Well, more like a few dollars in total value difference I'm just gonna sit on them though If they go up big, that's groovy If they tank, whatever, it's not like I sold the farm for this
My coworker was trying to figure out how to talk about a gay client, and she was like "you know, other, non-straight sexualities or whatever. i don't know what to call him" And I said "You mean gay?" and she said "Am I allowed to say gay? Won't I get canceled? Isnt that the word I'm not allowed to say anymore? Or is that fag?" I'm like "haha never say fag but you can say gay" and Miniboss was sitting there the whole time like "oh no what can i say"
She thought they both were. But she's super reactionary and homophobic so she probably just said WOW YOU CAN GET CANCELED FOR ANYTHING NOW I BET I CAN'T EVEN SAY GAY And then she had an excuse to say fag so she did
...why in god's name would someone like that even wanna get into therapy?
>>936998 Oh I mean I think it's like that here, too I just don't understand how someone who is reactionary ends up even wanting to stay in this kind of profession, forcing them to either be face to face with the undermenchen, or their own beliefs crumbling
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
believe it or not probably most therapists are christianpilled in the US which means they're zealous idiots who put crosses on their walls in their offices and think that being gay is a mental illness
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
because they believe they're right about everything and the way to fix the world is by using your position of power as a therapist to "help" people
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's no questioning of beliefs. there's just people who are wrong and you
Oh yeah, the coworker was also like "you know, he's a flamer" and i said "you shouldn't say flamer either" and she got upset and sent me a super transphobic text message
"I'm just gonna start wearing antlers and tell everyone that I identify as a deer... or wearing dog ears and I'll tell everyone that I identify as a dog. I know, I will tell them when the time comes that I identify as a vaccinated person. (rolling laughing emoji)" is the text
I don't think there is any job out there, that is 100¤ enjoyable
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
apparently she had been a cop for 26 years not knowing the difference between her glock and taser seems a lot less credible now someone with 26 years of experience shouldn't be getting so hyped up that they fall into that confused state of panic
Ah, that's a high minimum transfer Now I just gotta set up actual security on this wallet
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok you should have received the MOE now
the what?
Also do I even OWN A PEN`?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>937030 https://etherscan.io/token/0x5A170223753b268EeC458f8082EEC1838567F812?a=0x1bd3657f4b5f15ade671147c27fff83e2b38e9fd you might have to add the token manually in Exodus the contract address is 0x5A170223753b268EeC458f8082EEC1838567F812
Once I find a goddamned pen I'll look into that
Why do I not have a goddamned pen?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we live in a post pen society
FUck it, leaving the house for the third time today to buy a fucking pen what is my life, dude
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what do you mean you don't have a pen in your whole house not a single writing utensil?
I mean I do not own a fucking pen There is ONE pen in this entire goddamned apartment, and it's DRY NOTHING that writes exists here except computers >>937037 Probably just didn't bring any more with me when I moved, and it hasn't come up because like When's the last time you needed to write something on paper? Job related stuff doesn't count, I'm NEET
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how is this possible
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have never existed in a location without a pen
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>937034 hahah jesus christ do you live in a house that is drywall and cardboard boxes ony
>>937039 No, we don't use drywall Most of my shit is still in cardboard boxes though, and all my walls are barren Because I don't have any sort of need for decoration
miniboss keeps trying to psychology me like i don't have more training than her
i told her she can connect to a different wifi if our usual one stops working and she said it's hit or miss with that connection, so i said "well it's better than nothing" and she's like "oh! i like that reframing! excellent!" are you trying to do CBT on me ashley
Oh, it's not? Maybe I should get out, dump it in something else instead
