besides concerts are the kinda thing you go to with friends, not the kinda stuff you meet new friends at >>939455 He's not a drug dealer He's a former coworker who knows drug dealers Well, one of my coworkers was a drug dealer too, but he's a born again christian now
>>939456 >born again Christian God those people are so obnoxious I didn't know they had spread to Europe, I thought it was an American thing.
I haven't seen him since, but a guy I worked with at my last job happened to know him from elsewhere, and we got to chatting Changed his name and everything, called Noah now after the guy with the ark
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pretty hard to make friends during a pandemic
>>939458 What a freak Is he in a cult? That's pretty far even by American standards.
I don't know lmao I haven't seen him at all since, so I only know he quit drugs and stuff, became a born again christian and changed his name
Though, really, I expect he's gonna go back to drugs eventually, he was a ... heroin addict, I think Which means he is, i guess, but like, trying not to be
I guess I might as well >>939469 There's nothing that fits that description here
This is a fucking factory town, and the nearest city is just... shitty Actually, I guess I at least know the owner of one of the bars in the city, I could go there sometime just to see what it's like
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
go to wherever all the socialists hang out
>>939469 Independent coffee shops? University campuses?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's underground sekret you will have to follow an elaborate trail of clues
>>939468 You could make friends at bars. My biggest regret about not drinking is missing out on meeting people a bars which is a big part of the knd of social scenes I put myself into. And also a great way to meet women. ;_;
since that's kind of why I'm thinking of how to Acquire Friendships again I've definitely killed that friendship, it's never gonna heal I think despite neither wanting it to die
He can't trust me at all until I figure out just what the fuck is wrong with me I can't guarantee I ever will There's no guarantee that'll mend anything
It's all just fucked
>>939476 I gave up hope after just a few hours The fact he even talks to me anymore is surprising to me, I'd have cut the cord immediately
It is yeah, and I'm gonna try to get an appointment and stuff Well, I guess it's already in progress
But this isn't the kinda thing I'm gonna figure out in a session or two And once he cuts it off, that's it, I'm basically alone as far as substantial friendships go
he knows, but just being like, reachable by me is kinda stressful for him I think so I figure at some point this year he's gonna just go "fuck it", delete all connections, and forget I ever existed and I can't even blame him for it
Like, as far as moe goes, only imats has any real concept of how fucked what I did was so for everyone else it might just seem like me being overly dramatic (again)
but like this was real bad
oh wow, that cop got convicted that's unexpected
>>939483 Whoa Yeah I did not expect that. I expected him to get it downgraded to involuntary manslaughter.
I honestly just figured he'd walk
He's probably ggoggonggonna die prison
>jurors "okay how many of us want to get a riot on this courthouse tonight... thought so."
hmm it would be fun if that had had the flag on it somehow
The greenery is starting to come back on my usual route home, finally I've gotten so tired of it all being grey and brown Spring was long this year because winter was short
>>939499 Are you not allowed to be a politician if you don't have a debilitating brain disease that makes you say extremely fucked up shit?
This is why they have speech writers They're too disconnected from real life to be able to say anything that doesn't sound fucking psychopathic, they need an unpaid intern to write their shit so it sounds normal
I mean I've dumped a bit into several meme coins like XRP and XLM >>939534 I don't like debt, but otherwise thanks
it's not like it'd do anything for me either, I'd just be sitting on it the same way you are
I'll just wait a few months, and at that point I'll have enough capital to like, sell and buy during the daily fluctuations and slowly build up some extra change
Appreciate the offer though I just really am not comfortable with owing anyone anything
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do you want to borrow some capital i have some eth sitting around doing nothing pay me back whenever
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont have time to do like heavy research into meme coins but you could use the eth and swap it on uniswap or like sushiswap or what have you into meme coins idk gas fees probably too high tbh would have to do it off chain to make a profit
ok send me my eth 2 im playing the long game
they have doge coin on robinhood thats how u know its gonna die
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i bought a bunch of doge for the hell of it hodl forever
dang my stock went down a lot lol stupid chinese scam stocks
Oh yeah I've looked at some of the shit on a list of staking options, and one is like "173% of current coins are staked, and you get 200% yield" Like naw dude I'm good The math there doesn't make sense to me, and I'm not gonna look into it I' I'm just gonna like, dump some solar or lumens into exodus and let that sit for a good long while If that goes to shit, that's whatever, the other coins I've put money into are bound to go up in value sooner or later
Like if there's one thing this cursed tech has shown, it's that the value only goes one way in the long term, and that's up
And I mean If EVERYTHING goes to shit Wow, I barely even notice because I'm fuck poor anyway and I'd have blown this on a GPU I don't have a use for or something, or another monitor The money will siphon out of my account one way or another, it's not actually a risk
Cause I can't really be trusted with money
