It has already begun I know only a few things about homestuck, but from what I've heard about it any amount of knowledge you go in with is effectively 0 anyway
what the fuck, sweet bro and hella jeff is from homestuck? I thought it was a separate thing
My barely awake brain is trying to process this reading homestuck information
>>942742 Eh it's pretty fun Kind of a slow wind up but there's a lot of stuff there once things get going I think Hussie is actually a really good meta-scale author, though he goes a bit hard on the irony at times
It's vaguely interesting so far, at least Though the entirety of the first like, well, MOST OF act 1 was me just going "I know this is beloved, so I'll suffer through this first bit"
Definitely if this wasn't already done, and people really love it and can't shut up about it, I wouldn't even bother with it at all Hell, I tried to read homestuck many, many years ago because it was starting to get kinda popular, but it was all just people posting Vriska, so when I went to check it out I thought it was a choose your own adventure game and just decided to not bother
Now I realize it's more like an experimental VN
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
new Watame model I like it but I think I preferred the old one a little
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh it's just an outfit not a new model so she'll still use her old one a lot i like her new model more with the sweater than i do without it
calli got a new outfit too it's so good!
Well unless she doesn't want to Like Flare has pretty much said she doesn't want to use her original outfit anymore since she doesn't think it suits her But I think Watame is very happy with both her outfits
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>942751 I haven't even seen the new Cali one I'll go check it out
she got to 140k viewers during her reveal stream for it and she's still trending for it 6 hours after the stream
>>942749 Yeah I think it does a great job of being a multimedia narrative There's a lot of positive qualities to itit, but it's harder than most cases to disentangle the story from fanbase here
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>942752 the new one is cute it just seems to me like the old one fit her character more
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
the new Cali one is hype
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's soooooo good it suits her great
>>942756 Flare isn't really a cool active type though She's chill, for the most part, but I think she's a lot softer and has wholesome charm then >>942760 Oh Well like I said I think Watame is happy with both her outfits She probably just wants something a little more airy for a summer fashion appeal
>>942755 I sorta expect it to be a bit like undertale An overall good story, but very strange and unapproachable at the start, so the fanbase it ended up with at the beginning (and continue to with homestuck, really) are... strange, and very dedicated Like a filter
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i can't wait to see Ina Ross god i hope she has an afro
Only HoloEN and most of Gen 4 this time Plus Ayame, but that's because the second generation have a bunch of stuff like outfits that have been stuck in the pipeline
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
botan got one at new years so she's probably looking at a little while longer before she gets a second one
Ah Well her outfit is really cool as is anyway Did Gura's get reve Actually I'd definitely know if it had been revealed She's the number one of the gang after all
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Gura is getting a cat ear one but she's not revealed it yet
Not yet They're going down the HoloEN girls in order of debut So Calli, Kiara, Ina, Gura, then Watson Probably
>>942772 In subs, sure, but I think Gura actually is more comfortable staying out of attention She doesn't really ever generate a lot of trending activity
Well, I'm not really tied into the vtuber sphere, so all I know is the stuff that makes its way outside it Which tends to either be yuri stuff, or Gura
Mostly cause she seems to have a lot more Content for clippers to grab that's funny in and of itself
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Calli is really the hype beast of HoloEN. She's also probably the highest supa earner. Kiara gets up there in hype too but she doesn't have the following of Calli. Ame's people tend to be loud with each other but overall pretty self contained. Ina's people are all chill and mostly just vibe, she has a lot of artists which generates her some extra hype but it's like a slow burning chill excitement. Gura's the same way but she attracts the chill shitposters more than artists. Ina's fans have a lot of overlap with the rest of Hololive's talents too, probably moreso than the others.
Kiara's polyglot and extrovert nature also means she has the most social connections out of the generation, so she's easily involved with opportunities to make waves
More like the people who intensely love Ina also really intensely love a few others. Sorry, someone walked into my office to ask me advice on something haha.
Like, people who really like Ina mostly just want to vibe with her and see her vibe with other people since she gets along with everyone. She's like a master key, she can unlock everyone's hearts without fail. But Ina shares a big part of her fanbase with some of the talents like Aki Rosenthal and Nene, coincidentally, people that Ina gets along with really well.