There's a new guy who started in the outgoing shipping part of the warehouse recently, and maybe I'm being a bit presumptuous, but I don't really like him Maybe personally he's a decent guy, but he seems to make no effort to talk with anyone else in the warehouse, and spends the whole time with earbuds plugged in But the thing that really bothers me is he's awfully slovenly with his workspace. Shipping uses a lot of packing peanuts and honestly, they get everywhere anyway, but ever since he started I swear they absolutely litter the floor of the warehouse, and I keep finding pieces of repurposed craft paper or bubble wrap for packing just left out on the floor. It wasn't this messy before he started, and maybe it's just coincidence since it's not like I'm watching him make a mess, but it lines up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just get some ethereum it's like the present and future of pretty much everything relevant in crypto these days and when EIP 1559 lands this summer with the hard fork it might become slightly deflationary
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's the safe long bet tho if you wanna yolo on a random shitcoin that's fun times too
just random volatility jeez eth is at 2.3k nice i guess everything's probably goin up in anticipation of the coinbase dpo tomorrow
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>937057 yeah they're there there should be a way to add the asset but it's only for visual sake well, and if you want to be able to send it somewhere but uh i have to come up with a usecase for it probably never maybe in two years when gas is cheaper
You could maybe make that decentralized, too? Well, semi-decentralized People with a certain stack of moecoin can dispute the legitimacy of a post If the consensus says to remove, it dies
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah but what if a cp poster buys all the coins oh no
probably just take down the site and boot up moecoin 2 in that situation
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i hope that one day with ETH sharding comin in a year ... actually sooner. i think they're feeling pressured to get it out sooner so that NFTs don't burn so much electricity. but yeah when that comes out this shit's gonna get mad scalable i hope
A decentralized twitter where likes produce tweetcoins for your account, which you can use for I dunno, making longer posts or something maybe
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
decentralized twitter would be really nice yeah if you make a viral tweet you get paid really hard to build a network that requires people to pay tho. twitter is free and that's pretty hard to stop
There's already mastodon, but it's not blockchain based
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm sure there are some twitter clones but they'll be mad expensive storing data in ethereum is absurdly expensive the L2 scaling is coming along and that'll help at least
if the muskrat gets on it though, it'll be successful for a while as all his sycophants pay out the ass to cryptotweet at their lord and savior You could definitely run a short-term """scam""" like this
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if i could influence elon i'd make a fuckin killin any way you slice it
Yeah I got in at around 1.3 or something But not with a lot, so it's not like I'm rolling in gains And bitstamp took a tax when I bought too, so I'm actually like $2 up
But if it goes to $3 I'm probably gonna dip as soon as it seems to slow down Or maybe I'll leave it in, it's just $100
There's this one person on twitter\youtube I've got a separate column for on tweetdeck that I check now and then, and it is consistently just great stuff, because she's definitely, positiviely insane I'll never interact, but it's kinda funny to watch someone post about stuff like McDonalds funding medical assasination cabals, presenting scathing evidence like them having an ad on the official 2chainz youtube channel
Oh the rules are actually pretty simple as far as this is concerned here It's basically considered the same as any other valuable asset until you sell it, with Jan 1.'s value being what is counted And once you sell it, any profit from the initial purchasing price is taxed
Which I guess really just HODL until it's worth enough to poke its head through the asset taxation At which point, well, it's worth enough that selling some off to pay the tax isn't a problem
what the fuck, you have to make an absurd amount \\\ you have to own an absurd amount of assets for the taxes on them to even matter to any degree If I, as a single person, have 3 million in assets, I get taxed like 12K what the fuck dude, that's nothing
I think I'm gonna experiment with limits and stops tomorrow See if I can pump the numbers a bit XRP seems to drop at times, independent of BTC, so it should be possible to rack some up by making sure I get more than the platform tax out of each trade
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>937109 it's more of a bitch to calculate than to pay cuz im doin like staking and defi stuff that earns interest
Thankfully, I live in a country where I do not need to 'do' my taxes, unless I dispiute the calculations of the government, and even when they fuck up they usually rectify it on their own
rei do you play guilty gear or blazblue or under-night
>>937182 Guilty Gear and Blazblue. Although I don't currently own any version of either of them on pc with online multiplayer. My comp is borked so I can't run the latest versions. I'm actually ordering a new one with my biden bucks though.