Though arguably, if all of this turns out to be a bubble that ends before I cash out, I'd have been better off buying weed with the money
i don't really like the idea of messing around with all the minutiae too much i just put like 7-13% of my paycheck into ethereum each week maybe a little into one of the other few coins i've decided are safe enough
i'm just trying to save my money up with upside since bank accounts suck
I want money, so I'm probably gonna start messing with buy and sell orders by the end of the year I'm so fucking tired of being broke all the goddamned time
i did the whole "find a job that doesn't literally kill me and then apply myself really hard" thing but that doesn't really help anyone since that opportunity doesn't come for everyone and that strategy doesn't really work for everyone
I don't even really wanna look for work anymore I'm just fucking tired of all of it
I can probably do whatever entry level job is out there, but I don't fucking wanna keep applying and applying and getting nothing out of it anymore
I just wanna get on disability, sleep all day, put some money to the side to appreciate in value so that one day, in the future, I can pay off the loan on my dad's house, and then maybe like, buy a cool car or something, I don't fucking know I just sorta want money, but I don't actually have a use for it other than "not needing to get more money"
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
become a trucker
you know what they say about guys with big trucks
big fucks
Become the mothertrucker
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
born on a mountain, raised in a cave
truckin and gacha mobage waifus are all that i crave
>>939560 ATS is only like $40 for the core game and the newer expansions but just ATS comes with like 5 states to truck in although i got it on sale for like $5
god i love nino chan hows she so the best girl
i might wait for the steam sale should be in like a month, right
how come when you get like, a papercut, it hurts like a goddamn but if you just take like, a bread knife to your finger, you don't feel it beyond the initial cut, and even then just barely?
>>939565 i think it's usually first week of june, right? or is it first week of july damn that would kinda suck
>>939566 um no theres a movie and a 3rd season announced cool four lead clover
i put mine not into crypto only thing i ever used crypto for was to buy drugs back in the day
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im gonna blaze it where the fuck is everybody i guess they have jobs or they're probably at the nude beach tbh
They could also probably be at home, like I'm pretty sure is still kind of being encouraged
i dunno did u see his pic on the other day
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you seen the photos from this weekend? everyone goes out as soon as they get a chance anyway outdoors is safe
i asked first
are u by where they can do random stops and ask where youre going samurai
>>939586 I dunno, weekends are one thing, weekdays are another It's easy to make plans to chill on the weekend; even if the weather is nice I think it takes extra effort to gather in public spaces during the week
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>939588 sounds american to me oh you mean ontario no im not there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
plans?? it's 420 you just show up
420s been ovsr for a while :/ its funny how japan is with weed
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i bet they'll show up after 5 or maybe they all know the cool beach 2 be at >:/ i see one joint from where im sitting >>939592 death penalty
Lately, I've been thinking more than usual that I want to meet my brother. Isn't it kind of crazy that I can't find him on any social media or anything? Maybe he's dead.
>>939601 Well, it's been almost 15 years since I've seen him. Probably 13 since I've spoken to him. So it's not like it's a big part of my life that I talk about a lot, you know?
Yeah. I've been looking on and off for the last five or so years but haven't had any luck. I feel like that's weird. I mean, one time I was able to find FBI Director Comey's three daughter's locations and even one of their homes. So I should be able to find my brother of all people, right?
>>939607 Maybe. I'll probably never find him. Since it's that or he's dead. I've even tried to find his dad but all my leads always dry up. I've gotten close a few times, though.
>>939600 tbf not everyone is on social media etc there are only 2 or 3 search results for me on google, and by now they prolly won't even pop up, being 10 years old at latest
i typed "5.99/lb into euros/kg" and google did literally all the work based google
>>939629 alright yeah that's like the same price as here which is a little expensive but not prohibitively so for like once a week but i only buy salmon or tuna
>>939634 i figured there's a lot of EU salmon fishing but i guess i also don't know how much salmon ins in the atlantic
yes there is, but mostly in norway also water pollution is a big factor on where you can farm baltic sea for example has an actual limit on "how much you can consume fish in it yearly, without dying"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we like to fish we like to gut
>>939637 hahaha what is the baltic sea that fucked >>939640 oh yeah i didn't think about earlier practices
well you have the 19th century of everyone pouring their shit in it then you have first half of 20th century of everyone pouring their shit in it and also 2 wars and then you have the eastern block pouring their shit in it for another 50 years and then you have russia pouring their shit in it right now, cause they don't give a fuck
>>939641 i've never tried one every time i go to the asian market, i feel like i'd be weebin out too hard so i never grab one even though i'm buying giant boxes of pocky
>>939648 If you want to keep it a secret, you've got to make it worth my while. A lot of folks would pay big for this kind of information. You know what I mean?