Ina'a also fairly often very busy with other things she does So she can't stream a whole lot most of the time So if you really like Ina, good chance is you've got free time to check out other talents It's not like Pekora or Korone, who dedicating yourself to their content is a full-time occupation
Yeah, I think Ina's got a job too. Ina's new outfit is in two days. I'm lookin forward to it!
I think she helps out with a family business of some kind But she also is a professional illustrator who I think has at least one long term job in addition to one off stuff Judging from her roommate's stuff
>>942793 I think Problem Sleuth is great too, but it's a very different flavour of story I'm personally a big fan of "complicated and intertwined to a probable fault" kinds of stories on the scale like Hussie did with Homestuck, so while I definitely enjoyed Problem Sleuth, its more compact and straightforward story, and way it generally never left the general theme of being a goofball slaptogether adventure, means I kinda prefer Homestuck
Plus the multimedia nature of Homestuck is a real treat at times
gaaah I want to play MonHun, but I'm behind on my anime which I ALSO want to watch AND I want to play Arknights I should QUIT MY JOB and just goof off EVERY day for the rest of my life
If I just didn't cook, then that would give me like an extra HOUR to have fun
>>942797 This is why I want something to let me feed audio from my Switch into my PC so I can watch things while playing on it In pretty -I'm pretty good at that kind of multitasking
But I too also want to quit my job and just goof off every day for the rest of my life
all these british people are talking in english and sound really good and then they get to the japanese people speaking and the dub for them is really bad wtf
>>942878 i think the elderlys are just really small like really really small
>>942999 Everyone in that picture is eeleldelelderly.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jommy carter is 96 damn
>>943000 i was going to explain to you why your response was inane but then i remembered you lack the social cognition to have understood in the first place so it's probably not worth it
>>943001 maybe he'll make it to 100 i don't think there's many if any other former presidents to make it to 100
someone called the center and was like "give me the names of all the therapists. i need to google them before i decide if i will attend treatment there" good luck you ain't gonna find shit on google about a bunch of nobodies
Also doesn't "all the therapists" consist of like three people at this point?
Testing to see if I should update my instance of doushio or not. Please ignore. >>943018
Okay, the issue is still here. If you're active on a message, post a link, double click + copy the line, you also copy the previous line. This goes away when you refresh the page. God, that sounds like an annoying bug to solve.
If the doushio maintainer is reading this.. I meant to say triple click so it highlights the entire line, and you don't need to be the one to post the message, just need to be connected while the message is being written. Thanks.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>943013 guh fuckin btc how to put Proof of Work back in the box?
A local history enthusiast was walking in the forest when he noticed the stone marking the boundary between the two countries had moved 2.29m (7.5ft). The Belgian farmer, apparently annoyed by the stone in his tractor's path, had moved it inside French territory. "He made Belgium bigger and France smaller, it's not a good idea,"
Instead of causing international uproar, the incident has been met with smiles on both sides of the border.
They were going to fuck up our veteran's program at work by forcing us to put non-vets into it even though they wouldn't be compatible with the programming, so some of us start threatening to quit at work and they stopped that change like immediately worker power
hahaha they sent a really strongly worded email on a massive chain to the director of another treatment center saying like WE ARE PAYING YOUR SALARIES NOW. YOU WILL DO THIS. about getting transportation or something
these are the dudes i was lookin up last week with a suspicious amount of capital for a start up with no product and the owner has only ever run coffee houses before
we're in for some interesting times
>We are paying your salaries And they won't have a business without those employees This isn't a coffee house or other unskilled labour job You can't just replace therapists and treatment professionals so easily
Yeah, I think this is gonna be really funny. These dudes don't get how this game is played.