>>937186 YYeah I'm planning on buying that. Also I'm almost at the point where I'm gonna stop buying real magic cards and just buy counterfeit ones. Prices are really out of control. More than ever
Speaking of guilty gear xx It's been over a year since I went to the arcade I can't wait to get my damn vaccine. My mom got info from my sister on where to sign up for vaccines but I was told I wasn't eligible. My sister and a bunch of her friends lied and said they were essential workers. Well, there's also the possibility that my sister actually thinks she's an essential worker but I'm not sure.
>>937194 Not at this point no. I could've lied and said I had a hhealth condition. My dad said I am obese and that I should've told tthem that. I'm not actually obese though, just overweight. My BMI isn't high enough to qualify mme aas oobobese.
imagine playing guilty gear when you could play literally any other arcsys fighter
or battletoads
>>937197 II've beaten the battle toads arcade game.
you ever wonder if they did a pawn stars episode with battletoads or atleast referenced the meme?
>>937201 I don't need to wonder, I've seen the screenshot with the Battletoads game in the background.
nice cause that would be waste of opportunity not to give a nod to it even if the owners and employees prolly hate it
>>937205 YYeah they really did, I've heard prank call recordings with them.
i mean the thread stuff weren't exactly original and even the ones that were, were damn obnoxious well it was fun to read back then, but damn I wouldn't want to be working at a place getting that kinda targetting
god damnit none of the stores anymore carry the chilituna that actually tastes good how am i supposed to make my tunainstaramen now?
prisma did the worst move, tho they replaced the quite tasty chili tuna, that actually had whole chili in it with this sweet chili one
and annoyingly, the other market is a very shitty version of it and barely carries like 30% of the inventory they do when you head into the city actually shitty store owner, y u no variety
then again I live in a county where "5000 people in a 1 square km" isn't worth having a convenience store around, so... maybe business sense is just dead here
i got a fisheye lens coming im gonna do fisheye lizard pics its kinda hard tho theyre small and run away cuz they scare easy
>>937196 AC +R is fun rev 2 is... it's ok i play blazblue cf gb vs is fun but no one ever wants to play in my circles at least if you count under-night as being under the umbrella, that game is in a similar spot as rev 2 to me dbfz and bbtag are tag fighters and i'm not about that
its like a clip on for my iphone lol i bought it as a joke it came with like 15 attachments i hope its good though sounds fun
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>937349 oh nice i like fisheye lenses probably just gonna wait to get the iphone with the stupid lookin cameras on it when my current one craps out it's got a built in fisheye
>>937350 I'm getting a new aaAndroid phone Thinking about getting an s20 plus if I can find a refurb at a ggogood price.
Been a while since last time it happened, but I'm getting the partial blindness shit again today I guess There's a fairly large region just to the left of my center of vision that's just fucking ignored
Not an eye thing, either, or I could just close one eye and deal, but it's my brain just not processing it or something
Hopefully it doesn't grow like it did once First time it happened, it ended up covering my entire vision and I just couldn't see at all
when you hit the right side of ur head does it do anything
it's apparently some kind of migraine, yeah Has nothing to do with the physical eyes as far as I'm aware, cause the spot is on the same are whichever eye I keep open
It's basically like my brain thinks the blind spot that everyone has is a lot larger than it actually is, so it runs the google deepmind to fill out just a huge section of my vision instead of that one tiny spot Hard to tell if it's growing, but I think it might be
Which really sucks cause I've got an appointment today I gotta get to If it gets real bad I'll have to get my dad to pick me up and guide me or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i had a coworker who had this rare condition where her retina would erode or something extremely painful
sounds painful i havent really had anything cool in my coworkers
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>937359 pretty crazy what does that area look like to you
I mean, right now it's not enormous, so it doesn't really look like much, it's just the autofill-in that your brain does for your blind spot, but a fair bit larger But when it got huge and covered everything, it was basically like being up against a thick, rough pane of glass with water flowing over it You can make out that there are colors and stuff, but there's absolutely no way to tell what color belongs where or anything, can't make out even rough shapes, everything's just a complete blur