>>939649 okay but the only currency i can pay you in is pictures of cute anime girls and the really valuable ones might earn me a scolding from samurai
so you're against the idea of sending her a package of "form fitting t-shirts" that have been heavily starched and ironed into completely flat, stiff, boards?
emilia is like 3rd best girl this is pre seeing s2 because i havent finished it
>>939736 a lot of people don't like s2 but i enjoyed it quite a bit it's not as impactful as s1 but still pretty good i'm considering reading wn/ln/manga now because i feel like it's gonna take forever to adapt more
s2 changed my opinion of a lot of characters quite a bit
>>939738 im just hear to watch subaru fuck up simple tasks and suffer several restarts for it im expecting my opinions to change as s2 unfolds, depending on how much different characters are involved s2 crusch, if she shows up more, will probably be ranked higher because s1 crusch is just a cunt all the time
if you've already left the main city, then i guess you just don't like her ;_; i think she's smart, brutal, and effective i think the sides of her personality you see when she doesn't have her memory make her out to be very perceptive and measured and also kind, in a way i think she didn't let herself be i dunno, i just like how she thinks and works i guess no homo
hey moe I don't feel any better
Sleep's not always a cure-all Maybe try and get a bit of breakfast in you
Maybe I just freewill like I have to disappear Everything is kinda bleak now, again
Got a call from the psych I'll see about medication so I've got a date for that now Faster than I thought More expensive too, private stuff costs way much
I keep confusing that for the blood bender anime Which I also never finished
the kyoani one?
Yeah Kyokai or something
I dunno why, I mix it up with the gemstone anime a lot despite not having actually finished either
kyoykai no katana i think that one had some cute girls an actual ending too
Protagonist girl is pretty cute
I should finish it sometime but I don't know what episode i was at or anything
the sister is cute and the teacher and the fortune teler girl and the fortune teller girls daughter and uhhh i forgot if that one black hair babe is in thag one
I actually have bowls now, so for the first time since I moved here, I've actually eaten cereal it's ok breakfast food I guess
what kind :)
just some sorta grain circles thing it's not like there's a wide selection, especially if you don't feel like eating one of the 5 kinds of "chocolate" cereals which are not actually chocolate, obviously, more like a coacoa powder on some sorta corn shape, and they taste like shit when exposed to milk
Other than those there's like, honey puffs, corn flakes, and maybe 5 types of "all bran" whatevers of which this may be one, i don't fucking know what "all bran" means, I just took the one that seemed to have some amount of taste without just being candy
oh ok american has a lot more cereal choices but theyre all sugar
Yeah, our selection of most things is pretty low compared to the US, really US stores carry just an absurd amount of snacks of various kinds, but we have maybe an aisle or two
>>939892 I just think of it as the english title "beyond the b oundary" because knk could be any number of anime to confuse me
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
honey bunches of oats are good cereal
kara no kyokai that's the one I confuse it for hence why I don't use that abbreviation
Oh what the shit There's snow outside on the ground
It's just a single long fightscene, as it turns out What a disappointment
The impressive part of doing your whole movie, or at least the majority of it, in one take is like, there being more there than just a full hour long fight scene
She chose a really bad few days to vent in a public space about a mock trial, especially with how vaguely she referred to it. This is why social awareness is useful!
Miniboss just asked me like "hey, you speak Japanese right? since you have some Japanese stuff" and I told her that I'm not even a conversational level and I can just read a little bit, understand some when spoken And she's like "we have this potential client who doesn't speak a lot of english but he speaks japanese. can you talk to him in japanese?" i don't KNOW japanese so NO i can't communicate with him effectively like, i'm willing to try but i don't know what you expect me to do unless his english is actually workable
Well my answer would be "I can't talk to him but if he speaks clearly and at a grade schooler's level I might understand it" But I think ultimately for nuanced things like therapy he really needs someone fluent in a language he can speak. Miniboss probably shouldn't be registering him in your clinic without having that available.
Also you know those little glasses wipes you can get, they come in like square packages, kind of like the hand wipes you sometimes get at restaurants? I had some on my desk and Miniboss saw them and said "...are those condoms?"