>>943030 >these are the dudes i was lookin up last week with a suspicious amount of capital for a start up with no product and the owner has only ever run coffee houses before
yeah and it's gonna bite them in the ass they came to the wrong neighborhood at least the guy who we met last week who is like our handler has experience
He was a treatment center owner in Bensalem, where Saku lived and is buried. Maybe it'll be unmei and he will be cool
my mom's getting buried tomorrow then im gonna fuck off on an RV road trip for a while i'm so tired
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that sounds like a good idea just get away from it all
The weather's getting pretty nice too It's not too hot yet, but you could probably go anywhere in the continent and be comfortable, weather-wise Good time for travel
hi moe just thought I'd tell you how you're all a bunch of smelly no-good goblins have a nice day
There was like fuck all to do at work today Meant I got to be lazy though, which was nice I'll probably have a lot of things to receive tomorrow though, and dunno how the rest of the week will go
it's great, but I'm playing it slow I'm at HR6, I think one or two quests away from the urgent for 7 wirebugs are super fun and so far all the new monsters have been fun fights I'm finally playing switch axe and it's way more mobile than I thought, even without the wirebug moves
>>943080 Yeah the freedom of movement and mobility in Rise is great I think it turns even the clunkiest of weapons in the series into weapons that feel mobile This is the first MonHun game I've made it all the way through to its endgame without burning out So I've been really enjoying it And the stuff they added in the first content patch has been an absolute blast
>>943066 ah dang that frog was slightly injured I think when I found it
gl hf rika
tfw no gl tfw no hf >>943095 it's really nice having a way to get the fuck out with just about every weapon, kinda hoping they keep a similar mechanic going foward I might end up buying the game again when it comes out on PC just to play online since I've done everything solo so far, and that would give me a decent enough reason to go back through with a new weapon the rocket boost on gunlance looks like a lot of fun, and I kinda want to go back to charge blade to see how crazy it is now looking forward to chameleos since he was a fun fight back 4U, not sure what else was in the content patch
>>943103 Charge Blade is still a bunch of fun It's been my main squeeze since 4U so I always get a lot of use out of it I don't think it benefits especially from the wirebugs, aside from the basic escape and gap closing features But that's nice in itself since it means your charges can go towards escape and gap close
Honestly I just play it the same way I have since 4U and it works fine. The switch skills it has have some variety you can take advantage of, but having tried them I always feel they don't quite fit my jive
I want to try the Gunlance too since being a rocketship seems like a lot of fun. I'll probably start building some once I run out of Charge Blades to collect.
dual swords demon dance demon dance demon d ance
a fellow striker style Gen dual blades I see >>943105 CB in 4U was just insane I went from not knowing a single thing about monhun to soloing G rank guild rajang because it was so busted, but I think what I enjoy most about monhun is learning the weapons so I haven't really gone back to it since then if it has half the utility it had in 4U then I'm sure it's still a great weapon with or without wirebugs you should definitely try gunlance, once you figure out how to position with its backsteps then it's just a better version of the lance imo and the different types of gunlance give you options for how you want to play, though I think if you want to get into meta then wide is the best overall
but meta in monhun is dumb just play what you like
in 3U i used dual swords and slime switchaxe in world i used dual swords and long sword if rise comes out for pc, i'll probably use dual swords and gun lance
why use one sword when you can use two
It's not a matter of if, but when Rise should have a PC port some time next year
I think it's supposed to be out later this year, but that was a generous guess >>943122 what if the one sword is like way longer than the two and also lets you be completely invincible while you counterattack in two different ways and also has more mobility AND it gets to fuck up the losers who are trying to hunt with you?
The game's producer says a PC version will be out in early 2022 I suspect it'll probably be somewhere around a year after the Switch release They kinda did the same thing for the World PC release
>>943124 what if one sword is a b ig disc used fro blocking
Then you get my main squeeze the Charge Blade
yeh that's just the charge blade >>943126 souka I saw rumors for october but this seems more likely
i acutally really liked S+S in 3U i had the dragon one
I never played Tri or S+S actually I think that's // that and the bow are the only weapons I haven't played more han // than a couple of hunts with
I played a bunch with the Bow in World since I didn't like how melee weapons felt with mouse/keyboard and I didn't have a controller to use at the time Even with the original PC version emulating controller imput from the mouse, it still felt way better than melee weapons I want to play with it in Rise, especially since it would be nice to have a ranged weapon option in the game But so far it's just so much fun to play with the Charge Blade and Hammer.