Even as small as it is now, relatively speaking, I shouldn't be driving I think Actually yeah it's for sure expanding, it's got this sorta flickering quality when it's not HUGE, but is still large enough I don't gotta look for it And it's starting to get really hard to ignore
Fuck I have popcorn stuck in my teeth.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>937363 oh yea driving sounds like a bad call that sounds rough man pretty interesting phenomenon at least
I'm gonna call my dad so he knows
I was gonna ppull tge trigger on a gamin laptop with amd CPU and a 3070 but then I found out it isn't out until july. Also it's from a vendor I like because they offer a lot of customization options But they don't have any other amd+Nvidia laptops with current generation hardware :^(
my dad'll call back in an hour and a half to see how it's progressing, and we'll take it from there I think this one's gonna be bad though fuck I can't even play video games or something to kinda pass the time cause I can't fucking SEE on my left
Oh yeah, im gonna get Near a tomato And Bayonetta PC
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>937372 you need a 3070 to play doom 2016?? i guess you're buyin for da future proof neato. ive never had a gaming laptop, i just do macs really
>>937375 My laptop graphics card got fried by esd a few years ago when I replaced the harddrive. I didn't buy doom 2016 until aafafafter the 850M broke
I've only played it on ps4, it was really good. >>937388 I've heard the pc version is different because Sony helped pay for the ps4 version.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pv on da vive pc its not bad pretty good actually wish the graphics were a little more immersive
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just pulled my toenail off AMA
>>937389 Which one? Did you pull off tge whole thing?
Why did you do it. *it?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it was injured by my way-too-small rollerblades a while back and has been tryna fall off for like a month now
Oh no Do you know if it will grow back?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea there's a little baby toenail underneath it i don't think it would have fallen off until it was sufficiently displaced that or my flesh necrotized
I have a friend who has no toenails. He got some sort of infection in his toes and had the nails removed and they never grew back. I guess they took out the nail beds.
What's really incredible is I realized somewhat recently that the streamer that guy was obsessing about is actually tangentially part of the NorthernLion extended universe She's in Hafu's amongus lobbies and stuff
Miniboss asked me something about lunch and I said I don't usually eat lunch. She's like, "oh, should I be worried?" and sounded concerned. No? You don't even know me, I'm an adult, a therapist, why would you need to worry about me just because I don't usually eat lunch?
>>937415 this seemed pretty fine until like 18 seconds in when the second voice track got in and it just started to simulate anxiety
It reminds me heavily of the soundtrack in umineko when things start going WILD
In fact, if you told me just the base track at the start was from Umineko, I'd believe you without even thinking about it I'm not even entirely convinced it wasn't lifted from the umineko OST
>>>/@UR_Ninja/1382373666281771016 the questioning of the defense witnesses at the chauvin trial (for the murder of george floyd) is just absolutely galaxy brained
>>937423 I can't believe it's still going on Usually if you choke someone, you're gonna need an absurd amount of pull with someone high up in the government to extend your trial by a week asking questions like "generally speaking, people do not die if they are standing without someone's hands around their neck, correct?"
defense is really making it go long defense was just asking DO YOU THINK GEORGE FLOYD COULD HAVE DIED BECAUSE OF CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING? HE WAS NEXT TO A CAR. and their witness is like well it's possible but who knows! the other cops wouldn't have been affected because they were further away
DO YOU THINK PERHAPS HE DIED BECAUSE HE WASN'T i don't have anywhere to go with this
>>937426 I feel like the answer to that is something like "he could have, sure, which would also be murder by the police, but more importantly, he didn't die to that"
Well, the defense's goal is to get Derek acquitted by "proving" that George Floyd died mostly do to "personal reasons" and that the cops did everything right and under other circumstances nobody would have died.
