86 - Eighty-Six Back Arrow Episode 14-15 Bishounen Tanteidan Episode 1-2 Blue Reflection Ray Boku no Hero Academia Dragon, Ie wo Kau. Episode 2-3 Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Kumo desu ga, Nani ka Nomad - Megalo Box 2 Sayonara Watashi no Cramer Episode 2-3 Sentouin, Hakenshimasu! Shadows House Slime Taoshite 300-nen SSSS.Dynazenon Suburashiki Kono Sekai The Animation Super Cub Tokyo Revengers Vivy - Fluorite Eye's Song
sundays are always gonna look like that, aren't they it's so intimidating
It's particularly bad this season Backlog honestly gives me a fair bit of anxiety so I really don't like seeing it But I'm also compelled to keep records and provide organization So I just kinda deal with it
we should probably try to keep struggling until we've done 2-3 eps of everything which is soon and then each of us make a list of the ones we care about and decide on like a number of shows we can do i think the number is like 15 for me 13-15 shows
i don't know that my desires should weight _that_ heavily if my work gets to be too much though there's a non-zero chance i'll have to start waking up early consistently
>>938660 A good comfy would be Slime Taoshite 300-nen, or Super Cub if Bang wants to head out early
>>938665 Wow lucky Hope you don't get keeled over in the next day or two >>938665 By all accounts I've seen the worst of it comes a day or so after the needle And if you've already been hit by Covid in like the past half-year then it really fucks you up
spider time >>938664 >>938663 i can slime tonight i slept a lot today after getting vaxxed
>>938664 my arm is getting a little sore and i was dizzy earlier but it wasn't too bad and it's getting better if anything happens tomorrow i'll just chug tylenol and energy drinks until i'm good to go ah yes, blue collar life
i never had covid symptoms so i don't know if i ever had it or not my immune system is pretty beefy, so if i had it i probably wouldn't have known but i also took a lot of precaution and always wear a mask so who knows
I've had days of fever a couple times in the past months But this is also a normal time of the year for me to get the flu for like a day And honestly I sleep like shit, I eat relatively heathy but not amazingly so, and I'm often pretty stressed It's kind of amazing I haven't gotten a real bad illness this winter.
i definitely liked the other OP and ED more
The new ED just feels like a sequel to the first one to me This new OP is a bit more to my preference since it's not as much a word garble
the new ED does, but i much prefer the first one though the first OP was really well done and had a lot more to offer for me and the visuals were cooler too
I can't believe she killed off her other minds in cold-blooded survival
>>938660 Also I've mentioned this previously, but it's not a maybe, it's a definitely I've been tallying the stuff we've either watched or I personally think would be good And it comes to like thirty shows Even on a perfect week we only watch twenty-five shows So there's just five shows we'll have no chance of watching each week
She's witnessing some crazy stuff. I wonder if she's gonna do anything about it. Doesn't seem like it.
>>938680 She did though There was a fade-to-black after she said "everyone's playing on hard mode" and it showed all the elves that wanted to capture the vampire dead
The traitors are showing their faces pretty casually His older brother at the least should've kept away from all this
Oh well okay I was gonna say She's probably under some kind of mind control But as a reincarnate he can see all the effects
And here's our vampire baby that Kumoko saved earlier Talk about butterflies making tornados
Schlain's childhood friend was with his imouto when she got kidnapped by that guy who wants revenge The red-haired girl I wonder what happened to her
Yeah I had a feeling she'd be brainwashed too. Maybe he'll figure out how to fix it.
she dies here 100% she's dying here she's going to be killed
Though maybe I'm confused and this is another person from his class Because his friend is the one that was a boy who reincarnated into a girl's body So his friend always talked with a boy's voice
Oh yeah this dragon became someone's pet and leveled up
I was also wondering if the vampire was acting as a rogue agent or if she was with the Maou/Jashin lady But that answers that too
damn i hope this series goes on forever
It's one of the older isekai series out there Like it was doing isekai before isekai really got popular So there's probably plenty of material to adapt But they'll likely have to take a break after this two-cour Making anime takes a lot of work
I'd heard some talk about this LN series before but I'd never really seen the illustrations for it So it surprised me to see shirabii's name as the character designer >>>/@shirabii/1383574988184186887 They do some absolutely gorgeous colouration
that's a lot of dead friends...
War makes a lot of dead friends
This OST track is very Sawano-poi
>Sawano, Hiroyuki >Theme song composition, Music Sasuga My ears don't lie
He's really getting chewed out by her hah hah Demanding these sorts of things of him really probably isn't going to improve his or his unit's opinion of her
Oh well that's an ominous title for the next episode
in a strange way, it kind of might it's apparent that they respect competence >>938732 reminds me of a couple other shows sora no woto comes to mind
>>938738 I'm expecting the arc to explode and her to get edgy this episode, yeah.
Androids are scary creatures Oh they've got a bunch of the blonde ones
they sure are
it looks like they got one of her replacement bodies i was thinking about this last episode when the other one got her head ripped off that there might be replacement bodies but this isn't what i imagined
She got ahead of herself
I guess Diva did need a hand
Aw I dug the glasses look on her
Suupaa Aibou AI
This feels like a kind of weird experiment to run with an AI
Seems like the terrorists intended to have all the human passengers evacuate But from what I judged from the history lesson the bear gave Diva, that wasn't the case? I guess something went awry even before Diva started meddling
So the guy Diva saved at the previous focal point stayed with the terrorist group And his plans are going to get meddled with by Diva again I wonder if we'll see him as an old man the next time.
Why do they always build androids with super strength even singing robots are superhuman
>>938760 If I had to give a reason I'd say it's because in order to move fluidly and human-like, they need joints and "muscles" that are near-imitations of humans But unlike humans, they don't have pain or the weakness of organic components to inhibit their full strength
this is so intensely good
So in the end they couldn't drastically change history this time The Sunrise still falls to Earth But it maybe seems like rather than crashing into the ocean they can make it entirely dissolve on re-entry
that almost got me
She hands it off like a precious gift But in reality isn't she just trying to get rid of the annoying bear
fun show it's not exactly slow-paced but i'd consider it comfy since you know nothing is going to be real suffering there's a lot of suffering this season
>Let's send him some good meat or something soon Why don't you just PAY HIM
Judging from the OP she gets a whole bunch of cute girls for her harem
Teaching Laika to not do everything at a 120% is gonna be a work in progress I think she's the kind of person who can't really just turn off and take it easy
wow making a fire like that is totally cheating
Magic isn't cheating if magic is real!
Wow she has a kid
wouldn't she know if she had a kid
If you've lived for three hundred years then probably even the most dramatic of details
these kids are pretty young though
They look pretty young
pregnancy is probably not something you forget
You can probably forget anything if given enough time
you guys should watch bishounen without me so you can tell me if it's good i'll need convincing in order to watch a show with 5 boys wearing betelgeuse pants
I'll see if I can encourage Rika to give it a spin Otherwise I'll probably just watch it myself.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's shinbo so you should watch it
not even shinbo can justify their clothing choices