i've put decent time into every weapon probably like at least 10 hours oh wait every weapon that was in 3U i really didn't use anything but dual swords and long sword in World
ranged weapons seem really good but just aren't as fun for me gunlance is POWER though
When I first started playing in Freedom Unite on the PSP I played almost exclusively Long Sword, after an initial foray with the Light Bowgun that I didn't quite click with Occasionally I'd use Hammer when it felt like the Long Sword wasn't really working I think I mostly did the same in 3U In 4U I might've started off playing with the Long Sword again, but I quickly picked up the Charge Blade and didn't look back
yeah i used long sword in FU but i played FU after 3U for some reason
don't ask why schmovin tier has different notation >>943154 kirara is secretly a little babby he just won't admit it
Wow I can't believe you'd do Kirara's favourite weapon the Bow so dirty like this
The Bow's pretty fun! Kirara and I played a bit with Jan and his sister last week and Jan had a sleep Bow
We'd beat up on the monster until he finally got it to sleep and then stacked bombs on it Then he'd set it off with a ... whatever that big charge up Bow move is
4 man sleep bombing is pretty fun you probably mean dragon piercer which works well but if you want BEEG damage then you want ot // to use a well place true charged slash with GS or use a small barrel to proc the iai slash with LS
>>943153 oh shit i forgot about great sword i used great sword a lot in 3U and World too i really liked getting the meme ones like the fish and the poison log
>walk up to sleeping diablos >triple charge his stupid face with the poison log >go back to mining and herbing >repeat until he dies
oh right there's also ARCANE KNOWLEDGE TIER -palico
>>943158 Our only Great Sword user was Kirara who at the time was only learning the weapon
i remember watching a video of 4 japanese players using traps and bombs and a lance tanking and a HBG dps'ing and a literal hunting horn user is that like a thing do people still do stuff like that
what do you mean by that? people still play together with different weapons and stuff but if you mean meta TA runs then it changes with each game
just like the intense coordination and strategizing
ahh ok I imagine people still do that stuff, like team four star will do wild coordinated hunts they're more diverse now than they used to be because the power gap between weapons is way smaller, but you'll still get wild meme hunts with four GS users pulling the monster to just the right spot so they can all get constant level three jumping charged hits in or something it used to be that HBG was the king of TA because you could just para/stun lock nearly every monster but it looks like they solved that issue
And hyper-min-maxed RTA runs on monsters are definitely still a thing Which if you're going to do, need coordination and strategy
Back early in Rise's release too though, I saw this amazing video on Twitter of a guy who was using gyro controls to just fucking NAIL a Zinogre in the head like constantly. He had like a solid thirty to forty seconds of just non-stop pinning the Zinogre in the head
no wait team darkside I think team fourstar is the dragonball abriged guys
i was about to say that would be kinda crazy i'd be down to watc hthat tho
The other day I also saw a great video of a guy who made his Gunlance into a rocketship, soared around for a few seconds, before locking in on a Chameleos flying through the sky and ramming into it while it was flying from zone to zone, dropping it from the sky instantly.
>>943174 it's really wild what some people can do in these games considereing so much of the stats are still hidden can't imagine calculating stuff like stun values on the fly based on where and how often you hit a monster
When you play the game so much you probably actually get a pretty good intuition for it I don't play with weapons good for stunning, aside from Hammer, which, well, I guess is the quintessential stun weapon But like I generally know how close I am to cutting a tail off monsters I hunt a lot And since I use wirebug Hammer attacks a lot I can usually predict when I'm gonna get my mount attack on it.