But also not relevant cause like The weight wasn't evenly distributed Like, it doesn't matter how many ways you could miss someone with a gun, and how many ways that wouldn't lead to death, if you shot someone in the gut and they died
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do you think there might have been an expired Capri-Sun lying on the ground nearby, sir? with a protruding straw?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/@UR_Ninja/1382371838890713088 they spent 25 minutes on carbon monoxide and the judge was like "i think this is relevant to the case"
How do ya choose what to put stakes in samsam? Just going after the biggest %?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bitcoin is THE meme
and ethereum is the only one that can actually do anything useful
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
everyone gets tempted by the altcoins like "but i can buy either 0.01 bitcoin or 2,400 nano!" and buys something small and weird cause of the psychological effect of numbers even though the reference point for 1 is pretty much arbitrary for all these cryptos
I just went for XRP because it's been increasing in value at a higher rate than BTC I don't care if I have 1 or 0.00342 Once it gets to a reasonable profit I'll just shift it through and get ETH though I think, it seems a bit more stable, and if it can actually do all this other cool stuff, it's probably gonna keep chunking
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah that sounds reasonable oh jeez eth hard fork "Berlin" is tomorrow?? time flies
I was messing with the buy and sell orders just to see how they worked, accidentally dumped all my XRP into BTC, and now after buying them back expecting a big dip, I've got more than before BIGGER THAN BEFORE
I use a fancy roller :3 because I can't roll for heck. >>937471 Howdy pardner
Howdy Kannagi Long time no ci
The few times I've smoked a joint it's been at a party, or just pre-rolls I bought since I can't be arsed to learn If I really want to smoke on the regular I'll just get a pipe
So here's a math question because I haven't actually done math in fucking forever If I sell 15 coins at 1.83, and then use all that money to rebuy at 1.80, with a fee at 0.5%, the way to calculate my profit is (15*0.035) - ((0.5% of 1.835) + (0.5% of 1.8)) Right? Does that seem right?
well, 1.835, but still Am I doing this math right?
Actually I think I figured it out, never mind Math is a pain
>>937507 Remember that guy who live streamed himself climbing Queens Bridge? He was just arrested for making bomb threats and macing people unprovoked. He's being held without bond.
>>937510 thanks asahi is kickin rad my friend rveb srew her
hmm. That was a a bit of an awkward and unsatisfying phone call they called me out of the blue and they're like >we're from something something recruitment. I see that you recently applied with us and I was hoping you could answer some more questions to find a role better suited to you and I'm like 'yeah sure.' I couldn't really remember who they were, since I've been in contact with a bunch of agencies like that recently and then they're like >what sort of work are you looking for And I'm like.. >er. anything. just got my law degree, so I've been looking at stuff in that area.
And then they're like >well we mostly do blue collar labor stuff and I'm like >I'm just looking for work. I don't mind doing stuff in that area, at least for a while. I'd still take something if it comes along and they're like >ok. do you have a White Card which is like the permit thing to be on a worksite and im like >not at the moment. no And then they're like >ok then there's really nothing for you. but I'll put you down in the system and then they hung up.
and then I posted about it on /moe/. The end.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Maybe I SHOULD get a white card.
That's kind of why I don't really like employment services like that Because they always cater to blue collar labour And that's not the kind of work I want to do! I get I shouldn't be picky if I'm looking for work, but the problem with work is once you're doing it, it's hard to stop So if you settle for something unsatisfactory, unless it's paying well (which the kinds of jobs you find at an employment agency probably won't), you won't have the savings to easily leave it Leaving you working something unsatisfactory for who knows how long
tl;dr if you don't want to be stuck working that for a long time you should probably be careful what you sign in for
>>937614 I guess the answer the woman was looking for was probably more like >I've got 3 years experience as a plumber and im looking for full time work in the state area
Instead of like >hmm. Yeah. i don't mind working with my hands a bit. I can get some qualifications. Whatchu got for me?
>>937628 Would you like me to crack the right one for the sake of symmetry
>>937630 No Crack the left oe *one It's the sort of pain that feels like it would go away if I cracked it.
sit better
>>937624 They always say if you don't want to be worried about looking for work, learn a physical trade For me personally that's never been a motivation to do so though It's not what I want to do, and the time involved learning it feels too much of a sunk cost for a temporary situation
But on the other hand, the pandemic is probably making any employment that could normally be looking to expand its workforce, which is likely any place that would be hiring someone with solid soft skills
Be a nurse of anykind those are in global shortage
>>937639 Would you have been receptive to it? I'm pretty sure twelve years ago my answer then would've been the same as it is now I 've never wanted to work a physical trade like that If anything twelve years ago I would've been even more disdainful towards it because I would've been a dumbass teen who couldn't imagine it being that hard to do what I want to do
Fun fact is, if I had played my cards differently, I propably now could have been successor of a failing, but still profitable, gardening/plant care company
and I also think had we been both not-finns he would have just offered me to succeed the business eventually and had I not been a finn, I would have asked about it
>>937642 Yeah. Same. I wouldn't have been receptive.