Well putting aside the usually fairly clear ring that shows through the packing, they are all kind of the same size and packing material But she must have quite the mind to go first for condoms before glasses wipes or wet-naps
can i plug a microphone output line into my phone in order to record from my phone to my computer i need to save voicemails in a permanent format before my service provider just wipes them for no reason and im kind of limited on options
obviously i want to preserve the audio fidelity so i don't just want to play the message while recording it through an air medium if anyone has advice id appreciate it my only voicemail options are to save/delete or send the voicemails, so if someone has a sophisticated way of doing it and wouldn't mind the time, i can send the voicemails to them and they can send me the file if the phone-> computer microphone jack works though that might be fine but it doesn't seem like the phone was meant to do that and i'm afraid of fucking it up it's already heavily damaged in its circuitry
I think that should work, though I haven't tried it I'd check online to see if anyone's used your specific phone model for it, just in case it like, bricks the fucking thing or something
But like, in theory it should function Otherwise, if it's an android there might be ways to do it through the USB cable Hell, maybe you can just send the files outright by recording your phone's output on the phone itself with some sorta app, and then sending the files through bluetooth or whatever, maybe
i checked online first but how-to articles are fucking useless trash and rarely competent
files are stored on the provider's end putting apps on the phone isn't an option
Ya I meant like, play the voice rec- Ah Does it come with any sort of recording option?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what kind of phone do you have?
lg g4
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do you know what ver of android it's running?
6.0 any chance i can forward them to you to record them for me
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you should be able to do it like >>939919 you can record it from audacity like that if can't make it work you can send it to me and i can try when i get a chance though
okay well i want to send it to you as backup first in case this kills my phone its my moms last voicemails to me from the past months i dont want to lose them i always get fucked over like that so im not going to let it happen thanks
Is contacting the provider and asking for the recordings themselves an option? I imagine they'll be higher quality than what comes through, even if they're themselves recordings of a phone call, and quality seems important on this one
have you ever called a customer service center
Only once
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I believe that the VM is stored on the phone and not on a phone company server maybe?
i think its in an unreadable format without the service providers servers maybe not
It might be worth a try, even though recording it yourself is probably easiest if nothing else I just meant as a possibility to get the original recording, since they're imporant to you, and if they're clearer that'd be good, probably
im tryin
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
on my phone i think i can do video recordings of the whole phone screen and audio
this audio jack business is not working for me my laptop's not agreeing with it at all and the resulting quality is worse than holding it next to the laptop microphone through airspace im afraid of shorting out my shitty phone even more than it already is so i'll have to try something else
opening the camera causes it to freeze so iunno about screen recording it'd be nice but nice things aren't for people like me
okay i sent it to you kirara, le let me know if you received it thank you a at least it's backed up somewhere externally so i won't lose it if my phone fucks
If I can think of anything, I'll let you know. I know how it goes. My grandma's phone used to have my grandfather's voice on it for the answering machine and eventually the phone company erased it. It was heartbreaking.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
moon if you like i could order you a new phone
thanks but im probably going off grid soon anyway i just need some prep time to get the stuff i need you could order me some good drugs if you want though
It's not ideal, but if it really comes down to it, you could mail your phone to one of us and we could get the VMs from that. Especially if you're planning to go off grid.
i mean for that matter you can call and access my voicemail from any phone
with at&t and my phone at least i don't wanna do that though
Nah, I don't have any right now, sorry. I lowered my dose a lot so I can take it regularly without it fucking with my personality so now I usually take it daily.
>>939967 then she shall fight it a guardian must guard
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have signed up to be able to register to get a vaccine the province is like "don't call us we'll call you" grr
>>939969 Here it's like, "you call us we won't call you" But you've got to be constantly checking and trying over and over again to find a timeslot and then an available reservation. Otherwise you're not going to get one.