well yeah, having an idea of when you're getting close to a cut or break or flinch comes with experience but planning for one of those to happen at a specific time so your whole team can take advantage of it is a more difficult task, even more so if you're doing a solo TA hunt
like for some hunts you'd have to figure out how long you have after taking a might seed just to be sure you get a flinch at the right time in order to get a break in order to get a stun and so on though for rise it's not as rough with the timing since you can just optimize your run to to the monster to hit all the spiribugs you'd need to do all that, instead of timing your buffs with a felvine bomb that launches you into the area with the monster
ok I sleep now goodbye FOREVER
Good night Rook thanks for talk
night roog
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ugh should i sell my doge or hodl 4eva
is it more than a little bit if it's little just hold prob
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's not a life changing amount or anything no
has it been stagnating or something
oh it's peaking i guess or maybe just starting id bet people would take the opp to sell
>>943235 what percentage of your portfolio is in doge now that it's up
this forbes article talking about how ethereum blockchain is a legitimate competitor to bitcoin and all i'm thinking to myself is how is this new or crazy i guess it's obvious that bitcoin is the more-than-implied king right now but i feel like it's also obvious that ether-based stuff has a much more likely future in the long-term i mean maybe i'm the crazy one but i feel like bitcoin has a limited potential, and that ether has a lot less limits on what it can do the feasibility of multiple rapid transactions has to be addressed eventually if crypto is ever to be more than a speculative asset, and i don't think bitcoin can be pivoted to do that i can't say i have a lot of advanced technical knowledge in the field but it really seems to me like bitcoin is not going to be the crypto we're all using in 50 years where a derivative of ether might be
i don't think the technical aspects are what are driving value currently i think it's the anticipation of human response to the changing situations economically and politically bitcoin is pretty lame but it's on the forefront of everyone's mind as conversations about crypto emerge, and it's also got a lot of tech sponsorship you pretty much have to tag "-bitcoin" on any crypto searches because google just inserts bitcoin as a search synonym for crypto all the tech illiterate people who are hearing about crypto prices and want to look into it will get to bitcoin by default every time and that ignorant but wealthy group is pretty large
yeah i think so too the article was talking about them competing as more than just their current state as speculative assets though i feel like they always were, that ether wasn't just some attempt at following the trend
ive never really had money to invest in crypto so i've never had reason to look more into it than my mathematical curiosities
i think it's not impossible that it will one day supplant fiat but it won't be an y time soon and governments will control it
sam what kind of returns are you getting for your portfolio over, say, a year like 8% or something or what's the expectation i got no idea about this stuff just asking
my portfolio isn't really a portfolio it's just eth i just use eth as my savings acct right now because it's almost definitely not going to go very down but it might go up i don't really have enough money to make any big moves either it's just most of the last stimmy check really
i can either invest in something or buy a camper trailer so i can stop paying rent material goods and self subsistence are the most secure investments but i dont have any wiggle room
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>943294 the market was super depressed a year ago so um extremely high but like i feel like we're approaching peak euphoria here so i would not expect the same in a year's time
i think the euphoria is gonna keep going up until the next big crash but i get this weird feeling like as the economy opens up more and more we're gonna have some good momentum with money flowing well i think the interest rate returning is probably a good thing too
>>943302 yeah i thought that too i thought pool mining might work but i better just spend my money while it still has value
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah if you need that camper and it'll save you rent that seems much more wise than tryna yolo on crypto rn
oh yeah one day we're going to make a supercomputer AI that's going to crack crypto and then the world is going to explode
>>943305 its weird because i can offset the rent if i stay here bc id have a local job but it woyld literally be treading water so i dont see the point
gimme the camper or rv and lemme be free to work on my own thangs
>>943322 Well under the current draft anyone who l lilivs in Canada and uploads a video could be summoned by the broadcast commission. Oh also they want to make netflix and YouTube and Spotify put money towards domestically produced content. Which like isn't a bad thing but requiring them to do that by law is. I don't see why they can't just use whatever taxes they pay fo that. Oh also netflix and streaming services would be subject to Canadian broadcast regulations.
ㅤFormerRei@mobile >By bringing platforms like YouTube and Facebook under the Act, these companies would have to fork over a chunk of their profits to the Canada Media Fund, which funds made-in-Canada programming. They would also be forced to make Canadian content more visible on their platforms. I know you guys have weird requirements cause the origin of the bob and doug mckenzie sketches on SCTV came from the *a meeting with broadcast regulators (or someone like that) ttelling them they had to have "Canadian content" and the SCTV people made a joke suggestion along the lines of "drinking Canadian beer, cooking back bacon and wearing tuques" and
Man how the fuck do I sleep through four different alarms that are all spaced to not overlap with each other and repeat every ten minutes if I snooze them
grats disney pixar you made me want to install overwatch again
>>943342 I can't believe the biggest media monolith in the world has been in the pocket of Blizzard all this time
I've got my phone on battery saving mode because there's so little to do today that I'm actually burning it at a pretty steady rate But one of the battery saving things is it mutes the vibration feedback for doing things like hitting the back button and by the time I remember that, I've already gone back like three times more than I needed to when browsing around
just tried to pull a can of coke from thr fridge and it fell directly on the floor from the top shef pray for me boys
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow despite having a huge dent it opened completely normally
It's more about agitated motion rather than one swift impact that sets carbonized drinks off
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>This Motorcycle Airbag Vest Will Stop Working If You Miss a Payment
>The customer buys the vest for $400 which comes with the module, but then they must download an app and choose how to unlock the module so the vest actually works: either plonk down another $400 to own the whole shebang outright—bringing the total vest cost to $800—or, as Plummer put it in the video, opt for the "subscription-based model" of $12 per month or $120 per year.