And I was even more of a fuckin idiot then than I am now I can only really say that looking back.
But you know what also I actually like physically moving around and using my body. So I don't even think I'd mind it. It's just also that I like thinking and ideas and writing and communication and expression. and both of my parents went to university. It was just kind of assumed.
And without being too defeatist about it It also seems like the ship has sailed a bit People aren't looking to take in an apprentice in their late 20s and even if they did I'd be making fuck all money for the next couple of years while I learnt which would mean it was even longer before I could move out away again. aaand. I already have 2 degrees...
thing is, you tend to look down on physical workers up to a certain point but then you realise how good it feels to work and also well exercise at the same time and also get paid about the same as soem lad who just does nothing put push papers or MORE
>>937653 Yeah and how great it feels to ruin your joints and get RSI after years of physical labor.
>>937650 maybe I liked doing it and I started to become good at it
and if I had been asked before I broke my back, I would have said YES
>>937653 I don't look down on physical workers, I just don't want to do it myself. It's never felt good to me to work and exercise at the same time, I just end up tired and unsatisfied with what I'm doing. And as long as I have enough money to sustain my lifestyle, I don't care how much I'm earning So by all accounts, physical labour isn't something I care about
I do love the rng of figuring out which slots in my usb hub actually work and which don't cause that is what it is
there is one slot that always works, cause I never fucked it up and then there are the 3 others all 3 have experienced a various issues that came from faulty appliances faulty chords and other
Probably just hydra Maybe some DKs for the pet A bit of Cerb
The original plan was to camp Zulruh after getting the t bow but with the blowpipe nerfs coming it might not even be worth it The GE price of scales is like half of what it used to be
It's probably better just to do stuff like Hydra and Vorkath since most of their drops are alchs. It's a pretty safe bet.
And then after I get some BIS mage and rebuy full arma I'm gonna try and learn the inferno.
Thanks for asking.
do u gotta fight for the farm how many people are trying to take ur pet
4. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal. 7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained. 11. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fak 11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.
>>937839 Well it's a good thing I've never obtained my desires I can deny magic all I want!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder if you employ magic to ruin your own life, you can revert it by denying
If true I'll give it a shot
Having a rule that's like "if this work, acknowledge that it worked" as though even one person exists who needs that to be a rule If it worked, it's gonna be acknowledged... obviously Unless it's so small it's impossible to tell if it was just random chance or magic, I guess
You're not gonna start thinking magic's real because you cast a spell for wealth and you found a penny on the road
>>937847 In part because it's a deliberate satire of the Christian/Catholic faith But also because it has roots in Chaos Magic which is literally "Do what works for you but acknowledge it works for you until you don't need it to work for you and then drop it like last week's spoiled milk"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
smite em i say gotta smite 'em all
man two of my packages havent updated tracking since march 20
both were important packages too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
important pre-death stranding action figures porter INJURED
noooo not the porter
one had 2 pairs of tights and two pairs of thighhighs that one was gonna be good
I asked GPT3 a question and it responded with >I guess my biggest concern would be that the world would be overrun with shitty people wayyy ahead of you bud
My back hurts.
I wish great suffering upon the people who rename pngs *jpgs as pngs and then upload them to mangadex. File extensions were a mistake.
I don't actually know anything about all the coins, I just have a rough idea how bitcoins function
Theres supposed to have been a press conference from the province's Premier at 14:30 regarding the explosive rise in Covid cases and what measures the province will instill because of them It is now 15:45, and the conference has been delayed twice 'till 16:00. It'll be really annoying if it keeps getting pushed back, because there's a non-zero chance there'll be serious measures put in place that'll affect my work for the near future and I'd rather the store have the time to make a full decision and inform me of it before going home for the weekend.