sounds like a job interview what are sme good japanese words that mean master or show respect like goshujin sama
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
主人 maybe depends on the context
Well 主人 is the contextually removed goshujin You can add ご to some words to add politeness to it So 主人 Becomes ご主人
danna sama might work cause the person is older than me so when i make them fall me it itll be funny
Yeah I was going to bring up danna. That's more specific to like husband or household head
protagonist-kun continuing to play the game is kinda stupid though Like if he logs in again, even once, after the game decided to not let him log out for a whole hour, he's beyond stupid
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>939982 yeah if a game did that to me i would probably try to sue the company or something
Though on the other hand His sister could hear him when he was screaming in game, why didn't he go "MOM! MOM pull the power cord" >>939987 Oh my god did he piss himself in real as well Oh no oh god
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
she probably walked in to him pissing himself and left
Absolutely never touch that game again ever, or you actually deserve all the bullying, dude
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
getting scammed into buying some game you've never heard of for 10k jpy is pretty stupid you get what you fuckin get
Also how come in all these stories, the console itself doesn't have a menu that overrides the software? A little bit of faulty programming or a glitch with the game, and you're BONED, and you will fucking die in there
You would absoultely never be allowed to sell something like this without an easily deployed console menu
cause the author doesn't actually know much about technology etc
And if there wasn't such a menu, I would never use one of these without one of those timers for your wallsockets that you can set to 2 hours, and then it cuts the power I would be so fucking worried about the possibility of, for whatever reason, being unable to exit the game just because of a glitch or something
I mean take the populizer of VRMMORPG animes SAO and you had "if you turn of the helmet, the person will die" in it so... it is kinda trope that just lives on
Well in SAO the fucking console devs themselves were in on the scheme SAO has, ironically, the only actually valid explanation for this shit in the whole genre
And SAO is one of the worst ones
Man I think you both drastically over-assume competency on moderation boards for technology like this Dumb shit like no safety fallbacks and oversights in security happen all the time in tech development on all scales of dangerous
Even in SAO though, couldn't you just pull the ethernet cable? >>940001 Man imagine literally dying IRL because of a lagspike telling your console to turn your brain into popcorn Holy shit what a way to go
Who knows I suppose the helmets had a battery for normal sessions like a handheld and a charger cable I'd imagine the VR set up usually would last a day or two's gameplay with one charge allowing the move.
Uninterrupted power supply devices are already readily available They hook one of those up and then they have a window of time they can move the trapped players
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>939999 Possibly, but I mean, a console main menu is kinda standard by now, and computers have always had it via just pushing the windows button
>>940007 Yeah but how do you implement something like that into a VR system And really, what's stopping a game from
>>940009 Who says that's how these systems work though
>>940008 It has to read your brainwaves for everything, and like any other console, all input goes through the console's firmware before it's fed into the game
I mean it's just sorta how gaming systems work I guess they could have each game written in assembly or something
it might technically be machine induced lucid dreaming too
>>940010 No it's how your gaming systems work You're letting your assumptions be the answers you expect to be true
It's been fine I think the 3D CGI for Kumoko and most of the other mob monsters was still kind of a meh choice, especially since they have to swap in a new model for her every time she evolves But it's not unpleasantly bad, and the human side of the plot definitely benefits from them being able to allocate resources to it.
oh wow saihate no paladin is getting adapted in october too bad the 1st season will pretty much just be the prologue
wonder if they will ever adapt cooking in geisha house or whats its name was or poison girl
>>940062 Nope, it's generally hard to watch it since Bang's not a fan, so shows we can watch with him take priority We should have the opportunity soon though.
there is a weird brain moments, since aoi yuki also voices Tanya in youjo senki and she uses almost the same voice for the both characters and both being magic users who got isekai'd
His wife already has long left him so it's not like he's got family anymore. So it's probably fine. He'll live it up and get out in like 10 years. And I mean, if he really wants to brutalize people, he can do that in prison without much repercussions since he's a cop.
>>940091 Probably a few times in history that's occurred. There also used to be a shop in Nimbin called Bringabong, parodying a popular surf clothing brand, until it burned down, I think,
Was just digging through files, we caught it once, well, my mother did, I didn't live there at the time. It was someone's pig in the suburb, who had gotten loose.
i wish i had ice cream right now i could go and get ice cream woulud it be worth it what a life i used to worry about eviction and losing my job now i just worry about ice cream
Found an interesting service. Current theory on kiwi farms is that Russ had this website deliver dirt to him in order to claim he was harassed by kiwi OOh whoops Forgot I copied a text message There's the link.
>>940333 I wish there were Eva condoms. Like AT Field condoms. Also I just thought of a brilliant idea for a business. It would be like those wwebsites where you upload an image and get it on a t-shirt, but with condom packaging. And possibly condoms themselves.
nice they just had like pickle condoms and that one baki condoms
i was bicycling behind a garbage truck and the truck drove thru a blossoming tree and i got showered in pink pedals yay hopefully they weren't tainted with eau de garbàge
did u say id if i win fo on a date with me
if u lose ill go on a date with u boom easy checkmate
>>940343 R Crumb is really funny. I read an interview with his wife and she mentioned that she would often forget that Crumb wasn't Jewish because he looks and acts Jewish.
I'm not going to give a precise definition of "acting Jewish", but in Crumb's case I think it involved complaining a lot and and his sense of humor.