>n the video, Plummer promotes this as a good option for people who don't ride year-round and therefore may only need a functioning vest a couple of months a year. But when Motherboard asked Klim about what would happen if, say, the customer forgot to turn the subscription back on and got into a crash, a customer service representative confirmed "then, no, it will not go off."
I asked the lady at the gym if i could leave my car there during the day at work instead of reparking Hard Nope And if they catch my doing it it's a fine Which is what ii figured But You know You gotta ask *what if*
>>943358 ir never hurts to ask >>943360 i bet it has some radio and listens to one of those proprietary wavelengths it only checks when the unit is turned on
holo is important i wish i had a VR setup so i could play the Spice and Wolf VR game i imagine it has almost no content but that's okay as long as there is virtual horo spice and wolf new season when....
>>943504 IIt wwawas ggrgrgreat I'm gonna see if I can borrow a friend's wii u or switch to play Bayonetta 2.
"In order to achieve our dreams of entering the 2nd dimension, we will be working together with the original creators of Spice and Wolf to create a VR animation. Anime will evolve from something that is “seen” to something that is “experienced”..."
"In order to achieve our dreams of entering the 2nd dimension..."
Also, "agents"? Like, with what kinda outfit? Cause I mean if they're from the "Digital Child Protection Agency" or some shit like that, it's not really that strange of a thing to ask, though if I were him I'd still keep my mouth shut
Oh, have you watched wandavision btw? I'm watching it now, and it's actually kinda like, good I'd recommend skipping the first episode and a half though, it's just a waste of time, you understand the gist of it with just the second half of ep 2
because dogs are popular and people want them but they're afraid of big dogs probably but also small dogs are a cultural status symbol, they're associated with wealthy people who can carry their dogs around in their purses maybe
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also because they want you to suffer
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lemme just google quick to get a dose of confirmation bias >It's mostly due to training. People do not discipline small dogs nor train them as they would larger ones. It's "cute" when the little one growls or jumps on people or pulls on the leash or barks at everything so they aren't taught not to. Thus we end up with a multitude of ill-mannered tiny animals. Their behavior CANT be tolerated in larger dogs really so you don't see it as much. case closed
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there is a certain stereotype of girl in the dating apps who has a small dog, puts pictures of food instead of their face, loves disneyland, and wants to have kids immediately my profile is not so subtly engineered to ward off this exact kind of person
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
feelin super vindictive today with all the barkin better bike it off before i go mental
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i hate the disney profiles but thats the vast majority of them here everyone is so obsessed with disney doesnt help i'm an hour from disney
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how many kidneys is too many kidneys
probably 5 they let you keep your old ones after transplant but i think youd run out of room after 2 on each side
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
isn't there a guy who accumulated like eight kidneys they keep tuckin em behind each other
yeah they do that i didnt know there was a record >>943617 why would they thats more work
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why don't they just get rid of the kidneys that ain't good no more
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's extra work and risk i guess idk if the fuckin vascular system has a eight port kidney fluid router down there or what
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
An Erasmus MC patient has for the seventh time received a kidney, thanks to a new transplant program. The 39-year-old teacher from Roosendaal (The Netherlands) set a world record with his seventh kidney transplant, and received an actual Guinness World Record certificate.
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you gotta be kidney me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>943620 ill fuckin do it right now nurse! Scalpel!