At least on a positive note that non-zero chance might include an extended leave from work for me, which I could really use right now I'm not terribly expectant since the provincial government is pretty hesitant to implement any drastic measures, no matter how much they would fucking save lives, and the people who run this store are weaselly good at framing the store as an essential business that needs to stay open, but there's a chance.
Well the Premier said a bunch of responsibility-ditching word salad and gave the police more power to enforce Covid restrictions And cancelled all non-essential construction, which might puts further delay on when I can move into that new place, which would suuuuck. But nothing that really seems it would affect my work I'll have to see what HR comes out with hopefully before the day ends
Miniboss walked into my office and saw my sandwich wrapped up. On my desk And she's like "What's that??" so I said it was a sandwich She goes "Oh, I thought it was origami" huh what do you mean you thought it was origami "You're so good at origami so I thought you folded the paper the sandwhich /// sandwich came in to make it look like there was a sandwich inside"
I swear to God. Miniboss is some kind of fucking lunatic. Who thinks like this.
It's a good thing she's administration and not actually responsible for looking after clients
When I told her I got a sandwich earlier, she was like "oh I'm happy to see you're eating" What are you talking about ashley I eat every day I just don't usually eat lunch
>>938087 I think she's just like legitimately bizarrebrained. I don't sense any malice from her whatsoever. It feels like these are legitimate attempts to form a connection with me.
Which makes it even more unhinged. It's like Zuckerberg trying to have a conversation with someone.
I'm a little bit sympathetic to it That feels like exactly the dumb shit I'd end up saying the rare times I get it in my head to be confident enough to try and make a connection with someone. It's that kind of disconnect which is why I'm kinda stuck waiting on other people to make connections with me.
>>938088 i like how shes gotten so bad you called her by name
Earlier today the office manager and I were having a really in depth conversation about photography and I could tell Miniboss was getting jealous but there wasn't any way to include her in it haha Poor girl
>>938089 Yeah, she's definitely trying so hard. She invited me out for ice cream yesterday but I couldn't go because I had clients.
Being addicted to LSD sounds like hell on earth tho Like everything sucks when you're sober, and then when you get your fix you fucking lose your mind entirely and ABSOLUTELY do not function
there are people who fry their brains with LSD and just enter a permanent trip that sounds awful
>>938101 I'd rather just get psychedelic drugs Why would I need a lousy movie to replace the experience
>>938112 Oh that's actually true? I had thought that was anti drug propaganda.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i only do such things max once a month more normally once a season or more
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>938114 yeah meth can also put enough holes in your brain that you become permanently psychotic but it's a very different psychotic than a perma trip molly can too but that's because most of the time the MDMA you get is meth. same with addy, street addy usually meth
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>938114 i don't think it's literally a continuous lsd trip, just that they have flashbacks to the trip cuz they do it so much it's like integrated with their normal circuits
the vaaaaaaast majority of schizophrenia and bipolar activates in the late teens early 20s most of the time when you get to like 26, 27 you're in the clear the chances of schizophrenia hitting are insanely low unless you do too much LSD or meth or something
schizophrenia likes em young
im 26 that gives me like a few more months of schizophrenia hope
So basically, too old to worry about LSD turning me insane?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fuck im only 17
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well if your brain is built for schizophrenia then overuse of LSD can still result in it use of meth can also create basically something virtually identical to schizophrenia too
Speaking of bipolar As someone with depression I ggeget jealous of my friends' hypomania.
>>938137 Damn that's a shame Meth seems like it'd be fun to try once or twice
as someone with depression i get jealous of my friends happiness
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
although i don't know any cases of DMT triggering schizophrenia
>>938139 don't even meth is really bad, a lot of people get addicted literally first use meth will destroy your brain like nothing else will the only mainstream drug i would say doesn't even have recreational use is meth even when used as prescribed by a doctor it's really fucked up
>>938140 Have you tried anti depressants? They can help with anhedonia.
Well yeah, I'm not gonna But it seems hella fun It makes your brain go zoom, doesn't it?
