of how he should've looked His human body is a copy of an actual Japanese girl's after all At least before ascending to Maou made him grow up a bit
Well Rimuru is a bit of a biological abnormality Mentally he's probably still a guy, with his consciousness being that of a Japanese salaryman But his body isn't even really a human body, it's just slime in the form of one So technically he's probably biologically sexless? The chest would only be a leftover from the body he copied
I'm guessing Shion was probably responsible for the cookin- Oh okay yeah
I long for the days where it is unbearably hot like this They're on their way. Just another two months or so, probably.
The orc king sure gets a lot of really nice heartwarming scenes in this series
Well some guys just want to be abused by tanned younger girls
I think the virgin thing is more with girls Whether or not guys are virgins doesn't affect their relationship with vampires much
Good going, Nagatori Nagatoro even She really does have a hyper-flirting aspect to her bullying though
But it would definitely be pretty annoying to have her attention on him as often as it is Seems like it's hard for him to get any art done at school now that she's decided she likes him
She almost bit off more than she chould chew there She's not so strong when she's getting attacked
Nagatoro really doesn't like superficial guys like that eh She treated them with more disdain than she does Sempai
yeah she bullies him but is possessive and flirts with him a lot
The bullying is a bit much, but I can understand where she's coming from elsewise If she just knew how to restrain herself better I think she'd be pretty relatable.