If it's already sinking, you'd be a fool not to Especially since it seemingly doubles as making someone's enormous investment into your current company become a void
Hahaha, that's a good point. I'll have to see what kind of offer I can get, though. It sounds like they're doing pretty successful for themselves too, and some of my friends who left this job are there!
I've been getting some weird dry skin problems Weird in that it's almost entirely located on the fingers of my right hand I think it might be a delayed result of the shopping trip I did on the weekend with the coarse fabric of the bag handles rubbing against my skin I'd taken a shower not too long before leaving to shop and that might've left my hands in a condition where they were prime for irritation Since the dryness is predominantly along the stretch of skin that would've been supporting all the weight of the bag as I was carrying it It's weird that it's not gotten better, only worse, as the week' the week's gone on though
Nope Dunno if there's even any in the condo It's not something I'd buy myself because I have a hard time with "rub into skin and leave there" substances like lotion, or hand sanitizer The feeling of it on my skin is both distracting and unpleasant for me and remains that way until it finally dries or I wash it off.
>>943662 I dunno really While of course there's definitely far too large a cut that can be taken It's an infrastructure they set up and maintain for the transferrence of money I think it would be acceptable to take in an amount of money for the maintenance and continued support of that infrastructure. So actually, I think praising them for choosing not to isn't a bad thing in the slightest.
>>943670 >Coco and Fubuki would like to know your location
fubuki would make a great friend coco would probably be really interesting to know but i can't imagine her being a very reliable friend, let alone partner, let alone wife
They'd also gut you for trying to wife their wives
oh that's what you're meaning with that they can't defeat me, i'm bigger than them
There's something particularly kinda pathetic about having to tell people they're not just expensive pants, but from a brand you have to introduce the audience to because you and your weird circle of idiot wealthy people are literally the only ones who give a fuck And like, everyone who doesn't make at least $5K a month just think you look like a moron
he took that pawn with zero hesitation just 600 things
>>943891 But it didn't even accomplish anything for him
I am impressed that japanese have turned the crane game into an online game
what, gachas?
>>943894 basically you operate a crane game from a website buy digicoins to operate it and get charagoods
hololives sometimes play it, since it collabs with cover
If you live in Japan they will then mail you the goods you scored while playing the game So it's all close to the actual arcade experience as it gets without being able to visit the arcade
I think that's a bit much It's not like they changed their system to take advantage of the lockdown They were already offering something that just suddenly became high-demand once people could no longer physically visit arcades. It's less cashed in and more they struck gold
>>943899 >>943900 so what happened in the game cause even just looking at this on board this is a weird one
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well we did all the trades and then they had my king cornered bishop came in i had to move the king over r then they were like "if i move my rook my queen will check em" so they did and i took their queen then they threw in one more spite check with the rook and resigned didnt even take back my queen probably scared of my pawn
9 move mate they totally ignored the knight just sittin there waiting and then a queen move
>>943909 prolly too concentrated on some what did they call it "theory" or something they were doing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this is my meme account that i play at night on my phone so the rank is ass >>943912 gms do not fall for this particular sort of mate but yea there are some obscure opening traps that some of them don't know
cause I have seen mistakes like that even on grandmaster level at times when I watched gm/world torney chess stuff more
>>943909 i have never myself gotten this tow ork despite many many times trying it
Yeah, I'm a bit of a hot commodity. But I'm mostly interested in having fun so I've stuck around since it's been fun, If they want to triple my workload, though, it's not worth it lol
yeah! I don't have this place in me anymore. But the new place, they're really cool. They're a whole wellness center, they offer chiropractic, acupuncture, massages, holistic medicine (and pharma if necessary), therapy, meditation, etc. It's owned by a really really wealthy chiropractor who basically realized money is meaningless so he's just dumping his fortunes into building this place. Apparently he's just throwing money around, too, he's paying for people to go get all kinds of trainings, taking employees out for like, $1000 dinners, etc. And he seemed really down to earth when I met him briefly.
Let's get him even more down to earth Six feet more down
I don't think killing him would be okay, he seems nice if he wants to spend money until he's no longer rich and use that money to help people i say leave him alive
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow i added bs=1M to my disk copy and it went from 35M/s to 160M/s
And now for a 15 minute designated break lol. Some girl is riding around the neighbourhood on one of those "hoverboards" that plays music. >>943953 There really is no hope for snl.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>943955 You're getting paid to just sit waiting in the work truck?