>>938142 no im not a loser and by that i mean im kidding ive never been diagnosed because i wont see anyone about my mental state
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
meth turns you into a paranoid, terrified wreck cocaine makes your brain go fast and can be enjoyable meth and crack will just ruin you. it'll feel amazing but those will just wreck you so fast and within a few uses you're going to be a trembling, terrified, paranoid wreck or super violent
>>938144 I got that guilty gear game. I also finally beat >>938147 FUCK
>>938146 im not bang and im insulted youd imply it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
even weed turns me into a paranoid, terrified wreck if i do more than one puff
>>938148 Damn, that's fucked I'm glad the worst I get is I feel really ill and like I'm gonna throw up if I do too much at once Lasts like an hour or so
sam lives his life at one speed and that's bud light limearita tall boys
I'd be down for some psychedelic trips but 1. It's probably a dangerous thing to do you first trip solo And 2. How do you get illicit substances without a social network Things are hard when you're a friendless loser
>>938153 Getting an adderal prescription here requires all other medications to have been attempted and exhausted, so I'm not sure there's a lot of availability for it
>>938156 yeah we stopped in that convenience store on the way back to the not-bnb
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>938158 yeah street addy there is gonna be meth then
>>938167 When the fuck are they actually gonna bring VLC to the switch? I wanna watch my cantonese cartoons on my switch >>938172 I do, but MPC isn't gonna be ported to a nintendo, and VLC has been talking about it for a few years now
maybe ill quit soon and have more time for kara no kyokai
>>938171 hell yeah just come move here i'll help you get a job it'll be fantastic you know, if you get a job at Wawa right now, they'll give you a $250 sign on bonus
>>938168 This is vague enough for me to understand there's an option available but still not really know what you mean, sorry But I also get if this isn't the place to have a conversation like this.
>>938175 RCs often operate in a legal gray area where they're technically legal because they haven't specifically been made illegal (yet) So you can sometimes get them without going through explicitly criminal means
Alternatively, I bet something like silk road still exists, so you could look into that It's how I got weed the first time Shit, that silk road account still has like, thousands of dollars in bitcoin on it that I can't access anymore
>>938179 sign on, use the 250 for sandwiches, quit
>>938169 Yeah well too bad travel is still a fucking no-go I might be able to get a vaccine by July or August and maybe that'll be enough to do international flights
They wanna get everyone vaxx'd by like, July here, so I should be getting it... sometime I don't really believe they're gonna make that deadline, but that's what the government fellers have said
gonna go bicycle with my rollerblades in the pack shit's gonna get weiird
>>938203 When I was a kid I would ride my bike while wearing roller blades.
glhf sam
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tanks <3
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i need to get some roller bladess
therapy roller blading, convince your boss
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Each neuron contains within itself a nanostructure whose resonance acts as an antenna both for receiving quark vibration frequencies and transmitting back to them for synchronization, effectively forming a communication protocol with higher dimensional string structures.
In higher dimensions our common thoughts are aggregated into massive socially-shared hyperbrains, each of which is segregated from the other based on both cultural and genetic similarity between specimens (mostly of the same species). Hyperbrains form a trie predicated on the commonality of our toughts and the closer you move to its roots, the closer you get to our biological origins, until eventually all species merge at the root.
Our individual biological brains then acts only as secondary devices similar to how L1/2/3 CPU cache is to the main memory of a computer. We use our brains to think only when the communication bridge is unstable, or when our experiences cannot be matched into compatibly vibrating wavelets in the hyperbrain. Our brains are also an anchoring devices of the self. While the hyperbrain encodes the shared memories and experiences of entire groups of specimens, our brain is a "diff" between the personal and the communal.
i should just show a movie for tonight's group hey everyone this is shin godzilla. what's it got to do with addiction? that's the qestion you'll have to figure out
>>938209 >wireless cache Doesn't that defeat the purpose if there's fucking wireless latency? Yes.
I swear I've had like 10% of a headache all day today It's not been enough to make me want to take something for it, but it has definitely made this rather lousy day worse.