Manual labour shift work can be like that at times You need to be on hand to do your work at a moment's notice, but some times there just isn't any work for you to do I had like a day and a half earlier this week where I was basically just playing around on my phone because there wasn't any work coming in
>>943960 Yeah, pretty much. Not like I much else to do on a weekend. Have much* Then again like I said, I can't complain, 'cause I'm getting paid. >>943961 Yeah basically this. >>943963 Why?
>>943968 because it sounds way better than what i currently do
Who the fuck made that png a jpg >>943973 Eh, you're paid on pennies. I suppose it's a bit better than some of a the higher responsibility jobs, they look stressful. >>943976 Then you can paid on the bennies too.
Looking back at some of my old payslips as a disability carer, I was like "Damn, I used to earn that much?" but considering all the outbreaks I'd probably have covid by now. *Elderly not disability
Marsh I gotta take back what I said about new Oak flavours. I actually really like the Marshmallow one it tastes like a hot chocolate and the banana toffee one is good too. Apple crumble on the other hand...
more like apple dumb
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sold some of my doge at .72 let's see if i regret it tomorrow
>>944012 yeah so me and pan are 60 hour buddies in a sense though mine gets split into two 48 hours weeks in terms of pay
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we still dont have an extra hand to call on for vacation weeks ill be putting the rest of the staff through some of this with my scheduled off days after next week
You're not putting the staff through it Your work is putting them through it by inadequately staffing your workplace Don't take other people's incompetency as your own
Oh dont get me wrong, im not feeling bad about it when i say im putting them through it, it's just hos // how it is
i sold a bit im holding the rest to see what happens tonite
any subnautical gamers want to go deep below the sea later? the more we can get for barotrauma, the better i'm thinking at some point in the next 6 hours or so
reply here if interested - the game can be found cheap on G2A
>>944035 6pm central would be for sure when i'm on the computer if other people need earlier i can push errands to tomorrow if other people need later, i'll be up all night
>>944034 that sounds fun but i gotta go today sorry have fun
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are you embarking off to strike the earth
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Guh We've already been in a state of light paranoia cuz of some kinda B&E attempt a couple weeks ago Now we're getting boys showing up weekly to ask to do housework And boys on bicycles leering at the place Gonna have to install turrets and slowly turn into a sour turtle
i went to r/ChessAnarchy for the first time and it's all Ruy Lopez memes wtf
samu i sent you a disc inv
but i sent it on steam because i'm dumb
unsurprisingly, i think the only ones who will play are you and I, samu people can be fickle about things like this
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no can we even man a ship with two
there are two-man shuttles but their main purpose is for shuttling characters between different submarines docked at different ports for like big servers we might be able to do small courier missions or something
Almost done applying to transfer to a shitty state university.
hmmmMMMM what other co op games can we play i would love to play Towerfall but its couch multiplayer
A Hat In Time?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are there any dwarf fort-like games that offer multiplayer
satisfactory is supposedly quite good tilde can speak to that valheim was pretty good i might play that once they add some content i already played a bunch on release week terraria and minecraft are always fun
they haven't even caught the shooter and they're like boohoo the reservations it makes me so mad of course people are going to cancel reservations three people got shot nearby and the shooter is at large
wow what cowards, if i had a reservation there id still go maybe ill get lucky and the shooter will show and kill me
i activated my free two week trial of youtube tv to watch SNL tonight Lucid paid for an ad of their Model S competitor on the night Elon is hosting lol
>>944090 → it was so bad idk why they did that i guess he really wanted his mom on SNL
yeah this skit isn't great i haven't watched SNL in a while also so many commercials
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
elon autism strong
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder if i look around that much in real life too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
doge staging the Battle for Fiddy Cent
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh shit elon shilling 53 cents and rising
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he just said it's unstoppable and gonna take over the world
Do they still have those guys from that YouTube channel goodneighbourstuff? Kyle and some /// the other guy who I can't remember right now I never knew they were on it but they apparently are